Lesson 3 How To Descript Your Feeling

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Lesson: 3 How to express your feelings?

◊ Let’s share some experiences related to those emotions. It is always important to

talk about how you feel.
For example: I feel/felt..., because... Or I am/was..., because....
Adjective Traditional Chinese Translation
Happy 高興的
Sad 悲傷的
Excited 興奮的
Calm 冷靜的
Angry 生氣的
Annoyed 負面的
Confused 困惑的
Surprised 驚訝的
Nervous 緊張的
Relaxed 輕鬆的
Grateful 感激的
Bored 無聊的
Curious 好奇的
Frustrated 沮喪的
Optimistic 樂觀的
Amazed 被驚喜的
Proud 自豪的
Shy 害羞的
Bored 無聊的
Guilty 內疚的
◊ We will play a game called: Word Association!

In this game, one person says a word, and the next person has to say the first word that
comes to their mind. It's a quick and spontaneous game.

☺ Person 1: "Water"
☺ Person 2: "Bridge"
☺ Person 3: "Sand"
☺ And so on.

We will collect 15 words and make a story together with the words we said!

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