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Zizipho Mceleli


They say blood is thicker than water but it never crossed my mind that love was
thicker than blood and it still doesn't make sense till this day.

But I have come to accept that it is what it is our love for something will always be
greater no matter what.

God knows that I miss olden days where everything seem to be always easy but it
wasn't we just knew that blood must always come first.

Family should be a sacred thing in one's heart it should always come first no
matter matter what but that changed for me my family wasn't everything but love

Growing up in a small village has never been easy only few house were affording
and a few were rich but most of us were nothing the struggle became real
especially for my family you will be grateful to have some pap and tea for dinner
lunch and breakfast but some days even that was hard to find.

Coming from a family that was well known as ours was even hard


lunch and breakfast but some days even that was hard to find.

Coming from a family that was well known as ours was even hard don't think we
were known for something good but we were known for all the the bad things like
the family who has girls that fell pregnant the most in the village but mostly we
were known for being poor.
My parents were always embarrassed of how we turned out especially me as a
last born they had dreams and hopes about me but none of them came through.

Even though I didn't have kids like my sister but I was still the black sheep of the
Dlomo homestead don't ask me why I myself still doesn't know the answer to that

It became worse when none of the bachelors from my village wanted to court me
especially those coming from better families my parents became so disappointed
in me because marrying one of the boys from well off families was their last hope
for me.

I mean I understand why no boy wanted to marry me first of all I was from the
poorest family in the village.

Secondly I was called the most ugliest girl in the village even by my sisters but my
brother always came to my rescue I don't even know why I was called that
because I was just pretty like any other girl maybe it was because of the ugly and
old clothes I wore unlike my sisters who were provided clothes by their thousands
boyfriends and baby daddies.

My mother always remind me that she doesn't understand why she named me
Nkanyezi because I was supposed shine bright like stars and have a brighter
future but instead I became their biggest disappointment.

I was woken up by my mother screaming my name at 5 am in the morning on dot this is not the
usual time I wake up on but today she was screaming my name like she was falling down from a
tree I'm telling you.
If I was any of my sisters I would resist until she comes in here but I'm not my siblings if I ever
try that I would receive the biggest whopping I don't know any 20 year old who still receive a
whopping either than me of course.
I quickly kicked my small blanket and got up from my grass mat then stretched my aching body I
don't thinking one would ever be used to sleeping on an old grass mat.
I walked outside and find my mother standing just outside the kitchen rondavel I walked close to
Me:"Mother is there a problem?" She chuckled and looked at me.
Mom:"Didn't I tell you to fetch three buckets of water before you sleep?" I looked at with
confusion written all over my face.
Me:"And I did Ma" she looked at me as if I was suddenly mocking her.
Mom:"And did the water grew feet at night and walked back to the river?"
Me:"But Ma there is water in the kitchen I even fetched an extra bucket" she clapped her hands
and walked back inside.
Mom:"Nkanyezi show me the water you are talking about" my eyes grew bigger in shock and
Me:"But the water was here I swear" she gave me a stare as if she was going to give me the
biggest slap
Mom:"Don't patronize me Nkanyezi go fetch the water I have to go to work since you are useless
in this house" I sighed and grabbed the bucket because explaining wasn't going to make things
easier for me it would just fuel the fire.
I have to be quick because in an hour she has to go and look for work every poor woman usually
go to look for some house work in those rich families and they are paid as little as R50 or some
food to feed their families.
I know my sisters were the ones who used the water I fetched yesterday and didn't bother
replacing it since they will never get into trouble for anything in their lives in this this house.

I quickly filled the bucket with water Thank God for summer the sun was rising already so it
wasn't cold nor was it dark because I was walking bare foot since I didn't want to ruin my newest
pair of shoes as they were the only pair I own at the moment.
I walked back home quickly and my mother was nowhere in sight I just decided to fetch another
bucket I bumped into one of my sisters Thandekile.
Tha:"Ntondo kaMama is awake fetching so early" she was mocking me because even though I
was the youngest I'm surely not the favourite child.
I decided to ignore her and go about my business I walked to the river and sat down.

Something about looking at your reflection in clear water calms you and sooth your soul.
I looked at my reflection for a moment I just forgot about the situation at home until another
reflection appears right next to mine I got so startled and almost fell inside the river

he was quickly enough to pull me and prevent that.

Me:"What the hell?" I said yanking my arm away from him
Ntsika:"I'm sorry did I startle you?" Is he dump or what?
Me:"Obviously" he smiled I sat on the rock he just stood there "Ain't you going somewhere?"
Ntsika:"I was here to bath"
Me:"You bath where we fetch water to fucken drink?" I said looking at him disgusted
Ntsika:" Of course not I just walked by here by the way I'm Ntsika Memela"
Me:"I know who you are why did you leave all your baths and showers at home" he was one of
the boys from the rich family he chuckled.
Ntsika:"Because I love bathing here" I just stood up and fill my bucket with water "You need
help?" He asked as I was about to lift up my bucket and put it on my head.
Me:"I have been doing this my whole life mister" I said putting my bucket on my head then
walked away.
Ntsika:"I didn't get your name" I decided to ignore him "Okay I will see you around" of course
not I mentally said to myself.
I got home and everyone was already awake and in the kitchen except for my parents who
obviously went to look for work.
I put my bucket down and both my sisters looked at each other then back at me.
Tha:"And then" I looked at her confused
Gugu:"You have been gone for too long and now you sit down who is going to make us
breakfast" she is the third born her name is Snegugu.
I sigh and stood up to start start with the porridge.
Tha:"What took you so long? Do you have a boyfriend there by the river?" She asked laughing
and Gugu join her in their laughing spree.
Gugu:"As if"
"Nkanyezi leave that" My brother Lutho said walking in he is the second born.
Tha:"Why would she? Are you going to do it" he laughed
Lutho:"You are the one who have kids and turned this home to a daycare centre so make food for
your kids they are hungry Nkanyezi has no child"
Me:"Brother please!" I said trying to avoid any arguments
Lutho:"Let's go" I looked at him "Now Nkanyezi!" He roared I quickly followed him.
We were now outside he sigh.
Lutho:"I didn't mean to yell at you Star" I nod
Me:"Why did you do that?"
Lutho:"You are not a maid if anything those two should do the chores they have kids"
Me:"You know your parents would never allow that to happen"
Lutho:"I know want to some Kota?" I smiled
Me:"Of course" he took my hand
Lutho:"Then let me get you some food my little star" only him cares about meeting we walked
out of the gate hand in hand.

Time was becoming my enemy it seem to be flying very fast now that I know he was leaving.
I didn't want him to leave but I can't let him sacrifice his life for me yet again.
I was scared his departure was going to bring about change in my life.
Lutho had become my safe heaven the thought of him leaving me alone just made vulnerable to my
own family.

It was the day before Lutho leaves everyone was in the kitchen sitting around the blazing fire it was
a little bit chilly outside.
My parents even bought a chicken today they were really happy that he got the job. I had hope that
things will be better now that he decided to take the job because the mistreat became worse when
Lutho decided to decline a job offer to protect me.
Yes I had always been treated differently before that but everything got worse after he did that but at
this moment I knew I was hoping for the invertible.

The conversations were flowing between my sisters and my parents they suddenly worshipped the
ground my brother was working on.
Mom:"Lutho my baby don't forget to send us money every month"
Dad:"Yes there is a lot that needs to be done here" At this point that they will leech my brother off.
Lutho:"I know that but if I send money I need to see the improvement here I need to see that you are
not spending money on useless things" my parents chuckled nervously
Mom:"What do you take us for Lutho?Hawu" everyone was busy talking about what they want when
my brother gets paid as if it's their own money how sad is that.
Lutho:"Star are you okay? You barely touched your food" my parents both gave me a warning look I
can't say anything that's going to make him decline another job.
Me:"I'm fine I have a headache I think I'm just PMSing" Thandekile laughed
Tha:"Big words that's all she knows"
Lutho:"And all you know it's to open your legs for every man in this village" now they are arguing just
because of me just great.
Mom:"You couldn't help yourself could you? You hate seeing people happy Nkanyezi hay man!" I
feel my eyes burn.
Lutho:"What? Thandekile started this and you are blaming Nkanyezi!"
Me:"I will go to bed" I said quickly walked out.
Lutho:"Star! Nkanyezi wait!" He said following me.
Me:"I'm okay just go back inside Lutho" I said getting inside our rondavel and slam the door.
My tears are flowing as fix my grass mat and my blankets.
I got inside I could barely sleep I kept tossing.
I don't know when did sleep took over me but I ended up falling asleep.
When I opened my eyes it was still early probably a few minutes before five I kicked my blanket and
got up.

I walked out side it was still darker but a little bit of red reflection of sun was showing on top of the
mountains and valleys.
It was cold just like yesterday I picked up woods and open the door the chickens spread out they
were just two of them.
I sweep the rondavel then started the fire and warm water for my brother.

