TEST - Cancer-Parasite

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The Cancer-Parasite Connection:

How to Effectively Purge Your Body

with Research-Proven Natural
Detoxification Protocols

Dr. Bryan Ardis:..................................................................................................................2
Dr. Mark Sherwood...................................................................................................... 3
Chapter 1: Understanding Parasites..........................................................................................3
Parasitic Origins: Unraveling the Mystery of Their Existence.................................................. 3
Dr. Bryan Ardis.............................................................................................................3
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt.................................................................................................. 4
The Body's Unwanted Guests: Types and Impact of Parasites............................................... 4
Dr. Bryan Ardis.............................................................................................................5
Dr. Lee Merritt.............................................................................................................. 5
The Primary Types of Parasites.........................................................................................6
Animal Parasites and Their Effect on Agriculture.............................................................. 7
Impact of Parasites............................................................................................................ 7
Investigating the Connection: Parasites and Cancer......................................................... 8
Dr. Bryan Ardis.............................................................................................................8
Chapter 2: The Silent Invaders - Recognizing Symptoms and Signs................................... 11
Dr. Bryan Ardis:................................................................................................................ 11
Recognizing Physical Symptoms........................................................................................... 11
Chronic Health Issues and Parasites.....................................................................................12
Chapter 3: Detoxification Strategies........................................................................................13
The Importance of Detoxing.................................................................................................. 13
Dr. Cathleen Gerenger...............................................................................................13
Dr. Ed Group.............................................................................................................. 15
Liver Detox.............................................................................................................................16
Natural Methods for Detoxifying the Body From Parasites....................................................16
Dr. Cathleen Gerenger...............................................................................................16
Dr. Jack Wolfson........................................................................................................ 18
Essential Flows for Detox Success........................................................................................21
Dr. Daniel Nuzum.......................................................................................................21
Short-Term and Long-Term Detox Strategies....................................................................... 24
Short-Term Detox Recipes...............................................................................................25
Long-Term Detox Recipes............................................................................................... 27
Dietary Changes and Lifestyle Adjustments.......................................................................... 29
Dr. Bryan Ardis...........................................................................................................29
Urotherapy....................................................................................................................... 29
Dr. Edward Group...................................................................................................... 29
The Mind and The Body...................................................................................................31
Dr. Cathleen Gerenger...............................................................................................31
Red Light Therapy........................................................................................................... 32
Dr. Jana Schmidt........................................................................................................32
Chapter 4: Strengthening Your Defense - Building a Resilient Body................................... 33
Boosting the Immune System to Resist Future Parasitic Infections and Maintaining a Healthy
Gut Flora................................................................................................................................33
Preventive Measures and Habits for Long-Term Wellness.................................................... 34
Journey to Wellness: Inspiring Success Stories....................................................................35
Nicole Pavlik.............................................................................................................. 35
Conclusion................................................................................................................................. 38
Dr. Bryan Adris:................................................................................................................38
References................................................................................................................................. 39
Rough Work............................................................................................................................... 40

Dr. Bryan Ardis:
“If we address parasites, we can free a lot of people of their symptoms.”

Welcome to "Parasite Purge: Unlocking Your Body's Natural Detoxification System." In

the modern world, our bodies navigate a constant barrage of environmental toxins and
potential invaders—parasites. This book serves as your guide on a transformative
journey, unveiling the intricacies of your body's natural detoxification system.

In this comprehensive exploration, we delve into the mysterious realm of parasites,

understanding their origins, types, and the often subtle but impactful signs they leave
behind. As we navigate through the chapters, we'll uncover the silent invaders that may
go undetected, exploring their long-term effects on our health.

Dr. Mark Sherwood

“When we look at our detox system, this is an amazing system that God made.
It has multiple phases, but let's shorten it to 3. Phase 1 is the recognition of a
toxin and the beginning of the transition, changing the toxic substance to a
substance that we can eliminate. Phase 2 is called conjugation, and Phase 3
is called elimination. Elimination takes place through three main pathways:
urine, feces, and sweat. There are others, but for simplicity's sake, we'll go right
there. Why do we have a detox system? It's because inside of us we produce
what's called endotoxins. Some bacteria and toxins are produced through
normal living, through being a human. That's why we have it. I think God
probably knew that we're gonna be faced with toxins in our environment so he
gave us a healthy detox system.”

Our detox system, a marvel crafted by nature, or as Dr. Sherwood eloquently puts it, a
divine gift, stands as a testament to our body's resilience and adaptive brilliance.

Your journey towards optimal well-being continues, guided by the wisdom of your body's
natural detoxification system. Embrace it, honor it, and let it be your steadfast
companion on the path to a vibrant and healthy life.

Chapter 1: Understanding Parasites

Parasitic Origins: Unraveling the Mystery of Their Existence

Dr. Bryan Ardis

“70% of all autoimmune cases I've ever seen in my practice were actually
caused by parasites.”

Parasites are organisms that live on or in a host and obtain their food from or at the
expense of the host. They can cause diseases in humans and other
animals.Throughout human history, we have encountered a wide variety of parasites,
including approximately 300 species of helminth worms and over 70 species of
protozoa. While many of these parasites are rare and accidental, there are about 90
relatively common species that can cause significant diseases.
The field of parasitology has a close relationship with tropical medicine since many
parasitic diseases are prevalent in tropical regions. However, the history of human
parasitology goes beyond this connection. Our understanding of parasites and parasitic
infections is intertwined with the history of the human race. The spread and distribution
of parasites around the world have been greatly influenced by human activities.

Parasitism can be observed in various forms in the animal kingdom. Some examples
include intraspecific social parasitism, brood parasitism, and kleptoparasitism In
intraspecific social parasitism, individual young take milk from unrelated females, even
in cases where there is no reciprocation. Brood parasitism occurs when hosts raise the
young of other species as their own, often by leaving their eggs in the nests of other
species. Kleptoparasitism refers to the act of stealing food or resources from another

The origins of parasitism and the evolution of parasites are subjects of scientific interest.
Recent research has shed light on the evolution of parasitic relationships and the
adaptations that parasites have developed over millions of years. It is estimated that
nearly half of all animal species may have a parasitic lifestyle, but the exact number of
transitions to parasitism and their impact on species diversification are still being

Paleoparasitology (2), a discipline focused on the study of parasites in ancient

materials, has played a pivotal role in unraveling the mysteries surrounding the
evolution, paleoepidemiology, ecology, and phylogenetics of infectious diseases.
Through the examination of historical remains, this field provides valuable insights into
the dynamic interplay between parasites and their hosts across different eras and
geographical locations.

An estimated number exceeding 300,000 individuals in the United States currently live
with the parasite responsible for Chagas disease. Additionally, the concerning statistics
reveal that more than 300 babies are born infected with the disease annually in the
United States.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt

“Well, the parasites are a whole other thing, but parasites are a huge issue
that is completely underestimated and undertreated.”

The Body's Unwanted Guests: Types and Impact of Parasites

Humans can be impacted by three primary types of parasites: protozoa, helminths,
and ectoparasites. These organisms have the capability to reside on or within the
human body, potentially leading to the onset of diverse diseases.

The presence of these parasites is frequently linked to the consumption of

contaminated food or water. However, it's important to note that insects and other
animals can also serve as carriers for these parasites, contributing to their

Dr. Bryan Ardis

“And then if you have parasites, parasites typically come from water sources
or your pets and that's usually how you get them. You need to be very mindful of
where it is when your report comes back, when it tells you what kind of parasite
you have, it also tells you in the report where the most likely sources are you're
being contaminated from. If it is your pet, make sure you're not kissing your pet's
fur, petting the fur, and not washing your hands before you touch your mouth
because that's how the eggs of those parasites get inside your body. And
90% of all human beings in America, supposedly, have parasites, per the
CDC, and then 100%, say parasitologists, 100% of all pet owners of dogs
and cats all have parasites. They're all convinced they do. You need to be very
careful about how you let your dogs and cats lick on you, lick your hands, and
then touch your mouth without washing your hands. You transfer the eggs of
those parasites onto your hands when you touch them, touch your mouth,
swallow the eggs, and then they hatch inside your body.”

Pets have the potential to harbor and transmit parasites to humans. Certain parasites
found in dogs and cats can infect people, with a higher likelihood of transmission
from young animals like puppies and kittens that carry roundworms and hookworms.

Furthermore, wild animals may serve as carriers of parasites that can also affect
humans. For instance, individuals can contract the raccoon parasite Baylisascaris if they
inadvertently ingest soil contaminated with feces from infected raccoons. Awareness of
these potential transmissions highlights the importance of preventive measures and
responsible pet care.
Dr. Lee Merritt

“So for example, one of the big problems I keep mentioning is parasites.

