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9 to start a relationship again with someone that

10 Moods and relationships you broke up with get back together

10 have an argument have a row; row - fight
1 a Read the emails. Answer these questions. 11 become friends again after an argument make up
1 What do Julia and her husband do? 12 stop living in a particular place move out
2 What did they have a problem about?
2 Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the
3 Did they solve the problem? words/phrases from 1b.
1 My father always looks down on people who
Hi Tom don’t have a job.
You’ve met my sister, Julia, haven’t you? She’s just 2 I was feeling down after my
separated from her husband and I feel really sorry boyfriend left me, but your lovely letter really
for her. They met when she was a student at drama up
school. She used to look up to him because he was
cheered me .

already a successful actor, but now she’s getting more 3 Don’t talk to Paul. I think he’s in a really

acting work than him. She said he was always in a bad mood .
bad mood and then they had a row about a film she
wants to do – and the next day he moved out. She’s 4 I feel sorry for Mark. Did you know he’s
feeling really down and I’d like to be able to cheer separating from his wife? Apparently she
her up a bit, but I don’t know what I can do. Any
moved out a week ago and he’s living on
his own.
Love Valerie
5 My brother and his wife split up last year, but now
they’ve got back together. I’m so happy for them.
6 The people next door had a terrible
Hi again row last night. But I think they’ve
Guess what? I’m in such a good mood. My sister made up because they both looked very
has got back together with her husband. She told happy today.
me that he just didn’t like the film she was going to
do and looked down on the people she was working 7 When I was a child, I used to look up to my
with, so she’s agreed not to do it. Anyway, they’ve uncle Frank and I wanted to be just like him.
made up and now everything can go back to normal.
It’s so nice to see her happy again. Love Valerie 8 I’m usually in a good mood on Friday
afternoon because I love weekends.

3 a Match the beginnings and endings of the

b Match the phrases in bold in the emails to questions.
definitions 1–12. Write the infinitive form of 1 How often are you in a a sorry for?
the verbs.
2 What’s a good way to cheer b rows with?
1 feel unhappy be in a bad mood
3 Who do you look c someone up?
2 feel happy be in a good mood
4 What do you do when you’re in d down?
3 feel depressed feel down
5 Which famous person do you e up with
4 feel sympathy for someone because something bad feel him/her?
has happened to them feel sorry for someone
6 What do you do when you’re f a good
5 make someone feel happy when they’re depressed cheer sb upfeeling mood?
6 live in a different place from your husband or 7 Is there someone you often have g up to?
wife, but not be divorced to be separated from
8 Do you find it easy to make h bad mood?
7 admire and respect someone look up to someone
Answer the questions for you.
8 think that someone is less important than youlook down tobsomeone
together 6 row; made up 7 look up to 8 good mood   3 a 2c 3g 4f 5a 6d 7b 8e
10 have a row 11 make up 12 move out   2 2 down; cheered ... up 3 bad mood 4 feel sorry; separated; moved out 5 got back
someone up 6 be separated from someone 7 look up to someone 8 look down on someone 9 get back together (with someone)
1 a 1 They’re actors. 2 Julia’s new film. 3 Yes, they did. b 2 be in a good mood 3 feel down 4 feel sorry for someone 5 cheer

210 face2face Second edition Intermediate Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2013 Instructions p200

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