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Mass transfer by diffusion is analogous to heat transfer by CONDUCTION.

• Transfer is due to random molecular motion.

• Consider two species A and B at the same T and p, but initially
separated by a partition.
• Diffusion in the direction of decreasing
concentration dictates net transport of
A molecules to the right and B molecule
to the left.
• In time, uniform concentrations of
A and B are achieved.
Molecular diffusion
• Random walk process
• Governed by Fick’s law:
dC A
J A   D AB
Higher Flux Lower
concentration concentration
of A of A

Convective mass transfer

N A  k A C A
Direction of flow
A diagram is given of two gases A and B at constant total pressure P in
two large chambers connected by a tube where molecular diffusion at
steady state is occurring.

Stirring in each chamber keeps the concentrations in each chamber uniform.

pA1 > pA2 , pB2 > pB1, P(total pressure):constant
Molecules of A diffuse to the right and B to the left.

  Since P is constant throughout,

J A, z   J B , z the net moles of A diffusing to the right
must equal the net moles of B to the left.

 dCA
J A   DAB

P = pA + pB = constant  C = CA + CB  dCA  dCB

 dCA  dCB
J A   DAB   J B  () DBA
dz dz

Helium gas (A) is diffusing through a uniform tube 0.3 m long containing
N2 gas (B) at 1.0132x105 Pa and 298 K. At point 1, pA1 = 1.013x104 Pa and
at point 2, pA2 = 0.507x104 Pa. The diffusivity DAB = 0.687X10-4 m2/s.
Calculate the flux JA* at steady state. Repeat for JB*.
General Case for Diffusion of Gases A and B Plus CONVECTION

J A  C A  Ad (kgmol / m2 s)

vAd vM

vA= vAd + vM
vA= Velocity of A to a stationary point
vAd= Diffusion velocity which is measured relative to
the moving fluid
vM= The molar average velocity of the whole fluid relative to
a stationary point

C A A  C A Ad  C A M
C A A  C A Ad  C A M
CAVA can be represented by the flux NA. This is the
total flux of A relative to the stationary point.

N A  J A  C A M JA* is diffusion flux relative to the moving fluid.
CAVM is the convective flux of A relative to the
stationary point.

N  C M  N A  N B

N is the total convective flux of the whole stream relative to the stationary point.

N A  NB NA  JA

(N A  NB )
M 
dxA C A
N A  CD AB  (N A  NB )
dz C

dxB CB
N B  CDBA  (N A  NB )
dz C

For equimolar counter diffusion, NA = -NB

Then, NA = JA* = -NB = - JB*

Special Case for A Diffusing Through Stagnant, Nondiffusing B

dxA C A
N A  CD AB  (N A  NB )
dz C
NB = 0 (B cannot difuse)

dxA C A
N A  CD AB  ( N A  0)
dz C
Keeping the total pressure P constant, substituting C =P/RT, pA = xAP and CA/C=pA/P
DAB dpA p A
NA    NA
RT dz P
 pA  DAB dpA
N A 1  
 P  RT dz
z2 PA 2
N A  dz   p dpA
RT A1 1 
DAB P P  pA2
NA   ln
RT z2  z1  P  p A1
P  p A1  pB1  p A2  pB2
pB1  P  p A1 and pB2  P  p A2

pB2  pB1 p A1  p A 2
pBM 
 pB2  ( P  p A2 ) 
ln  ln  
 p B1   ( P  p A )
1 

NA  ( p A1  p A2 )
RT z 2  z1  pBM

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