Science Process Skills

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SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS- skills that are needed to find an

answer to a problem. Learning this skills is preparation for

becoming a scientist and to know about the world. It is also
foundation for scientific methods.
These basic skills are integrated together when scientists design and
carry out experiments or in everyday life when we all carry out fair
test experiments. All the six basic skills are important individually as
well as when they are integrated together.

The six basic skills can be put in a logical order of increasing

sophistication, although even the youngest students will use all of
the skills alongside one another at various times. In the earliest
grades students will spend a larger amount of time using skills such
as observation and communication.

As students get older they will start to spend more time using the
skills of inference and prediction. Classification and measurement
tend to be used across the grade levels more evenly, partly because
there are different ways to do classifying, in increasingly complex
ways, and because methods and systems of measuring must also be
introduced to children gradually over time.

In collecting evidence or data about things around us, one must

have these basic science process skills:
1. Observation (Observing)
2. Communication (Communicating)
3. Measurement and using number (Measuring)
4. Classification (Classifying)
5. Inference (Inferring)
6. Prediction (Predicting)
Most basic and fundamental of the process skills. One cannot
compare, classify or perform other process skills without
being a good observer. We observe object, events or
surroundings through our five senses: sight, smell, touch,
taste and hearing to gather information about objects or
events such as their/its characteristics, properties, similarities
and differences.

This involves exploring looks (color, shape and size), sounds,

texture, temperature, pressure, tastes and smells or odors.
Qualitative observations- the simplest observation, made using
only the senses. This is an observation that give more precise
information than our senses alone.
Ex. The leaf is light green in color or the leaf is waxy and smooth.

Quantitative observations- observations that involve a number or

Ex. The mass of one leaf is five grams or the leaves are clustered
in group of five.
Communicating is the process of letting other people know
what we are doing and thinking. We communicate in science
by speaking , reading , and writing. Observing and
communicating go hand in hand. This is because a person
must communicate in order to share one’s observations.

It is important to use clear, accurate, and complete

descriptions in communicating, including descriptions of
color, size, temperature, texture, and others.

Using words or graphic symbols to describe an action, object

or event. This process is dependent on what was observe, or
classified. Communicating can be done in either oral or
written form. It is describing what has been observed in either
qualitative or quantitative ways.
In order to communicate observations, accurate records must
be kept which can be submitted for checking and re-checking
by others. Accumulated records and their analysis may be
represented in many ways. Graphic representations are often
used since they are clear, concise and meaningful. Complete
and understandable experimental reports are essential to
scientific communication.

Example: Describing the change in height of a plant over time

in writing or through a graph.
Using both non-standard or standard measures or estimates
to describe the dimensions of an object or event. In
measurement, there are always two objects being compared.
The one being measured and the measuring device, either
non-standard or standard.
Remember that in measuring, it is important not just to
mention the number that tells us how long , how heavy , how
big, how much, or how many, but we should always include
the unit of measure that we used like meters, pounds, kilos,
grams, ounces, cups, spoons, liters, inches, feet, and so on.

Unconventional Ways of Measuring (Non-standard)-

measuring something by using one’s hand (handspan) or
cubit, one’s feet (foot steps), or any object such as coins,
paper clips or a piece of string for measuring. It is an unusual
unit of measurement that does not form part of a coherent
system of measurement.

Conventional Ways of Measuring (Standard)- today we follow

a standard unit of measurements for volume, mass, length,
and time. Instruments such as meter sticks, measuring cups,
measuring spoons, weighing scales, and platform balance.
The S.I. unit is actually an abbreviation of the French word “Système
International”. The S.I. unit is the standard system of measurements which are
universally accepted and used for technical publishing and scientific research.
These units of measurement are considered to be the fundamental units and all
the other units can be derived from the SI base units.
Unit of Mass (kilogram): Kilogram is defined by taking the fixed value of Planck’s
constant in kilogram per meter square per second. It is abbreviated as kg.

Unit of Length (Meter): Abbreviated as “m”, meter is defined by taking the value
of speed of light in vacuum in meter per second.