If they know we are riddled with parasites, but we don't know that, then they can
release those parasites like a time bomb. And they can do that by damaging our
immune system. The way parasites work in the body is we all get them. And we
were told, unfortunately, in American medical schools that we didn't need to deal
with them ‘cause those were Third World country problems. But that's not true.
One of the factoids I remember from medical school is that you're more at risk of
having MS if you had a lap dog before the age of 5 and I remembered it because
I thought that's such a funny fact. Why would that have anything to do with a
neurologic disease, having a dog when you were 4 years old? Well, it's because
look at little kids, they get licked on the face by the dogs, and dogs have
parasites, but they are never treated in America today. We used to, but now we
don't treat children for parasites.
You might treat the dog. And why, if you think the dog has parasites, so do
humans. And so, the bottom line here is we purposely were misled about the
parasites so that they've been building up in generations of us and we've gone
untreated. We haven't been paying attention to a major health threat and that
can't be by accident. And now, they come along with ways of dumbing down
our immune system in such a way that allows the parasites to become
active. So what happens in the body is you accumulate parasites over a lifetime
in your body. It walls them off into little cysts. You're young and your immune
system is very good, it keeps the parasites in those cysts in check. But if
something happens to you that causes your immune system to go down, either
you've got a bad diet, you get older, older people have problems that you don't
have when you're young.”

The Primary Types of Parasites

The three primary types of parasites causing diseases in humans are

ectoparasites, helminths, and protozoans. (3)

1. Ectoparasites: These parasites live on the exterior of their host and are often
vectors transmitting infections through blood. Examples include fleas, head lice,
pubic lice, mites, and ticks. Fleas and lice can be transmitted through close
contact or sharing personal items, while ticks are commonly found in wooded
areas or grassy fields.

2. Helminths: These parasitic worms reside in the gastrointestinal tract, ranging

from greater than 1 millimeter to over 1 meter in size. The main types include
flukes, tapeworms, and roundworms. Flukes spread through contaminated
water or aquatic animals, tapeworms in undercooked meat or contaminated food
and water, and roundworms through infected soil.
3. Protozoans: One-celled organisms not visible to the naked eye, protozoans may
live in the intestines or blood. They spread through contaminated food or water,
person-to-person contact, or vectors. Examples include amoebas causing
dysentery, ciliates causing dysentery (Balantidium coli), flagellates causing
giardiasis (Giardia intestinalis) and sleeping sickness (Trypanosoma brucei), and
sporozoans causing malaria (Plasmodium) and cryptosporidiosis

Animal Parasites and Their Effect on Agriculture

During the mid-to-late 1800s, a significant challenge confronted the U.S. Department of
Agriculture (USDA): the identification, comprehension, and development of effective
controls against parasites affecting American livestock. The surge in commercial
livestock production, fueled by advancements in transportation and trade both
domestically and internationally, necessitated a proactive approach. Farmers and
ranchers, facing the imperative to minimize parasite-related damage for market
competitiveness, urged government intervention. In response, Congress took action
in 1886 by establishing the Zoological Division within the USDA's Bureau of
Animal Industry. This division included a dedicated laboratory focused on the study of
animal parasites, aiming to unravel their modes of transmission and explore potential
control measures.

External parasites (5) can be a constant source of irritation for hosts, causing issues
like biting, embedding, or skin irritation. Serious diseases such as mange and scabies
can result from these external parasites, impacting the health and growth of animals.

On the other hand, internal parasites reside within an animal's blood or tissues. They
may enter the body through the ingestion of contaminated food or water, or by
burrowing through the skin to reach the bloodstream, where they settle in preferred
locations to mature and reproduce. Internal parasites often disrupt digestion and
nutrient absorption, leading to poor growth, temporary or permanent injuries, and in
severe cases, death.

Both external and internal parasites have the potential to weaken an animal's immune
system, creating conditions conducive to bacterial diseases. In severe instances, these
diseases can prove fatal.

Impact of Parasites
Parasites can have significant impacts on human health and well-being. Some of the
effects of parasitic infections include the following:

● Disease Transmission: Parasites can carry and transmit diseases to their hosts.
These diseases can range from mild to severe and can affect various organs and
systems in the body.
● Nutritional Deficiencies: Some parasites can interfere with the absorption of
nutrients in the host's body, leading to malnutrition and other related health
● Organ Damage: Certain parasites can cause damage to organs and tissues in
the host's body. For example, liver flukes can cause liver damage, while intestinal
parasites can lead to inflammation and damage to the intestines.
● Immune System Response: Parasitic infections can trigger immune responses
in the host's body, leading to inflammation and other immune-related symptoms.
● Economic and Social Impact: Parasitic infections can have economic and
social consequences, particularly in developing countries. They can affect
productivity, cause healthcare costs, and impact the overall well-being of affected
individuals and communities.

Investigating the Connection: Parasites and Cancer

Dr. Bryan Ardis

Jonathan Otto
“Dr. Ardis, the emphasis that you've been putting here to me is extraordinarily
helpful and I am super grateful for you because my whole interest has been on
finding the root cause of disease across the board. And you've been working in
this field looking at root cause for a disease across the board, including cancer,
autoimmune disease, the whole list, neurodegenerative disease. And for me, the
dedication that we've all, for those that really want to uncover the truth and help
people and help people heal, we've had to be dedicated to the process of
helping people find answers for the actual real root causes. And so for me, the
parasitic infection aspect, perhaps around 5 or 6 years ago became very clear
to me. Maybe even 8 years ago, I started doing a lot of research, a lot of
publishing of information on these subjects and saw a huge connection
between parasites and cancer.

And when I was producing for The Truth About Cancer, that was very
eye-opening for me and I felt compelled to get that information to the world. So
come fast forward to where we are here and now. Seeing the venom aspect to
me has been critical for not just understanding long haul COVID symptoms for
vaccine injuries from the COVID vaccines, but also childhood vaccines and
other vaccines like the flu shot. And most importantly, the connection between
animal venom, synthetic animal venom, the mRNA tech and degenerative
disease of all kinds. And that to me has been one of the most shocking and
eye-opening aspects of this. And to me, the reason why I'm so compelled and
excited to share it is not because it brings the message of doom and gloom is,
but rather because it brings a message of hope and healing. And I am very clear
in my mind and my heart that these discoveries that you and others that we're
collectively publishing is actually gonna be responsible for the most
remarkable and dramatic recoveries of all kinds of all different conditions and
bring so much healing and health to the world. And potentially be part of the
greatest reclaiming of health and the greatest exodus from disease and death
that has ever been seen. So, I'm super grateful to be in this moment in time.”

Dr. Bryan Ardis

“I'm just as thrilled, actually. So, like you mentioned in your research for The
Truth About Cancer series coming across parasites, it's influence on health. I
guarantee, in your research you started to realize that medical professionals in
this country of the United States, they aren't even educated in med school
on parasitic infections. I found that very odd. For 20 years, I've been
educating people on parasites in my own patients in my clinic. In their
connection to cancers, in their connection to autoimmune diseases, in the
connection to all digestive tract diagnosis of any kind–Crohn's, celiacs,
IBS–most of those are parasitic. And as you treated them for parasites, you
would eliminate all their symptoms for good, but they never had any relief before
that. So, that was always shocking to me. And then, it was shocking to hear
medical doctors say this to my patients in America, "Don't listen to Dr. Ardis."

This is 20 years ago "Don't listen to Dr. Ardis. There are no parasites that exist in
America." And then, I'd go like this, "Really? Go to the CDC's website. Right
now, they even have a published document titled Parasites in America. And
that even discloses that 90 million Americans, they believe, currently have
parasites in this country, primarily of the protozoa type, which there's four
main types of parasites. So in your discoveries about parasites, that is a big aha
moment for one way in which disease and symptoms could be being caused by
an underlying cause not being identified by the medical profession at all. They're
not even educated on that at all. That is a very big miss. And if you never teach
the medical doctors to go looking for that possible vector for the patient's
symptoms and just tell them they don't exist in America.

What's interesting is, all you're left with is, “Let's drug you for your
symptoms for the rest of your life 'cause we don't know what's causing
your symptoms.” Well, if you're not educated on what the weaponry is or the
cause of the disease, which was parasites in the scenario, you would never
get rid of the root cause. You would forever be treating just the symptoms.
This correlates right to the huge, incredible revelation to me that I believe was
directly led by God and a few other medical doctors who were pointing me in a
direction to go look for stuff I never even would've thought of. They didn't think I
was gonna find it either. I did not wanna know that there was a correlation to
venoms and COVID. I didn't wanna know they were putting snake venom
phosphodiesterase in the COVID-19 shots. I didn't want to know that. There
was no part of me that wanted to know that.

Jonathan Otto
“Bryan, do you remember when we were having a conversation, I asked you, are
they putting animal venom in these shots? Do you remember that? It was
live. We were recording. You used the word poison. You said there's a poison.
And I said, is it animal venom? And based on the heart attack gun, and you
hadn't released the information yet. You could see how our God was just stirring
the waters of our realization, directing our minds.”