The water was starting to boil he wasn't up yet it's still early anyways I went to feed these stupid
chicken and started washing the dishes.
My brother walks in yawning the bus was leaving in two and half hours.
Lutho:"Star why are you up so early?" He said looking at me
Me:"I couldn't sleep so I decided to start the chores early" I said then got back to what I was doing.
Lutho:"Nkanyezi are you mad at me? I can't leave if you mad"
Me:"What? Don't you dare do that I'm just sad that you are leaving I'm going to miss you so much
Lutho" he smiled
Lutho:"I will miss you too my little star I wish I didn't have to go but I have to go"
Me:"I know

I wish I didn't have to go but I have to go"

Me:"I know go bath I will make you some porridge"
Lutho:"You didn't have to wake and do this for me" I chuckled
Me:"Then the bus would leave you" he laughed
Lutho:"You are right thank you my baby"

After I was done washing the dishes I started with the porridge.
After an hour he was done bathing he came in.
Me:"Sit down I will dish up for you and me"
We both started eating in silence I think it was sinking to us both that he was actually leaving.
Just then my mother walked in and looked at us.
Mom:"Oh you are already awake?" She said looking at me I just nod "I hope you were not trying to
convince your brother to stay again"
Lutho:"It seems like you want me to stay Mom because if that's how you are going to treat her then I
will stay trust me" she swallowed.
Mom:"No Lutho you can't do that and your sister will be fine I promise"
Lutho:"Let's go outside Star" i followed him "I feel like I'm making a mistake here" he said when we
go out
Me:"Don't say that Lutho I will be fine I need to be independent and I lived with these people my
whole life nothing is going to happen to me" he sigh
Lutho:"I'm gonna miss you Kiddo"
Me:"I will miss you too"
Lutho:"Let me go get my bag"

He took his back and walked to the bus stop.

Me:"So Babalwa isn't coming to say goodbye?" A smile creeps on his face "What?" I said smiling
Lutho:"Babalwa slept in my room last night" I hit his shoulder he laughed.
Me:"Now it makes sense why she isn't here"
Lutho:"I'm going to miss her"
Me:"She will be fine" we got to the bus stop.
I was getting anxious as I could see the time was moving pretty fast the bus will be here any minute.
Me:"I think I should go" he looked at me
Lutho:"Why the bus isn't here yet?"
Me:"I can't see you board on the bus I will cry and I don't want to cry" he sighed I could see sadness
in his eyes.
Lutho:"Come here" I launch myself in his arms "I love you so much please take care of yourself"
Me:"I love you too and take care of yourself too" we hugged for the longest time while he kiss the top
of my head he put something on the back pocket of my jeans.
I could hear the sound of the bus engine getting closer I let him go.
Me:"Safe travels" I didn't even wait for him to answer I quickly ran back home my heart was torn my
tears kept falling.

I decided to take the laundry and wash it as I walked out to the river I searched my pocket there was
a R50 I smiled.
I bought a Kota on my walk and walked to the river.
I started washing these clothes for the first I didn't care how many clothes were there.
As long as it took my mind off things I didn't want to think about Lutho.
"Hey" I turned and found Bheki standing on top of the rock.
Me:"Hi" I said ignorant
Bheki:"I saw you coming from the shop"
Me:"And you followed me?" He chuckled and sat down on the rock
Bheki:"I thought you might need some company"
Me:"Well I don't I'm sorry to disappoint you"
Bheki:"So your brother left" I looked at him he has no business being here.
Me:"You already know so why are you asking?"
Bheki:"Why are you so rude?"
Me:"I'm not rude" he sigh
Bheki:"Maybe you and me could be friends I get bored when I come back on weekends here" I
Me:"Friends? What could me and you possible talk about?" He chuckled
Bheki:"You don't have to be defensive"
Me:"Then stop psychoanalysing me" he sat there looking at me without saying anything.

I continued washing the clothes trying to not pay attention to the Idiot who was not planning to leave
he just sat on the rock and start playing his music.

His presence was some how disturbing me I'm used to being alone.
And he was not talking rather than singing along with his American music.

I looked at him he gave me a smirk he is way too cocky for my liking.

Me:"Why are you here don't you have things to do at home?"
Bheki:"Nah I don't" I sigh
Me:"I forgot you have people for everything"
Bheki:"Well I do my own chores when they are due so I don't know what you mean"
Me:"Yeah right and I should believe that"
Bheki:"I don't care what you believe Star" I frowned
Me:"Don't call me that!"
Bheki:"What? Why?"
Me:"Only my brother is allowed to call me that" he nods
Bheki:"Fine I will only stop if you allow me to be your friend"
Me:"Not happening" he chuckled
Bheki:"Why don't you want to be my friend?"
Me:"I don't need friends" I was now done with the laundry.
I tried putting it on my head but it was so heavy since it's wet I didn't think it was that too much.
I looked at Bheki who was smiling I sigh.
Me:"Can you watch these clothes for me while I take the first load"
Bheki:"Alright" that was easy I thought he was going to give me hard.
He helped me put the first load on my head.
Me:"Thank you" he nods and took the second one "Wait what are you doing?"
Bheki:"Look you can't walk the same distance twice and both of these are heavy so it's better if I
help you out"
Me:"No you can't!" I quickly said
Bheki:"I'm just trying to help here Nkanyezi can you stop being stubborn for no reason" he clearly
doesn't understand the trouble he might cause for me at home.
Me:"You will get me in trouble at home Bheki" he looked at me
Bheki:"What? We are not doing anything wrong I'm just helping you that's all"
Me:"No please" he sigh.
Bheki:"Okay let's do this I will help you and stop before we come close to your house I promise"

We walked and he stopped half as promised.

I got home put the first load down and I quickly walked back to take the second load.
Me:"Thank you" he shrugged his shoulders
Bheki:"It's okay Nkanyezi but I would honestly like to see you again"
Bheki:"Please" I sigh I just have to say yes but I know I won't see him
Me:"Okay fine"
"Nkanyezi!!!" I froze and looked at my sister who was walking towards us.
Me:"I have to go" I said trying to walk away but he grabbed my arm "Bheki!" My heart was beating so
fast as Thandekile gets closer to us.
He let's me go there was no use of walking away now my sister was standing right in front of us.
Tha:"Bheki! What are you doing here?" I wasn't sure what he was going to say.
Bheki:"I was actually on my way to see your brother when I bumped into your sister and she told me
that he left saving me the walk you know" she smiled looking at him as if he was some piece of
Tha:"Oh you can still come through thou I mean I'm here" Thandekile is something else and Bheki
chuckled clearly uncomfortable by the pass my sister just made at him
Bheki:"Unfortunately I can't I have to go I will see you around" he said looking at me intensely
Tha:"Of course I will see you around" he walked away "Those are the kinds of men that are going to
marry us" she is still expecting a man to marry her with her three kids at the age of 27.
I decided to ignore what she just said and walked away too.
I don't know why I turned I find him looking at him he smiled before him winking at me I try holding it
together but I smiled back.

If it was up to me I wouldn't even come back in this place but I don't have a choice this my home and
with the kinds of parents I have I just have to come back.
Even though I try to make excuses to come back during the weekends but I had to come back this
week because my older brother Lizalise was having a ceremony for his child so I needed to be here
to support him and his wife.

Me and my father don't have the relationship like he has with my brothers especially Bheki.
He is his favourite child me and him don't get along because of the career choice I made I didn't
want to work as some businessman.

If it was any father he would be happy that the career I chose is even better than what they are
I love medicine and it's something I'm passionate about I wasn't going to stop doing it just to please
I was really grateful that I was able to obtain a bursary for myself instead of depending on him
financially because he would have easily controlled my life.

I was disturbed by my mother who called out for me.

Mom:"Ntsika your father wants to talk to you and your brothers before you leave for the city" I love
my mother but she has no backbone of standing up to my father instead she is slowly turning to be
like him.
Me:"About what?" She sigh
Mom:"I don't know Ntsika can you stop with your questions and come inside" she said walking back
I stood up and followed her everyone was already sit down.
I sat next to my brother's wife and took Amila to my lap she is my brother's baby.
Dad:"I'm glad you all made it this weekend and supported your brother through everything"
Bheki:"That's all we could do" his puppet said.
Lizalise:"I'm glad you all came it was nice to have you guys" me and Lizalise are close maybe it's
because our father chooses Bheki over any of us.
Dad:"Bheki and Ntsika I think it's about time you two settle down" I choked on my saliva.
Mom:"Yes Ntsika your father is right! You are not getting any younger" I chuckled
Me:"I'm 24 years old I'm still doing my residence I don't have a girlfriend to settle with infact I don't
want to settle down any time soon"
Dad:"I married your mother when I was 20 Ntsika!"
Me:"And this is the 21st century dad I'm not about to settle down when I'm just not ready for that. I
don't live to please you I don't know when will you get that to your head I'm not Bheki maybe you
could do as you please with him not me"
Bheki:"What are you saying Ntsika?"
Lizalise:"Guys calm down!"
Bheki:"No let the nigga go off he has a lot to say I see"
Dad:"That's enough!" He banged the table and Amila started crying.
Me:"You scared the child Memela!" He looked at me fuming I just calm Amila down because she
won't go to her mother she is literally obsessed with me.
Mom:"We are doing what's best for you and I think girls from here will be good for you what do you
think about Babalwa Ntsika!" I laughed so hard even Amila started giggling.
Me:"Even Amila find that funny what do you think about Babalwa Ntsika!" I laughed so hard even
Amila started giggling.
Me:"Even Amila find that funny Babalwa is dating Lutho and she is not the type of girl I want to settle
with and besides I wouldn't do Lutho like that"
Dad:"If her parents are on board then that's not a problem!"
Me:"Can you hear this?" I looked at the person who used to be best friends with Lutho he just
shrugged his shoulders
Me:"Wow Bheki! Unbelievable!" I hand Mila to her mother
Mom:"Where are you going?"
Me:"I'm going out! I will not marry anyone and if you keep forcing this down my throat then I will
never come back here again!" I walked out I can't believe them right now.

