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LA i ay ln Mecests) Q 1.Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to the note about India - a great nation. Freedom (i) in India. Unity in di (ii) a country in her long history. $ the concept of zero to the Q 1.Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to cd the note about India - a great nation. Freedom (i) in India. Unity in diversity is the hallmark of this country. India Gi) a country in her long history. She is a giver, not a taker. She (iii) the concept of zero to the world and several other things, Undoubtedly the list is endless and unparalleled ()_@ was worshipped (c) has worshipped (ii) (@) never invaded (c) has never invaded (iii) (a) will give (c) given Ans. (i) (6) (ii) (©) (iii) (a) (b) is worshipped (d) will worship (6) have never invaded (d) will never invade (8) was given (d) gave Qz2 Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete Praveen's narration. .. Standing with scooty, he (ii) ........ planning to leam scooty. I was surprised and made enquiry how he could learn driving that way. Immediately he silenced my by saying that (iii) the first step of learning. He further added that in fact driving needs planning and practice. (i) (a) said to him about why (6) asked him why he was (c) explained why he was (d) told him about why (ii) (a) questioned that (6) refused that (c) suggested that (d) replied that (iii) (a) this was (6) this is (c) it has been (d) this may be Ans. (i) (b) @@) (iii) (@) Q3 Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for any four of the six sentences given below (i) My father is very busy these days. But he ........00+ find some time for you. (a) might (b) has to (c) must (d) will (ii) My friends as Well as I .........000..... Students of Laxmi Bai College (a) have (b) is (c) was (d) were (iii) the husband and wife are elected to the Assembly (a) Every (b) Both (c) All (d) Each (iv) 1am very badly in need of a job. I if you grant me the favour. (a) shall obliged (b) shall be obliging (c) shall be highly oblige (d) shall be highly obliged (v) On coming back to the city I shall inform you so that You .....:..: FSU paper regularly, (a) will (b) may (c) can (vi) He was badly beaten by the ruffian. He lay unconscious for half (a) a. an (b) the. a (d) shor .»- houi (c) ana bai wees a (iv) Lam very badly in need of a job. I...... if you grant me the favot (a) shall obliged (6) shall be obliging (c) shall be highly oblige (d) shall be highly obliged (v) On coming back to the city I shall inform you so that you ............. resume deli¥™ paper regularly. (a) will (6) may (c) can (d) should (vi) He was badly beaten by the ruffian. He lay unconscious for ...... hour and ....sesesee half. (a) a, an (b) the, a (c) an, a (d) much, a Ans. (i) (c) (ii) (@) (iii) (6) (iv) (@) (v) (6) (vi) () Q4. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about punctuality. Punctuality is of great importance. It is truly underestimated and (i) utmost importance, When we become punctual, the rest things (ii) .... ... our reach. We learn discipline and (iii) respect of others. (i) (a) is given (b) may given (c) must give (d) must be given (ii) (a) should fall into (4) can fall into. (c) falls into (d) does fall into (iii) (a) have earn (6) has earned (c) eam (d) does earn Q5. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the librarian's narration Tae | was out of station Return the book at fora week, st G once, careless! |. iE the book. On hearing this, he (ii) out of station for a week. When I (iii) caossn at once, he politely said that he worshippe library, Q6. Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about fortune. It is generally believed that fortune (i) a big role in the life of an individual. If he is favoured by the goddess of destiny, he may have all the good things in life. But if fortune frowns upon him, he (ii) completely. However, you should not forget that without studying hard you (ii/) with success. () @) have played (b) has play (©) plays (d) is playing (ii) (a) may be destroy (b) may destroy (c) may be destroyed (@) mayn’t be destroyed (ii) (a) will erown (b) will be crowned (c) will be crowning (qd) will crowned (®) (@) asked him why he hadn't timely returned (6) ask him that why he didn’t timely return (c) told him that why he didn’t timely return (q) said that why he hadn't timely return (i) (a) informed that he had (b) told that he will (©) said that he is (@) replied that he was (iii) (a) asked to retumn (® (a) asked him why he hadn’t timely returned (5) ask him that why he didn't timely return (c) told him that why he didn’t timely return (q) said that why he hadn't timely return (a) informed that he had (6) told that he will (c) said that he is (d) replied that he was (@) asked to retum (b) advised to return (c) ordered to be returned (d) said to be retum Q7. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for any fou of the six sentences given (@ Connaught Place ......... .. get smog towers in ten months. (a) will (6) can (c) shall (d) might (ii) T who ........000... your friend, will assist and protect you. (a) are (6) is (c) am (d) have (iii) There were ...... . than fifty students in the class. (a) few (6) no fewer (c) less (d) no less (iv) I appear in the Senior Secondary Examination next near. (a) should (6) will (ec) shall (d) may (v) Rani Lakshmi Bai is one of the best heroines that ............... ever been born in India. (a) has (6) is (c) have (d) are (vi) Draw ..... .. map of India on ... «ve black board. (a) a, the (b) ana (c) an, the (d) the, a Q8.Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about sportsmanship. A true sportsman (i) Even in his worst defeat, he (if) -vos his temper. thas been seen in games that good players (iii) by mean players to get an easy victory. But a true sportsman never commits such acts. () (a) is always cool-head (b) is always cool-headed () was cool-headed (a) is never cool-headed (ii) (a) will lose (b) can lose (c) will not lose (d) my lose (iii) (a) is wounded (b) will be wounded (c) were wounded (d) are wounded Qs.Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the doctor's narration. ener I found a Covid-19 patient waiting in the clinic. I (i) .... i _.. Sitting there. The Covid-19 patient i -~. Suffering from high fever and having a running nose. I said that h was Covid-19 affected. He shocked me by saying that he had developed the sa He further (iii) ........... afraid of him () (a) ask him that why (6) asked him why he was (c) told him why he is (d) questioned him why he is (ii) (a) suggest that he has been (b) obeyed that he had been (c) replied that he had been (d) refused that he had been I found a Covid-19 patient waiting in the clinic. 1 (i) sitting there. The Covi (ii) .. Suffering from high fever and having a running nose. I said that hd was Covid-19 affected. He shocked me by saying that he had developed the same $ He further (iff) ............ aftaid of him. (i) (a) ask him that why (6) asked him why he was (c) told him why he is (d) questioned him why he is (ii) (a) suggest that he has been (6) obeyed that he had been (c) replied that he had been (d) refused that he had been (iii) (a) enquired if 1 was (6) enquired if he is (c) ask whether I was (d) added if he was Qi0.Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the doctor's narration. (i) He who solution of the problem will lead the team. (a) bring (6) brings (©) shall bring (@) have bring (ii) The Indian team is very strong. It win the match. (a) ought to (b) may (c) can (@) will (iii) Ravi had to putin hard work to come out with flying colours in the board examination, (a) few (6) several (c) much (d) many (iv) When one of the candidates ... caught copying, the others became cautious. (a) is (b) was (c) were (@) are (v) Nobody ask him about his intentions. (a) dare (4) dares (c) daring (d) dared (vi) One goes to....... university to receive education so that he could become... good citizen (a) a, the (6) the, a (aa (@) the, the Qji1 Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the monitor's narration. eacher’s desk. All ofa sudden I (i) to some hill station to enjoy cold. When I enquired if there was cold ilenced me by saying that she had no idea (iii) cold or not. She then me to take seat. -dma’am where she had been _() said her where she had (c) told her where she (d) explained ma’am where she had been (ii) (a) told e has gone (b) said that she has gone id that sh e (d) asked that she had gone (iif) (a) whether it feel (6) whether it felt (c) whether it feels (d) whether it had felt Qi2 Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for. fou of the six sentences given below (i) Our ¢: v ci e. work hard. (a) could (c) should (d) can (i) In cases oil comes out of the ground without any drilling at all (b) some (d) less Arabian Nights” (a) are (b) is teve (b) said her where she had (d) explained ma’am where she hal (4) said that she has gone (d) asked that she had gone (6) whether it felt (d) whether it had felt Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options for any fou of the six sentences given below () Our ation is drawing near. We. work hard, (a) could (5) will (c) should (@) can (i) In cases oil comes out of the ground without any drilling at all (a) all (b) some (6) little (d) less ) a (6) is _ (A) have (iv) Af Sarita had left home early she eached school by how. (ay has () mighthave ——(c) had (d) may have you mind telling me the way to the post office”? (ay Will (6) Can (c) Would (d) Should (i a flower is born to blush unseen. (a) Many (b) Several (c) Few (d) Less than Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the note about Tree transplantation. Tree transplantation (i) difficult. Experts say only a few species survive the process, which involves special machines to carefully remove trees along with some sail and the roofs before they (ii) their alternate destination. The government (iii) alist of empanelled technical agencies that will ensure the moved trees survive. (i) (a) known to be (6) are known to be (c) is known to be —(d) was known to be (ii) (a) is moved to (b) are moved to (e) shall move to (d) were move to (iii) (a) will come out with (5) will come out (c) shall come out (d) has come out with Q14 Choose the correct options to fill in the blanks to complete the principal's narration. Isaw a boy waiting atthe door of my office. I took no time and () Immediately he replied that his name was Anil, Then I (ii) ‘come for admission. Anil pleased me by saying with respect (iti) (i) (a) asked what his name was (6) asked him what his name was (d) ask what his ni (6) questioned if he will (6) told him what his name was Gi) (a) explained if he has (¢) said that he had (d) enquired if he had Gi (a) that he were (6) that he is (©) that he has (d) that he had Qq15 Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct options. (i) Schools that have only teachers wno Know tne ranguage went seek the help of other schools. (a) a few, may (b) a few, can (c) afew, should (d) less, 5 (ii) The university has received the highest number of applications previous year comparison to (b) this, the (c) the, the (d) a, th (a) that, this

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