Pre Final English Examination - 2

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PRE-FINAL EXAMINATION for COEs - 2023 - 2024



1. Answer any two of the following questions in about 100 words each. 2x4=8

a.Write a paragraph on the present-day education system as described in

Rahul’s letter.
b.Why was ThimmakkanamedSaalumarada?
c.How did Roger Bannister feel in the first lap of the race?

2. Answer any twoof the following questions in about 100 words each. 2x4=8

a. Life is queer with its twists and turns,…

List a few twists as mentioned in the poem.
b. Seeing helps one better in understanding than listening to. Justify the statement
with reference to the poem, Happiness.
c. List the abilities a farmer is endowed with, according to the poem ‘The Beggar’.

3. Answer any twoof the following questions in about 100 words each. 2x4=8

a. Helping the old is as good as playing the game. Elucidate with reference to
the story‘Playing the Game’.

b. Were the brothers successful in executing their tricks in the story

‘The Short-sighted Brothers’? Support your answer.

c. Every time the youth chooses a gift, the fairy expresses her dissatisfaction with
her gestures. Comment.

4. Read the following passage carefully and answer any fourquestions given after it
ina word or a sentence each. 4x1=4

“I want to know just what control everyone at this table has. I will count to three
hundred-that’s five minutes – and not one of you is to move a muscle. Those who move will
forfeit fifty rupees. Ready!”
The twenty people sit like stone images while he counts. He is saying “… two
hundred and eighty…” when, out of the corner of his eye, he sees the cobra emerge and
make for the bowl of milk. Screams ring out as he jumps to slam the veranda doors safely
“You were right, Colonel!” the host exclaims. “A man has just shown us an example
of perfect control.” “Just a minute,” the American says, turning to his hostess. “Miss
Wynnes, how did you know that a cobra was in the room?” A faint smile lights up the
woman’s face as she replies: “Because it was crawling across my foot.”
i. What is the proposal from the American?
ii. What does the American do to make the guests at the party stay stable?
iii. Pick out the word which means lose as punishment from the passage.
iv. Pick out the word from the passage that means weak or dull.

v. How does the American react, when the host gives credit to him for having
the most control?
vi. What does the hostess prove to her guests?

5. Read the following passage carefully and answer any fourquestions given after it
in a word or a sentence each. 4x1=4

Deprivation has driven the determined Manoranjan Byapari to dare even destiny with
his pointed questions. Born as a poor, neglected and hard-working labourer with hunger as
his twin brother, MonoranjanByapari turned out to be an award-winning writer. With nearly
twenty books in Bangali to his credit, including his latest work, Chandal Jibon (Bengali Title –
semi autobiographical) – most of them translated into English and other languages – he
received many awards – notable among them being West Bengal Sahitya Academy’s and
The Hindu Award for non-fiction. “I write because I cannot kill,” saidByapari once, adding,
“The indomitable will to live keeps me alive even today despite odds like discrimination in
dozens I face every day.” He started learning the letters of the alphabet when he was in
prison, for no fault of his. Once riding Byapari’srickshaw and noticing his innate talent to
narrate, Maha Swetha Devi invited Byapari to write for her magazine, Bartikal, Thus, a great
writer was born, rather accidentally! And now he is elected as an MLA from the Balagarh
constituency (West Bengal) in May, 2021.
i. What drove Manoranjan Byapari to challenge even destiny?
ii. How has this hard-working poor labourer become popular?
iii. Name his latest work.
iv. Mention some important honours he received.
v. Manoranjan Byapari had formal education like an ordinary boy. Say true or false.
vi. How did Maha Swetha Devi help the writer in Byapari take birth?

[Note: Answer of this section must be written at one place in thesame serial order]

6. Identify the parts of speech of any eight of the following underlined words.
i. Papa, my (1) grandmother is semi-literate (2). Yet (3) she is at (4) peace with (5)
her pots, pans, her flowers and (6) garden, her Bhagavad Geeta (7) and scriptures.
ii. Oh! (8) Papa, last (9) week my rose plant almost (10) died.

7. Fill in any eight of the following blanks with a, an or the. 8x½=4

i. Thimmakka is …… (1) individual who has brought worldwide recognition to ….. (2)
state of Karnataka through her incredible and massive environmental services.
ii. Unfortunately, she is dependent on …… (3) pension of Rs. 500/- given by ….. (4)
government, which is ---- (5) sole source of her income.
iii. Would you like …… (6) apricot?
iv) …….. (7) Ramayana is …….. (8) epic.
v. Sarojini Naidu was not only ….. (9) poet but also ….. (10) freedom fighter.

8. Fill in any eightof the following blanks with suitable prepositions. 8x½=4

i. This is…..(1) answer to your letter ….. (2) my transgression. Yes, my first rank
slipped ….. (3) the second. You advise that I should think ….. (4) studying, ….. (5)
answering the papers.
ii. I congratulated her ….. (6) her success.
iii. There is some dispute ….. (7) the boundary line ….. (8) the two neighbours.
iV. He has been absent ….. (9) the classes ….. (10) Friday last.

9. Fill in any fourof the following blanks with suitable forms of the verbs given
inbrackets. 4x1=4
i. This ……. (be) (1) the moment when I …….. (make) (2) my decision.
ii. My grandfather …….. (speak) (3) of a carefree and beautiful childhood.
iii. My effort ….. (be) over (4) and I …… (collapse) (5) almost unconscious.
iv. My sister …… (just, receive) (6) a call from her office.

10. Rewrite any fourof the following sentences as directed. 4 x 2 = 8

i. Someone already cast my vote. (Change the Voice)
ii. Brasher did not change the place. (Change the Voice)
iii. Mother said to me, “Come home urgently.” (Change into Indirect Speech)
iv. She said to me, “I will go to Warangal tomorrow.” (Change into Indirect Speech)
v. He is more intelligent than I.(Change to Positive Degree)
vi. The noise in my ears was that of the faithful Oxford crowd.(Add a Question Tag)

11. Rewrite any four of the following sentences correcting the underlined errors.
i. Athletics are my favourite sport.
ii. When did the meeting begins?
iii. Amala is senior than me.
iv. He sings good.
v. He boasts about his will power.
vi. Though he is fat, still he runs fast.

12. Supply the missing letters to any eightof the following words.8 x ½ = 4
i) hi _ _ top ii) r_ _ tine iii) cha_ _ enge iv) su_ _ess v) n_ _se
vi) fea_ _ers vii) wo_ _ le viii) invar_ _bly ix) an_ _er x) preci_ _s

13. Identify the silent consonant letter in any eightof the following words. 8 x ½ = 4
i) rightly ii) should iii) tomb iv) Wednesday
v) knife vi) column vii) talk viii) island
ix) lighten x) receipt
14. Write any four of the following transcriptions using ordinary English spelling.
i) /ˈbrekfəst/ ii) /vəˈreɪʃəs/ iii) /səˈvɪliən/
iv) /streɪndʒ/ v) /ˈlɪtərəsi/ vi) /ˈsæplɪŋ/

15. Circle any fourof the words that sound different from the other words in that set
withregard to the sounds of the bold letters. 4x1=4
i)since easy sorry
ii) meal measure meant
iii) cart cat back
iv) student stupid study
v) laughter daughter cough
vi) ink island if

16. Mention the number of syllables in any fourof the following words.
i) subject ii) Sunday iii) apology iv) examine
v) woman vi) encouragement

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