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Vocabulary Part of speech Pronunciation

bus n bʌs
coffee n ˈkɒfi
park n pɑːk
photo n ˈfəʊtəʊ
pizza n ˈpiːtsə
restaurant n ˈrestərɒnt
bank n bæŋk
camera n ˈkæmərə
computer n kəmˈpjuːtə
menu n ˈmenjuː
hotel n həʊˈtel
passport n ˈpɑːspɔːt
phone n fəʊn
supermarket n ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkɪt
taxi n ˈtæksi
university n ˌjuːnəˈvɜːsəti
zero number ˈzɪərəʊ
one number wʌn
two number tuː
three number θriː
four number fɔː
five number faɪv
six number sɪks
seven number ˈsevən
eight number eɪt
nine number naɪn
ten number ten
Monday n ˈmʌndi
Tuesday n ˈtjuːzdi
Wednesday n ˈwenzdi
Thursday n ˈθɜːzdi
Friday n ˈfraɪdi
Saturday n ˈsætədi
Sunday n ˈsʌndi
don't phr dəʊnt
English n ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ
know v nəʊ
page n peɪdʒ
repeat v rɪˈpiːt
thank v θæŋk
understand v ˌʌndəˈstænd
what's phr wɒts
answer v ˈɑːnsə
ask v ɑːsk
check your answers phr ˌtʃek jər ˈɑːnsəz
choose v tʃuːz
listen v ˈlɪsən
look at phr ˈlʊk ət
match v mætʃ
read v riːd
write v raɪt
say 'hello' phr ˌseɪ həˈləʊ
work alone phr ˌwɜːk əˈləʊn
work in pairs phr ˌwɜːk ɪn ˈpeəz
a big vehicle people pay money to travel on
a hot, brown bitter drink
a large space with grass and trees, often in a town
a picture made with a camera
a food made of flat bread with tomato and cheese, cooked in an oven
a place you buy and eat food
a place you keep your money
a machine that takes photographs, or makes films and videos
a machine that uses programs to help you find, organise and change informati
a list of food that you can buy and eat in a restaurant
a place you can stay at and eat meals, often on holiday
a small book with your name and photograph you need to travel to other count
a machine you use to call people, send messages and use the internet
a large shop that sells food, drinks and other things people need
a car and driver you pay to take you to a place
an educational institution where students can study for a degree
the day between Sunday and Tuesday
the day between Monday and Wednesday
the day between Tuesday and Thursday
the day between Wednesday and Friday
the day between Thursday and Saturday
the day between Friday and Sunday
the day between Saturday and Monday
the short form of ‘do not’
the language used in Britain, the US, Australia, and some other countries
to have information about something
one side of a piece of paper in a book, newspaper, etc.
to say or write something again
to tell someone you are pleased or happy about something they have done
to know what someone is telling you, or the language that they speak
the short form of ‘what is’
something you say when you reply to a question
to speak or write to someone to answer a question, or find information
to find out if your answers to questions are correct
to decide which one of a number of things is correct
to pay attention to a sound or a person who is speaking
to turn your eyes towards something, so you can see it
to put or connect two similar things together
to look at words in a book, newspaper, etc and understand what they mean
to make words, letters, numbers, etc with a pen or pencil or on a computer
to greet someone when you see or meet them
to do a task without help from another person, people etc.
to do a task with another person so you can help each other
Example GSE Unit/Lesson Topic
The bus is at the station. 22 Lead-in international English
I like coffee in the morning. 23 Lead-in international English
The children play in the park. 25 Lead-in international English
This is a photo of my sister. 23 Lead-in international English
We love pizza with cheese and ham. 45 Lead-in international English
There is an Italian restaurant in my town. 22 Lead-in international English
I don't have a lot of money in the bank. 20 Lead-in VB international words
They take good photos with their cameras. 28 Lead-in VB international words
I use a laptop computer at school. 20 Lead-in VB international words
The words on this menu are in French. 33 Lead-in VB international words
We are in a beautiful hotel in Spain. 18 Lead-in VB international words
I have two passports – an Italian one and a Ch 26 Lead-in VB international words
My phone is black and silver. 13 Lead-in VB international words
There is a new supermarket next to my house. 22 Lead-in VB international words
I always take taxis to the airport. 15 Lead-in VB international words
There are three universities in my city. 34 Lead-in VB international words
/ Lead-in VB international words
/ Lead-in numbers 0–10
/ Lead-in numbers 0–10
/ Lead-in numbers 0–10
/ Lead-in numbers 0–10
/ Lead-in numbers 0–10
/ Lead-in numbers 0–10
/ Lead-in numbers 0–10
/ Lead-in numbers 0–10
/ Lead-in numbers 0–10
/ Lead-in numbers 0–10
I go to university on Mondays. 19 Lead-in days of the week
We meet after school on Tuesday. 19 Lead-in days of the week
They go to the cinema every Wednesday. 19 Lead-in days of the week
I work in an office on Thursdays. 19 Lead-in days of the week
It’s Kate’s birthday on Friday. 19 Lead-in days of the week
On Saturdays I eat lunch with my friends. 19 Lead-in days of the week
Come for lunch at my house on Sunday. 19 Lead-in days of the week
I don't know the answer to the question. / Lead-in classroom language
Do you speak English? 26 Lead-in classroom language
Do you know our teacher Joanna? 18 Lead-in classroom language
Turn to page seven of the book. 16 Lead-in classroom language
Can you repeat the question? 21 Lead-in classroom language
Thank you for your help. 32 Lead-in classroom language
We don’t understand English. 19 Lead-in classroom language
What's your name? / Lead-in classroom language
I can answer the question. Four plus three is s 18 Lead-in VB classroom language
Please can I ask you a question? 19 Lead-in VB classroom language
Check the answers in your book. / Lead-in VB classroom language
Choose the answer to the question – blue, red 33 Lead-in VB classroom language
Listen to the teacher in your English class. 13 Lead-in VB classroom language
Look at your books. / Lead-in VB classroom language
Match the questions with the answers. 56 Lead-in VB classroom language
Please read the questions on page 15. 12 Lead-in VB classroom language
Write the answers to the questions on your co 12 Lead-in VB classroom language
Say hello to Mika. He's a new student. / Lead-in VB classroom language
Work alone to answer the questions on page 2 / Lead-in VB classroom language
Work in pairs to match the information. / Lead-in VB classroom language
Page number
Vocabulary Part of speech Pronunciation
Bye interjection baɪ
Good afternoon phr ɡʊd ˌɑːftəˈnuːn
Good evening phr ɡʊd ˈiːvnɪŋ
Good morning phr ɡʊd ˈmɔːnɪŋ
Good night phr ɡʊd naɪt
Goodbye interjection ɡʊdˈbaɪ
Hello interjection həˈləʊ
Hey interjection heɪ
Hi interjection haɪ
See you phr siː juː
American adj əˈmerɪkən
Argentina n ˌɑːdʒənˈtiːnə
Argentinian adj ˌɑːdʒənˈtɪniən
Australia n ɒˈstreɪliə
Australian adj ɒˈstreɪliən
Brazil n brəˈzɪl
Brazilian adj brəˈzɪliən
British adj ˈbrɪtɪʃ
China n ˈtʃaɪnə
Chinese adj ˌtʃaɪˈniːz
Colombia n kəˈlʌmbiə
Colombian adj kəˈlʌmbiən
France n frɑːns
French adj frentʃ
German adj ˈdʒɜːməni
Germany n ˈdʒɜːmən
India n ˈɪndiə
Indian adj ˈɪndiən
Italian adj ˈɪtəli
Italy n ɪˈtæliən
Japan n dʒəˈpæn
Japanese adj ˌdʒæpəˈniːz
Mexican adj ˈmeksɪkən
Mexico n ˈmeksɪkən
Poland n ˈpəʊlənd
Polish adj ˈpəʊlɪʃ
South Africa n saʊθ ˈæfrɪkə
South African adj saʊθ ˈæfrɪkən
South Korea n saʊθ kəˈriːə
South Korean adj saʊθ kəˌriːən
Spain n speɪn
Spanish adj ˈspænɪʃ
Swiss adj swɪs
Switzerland n ˈswɪtsələnd
the UK n ðə ˌjuː ˈke
the US/the USA n ðə ˌjuː ˈes/ðə ˌjuː es ˈeɪ
Turkey n ˈtɜːki
Turkish adj ˈtɜːkɪʃ
Vietnam n ˌvjetˈnæm
Vietnamese adj ˌvjetnəˈmiːz
doctor n ˈdɒktə
singer n ˈsɪŋə
taxi driver n ˈtæksi ˌdraɪvə
teacher n ˈtiːtʃə
waiter n ˈweɪtə
actor n ˈæktə
artist n ˈɑːtɪst
bus driver n bʌs ˌdraɪvə
businessman/businesswoman n ˈbɪznəsˌmən/ˈbɪznəsˌwʊmən
digital designer n ˌdɪdʒətl dɪˈzaɪnə
football player n ˈfʊtbɔːl ˌpleɪə
nurse n nɜːs
office worker n ˈɒfɪs ˌwɜːkə
police officer n pəˈliːs ˌɒfəsə
shop assistant n ˈʃɒp əˌsɪstənt
A n eɪ
B n biː
C n siː
D n diː
E n iː
F n ef
G n dʒiː
H n eɪtʃ
I n aɪ
J n dʒeɪ
K n keɪ
L n el
M n em
N n en
O n əʊ
P n piː
Q n kjuː
R n ɑː
S n es
T n tiː
U n juː
V n viː
W n ˈdʌbəljuː
X n eks
Y n waɪ
Z n zed
first name phr ˈfɜːst neɪm
phone number phr fəʊn ˌnʌmbə
repeat v rɪˈpiːt
spell v spel
surname n ˈsɜːneɪm
what's phr wɒts
bag n bæɡ
banana n bəˈnɑːnə
book n bʊk
bottle of water n ˌbɒtl əv ˈwɔːtə
key n kiː
laptop n ˈlæptɒp
make-up n ˈmeɪkʌp
mobile phone n ˌməʊbaɪl ˈfəʊn
notebook n ˈnəʊtbʊk
purse n pɜːs
sandwich n ˈsænwɪdʒ
umbrella n ʌmˈbrelə
wallet n ˈwɒlɪt
a short form of goodbye
a form of hello you use in the afternoon
a form of hello you use in the evening
a form of hello you use in the morning
a form of goodbye you use when you leave someone at night, or before you go t
something you say when you leave someone
something you say when you meet someone
a shout used to get someone’s attention or to show surprise, interest, or annoy
a short form of hello
a form of goodbye when you know you will see someone again
someone from the US
a large country in the southern part of South America
someone from Argentina
a large island between the Indian Ocean and the southern Pacific Ocean
someone from Australia
a large country in South America
someone from Brazil
someone from the UK
a very large country in Asia
someone from China
a country in northern South America
someone from Colombia
a country in western Europe
someone from France
a country in central Europe
someone from Germany
a large country in South Asia
someone from India
a country in southern Europe
someone from Italy
a country in East Asia
someone from Japan
someone from Mexico
a country south of the US
a country in central Europe
someone from Poland
a country in southern Africa
someone from South Africa
a country in East Asia
someone from South Korea
a country in southwest Europe
someone from Spain
someone from Switzerland
a country in western Europe
a country in northwest Europe
a country in North America
a country in West Asia and southeast Europe
someone from Turkey
a country in southeast Asia
someone from Vietnam
someone who looks after people who are ill
someone who sings
someone who drives a taxi
someone who teaches in a school, university, etc
someone who gives people food and drink in a restaurant
someone who is in a play or a film
someone who makes art, paints, draws, etc
someone who drives a bus
a man or woman who works in business
someone who uses technology to make websites, apps, etc
someone who plays football
someone who looks after people, often in a hospital
someone who works in an office
someone who works in the police
someone who helps customers in a shop
your given name, not your surname or family name
the number that you use to telephone a person
to say or write something again
to write or say the letters in order to make a word
your family name, not your first name
the short form of ‘what is’
a strong container you use to carry things
a long, thin, yellow fruit
paper pages inside a cover that you can read or write in
a plastic, glass, etc, container for water and other liquids
a small metal thing that you use to open and close doors
a small computer that you can carry with you
coloured substances you put on your face, eyes, etc
a phone you can carry with you
a small book for you to write in
a very small bag that women keep money in
two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, egg, etc between them
an object you hold above you in the rain or hot sun
a small flat case that you carry for money, bank cards, etc.
