Gerund or Infinitive

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The thief admitted _________________ (steal) the money the

night before Christmas.

The police recommended _______________ (lock) all the

doors and windows before _______________ (leave) the house.

All the neighbours agreed ________________ (cooperate) with

the police, so that more burglars were arrested.

Some neighbours have decided _________________ (put) surveillance camera and an

alarm in their houses.

The police keep ______________ (say) that there's no need ____________ (create) a
social alarm.

We have always lived inland, but I remember___________

(spend) my holidays by the sea when I was a child.

My father rented a flat near the beach because my mum

suggested _______________ (go) to the beach for a change.

My father said we couldn't afford _______________ (spend) the

whole summer there, but we could stay for a month.

Every day, when I finished _________________ (build) my sandcastles, my parents

took me for a walk along the beach.

When that wonderful summer was over, my parents promised_______________ (come)

back the next year.

___________ (go) to parties is the best way to fight stress...or

that's what they say. However, I went to a party last week, which
didn't help at all. At first, I enjoyed ________________ (dance)
and ________________ (drink) with my friends, but all of a
sudden, a couple of masked guys appeared and asked everyone
______________ (give) them the money and jewels. One of them pretended
_______________ (have) a gun in his pocket and the other threatened
________________ (use) his knife against the guests. Some guests managed
____________________ (escape) through the back door, others risked
_________________ (jump) through an open window, but
I was so scared that I didn't even attempt _____________ (escape). Finally, the police
arrived and arrested the two thugs, who resisted ________________ (be) arrested and
were injured.

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