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Lesson 4 Daily news & Discussion

☺ We will practice a general conversation to know this information. Thus, you could be
prepared that what questions might come to you.

**Title: "Cities Embrace Sustainable Transportation Solutions"**

In recent years, cities around the world have been actively seeking sustainable transportation
solutions to address environmental concerns and improve the overall quality of life for residents.
This shift towards eco-friendly alternatives comes as urban areas grapple with rising traffic
congestion and increased pollution levels.
One notable trend is the promotion of cycling infrastructure. Many cities are investing in
dedicated bike lanes, bike-sharing programs, and cycling-friendly policies to encourage residents
to opt for a healthier and more environmentally friendly mode of transportation. The move has
not only reduced traffic congestion but also contributed to a decrease in carbon emissions.
Additionally, public transportation systems are undergoing transformations to become more
sustainable. Cities are increasingly investing in electric buses, adopting smart technologies for
efficient routes, and promoting the use of renewable energy sources to power their transit
systems. These efforts aim to provide convenient, affordable, and green alternatives for
Furthermore, the rise of ride-sharing services has become a key player in reshaping urban
transportation. These services offer convenient options for people to share rides, reducing the
number of individual vehicles on the road. Some platforms are even integrating electric and
hybrid vehicles into their fleets, further contributing to environmentally conscious practices.
Local governments are also incentivizing the use of electric vehicles (EVs) by expanding charging
infrastructure and offering subsidies. The push towards EV adoption aligns with global efforts to
reduce dependence on fossil fuels and transition towards cleaner energy sources.
While these initiatives have garnered positive responses, challenges remain. Infrastructure
development, public awareness, and policy implementation are crucial components of the
sustainable transportation shift. As cities continue to experiment with innovative solutions, the
hope is to create urban environments that prioritize both the well-being of residents and the
health of the planet.
This ongoing transformation in urban transportation underscores the importance of collective
efforts in building greener, more livable cities for the future.
| English | Traditional Chinese | Explanation |
English Traditional Chinese Explanation
Transportation 交通 Refers to the movement of people or goods
from one place to another.
Concerns 關切 Expresses worries or interests about a
particular issue.
Congestion 擁塞 Describes the state of overcrowding or
excessive traffic in a specific area.
Infrastructure 基礎設施 Refers to the fundamental facilities and systems
needed for the operation of a society.
Dedicated 專用的 Reserved or exclusively assigned for a
(Dedicate) (投入、奉獻 verb) particular purpose.
Routes 路線 The paths or ways that vehicles or travelers
follow to reach their destination.
Affordable 負擔得起的 Inexpensive and within financial means for
most people.
Alternatives 替代方案 Other available options or choices that can be
used instead of the primary one.
Integrating 整合 The process of combining or coordinating
different components into a unified whole.
Conscious 有意識的 Being aware and mindful of one's actions or the
surrounding environment.
Incentivizing 激勵的 Providing motivations or rewards to encourage
a particular behavior or action.
Aligns 符合 Corresponds or matches in a way that is
harmonious or consistent.
Initiatives 倡議、措施 Planned efforts or strategies to achieve a
particular goal or address an issue.
Innovative 創新的 Introducing new and creative ideas or methods.
Activity: "Sustainable Topic Debate"
"Public Transportation vs. Personal Cars for Daily Commuting"

This activity's goal is to encourage students to participate in a debate format, defending or opposing
various aspects of sustainable transportation.

**Debate Topic Selection (5 minutes):**

- Divide the class into two teams: Team A and Team B.

**Preparation Time (7 minutes):**

- Teams have a set time to prepare their arguments for or against the assigned debate topic.

**Debate Round 1 (5 minutes):**

- Spokespersons from Team A present their arguments in favor of the assigned topic.

**Debate Round 2 (5 minutes):**

- Spokespersons from Team B present their arguments against the assigned topic.

**Open Floor Discussion (10 minutes):**

- Open the floor for general discussion and questions from the rest of the class.

**Conclusion and Reflection (3 minutes):**

- Conclude the debate activity.

- Facilitate a brief class discussion on the different perspectives presented during the debate.

- Ask students to reflect on the experience and whether their opinions have changed.
This activity not only adds an element of excitement but also promotes critical thinking, public speaking
skills, and the ability to consider multiple viewpoints. It can encourage you to articulate your thoughts
clearly and engage in constructive debate.

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