Unit of Time (Second): A second is defined as the value obtained by taking the
value of each Cesium frequency. Its abbreviation is “s”.
Unit of Temperature (Kelvin): Although Fahrenheit and Celsius are the more
commonly used measurements of temperature, the SI unit of temperature is
Kelvin, abbreviated as K. Its value is equal to the Boltzmann constant. 10C = 273
Unit of an Amount of Substance (Mole) : One mole contains 6.02214076×1023
elementary entities which is the constant of Avogadro’s number and is
expressed as mol-1.
Unit of Luminous Intensity (Candela) : Defined by the fixed value of luminous
efficacy, the SI unit of luminous intensity is candela and is expressed as “cd”.
Unit of Electric Current (Ampere): Abbreviated as “A”, it is obtained by taking
the fixed value of elementary charge.
Power: watt (W) Frequency: hertz (Hz)
Grouping objects or objects into categories based on the
properties or criteria. To classify is based on what has been
observed. We classify based on similarities, differences, and
interrelationships that we observe.

There are several different methods of classification. Perhaps

the simplest method is serial ordering. Object are placed into
rank or order based on some property. For example, students
can be serial ordered according to height, or different
breakfast cereals can be serial ordered according to number
of calories per serving.
TWO other methods of classification.
Binary classification- a set of objects is simply divided into
subsets. This done on the basis of whether each object has or
does not have a particular property.
Ex. Animals can be classified into two groups: those with
backbones and those without backbones.
Binary classification can also be carried out using more than
one property at once. Objects in one group must have all of
the required properties; otherwise they will belong to the other
TWO other methods of classification.
Multi-stage classification- is constructed by performing
consecutive binary classifications on a set of objects and
then on each of ensuing subsets. The result is a classification
system consisting of layers or stages. A multi-stage
classification is complete when each of the objects in the
original set has been separated into a category by itself.

Ex. Classifications of the animal and plant kingdoms.

Making an educated guess about an object or event based on
previously gathered data or information. Inference is also
based on observation.

An inference is an idea based on an observation or set of

observations. Making an inference requires evaluation and
judgment based on past experiences. Inferences lead to
We infer when we try to figure out why and how an event
happened, but were not able to observe the event directly as it
happened in the past.

When we make inferences, we are trying to offer explanations

or interpretations of what pieces of evidence we see, but we
did not really observe the event as it was happening.
Ex. Observing that many trees have fallen, one can infer that a
strong wind must have knock these trees down.

Ex. Observing that there are many people lining up to buy a

food for lunch in a food stall, one can infer that maybe the
food tastes good.
To state the outcomes of a future event based on a pattern of
evidence. First observation shall be made, before one can
When we predict, we offer our best guess on what might
happen in the future based on facts or pieces of evidence. We
are making forecast what we might observe in the future.
A prediction is stated in an if/then manner. Recall that when
we talked about the scientific method, we create predictions
based on the hypothesis.
If what we find out agrees with out initial guess, then out
thinking must be valid. If results turn out to be different from
our initial guess, then perhaps we should change our thinking.

Prediction is the formulation of an expected result based on

past experience. The reliability of prediction depends upon the
accuracy of past observations and upon the nature of the
event being predicted. Prediction is based upon inference. An
experiment can verify or contradict a prediction.

Ex. If I water the plants in the garden daily, then they will grow

Ex. If I increase the amount of fertilizer I use for rice plants.

Then the rice plants will have more yield.

Older children can be exposed to activities using the six

integrated science process skills.

The 6 integrated science process skills are used together in

just one experiment. In fact. Even the basic science process
skills are also used together with these integrated science
process skills in one experiment.

Students in science should be able to develop these skills in

order for them to learn how to pursue searching for
knowledge by themselves. All scientific inquiries rest upon
one’s ability to use these skills carefully, accurately, and
appropriately. When we discuss the different methods of
teaching learning science, we will realize why developing
these science process skills is necessary.

Being able to identify variables that can be effect an

experimental outcomes, keeping most constant while
manipulating only the independent variables. Variables are
conditions, factors or elements that are varied that may
influence or affect the experiment. Hence, all the conditions
shall be controlled or made the same, except the one being
Variables – is any factor that can be changed, controlled or
measured in an experiment.

What are the kinds of variables?

