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Liber Obscura 004

“The path to redemption is a treacherous journey walked alone,
each step resonating with the sorrow of a thousand sins."

Writer/Designer: Alexander H. Dovermann Produced by: Bestiarum Games
his module can be run as a one-shot Juggernaut’s impending escape, sends an
or as part of a persistent dark fantasy urgent call for assistance. The party must

T campaign using Bestiarum’s Path of

Penitence (PoP) system. Creatures
and items marked with an asterisk (*)
are new. Their information can be
infiltrate the floor, bypassing its deadly
labyrinth of traps to confront the Juggernaut
and stop it from escaping.

found at the end of the adventure. Adventure Hooks

The adventure kicks off as the party arrives at
Tier II. This adventure scales in difficulty
the Panopticon in response to the warden's
based on your party’s Average Party Level
distress call. To build the narrative further,
(APL). Use the following table to determine
start when the party receives the call for aid or
the appropriate difficulty for your party. If your
discovers the impending escape themselves!
party finds the scenario too easy or hard, you
can shift difficulties, even mid adventure!
Opening Script
ADVENTURE DIFFICULTY To start the adventure read this script.

Difficulty APL
You’ve come to the imposing Panopticon, a
fortress prison, in response to a dire request
Medium 5–7
for aid. As you approach the keep’s outer
drawbridge, you are greeted by a nervous
Hard 8 – 10 guard who escorts you past a solid iron gate
as thick as an old oak tree. On the other side,
Nightmare 11 – 13 you are greeted by Warden Ingfar, a grizzled
veteran who speaks in a terse voice.
Torment 14 – 16 "Thank you for coming. I'll be frank, we're
dealing with a potential catastrophe here.
One of our deadliest prisoners, the Iron
Adventure Introduction Juggernaut, is restless. If it breaks free, the
The Panopticon is a high-security prison consequences will be unimaginable."
designed to hold the realm's deadliest Taking a deep breath, Warden Ingfar locks
eyes with each one of you, "The 10th floor is
prisoners, each floor filled with wards and
where the Iron Juggernaut is held. That's
traps designed to contain a single prisoner.
where you need to go. You’ll have to deal with
The Panopticon’s 10th floor holds the Iron
the traps along the way, so be careful. When
Juggernaut, a giant known for its sheer power
you get to the prisoner, do whatever it takes
and near-invulnerability.
to stop it from escaping. We can't let that
But something is amiss. Tremors and
monster be unleashed upon the realm."
bellowing screams have been emanating from
the 10th floor. Warden Ingfar, fearing the Iron

2 Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut

FLOOR 10 With that, the guard leaves you staring at
the entrance to floor ten. Blocking your way
The Panopticon’s 10th floor is a labyrinth forward is a towering iron door embedded
designed to contain the Iron Juggernaut. Stark into the stone wall. Intricate carvings of
and oppressive, the floor is filled with traps, chains and locks decorate its surface. A large,
wards, and wandering machines to deter any copper keyhole is cut into at the door's
who approach or attempt to leave. Read this center. Next to the door, etched into the
script once the party agrees to help. stone, are a two glyphs that softly glow in a
muted, pulsating azure and orange.

Warden Ingfar calls a guard to escort you

through the prison keep to the tenth floor
where the Iron Juggernaut is housed. You
Prison Labyrinth
The guard leaves the party at the entrance of
begin your descent of the Panopticon’s
central winding staircase, glimpsing the the labyrinth section with a key to the floor
keep’s vast interior, an enormous circular and a torch. They must proceed through the
facility constructed from giant solid stone door to reach the prisoner’s cell. The map is
blocks and iron buttresses. represented by the following areas.
As you descend level by level, the guard
explains that the keep consists of twenty five Magical Warding. This location is warded
descending floors, each housing a single against magic. The following rules persists
prisoner. Each floor is a deadly labyrinth throughout the entire area.
bristling with a traps and powerful wards,
protecting a solitary cell where the prisoner is
Transmutation Ward. Within the warded
housed. The cells are each unique, designed
area, spells cast from this school of magic
specifically to contain each inmate.
cost twice as many spell slots, and all effects
As you descend, the fortress suddenly
of spells from this school last up to a
trembles and shudders, sending a crack
maximum of 6 seconds in duration.
splintering through a stone block under your
feet. The small earthquake is a grim reminder
of the urgency of your mission; if the Iron
Juggernaut continues to stir unrest, the Conjuration Ward. Within the warded area,
structural integrity of the entire Panopticon spells cast from this school of magic cost
might be compromised. twice as many spell slots, and all effects of
Upon reaching the threshold of the tenth spells from this school last up to a maximum
floor, the guard halts, a note of fear in his of 6 seconds in duration.
voice as he hands you a heavy copper key and
a fresh torch, "This is where I leave you. We
pray for your safe return."

Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut 3

4 Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut
1) Floor 10 Landing corridor lined with rows of iron sconces. As
the party enters this area, read this script.
A massive iron door bars the path into the
labyrinth. Two arcane glyphs can be seen next
to the door, indicating that the entire floor has The passageway narrows to a long, straight
been warded against two separate schools of corridor. The hewn stone walls are lined with
magic. empty iron sconces. The path ahead is clear.

Ward Knowledge. To interpret the glyphs, a

PC may make a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) Trap Activation
The trap is activated by a magical motion
check. Success reveals the glyphs signify the
sensor that detects creatures moving through
area is warded against transmutation and
the location marked on the map, halfway
conjuration spells. The ward is persistent
through the long corridor. As soon as any
throughout the area and cannot be dispelled.
creature passes through the trigger spot, the
Alternatively, if the party think to ask the
trap activates, and flames spew throughout the
guard about the glyphs before he leaves, he
corridor. Read this script when this happens
can provide them with this information.
the first time.
Opening the Door. The entrance door is
locked but can be opened with the key A low rumble echoes through the passage,
provided by the guard. It is extremely heavy, followed by a sudden rush of air that stirs the
requiring a DC 15 Strength check to push dust off the floor. Moments later, the sconces
open a single inch. However, the party can try lining the walls ignite into a roaring inferno,
as many times as needed to open it wide engulfing the hallway in flames. The heat hits
enough to enter. When the party opens the you like a physical blow, the air growing thick
door and enters, read this script. with the smell of burning oil.

You push the heavy iron door open wide Trap Effects
enough to slip through and find a dark Once activated, the entire hallway is engulfed
passageway behind. The air within is heavy in spouts of flame for the next 12 seconds. All
with dust and the smell of rusting iron creatures in the hallway immediately take fire
chains, a reminder of the Panopticon's grim damage upon the trap’s activation, and each
purpose. time they end their turn in the hallway while it
is active. but with a successful DC 15
Dexterity saving throw, a creature takes half
2) Flame Corridor as much damage.
The first challenge the party encounters after
stepping through the iron door is a long, stone

Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut 5

Beyond the fiery corridor is a more hospitable
Difficulty Fire Damage
room. Once used as a maintenance post for
Medium 11 (2d10) the guards tasked with upkeeping the
labyrinth's traps and mechanisms, it now
serves as a temporary post for bandits allied
Hard 16 (3d10)
with the Iron Juggernaut. The bandits
remaining here have been tasked to deter any
Nightmare 22 (4d10)
intruders while their companions delve further
into the prison to free the Iron Juggernaut.
Torment 27 (5d10)
Various tools and supplies are scattered
about, hinting at the room's original purpose,
Spotting the Trap but signs of recent habitation - makeshift beds,
A PC can spot holes in the sconces that may a smoldering fire pit, and the smell of stale
indicate they are dangerous by passing a DC food - reveal its current occupants. Read this
10 Intelligence (Investigation) check. They script as the party enters.
may also detect the magical motion detection
sensor in the middle of the hallway by You step into the next room, finding a small
detecting magic or passing a DC 15 chamber scattered with various tools and
Intelligence (Investigation) check. supply crates. Makeshift beds are laid out in
one corner and a fire pit smolders in the
Disabling the Trap center. The smell of stale food hangs heavy in
To disable the trap, the party can spot a lever the air, mixing with the musty scent of stone
located at the end of the hallway with a DC 15 and iron. It looks like someone has been
Wisdom (Perception) check, or automatically living here recently.
if they are looking for it after finding and
reading the blueprint notes in area 3.
Lever. If a creature manages to reach the Bandit Patrol Encounter
Give the party a moment to check for any
lever and pull it, the flames extinguish and the
ambushes if they are suspicious. Then,
trap deactivates, making the hallway safe to
instigate an attack by the bandits. The bandits
pass through for the next 24 hours.
are hiding behind supply crates ready to
Sensor. The trap is also disabled if its
ambush any intruders.
magic sensor is dispelled. The sensor is an
invisible magic ward that counts as a 4th level

