Gathering Statistical Data

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Caraga Administrative Region Division of Butuan City


Alviola Village Baan Km 3, Butuan City

Detailed Lesson Plan

S.Y. 2022-2023
Student teacher Grade Level: 7

Apple Mae C. Ortiz Section/s: Rose

Grade Level: 7

No. of hours: 60 minutes Quarter: 4

Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses and
importance of Statistics, data collection/gathering and the different
forms of data representation, measures of central tendency,
measures of variability, and probability.
Performance Standards:
The learner is able to collect and organize data systematically and
compute accurately measures of central tendency and variability
and apply these appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in
different fields.

Most Essential Learning Competencies: Gathers statistical data

I. Objectives
At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:
a. Identify the methods used in gathering data;
b. Actively participate in class,
c. Create a diagram showing the differences and similarities of each Methods Used
in the Collecting Data.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Gathering Statistical data
References: Mathematics 7, quarter 4, module 2
Materials: TV, laptop, printed materials, pentel pen, manila paper
Values Integration: Learning the methods used in gathering data and its significance
through cooperation and appreciating the student’s active participation, attentiveness and
perseverance to learn independently.

III. Procedure
Teachers’ Activity Students’ Activity
Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer
May I ask everyone to stand up for Students will lead the prayer
the prayer.
2. Greetings
Good morning class Good morning, ma’am
How is everyone today? Feeling great ma’am
3. Checking of Attendance
(The teacher will check the None ma’am
attendance) is there any absent
4. Classroom rules
Before everything else,
Lets’ us recall our classroom rules.
First participate actively in class,
second do not roam around the
classroom while the class
discussion is still on going. Do not
talk to your seatmate, raise your
hand if you want to answer.
Respect each other.
5. Motivation
This game is called say the color
not the word. In this game the
students will say the color not the
word that is being shown.

blue Green

6. Review
Now, let’s have a short recap about
our last topic.
So, what was our topic class?

Yes? Ashleigh? Ashleigh: We talk about statistical instrument.

There are different statistical instruments that
can be formulated and used to gather data
depending on the needs, these are observation,
interview, focus group discussion and
questionnaire and survey ma’am.

Okey, thank you is there any

clarifications about our last topic? Students: none ma’am

Before we proceed to our next topic let’s
have a group activity.
Direction: In a one whole sheet of paper, answer
the following question from a given problem.

Okey class you are given 5 minutes to finished

your task. Understood class?
Yes ma’am
Aldrin has a part-time job at the Body Fit
Gym. His boss wants to know the
ages of the teenagers in the center’s
taekwondo class. Aldrin records the ages
of everyone in the class. Below are the
ages of the teenagers.

Ages of Students in the Taekwondo Class

14 15 18 16 13 15 16 17 16
15 18 17 14 16 13 16 17 19

A. How many teenagers are
attending the taekwondo class? Answers:
B. What is the age of the oldest A. 18 teenagers are attending the
member of the taekwondo class? taekwondo class.
C. What is the age of the youngest
B. The age of the oldest member of the
member of the taekwondo class?
D. How many teenagers belong to taekwondo class is 19.
ages 13 to 15? C. The age of the youngest member of the
E. How many students have an age taekwondo class is 13.
greater than 15? D. The teenagers belong to ages 13 to 15
is 7.
E. There are 11 students have an age
Okey, pass your paper in front, then I will call greater than 15.
someone to share his/her output.


Based on the activity that you did; how many

teenagers are attending the taekwondo class?

Yes, Miguel?

Okey, thank you Miguel, very good. Miguel: in all ma’am there are 18 teenagers
Yes, there are 18 teenagers that are attending the are attending the taekwondo class ma’am.
taekwondo class.

Now, what is the age of the oldest member of the

taekwondo class?
and what is the age of the youngest member of the
taekwondo class?

Yes? Polia
Very good thank you Polia, okey, 19 years old is Polia: The age of the oldest member of the
the oldest and youngest is 13 years old. taekwondo class is 19, and the age of the
youngest member of the taekwondo class is
How many teenagers belong to ages 13 to 15? 13.
and how many students have an age greater than
Yes? Haya

Very good, thank you Haya, in all there 7 Haya: The teenagers belong to ages 13 to 15
teenagers whose age are belong to 13 to 15, then is 7. And there are 11 students have an age
there are 11 students aged greater than 15. greater than 15.

So, our topic for today is all about Gathering
Statistical data.

➢ Collection of data is an important part of

Statistics. Data should be collected in a
manner that they are accurate and
convenient to use.
➢ Data is a collection of facts or information.
They may be gathered by using the
following methods.