Dr. Bryan Ardis

“So, to fast track your realities, for example, could cancers, could diseases in
America be caused by parasites that I've never even heard of in America being
a problem? That was an aha moment for you of both deception in the medical
profession to not even look for that possible root cause of symptoms which is
causing massive amounts of millions of people in America to suffer with illness
and disease, medically diagnosed. Parasites do cause those. You just aren't
looking for them, medical profession. Just like that revelation for you, what has
become miraculous out of the now understanding that geneticists already figured
out that spike proteins of COVID, which was the only thing that separated
SARS-CoV-2 from SARS-CoV-1, they called MERS and SARS. The only thing
different were these two venom proteins from two snakes that target nicotine
receptors. Why was this an aha moment?”

Cancer is a life-threatening condition characterized by uncontrolled cell proliferation in

various body tissues, while parasites are harmful organisms that can lead to death.
(10) Both cancer and parasites share similarities in their ability to independently grow,
resist apoptosis, and evade the immune system. This makes it challenging for the body
to eliminate them completely. Research, including in vitro and animal studies, reveals
that some parasites can directly cause cancer, while others indirectly stimulate
cancer development. Interestingly, certain parasites can elicit an immune response
with antitumoral activity. Parasites can exhibit both tumoral and antitumoral effects by
influencing immune responses, preventing metastasis, regulating angiogenesis,
inhibiting proliferative signals, and modulating inflammatory responses associated with
cancer development.

You know, cancer can be caused by a bunch of things around us. Turns out, infections
from viruses, bacteria, and parasites have been linked to causing cancer in
humans. Let's dive into the details a bit. Certain parasitic diseases like
schistosomiasis, opisthorchiasis, and clonorchiasis are pretty bad—they're highly
likely to lead to cancer.

Now, malaria itself doesn't seem to directly cause cancer, but it's closely tied to a type of
cancer called endemic Burkitt lymphoma in areas where malaria is widespread. For this
particular cancer, the Epstein-Barr virus plays a role in getting things started. There's
also this parasite called Strongyloides stercoralis, and it seems to team up with
HTLV-1 to possibly cause T cell lymphomas.(11)

Now, here's where it gets wild. Ever heard about intracellular eukaryotic parasites?
They're like the hidden players in the cancer game, not getting as much attention.These
intracellular parasites decide to play puppet master with our cells. They go ahead
and induce host cell transformation. They hijack pathways, mess with the host cell's
epigenome, cellular machinery, signaling pathways—you name it. They're basically
throwing a wild party in there, tweaking the same pathways that go haywire during
cancer onset.

Chapter 2: The Silent Invaders - Recognizing Symptoms and


Dr. Bryan Ardis:

“Unfortunately, medical doctors since the Flexner’s Report in 1910, have been
told in America and Canada that parasites do not exist in these countries. They
only exist in underdeveloped countries or third-world countries, and that is absolutely
not true. Even if you think that's true, go look at the CDC document that's currently on
their website right now, cdc.gov. There's actually a titled article talking about
parasites and Americans. They actually state that 90 million Americans have
parasites right now, with accompanying diseases as a direct result of those

Recognizing Physical Symptoms

When it comes to parasitic infections, recognizing physical symptoms is crucial for

early detection and appropriate treatment. Here are some common physical
symptoms that may indicate a parasitic infection:

1. Digestive Issues: Many parasitic infections can cause digestive problems such
as diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramping, bloating, and nausea. These symptoms
may be persistent or intermittent, depending on the type of parasite involved.
2. Unexplained Weight Loss: Some parasitic infections can lead to unexplained
weight loss, despite maintaining a normal diet. This can occur due to the
parasites consuming nutrients from the host's body.
3. Skin Problems: Certain parasites can cause skin-related symptoms such as
itching, rashes, sores, or ulcers. These symptoms may be localized or spread
across different parts of the body.
4. Fatigue and Weakness: Parasitic infections can cause fatigue, weakness, and a
general feeling of being unwell. This can be a result of the parasites disrupting
the body's normal functioning and nutrient absorption.
5. Anemia: Some parasites feed on blood, leading to a decrease in red blood cell
count and causing anemia. Symptoms of anemia include fatigue, weakness, pale
skin, and shortness of breath.
6. Allergic Reactions: In some cases, parasitic infections can trigger allergic
reactions in the host's body. This can manifest as hives, itching, swelling, or
difficulty breathing.
7. Muscle and Joint Pain: Certain parasitic infections can cause muscle and joint
pain, similar to arthritis. This can make movement uncomfortable and limit

It's important to note that these symptoms can vary depending on the type of
parasite and the specific infection. Additionally, some parasitic infections may not cause
any noticeable symptoms initially, making it essential to seek medical attention if you
suspect a possible infection.
Chronic Health Issues and Parasites

Parasitic infections can sometimes go undiagnosed for extended periods and may
contribute to chronic health conditions. While parasites can live in the intestines
without causing noticeable symptoms, they can still have an impact on the body. Here
are some common signs and symptoms of parasitic infections that can lead to chronic
health issues: (6)

1. Digestive Issues: Parasitic infections can cause digestive problems such as

diarrhea, constipation, or excessive gas.
2. Skin Disorders: Some parasitic infections can manifest as skin disorders like
eczema, hives, or chronic itching without an apparent cause.
3. Fatigue: Chronic fatigue, even after a good night's sleep, can be a symptom of a
parasitic infection.
4. Teeth Grinding: Grinding your teeth while sleeping, also known as bruxism, can
be associated with certain parasitic infections.
5. Nutrient Deficiencies: Parasites can deplete the body's resources, leading to
nutrient deficiencies, particularly anemia.
6. Anxiety: In some cases, parasitic infections can contribute to anxiety, possibly
due to nutrient deficiencies.
7. Muscle or Joint Pain: Certain parasitic infections can cause muscle or joint
8. Rectal Itching: Itching around the rectum can be a sign of certain parasitic

It's important to note that these symptoms can vary depending on the type of parasite
and the individual's immune response.

Chapter 3: Detoxification Strategies

The Importance of Detoxing

Detoxifying the body is a popular concept that involves the idea of eliminating toxins
from the body to improve health and promote weight loss. However, it's important to
note that the body has its own natural detoxification processes and doesn't
necessarily require special diets or expensive supplements to eliminate toxins.
The liver, along with other organs like the kidneys, plays a crucial role in the body's
natural detoxification process. The liver filters toxins and waste products from the
bloodstream, metabolizes nutrients and medications, and helps maintain overall health
Supporting liver health is considered important in the detoxification process because the
liver is responsible for processing and eliminating potential toxins, including
those that may be associated with parasites.

Dr. Cathleen Gerenger

“Detoxing the body is beneficial because what happens is the foods that we
eat, the stuff we put on our skin and our broken record, our mental state, is really
important for our body to step back and say, "Okay, what can I do to step away
from that? What can I do to protect my body so my body won't break down?" It's
almost like a car. You have to give it a tune-up, give it an oil change.

The importance of detoxing is that everything goes through your liver. So,
you have to make sure your liver is nice and clean. When you pour, just think
about a funnel and a spigot. You pour water in or you pour whatever liquid you
do, you pour it in. And then what happens is that when that funnel gets full, it
starts to overflow. When that liquid starts to overflow, it seeps into different parts
of the body, and we might call that leaky gut. We might give it the term leaky gut
that can create joint aches and pain, that can create hair loss, and that it can
create symptoms like insomnia, weight gain, or skin-related problems.

What we want to do when we detox the body is open that spigot, so then the
water goes through, so the new water comes in. So, it actually helps to funnel it
out and detox your body, get rid of the toxin so your body, especially your
liver, is able to get the proper nutrients back in and it has to go through your
liver and then it goes through your digestive tract, too. It is important for us to
detox at least a couple times a year depending on your symptoms, just to give
your body that oil change that it needs.

It's so important for us to detox our organs and the biggest organ that we
want to detox is our liver. It's so important for us to clean up the liver a little bit,
and I'll talk a little bit about what herbs and vegetables can you intake on your
own or through supplementation to keep that liver nice and clean.

Liver detox is really important because your thyroid hormones convert

between the inactive form of thyroid to the active form of thyroid in your
liver and your gut. So, detoxify your liver, and also detoxify your colon.
Your colon is your gut microbiome that's able to absorb all the good
nutrients that it's able to help your body heal, and it makes all the
neurotransmitters so your brain can function properly. It's also important for
us to do what we call a parasite detox. Just like I mentioned, I have this
beautiful spring lettuce top thingy, and then I'm about to eat it, and I look at it and
I see these little creatures that are on my lettuce and I was like, "Oh, my gosh, it's
a 3-wash but it's still there." Of course, it's organic. Of course, if my microbiome
is nice and healthy, my body might be able to get rid of it.

