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Polycystic kidney

Dr Desi Salwani, SpPD-KGH
Polycystic kidney disease

• Inherited disease that involves bilateral kidney

• Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
• Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease

• Most frequent genetic cause CKD for 6-10 % of

patients on dialysis
• Multisystemic and progressive disorder, cyst
formation & enlargement kidney, liver, pancreas,
• Clinical manifestations begin in 3-4 decade of life
• 50% require kidney replacement therapy by 60 years
of age.

• Cystic dilatation of kidney collecting ducts, along

with hepatic abnormalities of varying degrees,
including biliary dysgenesis and periportal fibrosis.

• The disorder is usually diagnosed in infants and

children, although hepatic involvement may not
manifest in neonates (50-60%).

• Genetically heterogeneous involves 2 genes.

• PKD1 is located on chromosome 16p13.3 (>>>)
• PKD2 is located on chromosome 4q21-q22 (15%)

• Other genes : GANAB, ALG9, DNAJB11, and LRP5.


• systemic disease
• shows a focal expression; less than 1% of nephrons become
• each epithelial cell within a renal tubule harbors a germ-line
mutation, yet only a tiny fraction of the tubules develop
kidney cysts.
• It is currently held that the cells are protected by the allele
inherited from the parent without ADPKD.
Signs and symptoms
• Pain : abdomen, flank, or back
• Dull aching and an uncomfortable sensation of heaviness
• caused pain :
• Enlargement of one or more kidney cysts
• Bleeding: inside the cyst or lead to gross hematuria
with passage of clots or a perinephric hematoma
• Urinary tract infection : acute pyelonephritis, infected
cysts, perinephric abscess
• Nephrolithiasis and renal colic
• Hypernephroma
• Hypertension
• Palpable, bilateral flank masses, in advanced ADPKD
• Nodular hepatomegaly, in patients with severe polycystic
liver disease
• Rarely, symptoms related to advanced CKD ( pallor, uremic
fetor, dry skin, edema)

• Calcium and phosphorus

• Cell blood cell count
• Blood lipid
• Urinalysis
• Urine culture
• Uric acid
• Intact parathyroid hormone assay and vitamin D assay
• Genetic testing
follows that of CKD
Staging of ADPKD
and is based on the estimated
glomerular filtration rate (GFR),
• Stage 1: GFR > 90 mL/min
• Stage 2: GFR 60-90 mL/min
• Stage 3: GFR 30-60 mL/min
• Stage 4: GFR 15-29 mL/min
• Stage 5: GFR < 15 mL/min
Imaging studies

• Ultrasonography: patients with ADPKD, screening patients'

family members; useful for exploring abdominal extrarenal
ADPKD (eg, liver cysts, pancreatic cysts)
• CT scanning: Not routine; complicated cases (eg, kidney
stone, suspected tumor)
• MRI: Not routine; renal cell carcinoma from simple cysts;
• Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA): Not routine;
intracranial aneurysms
Ravine et al, are very useful for identifying
patients at risk of pathogenic variants
in PKD1.
• The presence of fewer than 2 renal cysts has a negative
predictive value of 100% and can be considered sufficient to
exclude the disease in at-risk individuals over 40 years of
• The diagnosis of ADPKD is established by any of the
• At least 2 kidney cysts or 1 cyst in each kidney in patients younger than 30 years
• At least 2 cysts in each kidney in patients aged 30-59 years old.
• At least 4 cysts in each kidney in patients aged 60 years or older
Pei et al : USG criteria for ADPKD due to either PKD1 or PKD2 mutations
to screen patients with a family history of ADPKD but unknown
genotype :

• 3 atau > kidney cysts (unilateral or bilateral) in patients aged 15 to 39

• 2 or > cysts in each kidney in patients aged 40 to 59 years
• 4 or > cysts in each kidney in patients aged ≥60 years
• < 2 renal cysts in at-risk individuals aged ≥40 years excludes the disease
Indications MRA

• Family history of stroke, intracranial aneurysm (ICA), or hemorrhage; patients

with a family history of ICA and a negative
screening study should be rescreened at 5-10–year
• Before major elective surgery
• Central nervous system signs or symptoms (eg,
nausea and
vomiting, lethargy, photophobia, focal signs,
seizure, transient ischemic attack, loss of
• High-risk occupation or hobby,
in which a loss of consciousness
may be lethal (eg, airline pilot)
• New-onset severe headache

• Patient anxiety despite adequate information


• Control blood pressure

• Drugs of choice are ACEIs or ARBs

• Control abnormalities related to advanced CKD

• Drugs to maintain electrolyte levels (eg, calcium carbonate, calcium acetate, sevelamer, lanthanum
carbonate, calcitriol, diuretics)

