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Class I CYCLE TEST 4 (English) Date ………….

Name: ……………………………………………………. Class/Sec: …………… Roll No …………

Listening Speaking Reading Writing Spelling Handwriting Overall

Invigilator’s sign. Evaluator’s Sign.


Read and answer.

Mittu was a parrot. A green parrot with a red beak. He loved to fly. He saw a
big yellow mango on a tree.

1. The name of the parrot was ………….

2. The colour of the parrot was ……………

3. The parrot loved to …………..

4. The parrot saw a ……………

5. Make two words with P as Parrot

……………..………… …………………………..


1. Complete the stanza

Once I saw a little bird


I cried, “Little bird,

2. Name the fruits

3. Answer these.

Merry-go-round went …………………………………

The big brown horse went ………………………..………

4. Colour the house

Roof Green
Wall Pink
Door Blue
Window yellow
Floor Brown
5. Form the word chain

Potato Orange Egg

6. Name four birds

…………………. ……………………. ………………… …………………..

7. Match

Tree Yellow

Roti Green

Mango Round


1. Circle the correct words

Bard Bird Berd

Windo Bindow Window

Parot Parrot Perrot

Little Litle Litlle

2. Fill in the blanks

F …….. N H ………. P

P …….. G L ………….. G
3. Write the Correct word.

MAGNO …………

CORW ………..


1. Write in cursive.
India is our country. I love it.







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