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
Bye, Dave. See you tomorrow. 20 1A
Good afternoon, class. 45 1A
Good evening. Welcome to Bill's restaurant. 35 1A
Good morning, Maya. How are you? 30 1A
Good night. Sleep well. 31 1A
Goodbye. See you in the morning. 11 1A
Hello, I'm Mr Green. 16 1A
Hey, Samira. Nice to meet you. 45 1A
Hi. Are you a student here? 18 1A
See you. Have a good evening. 31 1A
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
She's not well – please call a doctor. 20 1B
He's a famous singer in Japan. 37 1B
I'm a taxi driver in New York. / 1B
Our English teacher is from Australia. 17 1B
Jason is a waiter in an Italian restaurant. 49 1B
He is an actor in my favourite film. 34 1B VB
They're artists and they live in Brazil. 33 1B VB
The bus driver takes the children to school in the morning. / 1B VB
She's a businesswoman. She works in many different countries. 39/68 1B VB
I'm a digital designer in a big company. 64 1B VB
Karol is a football player in Germany. / 1B VB
We're nurses in a hospital in Madrid. 24 1B VB
They're office workers for a computer company. / 1B VB
My sister is a police officer in Australia. 41 1B VB
Pablo is a shop assistant in a big shoe shop. 43 1B VB
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
My first name's Rose. / 1C HT
What's your phone number? / 1C HT
Sorry, can you repeat that, please? 21 1C HT
How do you spell 'Marika'? 36 1C HT
How do you spell your surname? / 1C HT
What's your name? / 1C HT
I have three books in my school bag. 19 1D
Bananas are my favourite fruit. 35 1D
My English book is yellow and green. 12 1D
Please can I have a bottle of water? / 1D
I have two keys – one for my house and one for my car. 19 1D
They work a lot on their laptops. 46 1D
I have some make-up in my bag. 41 1D
Call me on your mobile phone. 13 1D
I have a notebook for my German classes. 43 1D
She has money in her purse for a taxi. 49 1D
On Mondays we have sandwiches for lunch. 24 1D
My umbrella is black and small. 44 1D
He has a photo of his children in his wallet. 52 1D
Topic Page number
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
jobs 10
jobs 10
jobs 10
jobs 10
jobs 10
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
How to … ask and answer simple question 13
How to … ask and answer simple question 13
How to … ask and answer simple question 13
How to … ask and answer simple question 13
How to … ask and answer simple question 13
How to … ask and answer simple question 13
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
Vocabulary Part of speech Pronunciation
eleven number ɪˈlevən
twelve number twelv
thirteen number θɜːˈtiːn
fourteen number fɔːˈtiːn
fifteen number fɪfˈtiːn
sixteen number sɪkˈstiːn
seventeen number ˌsevənˈtiːn
eighteen number eɪˈtiːn
nineteen number naɪnˈtiːn
twenty number ˈtwenti
thirty number ˈθɜːti
forty number ˈfɔːti
fifty number ˈfɪfti
sixty number ˈsɪksti
seventy number ˈsevənti
eighty number ˈeɪti
ninety number ˈnaɪnti
a hundred number ə ˈhʌndrɪd
bad adj bæd
beautiful adj ˈbjuːtəfəl
big adj bɪɡ
cold adj kəʊld
difficult adj ˈdɪfɪkəlt
easy adj ˈiːzi
favourite adj ˈfeɪvərət
friendly adj ˈfrendli
good adj ɡʊd
happy adj ˈhæpi
hot adj hɒt
new adj njuː
old adj əʊld
old adj əʊld
sad adj sæd
small adj smɔːl
tired adj ˈtaɪəd
young adj jʌŋ
brother n ˈbrʌðə
children n ˈtʃɪldrən
daughter n ˈdɔːtə
father n ˈfɑːðə
husband n ˈhʌzbənd
mother n ˈmʌðə
parents n ˈpeərənts
sister n ˈsɪstə
son n sʌn
wife n waɪf
baby n ˈbeɪbi
boy n bɔɪ
child n tʃaɪld
friend n frend
girl n ɡɜːl
man n mæn
person n ˈpɜːsən
woman n ˈwʊmən
fine adj faɪn
good adj ɡʊd
great adj ɡreɪt
not bad phr nɒt ˈbæd
not very good phr nɒt ˌveri ˈɡʊd
not very well phr nɒt ˌveri ˈwel
OK adj ˌəʊ ˈkeɪ
really good phr ˈrɪəli ˌɡʊd
very well phr ˌveri ˈwel
well adj wel
not good, something that is a problem or not pleasant
a person or thing that is very nice to look at
not small, more than the average size
not hot, has a low temperature
not easy to understand or do
not difficult to understand or do
something you like more than other things
to show you like other people and want to talk to and help them
not bad, something that is pleasant
to feel good because you like something in your life
not cold, has a high temperature
not old, something that is recent
not new, something that is not recent
not young
not happy because of something bad or unpleasant
not big, less than the average size
to feel that you want to sleep
not old
a boy or man who has the same parents as you
the sons and daughters of parents
someone's female child
a male parent
the man that a woman is married to
a female parent
mothers and fathers of children
a girl or woman who has the same parents as you
someone's male child
the woman that a man is married to
a very young male or female child
a male child
a young person that is not an adult
a person not in your family that you like a lot and spend time with
a female child
an adult male
an human, young or old, male or female
an adult female
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
I'm late for work. It's a bad start to my day. 19 2A VB
What a beautiful baby! 31 2A VB
China is a very big country. 18 2A VB
The mountains in England are cold. 18 2A VB
Our English class is difficult. 20 2A VB
I like French. It's an easy language for me. 20 2A VB
My favourite colour is red. 39 2A VB
Sylvie is a friendly student in my class. She says 'hello' to everyone. 39 2A VB
Our new bike is very good. 15 2A VB
The dog is very happy in the park. 20 2A VB
The sun is hot in the summer. 18 2A VB
Do you like my new phone? 15 2A VB
London is a very old city. 22 2A VB
My grandmother is 86. She's old. 22 2A VB
This film is very sad. 24 2A VB
The restaurant only has two tables. It’s very small. 27 2A VB
It’s 4 a.m. We're very tired. 22 2A VB
Janek is two years old. He's very young. 19 2A VB
I have a brother called Wilhelm. 17 2B
They have two children, a boy and a girl. / 2B
She has two daughters and one son. 17 2B
My father's name is David. 13 2B
This is my husband, Juan. 20 2B
Our mother is Brazilian. 16 2B
My parents are very friendly. 16 2B
Janet and Abby are sisters. 18 2B
Her son was born in 2013. 20 2B
Simon's wife is from Switzerland. 19 2B
My baby girl's name is Malaika. 20 2B VB
The boy is seven years old. 13 2B VB
I have one child, a girl called Carmen. 18 2B VB
My friend Santosh is a very nice person. 16 2B VB
Three girls in my English class are from Japan. 16 2B VB
This man is 95. He's very old. 15 2B VB
She's a very friendly person. 19 2B VB
That woman is Piotr's wife. 15 2B VB
I'm fine, thanks. 21 2C
My teacher Steve is good and he's very friendly. 15 2C
I'm great, thank you. 29 2C
My job isn't bad. It's fine. 19 2C
My cup of coffee isn't very good. / 2C
Ellie isn't very well this morning. 32 2C
I'm OK. How are you? 13 2C
I'm really good, thanks. / 2C
My grandmother's very well, thanks. 24 2C
The children are well. They're at school today. 15 2C
Topic Page number
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
people 127
people 127
people 127
people 127
people 127
people 127
people 127
people 127
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
Vocabulary Part of speech Pronunciation
bed n bed
bike n baɪk
camera n ˈkæmərə
car n kɑː
coffee machine n ˈkɒfi məˌʃiːn
guitar n ɡɪˈtɑː
ring n rɪŋ
watch n wɒtʃ
black adj blæk
blue adj bluː
brown adj braʊn
dark adj dɑːk
green adj ɡriːn
light adj laɪt
orange adj ˈɒrəndʒ
pink adj pɪŋk
purple adj ˈpɜːpəl
red adj red
white adj waɪt
yellow adj ˈjeləʊ
bottle of water n ˌbɒtl əv ˈwɔːtə
book n bʊk
computer n kəmˈpjuːtə
cup of coffee n ˌkʌp əv ˈkɒfi
glasses n ɡlɑːsɪz
headphones n ˈhedfəʊnz
keyboard n ˈkiːbɔːd
mouse n maʊs
notebook n ˈnəʊtbʊk
pen n pen
pencil n ˈpensəl
phone n fəʊn
plant n plɑːnt
scissors n ˈsɪzəz
sticky notes n ˌstɪki ˈnəʊts
tablet n ˈtæblɪt
coat n kəʊt
in a market phr ˌɪn ə ˈmɑːkɪt
in shops phr ɪn ˈʃɒps
jacket n ˈdʒækɪt
jeans n dʒiːnz
online adjective ɒnˈlaɪn
shirt n ʃɜːt
T-shirt n ˈtiː ʃɜːt
dress n dres
jumper n ˈdʒʌmpə
skirt n skɜːt
suit n suːt
top n tɒp
trousers n ˈtraʊzəz
shoes n ʃuːz
excuse me phr ɪkˈskjuːz ˌmi
how much is it phr ˌhaʊ mʌtʃ ˈɪz ɪt
large adj lɑːdʒ
medium adj ˈmiːdiəm
size n saɪz
try something on phr ˌtraɪ sʌmθɪŋ ˈɒn
baker's n ˈbeɪkəz
bookshop n ˈbʊkʃɒp
butcher's n ˈbʊtʃə
clothes shop n ˈkləʊðz ʃɒp
computer shop n kəmˈpjuːtə ˌʃɒp
pet shop n ˈpet ʃɒp
shoe shop n ˈʃuː ʃɒp
sports shop n ˈspɔːts ʃɒp
supermarket n ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkɪt
video game shop n ˈvɪdiəʊ ɡeɪm ˌʃɒp
a piece of furniture you sleep on
a vehicle with two wheels you can ride
a machine that takes photographs, or makes films and videos
a vehicle with four wheels and an engine you can drive
a machine that makes coffee
a wood, metal, etc musical instrument with strings
a piece of jewellery you wear on your finger
a small clock you wear on your arm
a very dark colour, like night
the colour of the sea or sky
the colour of coffee
not light, closer to black
the colour of grass or leaves
not dark, closer to white
a colour between yellow and red
a mix of red and white
a colour between red and blue
the colour of blood
the colour of milk or snow
the colour of bananas
a plastic, glass, etc, container with water in it
paper pages inside a cover that you can read
a machine that uses programs to help you find, organise and change information
a hot dark brown drink in a small, round container
something you wear to see
a piece of equipment you wear over your ears to listen to music, etc
a piece of equipment with letters or numbers you press on to put information into a comp
a small piece of equipment that you move with your hand when you use a computer
a small book for you to write in
something you use to draw or write with black, blue, etc ink in it
something you use to draw or write with a black substance in the middle
a phone you can carry with you
a small living thing that has leaves and roots and grows in earth
a thing for cutting paper, cloth etc
a small piece of paper, often yellow, that you use to write a note on
a small computer you can carry, without a keyboard, that you touch to use
clothing with long sleeves you wear over your clothes to keep you warm
in a place where people buy and sell food, clothes, etc, usually outside or in a large buildi
in a building where you can buy things, food, clothes, a service etc
a short, light coat
trousers made of denim (= a strong, usually blue, cotton cloth)
on a computer that is connected to other computers, the internet, etc
clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms, and has buttons at the fr
a soft shirt with short sleeves and no collar
clothing for a woman or girl that covers the top of the body and part or all of the legs
clothing made of wool that covers the upper part of your body and arms
clothing for women and girls, which covers the lower part of the body like the bottom part
a set of clothes made of the same material, usually including a jacket with trousers or a sk
a piece of clothing that you wear on the upper part of your body
clothing that covers the lower half of your body, with a separate part for each leg
clothing you wear to cover your feet, made of leather or other strong material
what you say to get someone’s attention politely, especially to ask a question
what you say to find out the price of something in a shop, market, etc
big in size
of middle size
how big or small something is
to put clothes on your body to see if they are the correct size or decide if you like them
a shop that sells bread and cakes
a shop that sells books
a shop that sells meat
a shop that sells clothes
a shop that sells computers, laptops, keyboards etc
a shop that sells pets and food, etc for pets
a shop that sells shoes
a shop that sells sports clothes and equipment
a large shop that sells food, drinks and other things people need
a shop that sells video games
Example GSE Unit/Lesson Topic
I love my bed when I'm tired. 21 3A things
My bike is red and yellow. 28 3A things
They take good photos with their cameras. 28 3A things
Our car is small and perfect for the city. 15 3A things
I love my coffee machine. It's from Italy. / 3A things
Pablo's guitar is old and Spanish. 46 3A things
My favourite thing is a beautiful ring from India. 37 3A things
My watch has my grandfather's name on it. 35 3A things
I have a black pen. 16 3A VB colours
My sister has blue eyes. 23 3A VB colours
My brother has brown hair. 26 3A VB colours
His phone is dark blue. 25 3A VB colours
My favourite colour is green. 19 3A VB colours
Jakob's bag is light blue. 36 3A VB colours
Her book is orange. 30 3A VB colours
This beautiful rose is pink. 34 3A VB colours
The plant has a purple flower. 48 3A VB colours
My grandparents' house is red. 22 3A VB colours
My car is white. 13 3A VB colours
I have a yellow coffee machine. 26 3A VB colours
Please can I have a bottle of water? / 3B desk objects
My English book is yellow and green. 12 3B desk objects
I use a laptop computer at school. 20 3B desk objects
I have two cups of coffee in the morning. / 3B desk objects
I wear glasses to watch TV. 22 3B desk objects
I have headphones to listen to music. 71 3B desk objects
I have a computer and a keyboard on my desk. 47 3B desk objects
I use a mouse with my work computer. 39 3B desk objects
I have a notebook for my German classes. 43 3B desk objects
Do you have a blue pen? 24 3B desk objects
I don’t have any pencils on my desk. 33 3B desk objects
Call me on your phone. 13 3B desk objects
I like plants with beautiful flowers. 18 3B desk objects
We use scissors to cut paper. 54 3B desk objects
Write your name on the sticky note. / 3B desk objects
I watch TV on my tablet. 49 3B desk objects
Billy! Put your coat on, it’s cold outside! 27 3C clothes
I shop for shoes at the market. / 3C clothes
I buy clothes in shops in my city. / 3C clothes
He is wearing a green jacket and jeans. 36 3C clothes
My jeans are old and blue. 32 3C clothes
I buy lots of clothes online. 32 3C clothes
I wear a shirt and trousers to work. 27 3C clothes
That T-shirt is great! 41 3C clothes
My favourite dress is red. 24 VB 3C clothes
It's cold, so wear a jumper. 85 VB 3C clothes
She likes her purple skirt. 33 VB 3C clothes
We wear blue suits at work. 33 VB 3C clothes
She likes the bright orange top in the market. 42 VB 3C clothes
I need black trousers for work. 24 VB 3C clothes
My new shoes are yellow and white. 27 VB 3C clothes
Excuse me. Can you help me? 22 3C HT How to … shop for clothes
How much is it, please? / 3C HT How to … shop for clothes
Can I try this jacket in a large size? 30 3C HT How to … shop for clothes
I'm a medium. 44 3C HT How to … shop for clothes
Do you have this T-shirt in a small size? 32 3C HT How to … shop for clothes
Can I try this dress on? 33 3C HT How to … shop for clothes
The cakes at that baker's are very good. 64 3D shops
The bookshop has good children's books. 47 3D shops
I buy chicken and steak at the butcher's. 55 3D shops
I like that blue top in the clothes shop. 20 3D shops
They need a keyboard from the computer shop. / 3D shops
I love the beautiful fish in the pet shop! / 3D shops
The shoe shop is in the city centre. 27 3D shops
There are some good T-shirts in the sports shop. 23 3D shops
There is a new supermarket next to my house. 22 3D shops
I go to my favourite video game shop on Saturdays. / 3D shops
Page number
Vocabulary Part of speech Pronunciation
apple n ˈæpəl
banana n bəˈnɑːnə
chicken n ˈtʃɪkɪn
egg n eɡ
fish n fɪʃ
mushroom n ˈmʌʃruːm
pasta n ˈpæstə
rice n raɪs
sandwich n ˈsænwɪdʒ
steak n steɪk
tomato n təˈmɑːtəʊ
beef n biːf
bread n bred
carrot n ˈkærət
cereal n ˈsɪəriəl
cheese n tʃiːz
fruit juice n ˈfruːt dʒuːs
milk n mɪlk
orange n ˈɒrəndʒ
potato n pəˈteɪtəʊ
finish work phr ˌfɪnɪʃ ˈwɜːk
get home phr ɡet ˈhəʊm
get up phr ɡet ˈʌp
go to bed phr ˌɡəʊ tə ˈbed
go to work phr ˌɡəʊ tə ˈwɜːk
have lunch phr həv ˈlʌntʃ
leave home phr liːv ˈhəʊm
make dinner phr meɪk ˈdɪnə
start work phr stɑːt ˈwɜːk
watch TV phr ˌwɒtʃ tiː ˈviː
a.m. noun ˌeɪ ˈem
eleven o'clock phr ət ɪˌlevən əˈklɒk
half past ten phr ˌhɑːf pɑːst ˈten
p.m. noun ˌpiː ˈem
quarter past ten phr ˌkwɔːtə pɑːst ˈten
quarter to eleven phr ˌkwɔːtə tə ɪˈlevən
ten o'clock phr ət ˌten əˈklɒk
Americano n əˌmerəˈkɑːnəʊ
coffee n ˈkɒfi
cup n kʌp
eggs n eɡz
espresso n eˈspresəʊ
fork n fɔːk
fruit juice n ˈfruːt dʒuːs
mineral water n ˈmɪnərəl ˌwɔːtə
pastry n ˈpeɪstri
salt n sɔːlt
sandwich n ˈsænwɪdʒ
sparkling adj ˈspɑːklɪŋ
still adj stɪl
sugar n ˈʃʊɡə
tea n tiː
toast n təʊst
bowl n bəʊl
chopsticks n ˈtʃɒpstɪks
glass n ɡlɑːs
knife n naɪf
napkin n ˈnæpkɪn
pepper n ˈpepə
plate n pleɪt
spoon n spuːn
Anything else? phr ˌeniθɪŋ ˈels
Can I help you? phr ˌkən aɪ ˈhelp jʊ
Here you are/go. phr ˌhɪə jʊ ˈɑː/ˈɡəʊ
How much is that? phr ˌhaʊ mʌtʃ əz ˈðæt
Just a moment. phr ˌdʒəst ə ˈməʊmənt
Let me check. phr ˌlet mi ˈtʃek
that's phr ðæts
a round fruit that is red, green, or yellow and is white inside
a long, thin, yellow fruit
a farm bird, we eat its meat and eggs
a white or brown round object made by a female bird
an animal with fins and a tail that lives in water
a small, round white or brown plant with stems and
an Italian food made from flour, eggs, and water and cut into different shapes
small white or brown grains that you boil in water to eat
two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, egg, etc between them
a large thick piece of beef, or any red meat
a soft, round red fruit you can use in pastas, on pizzas, etc
the meat from a cow
a food made from flour and water that is baked in the oven.