• Treat kidney and liver cyst infections

• Gyrase inhibitors (eg, ciprofloxacin, ceftriaxone, clindamycin); dihydrofolic acid inhibitors

• Treat hematuria
• Copious oral hydration; consider analgesics

• Reduce abdominal pain caused by enlarged kidneys

• Prevent cardiac valve infection in patients with intrinsic valve disease
• Slow kidney function decline in adults at risk of rapidly progressive ADPKD
Surgical intervention in ADPKD

• Surgical drainage: Usually in conjunction with ultrasonography-

or CT-guided puncture; in cases of infected kidney/liver cysts not
responding to conventional antibiotics
• Open or fiberoptic-guided surgery: For excision/drainage of the
outer walls of cysts to relieve symptoms
• Nephrectomy: Last resort for control of pain or hematuria in patients
with inaccessible cysts in the renal medullae; bilateral
nephrectomy in patients with severe hepatic involvement
• Partial hepatectomy: To manage massive hepatomegaly
• Liver transplantation: In very rare cases of portal hypertension due
to polycystic liver or hepatomegaly with nonresectable areas
Patients with ADPKD who progress
to KRT
• Hemodialysis
• Peritoneal dialysis
• Kidney transplantation
Acute tubular
Acute tubular necrosis

• Most common cause of AKI , leading to 3 possible mechanisms of injury to the

renal tubular epithelial cells:
• Afferent arteriolar vasoconstriction in response to tubuloglomerular
• Backleak of glomerular filtrate
• Tubular obstruction
• Well-defined 4-part
• Initiation
• Extension
• Maintenance
• Recovery
Acute tubular necrosis
• The initiation phase
• Characterized by an acute decrease in GFR, increase Cr and BUN

• The extension phase

• Characterized by ongoing hypoxia --- tissue ischemia --- inflammatory response.
• Limited blood supply, the corticomedullary junction of the kidney is most susceptible to a renal insult.
• A continuous release of cytokines and chemokines from impaired corticomedullary junction enhances
the inflammatory cascade—and this ongoing activation of the inflammatory cascade results in the
drop of GFR.

• The maintenance phase

• Characterized by a sustained reduction in GFR that persists for a variable length of time, most
commonly 1-2 weeks.
• Low GFR, the Cr and BUN levels continue to rise.
• Cellular repair from injury starts in this phase.

• The recovery phase

• Tubular function recover : increase in urine volume
• Decrease BUN and serum Cr

• Ischemic-Induced Acute Tubular Necrosis

• Hypovolemic states
• Edematous states
• Sepsis or anaphylaxis
• Coagulopathy

• Nephrotoxic-Induced Acute Tubular Necrosis

• Causing direct proximal tubular injury, tubular obstruction, or renal vasoconstriction.
• Crystal-induced nephropathy due to high cell turnover such as uric acid, calcium phosphate
crystals in the setting of ongoing malignancy treatment.
• Light chain accumulation in multiple myeloma is directly toxic to the renal proximal and distal

• Sepsis-Induced Acute Tubular Necrosis

• Systemic hypotension and renal hypoperfusion, endotoxemia leading to AKI by renal
vasoconstriction and the release of inflammatory cytokines causing enhanced secretion of
reactive oxygen species and leading to renal injury

• Acute event, either ischemic or toxic.

• Sepsis in approximately 20% of ICU
• Prerenal azotemia, obstruction, glomerulonephritis,
vasculitis, acute interstitial nephritis, acute on chronic injury
(in patients with chronic kidney disease [CKD]), and
atheroembolic injury account for most of the remainder.
Causes of ischemic acute tubular
• Hypovolemic states: Hemorrhage, volume depletion from GI or renal losses, burns,
fluid sequestration
• Low cardiac output states: Heart failure and other diseases of myocardium,
valvulopathy, arrhythmia, pericardial diseases, tamponade
• Systemic vasodilation: Sepsis, anaphylaxis
• Surgical procedures in which renal blood flow is compromised (eg, those that involve
clamping of the renal artery, such as CABG, aortic dissection repair, renal cell
carcinoma resection)
• Causes of ischemic ATN vary depending on the studied population.
• In developed countries, comorbidities, older age, & severity of illness during ICU admission,
Comorbidities include cancer, hypertension, chronic heart failure, cirrhosis, AIDS, COPD, and DM.
• In low-income countries or rural areas : younger patients, volume depletion and complications of
Causes of nephrotoxic acute
tubular necrosis
• The kidney is a particularly vulnerable target for toxins, both exogenous and endogenous. Not only
does it have a rich blood supply, receiving 25% of cardiac output, but it also helps in the excretion of
these toxins by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion.
• Exogenous nephrotoxins that cause ATN
• Aminoglycoside-related toxicity occurs in 10-30% of patients receiving aminoglycosides, even when blood levels
are in apparently therapeutic ranges. Risk factors for ATN in these patients include the following:
• Preexisting liver or kidney disease
• Concomitant use of other nephrotoxins (eg, amphotericin B, radiocontrast media, cisplatin)
• Shock
• Advanced age
• Female sex
• Higher aminoglycoside level 1 hour after dose (a high trough level has not been shown to be an independent risk
Exogenous nephrotoxins that can
cause ATN
• Cyclosporine and tacrolimus (calcineurin inhibitors)
• Cisplatin
• Ifosfamide
• Foscarnet