6 Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut

Difficulty Enemies

Medium 2 bandit captains

5 bandits

Hard 2 veterans
4 bandits

Nightmare 2 veterans 4) Pendulum Bridge

3 bandit captains In the next room is another challenge. A long
bridge across of which three large, bladed
Torment 6 veterans pendulums swing. Read this script as the party
enters the room.

Room Features
After defeating the bandits, the party can The next room is enormous, a massive,
always use this room to take a safe short rest. vaulted chamber dropping to a lowered floor
They can also search the room for anything below. Stretching across the room is a narrow
useful left behind by the original guards. stone bridge. As your eyes adjust to the
Stash of Potions. A successful DC 10 gloom, you see a series of three massive,
scythed pendulums swinging in rhythm,
Wisdom (Perception) check reveals a hidden
cutting through gaps in the bridge.
stash of healing potions left by the guards. The
stash contains 1d4 potions of greater healing.
Blueprint. A successful DC 15 Bridge & Trap Mechanics
Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a set The bridge is constructed in four sections,
of worn blueprints on a table written in split by three five-foot gaps across which a
Thieves’ Cant, detailing some parts of the crossing creature must jump. Their jump must
labyrinth, most notably the mechanisms of the be properly timed as a scythed pendulum
next trapped areas. Reading the map and the slices across the gaps perpendicular to the
scrawled notes gives the party advantage on bridge at regular intervals.
Perception checks in areas 4 and 6 and Pendulum. As a creature jumps across the
Investigation checks in area 5. Provide them gaps in the bridge, they must make a DC 10
with his handout information, alerting them to Dexterity saving throw. On a failure, the
what to expect. creature is hit by the pendulum and takes
slashing damage from its blade.
Falling. Creatures hit by a pendulum must
also make a DC 10 Strength saving throw. On

Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut 7

a failure, they are knocked down to the lower 5) Blazing Pillar Hall
floor below the bridge, taking bludgeoning
The next room is a hallway rigged with four
damage from the fall, and then forced to make
cylindrical pillars. Every few seconds, these
their way back up to the start of the bridge.
pillars spin and gush forth a torrent of fire.
End Chasm. Across the last section of the
Read this script as the party enters the room.
bridge is a deep chasm falling 200 feet down,
making it difficult to bypass the trap from
underneath. The entire passage around you suddenly
shakes as the earth tremors again. From
PENDULUM BRIDGE TRAP deeper in the prison, you hear a guttural roar
followed by heavy pounding that causes dust
Slashing Falling and pebbles to fall from the ceiling. You’d
Difficulty Damage Distance best hurry to reach the Iron Juggernaut before
it breaks free from its restraints.
Medium 4 (1d8) 20 ft. As you step into the next room, you are
hit by a wave of heat. You find a long hall.
Hard 9 (2d8) 20 ft. The floor beneath you is tiled with large
stone slabs and cylindrical pillars rise from
Nightmare 13 (3d8) 40 ft. the ground. With a hiss and a whir, the
cylinders rotate seemingly at random,
Torment 18 (4d8) 40 ft. spewing plumes of fire that turn the
hallway into a deadly inferno.

Disabling the Pendulums

On the side walls of the chamber, just before Crossing the Hall
each pendulum, are three small, hidden To cross the hall, a PC must run
targets. Hitting these targets will deactivate through the flames, making a
the corresponding pendulum for 24 hours. series of four DC 10
Perception Check. Spotting each targets Dexterity saving throws to
requires a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) check. dodge the spinning streams of
The party will have advantage on this fire shot by the pillars. For each
perception check if they found and read the success, the character takes no damage. For
blueprints in area 3. each failure, the character takes fire damage.
Target Stats. Each target has an AC of 10
and 1 Hit Point. A successful hit with a ranged
spell or attack will disable the corresponding
pendulum for the next 24 hours. Disabled
pendulums can be safely passed under.

