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“A Voice of one calling: Prepare the way for the LORD:
Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.
Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low:
The rough ground shall become level, the rugged places a plain.
And the glory of the LORD will be revealed,
and all people will see it together.
For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”

Brief Description of John

John the Baptist
- Cousin of Jesus
- Baptized on his mother’s womb (Luke 1:14)
- One of the First Martyrs
- His birth was foretold
- Remembered for his boldness, he preached against Herod, the tetrarch

Luke 1: 5-17
An angel foretold the birth of John to Zechariah

1. Preparation is very important

A. Moses - 40 years at Egypt, 40 years at the Wilderness, 40 years of Ministry

Moses was trained at Egypt, the center of education religion, power. (Technically Moses was a prince, sigurado
isuna ken well trained how to deliver speech and lead people)
Moses became a shepherd at the wilderness, where God called him and he was humbled down.
Moses responded the call of God and brought Israel out of Egypt.
B. Joseph - Young dreamer, brought into slavery, faithful at Potiphar’s house but falsely accused, faithful in little
things and God promoted him as the second highest authority of Egypt.
C. King David - Young Shepherd - Shepherd of Israel, killed a lion and a bear - killed Goliath
D. Jesus Christ - 30 years of preparation and 3 1/2 years of ministry (Luke 3 : 23)

Secular Preparation - Elementary, Highschool, College

*Men in Uniforms - PNP, AFP, BFP, etc
Soldiers will go thru harsh training for the purpose of preparation for battle and wars.

As secular preparation is important, kasta metlang in the spiritual.

2. Today is the Best preparation for tomorrow

Secular examples:
School - Assignments, Demonstration, Thesis
Church - Saturdays are the best preparation for Sundays
- what we think on saturdays will affect Sunday service
What do we feed our thoughts?
Flesh vs Spirit

3. John the Baptist Prepared the First Coming of Jesus

Luke 3: 3-6
- John Preached about Jesus and on Repentance
Luke 3: 15-19
Question: When was the last time you preached about Jesus?
Great Commission Matthew 28: 18-20
“GO and PREACH the GOSPEL to ALL NATIONS (Tribes)”
The Lord Jesus is with us event to the end of the age.”
The Disciples obeyed Jesus and went to missions, preaching about Jesus. They all died a tragic death except for
John the Beloved.
Mission is not crossing the see, it is seeing the cross - Derek Prince
Mission - sending church at Baguio.
If we want to go to missions, pray first, prepare, connect to a mission group.
If we see the cross and know its importance, we will have a burden even to souls - our families, friends,
workmates, clan and tribes, neighbors and nations.
We can be a ful-time missionary but We can also. do missions inside our family, schools and workplaces!
Missionary Doctor, Nurse, Agriculture, and whatever possession.
1 Soul Saved, there will be celebration in Heaven.
(We need to bear fruit)
4. We need to Prepare his Second Coming
Isaiah 60: 1-2
Time of Great Revival and Time of Great Darkness
- we are living on the last days

Matthew 24: 4-14

Signs of the Last Days

We need God’s grace for us to continue to move on from glory to glory.

If we fall, we get back - up.
Christian walk is a journey, battle, marathon.
Being Christian is a serious thing.

The Lord is raising up modern-day John the Baptists in these last days that will prepare the way of the Lord.
Are you prepared?
We must be equipped thru discipleship, bible school, secular school.
Are you available to be used by God in these Last Days?

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