• Pentamidin to treat Pneumocystis jiroveci

• Sulfa drugs
• Acyclovir and indinavir
• Tenofovir
• Mammalian (mechanistic) target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors (eg, everolimus,
Endogenous nephrotoxins that
cause ATN
• Myoglobinuria
• rhabdomyolysis is the most common cause of heme pigment–associated AKI and
can result from traumatic or nontraumatic injuries. nontraumatic, such as related to
alcohol abuse or drug-induced muscle toxicity (eg, statins or fibrates).

• Hemoglobinuria
• associated with transfusion reactions (in contrast to myoglobin, hemoglobin has no
apparent direct tubular toxicity

• Acute crystal-induced nephropathy

• Multiple myeloma
• Renal impairment from accumulation and precipitation of light chains, which form
casts in the distal tubules that cause renal obstruction.
• Myeloma light chains have a direct toxic effect on proximal renal tubules.

• The landmark PICARD (Program to Improve Care in Acute

Renal Disease) study was an observational study of a cohort
of 618 patients with AKI in the intensive care units of 5
academic centers in the United States.
• Ischemic ATN was the presumed etiology for 50% of all
patients with renal failure, an additional ~12% due to
unresolved pre-renal factors, and ~25% from nephrotoxic
History and Physical
• History and physical examination give a lot of clues in identifying a person with prerenal disease and
acute tubular necrosis, which is caused by decreased renal perfusion.
• diarrhea, vomiting, sepsis, dehydration, or bleeding that leads to tissue hypoxia can indicate a
risk of acute tubular necrosis.
• Hospitalized patients with events such as hypotension, sepsis, intraoperative events, use of
nephrotoxic agents such as radiocontrast media
• Physical findings such as
• Tachycardia, dry mucous membrane, decreased skin turgor, and cool extremities are findings
that can be present in patients with volume depletion and hypotension.
• Fever and hypotension are common manifestations of sepsis.
• Muscle tenderness is present in the setting of rhabdomyolysis.
• Intraabdominal hypertension that causes abdominal distension due to abdominal
compartment syndrome also impedes renal perfusion and raises the concern for acute
tubular necrosis.
• Urinalysis (UA)
• In prerenal disease : normal or may contain hyaline casts.
• Acute tubular necrosis shows muddy brown casts or renal tubular epithelial cells secondary to the sloughing of
tubular cells into the lumen due to ischemia or toxic injury.

• Fractional excretion of sodium (FENa)

• This is a good test to differentiate between acute tubular necrosis and prerenal disease,
• Value < 1% favoring prerenal disease & > 2% acute tubular necrosis.

• Urine sodium concentration

• Kidneys try to conserve sodium or lose sodium due to tubular injury with
• Values > 40 to 50 mEq/L indicating acute tubular necrosis and
• Value < 20 mEq/L suggestive of prerenal disease.

• Novel Biomarkers
• Serum cystatin C
• Urinary alpha one macroglobulin
• Beta-2 microglobulin, urinary liver-type fatty acid-binding protein (L-FABP), and kidney injury molecule 1 (KIM-1)
for the detection of proximal tubular damage, urinary interleukin-18 (IL-18) is known to differentiate ATN from
CKD, neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL)
• Hospital survival rate 50%, 30% surviving for one year.
• Critically ill patients with severe AKI have higher mortality in the first 2 months
and less during long-term follow-up.
• Factors associated with an increased mortality rate
• Poor nutritional status
• Male sex
• Oliguria
• Need for mechanical ventilation
• Acute myocardial infarction
• Stroke
• Seizures
• Prognosis
Treatment / Management

• High-risk procedures and conditions:

• Cardiogenic shock
• Hemorrhagic shock
• Pancreatitis
• Severe burns
• Sepsis
• Hypovolemia
• Major surgery (cardiac bypass, vascular surgery such as abdominal
aortic aneurysm peripheral limb surgery, hepatobiliary surgery,
emergent surgical exploration)
Treatment / Management
• Prevention of hypovolemia or hypotension, including
• Cessation of ACEI o AIRB in patients with low BP
• Optimization of volume status via IV fluids, to ensure adequate renal perfusion.
• Avoid Nephrotoxic medications including NSAIDs, antibiotics such as amphotericin B,
aminoglycosides, vancomycin, piperacillin/tazobactam, and radiocontrast agents.

