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MAHARASHTRA POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD 4030437 Kalpatar Point, 2d and th or, Fax: 20003510 Oph cine Planet Cnc, Near Sen Website: http://mpcb.gov.in , Sion (E), Mumbai-400022 Email: cac-cell@mpcb.gov.in No:- Format 0/CAC-CELL/UAN No.0000073133/C0 - 200(000 38 4 Date: 06 (01|2020 To, Mis City Corporation Limited - Amanora Park Town (Phase 2) Hadapsar, Pune S. Nos. 138, 139, 173, 177, 181, 182, 184, 185, 187 to 200, 242 to 245, No 111, 113 to 121,138, 139, 173, 177, 181, 182, 184, 185, 187 to 200, 242 to 245 from village Sade Satranali and S. Nos. 111, 113 to 121 from village Manjari, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune. Sub: Grant of 1st Consent to Operate (Part-II) for Phase-II of the Amanora Park Township Project under Red Category Ref: 1, Consent to Establish accorded by Board vide No. BO/PCI-/ROPGP/1O1/E/CC-80 dtd. 17/06/2005. 2. Environment Clearance accorded by MoEF vide No. |.12011/22/2005/IA (CIE) dtd 27/10/2005. | 3, Consent to Operate accorded by Board vide No. BO/CAC-CellCR & CO (part. | N/CAC-1704001217 dtd. 27/04/2017. | 4, Minutes of Consent Appraisal Committee meeting held on 17/10/2019. ‘Your application No.MPCB-CONSENT-0000073133 Dated 06.06.2019 For: grant of Consent to Operate under Section 26 of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 & under Section 21 of the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1961 and Authorization / Renewal ofAuthorization under Rule 6 of the Hazardous & Other Wastes (Management & Transboundry Movement) Rules 2016 is considered and the Consent is hereby granted subject to the following terms ‘and conditions and as detailed in the schedule |, I Il & IV annexed to this order: 1, The 1st Consent to Operate is granted for a period up to 20.10,2020 2, The capital investment of the project is Rs.331.48 Crs. (As per C.A Certificate "submitted by industry). 3. The Consent to Operate (Part-II) is valid for Phase-lI of the Amanora Park Township Project of M/s City Corporation Limited - Amanora Park Town (Phase 2) Hadapsar, Pune, S. Nos. 138, 139, 173, 177, 181, 182, 184, 185, 187 to 200, 242 to 245, No 111, 113 to 121,138, 139, 173, 177, 181, 182, 184, 185, 187 to 200, 242 to 245 from village Sade Satranall and S. Nos. 111, 113 to 121 from village Manjari, Tal. Haveli, Dist. Pune on plot area 2,10,170 sq. mtrs. out of total plot area 19,26,311 sq. mtrs. for construction BUA 5,41,142.12 sq. mtrs. as per Environment Clearance and permission granted by Local Body including utilities and services. Ee eed vedere) EON 1__ [Consent to Operate (Part. 361500.00 691864.50 2 [Consent to Operate (Part-I 210170.00 541142.12 4. Conditions under Water (P&CP), 1974 Act for discharge of effluent: sr eon Per ae MM A ee 1. [Trade effluent Nil NA NA, 2. [Domestic effluent! 1199 As per Schedule -|T he treated effluent shall be 60% recycled for lsecondary purposes such as toilet flushing, ar- conditioning, cooling tower make up, [retighting etc. and rerpaining shall be utilised lon land for gardening wfthin premise. 5. Conditions under Air (P& CP) Act, 1981 for air emissions: 7 j V| ‘City Corporation Limited - Amanora Park Town (Phase 2) Hadapsar, Pune/CO/UAN No.MPCB- CONSENT-0000073133, Page 1 of 7 See ed ee eee Ee eee] [-16 to $-22)0.G. Sets (200 to 500 KVA) 7 [As per Schedule «l 6. Conditions under Solid Waste Rules, 2016: Type Of Waste Wantty & eens Perel lUsed as manure for 1 [ste stuage 100 kg/Day_ |Centrifuge treatment asta a low forowed by composting, [Biogas is used as Fuel & 2 [Praenic WET) waste | 2.56T}Day [Biogas Plant Compost as manure. [Solid waste is recovered by Irecycling the maximum |quantity of Recyclable waste like paper, cardboard 3 [Dry (Recyclable) waste] 1.3 MT/Day ISale to Auth, Vendor INon-recyclable material jhich doesn'tto M/s Rochem [Green Energy 7. Conditions under Hazardous & Other Wastes (M & T M) Rules 2016 for treatment and disposal of hazardous waste: SrNo Category No. Quantity UoM Treatment Carr 5.1 Used or spent oil 0.16 | KUA]-~- [Sale to Auth, Party/ Re-processessor 8 The Board reserves the right to review, amend, suspend, revoke etc. this consent and the same shall be binding on the industry. 9 This consent should not be construed as exemption from obtaining necessary NOC/permission from any other Government authorities. 10 PP shall submit undertaking in Board's prescribed format within 15 days towards compliance of Environmental Clearance (EC) and Consent to Operate conditions. 11 PP shall submit BG & Board Resolution towards giving possession prior to obtaining consent from the Board, 12 PP shall submit the undertaking within 15 days in the prescribed format regarding the part of built up area/ building for which application for 1st Consent to Operate (Part-ll) is made and that the same is included in the Environmental Clearance accorded. 