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Communi ty Problem
I. Health Threa t Poor home /envir onme ntal condit ion/sa nitati on

- 56 out of 76 or (74%) of the total number of household are unsanitary and have inadequate ventilation - 54 out of 76 or (71%) of the total number of household have insufficient living space - 53 out of 76 (70%) of the total number of household are congested - 43 out of 76 or (57%) of the total number of

Nursing Objectives
To provide sufficient and adequate information to people living in that community about different sanitary measures that must be observed and applied to improve their home and environmental condition.

Nursing Interventio n
1.) Held a Mothers Class on the concerned community and provide health teachings about: a.) Proper hand washing and its importan ce b.) Dengu e b.1 Proper waste

Community members are now aware of their responsibilities to maintain sanitation in their community and household through their verbalization.

household have open drainage - 11 families out 76 or (15%) uses receptacle without cover while 57 of them or (76%) uses plastic bag & sack for garbage disposal

disposal and segregati on of garbage

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