8 Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut

BLAZING PILLARS TRAP and a wall lever that disables all of the traps
on this entire 10th floor for the next 24 hours.
Difficulty Fire Damage However, this room has its own dangers.
Patrolling the area are metallic constructs that
Medium 3 (1d6) immobilize and incapacitate intruders. Read
this script as the party reaches the room.
Hard 7 (2d6)

The flame-spewing columns behind you

Nightmare 10 (3d6)
illuminate the next room, sending flickering
shadows across an unlit chamber. A few
Torment 14 (4d6)
stone pillars stand, quiet and uninteresting,
around the hall. Beyond them at the far end
of the room, you see a formidable vault door,
Avoiding the Flames
Although the pillars appear to rotate and its surface etched with the numeral X. On the
spew flames randomly, there is a complex far wall near the vault door is a single lever
labeled with the words ‘All Traps On/Off’.
pattern to their movement. A smart PC may
attempt to analyze this pattern before
attempting to cross the hall, making four DC
15 Intelligence (Investigation) checks. Each Weeping Maidens Encounter
successful check removes one Dexterity A number of weeping maidens* lie in wait in
saving throw needed to dodge a stream of alcoves on the side of the room, ready to
flame as they properly anticipate a pillar’s attack anyone that enters. When a PC enters
movement. If the party was able to read the the room, allow them a brief moment to make
blueprints in area 3, they have advantage a Perception check if they think of it, as the
on these Intelligence checks. maidens will attempt to ambush them. When
the maidens attack, read this script.
Disabling the Flames
There is no way to disable the flame
pillars in this room. However, the next You hear a mechanical clinking and catch
room, area 6, is a control room with a the glint of a metallic reflection in the
lever to disable all the traps in this prison corner of your eye. Suddenly, a spiked iron
level for the next 24 hours. However, construct in the shape of a coffin, carved
dangers lie in the next room. with a faces frozen in a perpetual grimace,
wheels toward you.
6) Control Room
After the blazing corridor, the party comes
across a control chamber. On the far wall is
the vault door to the Iron Juggernaut’s cell

Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut 9

Room Features
After defeating the Weeping Maidens, the
AREA 6 ENCOUNTER party can use this room safely to take a short
Difficulty Enemies rest. A large lever on the far wall can be pulled
to disable all the traps in this level of the entire
Medium 1 weeping maiden* floor for the next 24 hours. This does not
include the weeping maidens.
Hard 2 weeping maidens*
Accessing the Vault
Nightmare 3 weeping maidens* The imposing vault door at the end of the
room guards the entrance to the Iron
Juggernaut's cell. A valve can be spun to open
Torment 4 weeping maidens*
it, and it will swing open. The party must
prepare themselves, for the final confrontation
awaits beyond this door.

7) Juggernaut Cell
Past the solid vault door lies the Iron
Juggernaut’s cell, an immense room strewn
with broken binding chains that were once
attached to eight pillars circling the cell. A
titanic figure dominates the space. This is the
Iron Juggernaut, a massive ogrish humanoid, a
towering muscular figure built like a bull. His
face is obscured by a large domed helmet, akin
to a battering ram or a siege engine.
Now unchained, the Iron Juggernaut
ceaselessly hammers against the cell walls,
each thunderous impact vibrating through the
floor of the entire prison complex. The party
must act swiftly to subdue this goliath and
restore order to the prison. How they
manage to accomplish this, whether
they beat him into submission or put
him down for good, is up to them. As
the party enters the room, read this