But if your microbiome is not healthy, what's going to happen is that those
little creatures will start to hatch once when you ingest it, if it's not
digested properly, it can multiply and it can hatch and it can create more
parasites inside your microbiome. So, it's important for us to do a detox,
especially a parasite detox once in a while because we never know what we're
going to ingest. We can't live in a bubble.

And the other detox, I feel like it's so, so important, especially if those out there
that have autoimmune problems or that has a history of cancer, or going through
some kind of chemo or radiation. Of course, consult with your doctor, it’s a
lymphatic detox. With a lymph detox, our lymph nodes are everywhere around
our neck, around the groin area, in our axillary area. So, a lymph detox does is
that it helps to boost your immune system.”

Dr. Ed Group
“That's why the liver is one of the most important organs in the body
because that's your detoxification organ. If it's not clean, if it's not working, if
it's not detoxifying, then all of that stuff gets pushed back into your system, and
then it gets stored in your tissues or wherever the body's going to put it, which
initiates the disease process.

So it's super important to keep your liver clean. And you have liver flukes in
your liver too, which is another harmful organism. Hulda Clark, with multiple
different conditions, identified the liver flukes. And you made a good point earlier
about having so many harmful organisms and parasites in people's bodies.
These parasites that are living in you, die. They don't have long lifespans.
They die, and your body has to process, your liver has to process, all these
dead mold and mycoplasms, and all these little, tiny organisms.

And the living ones, when they go to the bathroom in your system, they
secrete phenol, isopropyl alcohol, formaldehyde, very toxic chemicals,
because they go to the bathroom in your system every single day, and your liver
has to process that, as well.”
“That's one of many, many byproducts of different types of parasites, and
excretions. They go to the bathroom inside your system, and sometimes when
they die, their outer shell just like your cells, deteriorates. And so, if you have
millions and millions of parasites and molds and all kinds of other stuff in your
system, these are all organisms that live and die and urinate and defecate and all
kinds of stuff in your system, too. Those are just some of the many
compounds that have been identified.”

Liver Detox

The liver is indeed a vital organ in the human body. (7) It acts as the primary
filtration system, converting toxins into waste products, cleansing the blood, and
metabolizing nutrients and medications to provide the body with important proteins. The
liver plays a crucial role in maintaining overall bodily regulation and health, converting
toxins into waste products, cleansing the blood, and metabolizing nutrients and
medications. It is constantly working to filter out harmful substances and maintain the
body's internal balance.(8)

It is important to note that a healthy liver naturally cleanses itself, and an unhealthy
liver will not improve with a liver cleanse alone.

Here are some healthy options to help detox your liver and keep it healthy: (9)

● Garlic: Rich in sulfur compounds, garlic activates liver enzymes to flush out
toxins and contains selenium for detoxification.
● Green Leafy Vegetables: Bitter and green leafy veggies like spinach and
mustard greens stimulate bile flow, aiding in the cleansing process.
● Fiber-rich Foods: Apples, carrots, cauliflower, and other fiber-rich foods
accelerate toxin elimination, providing support to the digestive tract.
● Green Tea: Loaded with catechins, and plant-based antioxidants, green tea
assists liver function and helps eliminate liver fat accumulation. Drinking 2-3 cups
daily is recommended for a healthy liver.
● Turmeric: Renowned for its potency, turmeric is a powerful spice that safeguards
the liver, preventing damage and promoting the regeneration of healthy liver cells
while boosting bile production and gallbladder function.
● Citrus Fruits: Lemon, grapefruit, and oranges, rich in Vitamin C and
antioxidants, serve as potent liver cleansers, stimulating the production of
detoxifying enzymes for optimal liver health.
● Walnuts: A significant source of arginine, walnuts support liver cleansing, and
their high content of glutathione and Omega-3 fatty acids further aids in liver
detoxification, making them a crucial nut for liver-friendly nutrition.

Natural Methods for Detoxifying the Body From Parasites

Dr. Cathleen Gerenger

“One of the natural way that you can do a little detox on your own is dry brushing.
You can dry brush, and hit those little lymph node areas because it helps
lymphatic drainage and your lymph nodes is important because that's part of your
immune system. So, parasite detox, lymph detox, colon detox, and also liver

One thing that I love about natural supplementation or natural remedies or even
natural vegetables and herbs is that our body has the ability to heal itself if we
provide it with the right kind of stuff. And a lot of people out there that do
follow me on social media or TV, what I do is I talk a lot about food because I
love food. I'm a big foodie. One of my favorite things that I like to cook or I like to
throw in my salad is called dandelion roots. Dandelion roots is so beneficial,
especially for your liver. It helps the body to naturally detox. Also, you can add
supplementation. It's called milk thistle. Milk thistle is another great detoxifier
for the liver. Usually with milk thistle. The medical name for it is called silymarin.
So, it's used interchangeably and it helps between the milk thistle and the
dandelion to keep your liver nice and clean. It's almost like a little detoxification
for the liver. And that dandelion tastes a little bit bitter, which is okay. You just
shred in a little piece and just throw it into your salad. And sometimes I saute it
with a little bit of grapeseed oil. Grapeseed oil can cook it at a higher heat.
Sometimes with olive oil, when we cook it too high of a heat, it can be rancid.

So, when your olive oil gets rancid, it cannot do what it needs to do to provide all
the health benefits. And we're on the oil tangent. Let's stay away from canola
oil and vegetable oil because those are the two oils that can be rancid that can
counteract the antioxidants in your body and it can promote a higher amount of
free radical damage. A free radical is something that you don't want, and what it
is, is that it can age you or create wrinkles or lead to other illnesses and
other diseases long-term.

Another thing that I love is it's called bentonite clay. I was like, "Wow, what is
this?" I remember looking into it. It is just amazing. You can ingest it, or I see it a
lot at a spa, at more of the healthy type of spa, organic spa where they use it as
a mask.
It helps to detoxify the body and it detoxifies your skin, so it keeps your
skin nice and healthy. And what it has in there is it's rich in minerals. Minerals
such as calcium, magnesium, silica, things that help to promote collagen. And
when our body starts to, unfortunately, biologically ages, that's when the wrinkle
starts to show up. So, bentonite clay helps to keep your skin nice and smooth,
and it helps to promote your body's natural collagen.

Psyllium husk is one of those fibers, I call them soluble fiber. When we eat
foods, especially vegetables, and things like that, it's important for us to also add
more soluble fiber. What soluble fiber does is that it helps to regulate our
digestive tract and move our bowel movements smoothly out of our large
intestines so it doesn't just sit there and create some kind of constipation or
irritable bowel syndrome. So, anybody who has digestive issues or has a history
of constipation or even high cholesterol, adding soluble fiber like psyllium husk
helps to move that bowel.

Apple pectin. Apple pectin is another one that I love, especially one of the
ingredients that helps to aid with digestion. I hear so many, so many, especially
my teenage girls or even my 25-year-old, all the way up to the 35 to 45 age
group that always suffer from acid reflux or stomach digestive issues or even
cramping around their menstrual cycle. I usually say, "Make sure that your
digestive tract's nice and clean." And apple pectin, believe it or not, not only
helps with digestion, but it releases intestinal spasms. So, it kind of calms their
digestive tract down. Sometimes if women out there are going through cramping
during their menstrual cycle, I would say take magnesium, about 250 milligrams
to 500 milligrams of magnesium helps with the cramping. Instead of just popping
what we call ibuprofen or aspirin or painkillers, you can approach it more

Wormwood. We talk about wormwood, and wormwood is really important when

it comes to parasites. We mention the parasites and how these little creatures
can hatch and have little hatchings and they can create a disturbance in your
microbiome that can create a leaky gut, that can create all sorts of skin rash, acid
reflux, indigestion, or even bloating. Sometimes what we want to do is that when
we incorporate wormwood in there, it's almost like, they call it bitters. It's
important for us to have some bitters in our dietary habits.”

Dr. Jack Wolfson

“And in addition to those binders, which is often called Phase III detoxification,
we also need Phase I and Phase II detoxifiers. And these are where products like
milk thistle, dandelion come into play. Ginger for example is another fantastic.
Fennel seed is another fantastic way to promote liver health and therefore
excrete a lot of those environmental toxins. So those are all wonderful
strategies that really are effective and we've seen a lot of success with that.

Now when it comes to parasites, parasites like Borrelia, Bartonella, Babesia,

and others, they clearly affect the body. And there are fantastic strategies again
to destroy those parasites. And again, products that typically are well-known,
black walnut, wormwood are all fantastic strategies. Clover, black cumin
seed, a lot of these different things can be very useful to combat parasites.
Parasites are well-known to impact the cardiovascular system. I love different
strategies that go after the parasites, go after the toxins, help you mobilize these
toxins, and then put them into the gut. And then, we need the binders in there to
bind them up and excrete them out the other side.”