Independent variable- this is what you decide to change in the
Dependent Variable- this is what you observe or measure in
an experiment.
Controlled Variable – this is what you kept the same during the

When making experiments, we try to identify variables, control

variables, and check the effect of changing certain variables
one by one. This way, we will know which one works and
which one does not. We try to brainstorm ideas about what
might affect how something happens or what could affect
some phenomena, testing factors one by one while keeping
everything else constant.

Ex. To test whether the organic matter or soil will affect the
growth of plants, then two other variables should be made the
same or controlled. These are amount of water and the
amount of sunlight. While the two are controlled, the kind of
soil shall be made different. This variable is called
manipulated or experimental variable.

Ex. If you want to find out if the weight of steel ball affects its
speed when rolled on a plane surface, the variable that will be
controlled will be distance, the kind of surface and the force of
the push to move the steel ball. The manipulated variable will
be the difference in the weight of the two balls.
What is hypothesis?
- Is an educated guess.
- It is a proposed explanation for events or problems.
- This suggests ideas that has to be tested through

- Stating the expected outcome of an experiment. It is an

intelligent guess of what will happened in an experiment.
To state a hypothesis, it usually begins with the IF and
continues with THEN.
In formulating and testing hypotheses, you must keep in mind
that a hypothesis is only like pieces of scaffolding, which are
put around a building while it is being constructed. These are
taken away once the building has been completed.

Formulating a hypothesis means you predict or make a guess

of what might happen if you manipulate one variable. In other
words, you might think, “if I change this, perhaps this might
What are the kinds of hypothesis?

Null Hypothesis (H0)- States that there is no relationship

between phenomenon under consideration or that there is no
association between the groups.

Alternative Hypothesis (H1)- states that there is a relationship

between two selected variables in a study.
How to write a good hypothesis?

1. Clearly identify the question you are interested in

2. Do some preliminary research to help you form educated
3. Write your initial answer to your question is a clear,
concise sentence.
4. Refine your hypothesis make sure that it is specific and
Ex. If the soil is fertilized, then mongo seeds will grow with
leaves greener.

Ex. If the water is salty, then the paper boat will not float.
Making a definition that is specifically applicable to the activity
or how it shall be done. It is description of what will happen or
how it will affect the operation.

It is not a definition that is stated in dictionaries or as result of

a previous experiments. Sometimes it describes what an
object can do or what could be done to the object.

This is how we decide to measure the variables in the


When you define variables operationally, you give a precise

meaning or a specific procedure for measuring the variable.
This is to make sure that our investigation is consistent. This
also make communicating with other people more accurate.
So, before you make any measurements when you do an
experiment, you must decide how exactly you will measure
each variable.

Ex. A group of Grade 6 students is conducting a study

whether running everyday will affect the person’s endurance.

The variable “endurance” may be defined as:

- distance person could run without stopping
-number of hours a person could run

Ex. An operational definition of a pencil is something that can

write. So anything that can write, will be operationally defined
as a pencil.

Ex. Solids can be defined operationally as anything that has

mass, form and can be held by the hand.
A data is an information derived from the results of the experiment.
Most often it is in terms of qualities or numbers. To give meaning to
the data, a correct interpretation shall be made. Accurate recording
data is very important before an interpretation is made.
Data may be in nominal, ordinal, or ratio. It can be converted to sum,
percentages, means, and many more. On the other hand, a
quantitative data can be described qualitatively as high, low or more
or less, effective or not effective.
This includes collecting information on data, organizing them, find
firmly patterns or relationship and analyze it to arrive at a conclusion.
-An organized data uses graphs like: Bar graphs , line graphs,
histograms, pictographs and pie graphs (especially for young learners).
Types of Data
Qualitative or Categorical Data

Qualitative or Categorical Data is data that can’t be measured

or counted in the form of numbers. These types of data are
sorted by category, not by number. That’s why it is also known
as Categorical Data. These data consist of audio, images,
symbols, or text. The gender of a person, i.e., male, female, or
others, is qualitative data.

Qualitative data tells about the perception of people. This data

helps market researchers understand the customers’ tastes
and then design their ideas and strategies accordingly.