13 PP shall operate STP so as to achieve the treated domestic effluent standard for the parameter BOD- 10 mat. 14 The treated effluent shall be 60% recycled for secondary purposes such as toilet flushing, air- Conditioning, cooling tower make up, firefighting etc, and remaining shall be utilised on land for gardening within premise. 15 _PP shall operate organic waste digester along with composting facility and compost obtained shall be used as manure in their own garden/ plantation. 16 PP shall provide bus transport for residents/ employee to the extent possible directly or indirectly through the operator so as to reduce traffic congestion and resultant in reduction of air pollution. 17 PP will be responsible for proper operation & maintenance of pollution control systems for initial period of five years after Society formation and afterward handover the facility to the Society for its further operation in good and working conditions. 18 PP shall apply for revalidation of Consent to Establish for left over BUA 19 PP shall furnish Bank Guarantee of Rs. 25 Lakh towards O&M of pollution control systems and towards compliance of the Consent conditions. Inert Non-recyclable |Segregation from the 4 waste O-7 TIDY. |yunicipal Sold waste For and on behalf of the Maharashtra Pollytion Control Board, (E, RaveMdiran 1AS), ‘MemberlSecretary City Corporation Limited - Amanora Park Town (Phase 2) Hadapsar, Pune/CO/UAN No.MPCB- CONSENT-0000073133 Page 2 of 7 Received Consent fee of FU Date one 1 331480.00__ [5457347 13/11/2019 __|RTGS 2 662960.00 [5450734 josso6/2019___|RTGS Consent fees of Rs. 1, ,05,980/- paid vide D.D. No. 939321 dtd. 17/07/2014 is adjusted for granting Consent to Opertae. Copy to: 1, Regional Officer, MPCB, Pune and Sub-Regional Officer, MPCB, Pune | ~ They are directed to ensure the compliance of the consent conditions. 2. Cheif Accounts Officer, MPCB,Sion, Mumbai 3. CC-CAC Desk- for record & wet updating purpose. wa \ | | or (CONSENT-0000073133 : Page 3 of7 ee TET ETS BY TED SCHEDULE-1 3) The 5] The Applicant shall operate the sewage treatment Plant (STP) to treat the sewage so as to achieve the following standards prescribed by the Bosra OF under EP Act, 1986 and Rules made there under from time to time, whichever s stringent, ‘Standards prescribed by Board Limiting Concentration in mg, except for pH 1. [80D (3 days 270 c) 10 2. [Suspended Solids 20 3.__|cop 50, 4. [Residual Chiorine opm cd rg, treated domestic effuent shall be 60% recycled for Secondary purposes such as toilet fushing, air-conditioning, cooling tower make up firefighting by providing dual piping system ang remaining shal be utilised on land for gardening wath premise by enmarking the space insite plan. In no case, effluent shall find its way outside, Project's premise. Brie ea life as defined by manufacturer so as to ensure the Compliance of standards and safety of the operation thereof, 4) The Applicant shall comply with the provi Pollution) Act,1974 and as amended, and oth ._{Industrial Cooling, spraying in mine pits or boler hea 0.00 2. [Domestic purpose 1332.00, 3._ [processing whereby water gets poluted & pollutants are easly 00 biodegradable 4, _|frocessing whereby water gets polluted & politants are not easily 0.00 biodegradable and are toxie 5) _ The Applicant shall provide Specific Water Pollution control system as per the conditions of EP Act, 1986 and rule made there under from time to time. a yy _J CONSENT conan GUUS Tana PaPR Town (PREFS 2] HaBSGT,PUTGICOTURN NG-MFCE- Paraars CONSENT-0000073133, y 2) 3) 4) 5) ‘SCHEDULE-II Ts 9f Air Poll As per your application, you have provided the Air pollution control (APC)system and also proposed to erect following stack (s) and to observe the following fuel pattern- Cert eroL a n Cont Sa Ree cc ee eee La st0s2e] PES (20010500 Irsusicencesur] 7 | 480. | 500 Kahr ‘The applicant shall operate and maintain above mentioned air pollution control system, so as to achieve the level of pollutants to the following standards. ‘Total Particular matter Not to exceed 150 mgiNm3 The Applicant shall obtain necessary prior permission for providing additional control equipment with necessary specifications and operation thereof or alteration or replacemenalteration well before its life come to an end or erection of new pollution control equipment. The Board reserves its rights to vary all or any of the condition in the consent, if due to any technological improvement or otherwise such variation (including the change of any control equipment, other in whole or in part is necessary). Conditions for utilities like Kitchen, Eating Places, Canteens:- 2) The kitchen shall be provided with exhaust system chimney with oil catcher connected to chimney through ducting, »b) The toilet shall be provided with exhaust system connected to chimney through ducting. ) The air conditioner shall be vibration proof and the noise shall not exceed 68 dB(A). 