Let’s take a closer look at some of the ingredients that Dr. Gerenger and Dr. Wolfson

● Bentonite Clay:
○ Benefit: Natural detoxifier and binder.
○ Detox Role: Binds to toxins in the digestive tract, aiding in their removal
from the body.
● Calcium:
○ Benefit: Essential mineral for overall health.
○ Detox Role: Supports cellular function and assists in neutralizing acidic
● Magnesium:
○ Benefit: Vital for various bodily functions.
○ Detox Role: Acts as a cofactor for detox enzymes, promoting toxin
● Silica:
○ Benefit: Supports connective tissue health.
○ Detox Role: Assists in the removal of heavy metals from the body.
● Psyllium Husk:
○ Benefit: Excellent source of soluble fiber.
○ Detox Role: Promotes bowel regularity and binds to toxins, aiding in their
● Soluble Fiber:
○ Benefit: Supports digestive health.
○ Detox Role: Binds to toxins in the digestive tract, facilitating their removal.
● Apple Pectin:
○ Benefit: Natural fiber found in apples.
○ Detox Role: Acts as a binder, aiding in the elimination of heavy metals
and other toxins.
● Milk Thistle:
○ Benefit: Supports Phase I and Phase II detoxification.
○ Detox Role: Enhances liver function, aiding in the breakdown and
elimination of toxins.
● Dandelion:
○ Benefit: Acts as a Phase I and Phase II detoxifier.
○ Detox Role: Supports liver health, facilitating the detoxification process.
● Ginger:
○ Benefit: Supports overall detoxification processes.
○ Detox Role: Exhibits anti-inflammatory properties, aids digestion, and
contributes to toxin elimination.
● Fennel Seed:
○ Benefit: Promotes liver health and detoxification.
○ Detox Role: Supports the liver in expelling environmental toxins.
● Black Walnut:
○ Benefit: Effective against parasites.
○ Detox Role: Known for its anti-parasitic properties, particularly against
parasites like Borrelia, Bartonella, and Babesia.
● Wormwood:
○ Benefit: Addresses parasitic infections.
○ Detox Role: Works synergistically with other herbs to combat parasites
and promote detoxification.
● Clover:
○ Benefit: Supports detoxification and overall health.
○ Detox Role: Assists in eliminating toxins from the body.
● Black Cumin Seed:
○ Benefit: Known for its anti-parasitic properties.
○ Detox Role: Effective against various parasites and supports overall

There are some other common herbal remedies and supplements for parasite
cleansing such as:

● Grapefruit Seed Extract: Grapefruit seed extract is thought to have

antimicrobial properties, and some people use it as part of a parasite cleanse. It
is available in liquid form.
● Oregano Oil: Oregano oil contains compounds like carvacrol that have
antimicrobial properties. It is available as a supplement and is believed to be
effective against parasites.
● Berberine: Found in various plants, berberine has demonstrated antimicrobial
properties. It is available as a supplement and may support a healthy gut
● Turmeric: Turmeric is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
Some believe it may have benefits in supporting the body during a parasite
● Pumpkin Seed Extract: Pumpkin seeds contain compounds that may help
paralyze and expel parasites. Pumpkin seed extract supplements are available
for this purpose.

Essential Flows for Detox Success

Dr. Daniel Nuzum

“Well, what is detox? Detox is you have short-term detox and long-term
detox. Short-term detox is getting everything flowing in the body. We have
five things that have to flow properly in order to progress from detox. One
is airflow. You have to be able to breathe. That has to be stable. And then we
have to get all, if you've got a bunch of mucus in your system, we got to get that
flowing, and the flowing out, out of the way. That's number one. Number two, in
detox, your blood has to be moving. So if your blood isn't flowing well, we have
to do something to clear that so that blood moves freely.

It has to be circulating. And right on the coattails of that, we have digestive flow.
That's the amount of time it takes to go from top to bottom, pun intended. Your
transit time in your digestive tract. The largest man I ever worked with weighed
almost 670 pounds and I worked with him for 4 years. He lost right around 450
pounds in 4 years, with no surgery. Well, he had surgery to get rid of some of the
skin that he had. He ended up having so much extra skin, that he had to have
skin removed. So here's the thing. We started talking and I said, “So how often
do you eat? He said, ”Doc, you think I missed a meal?” Taps his big old belly. I
said, ”Well, I didn't think so, but I was just wondering.” He said, ”Three square
meals a day whether I need it or not.” He says, “I like to eat.” I said, ”Okay,
alright. Good, good, okay.” I said, ”Well, how often are your bowels regular?” He
said, ”Oh yeah, I'm regular.” I said, ”Well, what's that mean to you?” He said,
”Twice a week whether I need it or not.” He said, "Like clockwork.”
And I said, ”Now, hold on. So you're telling me you eat 21 times a week, but you
only eliminate twice a week?” I said, ”Where's the other 19 meals?” He looks at
me, looks at his belly, looks back, and goes, ”No.” I said, ”It's got to go
somewhere.” Well, in his progress, we got him where he was eliminating 3 times
a day and that weight started falling off. Again, 4 years, he lost 450 pounds and
he was doing drainage detox 2 weeks at a time every month, 2 weeks on, 2
weeks off, 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off. And so drainage detox is where you get
the digestive tract moving to get things flowing. And that has to happen in
order to progress into the second stage of detox, and we were not there yet.
There are other things that have to happen as well. Once your digestive tract is
moving and you're having multiple bowel movements a day, that's when your
lymphatic system will start to drain. And your lymphatic system won't drain
effectively and you'll feel worse when it does drain until your digestive tract is
flowing properly. When you get your digestive tract flowing properly, your lymph
will drain nicely and easily, you won't have all the congestive feelings that you
end up with.

So we have respiratory flow, we have blood flow, we have digestive flow.

Then that brings us to our lymphatic flow. Our last one is urinary flow. And if
your digestive flow is slow, and if all those other ones are slow, your urinary flow
is going to be high and you're going to be peeing all the time. So if you're peeing
all the time or have urgent urination and that kind of thing, we have to get all
these other things flowing to take the pressure off your poor kidneys. Do you
realize that there are twice as many kidney replacements in our society than
there are all other transplants combined? That's crazy. What that means is
people need help with their kidneys. Well, what helps with your kidneys? Well,
first off, taking the pressure off of them. It's not just what you're putting in or what
you're not putting in. It's also taking the pressure off. If you only have x amount of
fluid in your body, if you keep taking it in, but all your circulatory pathways and
your elimination pathways are plugged up and that fluid isn't flowing well in your
body, guess what? All that you're taking in is going to have to get put right back
out again, and your kidneys are going to be stressed because of it. So how do
we do this? Well, we have to do things to get everything flowing, got to get
things moving.

Guess what happens when your system isn't circulating or flowing well?
Inflammation. Inflammation and more inflammation. That's what happens. So
we have our respiratory flow, we got to get the mucus out of our respiratory
system. We've got to get our blood flowing well. We've got to get our
digestive tract flowing well. We've got to get our lymphatic system flowing
well. We've got to get our urinary system flowing well. So we call that
drainage detox. You have to get the system draining properly. If you look up at
drnuzum.com on YouTube, you'll find an old video of mine called The Funnel.
And in that video, I explained how the body drains like a funnel. And think about
a funnel. If the bottom of the funnel is plugged up, does anything flow through
that funnel very well? Guess what happens when your bottom's plugged up?
Nothing flows very well.

And your cells are so intelligently designed that they will not start detoxing
unless you provoke them. They won't naturally start to detox until things are
flowing well through your system. So let's say you have heavy metal poisoning,
or you got environmental chemical poisoning. Or let's say you have chronic viral
bacterial or parasitic infections. Until you get everything flowing, you can't
effectively eliminate those things. They will get stuck in your system and you
will feel really bad when they do. There's a process here that has to be observed
and has to be carried out. You have to walk through a certain process of detox in
order to get to the stuff that you're trying to eliminate. Think about this. Cells
make up tissues. Tissues make up organs. Organs then make up systems
and systems make up your body. This is basic anatomy, folks. And go back,
and look up any anatomy book, it'll tell you exactly what I just said.

That tells us how things drain out of our system as well. Cells deposit their
toxins into the tissues. The tissues have to deposit those into the organs.
The organs into the systems, and the systems into the body. So it all drains
like that. Hope that makes sense. Well, the cells are so incredibly well-designed
that they're not going unless you do something to provoke them, they're not
naturally going to dump their toxins into your tissues if your tissues are already
toxic. So if things aren't flowing well, you're going to have toxins building up in
your tissues that are acting as irritants. They're going to provoke an inflammatory
response, which then slows down the circulation of everything anyway. So in this
whole process, we have to get the gut moving. We got to get the gut activated,
we've got to get things flowing, we've got to get blood moving. We've got to do
things that are going to help thin the blood and keep it flowing, make it fluid more,
less thick.”

