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Poziom rozszerzony UNIT TEST B

Imię i nazwisko: Klasa:

1 EXAM TASK CD 15 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery wypowiedzi na temat problemów związanych ze strojem. Do
każdej wypowiedzi (1–4) dopasuj odpowiadające jej zdanie (A–E). Wpisz rozwiązania do tabeli. Uwaga: jedno zdanie
zostało podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi.
This speaker
A is ashamed of his/her lack of taste in choosing clothes for the occasion.
B mistook a joke for a real suggestion about dressing up.
C managed to perform a duty despite wearing the wrong clothes. 1 2 3 4
D wore an element of clothing that didn’t match his/her appearance.
2.2 /4
E hated the feeling of being watched by other people.

2 EXAM TASK Przeczytaj artykuł dotyczący związku między osobowością a wyglądem. Do każdego pytania (1–4)
dopasuj właściwą część tekstu (A–C). Wpisz rozwiązania w odpowiednie kratki. Uwaga: jedna część tekstu pasuje
do dwóch pytań.
In which paragraph does the author
1 mention a particular type of personality?
2 show how a group of people are deceived by appearance?
3 question the scientific value of common opinion?
4 describe how looks can influence a person’s character?  /4

A Have you ever looked at a stranger’s face and immediately formed in your mind certain expectations about that person’s
character? The idea that dominant personality traits will show in a person’s face has a long history and is still commonplace
all over the world, which has been confirmed by numerous studies. There is, however, no scientific evidence to endorse this
popular belief. Why should people with small eyebrows, such as the cunning Uriah Heep created by Charles Dickens, be less
trustworthy? A well-known British psychologist, Professor David Perrett, tries to look at the matter from a different angle.
B In his book, In Your Face: the New Science of Human Attraction, Perrett puts forward a theory according to which it might
be the face, or more generally, appearance, that influences human personality rather than vice versa. He argues that how we
see ourselves depends on how we are treated by those around us. His studies have shown that a lot of people who consider
themselves to be extroverts have received positive response from those around them and thus have taught themselves to
be confident and outgoing. Perrett also suggests that the process may start very early. A young boy with a masculine face
and a strong build will be treated with more respect by other children. As a result, he will develop a typically masculine
C One important conclusion that emerges from the studies by Professor Perrett is that we might easily be misled by our
ability to read people’s faces. In his research, Perrett has provided some examples of legal trials when it was difficult for
the juries to find baby-faced criminals guilty of fraud or other money-related crimes. Perrett also points out that the only
sensible tip to look beautiful is to be a ‘valuable social partner’, which, unlike lots of beautifying creams and lotions, really

3 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The first letters have been given.
1 Tina is extremely b__. She loves giving orders to other people.
2 I was d__ to find out that I’d passed the exam with the top score.
3 The death p__ is still used in some countries.
4 The stranger looked at me with his p__ blue eyes which made me feel uneasy.
5 Your country of r__ is your permanent home for at least the last three years.
6 The c__ feels tight around the neck. Have you got this shirt in a bigger size?
7 Jane would never marry a man without a large income. She’s very m__. /7

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. There are four extra words which you do not
need to use.
will weird strike pluck complain nag recognise nature

1 I’ve never been very good at __ up a conversation with a stranger.

2 We could see that she was __ to help us, but eventually she agreed.
3 I was the only guy at school who listened to old music, so my classmates thought I was a bit of a __.
4 The shop assistant was so unhelpful that I decided to make a written __ to the manager. /4

© Macmillan Polska 2014. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 1
Poziom rozszerzony UNIT TEST B

5 Write sentences using the ideas below.

1 Powiedz, że mężczyzna na zdjęciu wygląda na wyczerpanego.

2 Powiedz, że mężczyzna na zdjęciu ma na sobie dżinsy i koszulę w kratę z długimi rękawami.

3 Powiedz, że zdjęcie przedstawia nastolatkę, która robi sobie makijaż.

4 Powiedz, że pierwszą rzeczą, jaką zrobiła aktorka, było pozowanie do zdjęć.


6 Complete the dialogue with the correct words.

Kate What do you think of Paul’s behaviour at the party last night?
Peter Oh, I know he was upset but I (1) __ believe he shouldn’t have been so rude to Mark. I guess he now
(2) __ terribly embarrassed about the whole thing.
Kate Well, he should!  /2

7 EXAM TASK Przeczytaj tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie
poprawny tekst. Zakreśl literę A, B, C albo D.

To all those who are interested in improving their social skills, I’d like to recommend a book called Contact: The First Four
Minutes, written by Dr Leonard Zunin. Despite (1) _ one of the latest publications on the subject of social interactions,
the book presents some ideas that are still relevant today.
Interestingly, the author (2) _ the importance of the first few (four to be exact!) minutes of talking to someone you’ve
just met. According to Dr Zunin, the person you’re talking to should be given your undivided attention during the initial
contact. If you avoid eye contact, keep looking over the other person’s shoulder (3) _ you hope to see something
interesting at last, it’s unlikely that the two of you will ever make friends.
Total honesty is also not recommended during the initial minutes of contact. This is definitely not a suitable time to openly
express your opinions (4) _ serious matters. A light-hearted, witty conversation will go much further to convince the
other person you might be worth getting to know better.
Dr Zunin feels very (5) _ that courses in social skills should be compulsory, like maths or languages, because they might
well determine our personal and professional success.

1 A it isn’t B not be C not to be D not being

2 A advises B stresses C supposes D insists
3 A as though B unless C so that D in case
4 A to B for C with D on
5 A strongly B sharply C rapidly D hardly /5

8 EXAM TASK Wypowiedz się na poniższy temat.

Niedawno wziąłeś/wzięłaś udział w spotkaniu ze znaną osobą zorganizowanym w Twojej szkole. Napisz artykuł na szkolną
stronę internetową, w którym zrelacjonujesz przebieg spotkania oraz wyrazisz swoją opinię na temat tego, czy osoba, o której
piszesz, może być pozytywnym wzorcem dla młodych ludzi.
Wypowiedź powinna zawierać od 200 do 250 słów i spełniać wszystkie wymogi typowe dla formy wskazanej w poleceniu.

Zgodność z poleceniem Spójność i logika Zakres środków Poprawność środków Razem

(treść i forma) wypowiedzi językowych językowych punktacja
_ /5 _ /2 _ /3 _ /3 _ / 13

RAZEM: / 43

© Macmillan Polska 2014. This sheet may be photocopied and used within the classroom. 2

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