a long, thin orange vegetable that grows in the ground
a breakfast food usually eaten with milk
a food made from milk, which is usually yellow or white, and can be soft or hard
the liquid that comes from fruit
the white liquid that comes from cows, goats etc
a round fruit with a thick orange skin
a round, white vegetable with a brown, red, or yellow skin, that grows under t
to end your job for the day
to arrive at your house after time at work, with friends, etc
to get out of bed
to get into bed
to travel to your job
to eat food in the middle of the day
to go away from your house
to cook food to eat at the end of the day
to begin your job for the day
to look at programmes, series, etc on the television
used to talk about times that are after midnight but before midday
happening at eleven o'clock
happening at thirty minutes past ten
used to talk about times that are after midday but before midnight
happening at fifteen minutes past ten
happening at forty-five minutes past ten
happening at ten o'clock
a coffee made with espresso and hot water
a hot brown bitter drink
a small, round container you drink from
white or brown round objects made by a female bird
strong black Italian coffee
something you use to eat food, with a handle and three or four points
the liquid that comes from fruit
water that comes from under the ground with minerals in it
a small, sweet cake you often eat for breakfast
a natural white mineral you add to food so it tastes good
two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, egg, etc between them
a sparkling drink has bubbles of gas in it
a still drink has no bubbles of gas in it
a sweet white or brown food made from plants
a hot brown drink made with leaves and water
hot bread that is brown and hard
a wide round container you eat food from
two long thin sticks you use to eat food in many countries in Asia
a glass container you drink from
something you use to eat and cut food, with a handle and a metal blade
a square piece of paper, cloth, etc you use to clean your hands when you eat
a black powder that adds a hot taste to food
a flat round dish you eat food on
something you use to eat food, with a handle and a small bowl at one end
what you say to check if a person wants anything more in a shop, café etc
what you say to check if a person wants your help
what you say when you give someone something
what you say to find out the price of something in a shop, cafe, etc
what you say when you want someone to wait for you for a short time
what you say when you want someone to wait for a short time so you can check
the short form of ‘that is’, often used to say the price of something in a shop, ca
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
I eat an apple every day. 32 4A
Bananas are my favourite fruit. 35 4A
We like chicken for dinner. 22 4A
I eat eggs for breakfast at the weekend. 21 4A
Many fish live in the sea. 16 4A
My favourite food is mushrooms. 56 4A
We eat pasta with tomatoes and mushrooms. 49 4A
Would you like some chicken and rice? 33 4A
On Mondays we have sandwiches for lunch. 24 4A
When I go to a French restaurant, I eat steak. 58 4A
Tomatoes are red and green. 34 4A
I buy beef at the butcher's. 42 4A VB
Do you want brown bread or white bread? 22 4A VB
My favourite vegetables are carrots. 47 4A VB
I have cereal and milk for breakfast every day. 55 4A VB
I like cheese and tomato pizza. 32 4A VB
We have fruit juice for breakfast. 38 4A VB
Do you want milk in your coffee? 24 4A VB
The children like orange juice. 30 4A VB
I sometimes eat steak and potatoes. 29 4A VB
They finish work at the hospital at 8 p.m. 18 4B
I get home from work at 6. / 4B
At the weekend I get up at 11. 27 4B
We go to bed at 12 a.m. on Fridays. / 4B
I go to work by bus. / 4B
I have lunch with my friends in the office. / 4B
Soraya leaves home at 6 a.m. / 4B
My husband makes dinner and we eat together. / 4B
I start work at 10 a.m. on Fridays. / 4B
We watch TV in the evenings. 22 4B
I get to work at 8 a.m. / 4B VB
Sometimes I eat lunch at eleven o' clock. / 4B VB
She leaves the house at half past ten. / 4B VB
They watch TV at 9 p.m. / 4B VB
I have a coffee at quarter past ten. / 4B VB
The bus is at quarter to eleven. / 4B VB
The class starts at ten o' clock. / 4B VB
I'd like an Americano with milk. / 4C
I like coffee in the morning. 23 4C
I drink three cups of tea a day. 24 4C
I eat eggs and toast for breakfast. 21 4C
Can I have an espresso and a pastry? 74 4C
Can I have a fork, please? 43 4C
We have fruit juice for breakfast. 38 4C
A mineral water and an orange juice, please. 71 4C
We eat pastries in the morning. 72 4C
Can I have some salt? 31 4C
On Mondays we have sandwiches for lunch. 24 4C
Still or sparkling water? 68 4C
I like still water, not sparkling water. 69 4C
I like sugar in my coffee. 25 4C
Can I have a cup of tea? 23 4C
I eat toast and cereal for breakfast. 48 4C
Can I have a bowl of pasta? 42 4C VB
We eat rice with chopsticks. 78 4C VB
A glass of apple juice, please. 22 4C VB
I eat steak with a knife and fork. 29 4C VB
Please can I have a napkin? 76 4C VB
I like salt and pepper on my eggs. 44 4C VB
The sandwich is on a white plate. 24 4C VB
I eat cereal with a spoon. 40 4C VB
So that's a coffee and a pastry. Anything else? / 4C HT
Hello. Can I help you? / 4C HT
One Americano. Here you are/go. / 4C HT
How much is that, please? / 4C HT
Just a moment, please. Here you are. / 4C HT
Let me check if we have a small size. / 4C HT
That's £4.50, please. / 4C HT
Topic Page number
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
Vocabulary Part of speech Pronunciation
call v kɔːl
forget v fəˈɡet
get v ɡet
help v help
say v seɪ
send v send
take v teɪk
thank v θæŋk
dance salsa phr ˌdɑːns ˈsælsə
dance the tango phr ˌdɑːns ðə ˈtæŋɡəʊ
play the guitar phr ˌpleɪ ðə ɡɪˈtɑː
play the piano phr ˌpleɪ ðə piˈænəʊ
read a map phr ˌriːd ə ˈmæp
read Japanese phr ˌriːd dʒæpəˈniːz
remember people's names phr rɪˌmembə piːpəlz ˈneɪmz
remember words in English phr rɪˌmembə wɜːdz ɪn ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ
sleep in a hotel bed phr ˌsliːp ɪn ə həʊtel ˈbed
sleep on a bus phr ˌsliːp ɒn ə ˈbʌs
use all the apps on my/your phonephr juːz ɔːl ðə ˌæps ɒn maɪ/jə ˈ
use chopsticks phr ˌjuːz ˈtʃɒpstɪks
catch v kætʃ
drive v draɪv
paint v peɪnt
run v rʌn
sing v sɪŋ
swim v swɪm
throw v θrəʊ
type v taɪp
cheap adj tʃiːp
closed adj kləʊzd
early adj ˈɜːli
expensive adj ɪkˈspensɪv
late adj leɪt
open adj ˈəʊpən
right adj raɪt
wrong adj rɒŋ
January n ˈdʒænjuəri
February n ˈfebruəri
March n mɑːtʃ
April n ˈeɪprəl
May n meɪ
June n dʒuːn
July n dʒʊˈlaɪ
August n ˈɔːɡʌst
September n sepˈtembə
October n ɒkˈtəʊbə
November n nəʊˈvembə
December n dɪˈsembə
to telephone someone
to not remember something
to bring someone something
to use words to say how you feel about something
to make a message go somewhere by email, phone, post, etc
to do an action, for example if you take a walk, you walk somewhere
to tell someone you are pleased or happy about something they have done
dance to salsa music
dance to tango music
perform music on the guitar
perform music on the piano
look at a map and find directions
look at Japanese words and understand them
learn and know people's names
learn and know words in English
sleep in a hotel bed
sleep on a bus
do something with an app on your mobile phone
move chopsticks in your hands to eat food
to get hold of and stop a ball, etc in your hands
to sit in a car, truck, bus etc and make it move
to put paint on an object, wall, etc
to move your legs very quickly, to walk very fast
to make a musical sound with your voice
to move your body through water with your arms and legs
to push and let go of a ball, etc, with your hands to make it move through the air
to write something with a computer, laptop, etc
not expensive, low in price
not open, people, things, etc can't go in and out
not late, something that happens before the time that is expected
not cheap, high in price
not early, something that happens after the time that is expected
not closed, people, things, etc can go in and out
not correct
the first month of the year
the second month of the year
the third month of the year
the fourth month of the year
the fifth month of the year
the sixth month of the year
the seventh month of the year
the eighth month of the year
the ninth month of the year
the tenth month of the year
the eleventh month of the year
the twelfth month of the year
Example GSE Unit/Lesson Topic
I call my friends after work. 26 5A common verbs (1)
I never forget my mum and dad's birthdays. 29 5A common verbs (1)
Can you get me a coffee, please? 15 5A common verbs (1)
My colleague Marta helps me with my work problems. 34 5A common verbs (1)
I always say 'hello' to people in shops. 15 5A common verbs (1)
We don't send work emails in the evenings. 25 5A common verbs (1)
I take a coffee break at 11 a.m. 15 5A common verbs (1)
Thank you for your help. 32 5A common verbs (1)
Maria dances salsa on Friday evenings. / 5B verbs of ability
Lots of people dance the tango in Argentina. / 5B verbs of ability
I can play the Spanish guitar. / 5B verbs of ability
We play the piano and sing. / 5B verbs of ability
Can you read a map? / 5B verbs of ability
Hiroko can read Japanese. / 5B verbs of ability
It's easy for me to remember people's names. / 5B verbs of ability
Can you remember words in English? / 5B verbs of ability
They sleep in a hotel bed on their holiday. / 5B verbs of ability
I can’t sleep on a bus. / 5B verbs of ability
Do you use all the apps on your phone? / 5B verbs of ability
We can use chopsticks to eat rice. / 5B verbs of ability
Can you catch the tennis ball? 27 5B VB verbs of ability
I drive to work every morning. 19 5B VB verbs of ability
I can paint pictures. 34 5B VB verbs of ability
We run in the park in the morning. 12 5B VB verbs of ability
She sing songs with her children. 25 5B VB verbs of ability
I can't swim in the sea. It's difficult. 28 5B VB verbs of ability
They can't throw a football. 27 5B VB verbs of ability
I can type three emails in five minutes. 47 5B VB verbs of ability
A cup of coffee in this café is cheap. 16 5C common adjectives (2)
The shoe shop is closed on Sunday. 26 5C common adjectives (2)
I get up early – at six a.m. 27 5C common adjectives (2)
This gold ring is very expensive! 20 5C common adjectives (2)
I'm sorry I'm late for class. 25 5C common adjectives (2)
Is the restaurant open this evening? 13 5C common adjectives (2)
That's the right answer. 29 5C common adjectives (2)
This sentence in the book is wrong. 17 5C common adjectives (2)
He starts his new job in January. 19 5D months
Roberto's birthday is on the fifteenth of February. 19 5D months
I have a family meal on the sixth March. 19 5D months
Every April I go to France. 19 5D months
Tatiana's birthday is on the thirtieth of May. 19 5D months
My English class finishes in June. 19 5D months
It's hot in July! 19 5D months
Her brother's birthday is on the twenty-first of August. 19 5D months
My birthday’s in September. 19 5D months
My grandmother is 95 in October. 19 5D months
My birthday's in November. 19 5D months
It's very cold in my country in December. 19 5D months
Page number
Vocabulary Part of speech Pronunciation
armchair n ˈɑːmtʃeə
bathroom n ˈbɑːθrʊm
bed n bed
bedroom n ˈbedrʊm
chair n tʃeə
desk n desk
kitchen n ˈkɪtʃɪn
living room n ˈlɪvɪŋ ˌruːm
shelf n ʃelf
sofa n ˈsəʊfə
table n ˈteɪbəl
television n ˈteləˌvɪʒən
bath n bɑːθ
cooker n ˈkʊkə
door n dɔː
floor n flɔː
fridge n frɪdʒ
garden n ˈɡɑːdn
lamp n læmp
plant n plɑːnt
shower n ˈʃaʊə
toilet n ˈtɔɪlət
wall n wɔːl
window n ˈwɪndəʊ
café n ˈkæfeɪ
cinema n ˈsɪnəmə
park n pɑːk
restaurant n ˈrestərɒnt
school n skuːl
shop n ʃɒp
sports centre n ˈspɔːts ˌsentə
supermarket n ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkɪt
airport n ˈeəpɔːt
bus station n ˈbʌs ˌsteɪʃən
hospital n ˈhɒspɪtl
hotel n həʊˈtel
library n ˈlaɪbrəri
museum n mjuːˈziəm
post office n ˈpəʊst ˌɒfɪs
shopping centre n ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˌsentə
swimming pool n ˈswɪmɪŋ ˌpuːl
train station n ˈtreɪn ˌsteɪʃən
building n ˈbɪldɪŋ
bus stop n ˈbʌs stɒp
car park n ˈkɑː pɑːk
cash machine n ˌkæʃ məˈʃiːn
clock n klɒk
entrance n ˈentrəns
exit n ˈeksɪt
seat n siːt
sign n saɪn
street n striːt
opposite prep ˈɒpəzɪt
to the right phr ˌtə ðə ˈraɪt
to the left phr ˌtə ðə ˈleft
in front of phr ˌɪn ˈfrʌnt əv
next to phr ˈnekst tʊ
fire exit n ˈfaɪə ˌeksɪt
information desk n ɪnfəˈmeɪʃən ˌdesk
lift n lɪft
parking area n ˈpɑːkɪŋ ˌeəriə
stairs n steəz
the first floor n ðə ˌfɜːst ˈflɔː
way out n weɪ ˈaʊt
a comfortable chair with sides you put your arms on
the room in a house with a bath or shower
a piece of furniture you sleep on
the room in a house where you sleep
a piece of furniture that one person can sit on
a small table that you sit at to write and work
the room where you make and eat food
the room in a house where people relax, watch television etc
a board on the wall or in a cupboard that you put things on
a comfortable seat with arms and a back, for two or three people to sit on
a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs
a piece of electronic equipment with a screen you watch programmes on
a big metal, plastic, etc, container in a bathroom you sit in to wash your body
a piece of kitchen equipment you use to cook food
a large flat piece of wood, glass etc you move when you go into or out of a room,
the flat surface that you walk on in a building, room, etc
a piece of kitchen equipment for keeping food and drinks cold
an area of land next to a house with flowers, trees, etc.