I decided to go to the shops hopefully to see Emihle.
Emihle is my friend from high school I didn't want to be friends with her because I didn't know why a
girl like her from a rich family would want to be friends with me.

She literally forced our friendship in my throat until I accepted that she wouldn't let go ever since
then we have been friends.

I really appreciate her in my life it's only her and Lutho that care about me honestly.
She usually give me clothes that she doesn't wear anymore and my style has been getting better
lately because of her.
Emi:"Nkanyi!!" She said jumping on me we almost fell I laughed our parents don't approve of our
friendship especially mine they don't want me having friends her parents don't want her near me
because of my sisters who has such a reputation.
Me:"You are getting heavy Emihle you can't always jump on me like that" she laughed
Emi:"I missed you" she is doing her second year in the city
Me:"I missed you too" she let go of me after some time
Emi:"Look what I got you" she said handing me a plastic bag with a smile plastered on her face.
Me:"Most of these clothes are new Emihle I can't take them!"
Emi:"I can't take them back either so I guess we will throw them away!" I sigh
Me:"You can't always spend your money on me like that! Promise this is the last time!" She rolls her
eyes "Emihle!"
Emi:"Okay! I promise!" I hugged her and we chilled for sometime.
Emi:"So your brother is in the city?"
Me:"Yeah" she sigh
Emi:"I'm sorry girlfriend but one day you will get out of this situation and I will help you do it!"
Me:"It's okay I just don't understand why my family threat me this way honestly"
Emi:"I wish I knew too"
Me:"It's okay when are you leaving?"
Emi:"In a week so where is your brother stay there?" I looked at her
Me:"I don't know what the city looks like so I don't know Emi"
Emi:"Mmh I guess I will haunt him down myself"I laughed
Me:"You are still living in that fantasy of dating him that man loves Babalwa so give it up already and
beside he look at you like a little sister!" She laughed
Emi:"Now it's my turn since he is in the city so Babalwa can step aside" she hilarious this one.
Me:"You are crazy I need to go girlfriend thank you for these!" I said standing up
Emi:"I will see you tomorrow then" we hugged and part ways.

I walked back home and I was disturbed by someone calling my name.

I turned and found Bab'Gumede quickly walking towards me he owns the store.
Gumede:"Nkanyezi how are you?"
Me:"I'm good how are you?"
Gumede:"I'm good how are the things at home?" I looked at him
Me:"Uhh they are okay" he nods
Gumede:"I'm glad to hear that if you want a job or anything you cold come here at the store"
Me:"A job?" Making some money would be good for me
Gumede:"Yes I will be waiting for you!" I smiled and I saw my mother with the other women coming
from work I curse under my breath "Are you okay?"
Me:"Yes I have to go thank you Bab'Gumede" he nods my mother looked at us.
I quickly walked back home and put my clothes away.
The door flew open to our rondavel my mother walked in breathing fire.
She charged towards me and slapped so hard that I almost fell.
Me:"Ma!" I said in confused with tears threatening to fall
Mom:"What were you doing with Gumede? What did he say to you?"
Me:"He was just offering me some job"
Mom:"You are not taking that job and I don't want you to speak with that man ever again do you hear
me!" I quickly nod
Me:"Yes!" She walked out I feel my tears fall.

I quickly walked out and went to the kitchen grabbed a bucket.

My tears kept falling as I walked to the river.
I sat on the rock and start crying.
"Why are you crying?" I brought my head up and wiped my tears.
Me:"Just leave me alone!"
Ntsika:"Okay have fun crying but don't harm yourself" he said tapping my shoulder and continue with
his walk.

I sat there not figuring out what to do I haven't even cooked at home at this point but for some
reason I didn't care I wasn't scared because I knew what was coming.

I don't know why my parents especially my mom keep hurting me like this because as for dad I can't
say much about him he never laid his hands on me he just doesn't protect me like any father would
do for their children he let's Mom control him.

If Lutho was here none of this would happen how could she just slap me for talking to an elder. She
doesn't do anything for me yet she refused me accepting Bab'Gumede offer to work for him.

I was finally able to gather my strength and my tears were no more now I stood up and walked
home. My heart was beating so fast I know she is probably going to beat me up.

Everyone was still awake when I got there they were eating probably one of my sisters or my mother
cooked I sat down without saying anything.
Mom:"Thandekile is going to take the job that Gumede offered you" I kept quiet "Do you hear me
Nkanyezi?" I just nod.
I know they didn't dish up for me and luckily I was full because Emihle bought us some bunny chow.
Tha:"Why can't she take the job?!"
Mom:"You need the money Thandekile!" As if I don't.
Tha:"I have a man that provides for me I don't need the money and I don't want to work"
Gugu:"I will take it"
Mom:"Good I will talk to Gumede" she smiled I can't believe this I should be used to her wickedness
by now but I just can't get used to it.
Me:"Can I go to bed now?"
Mom:"After you wash the dishes then you will go" I was thankful that she didn't continue what she
started earlier on.

They were done eating and all went to bed for some weird reason my father decided to stay behind.
He continued with the fire that was blazing he didn't say much.
Me:"Are you my father?" He looked at me
Dad:"What?" He was taken aback by my question.
Me:"There should be a reason you can't defend me against me wasn't I wanted when I was born
what was it that I did wrong to be treated this way"
Me:"You know what one day I will get out of here and you will regret how you hurt me and failed me
as my father" I don't know why I'm telling him these things.
I finished the dishes and I was right they didn't leave any food for me to eat.
I walked to the rondavel we slept in and my sisters were chatting a storm about men obviously.
Thandekile was also bragging about how Bheki looked at her today which was not even true.
I was slowly developing hate and anger towards my own family they have caused me too much pain

I should be in university like my peers but my mother refused for me to apply she went as far as
hiding my documents and theirs.
She told me that I was going to stay at home and look for a job but when I find a job she always has
a way of ruining things for me.

Nothing has ever made sense to me the way she treats me I just made my heart believe that she is
not my mother. Her not loving me doesn't hurt me anymore but her physical attacks on me gets to

I have been thinking about what my father was asking of us it was a difficult request but Ntsika was
overreacting like always I don't understand his problem with me and dad.

I just need to talk to my father about this because I can't marry a stranger.
Ntsika walked in and looked at me then said nothing.
Me:"Why are you looking at me like that?" I guess he was done throwing his little tantrum.
Ntsika:"I'm just wondering when will you wake up and smell the coffee"
Me:"What are you talking about?" He chuckled and looked at me
Ntsika:"You are your father's puppet you don't have balls Bheki" he was insulting me now.
Me:"The only person who doesn't have balls here it's you

you can't do anything right you can't even continue with our legacy" he laughed
Ntsika:"I'm working for my own legacy what about you? You just depending on your father's money.
You don't have anything that's yours" I charged to him but Lizalise appeared and stopped me Ntsika
Ntsika:"You can't bare the truth it hurts right"
Lizalise:"Can you two stop it? This is getting old man!" He was annoyed.
Me:"You should be telling that to Ntsika!" I said walking away
Ntsika:"Oh poor thing he is going to cry on his father's chest how pathetic"
Lizalise:"Ntsika stop it" he said reprimanding him.

I got to my father's study and knocked he yelled for me to come in.

