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REG NO: 2130120

Understanding the use of Non- Verbal Communication

elements in different scenarios

Nonverbal communication is the transmission of messages or signals through a

nonverbal platform such as eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, posture, and body
language, gestures, paralinguistics such as loudness or tone of voice, body language,
proxemics or personal space, eye gaze, appearance, and artifacts. Non-verbal communication
is used to achieve a number of interpersonal goals including:

• to replace verbal communication in situations where it may be impossible or

inappropriate to talk

Non- verbal communication comes most into play to replace verbal

communication in situations where it may be practically impossible or inappropriate
to talk. There can be various incidents in our life where we may find it difficult to
complete our conversation and convey our idea to the fullest because of various
reasons like uncomfortable surrounding and atmosphere. In such situations, non-
verbal communication methods have a great role.

• to complement verbal communication, thereby enhancing the overall message

Sometimes verbal communication is not enough, we need certain

additional elements to enhance the overall conversation as well as to complete the
idea to be conveyed. Adding a smile at the end of a monologue or an applause at the
end of a speech can act as an instant gamechanger and the communication gets to
another level and becomes more pleasing.

• to modify the spoken word

People may nod their heads vigorously when saying “Yes” to emphasise
that they agree with the other person. A shrug of the shoulders and a sad expression
when saying “I’m fine, thanks” may actually imply that things are not really fine at
all. So non verbal communication can be used to modify the spoken word.
• to contradict, either intentionally or unintentionally, what is said

Non verbal communication can contradict the already said conversations

depending upon the context. It can be used to intentionally or unintentionally oppose
the content of the subject because gestures and facial expressions are indeed
significant game changers and have the power to reverse what someone has said. So
we can contradict or convey our disapproval to a matter non verbally.

• to regulate conversation by helping to mark speech turns

A good speech requires appropriate pauses. In written format,

punctuations would be fair enough but when implemented verbally, non-verbal
communication is a necessity to signal the audience about what is approaching and
letting them to be prepared to accept things. So in this way non-verbal communication
methods can be used to regulate the conversations by taking needed speech turns.

• to express emotions and interpersonal attitudes

Some emotions cannot be expressed verbally, it must be felt with heart

and some gestures like hugging, kissing and other forms of expressing love comes
under non verbal communication and is an unavoidable element to express something
emotionally. When it comes to group discussions, inter personal attitudes can easily
be understood and is the most effective when implemented non verbally.

• to negotiate relationships in respect of, for instance, dominance, control and


Sometimes we may find it difficult to express our liking towards a subject

or some may find a trouble in undertaking the dominance in an initiative verbally, so
non-verbal communication comes as a saviour. Non verbal communication has a great
role in negotiating relationships in respect of dominance, control and liking.

• to convey personal and social identity through such features as dress and

Body language, dress and adornments also come under non verbal
communication as appearance convey a lot in communication as it is the first
impression of the eyes and is an implicit form communication as it denotes a person’s
character and behaviour which indirectly develops an acquaintance in the other person
regarding prior knowledge about the speaker and contributes to a healthy

• to contextualise interaction by creating a particular social setting

Non verbal communication can contextualize interaction by creating a

particular social setting. Nonverbal communication regulates interaction as
conversations are managed through nonverbal cues. Nonverbal communication
expresses or hides emotion and affect, since one is able to show nonverbally how one
feels about another person, or one may mask true feelings through nonverbal
Non verbal communication can be a powerful tool in understanding others as
well as by understanding the use of non-verbal communication elements in different
scenarios we can achieve a number of interpersonal goals.

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