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Loebner Prize


Every year the Loebner Prize is awarded to the program that comes closest to passing a version of the
Turing Test.

Research and report on the latest winner of the Loebner prize. What techniques does it use? How does it
advance the state of the art in Al in 2023?


- Word count requirement is between 200 and 500 words

- Handwritten and image-based (jpg/png) answers will be immediately rejected


Note: Answers must be 100% original. Any plagiarism will result in your application being rejected.

You should use your own words and ideas.

You may include quotes from outside sources that are up to one (1) sentence long only. All quotes must
be cited with the appropriate format.

Paraphrasing outside sources without the respective citations and failing to add your own ideas is

Taking your own ideas that are published elsewhere and not properly citing them is plagiarism.

Copying text generated by artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT is plagiarism.

2. ER Diagram


Draw an ER diagram for a University Database based on description below:

The UNIVERSITY database keeps track of students and courses.

For each student, there is a unique student ID, name, address, gender, birth date, degree, the
department that supervises his/her studies, and the courses in which the student is enrolled.

For each course the student has done, there is information about the grade the student obtained. For
each course, the database should store its name (not unique), code (unique), course description, the
department it is offered by, number of points, instructors) who teaches it and the date of the final exam.
Assume that every department offers at least one course, and each course is offered by a single

Each instructor is described by his/her name, IRD number, address, home phone number, office and
phone number, gender, birth date, salary and position (lecturer, senior lecturer, associate professor or
Each department has a unique name, the total number of students supervised by the department. Each
department is managed by one instructor, and contains several instructor. Each instructor works in just
one department.

Student can belong to any number of clubs. A club has a unique name, budget, meeting day and meeting
time. The club must have some student members in order to exist, and clubs can sponsor any number of

Each activity has a unique id, type, date, time, and location. Each activity is sponsored by exactly one
club. Each club is assigned an instructor as the moderator.

An instructor may sponsor more than one club.

You need to draw entities with their attributes. You need to underline key attribute. If there is a weak
entity you need to use a double rectangle. Partial key needs dash underline. You also need to draw
diamond to represent relationships. Lines connecting entities should be clearly marked as either single
or double line to represent partial or full participation.

You should also mark each relationship with ratios like 1:1, 1:N, N:1, or M:N


- Word count requirement is between 200 and 500 words

- Handwritten and image-based (jpg/png) answers will be immediately rejected


Note: Answers must be 100% original. Any plagiarism will result in your application being rejected.

You should use your own words and ideas.

You may include quotes from outside sources that are up to one (1) sentence long only. All quotes must
be cited with the appropriate format.

Paraphrasing outside sources without the respective citations and failing to add your own ideas is

Taking your own ideas that are published elsewhere and not properly citing them is plagiarism.

Copying text generated by artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT is plagiarism.

3. CCB Project Analysis


Consider the following list of CCB Projects:

Pick one project to research further. Provide context about the causes and impacts of the project, then
describe how these efforts will impact yourself, your family, or your community's online practices. Be
sure to include links to your research/references.

- Word count requirement is between 200 and 500 words

- Handwritten and image-based (jpg/png) answers will be immediately rejected


Note: Answers must be 100% original. Any plagiarism will result in your application being rejected.

You should use your own words and ideas.

You may include quotes from outside sources that are up to one (1) sentence long only. All quotes must
be cited with the appropriate format.

Paraphrasing outside sources without the respective citations and failing to add your own ideas is

Taking your own ideas that are published elsewhere and not properly citing them is plagiarism.

Copying text generated by artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT is plagiarism.

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