The other examples of qualitative data are :

What language do you speak
Favorite holiday destination
Opinion on something (agree, disagree, or neutral)
The Qualitative data are further classified into two parts :
Nominal Data is used to label variables without any order or
quantitative value. The color of hair can be considered
nominal data, as one color can’t be compared with another
The name “nominal” comes from the Latin name “nomen,”
which means “name.” With the help of nominal data, we can’t
do any numerical tasks or can’t give any order to sort the data.
These data don’t have any meaningful order; their values are
distributed into distinct categories.

Examples of Nominal Data :

Colour of hair (Blonde, red, Brown, Black, etc.)

Marital status (Single, Widowed, Married)
Nationality (Indian, German, American)
Gender (Male, Female, Others)
Eye Color (Black, Brown, etc.)
Ordinal data have natural ordering where a number is present
in some kind of order by their position on the scale. These
data are used for observation like customer satisfaction,
happiness, etc., but we can’t do any arithmetical tasks on
Ordinal data is qualitative data for which their values have
some kind of relative position. These kinds of data can be
considered “in-between” qualitative and quantitative data. The
ordinal data only shows the sequences and cannot use for
statistical analysis. Compared to nominal data, ordinal data
have some kind of order that is not present in nominal data.
Examples of Ordinal Data :
When companies ask for feedback, experience, or satisfaction
on a scale of 1 to 10
Letter grades in the exam (A, B, C, D, etc.)
Ranking of people in a competition (First, Second, Third, etc.)
Economic Status (High, Medium, and Low)
Education Level (Higher, Secondary, Primary)order; their
values are distributed into distinct categories.
Quantitative Data
Quantitative data can be expressed in numerical values,
making it countable and including statistical data analysis.
These kinds of data are also known as Numerical data. It
answers the questions like “how much,” “how many,” and
“how often.” For example, the price of a phone, the
computer’s ram, the height or weight of a person, etc., falls
under quantitative data.
Quantitative data can be used for statistical manipulation.
These data can be represented on a wide variety of graphs
and charts, such as bar graphs, histograms, scatter plots,
boxplots, pie charts, line graphs, etc.

Examples of Quantitative Data :

Height or weight of a person or object
Room Temperature
Scores and Marks (Ex: 59, 80, 60, etc.)

The Quantitative data are further classified into two parts :

Discrete Data
The term discrete means distinct or separate. The discrete
data contain the values that fall under integers or whole
numbers. The total number of students in a class is an
example of discrete data. These data can’t be broken into
decimal or fraction values.
The discrete data are countable and have finite values; their
subdivision is not possible. These data are represented mainly
by a bar graph, number line, or frequency table.

Examples of Discrete Data :

Total numbers of students present in a class
Cost of a cell phone
Numbers of employees in a company
The total number of players who participated in a competition
Days in a week
Continuous data are in the form of fractional numbers. It can
be the version of an android phone, the height of a person, the
length of an object, etc. Continuous data represents
information that can be divided into smaller levels. The
continuous variable can take any value within a range.
The key difference between discrete and continuous data is
that discrete data contains the integer or whole number. Still,
continuous data stores the fractional numbers to record
different types of data such as temperature, height, width,
time, speed, etc.

Examples of Continuous Data :

Height of a person
Speed of a vehicle
“Time-taken” to finish the work
Wi-Fi Frequency
Market share price
Having learned the basic science skills, how to formulate hypothesis and control
variables, the experimental/manipulated variable will be tested. The variables are
operationally defined and an experimental design is made. It is in experimenting
where the hypothesis is proven to be true or not, thus a conclusion is arrived at.

In this process of experimenting, we try to investigate the effect of changing one

variable on the change of another variable. In experimenting, we use all the
process that we studied. We also write a hypothesis , gather and analyze our
data, infer conclusions, and use all other science process skills needed.

Experiment includes designing data-gathering procedures for the purpose and

testing the hypothesis.
With the use of the different processes of science, a model can be
made. Models, are either mental or physical model of processes or
events. For example, a model of the processes of evaporation and
condensation are interrelated in the water cycle. Formulating models
will develop creativity and innovation. It will enhance higher order
thinking skills too.

When we construct a model, we are trying to make a visual

representation of an object or concept that may be too small or too
big to observe in the classroom, or that cannot be measured directly.
We want to show how something looks like and/ or how something

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