an object that produces light with electricity
a small living thing that has leaves and roots and grows in earth
a piece of equipment in a bathroom you stand under to wash your body
a piece of equipment in a bathroom that you sit on to get rid of liquid or waste
a large flat stone, brick, etc structure that divides one area from another
a square or an area of glass in a wall that lets in light and air
a small restaurant where you can buy drinks and food
a building where you can watch films
a large open area with grass and trees, especially in a town
a place you buy and eat food
a place where children study and learn
a building where you can buy things, food, clothes, a service etc
a building where you can go to play many different indoor sports
a large shop that sells food, drinks and other things people need
a place where planes take off and land, with buildings for people to wait in
a place where buses start and finish their journeys
a building where doctors help sick people
a building where people pay money to stay in rooms and eat meals
a room or building with books you can look at or borrow
a building where people can look at important, often old, objects
a place where you can send letters, packages, etc
a large building with lots of shops, businesses, etc in it
an area of water for people to swim in
a place where people take trains to different places
a structure that has a roof and walls; a house, office, school, etc
a place on the side of a road with a sign where buses stop for people
an large, flat area where people park their cars
a machine in or outside a bank, supermarket, etc where you can put in a card a
an object that shows what time it is, in a room or on the outside of a building
a door that you go through to enter a building
a door that you go through to leave a building
a chair, place, etc where you can sit
a piece of paper, metal, etc with words or pictures that give people information,
a road in a city or town that has houses, shops etc on one or both sides
directly facing something or someone
on the right side of something or someone
on the left side of something or someone
facing someone or something
by the side of something or someone
a door that you go through to leave a building if there is a fire
a table where you can get information about a building, area, event, etc
a metal machine you stand in that moved up and down between floors in a buil
an area, often under or outside a building, where people park their cars
flat, narrow pieces of wood, metal, etc you put your feet on to move up or down
the level in a building above the entrance
a door that you go through to leave a building
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
There's a blue armchair in the living room. 64 6A
Where’s the bathroom? 20 6A
My bed is my perfect place when I'm tired. 21 6A
The hotel has 50 bedrooms. 23 6A
I have four chairs and a table in my kitchen. 19 6A
Marie uses her computer at her desk. 23 6A
I make dinner in my kitchen. 23 6A
We talk and watch TV in the living room. 32 6A
There's a book on the shelf. 43 6A
I have lots of cushions on my sofa. 48 6A
Your laptop is on the table. 17 6A
They watch television in the evenings after work. 20 6A
The bath in my bathroom is white. 28 6A VB
I make dinner on the cooker in my kitchen. 41 6A VB
Please close the door to my office. 13 6A VB
The floor in my kitchen is black. 21 6A VB
I have milk and eggs in my fridge. 41 6A VB
My sister's garden has lots of flowers. It's beautiful. 19 6A VB
Sergio has a green lamp on his desk. 46 6A VB
I like plants with beautiful flowers. 18 6A VB
Mary has a hot shower in the morning. 37 6A VB
In my bathroom there's a bath, a shower and a toilet. 20 6A VB
I have three pictures on my living room walls. 14 6A VB
Close the window. It's cold. 14 6A VB
My favourite café is near my house. 30 6B
We go to the cinema on Fridays. 28 6B
I run in the park. 25 6B
There is an Italian restaurant in my town. 22 6B
My son and daughter go to school. 15 6B
Can you buys some bread from the shop? 14 6B
Paul and Martyn play football at the sports centre. 64 6B
There is a new supermarket next to my house. 22 6B
I work at the airport in my city. 20 6B VB
You can take a bus from the bus station to many places. 58 6B VB
My sister's a doctor. She works at a big hospital. 31 6B VB
In the summer, I stay at a hotel by the sea. 18 6B VB
I like the books at the library in my town. 23 6B VB
There are many old things in the museum. 33 6B VB
Go to the post office to send a letter. 27 6B VB
The shoe shop in the shopping centre is very expensive! 48 6B VB
My children have classes at the swimming pool. 32 6B VB
Grand Central is a train station in New York. / 6B VB
My office is in a big grey building. 20 6C
There is a bus stop opposite my house. 56 6C
The car park is in the city centre. 29 6C
I get money from the cash machine. 70 6C
The clock on the building is very old. 25 6C
The entrance to the shopping centre is next to the hotel. 28 6C
The train station exit is very big. 25 6C
There are lots of seats in the bus station. 25 6C
Look at the sign for the supermarket. 30 6C
Our street is very quiet. 23 6C
The shopping centre is opposite the train station. 35 6C HT
The library's to the right of the school. / 6C HT
The bus stop is to the left of the supermarket. / 6C HT
I'm in front of the cinema. 30 6C HT
Meet me next to the sports centre. 39 6C HT
The fire exit is on the ground floor of the building. / 6C VB
The airport information desk is next to the entrance. / 6C VB
Take the lift to the third floor of the building. 29 6C VB
The parking area in the building is opposite the exit. / 6C VB
There are a lot of stairs in my house. 25 6C VB
Our office is on the first floor of the building. 48 6C VB
The way out of the bus station is over there. / 6C VB
Topic Page number
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
How to … ask where a place i 62
How to … ask where a place i 62
How to … ask where a place i 62
How to … ask where a place i 62
How to … ask where a place i 62
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
Vocabulary Part of speech Pronunciation
clean a room phr ˌkliːn ə ˈruːm
clean my apartment phr ˌkliːn maɪ əˈpɑːtmənt
clean my kitchen phr ˌkliːn maɪ ˈkɪtʃɪn
cook a meal phr ˌkʊk ə ˈmiːl
cook my favourite food phr ˌkʊk maɪ ˈfeɪvərət ˌfuːd
cook some vegetables phr ˌkʊk səm ˈvedʒtəbəlz
do my homework phr ˌduː maɪ ˈhəʊmwɜːk
do nothing phr ˌduː ˈnʌθɪŋ
do the shopping phr ˌduː ðə ˈʃɒpɪŋ
feed the baby phr ˌfiːd ðə ˈbeɪbi
feed the birds phr ˌfiːd ðə ˈbɜːdz
feed the cat phr ˌfiːd ðə ˈkæt
have a bath phr ˌhæv ə ˈbɑːθ
have a hot drink phr ˌhæv ə hɒt ˈdrɪŋk
have a shower phr ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊə
spend an hour together phr ˌspend ən ˈaʊə təɡeðə
spend five minutes alone phr spend ˌfaɪv ˈmɪnəts
spend the evening with friendphr spend ðə ˌiːvnɪŋ wɪð ˈfrend
visit a museum phr ˌvɪzɪt ə mjuːˈziəm
visit my grandmother phr ˌvɪzɪt maɪ ˈɡrænmʌðə
visit some friends phr ˌvɪzɪt səm ˈfrendz
wash my car phr ˌwɒʃ maɪ ˈkɑː
wash my hair phr ˌwɒʃ maɪ ˈheə
wash my hands phr ˌwɒʃ maɪ ˈhændz
amazing adj əˈmeɪzɪŋ
(the) best adj (ðə) ˈbest
famous adj ˈfeɪməs
fast adj fɑːst
positive adj ˈpɒzətɪv
rich adj rɪtʃ
poor adj pɔː
slow adj sləʊ
strong adj strɒŋ
weak adj wiːk
arm n ɑːm
back n bæk
ear n ɪə
eye n aɪ
head n hed
nose n nəʊz
stomach n ˈstʌmək
tooth/teeth n tuːθ/tiːθ
face n feɪs
foot/feet n fʊt/fiːt
hand n hænd
hair n heə
leg n leɡ
neck n nek
mouth n maʊθ
a cold n ə ˈkəʊld
backache n ˈbækeɪk
earache n ˈɪəreɪk
headache n ˈhedeɪk
hurt v hɜːt
stomachache n ˈstʌməkˌeɪk
toothache n ˈtuːθeɪk
do yoga phr duː ˈjəʊɡə
go for a walk phr ˌɡəʊ fə ə ˈwɔːk
go to the gym phr ˌɡəʊ tə ðə ˈdʒɪm
play basketball phr ˌpleɪ ˈbɑːskətbɔːl
play cricket phr ˌpleɪ ˈkrɪkɪt
play football phr ˌpleɪ ˈfʊtbɔːl
play tennis phr ˌpleɪ ˈtenɪs
run/go for a run v/phr rʌn/ˌɡəʊ fə ə ˈrʌn
do work to make a room clean
do work to make your apartment clean
do work to make your kitchen clean
make breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc to eat
make your favourite food
cook some vegetables
do work a teacher gives you outside of a class
not do any work, see friends, etc, relax
buy things, often food or drinks
give a baby food
give birds food
give a cat food
take a bath
drink a coffee, tea etc
take a shower
be with another person/other people for an hour
be on your own for five minutes
be with your friends for a few hours in the evening
go to a museum and spend time there
go to where your grandmother lives and spend time there
go to where your friends live and spend time there
clean your car with water and soap
clean your hair with water and shampoo
clean your hands with water and soap
very good, usually in a surprising way
number one, better than all other things
someone lots of people in many places know
not slow, someone or something that moves very quickly
someone who thinks about what is good in a situation
not poor, someone who has a lot of money and expensive things
not rich, someone who doesn't have a lot of money or expensive things
not fast, someone or something that does not move quickly
not weak, someone or something that has a lot of physical power
not strong, someone or something that doesn't have a lot of physical power
a long part of your body between your shoulder and your hand
the part of the body between the neck and legs, on the opposite side to the st
one of the two parts of the body on your head that you use to hear
one of the two parts of the body on your face that you use to see
the top part of your body above your neck, with a face at the front
the part of the body on your face that you use to smell
the part of your body which changes food into energy
hard, white objects in your mouth you use to bite and eat food
the front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and mouth are
the part of your body that you stand and walk on
the part of your body at the end of your arm with your fingers and thumb
blonde, brown, black, etc. material that grows on top of your head
a long part of your body between your body and your foot
the part of your body between your head and your shoulders
the part of your face which you use to eat, drink and speak
a common illness that makes your nose and throat hurt
a pain in your back
a pain in your ear
a pain in your head
to feel pain in part of your body
a pain in your stomach
a pain in your tooth
do special exercises to hep your mind and body relax
to make time to walk for exercise and to relax
go to a special building with equipment to do exercise
play a game of basketball
play a game of cricket
play a game of football
play a game of tennis
to move your legs very fast to go forward, to make time to run for exercise and
Example GSE Unit/Lesson Topic
I clean my room at the weekend. / 7A everyday activities (2)
I clean my apartment on Sundays. / 7A everyday activities (2)
I clean my kitchen after I cook a meal. / 7A everyday activities (2)
Javier cooks a meal when he gets home from work. / 7A everyday activities (2)
My husband cooks my favourite food on my birthday. / 7A everyday activities (2)
Can you cook some vegetables for lunch? / 7A everyday activities (2)
I do my homework in the mornings before class. / 7A everyday activities (2)
On Saturday I like to do nothing! / 7A everyday activities (2)
Do you do the shopping at the supermarket? / 7A everyday activities (2)
I feed the baby when he's hungry. / 7A everyday activities (2)
My grandfather feeds the birds in his garden. / 7A everyday activities (2)
Please feed the cat when I'm on holiday. / 7A everyday activities (2)
She has a hot bath in the evenings. / 7A everyday activities (2)
Do you want a hot drink? / 7A everyday activities (2)
I have a shower in the morning before work. / 7A everyday activities (2)
Can we spend an hour together this weekend? / 7A everyday activities (2)
I like to spend five minutes alone sometimes. / 7A everyday activities (2)
On Friday and Saturday, we spend the evening with friend / 7A everyday activities (2)
I want to visit a museum in Paris. / 7A everyday activities (2)
On Tuesdays I visit my grandmother. / 7A everyday activities (2)
On Sundays, we visit some friends on our street. / 7A everyday activities (2)
I wash my car if it's dirty. / 7A everyday activities (2)
I wash my hair in the shower. / 7A everyday activities (2)
I wash my hands before I cook a meal. / 7A everyday activities (2)
Kylian Mbappé is an amazing football player. 37 7B common adjectives (3)
My best friend is called Catherine. 28 7B common adjectives (3)
He's a very famous actor. 39 7B common adjectives (3)
Luciana Aymar is a fast, strong hockey player. 23 7B common adjectives (3)
My grandmother is a very positive person. 48 7B common adjectives (3)
His wife's family are very rich. 32 7B common adjectives (3)
This is a poor part of the city, with small houses. 23 7B VB common adjectives (3)
Your car is very slow. It travels at 40kph. 24 7B VB common adjectives (3)
The dancer has very strong legs. 28 7B VB common adjectives (3)
I feel tired and weak today. 33 7B VB common adjectives (3)
My arm hurts today. 21 7C parts of the body
His back is very strong. 21 7C parts of the body
Human use their ears to hear. 21 7C parts of the body
We use our eyes to see. 20 7C parts of the body
Human heads have two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mou 19 7C parts of the body
I can smell a flower with my nose. 26 7C parts of the body
My stomach hurts because I'm hungry. 47 7C parts of the body
Babies don't have many teeth. 33 7C parts of the body
Her face is beautiful. 17 7C VB parts of the body
My feet hurt if I walk a lot. 20 7C VB parts of the body
Your hand has four fingers and a thumb. 16 7C VB parts of the body
The little boy's hair is brown. 18 7C VB parts of the body
She's a dancer - her legs are very strong. 19 7C VB parts of the body
My neck hurts if I don't sleep well. 34 7C VB parts of the body
We smile with our mouths. 23 7C VB parts of the body
I've got a cold so I'm in bed. 39 7C HT How to … say you're not well
Janus has got backache today. 75 7C HT How to … say you're not well
The baby's got earache. Let's take him to the doctor. 81 7C HT How to … say you're not well
I've got a bad headache this morning. 42 7C HT How to … say you're not well
My leg and feet hurt. 31 7C HT How to … say you're not well
She's got a stomachache. 81 7C HT How to … say you're not well
His toothache is bad. He needs to go to hospital. 73 7C HT How to … say you're not well
I do yoga classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. / 7D sports and exercise
I go for a walk by the sea after work. / 7D sports and exercise
Shane goes to the gym in the morning before work. / 7D sports and exercise
The girls play basketball after school in the park. / 7D sports and exercise
Many people play cricket in India and Pakistan. / 7D sports and exercise
Can we play football this weekend? / 7D sports and exercise
My sister plays tennis three days a week with a friend. / 7D sports and exercise
I sometimes go for a run on Sunday morning. 12// 7D sports and exercise
Page number
Vocabulary Part of speech Pronunciation
arrive v əˈraɪv
book v bʊk
change v tʃeɪndʒ
plan v plæn
relax v rɪˈlæks
stay v steɪ
travel v ˈtrævəl
try v traɪ
walk v wɔːk
want v wɒnt
have a barbecue phr ˌhæv ə ˈbɑːbɪkjuː
go to a party phr ˌɡəʊ tə ə ˈpɑːti
play a game phr ˌpleɪ ə ˈɡeɪm
see a film phr ˌsiː ə ˈfɪlm
meet a friend phr ˌmiːt ə ˈfrend
buy clothes phr baɪ ˈkləʊðz
watch television phr ˌwɒtʃ ˈteləvɪʒən
do a sport phr ˌduː ə ˈspɔːt
a week ago phr ə ˈwiːk əˌɡəʊ
in 1969 phr in ˌnaɪntiːn sɪkstiˈnaɪn
in 2020 phr in ˌtwenti ˈtwenti
last April phr ˌlɑːst ˈeɪprəl
last Friday phr ˌlɑːst ˈfraɪdi
last month phr lɑːst ˈmʌnθ
last night phr lɑːst ˈnaɪt
last Saturday phr ˌlɑːst ˈsætədi
last weekend phr ˌlɑːst wiːkˈend
last year phr lɑːst ˈjɪə
on Friday phr ɒn ˈfraɪdi
on Saturday phr ɒn ˈsætədi
three days ago phr θriː ˈdeɪz əˌɡəʊ
two years ago phr tuː ˈjɪəz əˌɡəʊ
yesterday afternoon phr ˌjestədi ɑːftəˈnuːn
yesterday evening phr ˌjestədi ˈiːvnɪŋ
yesterday morning phr ˌjestədi ˈmɔːnɪŋ
bike/bicycle n baɪk/ˈbaɪsɪkəl
boat n bəʊt
bus n bʌs
car n kɑː
motorbike n ˈməʊtəbaɪk
plane n pleɪn
taxi n ˈtæksi
train n treɪn
tram n træm
underground/subway n ˈʌndəɡraʊnd/ˈsʌbweɪ
gate n ɡeɪt
monthly pass n ˌmʌnθli ˈpɑːs
passenger n ˈpæsɪndʒə
platform n ˈplætfɔːm
return n rɪˈtɜːn
single n ˈsɪŋɡəl
ticket machine n ˈtɪkɪt məˌʃiːn
ticket office n ˈtɪkɪt ˌɒfɪs
to get to a place you are going to
to make arrangements to stay in a place, eat in a restaurant, etc
to change something to make it different
to think carefully about something you want to do, and decide how and when to
to rest or do enjoyable things, often at the weekend or on holiday
