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Persuasion, Argument, Advice – Writing Guide

Argue Persuade Advise

 An argument text tries to influence the  A persuasive text tries to influence the
 An advice text suggests ways in which
Purpose and reader's opinions. reader's actions or decisions.
the reader could solve a problem.
Intention  Present a point of view in a persuasive  Get the reader take action or think the
 Recommend or offer a guide to action.
way. same as you.

 Formal or Semi-formal  Informal  Informal or semi-formal

 Emotive language  Emotive language  Emotive language
 Rhetorical questions  Rhetorical questions  Rhetorical questions
 Facts, statistics, data  Personal opinions as facts  Facts and opinions
Writing style and  Impersonal reference  Direct address  Direct address
language features  Passive voice  Imperative verbs  Imperative verbs
 Rhetorical devices  Rhetorical devices  Modal verbs of advice
 Descriptions and imagery  Positive language
 Expert opinions

iLS Writing Support 1

Argue Persuade Advise

1. Introduce topic.
1. Start with a rhetorical question. 1. Start with a positive fact or opinion.
2. State your point of view / argument.
2. Give an opinion as a fact and describe 2. Address the reader using positive
Paragraph Writing 3. Give convincing evidence.
using emotive and descriptive language. language.
3. Persuade the reader with imperative 3. Suggest the reader to do some thing
verbs or strong advice. using modal verbs of advice.

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iLS Writing Support 2

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