Dad:"Son it's you please sit" I nod and sat down.
Me:"Can we talk?" He nods
Dad:"Of course"
Me:"About this marriage thing--" he cuts me off.
Dad:"Don't tell me you are against it too" I sigh
Me:"Not that I'm against it but I need to choose my own wife I can't marry a stranger dad"
Dad:"That's not a problem who did you have in my mind" I sigh
Me:"I have a girlfriend in the city" he scoffed
Dad:"A city girl Bheki you can't be serious"
Me:"Dad Nomonde is a good woman and I love her she would be perfect wife for me"
Dad:"We need a girl that's going to stay with us here will your girlfriend allow that?" I sigh because
Nomonde loves her job.
Me:"But dad I can't have a wife that stays here while I'm in the city. Beside Nomonde is a business
woman she needs to work" he shook his head.
Dad:"Woman like that tend to act superior than you besides I was married to your mother and she
stayed here while I was in the city our marriage survive" he was adamant about this.
Me:"I will see what I can do" I can't end things with Nomonde and I also have to please my father
Dad:"Look I'm not saying end things with your girlfriend but I need your wife staying here"
Me:"I need time to think about this" he nods
Dad:"I'm proud of you son" I nod and walked out.

The Next Day

I was happy that the weekend was finally over and I was going back to my place later on.
I haven't spoken to my dad since yesterday I was doing everything possible to avoid him.

We were leaving later on so I was packing my clothes.

A knock came through I hope it's none of the parents I went to open I found my big brother.
Lizalise:"Can I come in?" I nod he came in and sat down.
Me:"What's up?"
Lizalise:"Have you thought of what dad said?"
Me:"Not you too Lizalise" he sigh
Lizalise:"I did it and I'm happy with my wife"
Me:"I'm not you Lizalise I have different plans I have so many things before I settle down. I'm happy
that you are happy with your wife but I don't want that for myself" he nods
Lizalise:"I understand honestly I also don't want you to do what you don't want because you will be
miserable as for me I was lucky because I was already dating Amila's Mom when my father
suggested that to me. I'm proud of you for standing your own ground"
Me:"Thank you for understanding"
Amila came in running and I quickly picked her up.
Me:"Good morning my love!" I said kissing her all over her face she just giggled.
Lizalise:"You spoil her too much and your girlfriends will have trouble here"
Me:"Well if she doesn't approve then she doesn't they have to go" he laughed.
Lizalise:"You are ridiculous! Now let's go princess" she opened her arms to her father and he took
Me:"You guys are leaving already?"
Lizalise:"Yeah man I have some work to do at the office" I nod we fist bumped and he left talking to
Amila he is such a great day.

Lizalise agreed to taking a wife but he put his foot down when they told him that she has to stay here
he totally told them it wasn't happening.
I needed to eat Bab'Gumede's bunny chow for the last time before I leave.
I was sitting on the tables when I saw the girl that was crying yesterday she was with another girl
that was the same age as her.
Me:"Hey" they both looked at me "We keep bumping on each other don't you think it's about time I
get your name"
Me:"As in like Star?" She nods
Me:"Wait you are Lutho's sister?" That's the only Nkanyezi I heard of around here.
Nkanyezi:"Yeah the one and only"
Me:"Wow you have grown" she laughed
Nkanyezi:"And he thinks he is older this is my friend Emihle" you could tell she is a city girl unlike
Me:"Oh sorry hey Emihle"
Me:"Anyways it's good to see that you are okay" she instantly became uncomfortable
Nkanyezi:"Yeah I'm good"
Me:"Okay have a great day" I walked away leaving the city girl squealing in excitement typically city
I wonder why she was crying yesterday atleast she didn't harm herself.

After that encounter with Ntsika he left me with Emihle who squealing as a mouse next to me I
clearly didn't understand the excitement woman after a man talks to them.

I got home and started with the chorus that I have my life is so sad it's literally stuck in one place I
wake up everyday and do the same thing I'm on stand still.

Change its something I need now but I can't disobey my mother or I will be homeless soon.
The day went by so quickly I guess sometimes I have to take a day as it comes because my life it's
just so predictable from a day to the next.
Yet again we were sitting in this rondavel me dishing up for everyone.
The kids were playing around moving up and down it was so annoying.
Gugu walked in looking like she has been hit by a train it's her first day but she already looks like
Mom:"Gugu how did it go?" Gugu sigh
Gugu:"Terrible Mom I was even fired" why am I not surprised.
Mom:"What do you mean?"
Gugu:"Gumede basically told me not to come back it's either Nkanyezi goes or he will give the job to
someone else" my mother clapped her hands.
Mom:"Gumede is clearly testing me now"
Dad:"I think Nkanyezi should take the job" everybody looked at him very surprised.
Mom:"What do you mean Nkanyezi should take the job?" She was breathing fire
Dad:"This will take some burden of us she will pitch in groceries too. Gugu is lazy we all know that's
why she was fired. Nkanyezi is used to labour so you she can keep the job it's not like we don't need
some extra cash"
Mom:"Okay but I will tell Gumede to pay her directly to me" I laughed I don't know why they all
looked at me
Me:"Then I rather not take the job" I don't know where did the guts come from.
Mom:"Are you talking back Nkanyezi?"
Me:"Of course not I'm just saying I rather stay at home than work my butt off just to have my salary
paid straight to you" okay now I'm out of line.
Mom:"Hehe the devil must be testing me today you will work there Nkanyezi or--"
Me:"Or what? You got beat to the nearest plump Mom. Tell me Mom why do you treat this way?
Huh? I have be nothing but a good daughter. I have turned into a maid in my own home but you still
find a way to mistreat even though I do everything you say. Are you even my mother?" A slapped
landed on my face for some reason no tears fall from my eyes
Mom:"Who do you think you are Nkanyezi?"
Me:"I'm nothing but I sure believe I'm not a Dlomo I think it's about time you tell me what's your issue
with me"
Mom:"You think you are a woman now?"
Me:"I'm surely a better woman than any of you in this house I'm tired of this I'm going to take that job
Mom and I will use the money I get however I want it" I quickly walked out and I realised that I just
applied for me being homeless.
I walked inside the rondavel then someone followed it was Thandekile.
Tha:"Nkanyezi! How could you talk to my mother like that?" I just looked at her while I fixed my
Me:"Because I can and I just did"
Tha:"I will ---" I laughed
Me:"You will beat me? Now that's impossible because we both know I will be the shit out of you. You
only can attack me verbally but we both know physically you can't do shit" she swallowed before
walking out.
I got under the blankets and I just kept thinking about all that I just said.

The next day

I woke up and started preparing for work.
My mother has already left so did my dad I was only left with my sisters.
Gugu:"So we are not eating breakfast today because Mrs got the job" I decided to ignore her I have
no time to entertain her.

I got to the shop as soon as Mr Gumede saw a smile creeped on his face his smile just comforted
me so how.
Gumede:"Nkanyezi it's good to see you" I smiled
Me:"It's good to see you too"
Gumede:"How are you?" I sigh
Gumede:"But it's early in the morning" I chuckled.
Me:"I'm emotional tired and drained" he looked at me
Gumede:"Come this side" he led me to the table "Tell me what's wrong?"
Me:"It's just the way my family treats me

it's good to see you" I smiled

Me:"It's good to see you too"
Gumede:"How are you?" I sigh
Gumede:"But it's early in the morning" I chuckled.
Me:"I'm emotional tired and drained" he looked at me
Gumede:"Come this side" he led me to the table "Tell me what's wrong?"
Me:"It's just the way my family treats me it's like I'm an outsider in my own home and I'm scared I
might be homeless before the end of this day?" He sigh
Gumede:"Homeless?" I don't know why I was easily venting to him while I usually go on defence
mode when someone tries to know me.
Me:"My mother didn't want me to work here that's my sister came yesterday. For some reason you
fired her now I was told to take the job but my mother will be the one receiving the money. That's
when I just let it out I talked back to her I mean she has been treating me like a maid for as long as I
could remember now she wants to take the money I will work for when she barely buys me toiletries
I struggle to even get sanitary pads" I feel my tears burn with tears
Gumede:"How could she do that? I'm sorry Nkanyezi you are going through a lot at a young age. If
anything happens tonight please don't hesitate but leave that house"
Me:"I can't leave where will I go?" He sigh
Gumede:"You can come to my house"
Me:"That's ex--" he cuts me off
Gumede:"When you make a decision don't hesitate to come" I nod
Me:"Can I ask you something?"
Gumede:"Of course young lady"
Me:"Why are you being nice to me" he chuckled
Gumede:"You remind of your aunt?"
Me:"my aunt?" I got many aunt's that's why I'm asking.
Me:"Oh I never knew her" he nods
Gumede:"You were so young when she died she was beautiful like you it's strange how you look like
Me:"Yeah I get that a lot" he looked at me intensely not in an uncomfortable way "Are you okay?" He
cleared his throat
Gumede:"Yes I'm fine let's open up and I will show you what you will do around here" I nod
Me:"So why did you fire Gugu?" He laughed
Gumede:"That girl is lazy she didn't do anything than eat everything"
Me:"Well that's what they do at home"
Gumede:"Well this is not her home" I laughed.
I will surely enjoy working with this man his warmth is everything.
I left home feeling all sorts of conflicted with everything.
I wasn't sure which decision should I make.
I can't hurt Nomonde because I love her so much but I can't disappointed my dad either.

When I got into my apartment Nomonde was not around we don't stay together but we surely spend
so much time together in this apartment.

