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P.O. Box 6731-30100 Eldoret, Kenya

Phone: +254114173886/254751589698


Answer all the questions;
1. Find the area and perimeter of a right-angled triangle with a base of 10cm and a
height of 20cm. (2 marks)
2. The diagonal of a square is 16cm long. Find the;
a) Length of the side of the square (1 mk)
b) Perimeter and area of the square (1 mk)
3. The parallel sides of a trapezium are 15cm and 10cm long. The height of the
trapezium is 5cm. Find the area of the trapezium. (2 marks)
4. Solve for x;
a) 4x + 2x +4 = 5x +3 + 11
b) (9x – 2) = 2x + 4

5. For the given equations find the value of x and y

i. Use substitution method (3 marks)
5x – 7y + 21 = 0

ii. Use elimination method (3 marks)

2x + 3y – 6 = 0
3x – 4y + 2 = 0
6. A car travels 160km on 20 liters of petrol. How far can it go on 12
liters of petrol? (2 marks)

Discipleship College is a ministry of New Testament Church of God – Kenya and Church of God World Missions U.S.A
7. When meat is fried, it’s mass reduces in the ratio 5:12. A piece of
uncooked meat has a mass of 4.8kg. what mass is lost when it is
fried? (2 marks)

8. It costs Moses 150% more to rent hi house than it used to 10 years

ago when the rent was sh. 800 per month. How much rent does he
pay now? (2 marks)

9. If p, q, r and s are in continued proportion, show that;

2𝑃+𝑟 𝑝−3𝑟
= (2 marks)
2𝑞+𝑠 𝑞−3𝑠

10. Find the mean proportional to 3 and 6 (2 marks)

11. Three people A, B, and C can do a piece of work in 45 hours, 40 hours and 30
hours respectively. How long can B take to complete the work when he starts
after A and C have worked for 13 hours each? (3 marks)

12. 20 men can lay 36m of pipe in 8 hours. How long would 25 men take to lay the
next 54m of pipe? (3 marks)

Discipleship College is a ministry of New Testament Church of God – Kenya and Church of God World Missions U.S.A

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