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A vet’s job is to heal and care for animals that need help. The vet’s average salary is
$86,488 each year. Does a vet provide an interesting and challenging work, it does
you have to know all the different medicines and treatment and be focused as many
animals ome for help more challenging than others each day. Does veterinarian give
you a chance to make a difference, yes it does healing animals/pets each day makes
a big difference compared to leaving them hoping they get better. Does vetwork push
me to my full potential, yes it does I love seeing different animals, how they work and
helping them when in need. This career shows a promise to the future because they
heal sick or hurt animals without them than we would have many dead or severely
sick animals that can lead to human diseases. A robot can’t take over because they
cant feel for broken bones, something could go wrong with the robot during a
surgery, you have to be extremely delicate and careful, animals need human
affection to calm down their stress and one wrong move made by the robot and the
animals life could be gone. This career provides an equal opportunity for both men
and woman. The subjects needed to be studied for a vet in school are science,
biology and physics.

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