She is probably out with friends since it's Sunday.

So I decided to warm the food I came with from home just then Nomonde walked in looking beautiful
as always.
Nomonde:"Bheki you are back" she said smiling and walking towards me.
Me:"Hey babe" we kissed
Nomonde:"I missed you" I smiled
Me:"How much did you miss me?"
Nomonde:"I will show you tonight!" She said touching my manhood
Me:"How about now?" She laughed
Nomonde:"Patience my love how was the ceremony?"
Me:"It was good and beautiful"
Nomonde:"No family drama or nothing" I chuckled
Me:"Just the usual" she nods.
Nomonde:"Are you okay?" I looked at her
Me:"I'm fine why are you asking me?"
Nomonde:"I don't know you are acting weird babe" I hate how much she knows me.
Me:"It's nothing honestly"
Nomonde:"Maybe one of the weekends I should go to the villages with you"
Me:"I don't think you will like it there"
Nomonde:"It's not like I'm going to stay there for my whole life I mean I'm sure I would survive a
Me:"Be patient one day we will go together I promise" I hate myself for not telling her what's going on
but Nomonde would never sacrifice her life to settle for that and I'm not ready to lose her either.
Nomonde:"Okay then now how about I show you how much I missed you my love" she said dropping
her dress God took his own time when he was creating her.
Me:"Come here" she cat walked to me and got on top of me as I lean back on the couch.
Nomonde:"Take it off" she said instructing me to take off her bra while she unbutton my pants.
Within few minutes I was inside her she was riding me like I'm some horse I grabbed her ass and
spanked it she moaned.
Nomonde:"Yes honey! Fuck!"
Me:"You like that huh?"
Nomonde:"Yes..yes I like it" she said pumping so hard on top of me I groaned feeling her walls
tighten around my dick.
Me:"Fuck wait for me!"
Nomonde:"Bheki!" She reached her pick I soon reach mine.
We both stayed in that position catching our breath.
I touched her face and make her look at me her big eyes stare at me.
Me:"I love you so much" she smiled
Nomonde:"I love you too Bheki" I kissed her forehead.
Me:"Let's clean this up"
I need to make a decision I don't know how I'm going to make two people at the same.


It has been exactly a month since I have been here in the city everything has been going well but
when you are used to the village it becomes hard to navigate to the lifestyle here.

Even though I have made friends at work but I was missing Star dearly I'm only realising that she
was not just my sister but my best friend.

Sometimes I get so worried about her even though Babalwa made sure I speak to my sister every
weekend I still missed her.

She has a job now even though it wasn't something big but I was proud of her for trying to make a
life for herself without mom's controlling dilemma.
Even though Leaving was the hardest decision to make I think it was also good for the both us.
We were both learning to independent and grow outside our comfort zone.

Today I was going to the mall because I had to send money home.
The fact that it was a month end it was fully packed the line was ridiculous long.
I have been standing here for 10 minutes but it surely feels like an hour.
"Lutho!" That caught me off guard I turned around I find Nkanyezi's friend Emihle.
Me:"Emihle" she smiled.
Emi:"I wasn't sure if it was you or not that's why I had to get closer"
Me:"I didn't even see you what are you doing here?"
Emi:"It's month end I'm doing what everyone is doing paying rent" I chuckled
Me:"Alright then"
Emi:"You know what come with me?" I looked at her confused.
Me:"I'm in the line Emihle I can't just leave" he just dragged me out of it laughing and we walked to
the front "What are you doing?" I whispered to here.
Emi:"I'm back" she said to the woman who was standing in the line she nods.
It was her turn to go to the ATM she took me with her.
Emi:"Let's deposit yours first" I sigh we deposited both our cash and left "You are awfully quiet" I
looked at her
Me:"I don't like what you did Emihle those people woke up to be in that line too. Sometimes you
don't have to cheat to get ahead in live I don't like privileged people that think they could get away
with everything" she swallowed.
Emi:"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you I thought I was just helping. It was good seeing you" she
said before walking away I don't know why I feel bad all of sudden.
Me:"Emihle wait!" She looked at me "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you"
Emi:"I'm not privileged Lutho this is the city at this time of the month you would have waited there
until late to deposit your money because people always do what I did so it is what it is" I sigh
Me:"I'm sorry" she nods "You want to help with the groceries?"
Emi:"No I don't" I frowned
Me:"Can you please help me with the groceries kiddo?" She rolled her eyes.
Emi:"Fine but I'm not a kid" I raised my hands in surrender.
She helped me with everything and insisted to go see where I live.
Me:"This is me" she looked around
Emi:"This place is beautiful it must be expensive"
Me:"This is our company property it isn't that expensive honestly"
Emi:"Your boss must have money and also generous"
Me:"He does have money but he understands the struggle to grow up without anything his company
mostly have employees from the villages I think that's why he is so blessed because of his good
Emi:"Wow let me help you here" she started packing on cabinets she packed everything in order and
organised this is something I would never do as long the food is in place that's good.
Me:"Thank you for doing this and everything for today" she nods.
Emi:"No problem I will go now" she said looking at me I don't know how and when she was kissing
me I froze and pushed her back.
Me:"Emihle! What are you doing?"
Emi:"I'm so sorry" she said and grabbed her bag but I was quick enough to grab her arm.
Me:"Explain yourself"
Emi:"I don't know what came over me I'm so sorry" she quickly walked out leaving me still
processing what she did.


This weekend I was going home I have been avoiding to go because I haven't made the decision yet
even now I haven't made it but my dad wants me home.

Nomonde wanted to go with me but I just can't take her to my home right now.
So I made up an excuse for not taking her she wasn't pleased but she understood.

I was packing my clothes and I was ready to leave I didn't even go to work today.
Nomonde walked in she looked at me.
Monde:"You don't look happy about going home this time around"
Me:"I am happy Nomonde but you know work is stressing me" she chuckled.
Monde:"Something is going on here Bheki and you have been hiding it for a while"
Me:"it's just work Nomonde"
Monde:"Why are you lying Bheki? You think I haven't noticed how you always make excuses when
your father calls you asking you to go home. Is this how our relationship is going to be like now?"
Me:"Don't you have anything to do read a magazine or look at the latest fashion trends than being
on my hair!" I lashed out on her she looked at me in disbelief with her tears threatening to fall I
suddenly regret everything.
Me:"Babe I ---" she just shook her head
Monde:"Wow Bheki

she looked at me in disbelief with her tears threatening to fall I suddenly regret everything.
Me:"Babe I ---" she just shook her head
Monde:"Wow Bheki go home and I will go to my apartment and read my magazines" she said and
wiped her tears.
Me:"Babe! Nomonde" she already left I haven't made Nomonde cried before and I don't like how it

I don't know how I will fix this but I decided to give her some space because I tried calling her she
just rejected my call and switched off her cellphone.
This was surely gonna be the longest weekend of my life.

The drive home was stressing me out the more I got closer the more I got stressed.
Within few hours I was already packing in the yard.
I got inside the house my mother rushes to me and hugged me.
Mom:"You haven't been home for so long" I sigh
Me:"It's only been a month"
Mom:"You come home every weekend Bheki"
Me:"Well work was hectic you know how it is running my father's company demands time and I have
to make sure I do a good job like my dad did if not even more I'm putting 110% of myself and time to
keep the business going"
Mom:"I'm so proud of you Bheki I know it's not easy filling in your father's shoes" I nod speaking of
the devil he walked in.
Dad:"Bheki you are home" I nod
Me:"I decided to come home this weekend"
Dad:"That's good how is your brother?" I sigh
Me:"The last time I spoke to Ntsika was when we were all here so I don't know how he is and I don't
care I have so much in my plate than to worry about Ntsika who is selfish"
Mom:"Don't talk like that about your brother Bheki" Dad sigh
Dad:"Let's go to the office and discuss important stuff" I knew exactly what he was on about.
Me:"I just need to rest now can we talk later"
Dad:"Alright then" I walked to my room.
I took my phone and try to call Nomonde hoping she will answer but it just lead me straight to


Working with Bab'Gumede has been great honestly I sometimes forget that he is older because I talk
to him about everything.

He was paying me weekly it was great to finally being about to provide for myself without having to
beg my mother for toiletries.