• Diuretics : manage the volume status. Dopamine, fenoldopam, and atrial natriuretic peptide do not
provide any survival benefit in patients with acute tubular necrosis.

• Renal replacement therapy (RRT)

• Volume overload refractory to diuretics
• Hyperkalemia
• Signs of uremia
• Metabolic acidosis
Differential diagnose

• Acute kidney injury

• Acute glomerulonephritis
• Azotemia
• Tubulointerstitial nephritis
• Chronic kidney disease
• Drug-induced nephrotoxicity

• Mortality rate 60-70% with patients in a surgical


• Severe hypotension or acute respiratory distress

syndrome, the mortality rate ranges from 50% to

• Oliguric ATN have a worse prognosis


• Same as related to AKI

• Acid-base
• Electrolyte disturbances such as hypocalcemia, hyperkalemia related
to metabolic acidosis, and hyperphosphatemia.
• Volume overload is related to anuria or oliguria.
• Uremic complications lead to pericarditis, bleeding diathesis, and
altered mental status.
Pielonefritis akut
Dr. Desi Salwani, SpPD-KGH
• Masalah yang sering terjadi pada semua usia terutama
pada perempuan.
• Hampir 50% perempuan pernah mengalami satu
episode ISK
• Sepertiga diantaranya terjadi pada usia 24 tahun.

• Sekitar 70-95% penyebab ISK adalah bakteri Escherichia coli.

• Bakteri lain yang juga sering menyebabkan ISK adalah

• Staphylococcus sp.,
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
• Klebsiella spp
• Acinetobacter spp dan
• Enterobacter spp.

• Riwayat ISK sebelumnya • Pemasangan kateter dalam

waktu lama
• Post menopause
• Kebiasaan menahan kemih
• Hubungan seksual
• Konstipasi, terutama pada anak
• Leukorea
• Penyakit ginjal
• Diabetes mellitus
• Riwayat ditemukan kelainan
• Hiperplasia kelenjar prostat ginjal saat ibu hamil
• Striktur uretra • Kehamilan
• Batu saluran kemih • Anomali struktur saluran kemih

• Pielonefritis non-komplikata akut

• Presentasi klini: Demam, menggigil, nyeri pinggang,
diagnosis lainnya dieksklusikan, tidak ada riwayat atau
bukti klinis kelainan urologis (USG, radiografi)
• Laboratorium:
≥10 leukosit/mm3, ≥104 CFU/ml*

Fasilitas kesehatan tingkat pertama

Keruh bahkan dapat disertai warna merah

• Urinalisis
(hematuria), leukosituria, nitrit dan bakteri positif

Fasilitas kesehatan tingkat lanjut

• Kultur urin (untuk

ISK berulang): uropatogen pada biakan
urin porsi tengah ≥105 CFU/ml.
• USG saluran kemih,
BNO untuk menyingkirkan obstruksi atau
batu saluran kemih

Pielonefritis akut non-komplikata perlu dibedakan dengan

• Pielonefritis komplikata menggunakan pemeriksaan
• Pielonefritis komplikata sering menyebabkan obstruksi dan
kemudian berisiko terjadinya urosepsis.

• Jika
• Jika gejala
setelah 2

• Resolusi gejala 2-4

minggu setelah
• Pada penggunaan
antibiotika yang
tepat, keluhan pada
sistitis berkurang
dalam 24 jam,
• sedangkan pada
berkurang pada
48-72 jam

• Komplikasi pada umumnya baik terutama bila faktor

yang mempersulitnya dapat dihilangkan kecuali bila
higiene genital buruk maka akan muncul rekuren
ataupun kekambuhan.

• Edukasi untuk pencegahan primer ISK:

• Cukup konsumsi air putih (40 ml/KgBB/hari)
• Tidak menahan kencing terlalu lama
• Membersihkan daerah kemaluan dengan benar setelah buang air besar dan buang air
• kecil
• Menghindari penggunaan celana yang terlalu ketat
• Menjaga kebersihan daerah kemaluan dan sekitarnya
• Menggantikatetersecarateratur

• Edukasi untuk pencegahan sekunder ISK:

• Anjuran tidak berhubungan seksual saat pengobatan ISK
• Kepatuhan pengobatan
• Tanda-tanda komplikasi yang perlu diwaspadai dan waktu kontrol kembali

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