to not go, to be in a place and not leave
to go from one place to a different place or places, sometimes in another countr
to do something different to what you normally do
to move forward because you put one foot in front of the other
to have a desire for something
to cook food on a fire outdoors or in a garden
to go to a social event with other people to eat, drink, dance, etc and enjoy your
to do an activity or sport with other people, usually for fun
watch a film at the cinema or on television
to go to a place where your friend is so that you can talk or do something toget
to spend money to get clothes, either online or in a shop
watch programmes on a piece of electronic equipment with a screen
to do a physical activity, run, play football, tennis etc, alone or with other peopl
one week before the current date
in the year 1969
in the year 2020
the most recent April before the present date
the most recent Friday before the present date
the month before the present one
the evening of one day ago
the most recent Friday before the present date
the most recent weekend before the present date
the year before the present one
during the day of the most recent Friday before the present date
during the day of the most recent Saturday before the present date
three days before the current date
two years before the current date
the afternoon of one day ago
the evening of one day ago
the morning of one day ago
a vehicle with two wheels you can ride
a vehicle that travels across water
a big vehicle people pay money to travel on
a vehicle with four wheels and an engine you can drive
a small fast two-wheeled vehicle with an engine
vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and an engine
a car and driver you pay to take you to a place
a vehicle with many sections pulled along metal lines by an engine
a vehicle for passengers, which travels along metal tracks in the street
a train system that runs under the ground below a big city
the place where you leave an airport building or bus station to get a plane/bus
a ticket you can use on a bus, train, the underground etc every day for a month
someone who travels in a bus, plane, train, etc but doesn't drive or work on it
a high place next to a railway line where people get off and on a train in a statio
a ticket for a journey from one place to another and back again
a ticket for a journey from one place to another
an electronic machine where you can buy tickets for bus, underground, train etc
a place where you can talk to people to buy tickets for bus, underground, train
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
We arrive in Paris at 8 p.m. 21 8A
Can I book a hotel room for July? 33 8A
It's possible to change the date of your booking by telephone. 30 8A
I don’t like to plan anything when I'm on holiday. 31 8A
Relax and do nothing in our beautiful hotel. 21 8A
On our weekend away, I want to stay in a little village. 27 8A
Sometimes I travel to Germany for work. 25 8A
Do you want to try glamping for our holiday this year? 27 8A
We walk in the park in the afternoon. 19 8A
Timothy wants a break from city life because he's tired. 18 8A
In the summer we like to have barbecues in the garden. / 8B
I want to go to a party and dance all night! / 8B
Last night I played games with my brother online. / 8B
Do you want to see a film at the cinema tonight? / 8B
I often meet a friend at the shopping centre near my house. / 8B
Sometimes I buy clothes online, but sometimes I go to the shopping cen / 8B
They watch television in the evenings after work. / 8B
I like to do sport with my friends at the weekend. / 8B
I went to the cinema a week ago. / 8B VB
In 1969, my father was born. / 8B VB
I finished university in 2020. / 8B VB
Last April I went to China. / 8B VB
Last Friday, Marcella went to the cinema. / 8B VB
Last month it was Jun-Soo's birthday. / 8B VB
Last night I ate chicken for dinner. / 8B VB
They went to a barbecue last Saturday. / 8B VB
Last weekend I met my friends in the park. / 8B VB
Last year my brother went to Australia. / 8B VB
On Friday, Giovanni and Kamila went to a French restaurant. / 8B VB
I watched TV on Saturday night. / 8B VB
Three days ago I went to work. / 8B VB
I had a holiday in Spain two years ago. / 8B VB
Yesterday afternoon we went to our English class. / 8B VB
Julie did nothing yesterday evening. / 8B VB
I woke up early yesterday morning. / 8B VB
My bike is red and yellow. 28 8C VB
We went on a boat trip on the river. 29 8C VB
The bus is at the station. 22 8C VB
Our car is small and perfect for the city. 15 8C VB
I have a black and orange motorbike. 44 8C VB
I took the plane to Paris. 21 8C VB
I always take taxis to the airport. 15 8C VB
The train leaves the station at 9.45 a.m. 19 8C VB
We took a tram to the centre of the city. 67 8C VB
I travelled on the New York subway. 62 8C VB
The planes leaves from gate number four. 53 8C
I use a monthly pass / 8C
Can all passengers for Zurich please go to gate 3C? 39 8C
Passengers for Manchester, please go to platform seven. 40 8C
A return ticket to London, please. 37 8C
Can I have a single ticket to Chicago for Friday morning? 33 8C
I buy tickets for the subway from the ticket machine. / 8C
The train station ticket office opens at seven in the morning. 76 8C
Topic Page number
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
Vocabulary Part of speech Pronunciation
bus n bʌs
coffee n ˈkɒfi
park n pɑːk
photo n ˈfəʊtəʊ
pizza n ˈpiːtsə
restaurant n ˈrestərɒnt
bank n bæŋk
camera n ˈkæmərə
computer n kəmˈpjuːtə
menu n ˈmenjuː
hotel n həʊˈtel
passport n ˈpɑːspɔːt
phone n fəʊn
supermarket n ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkɪt
taxi n ˈtæksi
university n ˌjuːnəˈvɜːsəti
zero number ˈzɪərəʊ
one number wʌn
two number tuː
three number θriː
four number fɔː
five number faɪv
six number sɪks
seven number ˈsevən
eight number eɪt
nine number naɪn
ten number ten
Monday n ˈmʌndi
Tuesday n ˈtjuːzdi
Wednesday n ˈwenzdi
Thursday n ˈθɜːzdi
Friday n ˈfraɪdi
Saturday n ˈsætədi
Sunday n ˈsʌndi
don't phr dəʊnt
English n ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ
know v nəʊ
page n peɪdʒ
repeat v rɪˈpiːt
thank v θæŋk
understand v ˌʌndəˈstænd
what's phr wɒts
answer v ˈɑːnsə
ask v ɑːsk
check your answers phr ˌtʃek jər ˈɑːnsəz
choose v tʃuːz
listen v ˈlɪsən
look at phr ˈlʊk ət
match v mætʃ
read v riːd
write v raɪt
say 'hello' phr ˌseɪ həˈləʊ
work alone phr ˌwɜːk əˈləʊn
work in pairs phr ˌwɜːk ɪn ˈpeəz
Bye interjection baɪ
Good afternoon phr ɡʊd ˌɑːftəˈnuːn
Good evening phr ɡʊd ˈiːvnɪŋ
Good morning phr ɡʊd ˈmɔːnɪŋ
Good night phr ɡʊd naɪt
Goodbye interjection ɡʊdˈbaɪ
Hello interjection həˈləʊ
Hey interjection heɪ
Hi interjection haɪ
See you phr siː juː
American adj əˈmerɪkən
Argentina n ˌɑːdʒənˈtiːnə
Argentinian adj ˌɑːdʒənˈtɪniən
Australia n ɒˈstreɪliə
Australian adj ɒˈstreɪliən
Brazil n brəˈzɪl
Brazilian adj brəˈzɪliən
British adj ˈbrɪtɪʃ
China n ˈtʃaɪnə
Chinese adj ˌtʃaɪˈniːz
Colombia n kəˈlʌmbiə
Colombian adj kəˈlʌmbiən
France n frɑːns
French adj frentʃ
German adj ˈdʒɜːməni
Germany n ˈdʒɜːmən
India n ˈɪndiə
Indian adj ˈɪndiən
Italian adj ˈɪtəli
Italy n ɪˈtæliən
Japan n dʒəˈpæn
Japanese adj ˌdʒæpəˈniːz
Mexican adj ˈmeksɪkən
Mexico n ˈmeksɪkən
Poland n ˈpəʊlənd
Polish adj ˈpəʊlɪʃ
South Africa n saʊθ ˈæfrɪkə
South African adj saʊθ ˈæfrɪkən
South Korea n saʊθ kəˈriːə
South Korean adj saʊθ kəˌriːən
Spain n speɪn
Spanish adj ˈspænɪʃ
Swiss adj swɪs
Switzerland n ˈswɪtsələnd
the UK n ðə ˌjuː ˈke
the US/the USA n ðə ˌjuː ˈes/ðə ˌjuː es ˈe
Turkey n ˈtɜːki
Turkish adj ˈtɜːkɪʃ
Vietnam n ˌvjetˈnæm
Vietnamese adj ˌvjetnəˈmiːz
doctor n ˈdɒktə
singer n ˈsɪŋə
taxi driver n ˈtæksi ˌdraɪvə
teacher n ˈtiːtʃə
waiter n ˈweɪtə
actor n ˈæktə
artist n ˈɑːtɪst
bus driver n bʌs ˌdraɪvə
businessman/businesswoman n ˈbɪznəsˌmən/ˈbɪznəs
digital designer n ˌdɪdʒətl dɪˈzaɪnə
football player n ˈfʊtbɔːl ˌpleɪə
nurse n nɜːs
office worker n ˈɒfɪs ˌwɜːkə
police officer n pəˈliːs ˌɒfəsə
shop assistant n ˈʃɒp əˌsɪstənt
A n eɪ
B n biː
C n siː
D n diː
E n iː
F n ef
G n dʒiː
H n eɪtʃ
I n aɪ
J n dʒeɪ
K n keɪ
L n el
M n em
N n en
O n əʊ
P n piː
Q n kjuː
R n ɑː
S n es
T n tiː
U n juː
V n viː
W n ˈdʌbəljuː
X n eks
Y n waɪ
Z n zed
first name phr ˈfɜːst neɪm
phone number phr fəʊn ˌnʌmbə
repeat v rɪˈpiːt
spell v spel
surname n ˈsɜːneɪm
what's phr wɒts
bag n bæɡ
banana n bəˈnɑːnə
book n bʊk
bottle of water n ˌbɒtl əv ˈwɔːtə
key n kiː
laptop n ˈlæptɒp
make-up n ˈmeɪkʌp
mobile phone n ˌməʊbaɪl ˈfəʊn
notebook n ˈnəʊtbʊk
purse n pɜːs
sandwich n ˈsænwɪdʒ
umbrella n ʌmˈbrelə
wallet n ˈwɒlɪt
eleven number ɪˈlevən
twelve number twelv
thirteen number θɜːˈtiːn
fourteen number fɔːˈtiːn
fifteen number fɪfˈtiːn
sixteen number sɪkˈstiːn
seventeen number ˌsevənˈtiːn
eighteen number eɪˈtiːn
nineteen number naɪnˈtiːn
twenty number ˈtwenti
thirty number ˈθɜːti
forty number ˈfɔːti
fifty number ˈfɪfti
sixty number ˈsɪksti
seventy number ˈsevənti
eighty number ˈeɪti
ninety number ˈnaɪnti
a hundred number ə ˈhʌndrɪd
bad adj bæd
beautiful adj ˈbjuːtəfəl
big adj bɪɡ
cold adj kəʊld
difficult adj ˈdɪfɪkəlt
easy adj ˈiːzi
favourite adj ˈfeɪvərət
friendly adj ˈfrendli
good adj ɡʊd
happy adj ˈhæpi
hot adj hɒt
new adj njuː
old adj əʊld
old adj əʊld
sad adj sæd
small adj smɔːl
tired adj ˈtaɪəd
young adj jʌŋ
brother n ˈbrʌðə
children n ˈtʃɪldrən
daughter n ˈdɔːtə
father n ˈfɑːðə
husband n ˈhʌzbənd
mother n ˈmʌðə
parents n ˈpeərənts
sister n ˈsɪstə
son n sʌn
wife n waɪf
baby n ˈbeɪbi
boy n bɔɪ
child n tʃaɪld
friend n frend
girl n ɡɜːl
man n mæn
person n ˈpɜːsən
woman n ˈwʊmən
fine adj faɪn
good adj ɡʊd
great adj ɡreɪt
not bad phr nɒt ˈbæd
not very good phr nɒt ˌveri ˈɡʊd
not very well phr nɒt ˌveri ˈwel
OK adj ˌəʊ ˈkeɪ
really good phr ˈrɪəli ˌɡʊd
very well phr ˌveri ˈwel
well adj wel
bed n bed
bike n baɪk
camera n ˈkæmərə
car n kɑː
coffee machine n ˈkɒfi məˌʃiːn
guitar n ɡɪˈtɑː
ring n rɪŋ
watch n wɒtʃ
black adj blæk
blue adj bluː
brown adj braʊn
dark adj dɑːk
green adj ɡriːn
light adj laɪt
orange adj ˈɒrəndʒ
pink adj pɪŋk
purple adj ˈpɜːpəl
red adj red
white adj waɪt
yellow adj ˈjeləʊ
bottle of water n ˌbɒtl əv ˈwɔːtə
book n bʊk
computer n kəmˈpjuːtə
cup of coffee n ˌkʌp əv ˈkɒfi
glasses n ɡlɑːsɪz
headphones n ˈhedfəʊnz
keyboard n ˈkiːbɔːd
mouse n maʊs
notebook n ˈnəʊtbʊk
pen n pen
pencil n ˈpensəl
phone n fəʊn
plant n plɑːnt
scissors n ˈsɪzəz
sticky notes n ˌstɪki ˈnəʊts
tablet n ˈtæblɪt
coat n kəʊt
in a market phr ˌɪn ə ˈmɑːkɪt
in shops phr ɪn ˈʃɒps
jacket n ˈdʒækɪt
jeans n dʒiːnz
online adjective ɒnˈlaɪn
shirt n ʃɜːt
T-shirt n ˈtiː ʃɜːt
dress n dres
jumper n ˈdʒʌmpə
skirt n skɜːt
suit n suːt
top n tɒp
trousers n ˈtraʊzəz
shoes n ʃuːz
excuse me phr ɪkˈskjuːz ˌmi
how much is it phr ˌhaʊ mʌtʃ ˈɪz ɪt
large adj lɑːdʒ
medium adj ˈmiːdiəm
size n saɪz
try something on phr ˌtraɪ sʌmθɪŋ ˈɒn
baker's n ˈbeɪkəz
bookshop n ˈbʊkʃɒp
butcher's n ˈbʊtʃə
clothes shop n ˈkləʊðz ʃɒp
computer shop n kəmˈpjuːtə ˌʃɒp
pet shop n ˈpet ʃɒp
shoe shop n ˈʃuː ʃɒp
sports shop n ˈspɔːts ʃɒp
supermarket n ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkɪt
video game shop n ˈvɪdiəʊ ɡeɪm ˌʃɒp
apple n ˈæpəl
banana n bəˈnɑːnə
chicken n ˈtʃɪkɪn
egg n eɡ
fish n fɪʃ
mushroom n ˈmʌʃruːm
pasta n ˈpæstə
rice n raɪs
sandwich n ˈsænwɪdʒ
steak n steɪk
tomato n təˈmɑːtəʊ
beef n biːf
bread n bred
carrot n ˈkærət
cereal n ˈsɪəriəl
cheese n tʃiːz
fruit juice n ˈfruːt dʒuːs
milk n mɪlk
orange n ˈɒrəndʒ
potato n pəˈteɪtəʊ
finish work phr ˌfɪnɪʃ ˈwɜːk
get home phr ɡet ˈhəʊm
get up phr ɡet ˈʌp
go to bed phr ˌɡəʊ tə ˈbed
go to work phr ˌɡəʊ tə ˈwɜːk
have lunch phr həv ˈlʌntʃ
leave home phr liːv ˈhəʊm
make dinner phr meɪk ˈdɪnə
start work phr stɑːt ˈwɜːk
watch TV phr ˌwɒtʃ tiː ˈviː
a.m. noun ˌeɪ ˈem
eleven o'clock phr ət ɪˌlevən əˈklɒk
half past ten phr ˌhɑːf pɑːst ˈten
p.m. noun ˌpiː ˈem
quarter past ten phr ˌkwɔːtə pɑːst ˈten
quarter to eleven phr ˌkwɔːtə tə ɪˈlevən
ten o'clock phr ət ˌten əˈklɒk
Americano n əˌmerəˈkɑːnəʊ
coffee n ˈkɒfi
cup n kʌp
eggs n eɡz
espresso n eˈspresəʊ
fork n fɔːk
fruit juice n ˈfruːt dʒuːs
mineral water n ˈmɪnərəl ˌwɔːtə
pastry n ˈpeɪstri
salt n sɔːlt
sandwich n ˈsænwɪdʒ
sparkling adj ˈspɑːklɪŋ
still adj stɪl
sugar n ˈʃʊɡə
tea n tiː
toast n təʊst
bowl n bəʊl
chopsticks n ˈtʃɒpstɪks
glass n ɡlɑːs
knife n naɪf
napkin n ˈnæpkɪn
pepper n ˈpepə
plate n pleɪt
spoon n spuːn
Anything else? phr ˌeniθɪŋ ˈels
Can I help you? phr ˌkən aɪ ˈhelp jʊ
Here you are/go. phr ˌhɪə jʊ ˈɑː/ˈɡəʊ
How much is that? phr ˌhaʊ mʌtʃ əz ˈðæt
Just a moment. phr ˌdʒəst ə ˈməʊmənt
Let me check. phr ˌlet mi ˈtʃek
that's phr ðæts
call v kɔːl
forget v fəˈɡet
get v ɡet
help v help
say v seɪ
send v send
take v teɪk
thank v θæŋk
dance salsa phr ˌdɑːns ˈsælsə
dance the tango phr ˌdɑːns ðə ˈtæŋɡəʊ
play the guitar phr ˌpleɪ ðə ɡɪˈtɑː
play the piano phr ˌpleɪ ðə piˈænəʊ
read a map phr ˌriːd ə ˈmæp
read Japanese phr ˌriːd dʒæpəˈniːz
remember people's names phr rɪˌmembə piːpəlz ˈneɪ
remember words in English phr rɪˌmembə wɜːdz ɪn ˈɪŋɡ
sleep in a hotel bed phr ˌsliːp ɪn ə həʊtel ˈbed
sleep on a bus phr ˌsliːp ɒn ə ˈbʌs
use all the apps on my/your phonephr juːz ɔːl ðə ˌæps ɒn ma
use chopsticks phr ˌjuːz ˈtʃɒpstɪks
catch v kætʃ
drive v draɪv
paint v peɪnt
run v rʌn
sing v sɪŋ
swim v swɪm
throw v θrəʊ
type v taɪp
cheap adj tʃiːp
closed adj kləʊzd
early adj ˈɜːli
expensive adj ɪkˈspensɪv
late adj leɪt
open adj ˈəʊpən
right adj raɪt
wrong adj rɒŋ
January n ˈdʒænjuəri
February n ˈfebruəri
March n mɑːtʃ
April n ˈeɪprəl
May n meɪ
June n dʒuːn
July n dʒʊˈlaɪ
August n ˈɔːɡʌst
September n sepˈtembə
October n ɒkˈtəʊbə
November n nəʊˈvembə
December n dɪˈsembə
armchair n ˈɑːmtʃeə
bathroom n ˈbɑːθrʊm
bed n bed
bedroom n ˈbedrʊm
chair n tʃeə
desk n desk
kitchen n ˈkɪtʃɪn
living room n ˈlɪvɪŋ ˌruːm
shelf n ʃelf
sofa n ˈsəʊfə
table n ˈteɪbəl
television n ˈteləˌvɪʒən
bath n bɑːθ
cooker n ˈkʊkə
door n dɔː
floor n flɔː
fridge n frɪdʒ
garden n ˈɡɑːdn
lamp n læmp
plant n plɑːnt
shower n ˈʃaʊə
toilet n ˈtɔɪlət
wall n wɔːl
window n ˈwɪndəʊ
café n ˈkæfeɪ
cinema n ˈsɪnəmə
park n pɑːk
restaurant n ˈrestərɒnt
school n skuːl
shop n ʃɒp
sports centre n ˈspɔːts ˌsentə
supermarket n ˈsuːpəˌmɑːkɪt
airport n ˈeəpɔːt
bus station n ˈbʌs ˌsteɪʃən
hospital n ˈhɒspɪtl
hotel n həʊˈtel
library n ˈlaɪbrəri
museum n mjuːˈziəm
post office n ˈpəʊst ˌɒfɪs
shopping centre n ˈʃɒpɪŋ ˌsentə
swimming pool n ˈswɪmɪŋ ˌpuːl
train station n ˈtreɪn ˌsteɪʃən
building n ˈbɪldɪŋ
bus stop n ˈbʌs stɒp
car park n ˈkɑː pɑːk
cash machine n ˌkæʃ məˈʃiːn
clock n klɒk
entrance n ˈentrəns
exit n ˈeksɪt
seat n siːt
sign n saɪn
street n striːt
opposite prep ˈɒpəzɪt
to the right phr ˌtə ðə ˈraɪt
to the left phr ˌtə ðə ˈleft
in front of phr ˌɪn ˈfrʌnt əv
next to phr ˈnekst tʊ
fire exit n ˈfaɪə ˌeksɪt
information desk n ɪnfəˈmeɪʃən ˌdesk
lift n lɪft
parking area n ˈpɑːkɪŋ ˌeəriə
stairs n steəz
the first floor n ðə ˌfɜːst ˈflɔː
way out n weɪ ˈaʊt
clean a room phr ˌkliːn ə ˈruːm
clean my apartment phr ˌkliːn maɪ əˈpɑːtmənt
clean my kitchen phr ˌkliːn maɪ ˈkɪtʃɪn
cook a meal phr ˌkʊk ə ˈmiːl
cook my favourite food phr ˌkʊk maɪ ˈfeɪvərət ˌfuː
cook some vegetables phr ˌkʊk səm ˈvedʒtəbəlz
do my homework phr ˌduː maɪ ˈhəʊmwɜːk
do nothing phr ˌduː ˈnʌθɪŋ
do the shopping phr ˌduː ðə ˈʃɒpɪŋ
feed the baby phr ˌfiːd ðə ˈbeɪbi
feed the birds phr ˌfiːd ðə ˈbɜːdz
feed the cat phr ˌfiːd ðə ˈkæt
have a bath phr ˌhæv ə ˈbɑːθ
have a hot drink phr ˌhæv ə hɒt ˈdrɪŋk
have a shower phr ˌhæv ə ˈʃaʊə
spend an hour together phr ˌspend ən ˈaʊə təɡeð
spend five minutes alone phr spend ˌfaɪv ˈmɪnəts
spend the evening with friends phr spend ðə ˌiːvnɪŋ wɪð ˈ
visit a museum phr ˌvɪzɪt ə mjuːˈziəm
visit my grandmother phr ˌvɪzɪt maɪ ˈɡrænmʌðə
visit some friends phr ˌvɪzɪt səm ˈfrendz
wash my car phr ˌwɒʃ maɪ ˈkɑː
wash my hair phr ˌwɒʃ maɪ ˈheə
wash my hands phr ˌwɒʃ maɪ ˈhændz
amazing adj əˈmeɪzɪŋ
(the) best adj (ðə) ˈbest
famous adj ˈfeɪməs
fast adj fɑːst
positive adj ˈpɒzətɪv
rich adj rɪtʃ
poor adj pɔː
slow adj sləʊ
strong adj strɒŋ
weak adj wiːk
arm n ɑːm
back n bæk
ear n ɪə
eye n aɪ
head n hed
nose n nəʊz
stomach n ˈstʌmək
tooth/teeth n tuːθ/tiːθ
face n feɪs
foot/feet n fʊt/fiːt
hand n hænd
hair n heə
leg n leɡ
neck n nek
mouth n maʊθ
a cold n ə ˈkəʊld
backache n ˈbækeɪk
earache n ˈɪəreɪk
headache n ˈhedeɪk
hurt v hɜːt
stomachache n ˈstʌməkˌeɪk
toothache n ˈtuːθeɪk
do yoga phr duː ˈjəʊɡə
go for a walk phr ˌɡəʊ fə ə ˈwɔːk
go to the gym phr ˌɡəʊ tə ðə ˈdʒɪm
play basketball phr ˌpleɪ ˈbɑːskətbɔːl
play cricket phr ˌpleɪ ˈkrɪkɪt
play football phr ˌpleɪ ˈfʊtbɔːl
play tennis phr ˌpleɪ ˈtenɪs
run/go for a run v/phr rʌn/ˌɡəʊ fə ə ˈrʌn
arrive v əˈraɪv
book v bʊk
change v tʃeɪndʒ
plan v plæn
relax v rɪˈlæks
stay v steɪ
travel v ˈtrævəl
try v traɪ
walk v wɔːk
want v wɒnt
have a barbecue phr ˌhæv ə ˈbɑːbɪkjuː
go to a party phr ˌɡəʊ tə ə ˈpɑːti
play a game phr ˌpleɪ ə ˈɡeɪm
see a film phr ˌsiː ə ˈfɪlm
meet a friend phr ˌmiːt ə ˈfrend
buy clothes phr baɪ ˈkləʊðz