Speaking of her she was still abusive as always nothing has changed but it wasn't as extreme as it
My sisters hated me more now that I have a job because they have to do their own chores since I'm
not around.
Me:"Bab'Gumede I'm ready to go I will see you tomorrow"
Gumede:"How about a weekend off?"
Me:"No Bab'Gumede I need the money I can't afford to take a weekend off" he chuckled
Gumede:"Your money will be paid full and here is your money for this week" I chuckled
Me:"Thank you but I don't need the weekend off I rather be here than at home" he nods.
Gumede:"You can come but you won't be working"
Me:"Seems like I won't win"
Gumede:"No young lady"I chuckled and he hands me the envelope I opened it.
He always force me to count the money before I leave just in case he gave me less but if it's more
he just say I must keep it.
Me:"Bab'Gumede this is R1500"
Gumede:"I know" he said smiling
Me:"It's R500 extra I can't take it"
Gumede:"Nkanyezi you have been working hard since you started and the customers behave
around you they love you so you deserve that money"
Me:"I don't know what to say"
Gumede:"Please spend it wisely or put it on the account we opened for you" I quickly nod and threw
myself in his arms.
Me:"Thank you so much" he hugs me back the warmth I felt and the father's love I wish I had just
brought tears to my eyes I just sob against this chest.
Gumede:"It's okay let it all out" I just sob harder I don't think I have cried so much in my life.
Gumede:"Oh Princess I wish I could take away all this pain away from you I'm so sorry" he said
kissing the top of my head.
After what felt like an eternity I was able to calm down.
Me:"I'm sorry" I said looking at his t-shirt that was soaking wet
Gumede:"You are feeling better now" I nod
Me:"Thank you so much" he nods
Gumede:"You will be okay"

After bidding farewell I walked home it was around 6 .

Gugu:"The princess is here" I looked at her.
Mom:"It's month end Nkanyezi you have to pitch in for groceries" I was in no strength to fight this
Me:"Alright" I took out the R500 I have set aside and gave it to her.
Mom:"Good" not even a thank you
Tha:"There's no water for tomorrow morning" she said looking at Mom.
Mom:"Haibo Thandekile how are we going to bath in the morning"
Tha:"Me and Gugu have done everything today Nkanyezi go get water in the river" I sigh it's funny
how I did everything alone in this house and never complained but here they are complaining
I grabbed the bucket on top of the table and walked out.
It wasn't that dark since it was summer the sun just set.
I quickly walked to the river and filled my bucket I could help but feel like someone was watching
I quickly put the bucket on my head and walked fast but I felt someone grabbed me from behind my
bucket fell.
Me:"Please don't hurt me" I said screaming "Help! Help!" I screamed but he covered my mouth
within seconds he grabbed me inside the bushes and tossed me on the ground.
I tried to scream but he has my mouth covered his face was covered.
He tore the dress I was wearing he wasn't saying not even threaten me.
I tried kicking him but he was strong enough to pin me in place I just let my tears fall as he tries to
shove his manhood inside me it was so painful that it was unbearable I have never slept with a man
He moved in and out of me until he was satisfied.
He quickly stood up and pull his pants up.
He ran out of the bushes leaving me naked and dirty.
My tears were falling freely the physical pain was nothing compared to what I was feeling inside me
my heart has shattered into pieces.
My virginity has been taking away from me by a stranger why does God hate me so much.
I slowly stood up and tried to cover myself up with this torn dress I was wearing.

I could barely walk I kept crying I just want to die right now.
I wasn't sure if I was walking towards the right direction my mind was absent I could still feel his
groans as he was satisfying himself with me.
I walked towards the road a few cars kept passing.
"Hey are you okay" he said inside the car "Wait Nkanyezi is that you!?" I just looked at him while my
tears fall he came out of the car.
Me:"Don't come near me!" I was shivering.
Bheki:"It's okay I won't hurt you" everything started spinning "Nkanyezi!" My knees were becoming
I don't know what happened but he was quickly enough to catch me before I hit the ground.
Bheki:"Nkanyezi open your eyes please! Nkanyezi!" I could him say from afar until I couldn't hear
him anymore as darkness engulfed me.


I woke up feeling disorientated I looked around I realized that I wasn't familiar with my surroundings
at all.
Remembering what happened to me yesterday my heart start beating fast I'm in some bed that I
don't even know who it belongs to.
The memories of what happened yesterday are still fresh on my mind my tears quickly start building
up on my eyes. The only thing I remember is walking by the road after that everything is blur.
I don't know how I got here I'm so scared that my rapist also kidnapped. I quickly tried to wake up
but the pain between my legs doesn't allow me to move much.

The door opens slightly my heart starts pounding and I just covered myself with a blanket then tried
to hold my breath.
I hear the person heavy sigh
"Nkanyezi I know you are awake" The voice sound so familiar I slowly remove the blanket from my
Me:" Bheki!" I said in shock
Bheki:" Hi" I looked at him confused
Me:" How did I get here?" He sigh and sat on a chair.
Bheki:" I found you walking at the side of the road you seem disorientated or confused what
happened?" fresh tears starts forming in my eyes
Me:" Someone raped me Bheki!" that came out as a sob he wasn't sure whether to come and
comfort me or keep his distance he decided to keep his distance which I was grateful that he did.
Bheki:" I was afraid to hear this because thats exactly what I thought when I found you in that state
I'm so sorry Nkanyezi. I have to take you to the clinic and police station" I quickly shook my head.
Me:" Please take me home"
Bheki:" You could be pregnant right now or even once sick I have to take you to the clinic" that
leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.
Me:" And the whole community will know what happened to me then start calling me names No
Bheki:" Nkanyezi what happened to you was not your fault"
Me:" I know that but that's not how everyone will see it here they will blame for it" he sigh
Bheki:" Lets take you to the clinic so you could be on the safer side I promise I will make sure that no
one founds out what happened" he was insisting to do this.
Me:" Okay" he sigh in relief
Bheki:" These are mine you will wear them let me run a bath for you" he said putting a long sleeve
white t-shirt and grey track pants and then disappeared to the bathroom.
I know my family is going to kill me today I don't know what will I tell them.

After I finished bathing we drove to the clinic it was so packed.

Bheki:" Wait for me here I will be back" I just nod and he got out of the car and walked inside the
Most of these people know me and I don't know how will I hide from them.
A few minutes later he came out and got inside the car.
Then drove off to the employees entrance talk about having privileges.
Bheki:" No one will see you here" I nod
We walked in a nurse took us to the room and started running test on me while Bheki just sat there.
She gave me some pills to drink and told me there was nothing to worry about.
She also gave us a packet of condoms and some preventation pills I looked at Bheki he just nods.
After I was done we left.
Me:" Why did that nurse give me these what did you tell her?"
Bheki:"I couldn't tell her what happened so I said you are my girlfriend" I couldn't say anything else I
just nod.
Me:" Please drop me off here" he looked at me confused
Bheki:" I have to make sure that you get home safely Nkanyezi"
Me:" I will get home safely its just a five minutes walk" He shook his head and continued driving to
my house.
I was sweating as I wasn't sure of what will my parents do to me.
As soon as they hear a car outside everyone came out of the house run.
Me:" Thanks" I said getting out of the car " WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I said as soon as he got out
of the car.
Bheki:" You look scared to face your parents so I'm doing what any decent guy would do in a
situation like this" I shook my head

so I'm doing what any decent guy would do in a situation like this" I shook my head I was about to
say something when my mother clapped her hands
Mom:" Nkanyezi Dlomo! What kind of disrespect is this in my house" she said walking towards us
tears quickly fill my eyes
Me:" Ma...I'm...I" the words are stuck on my throat
Mom:" You can't speak now you are starting to sleep around now!" I shook my head
Bheki:" I'm sorry Ma I don't mean to interrupt but I think its best you guys take this inside" she
laughed clapping her hands and the way she is shouting every neighbor is already outside watching
Ma:" You sleep with my daughter and think you are going to just come into my house and talk to us
the way you want you. Wena Nkanyezi I'm taking you across the river for your virginity test" I looked
at her shocked this has never been done in this house none of us have taken a virginity test before.
Me:" What?"
Bheki:" That's not necessary"
Mom:" That's good then because your family will have to come and pay damages for her or I want
her out of my house"
Me:" Ma!"
Bheki:" I will talk to my family and we will come by the end of this week" I looked at him is he crazy "
Can I talk to your daughter in private?" She nods while smiling and they all went inside the house.
Me: " What the fuck is that Bheki? What do you think I am? A charity case?" He sigh
Bheki:" Look Nkanyezi I can take you out of this situation I have known you my whole life and your
family has been mistreating you see you were a child and now Lutho is not here to protect you. Look
at my father want me marry a girl from this village as soon as possible. If you marry me you will be
out of this house as soon as possible and I will have my dad out of my hair. Please think about it
before I come this weekend to pay for the damages and its a crime here not paying for damages for
a girl that you admitted to sleeping with"
Me:" I don't love you Bheki and you think I will just marry you just like that I'm already miserable
because of my family I can't tie myself into a loveless marriage"
Bheki:" Just think about it you will have everything you want in my house unlike here" I looked at
Me:" Goodbye Bheki" he smiled
Bheki:" Take care of yourself everything will be fine I promise" I just walked inside the house.
As soon as I walk in my mother smiled at me for the first in her life.
Mom:" I'm so proud of you" she said and kissed my forehead " Now that Memela boy has sleep with
you we will make sure that we demand a fortune from him. You Nkanyezi you are so smart babe"

The next few days I have been having hard time sleeping the memories are haunting me.
I would just wake up and cry in the middle of the night.
My mother has been treating me like an egg lately she even asked me to quit working but I refused
because I love working there and it takes my mind off things.
I kept thinking about Bheki's offer the guy was already about to pay for something he didn't do just to
save my skin but I also don't want to be married to someone that I don't love.
Today I was working and Bab'Gumede has been asking if I'm okay and I told him that I was okay he
didn't believe me but decided not to push.
Bheki's car pulled up in front of the shop he looked clean as always.
I gathered my strength and walked towards his car before he comes in
Me:" Hi" he turned and looked at me then smiled
Bheki:" Hey" I sigh
Me:" Can we talk?"

