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ier Technological institute 7 10th of Ramadan Cty = 6th of October Br é 4 ws tment of Electronics and communications Engineer Teme ‘Geaber 2077 Time afowed rns Subject ‘Signals and sions ECTS ‘Group: a2. Examiner Dr Sizan Shaky Assessment Mar 20 mar ‘Midterm Exam Answer the following questions: LOI, LO2, LO3 ‘civen xt] as shown la gure. sketch "7 MARKS) Fpttix(/2-42}048 ett) ee) we 020, Figure {B-Classify the fllowing signa 2 periodic, non periodic, ar almost periodic (5 Maras) at) costa t}- sin (CClasiy the following signals as power signal, energy sina or neither (5 manxs) xi tt) (In the following syste, x(t is the input and yt isthe output classify the system in terns of linearity, time Invariance, memory, and the range of for which the system is causal (as constant) {tea} ft} (a ManKs) vse Exam ed here, Good Luce Ipagew

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