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Nowadays, more and more highly educated individuals such as healthcare

professionals, graduates and software engineers from underdeveloped countries

are moving to developed countries with decent salaries. High. In this essay, we
will discuss possible problems and provide solutions to them.

Firstly, the migration of highly qualified people to other countries will

reduce the manpower and talent for our country, from which the country will
no longer have anyone good enough to develop the country as well as the
economy. For example, there are some countries that need people who are
inclined towards programming or construction and that country only has a
few who can do it, but if among them want to go abroad to work, their
country will lack human resources. resources for programming and

And the solution to this problem is that governments can create more
opportunities, increase salaries as well as call on people and encourage them to
work and contribute to the country. The government should also create some
organizations to promote awareness among its people about this issue.

In short, governments of financially weak countries need to encourage

their citizens to stay in the country and help societies compete in the race for
modernization, something that cannot happen if the country has a scarcity of
education and skills. methodical technique.

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