I haven't seen Emihle after what she did I mean I don't even know what she was thinking.
Babalwa has decided to come to the city and visit me I was happy that she is around.
I missed her a lot I was glad that she managed to save up some money and come to see me.
We were sitting on the couch when some knock disturbed us.
Babs:" Are you expecting someone?" I shook my head confused and went to open the door.
I found Emihle standing at the door and I looked her wondering what was she doing here.
Emi:" Hey" I cleared my throat
Me:" Hi what are you doing here?" she sigh
Emi:" I'm here to apologise for what I did the other day" I closed the door behind me
Me:" Look what you did was so wrong I have Babalwa and I love her so please don't ever try to cross
boundaries with me. And don't come to my place unannounced again because my girlfriend is here"
Emi:" Well I didn't know that you had a visitor and if you don't want me to come here unannounced"
Me:" Let me put this in simple words DON'T EVER COME HERE AGAIN" She chuckled and got
closer to me.
Emi:" OH really?" She said with her hand already holding my penis from the top of my track pants I
gasped in shock " He is betraying you" I quickly removed her hand from my penis which was
reacting to her touching me.
Me:" What the fuck is wrong with you?" She pushed me against the door and crushed her lips
against mine I don't know why I was reacting to what she was doing to me.
Emi:" Now go back to your girlfriend before she comes to get you" she walked away I watched her
until she disappeared
I got back inside after trying to hard my erection I quickly sat next to my girlfriend.
Babs:" Who was that?" I swallowed
Me:" One of my colleagues" I don't know why I'm lying to her she smiled while looked at me.
My heart just breaks to the thought of betrayal I just did kissing another girl outside the door while
she is here.


I don't know why was I nervous about all of this I know it can be something I regret in the long run
but I just don't want to disappoint my dad.

I have tried calling Nomonde but she wasn't answering my calls I hate that I snapped at her like that.
I hope after she calmed down she will answer my calls because I love that girl more than anything.

Maybe it was a good thing that she wasn't answering because I wasn't going to be able to face the
thought of betraying her like this but I have no choice now.

We were prepared to go to Nkanyezi's homestead my father was very proud that I made this
decision but I wasn't sure of it.
With Nkanyezi agreeing to marry me I can't change my mind now.
My big brother walked in my room and chuckled when he saw me pacing up and down.

Lizalise:"You look like you are going to pass out man you are sweating man"
Me:"I'm so nervous" he chuckled.
Lizalise:"Man if you really love this girl then you have nothing to worry about and your father will
make sure everything runs smoothly today" I swallowed because I lied to my family and they think
that I'm doing this because I love Nkanyezi but that's very far from the truth.
Me:"Yeah I know but I'm still nervous" he looked at me for a longest time "What?"
Lizalise:"Bheki are you sure about this? Or you are just doing it because you want to please dad?"
The words are stuck in my throat.
Me:"I can't disappoint dad okay!" He sigh
Lizalise:"I don't understand why you are so obsessed with being this perfect son" I sigh
Me:"I'm not in the mood for this"
Lizalise:"Bheki we want what's best for you"
Me:" By we you mean you and Ntsika who is not even here to support me?"
Lizalise:"Bheki th--" I cut him off
Me:"When are you two going to get it? I'm not like you guys I'm not smart like you. You too can do
anything you want because you can but for me I don't have that. I'm nothing without my father. I will
always appreciate that unlike you guys don't need it"
Lizalise:"No don't use that excuse Bheki because it's pathetic I know you can do anything and you
know we could help you too but you are lazy and spoilt. You just like playing victim Bheki and your
father is still making decisions for you I wonder what kind of husband will you be. I don't think that
poor girl knows what she is getting herself into with you"

He left me in my room and people wonder why I don't get along with my brothers because they seem
to look down upon me every chance they get.

We were now outside Nkanyezi's gate and my uncle's have been chanting their clan names forever
before they opened up.


I have been waiting here in the rondavel with my cousins and sisters who were busy wishing that
they found a man from a rich family like I did.

This might be my worse mistake in life but it's the only chance I will finally be able to get out of here.

My brother walked in with a disapproval look on his face I quickly looked down.
I would be happy if he was here due to different circumstances but now I'm honestly not I wish he
wasn't here at all to witness this lie.
He squad in front of me and made me looked at him.

Lutho:"Star this is not you sisi wam please tell me what's going on?" You could hear the worry in his
voice my chest pain comes back again.
Me:"I fell in love Lutho that's all" for the first time I lied to my brother and I feel horrible but I can't tell
him what happened at least not yet.
Lutho:"With Bheki? Come on Nkanyezi" I sigh
Me:"I know this is not easy for you but I have grown now I'm no longer that little girl of yours. You
have nothing to worry about you know Bheki right? He was your friend"
Lutho:"I'm not going to stop you but promise me you will be okay and if there's anything you need
don't hesitate" I nod and hugged him.
I know if he was here I would have been going through this but he has a life too.
Me:"I love you so much"
Lutho:"I love you too!" He said holding me tight how I wish I could tell him what happened right now
but I can't.

Just then we hear everyone ululating which means that everything has been settled and done I'm
officially Bheki Memela's wife there is no turning back.

My mother walks in with my aunts I haven't seen her smile this much in her whole life.
I'm sure they cost those poor man an arm and a leg.
Mom:"Nkanyezi that's why I named you that. You really made me proud my child" I just nod because
there's nothing to say I have been a disappointment to her my whole life.
Aunt:"Just know that marriage is not easy and no matter what happens just endure it" here is this
speech that every woman is given.
They give me less about marriage if only they knew that my marriage was just a lie.

I was asked to go get my new husband so I can dish up for him and his family.
He was sitting in his car with her head thrown back and eyes closed.
I knocked on the window he quickly opens her eyes.
I thought here was going to roll down the window but he instructed me to get in.
Bheki:"Hey" there was a moment of silence between us "So we are husband and wife huh"
Me:"By name Bheki" he chuckled
Bheki:"I know that and it's not easy for me too. I mean I just got married to a girl I barely know"
Me:"Why did you do it? You could have told your father that you need sometime"
Bheki:"I tried but my father is a stubborn man"
Me:"I see" again there is silence between us "Bheki I want to thank you for what you did for me"
Bheki:"No don't. I think it's about we just move on from it"
Me:"And we still have to discuss how we will make this work"
Bheki:"Not today we will discuss everything after our wedding" I choked
Me:"A what?"
Bheki:"You just didn't think we are going to pay lobola for you then that's it!?"
Me:"I mean that's how it's done here"
Bheki:"They do that because they can't afford a wedding so lobola is enough"
Me:"That's too much Bheki I don't want any spot light on me"
Bheki:"It's how it's going to be. We will have a honeymoon too"
Me:"No!" He laughed
Bheki:"We will have to go because if we don't my parents will start questioning us" I sigh.
Me:"Fine but I want to have a traditional wedding not white"
Bheki:"Well my mother was already planning both so I don't know if she will allow that"
Me:"It's our wedding though I think we should have an opportunity to say what we want"
Bheki:"Okay we will talk to her then" I nod.
Me:"I was here to get you inside to eat" he smiled
Bheki:"Okay then" I opened the door but he held my hand I looked at him "We are going to make this
work" I nod
Me:"Okay then" we walked to the house and everyone was looking at us.

I don't know how things changed so quickly within just few months.
I leave for a city then when I come back my little Star is marrying Bheki.

I don't know why I wasn't happy with this and I feel like she is hiding something from me.
But she promised that she will be okay.