To support the flow and functioning of various systems in the body, including the
respiratory system, mucus clearance, blood circulation, digestive tract, lymphatic
system, and urinary system, there are several general practices you can consider:

● Respiratory System and Mucus Clearance:

○ Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of fluids can help thin mucus and make it
easier to clear from the respiratory system.
○ Practice deep breathing exercises: Deep breathing exercises can help
expand the lungs and improve airflow.
○ Use a humidifier: Adding moisture to the air can help keep the respiratory
passages moist and facilitate mucus clearance.
○ Avoid smoking and exposure to secondhand smoke: Smoking can
irritate the respiratory system and impair mucus clearance.

● Blood Circulation:
○ Engage in regular physical activity: Exercise promotes blood circulation
and helps keep the cardiovascular system healthy.
○ Maintain a healthy diet: A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole
grains, and lean proteins can support cardiovascular health.

● Digestive Tract:
○ Eat a high-fiber diet: Consuming fiber-rich foods, such as fruits,
vegetables, and whole grains, can promote healthy digestion and regular
bowel movements.
○ Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water helps maintain proper digestion
and prevents constipation.

● Lymphatic System:
○ Stay physically active: Regular exercise can help stimulate lymphatic
○ Practice deep breathing exercises: Deep breathing can assist in
lymphatic circulation.
○ Massage: Gentle massage techniques may help stimulate lymphatic flow.

● Urinary System:
○ Stay hydrated: Drinking an adequate amount of water helps maintain
proper urinary function.
○ Avoid holding urine for long periods: Emptying the bladder regularly
can help prevent urinary tract infections.

Short-Term and Long-Term Detox Strategies

Short-Term Detox:
● Duration: Typically spans a few days to a few weeks.
● Intensity: Focuses on a more intense, focused effort to eliminate toxins quickly.
● Purpose: Often pursued for immediate benefits like increased energy, improved
digestion, and a sense of rejuvenation.
● Methods: May involve fasting, juice cleanses, or specific dietary restrictions.
● Frequency: Conducted periodically throughout the year for a brief, concentrated
cleansing period.

Long-Term Detox:
● Duration: Ongoing, integrated into a lifestyle for an extended period.
● Consistency: Involves sustainable, consistent practices to support the body's
natural detoxification processes.
● Purpose: Aim for continual toxin elimination and overall wellness rather than
rapid, short-term results.
● Methods: Emphasizes a balanced, nutrient-dense diet, regular exercise, and
healthy lifestyle choices.
● Frequency: A continual, daily commitment to maintaining a detox-friendly

● Short-Term Benefits: Short-term detoxes can offer quick benefits, making them
appealing for a reset or jumpstart to healthier habits.
● Long-Term Sustainability: Long-term detox approaches focus on sustainable
practices, potentially leading to more enduring health benefits.
● Individual Goals: Choosing between short-term and long-term detox depends
on individual goals, preferences, and health conditions.

Short-Term Detox Recipes

1. Green Detox Smoothie:

● 1 cup kale, stems removed
● 1 cup spinach
● 1/2 cucumber, peeled and sliced
● 1 green apple, cored and chopped
● 1/2 lemon, juiced
● 1 tablespoon chia seeds
● 1 cup coconut water or filtered water
● Ice cubes (optional)
● Combine all the ingredients in a blender.
● Blend until smooth and creamy.
● Add more water if needed to reach your desired consistency.
● Pour into a glass and enjoy as a refreshing and nutrient-packed breakfast or

2. Quinoa Salad with Lemon-Turmeric Dressing:

● 1 cup cooked quinoa, cooled
● 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
● 1 cucumber, diced
● 1/2 red onion, finely chopped
● 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
● 1/4 cup olive oil
● 1 lemon, juiced
● 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
● Salt and pepper to taste

● In a large bowl, combine quinoa, cherry tomatoes, cucumber, red onion, and
● In a small bowl, whisk together olive oil, lemon juice, turmeric, salt, and pepper to
create the dressing.
● Pour the dressing over the quinoa mixture and toss until well-coated.
● Serve chilled and enjoy a flavorful and detoxifying lunch or dinner option.

3. Detox Vegetable Soup:

● 1 tablespoon olive oil
● 1 onion, diced
● 2 carrots, sliced
● 2 celery stalks, chopped
● 3 cloves garlic, minced
● 1 zucchini, diced
● 1 cup kale, chopped
● 6 cups vegetable broth
● 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
● 1 teaspoon cumin
● Salt and pepper to taste
● Fresh lemon juice (optional)

● In a large pot, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add onions, carrots, and celery,
and sauté until softened.
● Add garlic, zucchini, and kale. Stir well.
● Pour in vegetable broth and bring to a simmer.
● Season with turmeric, cumin, salt, and pepper. Allow the soup to simmer for
15-20 minutes.
● Serve hot, and add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice if desired.

Long-Term Detox Recipes

1. Quinoa and Roasted Vegetable Buddha Bowl:

● 1 cup cooked quinoa
● 1 cup broccoli florets
● 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
● 1 bell pepper, sliced
● 1 sweet potato, cubed
● 2 tablespoons olive oil
● 1 teaspoon cumin
● 1 teaspoon paprika
● Salt and pepper to taste
● Fresh cilantro for garnish
● Avocado slices (optional)

● Preheat the oven to 400°F (200°C).
● Toss broccoli, cherry tomatoes, bell pepper, and sweet potato in olive oil, cumin,
paprika, salt, and pepper.
● Spread the vegetables on a baking sheet and roast for 25-30 minutes or until
golden and tender.
● Assemble the Buddha bowl with cooked quinoa as the base and top with the
roasted vegetables.
● Garnish with fresh cilantro and add avocado slices if desired. Enjoy this
nourishing and detoxifying plant-based meal.

2. Detox Green Soup:

● 1 tablespoon coconut oil
● 1 onion, chopped
● 2 cloves garlic, minced
● 1 bunch kale, stems removed and leaves chopped
● 1 zucchini, diced
● 1 cup spinach
● 1 teaspoon turmeric powder
● 4 cups vegetable broth
● Juice of 1 lemon
● Salt and pepper to taste
● Fresh herbs for garnish

● In a large pot, heat coconut oil over medium heat. Add onions and garlic, and
sauté until translucent.
● Add kale, zucchini, and spinach. Cook until greens are soft.
● Stir in turmeric powder and vegetable broth. Bring to a simmer and let it cook for
15-20 minutes.
● Blend the soup until smooth using an immersion blender or in batches in a
regular blender.
● Season with lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Garnish with fresh herbs and enjoy
this plant-based detox soup.

3. Vegan Lentil and Vegetable Stir-Fry:

● 1 cup dried green lentils, cooked
● 1 cup broccoli florets
● 1 bell pepper, thinly sliced
● 1 carrot, julienned
● 1 cup snap peas, trimmed
● 2 tablespoons tamari or soy sauce (gluten-free)
● 1 tablespoon sesame oil
● 1 tablespoon fresh ginger, minced
● 2 cloves garlic, minced
● 1 tablespoon rice vinegar
● 1 teaspoon maple syrup or agave nectar
● 2 green onions, sliced
● Sesame seeds for garnish
● Cooked brown rice or quinoa for serving

● In a large skillet or wok, heat sesame oil over medium-high heat.
● Add ginger and garlic, and sauté for 1-2 minutes until fragrant.
● Add broccoli, bell pepper, carrot, and snap peas. Stir-fry for 5-7 minutes until
vegetables are tender-crisp.
● In a small bowl, whisk together tamari, rice vinegar, and maple syrup.
● Add cooked lentils and the tamari mixture to the vegetables. Stir to combine and
heat through.
● Serve the stir-fry over cooked brown rice or quinoa.
● Garnish with sliced green onions and sesame seeds.
● Enjoy this flavorful and protein-packed vegan stir-fry as part of your long-term
detox plan.

Dietary Changes and Lifestyle Adjustments

Dr. Bryan Ardis

“These are the things you need to be looking out for. I would first address
parasites with gastrointestinal issues, and then of course, once you remove the
parasites, you want to focus on introducing whole, which natural… And I'm
not talking about the Whole Foods grocery store. I'm talking about whole foods,
whole apples, whole vegetables, whole Brussels sprouts, kale, spinach,
carrots. You need to be eating those because inside those foods are the actual
healthy bacteria that are supposed to be in your gut anyway. This is the principle
of eating whole foods without cooking them to death.”

I once had two identical twins who were both Type 2 diabetics, but they had two
very different causes for their diabetes. One was diet, and the other one was
parasites in their pancreas. One, I just had to help reduce sugar in their diet.
The other one, I had to kill off parasites over several months. The actual kid
who had parasites reversed their Type 2 diabetes faster than the person I
had to just correct the diet. It was very interesting.”


