1 P.E. Midterm Activity

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1. Compare and contrast WARM UP and COOL DOWN.

-Warm up is the thing you do before physical activity that helps increase blood flow and
flexibility, while COOL DOWN is the thing you do after you exercise, it helps the body gradually
return to its resting state and prevent muscle soreness.

2. What are the benefits of warm up and cool down in our fitness exercises?
-Warming up before exercise helps to prepare the body for physical activity by increasing
blood flow, improving flexibility, and reducing the risk of injury. Cooling down after exercise
allows the body to gradually recover, helps prevent muscle soreness, and promotes a smoother
transition back to a resting state.

3. Enumerate all the warm up exercises demonstrated by the instructor, and give a short
description of the exercise.

•JOG ON THE SPOT - Lift knees in place.

•JUMPING JACKS - Jump, arms overhead.
•HIGH KNEE - Lift knees while stationary.
•BUTT KICKS - Kick heels towards buttocks.
•CROSS KICKS - Diagonal leg kicks.
•SQUATS - Bend knees, lower hips.
•GROINERS - Plank, bring foot to hands.
•INCHWORM - Bend, walk hands forward, back.

4. Enumerate all the cool down exercises demonstrated by the instructor, and give a short
description of the exercise.

•CHILD’S POSE - Kneel, sit back, arms forward.

•COBRA - Lie, lift chest, hips down.
•DOWNWARD DOG - Hands and feet, inverted V.
•HIP FLEXOR STRETCH – Kneel, extend leg, push hips.
•GLUTE STRETCH – Sit, cross ankle, press knee.
•SPINAL TWIST - Sit or lie, twist torso.
•SIDE HAMSTRING STRETCH - Sit, extend leg, reach toes.
•SHOULDER STRETCH – Arm across chest, gentle pull.
•OVERHEAD TRICEP STRETCH – Arm overhead, bend, reach down back.

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