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Main request:

• No customers in the winter time.

• Desire to grow the business

Load by season: (Inaccurate data. Seasonal load as a percentage of all abilities)

• January – 0%
• February – 0%
• March – 0%
• April – 0% 90% 90%
• May – 50% (Fishermen)(U.S. customers)
• June – 90% (Fishermen)(U.S. customers) 50% 50%
• July – 90% (Fishermen)(US/Canadians customers)
• August – 90% (Fishermen)(US/Canadians customers) 25%
• September – 50% (Fishermen, Hunters, Workers)
(Canadians customers)
• October – 25% (Hunters, Workers)(Canadians customers) 0%
• November – 0% 0%
• December – 0% 0%

In summer ~ 40-50 Persons
In winter ~ 15 Persons
Spots ~ 9

Customers groups:
We were able to identify 3 main groups of clients that are generating revenue today.
• Fishermens
• Hunters
• Workers

Origin of customers:
• U.S
• Canada

About 200 applications per year. Number in each application from 1 to 10 people per group. The
average number selected is 5. Approximate number of people per year about 1000 (not firm numbers)

The type of these clients (not firm numbers):

Repeat customers 80% New customers 20%
Sources of new customers:
• Recommendations
• Travel & Tourism Trade Shows

Basically, all the work is done by the owners. During the season a few people are hired on a contract
basis to assist, 2-3 cleaners and additionally other people as needed.

SWOT & Comments:


Summer season: High throughput during the summer months, especially in June, July, and August, with
a capacity of 40-50 persons and a high percentage of U.S. and Canadian customers.
Repeat customer base: 80% of customers are repeat clients, indicating high satisfaction and loyalty.
Diverse customer groups: Revenue generated from three main customer groups - fishermen, hunters,
and workers - providing At least some diversification.
Positive word-of-mouth: New customers primarily come from recommendations, indicating positive
experiences shared by existing clients.


Seasonal dependency: Heavy reliance on summer months for revenue, with no customers during the
winter, leading to underutilization of facilities and potential financial strain.
Limited winter offerings: Inability to accommodate same number of guests in winter due to
infrastructure limitations, such as frozen water transmission lines, restricting potential revenue streams.
Lack of partnerships: No established partnerships for entertainment services, limiting additional
offerings and potentially reducing customer satisfaction.
Limited resources for development: Inability to invest in development due to financial constraints and
lack of immediate desire to expand.


Winter tourism development: Exploring opportunities to cater to winter tourists by addressing

infrastructure issues and offering specialized packages for activities like snowmobiling, ice fishing, or
winter hiking.
Partnerships and collaborations: Establishing partnerships with neighboring businesses to cross-promote
services and attract new customers, especially during the offseason.
Accessibility improvements: Expanding facilities and services for people with disabilities to enhance
inclusivity and attract a wider customer base.
Seasonal fluctuations: Vulnerability to fluctuations in seasonal demand, leading to revenue volatility and
potential financial instability.
No controlled source of new clients

No established partnerships to provide entertainment services to clients.
In general, they are positive about partnerships, stating that they refer clients to neighbors
when they are full and sometimes get clients from neighbors in similar situations.
The possibility to host guests in winter is limited by the fact that the accommodation is not fully
prepared, in particular the water transmission line is a problem. It freezes.
They focus on workers during the non-tourist period and wonder why they are not popular
while neighbors may be full of workers during the winter period.
They don't have the resources to invest in development right now. And in my general opinion,
the desire at the moment, too.

They have one cabin for the people with disabilities.

And they looked interested when I told them about the success of the projects under Expedia's
leadership. They asked if we had any funds that could help finance similar projects. To which I told them
that such projects carry a lot of risk that should be better researched, but if it is viable in general, we
have an excellent board of directors who can consider funding such brave initiatives.

Brendan didn't read the file I sent him earlier. Yesterday we had a conversation on the phone, I politely
suggested that he familiarize himself with my thoughts before our meeting. Today I gave them a printed

Primary conclusions:
Obviously, they are working on a to-do list during the season. The main customers are regular
customers. Which tells us that their point of growth will be new clients.
They will need to be involved in our future initiatives that we will develop to attract a new target
audience. They'll definitely be in favor.
Also, if we can help them get the customer flow going in the down months, maybe they will be
interested in improvements and investments.

The advice I give them:

I informed them of our future plans, suggested they meet after I get back from Europe and we have
more data on hand. - They seemed to be in favor.
I also suggested that they focus on the resources they have. If they are not ready to invest in customer
acquisition, I would use their satisfied customers as one of their main channels of customer acquisition
now is referrals. I suggested that out of the 1000 customers that they had last year, they should write
out a list of those who they think were most satisfied with their service and ask them in a friendly way to
directly refer them to their friends.
I emphasized the importance of direct dialog, without trying to pass it off as a promotion. Honestly
contact grateful customers and ask them to recommend you. Maybe come up with something to reward
that recommendation.

When I will develop the tools for the analysis I need, meet and personally conduct the analysis session
with them.
Identify potential channels to bring in customers
To visit and explore their business.
Consider possible companies that need accommodation for workers

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