Dr. Edward Group

“But the goal with urotherapy is not to just say, okay, start drinking your own urine
and everything's going to be fine. The goal of urotherapy, just like it was in
ancient times where they did fasting once a year for 40 days and utilized urine
therapy, the purpose in the history behind urotherapy was to clean and
detoxify your life. And that also included eating organic, healthy life-giving
organic foods, getting rid of the people in your life or the resentments,
forgiving people for those. So you're not holding on to all these emotions that
are reducing your vibrations, to clean and heal your gut, and to replace the gut
microbiome, to clean and purge the liver. Dating back to Ayurvedic and traditional
Chinese medicine, the liver is always, and even with urotherapy, the liver is a
very, very important organ that needs to be cleansed and detoxified.

Then get rid of all the parasites in your body. The parasites are right now one
of the biggest issues that we're facing in humanity, and especially just like
Royal Raymond Rife said, “All cancer is parasitical.” Most of it he claimed was
foreign proteins, which he identified as the BX virus. But we know that cancer is
directly associated with fungus and yeast and bacteria and worms. And I believe
even a lot of it is misdiagnosed. So the five-step system really with urotherapy is
you can always start on urotherapy at any time, and that is a detoxifier, but with
urotherapy, your body is- everybody is different. Some people might get
immediate results, it might take some time. What we want to do is we want to
ramp that up. We want to make that so valuable and so powerful, but the cleaner
you eat and the more water you drink and avoid all these other toxic drinks, and
the more that you are focusing inward through mindfulness and relieving those
stresses outside your external environment, cleaning up your external
environment, cleaning up your internal environment. Then, let's say the efficacy
of urine on a scale of zero to 100 would be 10.

Then the efficacy, your urine gets stronger and stronger and more powerful
the cleaner your external environment is and the cleaner your internal
environment is. So we always recommend, and by the way, supplementation
too can also be extremely effective to enhance the benefits. We want to enhance
the benefits of your urine. Because your urine, if you're sick, is not going to be, it
is always a medicine no matter what, but you can transform that medicine from
something that's going to let's say be a medicine of 10 scale to a medicine of
100,000 scale. In other words, the cleaner your external environment, the cleaner
your gut, the cleaner your liver, when you get all the parasites out of your body
and you get all the heavy metals and chemicals out of your body, your urine
transforms into a superconductive, super powerful healing agent at that

So it's a multi-step process to where, yes, you can start on everything. It is not
like you have to wait to start drinking your urine until you're done cleansing and
healing your gut and doing multiple liver cleanses and doing parasite cleanses
and doing chemical and heavy metal cleanses. You do it all at the same time, but
the main goal is to not be thinking in your mind that you don't have to change
your life or you don't have to evaluate your life. It's giving you, it's more or less
transforming you to take responsibility for your own life and to start analyzing
your own life. Because what we found, what I've narrowed every disease and
every life situation down to is four words, poisons, and the solution for poisons is
detoxification. The other two components of our life are time and decisions. Time
and decisions is very important.”

The Mind and The Body

Dr. Cathleen Gerenger

“When we talk about the mind and the body, it is so important. I always go
through what I call the 4-step process. The first one is we say, let's detoxify the
body. Get rid of all the toxins, get rid of all the debris, the environmental toxins,
the things that we put on our skin. The second step we talked about is to nutrify
the body. Put all the really good stuff back in, adopting a healthy diet, and
supplement yourself. And then the third step is to fortify the body. Keep your
hormones nice and balanced. Get enough sleep so your body can repair. And the
fourth step is the power of the mind. But in my opinion, I feel like the power of
the mind is the first step.

Spiritual is so important when we talk about a healthy lifestyle, if we don't have

our mindset right, everything starts falling apart. So having faith and having that
spiritual being in your heart, and in your soul, and being grateful for what you
have is so important. However, in modern society, when we talk about the mind,
immediately they're thinking of a psychologist or a psychiatrist to be placed on
something to suppress their brain function instead of being grateful for what we
have, and again, adapting that spiritual being so we become a lot more balanced.
Because when we go into this healthy journey, it's not just one thing, it's
multifactorial, and that's so important, power of the mind, again, detox the body,
nutrify the body, and fortify the body.”

The mind-body connection plays a pivotal role in the pursuit of detoxification and
overall well-being. The power of positive thoughts and a focused mindset can
significantly influence the body's response to detox protocols. Stress reduction,
mindfulness, and emotional balance are integral aspects of fostering a healthy internal
environment. A harmonious mind-body connection not only supports the body's
natural detoxification processes but also contributes to sustainable lifestyle
changes. By cultivating a positive mental outlook, individuals can enhance resilience,
make healthier choices, and navigate challenges more effectively. Recognizing the
intricate interplay between mental and physical health is essential for those
seeking a holistic approach to detoxing and embracing a healthier lifestyle.

Red Light Therapy

Dr. Jana Schmidt

“Now there are parts of the sun that are lovely for us. It's full spectrum, God
made these lights. One therapeutic light is the red light. There are lots of red
light therapies now that are helping regenerate cells, and kick off toxins, and
incorporating the red light therapy and a sauna together is incredible. That's
when some real detoxing and some cellular healing can happen.”

Red light treatment enhances the generation of adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

within cellular mitochondria, a crucial substance fueling all human cells. Healthy cells
naturally produce ample ATP, but factors such as inflammation, oxidative stress, and
exposure to environmental toxins can impair mitochondrial function, leading to energy
deficiency, vulnerability to damage, and premature cell death. Red light therapy
serves to elevate mitochondrial function, providing cells with increased energy.
This surge in cellular energy enhances the efficiency of waste elimination, promoting
optimal organ function, and facilitating detoxification processes.

Red light therapy contributes to improved circulation, particularly in the

lymphatic system, a key player in toxin elimination. Unlike the cardiovascular
system, the lymphatic system relies on muscle contractions to propel lymph throughout
the body. When the lymphatic system falters, the body struggles to expel toxins,
potentially impacting brain health. Studies indicate that near-infrared light therapy aids
the lymphatic system, facilitating the removal of beta-amyloid proteins implicated in
neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. Red light therapy further
mitigates lymphoedema, abnormal swelling caused by lymphatic blockages. Enhanced
blood flow, facilitated by red light therapy, plays a crucial role in detoxification by
transporting toxins and pathogens to the liver and kidneys for processing and
elimination. This therapy promotes microcirculation through angiogenesis, the growth
of blood vessels, and increased nitric oxide production, which dilates blood vessels.
Beyond circulation, red light therapy also stimulates cellular energy, contributing to
overall health benefits.

Chapter 4: Strengthening Your Defense - Building a Resilient


Boosting the Immune System to Resist Future Parasitic Infections

and Maintaining a Healthy Gut Flora

Boosting the immune system and maintaining a healthy gut flora is essential for overall
well-being and can be achieved through various lifestyle and dietary practices. Here are
some key strategies to foster and sustain a healthy gut microbiome:

● Probiotic-Rich Foods:
○ Incorporate foods rich in probiotics, such as plant-based yogurt,
plant-based kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, and other fermented vegetables.
○ Consume these foods regularly to introduce and support the growth of
beneficial bacteria in the gut.
○ Ensure an adequate intake of essential vitamins and minerals, such as
Vitamin C, Vitamin D, zinc, and selenium, which are known to support
immune function.
● Prebiotic-Rich Foods:
○ Include prebiotic foods in your diet to nourish the existing beneficial
bacteria. Examples include onions, garlic, leeks, bananas, and asparagus.
● Fiber-Rich Diet:
○ Consume a diet high in fiber from fruits, vegetables, and legumes. Fiber
promotes a diverse microbiome and supports the growth of beneficial
● Avoid Artificial Sweeteners:
○ Avoid the consumption of artificial sweeteners, as some studies suggest
they negatively impact gut bacteria.
● Stay Hydrated:
○ Drink an adequate amount of water to support digestion and nutrient
absorption, promoting a healthy gut environment.
● Manage Stress:
○ Practice stress-reducing techniques such as deep breathing exercises.
Chronic stress can negatively affect gut health.
● Regular Exercise:
○ Engage in regular physical activity. Regular exercise has been linked to a more
diverse and beneficial gut microbiome, and promotes overall health enhancing
immune function.
● Adequate Sleep:
○ Prioritize sufficient and quality sleep. Inadequate sleep patterns impacts gut
health and weakens the immune system.
● Avoid Overuse of Disinfectants:
○ Limit the excessive use of antimicrobial products that can potentially
disturb the balance of gut bacteria.
● Diversify Your Diet:
○ Consume a wide variety of foods to expose your gut to different nutrients,
promoting a diverse and resilient microbiome.
● Avoid Smoking and Excessive Alcohol:
○ Quit smoking, as it can impair immune function.
○ Limit alcohol intake. Excessive alcohol consumption can weaken the
immune system.
● Stay Socially Connected:
○ Maintain social connections. Positive social interactions can contribute to
overall well-being and immune health.