watch television phr ˌwɒtʃ ˈteləvɪʒən
do a sport phr ˌduː ə ˈspɔːt
a week ago phr ə ˈwiːk əˌɡəʊ
in 1969 phr in ˌnaɪntiːn sɪkstiˈnaɪn
in 2020 phr in ˌtwenti ˈtwenti
last April phr ˌlɑːst ˈeɪprəl
last Friday phr ˌlɑːst ˈfraɪdi
last month phr lɑːst ˈmʌnθ
last night phr lɑːst ˈnaɪt
last Saturday phr ˌlɑːst ˈsætədi
last weekend phr ˌlɑːst wiːkˈend
last year phr lɑːst ˈjɪə
on Friday phr ɒn ˈfraɪdi
on Saturday phr ɒn ˈsætədi
three days ago phr θriː ˈdeɪz əˌɡəʊ
two years ago phr tuː ˈjɪəz əˌɡəʊ
yesterday afternoon phr ˌjestədi ɑːftəˈnuːn
yesterday evening phr ˌjestədi ˈiːvnɪŋ
yesterday morning phr ˌjestədi ˈmɔːnɪŋ
bike/bicycle n baɪk/ˈbaɪsɪkəl
boat n bəʊt
bus n bʌs
car n kɑː
motorbike n ˈməʊtəbaɪk
plane n pleɪn
taxi n ˈtæksi
train n treɪn
tram n træm
underground/subway n ˈʌndəɡraʊnd/ˈsʌbweɪ
gate n ɡeɪt
monthly pass n ˌmʌnθli ˈpɑːs
passenger n ˈpæsɪndʒə
platform n ˈplætfɔːm
return n rɪˈtɜːn
single n ˈsɪŋɡəl
ticket machine n ˈtɪkɪt məˌʃiːn
ticket office n ˈtɪkɪt ˌɒfɪs
a big vehicle people pay money to travel on
a hot, brown bitter drink
a large space with grass and trees, often in a town
a picture made with a camera
a food made of flat bread with tomato and cheese, cooked in an oven
a place you buy and eat food
a place you keep your money
a machine that takes photographs, or makes films and videos
a machine that uses programs to help you find, organise and change informati
a list of food that you can buy and eat in a restaurant
a place you can stay at and eat meals, often on holiday
a small book with your name and photograph you need to travel to other count
a machine you use to call people, send messages and use the internet
a large shop that sells food, drinks and other things people need
a car and driver you pay to take you to a place
an educational institution where students can study for a degree
the day between Sunday and Tuesday
the day between Monday and Wednesday
the day between Tuesday and Thursday
the day between Wednesday and Friday
the day between Thursday and Saturday
the day between Friday and Sunday
the day between Saturday and Monday
the short form of ‘do not’
the language used in Britain, the US, Australia, and some other countries
to have information about something
one side of a piece of paper in a book, newspaper, etc.
to say or write something again
to tell someone you are pleased or happy about something they have done
to know what someone is telling you, or the language that they speak
the short form of ‘what is’
something you say when you reply to a question
to speak or write to someone to answer a question, or find information
to find out if your answers to questions are correct
to decide which one of a number of things is correct
to pay attention to a sound or a person who is speaking
to turn your eyes towards something, so you can see it
to put or connect two similar things together
to look at words in a book, newspaper, etc and understand what they mean
to make words, letters, numbers, etc with a pen or pencil or on a computer
to greet someone when you see or meet them
to do a task without help from another person, people etc.
to do a task with another person so you can help each other
a short form of goodbye
a form of hello you use in the afternoon
a form of hello you use in the evening
a form of hello you use in the morning
a form of goodbye you use when you leave someone at night, or before you go t
something you say when you leave someone
something you say when you meet someone
a shout used to get someone’s attention or to show surprise, interest, or annoy
a short form of hello
a form of goodbye when you know you will see someone again
someone from the US
a large country in the southern part of South America
someone from Argentina
a large island between the Indian Ocean and the southern Pacific Ocean
someone from Australia
a large country in South America
someone from Brazil
someone from the UK
a very large country in Asia
someone from China
a country in northern South America
someone from Colombia
a country in western Europe
someone from France
a country in central Europe
someone from Germany
a large country in South Asia
someone from India
a country in southern Europe
someone from Italy
a country in East Asia
someone from Japan
someone from Mexico
a country south of the US
a country in central Europe
someone from Poland
a country in southern Africa
someone from South Africa
a country in East Asia
someone from South Korea
a country in southwest Europe
someone from Spain
someone from Switzerland
a country in western Europe
a country in northwest Europe
a country in North America
a country in West Asia and southeast Europe
someone from Turkey
a country in southeast Asia
someone from Vietnam
someone who looks after people who are ill
someone who sings
someone who drives a taxi
someone who teaches in a school, university, etc
someone who gives people food and drink in a restaurant
someone who is in a play or a film
someone who makes art, paints, draws, etc
someone who drives a bus
a man or woman who works in business
someone who uses technology to make websites, apps, etc
someone who plays football
someone who looks after people, often in a hospital
someone who works in an office
someone who works in the police
someone who helps customers in a shop
your given name, not your surname or family name
the number that you use to telephone a person
to say or write something again
to write or say the letters in order to make a word
your family name, not your first name
the short form of ‘what is’
a strong container you use to carry things
a long, thin, yellow fruit
paper pages inside a cover that you can read
a plastic, glass, etc, container for water and other liquids
a small metal thing that you use to open and close doors
a small computer that you can carry with you
coloured substances you put on your face, eyes, etc
a phone you can carry with you
a small book for you to write in
a very small bag that women keep money in
two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, egg, etc between them
an object you hold above you in the rain or hot sun
a small flat case that you carry for money, bank cards, etc.
not good, something that is a problem or not pleasant
a person or thing that is very nice to look at
not small, more than the average size
not hot, has a low temperature
not easy to understand or do
not difficult to understand or do
something you like more than other things
to show you like other people and want to talk to and help them
not bad, something that is pleasant
to feel good because you like something in your life
not cold, has a high temperature
not old, something that is recent
not new, something that is not recent
not young
not happy because of something bad or unpleasant
not big, less than the average size
to feel that you want to sleep
not old
a boy or man who has the same parents as you
the sons and daughters of parents
someone's female child
a male parent
the man that a woman is married to
a female parent
mothers and fathers of children
a girl or woman who has the same parents as you
someone's male child
the woman that a man is married to
a very young male or female child
a male child
a young person that is not an adult
a person not in your family that you like a lot and spend time with
a female child
an adult male
an human, young or old, male or female
an adult female

a piece of furniture you sleep on

a vehicle with two wheels you can ride
a machine that takes photographs, or makes films and videos
a vehicle with four wheels and an engine you can drive
a machine that makes coffee
a wood, metal, etc musical instrument with strings
a piece of jewellery you wear on your finger
a small clock you wear on your arm
a very dark colour, like night
the colour of the sea or sky
the colour of coffee
not light, closer to black
the colour of grass or leaves
not dark, closer to white
a colour between yellow and red
a mix of red and white
a colour between red and blue
the colour of blood
the colour of milk or snow
the colour of bananas
a plastic, glass, etc, container with water in it
paper pages in a cover you can read or write in
a machine that uses programs to help you find, organise and change informatio
a hot dark brown drink in a small, round container
something you wear to see
a piece of equipment you wear over your ears to listen to music, etc
a piece of equipment with letters or numbers you press on to put information in
a small piece of equipment that you move with your hand when you use a comp
paper pages in a cover you write in
something you use to draw or write with black, blue, etc ink in it
something you use to draw or write with a black substance in the middle
a phone you can carry with you
a small living thing that has leaves and roots and grows in earth
a thing for cutting paper, cloth etc
a small piece of paper, often yellow, that you use to write a note on
a small computer you can carry, without a keyboard, that you touch to use
clothing with long sleeves you wear over your clothes to keep you warm
in a place where people buy and sell food, clothes, etc, usually outside or in a la
in a building where you can buy things, food, clothes, a service etc
a short, light coat
trousers made of denim (= a strong, usually blue, cotton cloth)
on a computer that is connected to other computers, the internet, etc
clothing that covers the upper part of your body and your arms, and has buttons
a soft shirt with short sleeves and no collar
clothing for a woman or girl that covers the top of the body and part or all of the
clothing made of wool that covers the upper part of your body and arms
clothing for women and girls, which covers the lower part of the body like the b
a set of clothes made of the same material, usually including a jacket with trouser
a piece of clothing that you wear on the upper part of your body
clothing that covers the lower half of your body, with a separate part for each le
clothing you wear to cover your feet, made of leather or other strong material
what you say to get someone’s attention politely, especially to ask a question
what you say to find out the price of something in a shop, market, etc
big in size
of middle size
how big or small something is
to put clothes on your body to see if they are the correct size or decide if you li
a shop that sells bread and cakes
a shop that sells books
a shop that sells meat
a shop that sells clothes
a shop that sells computers, laptops, keyboards etc
a shop that sells pets and food, etc for pets
a shop that sells shoes
a shop that sells sports clothes and equipment
a large shop that sells food, drinks and other things people need
a shop that sells video games
a round fruit that is red, green, or yellow and is white inside
a long, thin, yellow fruit
a farm bird, we eat its meat and eggs
a white or brown round object made by a female bird
an animal with fins and a tail that lives in water
a small, round white or brown plant with stems and
an Italian food made from flour, eggs, and water and cut into different shapes
small white or brown grains that you boil in water to eat
two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, egg, etc between them
a large thick piece of beef, or any red meat
a soft, round red fruit you can use in pastas, on pizzas, etc
the meat from a cow
a food made from flour and water that is baked in the oven.
a long, thin orange vegetable that grows in the ground
a breakfast food usually eaten with milk
a food made from milk, which is usually yellow or white, and can be soft or hard
the liquid that comes from fruit
the white liquid that comes from cows, goats etc
a round fruit with a thick orange skin
a round, white vegetable with a brown, red, or yellow skin, that grows under t
to end your job for the day
to arrive at your house after time at work, with friends, etc
to get out of bed
to get into bed
to travel to your job
to eat food in the middle of the day
to go away from your house
to cook food to eat at the end of the day
to begin your job for the day
to look at programmes, series, etc on the television
used to talk about times that are after midnight but before midday
happening at eleven o'clock
happening at thirty minutes past ten
used to talk about times that are after midday but before midnight
happening at fifteen minutes past ten
happening at forty-five minutes past ten
happening at ten o'clock
a coffee made with espresso and hot water
a hot brown bitter drink
a small, round container you drink from
white or brown round objects made by a female bird
strong black Italian coffee
something you use to eat food, with a handle and three or four points
the liquid that comes from fruit
water that comes from under the ground with minerals in it
a small, sweet cake you often eat for breakfast
a natural white mineral you add to food so it tastes good
two pieces of bread with cheese, meat, egg, etc between them
a sparkling drink has bubbles of gas in it
a still drink has no bubbles of gas in it
a sweet white or brown food made from plants
a hot brown drink made with leaves and water
hot bread that is brown and hard
a wide round container you eat food from
two long thin sticks you use to eat food in many countries in Asia
a glass container you drink from
something you use to eat and cut food, with a handle and a metal blade
a square piece of paper, cloth, etc you use to clean your hands when you eat
a black powder that adds a hot taste to food
a flat round dish you eat food on
something you use to eat food, with a handle and a small bowl at one end
what you say to check if a person wants anything more in a shop, café etc
what you say to check if a person wants your help
what you say when you give someone something
what you say to find out the price of something in a shop, cafe, etc
what you say when you want someone to wait for you for a short time
what you say when you want someone to wait for a short time so you can check
the short form of ‘that is’, often used to say the price of something in a shop, ca
to telephone someone
to not remember something
to bring someone something
to use words to say how you feel about something
to make a message go somewhere by email, phone, post, etc
to do an action, for example if you take a walk, you walk somewhere
to tell someone you are pleased or happy about something they have done
dance to salsa music
dance to tango music
perform music on the guitar
perform music on the piano
look at a map and find directions
look at Japanese words and understand them
learn and know people's names
learn and know words in English
sleep in a hotel bed
sleep on a bus
do something with an app on your mobile phone
move chopsticks in your hands to eat food
to get hold of and stop a ball, etc in your hands
to sit in a car, truck, bus etc and make it move
to put paint on an object, wall, etc
to move your legs very quickly, to walk very fast
to make a musical sound with your voice
to move your body through water with your arms and legs
to push and let go of a ball, etc, with your hands to make it move through the air
to write something with a computer, laptop, etc
not expensive, low in price
not open, people, things, etc can't go in and out
not late, something that happens before the time that is expected
not cheap, high in price
not early, something that happens after the time that is expected
not closed, people, things, etc can go in and out
not correct
the first month of the year
the second month of the year
the third month of the year
the fourth month of the year
the fifth month of the year
the sixth month of the year
the seventh month of the year
the eighth month of the year
the ninth month of the year
the tenth month of the year
the eleventh month of the year
the twelfth month of the year
a comfortable chair with sides you put your arms on
the room in a house with a bath or shower
a piece of furniture you sleep on
the room in a house where you sleep
a piece of furniture that one person can sit on
a small table that you sit at to write and work
the room where you make and eat food
the room in a house where people relax, watch television etc
a board on the wall or in a cupboard that you put things on
a comfortable seat with arms and a back, for two or three people to sit on
a piece of furniture with a flat top and four legs
a piece of electronic equipment with a screen you watch programmes on
a big metal, plastic, etc, container in a bathroom you sit in to wash your body
a piece of kitchen equipment you use to cook food
a large flat piece of wood, glass etc you move when you go into or out of a room,
the flat surface that you walk on in a building, room, etc
a piece of kitchen equipment for keeping food and drinks cold
an area of land next to a house with flowers, trees, etc.
