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Delegation from the Russian Federation

Position Paper for the United Nations Security


I. Adaptation and Mitigation

Russia is alarmed that climate and water-related issues caused 11, 778
disasters reported between 1970 and 2021, causing over 2 million
deaths and 4.3 trillion USD lost in the economy, according to World
Meteorological Organization (WMO), Economic costs of weather-
related disasters soars but early warnings save lives (2023). Russia
emphasizes climate degradation of food security, water availability
and ecosystem health, directly impacts half of humanity, and causing
40 trillion US$ worth of ecosystem services to be lost each year,
according to United Nations, Land - the planet’s carbon sink, (2021).
Russia is deeply disturbed by the fact that in 2019, atmospheric CO2
concentrations were higher than at any time in at least 2 million years
exacerbating sea level rise and force displacement of coastal areas to a
record high according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change’s (IPCC) Climate Change Synthesis Report:Summary for
Policymakers (2023). Russia is gravely concerned that there are 3.3-
3.6 billion people living in hotspots of high vulnerability to climate
change mainly in the global south, according to United Nations,
Conflict and Climate, (2022). Russia is fully aware that population
extinctions caused by climate change have been widespread among
plants and animals, detected in 47% of 976 species examined and
associated with increases in the hottest yearly temperatures according
to the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment: Biodiversity Fact Sheet, (2022).

Russia highlights the United Nations Environment Programme

(UNEP) Mid-Term Strategy 2022-2025, which works to protect
biodiversity by laying out a roadmap for sustainable technological
partnerships between States and the private sector, drafting policy
addressing drivers of biodiversity loss, and promoting youth
education initiatives on biodiversity protection. Russia recognizes the
United Nations Office of Disaster Risk Reduction’s Comprehensive
Disaster and Climate Risk Management (CRM) initiative which
addresses climate disasters through the creation of National Adaption
Programs which climate and weather forecasts and establishes a risk-
information exchange system for knowledge sharing between States.
Russia draws attention to the United Nations Convention to Combat
Desertification (1994) that combats drought and desertification by
promoting interregional technology transfers, collecting and sharing
information, and engaging in joint research projects. Russia approves
the international Organization for Migration Second International
High-Level Conference on Water For Sustainable Development
(2022) which works to protect people that are vulnerable to climate
change through mitigation by integrating migration considerations in
water action, and promote transboundary water cooperation. Russia
emphasizes the 5th Central Asian Climate Change Conference (2023)
supported by the World Bank which brought together regional
Member States and partners to discuss green energy sector transition
and share knowledge regarding sustainable green energy practices.

Russia calls upon the World Bank and Member States to engage in
partnerships to expand the Second National Hydromet Modernization
Project which improves technological infrastructure of hydrological
systems for collecting and sharing data and information through
regional data storage, improved forecasting, and improved satellite
reception to predict and preempt rising sea level emergencies. Russia
recommends regional groups adopt the Climate and Environment
(CLIENT) Program working in Central Asia which works on
transboundary ecosystems to increase biodiversity and soil resilience
to climate change by providing technical assistance and investment
with the support of the World Bank for capacity building tools to
facilitate climate dialogue and knowledge sharing. Russia further
recommends Member States to adopt Biodiversity Conservation
Project (BIO-COP) which enhances the biodiversity protection to
preserve biodiversity by strengthening the protected area’s system and
regional programs by supporting biodiversity policies and
biomonitoring. Russia urges expansion of the ARCTIC GEF-Russian
Federation Partnership on Sustainable Environmental Management
in the Arctic under a Rapidly Changing Climate partnered with the
Public Invest Fund (PiF) to adopt and implement governance reforms
for sustainable development of the Arctic in the Russian Federation
by sharing transboundary large marine ecosystems to improve energy
efficiency and renewable energy. Russia supports regional modeling
of biodiversity partnerships to promote transboundary cooperation
through programs such as the Caspian Environment Programme
(CEP) with the World Bank, GEF, and UNEP to establish regional
commissions for dialogue and knowledge sharing, as well as plan and
fund small scale sustainable development projects to protect internal
water sources.

Russia is alarmed that climate and water-related issues caused 11, 778
disasters reported between 1970 and 2021, causing over 2 million
deaths and 4.3 trillion USD lost in the economy, according to World
Meteorological Organization (WMO), Economic costs of weather-
related disasters soars but early warnings save lives (2023).

Russia emphasizes climate degradation of food security, water

availability and ecosystem health, directly impacts half of humanity,
and causing 40 trillion US$ worth of ecosystem services to be lost
each year, according to United Nations, Land - the planet’s carbon
sink, (2021).

Russia highlights the United Nations Environment Programme

(UNEP) Mid-Term Strategy 2022-2025, which works to protect
biodiversity by laying out a roadmap for sustainable technological
partnerships between States and the private sector, drafting policy
addressing drivers of biodiversity loss, and promoting youth
education initiatives on biodiversity protection.

Russia recognizes the United Nations Office of Disaster Risk

Reduction’s Comprehensive Disaster and Climate Risk Management
(CRM) initiative which addresses climate disasters through the
creation of National Adaption Programs which climate and weather
forecasts and establishes a risk-information exchange system for
knowledge sharing between States.

Russia recommends regional groups adopt the Climate and

Environment (CLIENT) Program working in Central Asia which
works on transboundary ecosystems to increase biodiversity and soil
resilience to climate change by providing technical assistance and
investment with the support of the World Bank for capacity building
tools to facilitate climate dialogue and knowledge sharing.

Russia further recommends Member States to adopt Biodiversity

Conservation Project (BIO-COP) which enhances the biodiversity
protection to preserve biodiversity by strengthening the protected
area’s system and regional programs by supporting biodiversity
policies and biomonitoring.

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