By incorporating these practices into your lifestyle, you can create an environment that
supports the flourishing of beneficial bacteria, contributing to a healthy and balanced gut

Preventive Measures and Habits for Long-Term Wellness

Implementing preventive measures and cultivating long-term wellness habits are

pivotal in minimizing the risk of parasitic infections. Rigorous hygiene practices
stand as the foremost defense, encompassing thorough handwashing, proper food
handling, and maintaining a clean living environment. Dietary choices play a
crucial role. Cooking methods that ensure food safety become paramount.
Environmental precautions, such as avoiding contact with potentially contaminated
water sources and practicing safe waste disposal, further contribute to preventive
strategies. Long-term wellness habits extend beyond the immediate, emphasizing
consistent adherence to a balanced and nutritious diet, regular exercise, and stress
management. By instilling these practices, you can fortify your defenses against
parasites and cultivate enduring well-being. Regular health check-ups and screenings
also play a proactive role in identifying and addressing potential parasitic concerns
before they escalate, contributing to a holistic approach to long-term wellness.

Journey to Wellness: Inspiring Success Stories

Nicole Pavlik
“I wanna talk about what happened to me this time last year and exactly
why I think that it was parasites and why I feel like it's so important for you
to look into parasitic infections being the root cause of all of your
problems. So this time last year, I had perfect health, and then just a few days
later, everything started rearing its ugly head. So I had elevated liver enzymes. I
had a lupus rash. I had extreme fatigue. I couldn't lift my head off the pillow. I
was having nerve pain up and down my arm. Some days I was so weak I
couldn't lift my arms. There were times when I couldn't even type or write, or use
my hands. Sometimes my hands weren't working. My face was swollen, it
was red, it was jaundice. One of the key things that was going on with me was
that I had reoccurring eye infections that homeopathy would normally help
with, and that was not even helping.

I was getting swollen eyes. Some days, my eyes were swollen shut, lots of
drainage specifically in my right eye. And I had done research on parasites a
while back, and parasites kept coming up for me in various ways. I had such
bad brain fog that it was really hard to do the research and look into the help
that I needed myself, but I was pushing myself because I wanted to figure it out
so that I could get through it and then I can help other people. So I thought, “Let
me just do parasite detox. Let me look into it. Let me look into homeopathy for
parasites.” When I looked up homeopathy for parasites, there was a list of
different parasites and what remedies you could use, and one specific one
came up and that was trichinosis. So trichinosis is a parasite that they say you
get from eating undercooked pork.

One of the key symptoms of trichinosis is reoccurring pink eye infections.

Another thing that trichinosis does is it forms cysts in your body and it can go
into your muscles and cause muscle weakness and fatigue. They can stay up
there for up to 10 years. This is debilitating. This could be causing so many
symptoms that we don't know. So how do you know if you have a parasite? So I
went to my holistic doctor whom I've been seeing for over 10 years with the
hopes that she would run any test that I asked her to because she always had
before. So I went into her office and asked her, I said, “I think I have trichinosis
and I want you to run the test for me. She said, “It's not that easy to run the test.”
She says, “I have to get CDC approval.”

I said, “What do you mean?” I said, “I think that I have this and I want you to run
the test.” She said to me, “I think it's your autoimmune disease and I think we
should focus on healing that first and then see later if you're still having
problems.” And I said, “But what if these parasites are causing my autoimmune
disease? Why am I sick all of a sudden again, when I was doing just fine?” I've
been seeing her for 10 years. “Why did I just now crash? What changed? What
was different?” So I said to her, “I really, really would like to look into this further.”
She tells me, “Trichinosis is rare. People don't get that anymore because they're
educated about pork.” I said, “Is trichinosis rare or is it rarely diagnosed because
it's so hard to get the test?” And she kind of looked shocked at me, and I left her
office that day kind of feeling defeated because she wouldn't run the test for me.

Then I decided I was gonna look on the CDC website to see if what she was
saying was true. At that time last year, conveniently, all the parasite testing
was pulled down. They were apologizing for recently having this parasite testing
pulled down and they were just adding some of them back and trichinosis was
one of them that they did not add back yet. So then I decided that I was gonna go
to a conventional walk-in doctor with a textbook story. So I walk into this doctor
and I say, “Oh, I ate some undercooked pork a couple of weeks ago and I had
some GI issues. And now look at me, look where I'm at.” And the doctor looks at
me and he says, he knows nothing about me. I've never seen him before, “I think
you have autoimmune disease.” And I'm like, “Crap, I do have an autoimmune

I do have lupus. But why?” He says, “I don't think this is trichinosis. I think we're
going to run some autoimmune labs.” So I couldn't get a holistic doctor to order
the test for me. I couldn't get the conventional doctor to order the test for me. And
I thought about it and I asked myself, are parasites causing the symptoms of
all autoimmune diseases? Are they causing the autoimmune disease? But
nobody's doing anything about it because we're labeling it an autoimmune
disease. There are no tests for autoimmune disease other than just a collection
of symptoms, and then it's a diagnosis. So what if parasites were the cause of
all autoimmune diseases? And that's where I started thinking, “What if
detoxing from parasites was going to help other people heal?” So I decided
from there that I was going to look into detoxing from the parasites on my own.
So I started detoxing with homeopathy. And my husband was the one that
encouraged me because I still wanted a diagnosis, I wanted answers. And my
husband said to me, “If homeopathy doesn't have any side effects, what have
you got to lose?” And from the research that I've done in the past, I know about
parasites and what they do, and what they do is they hold on to heavy metals
and toxins and viruses and all of these things that keep us sick. And so, one of
the things that I started thinking, and this is just a theory, I can't prove it. I don't
know if I'm right or wrong, but I thought, “What if just what if they're
poisoning us intentionally with parasites? What if the parasites are being
sprayed in the chemtrails? What if they're putting them in the water? What
if it's not just food?

What if we're being exposed to them on a daily basis? What if when they inject
us, what if they're injecting parasites?” Wouldn't that be a perfect storm? If I said
to you the parasites, hold on to heavy metals and toxins. What's in a vaccine?
Heavy metals and toxins. Aluminum, formaldehyde, polysorbate 80. What if
they're injecting parasites right in with those very toxins that are gonna keep you
sick? Because why? Parasites gonna hold onto them. And if you don't know
they're inside of you and they're holding on to this toxic cocktail, you just were
injected with, how are you ever going to get better? And if they're not looking for
parasites because they don't wanna do the tests and they're blaming your
symptoms on autoimmune disease, even conventional doctors now are saying
it's an autoimmune disease. And what are the answers for autoimmune disease?

You either in the holistic world, you have to make a lifestyle change where
there’s a lot of people who get better, but they're not fully healed. A lot of them
do. Why? Because something's still in there holding onto those toxins. I've found
with homeopathy, a lot of people that do better but aren't completely well, once
they detox the parasites, then these protocols that I use start working better. For
me personally, I had a skin issue for years that I was using homeopathy for.
Once I detoxed the parasite, the skin issue went away.

So is there this connection? In the conventional world, what are we doing for
autoimmune diseases? We're going to give them a steroid. We're going to
suppress more and they're just going to stay sick. It's a perfect medical business
model for them. So for me, you can't tell me any different. You cannot convince
me different that parasites are not a huge part of this. That's my message to
you guys. I think everybody needs to be looking into this. Don't worry about
getting a test because they're hard to get and a lot of times they're inaccurate,
but you can detox from them. And there’s various ways to detox from
parasites. There’s a lot of holistic ways to detox from parasites with herbs
and other therapies, carbons, and all of these things that you need to detox
from parasites. But what I'm doing personally is I'm using homeopathy because
anybody can do it. And that's what held me back for years, was that I was
pregnant or breastfeeding. And anybody can do it. Anybody can detox from
parasites, pregnant breastfeeding, the elderly, children, babies, and pets. We
can all detox from parasites with homeopathy, with no side effects, no die-off
symptoms, and then you can heal.”


Dr. Bryan Adris:

“So, parasites cause cancer, they know venoms cause cancer. These are two of
the biggest things that everybody should be aware of.”

As we conclude our exploration in "Parasite Purge: Unlocking Your Body's Natural

Detoxification System," it's not merely the end of a book but the beginning of your
empowered journey toward better health. We've delved into the intricate workings of
your body's detox system, demystified the subtle signs of parasitic presence, and
unveiled the healing potential embedded in natural methods. It's like having a
heart-to-heart conversation about your well-being, untangling the complexities of your
body's internal dance with toxins and parasites.

Remember, these insights are not just information but keys to your well-being. Your
body, a resilient sanctuary, possesses innate abilities to ward off invaders and thrive. As
you step forward, armed with newfound knowledge and a caring attitude towards total
health, consider this not just a conclusion but a launchpad into a life where mindful
choices, nourishing practices, and natural detox methods intertwine to cultivate a vibrant
and balanced existence. May your journey ahead be filled with health, vitality, and a
deep-seated understanding of your body's incredible capacity to heal and flourish.












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