Methods Used in the Collecting Data

1. Interview Method – this method of

collecting data is an oral or verbal
communication where the interviewer asks
questions in any mode (face to
face, telephone, or virtual) to an
interviewee. The person gathering the data
is called the interviewer, while the person
supplying the data is the
2. Questionnaire Method – on this method
data is gathered through a set of question
that is mailed or handed to respondents
who are expected to read
and understand them. And the respondents
then, write down their responses in the
space provided the accomplished
questionnaire is then returned for
appropriate processing.
3. Observation Method – the data on this
method are gathered either individually or
collectively by means of observation. The
person who gathers
the data is called an investigator while the
person being observed is called the subject.
4. Experiment Method – this method is used
when the objective is to determine the
cause-and-effect relationship of a certain
phenomenon under controlled condition.

Are there any questions about our topic? Students: none ma’am
okey, since you have understood the topic
lets have an activity


In this activity, each group should be quick

enough to raise their correct answer. They are
given a bond paper to write their answer. In very
question they are given ten second to answer.

DIRECTION: choose your answer from the box.

Write only the letter of the best answer on the line
and space before the number.

A. Experiment Method
B. Interview Method
C. Observation Method
D. Questionnaire Method

1. A researcher wants to find out the most

preferred recreational activities by the high school
2. You would like to get the opinion of the ANSWERS:
President regarding “US-Kuwait Conflict.” 1. D
3. This is a method of gathering data where 2. B
subject/s are watched by an investigator 3. C
4. This method is used to reveal cause and effect 4. A
relationship of a phenomenon 5. B
5. This method requires an interviewer to orally
ask questions to an interviewee

Okey the winner is group 3 so let’s give them a

Dionisia clap. Do you how to do a dionisia clap?
Okey, it goes like this, clap 1,2,3 stomp 1,2,3 very
good very good.
Now, let’s stand except the group 3. And execute
the dionisia clap
STUDENTS: (clap )1,2,3 (stomp) 1,2,3 very
good very good.

Okey now takes your seats everyone

IV. Evaluation
1. Nick stood outside a movie theater and
asked many of the patrons if the
movie they saw was good.
A. Experiment Method
B. Interview Method
C. Observation Method
D. Questionnaire Method

2. Shiena gave each member of the class a ANSWERS:

random cookie, some from recipe 1. B
A and some from recipe B. Then she noted the 2. A
students who asked for a second cookie. 3. C
A. Experiment Method 4. C
B. Interview Method 5.B
C. Observation Method 6. A
D. Questionnaire Method

3. Steven observed students enter a classroom

for class, and recorded
whether the students will sit in front or not.
A. Experiment Method
B. Interview Method
C. Observation Method
D. Questionnaire Method

4. Marilyn searched the internet to find comments

and reviews from people
who owned the type of laptop she was thinking of
A. Experiment Method
B. Interview Method
C. Observation Method
D. Questionnaire Method
5. It is an oral or verbal communication method of
collecting data where the
interviewer asks questions generally in a face-to-
face contact to the other person
or persons.
A. Experiment Method
B. Interview Method
C. Observation Method
D. Questionnaire Method
6. It is a method used when the objective is to
determine the cause and effect
relationship of a certain phenomenon under
controlled condition.
A. Experiment Method
B. Interview Method
C. Observation Method
D. Questionnaire Method

Okey, pass the paper in front in a count of 10. Students passing the paper in front

7. Generalization
So, who will give now the recap of the things
that we have discussed today?

Yes? Arman
Arman: there are four Methods Used in the
Collecting Data the Interview Method,
Questionnaire Method, Observation Method
and Experiment Method.
Okey thank you what else? Yes Ernest? What
is interview method? Ernest: Interview Method – this method of
collecting data is an oral or verbal
communication where the interviewer asks
questions in any mode (face to
face, telephone, or virtual) to an interviewee.
The person gathering the data is called the
interviewer, while the person supplying the
data is the
Okey now Joan do you anything to add? interviewee.
Joan: yes ma’am, Questionnaire Method –
on this method data is gathered through a set
of question that is mailed or handed to
respondents who are expected to read
and understand them. And the respondents
then, write down their responses in the space
provided the accomplished questionnaire is
Yes Ponce? then returned for appropriate processing.

Ponce: Observation Method ma’am the data

on this method are gathered either individually
or collectively by means of observation. The
person who gathers
the data is called an investigator while the
Okey thank you very good, now what is the person being observed is called the subject.
last one class? Yes? Xian
Xian: Experiment Method ma’am – this
method is used when the objective is to
determine the cause-and-effect relationship of
a certain phenomenon under controlled

Okey very good its seems that you really listen to

our discussion. Now, are there any questions or
clarifications regarding the discussion?
V. Assignment
In this activity, a group will create a diagram
showing the differences and similarities of each
Methods Used in the Collecting Data.
Note: it should be creatively done or made.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Student Teacher Cooperating Teacher

Noted by:


School Head

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