10 Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut

The vault door groans open, revealing an
enormous chamber. The floor trembles Difficulty Enemies
beneath your feet, each vibration resonating
with the rhythm of pounding metal. In the Medium 1 Iron Juggernaut*
center of the room, a colossal figure
dominates the scene. The Iron Juggernaut,
Hard 1 Iron Juggernaut*
unchained, strikes an imposing figure
2 thugs
towering over you, his immense frame
rippling with pure muscle as he prepares
himself to ram into the wall again. An Nightmare 1 Iron Juggernaut*
immense, domed helmet covers his head, 4 veterans
shaped in the formed of a spiked battering
ram. Torment 1 Iron Juggernaut*
As you step into view, the Iron Juggernaut 2 assassins
halts his assault on the walls. He turns to
face you, his helmeted head tilting slightly. A
deep voice resonates from within the helmet, Boss Loot
If the party wins the boss encounter, they may
"Juggernaut Crush!"
roll 4d10s. Based on the cumulative roll score,
they find the item corresponding to the highest
Stone Pillars. There are 8 stone pillars score they reach. Add a bonus to the
around the room that can block the Iron cumulative roll score depending on the
Juggernaut’s charges. If the Iron Juggernaut adventure difficulty level.
collides with a pillar, it ends its current charge
and the pillar is completely destroyed, leaving
Difficulty Loot Roll Bonus
behind only a small area of rubble.

Medium +0
Boss and Minions. The Iron Juggernaut
should always start at the center of the room.
Hard +1
He may be supported by additional allies on
higher difficulty levels, that can be scattered
Nightmare +2
about. These are the bandits that have been
attempting to free him.
Torment +3

Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut 11

Ending the Adventure
BOSS LOOT TABLE Upon the defeat of the Iron Juggernaut, order
4d10 Item Discovered will be restored to the Panopticon. The plan to
free the it has been foiled! What to do now is
32 – 40 Iron Juggernaut Helm (rare) up to the party. They can execute him or
shackle him once more. Warden Ingfar shall
27 – 31 Iron Juggernaut Chains harbor a newfound respect for the adventurers
(uncommon) who bravely stood in the Panopticon’s
defense, their actions permanently etched in
1 – 26 Nothing the history of the prison. As the party leaves,
they can rest assured they have played a vital
role in maintaining order and justice.

12 Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut

Weeping Maiden
Huge construct, unaligned
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 126 (12d12 + 48)
Speed 30 ft.


18 10 18 2 10 2
(+4) (+0) (+4) (-4) (+0) (-4)

Saving Throws Str +7, Dex +3

Damage Resistance poison, psychic;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
from nonmagical attacks that aren’t adamantine
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this
radius), passive Perception 10
Languages –
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Immutable Form. This creature is immune to

any spell or effect that would alter its form.

Capture. The weeping maiden attempts to
grapple one creature of the same size or
smaller. If it succeeds, that creature is pulled
into the weeping maiden’s coffin. While
grappled this way, the creature is blinded and
restrained, has total cover against attacks and
other effects outside the coffin, and it takes 3
(1d6) piercing damage at the start of every
combat turn. If the weeping maiden dies, a
swallowed creature is no longer restrained by it
and can escape from the coffin using 15 feet of
movement, exiting prone.

Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut 13

Iron Juggernaut Legendary Actions:
Huge giant, chaotic evil
This creature can take 3 legendary actions,
Armor Class 16 (patchwork armor) choosing from the options below. Only one
Hit Points 175 (16d12 + 84) legendary action option can be used at a time
Speed 40 ft. and only at the end of another creature's turn.
This creature regains spent legendary actions
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA at the start of its turn.
24 12 22 10 14 12 Reinvigorate. This creature draws on its
(+7) (+1) (+6) (+0) (+2) (+1) inner strength, gaining 5 hit points.
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +10, Cha +5 Ram (1/Round). This creature runs in a
Skills Athletics +11, Intimidation +5 straight line up to 30 ft., stopping when it hits
Damage Vulnerability psychic the first object or creature in its path.
Senses passive Perception 12 Anything hit by the charge takes 28 (8d6)
Languages Common bludgeoning damage and must make a DC 21
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Throw Boulder (Costs 2 Actions). The Iron
Iron Helm. The Iron Juggernaut wears a solid iron Juggernaut rips a boulder from the earth and
helmet. While wearing the helm, it is immune to hurls it at a point up to 60 feet away. All
all psychic damage and mind-altering spell effects. creatures within 5 feet of the target point must
A creature can remove the helmet by succeeding make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking a
on a contested strength roll against the Iron 16 (3d10) bludgeoning damage on a failure.

Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 25 (4d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage.

14 Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut


Liber Obscura 004 – Prisoner X: The Iron Juggernaut 15

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