an object that produces light with electricity
a small living thing that has leaves and roots and grows in earth
a piece of equipment in a bathroom you stand under to wash your body
a piece of equipment in a bathroom that you sit on to get rid of liquid or waste
a large flat stone, brick, etc structure that divides one area from another
a square or an area of glass in a wall that lets in light and air
a small restaurant where you can buy drinks and food
a building where you can watch films
a large open area with grass and trees, especially in a town
a place you buy and eat food
a place where children study and learn
a building where you can buy things, food, clothes, a service etc
a building where you can go to play many different indoor sports
a large shop that sells food, drinks and other things people need
a place where planes take off and land, with buildings for people to wait in
a place where buses start and finish their journeys
a building where doctors help sick people
a building where people pay money to stay in rooms and eat meals
a room or building with books you can look at or borrow
a building where people can look at important, often old, objects
a place where you can send letters, packages, etc
a large building with lots of shops, businesses, etc in it
an area of water for people to swim in
a place where people take trains to different places
a structure that has a roof and walls; a house, office, school, etc
a place on the side of a road with a sign where buses stop for people
an large, flat area where people park their cars
a machine in or outside a bank, supermarket, etc where you can put in a card a
an object that shows what time it is, in a room or on the outside of a building
a door that you go through to enter a building
a door that you go through to leave a building
a chair, place, etc where you can sit
a piece of paper, metal, etc with words or pictures that give people information,
a road in a city or town that has houses, shops etc on one or both sides
directly facing something or someone
on the right side of something or someone
on the left side of something or someone
facing someone or something
by the side of something or someone
a door that you go through to leave a building if there is a fire
a table where you can get information about a building, area, event, etc
a metal machine you stand in that moved up and down between floors in a buil
an area, often under or outside a building, where people park their cars
flat, narrow pieces of wood, metal, etc you put your feet on to move up or down
the level in a building above the entrance
a door that you go through to leave a building
do work to make a room clean
do work to make your apartment clean
do work to make your kitchen clean
make breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc to eat
make your favourite food
cook some vegetables
do work a teacher gives you outside of a class
not do any work, see friends, etc, relax
buy things, often food or drinks
give a baby food
give birds food
give a cat food
take a bath
drink a coffee, tea etc
take a shower
be with another person/other people for an hour
be on your own for five minutes
be with your friends for a few hours in the evening
go to a museum and spend time there
go to where your grandmother lives and spend time there
go to where your friends live and spend time there
clean your car with water and soap
clean your hair with water and shampoo
clean your hands with water and soap
very good, usually in a surprising way
number one, better than all other things
someone lots of people in many places know
not slow, someone or something that moves very quickly
someone who thinks about what is good in a situation
not poor, someone who has a lot of money and expensive things
not rich, someone who doesn't have a lot of money or expensive things
not fast, someone or something that does not move quickly
not weak, someone or something that has a lot of physical power
not strong, someone or something that doesn't have a lot of physical power
a long part of your body between your shoulder and your hand
the part of the body between the neck and legs, on the opposite side to the st
one of the two parts of the body on your head that you use to hear
one of the two parts of the body on your face that you use to see
the top part of your body above your neck, with a face at the front
the part of the body on your face that you use to smell
the part of your body which changes food into energy
hard, white objects in your mouth you use to bite and eat food
the front part of your head, where your eyes, nose, and mouth are
the part of your body that you stand and walk on
the part of your body at the end of your arm with your fingers and thumb
blonde, brown, black, etc. material that grows on top of your head
a long part of your body between your body and your foot
the part of your body between your head and your shoulders
the part of your face which you use to eat, drink and speak
a common illness that makes your nose and throat hurt
a pain in your back
a pain in your ear
a pain in your head
to feel pain in part of your body
a pain in your stomach
a pain in your tooth
do special exercises to hep your mind and body relax
to make time to walk for exercise and to relax
go to a special building with equipment to do exercise
play a game of basketball
play a game of cricket
play a game of football
play a game of tennis
to move your legs very fast to go forward, to make time to run for exercise and t
to get to a place you are going to
to make arrangements to stay in a place, eat in a restaurant, etc
to change something to make it different
to think carefully about something you want to do, and decide how and when to
to rest or do enjoyable things, often at the weekend or on holiday
to not go, to be in a place and not leave
to go from one place to a different place or places, sometimes in another countr
to do something different to what you normally do
to move forward because you put one foot in front of the other
to have a desire for something
to cook food on a fire outdoors or in a garden
to go to a social event with other people to eat, drink, dance, etc and enjoy your
to do an activity or sport with other people, usually for fun
watch a film at the cinema or on television
to go to a place where your friend is so that you can talk or do something toget
to spend money to get clothes, either online or in a shop
watch programmes on a piece of electronic equipment with a screen
to do a physical activity, run, play football, tennis etc, alone or with other peopl
one week before the current date
in the year 1969
in the year 2020
the most recent April before the present date
the most recent Friday before the present date
the month before the present one
the evening of one day ago
the most recent Friday before the present date
the most recent weekend before the present date
the year before the present one
during the day of the most recent Friday before the present date
during the day of the most recent Saturday before the present date
three days before the current date
two years before the current date
the afternoon of one day ago
the evening of one day ago
the morning of one day ago
a vehicle with two wheels you can ride
a vehicle that travels across water
a big vehicle people pay money to travel on
a vehicle with four wheels and an engine you can drive
a small fast two-wheeled vehicle with an engine
vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and an engine
a car and driver you pay to take you to a place
a vehicle with many sections pulled along metal lines by an engine
a vehicle for passengers, which travels along metal tracks in the street
a train system that runs under the ground below a big city
the place where you leave an airport building or bus station to get a plane/bus
a ticket you can use on a bus, train, the underground etc every day for a month
someone who travels in a bus, plane, train, etc but doesn't drive or work on it
a high place next to a railway line where people get off and on a train in a statio
a ticket for a journey from one place to another and back again
a ticket for a journey from one place to another
an electronic machine where you can buy tickets for bus, underground, train etc
a place where you can talk to people to buy tickets for bus, underground, train
Example GSE Unit/Lesson
The bus is at the station. 22 Lead-in
I like coffee in the morning. 23 Lead-in
The children play in the park. 25 Lead-in
This is a photo of my sister. 23 Lead-in
We love pizza with cheese and ham. 45 Lead-in
There is an Italian restaurant in my town. 22 Lead-in
I don't have a lot of money in the bank. 20 Lead-in VB
They take good photos with their cameras. 28 Lead-in VB
I use a laptop computer at school. 20 Lead-in VB
The words on this menu are in French. 33 Lead-in VB
We are in a beautiful hotel in Spain. 18 Lead-in VB
I have two passports – an Italian one and a Chinese one. 26 Lead-in VB
My phone is black and silver. 13 Lead-in VB
There is a new supermarket next to my house. 22 Lead-in VB
I always take taxis to the airport. 15 Lead-in VB
There are three universities in my city. 34 Lead-in VB
/ Lead-in VB
/ Lead-in
/ Lead-in
/ Lead-in
/ Lead-in
/ Lead-in
/ Lead-in
/ Lead-in
/ Lead-in
/ Lead-in
/ Lead-in
I go to university on Mondays. 19 Lead-in
We meet after school on Tuesday. 19 Lead-in
They go to the cinema every Wednesday. 19 Lead-in
I work in an office on Thursdays. 19 Lead-in
It’s Kate’s birthday on Friday. 19 Lead-in
On Saturdays I eat lunch with my friends. 19 Lead-in
Come for lunch at my house on Sunday. 19 Lead-in
I don't know the answer to the question. / Lead-in
Do you speak English? 26 Lead-in
Do you know our teacher Joanna? 18 Lead-in
Turn to page seven of the book. 16 Lead-in
Can you repeat the question? 21 Lead-in
Thank you for your help. 32 Lead-in
We don’t understand English. 19 Lead-in
What's your name? / Lead-in
I can answer the question. Four plus three is seven. 18 Lead-in VB
Please can I ask you a question? 19 Lead-in VB
Check the answers in your book. / Lead-in VB
Choose the answer to the question – blue, red or green. 33 Lead-in VB
Listen to the teacher in your English class. 13 Lead-in VB
Look at your books. / Lead-in VB
Match the questions with the answers. 56 Lead-in VB
Please read the questions on page 15. 12 Lead-in VB
Write the answers to the questions on your computers. 12 Lead-in VB
Say hello to Mika. He's a new student. / Lead-in VB
Work alone to answer the questions on page 20. / Lead-in VB
Work in pairs to match the information. / Lead-in VB
Bye, Dave. See you tomorrow. 20 1A
Good afternoon, class. 45 1A
Good evening. Welcome to Bill's restaurant. 35 1A
Good morning, Maya. How are you? 30 1A
Good night. Sleep well. 31 1A
Goodbye. See you in the morning. 11 1A
Hello, I'm Mr Green. 16 1A
Hey, Samira. Nice to meet you. 45 1A
Hi. Are you a student here? 18 1A
See you. Have a good evening. 31 1A
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
/ 1A VB
She's not well – please call a doctor. 20 1B
He's a famous singer in Japan. 37 1B
I'm a taxi driver in New York. / 1B
Our English teacher is from Australia. 17 1B
Jason is a waiter in an Italian restaurant. 49 1B
He is an actor in my favourite film. 34 1B VB
They're artists and they live in Brazil. 33 1B VB
The bus driver takes the children to school in the morning. / 1B VB
She's a businesswoman. She works in many different countries. 39/68 1B VB
I'm a digital designer in a big company. 64 1B VB
Karol is a football player in Germany. / 1B VB
We're nurses in a hospital in Madrid. 24 1B VB
They're office workers for a computer company. / 1B VB
My sister is a police officer in Australia. 41 1B VB
Pablo is a shop assistant in a big shoe shop. 43 1B VB
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
/ 1C
My first name's Rose. / 1C HT
What's your phone number? / 1C HT
Sorry, can you repeat that, please? 21 1C HT
How do you spell 'Marika'? 36 1C HT
How do you spell your surname? / 1C HT
What's your name? / 1C HT
I have three books in my school bag. 19 1D
Bananas are my favourite fruit. 35 1D
My English book is yellow and green. 12 1D
Please can I have a bottle of water? / 1D
I have two keys – one for my house and one for my car. 19 1D
They work a lot on their laptops. 46 1D
I have some make-up in my bag. 41 1D
Call me on your mobile phone. 13 1D
I have a notebook for my German classes. 43 1D
She has money in her purse for a taxi. 49 1D
On Mondays we have sandwiches for lunch. 24 1D
My umbrella is black and small. 44 1D
He has a photo of his children in his wallet. 52 1D
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
/ 2A
I'm late for work. It's a bad start to my day. 19 2A VB
What a beautiful baby! 31 2A VB
China is a very big country. 18 2A VB
The mountains in England are cold. 18 2A VB
Our English class is difficult. 20 2A VB
I like French. It's an easy language for me. 20 2A VB
My favourite colour is red. 39 2A VB
Sylvie is a friendly student in my class. She says 'hello' to everyone. 39 2A VB
Our new bike is very good. 15 2A VB
The dog is very happy in the park. 20 2A VB
The sun is hot in the summer. 18 2A VB
Do you like my new phone? 15 2A VB
London is a very old city. 22 2A VB
My grandmother is 86. She's old. 22 2A VB
This film is very sad. 24 2A VB
The restaurant only has two tables. It’s very small. 27 2A VB
It’s 4 a.m. We're very tired. 22 2A VB
Janek is two years old. He's very young. 19 2A VB
I have a brother called Wilhelm. 17 2B
They have two children, a boy and a girl. / 2B
She has two daughters and one son. 17 2B
My father's name is David. 13 2B
This is my husband, Juan. 20 2B
Our mother is Brazilian. 16 2B
My parents are very friendly. 16 2B
Janet and Abby are sisters. 18 2B
Her son was born in 2013. 20 2B
Simon's wife is from Switzerland. 19 2B
My baby girl's name is Malaika. 20 2B VB
The boy is seven years old. 13 2B VB
I have one child, a girl called Carmen. 18 2B VB
My friend Santosh is a very nice person. 16 2B VB
Three girls in my English class are from Japan. 16 2B VB
This man is 95. He's very old. 15 2B VB
She's a very friendly person. 19 2B VB
That woman is Piotr's wife. 15 2B VB
I'm fine, thanks. 21 2C
My teacher Steve is good and he's very friendly. 15 2C
I'm great, thank you. 29 2C
My job isn't bad. It's fine. 19 2C
My cup of coffee isn't very good. / 2C
Ellie isn't very well this morning. 32 2C
I'm OK. How are you? 13 2C
I'm really good, thanks. / 2C
My grandmother's very well, thanks. 24 2C
The children are well. They're at school today. 15 2C
I love my bed when I'm tired. 21 3A
My bike is red and yellow. 28 3A
They take good photos with their cameras. 28 3A
Our car is small and perfect for the city. 15 3A
I love my coffee machine. It's from Italy. / 3A
Pablo's guitar is old and Spanish. 46 3A
My favourite thing is a beautiful ring from India. 37 3A
My watch has my grandfather's name on it. 35 3A
I have a black pen. 16 3A VB
My sister has blue eyes. 23 3A VB
My brother has brown hair. 26 3A VB
His phone is dark blue. 25 3A VB
My favourite colour is green. 19 3A VB
Jakob's bag is light blue. 36 3A VB
Her book is orange. 30 3A VB
This beautiful rose is pink. 34 3A VB
The plant has a purple flower. 48 3A VB
My grandparents' house is red. 22 3A VB
My car is white. 13 3A VB
I have a yellow coffee machine. 26 3A VB
Please can I have a bottle of water? / 3B
My English book is yellow and green. 12 3B
I use a laptop computer at school. 20 3B
I have two cups of coffee in the morning. / 3B
I wear glasses to watch TV. 22 3B
I have headphones to listen to music. 71 3B
I have a computer and a keyboard on my desk. 47 3B
I use a mouse with my work computer. 39 3B
I have a notebook for my German classes. 43 3B
Do you have a blue pen? 24 3B
I don’t have any pencils on my desk. 33 3B
Call me on your phone. 13 3B
I like plants with beautiful flowers. 18 3B
We use scissors to cut paper. 54 3B
Write your name on the sticky note. / 3B
I watch TV on my tablet. 49 3B
Billy! Put your coat on, it’s cold outside! 27 3C
I shop for shoes at the market. / 3C
I buy clothes in shops in my city. / 3C
He is wearing a green jacket and jeans. 36 3C
My jeans are old and blue. 32 3C
I buy lots of clothes online. 32 3C
I wear a shirt and trousers to work. 27 3C
That T-shirt is great! 41 3C
My favourite dress is red. 24 VB 3C
It's cold, so wear a jumper. 85 VB 3C
She likes her purple skirt. 33 VB 3C
We wear blue suits at work. 33 VB 3C
She likes the bright orange top in the market. 42 VB 3C
I need black trousers for work. 24 VB 3C
My new shoes are yellow and white. 27 VB 3C
Excuse me. Can you help me? 22 3C HT
How much is it, please? / 3C HT
Can I try this jacket in a large size? 30 3C HT
I'm a medium. 44 3C HT
Do you have this T-shirt in a small size? 32 3C HT
Can I try this dress on? 33 3C HT
The cakes at that baker's are very good. 64 3D
The bookshop has good children's books. 47 3D
I buy chicken and steak at the butcher's. 55 3D
I like that blue top in the clothes shop. 20 3D
They need a keyboard from the computer shop. / 3D
I love the beautiful fish in the pet shop! / 3D
The shoe shop is in the city centre. 27 3D
There are some good T-shirts in the sports shop. 23 3D
There is a new supermarket next to my house. 22 3D
I go to my favourite video game shop on Saturdays. / 3D
I eat an apple every day. 32 4A
Bananas are my favourite fruit. 35 4A
We like chicken for dinner. 22 4A
I eat eggs for breakfast at the weekend. 21 4A
Many fish live in the sea. 16 4A
My favourite food is mushrooms. 56 4A
We eat pasta with tomatoes and mushrooms. 49 4A
Would you like some chicken and rice? 33 4A
On Mondays we have sandwiches for lunch. 24 4A
When I go to a French restaurant, I eat steak. 58 4A
Tomatoes are red and green. 34 4A
I buy beef at the butcher's. 42 4A VB
Do you want brown bread or white bread? 22 4A VB
My favourite vegetables are carrots. 47 4A VB
I have cereal and milk for breakfast every day. 55 4A VB
I like cheese and tomato pizza. 32 4A VB
We have fruit juice for breakfast. 38 4A VB
Do you want milk in your coffee? 24 4A VB
The children like orange juice. 30 4A VB
I sometimes eat steak and potatoes. 29 4A VB
They finish work at the hospital at 8 p.m. / 4B
I get home from work at 6. / 4B
At the weekend I get up at 11. 27 4B
We go to bed at 12 a.m. on Fridays. / 4B
I go to work by bus. / 4B
I have lunch with my friends in the office. / 4B
