Science November Test

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Science november test

(unit 1 lessons 1-11)

Lesson 1:-
Our food gives us the different _______
our bodies need to stay healthy and grow.
We need _________ for energy and ____
For growth and repair . we need some __
For making and maintaining body parts ,
but not too many .
To stay healthy we also need _______
and ______ in small quantities . these
substances perform special tasks in the
body .
______does not give us nutrition , but it
helps waste pass easily through the body.
Lesson 2:-
Food contain different ______ ______
And _________ food are rich in
carbohydrates . dairy foods , nuts , beans
, fish and ______ are good sources of
protein . oil , margarine and ______ are
fatty foods . we can use ______ _____ to
identify the different nutrients that a food
contains .
Lesson 3:-
A ______ ________ provides the correct
mixture of nutrients to keep the body in
good health . we should eat from each of
the five nutrients every day . fresh fruit
and vegetables are an important part of a
balanced diet replace water lost through
urination , sweating and other, the body
becomes ________

Lesson 4:-
Different food provide different amounts
of __________ scientists measure the
energy content of food by burning them
in a __________ when you are resting
,your body needs about one _______
Of energy per minute . your energy needs
increase when you are active fats and oils
are the most energy –rich foods the
energy content of packaged foods can be
found on the __________ ___________
Lesson 5:-
The food you eat passes through the
_________ __________ the stomach
makes _________ to kill any bacteria on
the food _____________ changes the
food into substances the body can use .
special chemicals called _________
Break the different nutrients into smaller
parts. __________ takes plance through
the walls of the small intestine .this is
where the substances produced by
__________ pass into the blood .

Lesson 6:-
A plant makes its food by ________ in
its leaves . it uses _______ to change
__________ __________ and ________
Into _________ and _________ gas.
The plant then changes the sugar into
_________ to store its food . because
they can make their own food from non-
living substances ,plants are ________
Animals are ________ because they must
Eat plants and \or other animals to obtain
their food
Lesson 7:-
Every food chain starts with a
plant. Plant are ________ they
capture energy from sunlight to
make food. The energy passes
along the _______ _______ to
the animals that eat the plants
and other animals.
Animals are _______ . at each
stage in a food chain most of
the ______way of passing on
Lesson 8:-
An______ is a community of
living things in one place .all
the materials the living things
need are _______ as they feed,
grow, die and decay .the system
_______itself . green plants are
the _______ in the system
.animals are eat plants are ____
animals that eat other animals
are _____ ________. The
nutrients in dead plants and
animals are returned to the soil
by _____such as worms, fungi
and bacteria

Lesson 9 :-
Global warming and
deforestation are two _____
_____ that we face .our
environment is being damaged
by ________ and by habitat
destruction created by human
actions .
Waste disposal may affect the
environment on a ______ scale .
Problems such as deforestation,
air pollution and global
warming are issues of _____and
Lesson 10:-
Governments must work to
_______ the natural world for
future generations . individuals
can help to protect the
environment by disposing of
waste properly and conserving

Lesson 11:-
The rubbish we throw away
each day is called _________.
Vegetables and cardboard are
_______they rot away to make
compost .we can_______good
bottles and scrap paper .we can
______glass, cans, fabrics and
newspapers, the materials from
which they are made can be
melted down , or processed in
some other way, to make new

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