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Performance Task 2


1. Prepare and weigh ingredients according to proper proportion.

2. Prepare the mixing pot. Used a cook ware with a wide mouth like a vat. Old tires can be used a
support to the vat.

3. Pour honey into the vat. Slowly add urea while stirring the mixture Make sure there are ni lumps of
urea in the mixture.

4. Add di-calciun phosphate and salt, stirring should be continuous.

5. Add cement and continue stirring.

6. Rice bran should be added last. In this case, its better to use hand in mixing on a cement mixer to mix
the ingredients thoroughly.

7. Pour the mixture into molds to form the blocks Each bloke may weigh 1-5 kilos each.

8. Wrap each block with plastic and arrange in a box. Wait for 1-2 weeks before feeding the block to the


1. Use salt that is meant for animal consumption Check the salt is not a mineral salt blend, such as red
salt, or salt that is meant for de-icing roads.

2. Add the salt to your animal feed, start by giving your animal two tablespoon of salt a day for a few day
in its feeder.

3. Try putting granulated salt in a bucket attached to your animal stall.

4. Make sure your animal gets lots of fresh water.


1. The crop should be ready to harvest: The seed of forage sorghum or maize should be soft but not
milky when you squeeze it open.

2. Napier grass needs to be about metre high (up to a man's waist)

3. Legume should have young ponds which are not dry

4. If it has been raining and the forage is wet, or if the forage seems immature then it is best for harvest
and leave it in the sun for few hours to wilt.

5. The chopping and bagging area or silage pit must be clean and ready for the forage.

6. Ensure proper compaction whether pit or bag silage is being made.

7. Seal the silage material and make sure the silo is air tight. Silage is formed through anaerobic by

8. Carefully and step by step open a small portion of the silage when need arises for feeding and seal the
remaining silage immediately after the removal.

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