Soraya leaves home at 6 a.m. / 4B
My husband makes dinner and we eat together. / 4B
I start work at 10 a.m. on Fridays. / 4B
We watch TV in the evenings. / 4B
I get to work at 8 a.m. / 4B VB
Sometimes I eat lunch at eleven o' clock. / 4B VB
She leaves the house at half past ten. / 4B VB
They watch TV at 9 p.m. / 4B VB
I have a coffee at quarter past ten. / 4B VB
The bus is at quarter to eleven. / 4B VB
The class starts at ten o' clock. / 4B VB
I'd like an Americano with milk. / 4C
I like coffee in the morning. 23 4C
I drink three cups of tea a day. 24 4C
I eat eggs and toast for breakfast. 21 4C
Can I have an espresso and a pastry? 74 4C
Can I have a fork, please? 43 4C
We have fruit juice for breakfast. 38 4C
A mineral water and an orange juice, please. 71 4C
We eat pastries in the morning. 72 4C
Can I have some salt? 31 4C
On Mondays we have sandwiches for lunch. 24 4C
Still or sparkling water? 68 4C
I like still water, not sparkling water. 69 4C
I like sugar in my coffee. 25 4C
Can I have a cup of tea? 23 4C
I eat toast and cereal for breakfast. 48 4C
Can I have a bowl of pasta? 42 4C VB
We eat rice with chopsticks. 78 4C VB
A glass of apple juice, please. 22 4C VB
I eat steak with a knife and fork. 29 4C VB
Please can I have a napkin? 76 4C VB
I like salt and pepper on my eggs. 44 4C VB
The sandwich is on a white plate. 24 4C VB
I eat cereal with a spoon. 40 4C VB
So that's a coffee and a pastry. Anything else? / 4C HT
Hello. Can I help you? / 4C HT
One Americano. Here you are/go. / 4C HT
How much is that, please? / 4C HT
Just a moment, please. Here you are. / 4C HT
Let me check if we have a small size. / 4C HT
That's £4.50, please. / 4C HT
I call my friends after work. 26 5A
I never forget my mum and dad's birthdays. 29 5A
Can you get me a coffee, please? 15 5A
My colleague Marta helps me with my work problems. 34 5A
I always say 'hello' to people in shops. 15 5A
We don't send work emails in the evenings. 25 5A
I take a coffee break at 11 a.m. 15 5A
Thank you for your help. 32 5A
Maria dances salsa on Friday evenings. / 5B
Lots of people dance the tango in Argentina. / 5B
I can play the Spanish guitar. / 5B
We play the piano and sing. / 5B
Can you read a map? / 5B
Hiroko can read Japanese. / 5B
It's easy for me to remember people's names. / 5B
Can you remember words in English? / 5B
They sleep in a hotel bed on their holiday. / 5B
I can’t sleep on a bus. / 5B
Do you use all the apps on your phone? / 5B
We can use chopsticks to eat rice. / 5B
Can you catch the tennis ball? 27 5B VB
I drive to work every morning. 19 5B VB
I can paint pictures. 34 5B VB
We run in the park in the morning. 12 5B VB
She sing songs with her children. 25 5B VB
I can't swim in the sea. It's difficult. 28 5B VB
They can't throw a football. 27 5B VB
I can type three emails in five minutes. 47 5B VB
A cup of coffee in this café is cheap. 16 5C
The shoe shop is closed on Sunday. 26 5C
I get up early – at six a.m. 27 5C
This gold ring is very expensive! 20 5C
I'm sorry I'm late for class. 25 5C
Is the restaurant open this evening? 13 5C
That's the right answer. 29 5C
This sentence in the book is wrong. 17 5C
He starts his new job in January. 19 5D
Roberto's birthday is on the fifteenth of February. 19 5D
I have a family meal on the sixth March. 19 5D
Every April I go to France. 19 5D
Tatiana's birthday is on the thirtieth of May. 19 5D
My English class finishes in June. 19 5D
It's hot in July! 19 5D
Her brother's birthday is on the twenty-first of August. 19 5D
My birthday’s in September. 19 5D
My grandmother is 95 in October. 19 5D
My birthday's in November. 19 5D
It's very cold in my country in December. 19 5D
There's a blue armchair in the living room. 64 6A
Where’s the bathroom? 20 6A
My bed is my perfect place when I'm tired. 21 6A
The hotel has 50 bedrooms. 23 6A
I have four chairs and a table in my kitchen. 19 6A
Marie uses her computer at her desk. 23 6A
I make dinner in my kitchen. 23 6A
We talk and watch TV in the living room. 32 6A
There's a book on the shelf. 43 6A
I have lots of cushions on my sofa. 48 6A
Your laptop is on the table. 17 6A
They watch television in the evenings after work. 20 6A
The bath in my bathroom is white. 28 6A VB
I make dinner on the cooker in my kitchen. 41 6A VB
Please close the door to my office. 13 6A VB
The floor in my kitchen is black. 21 6A VB
I have milk and eggs in my fridge. 41 6A VB
My sister's garden has lots of flowers. It's beautiful. 19 6A VB
Sergio has a green lamp on his desk. 46 6A VB
I like plants with beautiful flowers. 18 6A VB
Mary has a hot shower in the morning. 37 6A VB
In my bathroom there's a bath, a shower and a toilet. 20 6A VB
I have three pictures on my living room walls. 14 6A VB
Close the window. It's cold. 14 6A VB
My favourite café is near my house. 30 6B
We go to the cinema on Fridays. 28 6B
I run in the park. 25 6B
There is an Italian restaurant in my town. 22 6B
My son and daughter go to school. 15 6B
Can you buys some bread from the shop? 14 6B
Paul and Martyn play football at the sports centre. 64 6B
There is a new supermarket next to my house. 22 6B
I work at the airport in my city. 20 6B VB
You can take a bus from the bus station to many places. 58 6B VB
My sister's a doctor. She works at a big hospital. 31 6B VB
In the summer, I stay at a hotel by the sea. 18 6B VB
I like the books at the library in my town. 23 6B VB
There are many old things in the museum. 33 6B VB
Go to the post office to send a letter. 27 6B VB
The shoe shop in the shopping centre is very expensive! 48 6B VB
My children have classes at the swimming pool. 32 6B VB
Grand Central is a train station in New York. / 6B VB
My office is in a big grey building. 20 6C
There is a bus stop opposite my house. 56 6C
The car park is in the city centre. 29 6C
I get money from the cash machine. 70 6C
The clock on the building is very old. 25 6C
The entrance to the shopping centre is next to the hotel. 28 6C
The train station exit is very big. 25 6C
There are lots of seats in the bus station. 25 6C
Look at the sign for the supermarket. 30 6C
Our street is very quiet. 23 6C
The shopping centre is opposite the train station. 35 6C HT
The library's to the right of the school. / 6C HT
The bus stop is to the left of the supermarket. / 6C HT
I'm in front of the cinema. 30 6C HT
Meet me next to the sports centre. 39 6C HT
The fire exit is on the ground floor of the building. / 6C VB
The airport information desk is next to the entrance. / 6C VB
Take the lift to the third floor of the building. 29 6C VB
The parking area in the building is opposite the exit. / 6C VB
There are a lot of stairs in my house. 25 6C VB
Our office is on the first floor of the building. 48 6C VB
The way out of the bus station is over there. / 6C VB
I clean my room at the weekend. / 7A
I clean my apartment on Sundays. / 7A
I clean my kitchen after I cook a meal. / 7A
Javier cooks a meal when he gets home from work. / 7A
My husband cooks my favourite food on my birthday. / 7A
Can you cook some vegetables for lunch? / 7A
I do my homework in the mornings before class. / 7A
On Saturday I like to do nothing! / 7A
Do you do the shopping at the supermarket? / 7A
I feed the baby when he's hungry. / 7A
My grandfather feeds the birds in his garden. / 7A
Please feed the cat when I'm on holiday. / 7A
She has a hot bath in the evenings. / 7A
Do you want a hot drink? / 7A
I have a shower in the morning before work. / 7A
Can we spend an hour together this weekend? / 7A
I like to spend five minutes alone sometimes. / 7A
On Friday and Saturday, we spend the evening with friends. / 7A
I want to visit a museum in Paris. / 7A
On Tuesdays I visit my grandmother. / 7A
On Sundays, we visit some friends on our street. / 7A
I wash my car if it's dirty. / 7A
I wash my hair in the shower. / 7A
I wash my hands before I cook a meal. / 7A
Kylian Mbappé is an amazing football player. 37 7B
My best friend is called Catherine. 28 7B
He's a very famous actor. 39 7B
Luciana Aymar is a fast, strong hockey player. 23 7B
My grandmother is a very positive person. 48 7B
His wife's family are very rich. 32 7B
This is a poor part of the city, with small houses. 23 7B VB
Your car is very slow. It travels at 40kph. 24 7B VB
The dancer has very strong legs. 28 7B VB
I feel tired and weak today. 33 7B VB
My arm hurts today. 21 7C
His back is very strong. 21 7C
Human use their ears to hear. 21 7C
We use our eyes to see. 20 7C
Human heads have two eyes, two ears, a nose and a mouth. 19 7C
I can smell a flower with my nose. 26 7C
My stomach hurts because I'm hungry. 47 7C
Babies don't have many teeth. 33 7C
Her face is beautiful. 17 7C VB
My feet hurt if I walk a lot. 20 7C VB
Your hand has four fingers and a thumb. 16 7C VB
The little boy's hair is brown. 18 7C VB
She's a dancer - her legs are very strong. 19 7C VB
My neck hurts if I don't sleep well. 34 7C VB
We smile with our mouths. 23 7C VB
I've got a cold so I'm in bed. 39 7C HT
Janus has got backache today. 75 7C HT
The baby's got earache. Let's take him to the doctor. 81 7C HT
I've got a bad headache this morning. 42 7C HT
My leg and feet hurt. 31 7C HT
She's got a stomachache. 81 7C HT
His toothache is bad. He needs to go to hospital. 73 7C HT
I do yoga classes on Mondays and Wednesdays. / 7D
I go for a walk by the sea after work. / 7D
Shane goes to the gym in the morning before work. / 7D
The girls play basketball after school in the park. / 7D
Many people play cricket in India and Pakistan. / 7D
Can we play football this weekend? / 7D
My sister plays tennis three days a week with a friend. / 7D
I sometimes go for a run on Sunday morning. 12// 7D
We arrive in Paris at 8 p.m. 21 8A
Can I book a hotel room for July? 33 8A
It's possible to change the date of your booking by telephone. 30 8A
I don’t like to plan anything when I'm on holiday. 31 8A
Relax and do nothing in our beautiful hotel. 21 8A
On our weekend away, I want to stay in a little village. 27 8A
Sometimes I travel to Germany for work. 25 8A
Do you want to try glamping for our holiday this year? 27 8A
We walk in the park in the afternoon. 19 8A
Timothy wants a break from city life because he's tired. 18 8A
In the summer we like to have barbecues in the garden. / 8B
I want to go to a party and dance all night! / 8B
Last night I played games with my brother online. / 8B
Do you want to see a film at the cinema tonight? / 8B
I often meet a friend at the shopping centre near my house. / 8B
Sometimes I buy clothes online, but sometimes I go to the shopping cen / 8B
They watch television in the evenings after work. / 8B
I like to do sport with my friends at the weekend. / 8B
I went to the cinema a week ago. / 8B VB
In 1969, my father was born. / 8B VB
I finished university in 2020. / 8B VB
Last April I went to China. / 8B VB
Last Friday, Marcella went to the cinema. / 8B VB
Last month it was Jun-Soo's birthday. / 8B VB
Last night I ate chicken for dinner. / 8B VB
They went to a barbecue last Saturday. / 8B VB
Last weekend I met my friends in the park. / 8B VB
Last year my brother went to Australia. / 8B VB
On Friday, Giovanni and Kamila went to a French restaurant. / 8B VB
I watched TV on Saturday night. / 8B VB
Three days ago I went to work. / 8B VB
I had a holiday in Spain two years ago. / 8B VB
Yesterday afternoon we went to our English class. / 8B VB
Julie did nothing yesterday evening. / 8B VB
I woke up early yesterday morning. / 8B VB
My bike is red and yellow. 28 8C VB
We went on a boat trip on the river. 29 8C VB
The bus is at the station. 22 8C VB
Our car is small and perfect for the city. 15 8C VB
I have a black and orange motorbike. 44 8C VB
I took the plane to Paris. 21 8C VB
I always take taxis to the airport. 15 8C VB
The train leaves the station at 9.45 a.m. 19 8C VB
We took a tram to the centre of the city. 67 8C VB
I travelled on the New York subway. 62 8C VB
The planes leaves from gate number four. 53 8C
I use a monthly pass / 8C
Can all passengers for Zurich please go to gate 3C? 39 8C
Passengers for Manchester, please go to platform seven. 40 8C
A return ticket to London, please. 37 8C
Can I have a single ticket to Chicago for Friday morning? 33 8C
I buy tickets for the subway from the ticket machine. / 8C
The train station ticket office opens at seven in the morning. 76 8C
Topic Page number
international English 6
international English 6
international English 6
international English 6
international English 6
international English 6
international words 124
international words 124
international words 124
international words 124
international words 124
international words 124
international words 124
international words 124
international words 124
international words 124
international words 124
numbers 0–10 6
numbers 0–10 6
numbers 0–10 6
numbers 0–10 6
numbers 0–10 6
numbers 0–10 6
numbers 0–10 6
numbers 0–10 6
numbers 0–10 6
numbers 0–10 6
days of the week 6
days of the week 6
days of the week 6
days of the week 6
days of the week 6
days of the week 6
days of the week 6
classroom language 6
classroom language 6
classroom language 6
classroom language 6
classroom language 6
classroom language 6
classroom language 6
classroom language 6
classroom language 124
classroom language 124
classroom language 124
classroom language 124
classroom language 124
classroom language 124
classroom language 124
classroom language 124
classroom language 124
classroom language 124
classroom language 124
classroom language 124
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
hello and goodbye 9
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
countries and nationalities 125
jobs 10
jobs 10
jobs 10
jobs 10
jobs 10
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
jobs 125
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
the alphabet 12
How to … ask and answer sim 13
How to … ask and answer sim 13
How to … ask and answer sim 13
How to … ask and answer sim 13
How to … ask and answer sim 13
How to … ask and answer sim 13
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
common objects 126
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
numbers 11–100 18
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
common adjectives (1) 127
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
family 20
people 127
people 127
people 127
people 127
people 127
people 127
people 127
people 127
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
feelings 22
things 28
things 28
things 28
things 28
things 28
things 28
things 28
things 28
colours 128
colours 128
colours 128
colours 128
colours 128
colours 128
colours 128
colours 128
colours 128
colours 128
colours 128
colours 128
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
desk objects 30
clothes 32
clothes 32
clothes 32
clothes 32
clothes 32
clothes 32
clothes 32
clothes 32
clothes 129
clothes 129
clothes 129
clothes 129
clothes 129
clothes 129
clothes 129
How to … shop for clothes 33
How to … shop for clothes 33
How to … shop for clothes 33
How to … shop for clothes 33
How to … shop for clothes 33
How to … shop for clothes 33
shops 130
shops 130
shops 130
shops 130
shops 130
shops 130
shops 130
shops 130
shops 130
shops 130
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 38
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
food and drink 131
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
everyday activities (1) 40
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
telling the time 132
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 42
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
café words 132
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
How to … order in a café 43
common verbs (1) 48
common verbs (1) 48
common verbs (1) 48
common verbs (1) 48
common verbs (1) 48
common verbs (1) 48
common verbs (1) 48
common verbs (1) 48
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 50
verbs of ability 133
verbs of ability 133
verbs of ability 133
verbs of ability 133
verbs of ability 133
verbs of ability 133
verbs of ability 133
verbs of ability 133
common adjectives (2) 52
common adjectives (2) 52
common adjectives (2) 52
common adjectives (2) 52
common adjectives (2) 52
common adjectives (2) 52
common adjectives (2) 52
common adjectives (2) 52
months 133
months 133
months 133
months 133
months 133
months 133
months 133
months 133
months 133
months 133
months 133
months 133
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 58
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
rooms and furniture 134
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 60
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (1) 135
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
places in town (2) 62
How to … ask where a place i 62
How to … ask where a place i 62
How to … ask where a place i 62
How to … ask where a place i 62
How to … ask where a place i 62
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
signs in buildings 136
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
everyday activities (2) 68
common adjectives (3) 70
common adjectives (3) 70
common adjectives (3) 70
common adjectives (3) 70
common adjectives (3) 70
common adjectives (3) 70
common adjectives (3) 136
common adjectives (3) 136
common adjectives (3) 136
common adjectives (3) 136
parts of the body 72
parts of the body 72
parts of the body 72
parts of the body 72
parts of the body 72
parts of the body 72
parts of the body 72
parts of the body 72
parts of the body 137
parts of the body 137
parts of the body 137
parts of the body 137
parts of the body 137
parts of the body 137
parts of the body 137
How to … say you're not well 72
How to … say you're not well 72
How to … say you're not well 72
How to … say you're not well 72
How to … say you're not well 72
How to … say you're not well 72
How to … say you're not well 72
sports and exercise 138
sports and exercise 138
sports and exercise 138
sports and exercise 138
sports and exercise 138
sports and exercise 138
sports and exercise 138
sports and exercise 138
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
common verbs (2) 78
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
free-time activities 80
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
time phrases 138
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport 139
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82
transport and tickets 82

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