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The right combination of theoretical and

practical knowledge can augment the work
efficiency of fresh engineers

Bridging the Gap between Youth and

the Industry
Thousands of students graduate from technical institutes every year in the country.
Yet, the industry complains about the scarcity of employable skilled labor. Here is an
overview of the situation and some solutions that can bridge the gap between
academia and the industry.

he scarcity of right candidates for blue service industry. As industries such as capabilities on the job. Also, there is the
collared jobs in the manufacturing BPOs, tourism, telecom, real estate, fatal risk of product spoilage or machine
industry can be attributed to various construction, etc., require no special skill breakdown along with the physical risk for
factors, a major one being the rise of the sets or knowledge, it is easier for students operators in case of negligence or
to opt for jobs in those industry verticals. inefficiency.
The high remuneration in these industries Moreover, the working conditions in the
is another attractive factor for them. The manufacturing industry are tough as
youngsters are especially fascinated compared to that in the service industry.
Shrinivas S Bhat towards an industry that offers easy money Hence, more and more youngsters prefer
Training & Placement
Govt. Tool Room & as compared to the manufacturing industry to work in shopping malls, hotels, tourism
Training Centre - Mysore wherein the operators have to work in departments, etc., where they are engaged shifts, be competitive and prove their in ‘white collared jobs’. Students are lured



by the AC cabins, high salary and

Source: Shrinivas S Bhat

possibilities of foreign trips in the long run,
which are added advantages offered by the
service industry.
Apart from these, the location of
manufacturing units also acts as a problem.
Shifting of industries to the outskirts of
cities creates commuting problems for
employees. Spending a large portion of
their salary and time on traveling to the
outskirts of the city for work make
employees rethink. Only the companies
that can afford to provide housing or
transportation facilities to their employees
can hope to retain some of them.
Lack of practical knowledge

Amidst these difficulties, the students

who choose to be a part of the
manufacturing industry are not as
knowledgeable as the industry expects
them to be. Unavailability of skilled labor
such as machine operators has become a Plastic injection mold parts modeled using solid modeling technique in advanced 3D modeling
serious problem for the manufacturing mechanical software
sector today. If one analyzes the situation
in detail, one can find that this bottleneck
is due to various factors, lack of practical mold them well to undertake technical jobs. institutes that focus on training in operating
training topping the list. Some implementable steps are listed below: CNC machines and other advanced
As most of the students have no proper Making course employment
exposure to the actual factory shop floor worthy Investment at the right place
except for industrial tours where they are
given a guided tour, they lack the required One of the solutions for attracting Colleges can focus on providing right
practical knowledge. Additionally, due to students towards this industry is making infrastructure to students by investing in
the inadequate focus on practical projects the courses employment worthy. Private as advanced machinery and equipment.
during graduation, they also lack required well as government technical institutes can Moreover, they should focus on including
professionalism and discipline. This survey the market and introduce courses updates on the latest technologies in the
hampers the workplace atmosphere. that are in tune with the changing times. syllabus. Also it is important to employ
Solutions For example, there is not much demand for staff having industrial exposure, who can
a fitter. However, some institutes still offer share theoretical as well as practical
There are a number of measures that the various training courses in this category knowledge with the youth.
manufacturing industry and technical rather than in the machinist trade, which Innovative approach
institutes can take to attract students and is actually in demand. Also, there are fewer
Educational institutes can ask students
to work on live projects and help students
Hands-on training and working on live projects will help students gain necessary confidence and to accomplish tasks while meeting stringent
professional attitude towards work deadlines at the same time, so that they can
learn about the sense of urgency. These
initiatives will also help students develop a
serious attitude towards work. Institutes
should also focus on developing good work
habits and discipline along with soft skills
amongst students.

Skilled labor forms the backbone of the

manufacturing industry; hence, it is
essential to resolve issues with regard to the
shortage of labor urgently. It is especially
more important to address these challenges
sooner than later as India is all set to become
a manufacturing hub by 2020. MMI


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