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International affairs

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Is war likely between the great powers?

War is inevitable when it comes to countries with great powers since they are all competing to find

superpower. War has consequences and casualties, and that is the reason why it should be avoided at all

costs to minimize the effects. An excellent example of the impact of war is the first and second world

wars where superpowers joined together in a global war. Europe has a history of taking part in battles,

and that is the reason why even to date, the effects of war are still felt in some of the countries like Japan.

Some of the wars which are worth mentioning are the Napoleonic war and the cold war in Europe.

The question of whether war can break between North Korea and the United States is not simple to

answer depending on the current issues on trying to reach out for diplomacy. The cause of war mostly is

triggered by Pyongyang's nuclear weapon. America being the superpower, prohibits other countries from

poses atomic weapons and missiles. Efforts to deal with denuclearization in North Korea have been tried

over time, and they agree on June 12, 2018, in the summit of the UN, where Kim agreed on the terms.

Donald Trump has had an endless talk with Kim Jong, and most of the meetings did not end up well.

Diplomatic negotiations have been held by the global summit on the growing uncertainty of the

peninsula. The talk held on January 9 between North Korea and South Korea is likely to bring changes

and end of the wind of war. According to General Wang Hongguang, "war on the Korean peninsula might

break out any time between now and March." That means that the likely hood of the war to break is fifty


War is horrific, and it is not something that can be smiled about, and that is the reason why attempts to

find the causes of war are endless. Mostly war is caused by three pathways; so that the country can
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benefit from the cost-benefit calculation, for the public opinion to be satisfied or the allies can pull them

to start a war. An excellent example of being shot by partners is the American involvement in the

Vietnam War so that Saigon, which was anti-communist allies, could be defeated. The Vietnam War is

still on, and that is the reason why Kim Jong meets with Trump in Hanoi on June 9, 2019, where the

denuclearization step was not agreed upon.

In North Korea and the United States, the idea of pull and push pathways do not employ since none of the

two countries are affected by public pressure to get involved in the war. There is no third party in this

scenario, and any war which will be started will not be blamed on anyone. It is true to say that Kim and

Trump have tried their level best to arrive at consensus since they got to power. March 21, 2018: the

South Korean envoy returns from visiting Pyongyang and says that Kim is willing to discuss the issue

with Washington. Later, Trump accepts the invitation. The meeting yielded since, on April 21, 2018,

North Korea agreed to stop using its energy on missile testing and shifted it in improving its economy.

Trump gave credit on this by saying that it was a long process.

Leaders have got a significant impact, and they determine so much whether a war can start or not. Both

Trump and Kim are leaders who are experienced, and they are both known for their courage and love for

their country. They are both involved in reaching out for diplomacy. On May 9 May 9, 2018: the planned

meeting of trump meeting, Kim is an excellent example of finding peace since three Americans were

freed from Korea prison. For instance, Jong is said to have assassinated his brother and uncle for political


On the other hand, Trump has done things that cannot be expected and still holds the position. On May 9,

May 9, 2019, North Korea fires two missiles to pause in ballistic testing. The pressure was to make

Washington have pressure so that they can trigger the war. The idea of the presidents to start this war so

that they can maintain the grip of power is still not a possibility.
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The age is still a factor, and this affects the northern Korean president who took power at his young age.

The power is believed to have been inherited from his great grandfathers, and they only thought of war.

If Kim decides to go down that path, war cannot be avoided since his lineage is full of bloodshed. Ki is

seen to be polite and calm, and that is why he agreed to meet Trump countless times. On April 13 April

13, 2019, Kim accepted to hold a meeting with Trump, which was the deadline for Washington to offer

terms and agreement to diplomacy. Trump, on the other hand, feels disrespected by the thirtysomething

North Korea president and finds it intolerable for them to hold a nuclear weapon. This is evident in the

timeline where Trump said that 'mine is bigger' referring to the atomic threat.

The inadvertent encounter can also be a cause of this war either of the countries enters in other spaces

accidentally. It can be airspace or the sea, and if the leaders fail to apologize or give certain expressions,

then that can mark an outbreak of war. Although even in time of tension, the issues only need to be

handed once they occur, and the occurrence of conflict is minimized. There has not been such a case, but

it can be assumed that they could have solved it amicably. The military force has not had any chance to

get involved in a conflict, and that why war has not started. It is true to say that both countries have a

well-trained army ready for the one who will strike first.

Is war likely between China and the United States?

A good historian can be able to tell that war is not something which is planned, and nothing goes exactly

as planned. In that case, it is not easy to say whether the fight will break between Korea and the United

States. That does not mean that the war can break since the flashbacks that have been discussed in the

essay all point to the likelihood of an outbreak of war. The flashbacks of now are more likely to break

fight unlike those of 2013, and it is evident over recent years. The battle will depend upon who strikes

first and how hard they hit the other country. As time moves, the tension continues to increase, and

completion is also seen, that is the reason why the economy of kores has grown very fast. The threats

which the united states have been posting from 2013 are likely to be the cause of war, which we cannot

tell will happen when.

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