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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Agusan del Sur
Gov. D.O Plaza Government Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad
Detailed Lesson Plan
S.Y. 2022-2023

DATE OF TEACHING: Grade Level: 7

No. of hours: 60 minutes Quarter: 4

Content Standards:
The learner demonstrates understanding of key
concepts, uses and importance of Statistics, data
collection/gathering and the different forms of data
representation, measures of central tendency, measures
of variability, and probability.
Performance Standards:
The learner is able to collect and organize data
systematically and compute accurately measures of
central tendency and variability and apply these
appropriately in data analysis and interpretation in
different fields.
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
Explains the importance of Statistics and Poses real-life problems that can be solved
by Statistics

I. Objective

At the end of this lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Define Statistics;
b. Explain the basic concepts, uses and importance of Statistics; and
c. Pose questions and problems that may be answered using Statistics.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Introduction to Statistics
References: Grade 7 Learner’s Material First Edition, 2013, page 237-238
Grade 7 Teacher’s Guide First Edition, 2013
Materials: TV, laptop, printed materials, pentel pen, manila paper
Values Integration: Learning the importance of Statistics by sharing
ideas showing cooperation. Appreciating the student’s active
participation and attentiveness.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer
May I ask everyone to stand
up for the prayer.
2. Greetings
Good morning class How Good morning, ma’am
is everyone today? Feeling great ma’am
3. Checking of Attendance
(The teacher will check the
4. Classroom Management
Before everything else, Okay ma’am
kindly please arrange your
chairs, sit properly and pick
up everything in your
5. Motivation

Do you like singing?

Okay let us sing the “Statistics Song”

Yes ma’am
(Video of the song present in the tv)

“Statistic Song (In tone of Twinkle, “Statistic Song (In tone of Twinkle,
twinkle little star)” twinkle little star)”
DATA, DATA, what are you? DATA, DATA, what are you?
We collect you, oh it’s true We collect you, oh it’s true
ANALYZE you, that’s my plan ANALYZE you, that’s my plan
INTERPRET to understand INTERPRET to understand
(Repeat) (Repeat)

Who can recall on what we had
discussed last meeting? Yes,
Charm? Charm: About inscribed angle ma’am

What is the inscribed angle? Yes

Joy: An inscribed angle is an angle whose
vertex lies on the circle and the sides
contain chords of the circle.
Very good

What is the formula of finding

the measure of inscribed angle?
Okey mark?
Mark: The measure of an inscribed
angle is equal to ½ the measure of the
intercepted arc
Okey very good class Is there
any question about our last

Students: no ma’am

Lesson Proper
A. Activity
We will divide the class into two groups. The students will count off 1 to 2

In your designated group you will be

given a task. I will give each group a
paper that contains an instruction of what
task you are assigned to.
(The teacher will give a paper containing
instructions to the students). Then, each
group will have two representatives to
present their output.
Yes ma’am

Is the instruction clear class?

You will be given 5 minutes to finish your

Group 1: 12, 13, 14, 13, 14, 13, 12, 13, 13,
14, 12, 13, 13, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13
Group 1 and group 3 task: collect then list

the age of your groupmates. list it down Group 2: 9pm, 8pm, 7:30pm, 9pm, 8:30
in a sheet of paper then present it on the pm, 8pm, 10pm, 9pm, 10pm, 11pm, 10:30
board. pm, 9 pm, 9pm, 8pm, 6pm, 7pm, 7pm

Group 3: 12, 13, 14, 13, 14, 13, 12, 13, 13,
Group 2 and group 4 task: ask each of 14, 12, 13, 13, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13
your groupmates what time they usually
sleep at night, list it down in a sheet of
paper then present in on the board Group 4: 9pm, 8pm, 7:30pm, 9pm, 8:30
pm, 8pm, 10pm, 9pm, 10pm, 11pm, 10:30
pm, 9 pm, 9pm, 8pm, 6pm, 7pm, 7pm

B. Analysis
1. What do these numbers represent?
(Points the group 1 output)

Yes Puloy?

Puloy: these represent the ages of our

group members.
golden: these represent the time we
The information that you have gathered is usually sleep at night.
called the RAW DATA. which are not yet
sorted or not arranged.

2. Can we get clear and precise

information immediately as we look at
these numbers? Why?

Yes quennie? quennie: no ma’am we can't, because it is

Okey thank you not clear ma’am.
Thank you,

No, because the numbers are not arranged

from highest to lowest or from lowest to
highest or sorted.

3. How can we make these numbers Answers may vary

meaning for anyone who does not know
about the description of these numbers?

In order for it to be easily understood, this

data must be arranged or organized
(descending or ascending order).

Now, let’s try to organize your outputs.

(The students will organize their outputs)
(The teacher will take a picture of the
organized output for future lessons)

C. Abstraction

Did you know that what you just

did are actually the few activities
of doing statistics? So, in your own
words, what is Statistics?

Yes ashley?

Ashley: statistics is collecting, organizing

That’s partially correct! Thank you
ashley ang presenting data

Kindly read the definition please.

Statistics - the branch of (The students read the definition)

mathematics that deals with the Statistics - the branch of
collection, organization, mathematics that deals with the
presentation, analysis and of collection, organization,
data. presentation, analysis and of
Statistics is also used to solve
reallife problems.

Example problems that can be

solved using Statistics:
● What brand of shampoo is
preferred the most by
● What is the common age of
grade 7 students?
● How many times do you
exercise in a week?
Solving these questions using
Statistics is used to solve real-life
Example: problems, and present the data in a way
● 67% of people questioned to understand.
said they prefer head and
shoulder (Just an example,
not a fact)
● 89% of the school’s grade 7
students are 13 years old
● 88% of people questioned
feel that it is better to
exercise twice a week

Based on our short discussion, what are

the uses and importance of Statistics?
What brand of ice cream is
Yes zaijan? preferred the most by
Zaijan: What is the common age of
grade 12 students? How
that it is easy many times do you
exercise in a week?
Thank you zaijan

okey, since you have understood the topic

lets have an activity

D. Application

With same group, I want you to list at

least three questions or problems that
can be solved using Statistics. I will give
you 5 minutes then submit your output
to me. One output per group



Now very good class you have really

listen to our discussion. Let’s have another
activity but this time its

IV. Evaluation
Direction: In a one-half sheet of paper. In
your own words state the importance of
statistics and its uses.

Statistics are used to conduct research,
evaluate outcomes, develop critical
thinking, and make informed decisions.
Statistics can be used to inquire almost any
field of study to investigate why things
happen, when they occur, and whether its
reoccurrence is predictable.

7. Generalization

Anyone who wants to summarize what

they have learned from today’s lesson?

Yes More?
More: ma’am, we have learned about
statistics, and its importance. Also, we
have learned that real-life problems can be
solved using statistics.

Thank you, very good!

V. Assignment

Ask your family members including yourself about how many hours they
usually sleep at night. Organize your data and present it in table form.

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Checked and Inspected by:

School Head

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