4d) The exhaust hot air from A.C. shall be attached to Chimney at least 5 mtrs, higher than the nearest tallest building through ducting and shall discharge into open air in such a way that no nuisance is caused to neighbors. ‘City Corporation Limited Amanora Park Town (Phase 2) Hadapsar, PUNEICOTUAN No MPCB= ‘CONSENT-0000073133 Page 5 of 7 SCHEDULE-III Details of Bank Guarantees: ka me ‘ a cd : Submission Purpose of Compliance Validity Pek eles ae leadtete jana. ic io er as “Towards O&M of pollution control ace1c20 rartan! | 2500000 Jwrnin 15 aaye| S¥SE™=2°4 | 31.20.2020 |8.02.2001 compliance of the Consent conditions = The above Bank Guarantee(s) shall be submitted by the applicant in favour of Regional Officer at the respective Regional Office within 15 days of the date of issue of Consent. # Existing BG obtained for above purpose if any may be extended for period of validity as above. BG Forfeiture History ried ane Cord re po oA Peres 23 pe Cole reei) red Ce eae rae fo easy corporation Limited = Ammanora Park Town (Phase 2] Hadapsar, Pune/COIUAN No-MPCB- taeda CONSENT-0000073133, SCHEDULE-IV General Conditions: 1. The applicant shall provide facility for collection of samples of sewage effluents, air emissions and hazardous waste to the Board staff at the terminal or designated points and shall pay to the Board for the services rendered in this behaff. 2 The firm shall strictly comply with the Water (P&CP) Act, 1974, Air (P&CP) Act,1981 and Environmental Protection Act 1986 and Solid Waste Management Rule 2016, Noise (Pollution and Control} Rules, 2000 and E-Waste (Management & Handling Rule 2011. 3 Drainage system shall be provided for collection of sewage effluents. Terminal manholes shall be provided at the end of the collection system with arrangement for measuring the flow. No sewage Shall be admitted in the pipes/sewers downstream of the terminal manholes. No sewage shall find its way other than in designed and provided collection system. 4 Vehicles hired for bringing construction material to the site should be in good condition and should conform to applicable air and noise emission standards and should be operated only during non- peak hours. 5 Conditions for 0.G.Set a) Noise from the D.G. Set shculd be controlled by providing an acoustic enclosure or by treating the room acoustically. b) Applicant should provide acoustic enclosure for control of noise. The acoustic enclosure! acoustic treatment of the room should be designed for minimum 25 dB (A) insertion loss or for i meeting the ambient noise standards, whichever is on higher side. A suitable exhaust muffler with insertion loss of 25 dB (A) shall also be provided. The measurement of insertion loss will be done | at different points at 0.5 meters from acoustic enclosure/room and then average. ) Applicant should make efforts to bring down noise level due to OG set, outside their premises, within ambient noise requirements by proper sitting and control measures. d) Installation of DG Set must be strictly in compliance with recommendations of DG Set manufacturer. €) A proper routine and preventive maintenance procedure for DG set should be set and followed in consultation with the DG manufacturer which would help to prevent noise levels of DG set from deteriorating with use. f) D.G. Set shall be operated ohly in case of power failure. 4g) The applicant should not cause any nuisance in the surrounding area due to operation of D.G. Set. fh) The applicant shall comply with the notification of MoEF dated 17.05.2002 regarding noise limit for generator sets run with diesel, 6 Solid Waste - The applicant shall provide onsite municipal solid waste processing system & shall ‘comply with Solid Waste Management Rule 2016 & E-Waste (M & H) Rule 2011. 7 Affidavit undertaking in respect of no change in the status of consent conditions and compliance of the consent conditions the draft can be downloaded from the official web site of the MPCB. 8 Applicant shall submit official e-mail address and any change will be duly informed to the MPCB. 9 The treated sewage shall be disinfected using suitable disinfection method. 10 The firm shall submit to this office, the 30th day of September every year, the environment statement report for the financial year ending 31st march in the prescribed Form-V as per the provision of rule 14 of the Environmental (Protection) Second Amended rule 1992. 11 The applicant shall make an application for renewal of the consent at least 60 days before date of the expiry of the consent. Ee J ‘orporation ‘CONSENT-0000073133 Page 7 of 7

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