I guess I'm being protective and this feels like I'm losing my first born child because she has always
been my baby to me.
I decided to go to the shop just to get some fresh air and be away from everyone.
Gumede:"Ndodana!" I smiled at him
Gumede:"I heard that your sister is a Memela bride now" I nod
Me:"That's correct she is" he scoffed
Gumede:"I just hope she will be happy"
Me:"Me too" I bought what I need and walked out.
A car pulled up right in front of me almost hitting me.
Me:"Emihle are you crazy!?" She chuckled
Emi:"Maybe I am get in" I sigh I have tried keeping a distance from this one because she is trouble.
Me:"No thanks" she looked at me
Emi:"I won't do anything I promise" even though I doubt that I got inside.
Me:"What do you want?" She started driving outside the village.
Emi:"Don't be grumpy! You should be happy your sister just got married" I sigh
Me:"I just can't help but worry Nkanyezi is like my own baby"
Emi:"I know I can't believe she hide this relationship from me too but I'm happy for her" I nod
Me:"No one knew about it"
Emi:"Because she has always been secretive"
Me:"Yeah I know" she pulled over outside our village "Are you going to kill me?"
Emi:"I wish but no I just thought you could use some air and company"
Me:"Emihle I have a girlfriend" she nods
Emi:" I know that and I think I should back off respect Babalwa and you"
Me:"I would appreciate that"
Emi:"I'm sorry" she said looking at me we shared a stare before i found myself getting closer to her
face then lock my lips with hers.
She kissed me back and I ran my hands on her thighs.
The kiss got intense and she came to sit on top
Me:"Emihle" she looked at me
Emi:"You want us to stop" I looked at her
Me:"No I don't want us to stop I don't want you to know that this is a once off thing"
Emi:"Then let's stop" she said about to get off me.
Me:"Emihle I---" she shook her head.
Emi:"No Lutho I can be anything but a one night stand" I sigh and looked at her.
Me:"Okay then"
Emi:"Do you really love her?" She was still sitting on top of me.
Me:"I love her Emihle I'm sorry" she nods her eyes well with tears "Emi" she shook her head.
Emi:"I shouldn't be crying this is stupid" I pulled her to my chest.
Me:"I'm sorry" she wiped her tears and kissed me.
It got intense and she unbutton my jeans and belt.
Me:"Emihle I don't ---"
Emi:"I want to I promise I won't bother you" she said kissing me again.
I pulled up her dress and grabbed her ass.
She moaned in my mouth that drives me crazy. I moved her underwear aside and play around her
clit with my finger.
Emi:"Yes please don't stop" she said grinding my finger.
Me:"Fuck you are wet" I pulled out my finger and substitute it with my throbbing dick.
She moaned as she slowly moved on top of it.
The warmth of her insides is nothing I have felt before not even when I took Babalwa's virginity.
She slowly swag her hips side to side slowly looking at me.
We shared an intense eye contact while she moves on top of me.
Me:"You are beautiful" I said pulling her face close to mine we shared a slow kiss while her warm
juices dripping down on me.

It's been a week since I became somebody's wife some woman would be happy to be married to
such family and man but for me this wasn't for love but rather an escape of my reality.

Me and Bheki had to share a bedroom even though I wasn't sure at first but he made sure I was
comfortable with him around.

He was actually being a gentleman about everything.

We would talk about our childhood and they were complete different.

It was a bummer that he was going back to the city we were starting to get along very well.
I woke up and he wasn't next to me I cleaned our bedroom just then he walked in with a gift bag.
Bheki:"Good morning you good?" I nod
Me:"I'm good I just have to go help with breakfast" he nods
Bheki:"Be you go I got something for you" I looked at him as he hands me the gift bag on his hand.
Me:"What is this?" He chuckled
Bheki:"Just look at it!" I looked at everything and looked at him.
Me:"Bheki!" He smiled
Bheki:"I know how things have been difficult for you you told that you always wanted to continue with
school but you couldn't. So I want you to do that this laptop will help you with applying for this
second semester and I know you will get in. It will be distance learning thou" the tears quickly filled
my eyes.
Me:"Thank you so much Bheki"
Bheki:"And obviously the phone you were going to need it soon or later so please apply as soon as
the dates are announced" I hugged him.
Me:"Thank you I promise I will apply" he hugs me back
Bheki:"Okay then and no need to thank me" I realised that I was hugging him way too tight
Me:"Sorry" I said stepping away from him he held me by my waist "I think I should go to the kitchen"
his other face came to my face and I looked at him.
Bheki:"You are beautiful" I swallowed
Me:"Bheki" that came out as a whisper.
He moved his lips to mine and starts kissing me I just froze not sure what to do he quickly pulled
Bheki:"I'm sorry" he said letting me go.
Me:"I...I..need to go" I said quickly walking to the door but he was quick enough to stop me.
Bheki:"I'm sorry Nkanyezi I shouldn't have kissed you. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or
anything. I'm so sorry" I sigh
Me:"You didn't make me uncomfortable I'm just surprised Bheki" he sigh in relief.
Bheki:"I know I don't want to rush you into anything" I nod.
Me:"I would like that" he nods and walked to the kitchen.
His mother walked in right after me.
Ma:"Nkanyezi good morning"
Me:"Good morning Ma" she such a beautiful woman.
Ma:"I'm going to check the farm later on do you want to join me?"
Me:"I would like that" she looks at me
Ma:"I know that it's sad that your husband will be leaving for the city tomorrow but I promise you will
be fine my husband was working in the city too when we got married I was so sad that I had to stay
behind and only get to see him on weekends but it got easier as time went by" I nod because I can't
say I relate to her but It will get lonely here without Bheki.

We finished with the breakfast and as much as some of the things were way too fancy here but Mrs
Memela didn't have a problem with teaching me how to use them.
We were now sitting in the table what I noticed is the Memela's are not as close knitted as everyone
else in this village things.
Mr M:" Nkanyezi I haven't had a chance to welcome you to our family I just want you to know this is
Me:"Thank you so much Mr Memela" I wasn't about to call him dad or something.
Mrs M:"So Bheki I was thinking that your wife could help with running a few things in the farm" Bheki
looked at me.
Bheki:"I was actually hoping for something different she can help here and there when she is free
but Nkanyezi will be continuing with her studies" his brother choked on his for while everyone looked
at him shocked as special his father.
Mr. M:"What do you mean continue with school? When will she perform her wife duties if she is busy
with school"
Bheki:"She will be studying from home dad not campus she will only go to there if necessary" his
father chuckled.
Mr M:"So you are giving your wife a platform to cheat on you"
Mrs M:"Memela!"
Lizalise:"I think Bheki is right though I mean this is 21st century dad not some ancient era" he looked
at Lizalise
Mr M:"That's not going to happen!" I swallowed in disappointment.
Bheki:"No dad it's going to happen I have obeyed everything you said even if I'm not happy about it"
Mr M:"And now you are disobeying me" Bheki sigh.
Bheki:"I'm sorry but you are not going to stop me this time around" the table went dead silent.
Mr M:"I lost my appetite!" He stood up and walked away dramatic much if you ask me.

After the drama in the table I decided to go to my room and set up my phone.
Bheki walked in and looked at me.
Bheki:"I'm sorry about my dad"
Me:"It's okay I just wish you talked to him first before bringing up this to me you know" he sighed and
sat next to me.
Bheki:"I know but trust me it will happen and please don't be sad" I nod he looked at the phone in my
hand he took it and start doing something then hand it to me.
I looked at it he saved his number by husband with a red heart.
Me:"You know this thing of me going to school will be a problem for my parents too and my mother
has all my documents so I think it's best that we just drop it for now and we will bring it up again end
of the year"
Bheki:"But what will you do now?"
Me:"I will help your mother with the farm for now" he sigh and nods.
Bheki:" I think I will accompany you tomorrow morning to go get your documents" I sigh
Me:"Hopefully that will go well" he chuckled.
Bheki:"Don't worry about it"
Me:"I have to go with your mother to the farm"
Bheki:"Okay then" we looked at each other.
Our lips locked and we kissed for a while before I pull back.
Me:"I have to go"
Bheki:"I will see you later" I walked out of the room with my heart beating so fast he saved his
number by husband with a red heart.
Me:"You know this thing of me going to school will be a problem for my parents too and my mother
has all my documents so I think it's best that we just drop it for now and we will bring it up again end
of the year"
Bheki:"But what will you do now?"
Me:"I will help your mother with the farm for now" he sigh and nods.
Bheki:" I think I will accompany you tomorrow morning to go get your documents" I sigh
Me:"Hopefully that will go well" he chuckled.
Bheki:"Don't worry about it"
Me:"I have to go with your mother to the farm"
Bheki:"Okay then" we looked at each other.
Our lips locked and we kissed for a while before I pull back.
Me:"I have to go"
Bheki:"I will see you later" I walked out of the room with my heart beating so fast I can't believe we
just kissed.
I got inside the car and we drove to the farm.
Mrs M:"I'm sorry about my husband"
Me:"It's okay it was too early for that anyways I will start next year hopefully by then he will on board"
she nods
Mrs M:"I will talk to him too"
Me:"Thank you"

I haven't been at home for a while as much as I miss it I just can't my dad and his comparison.
It is a shame that I have to miss my brother's ceremony and everything because of our fights.

Me and Bheki used to be so close when growing up we loved going to the farm and house riding
We had so much fun as kids things started changing when he became my father's pet and our father
started comparing us it was pretty obvious that Bheki is his favourite child.
I just wish he could be his own man.

Dr Stanley called me to his office today I don't like being called in offices it's never good news for a
resident to be called in
I knocked at his door he yells for me to come in.
Dr S:"Dr Memela please take a sit"
Me:"Thank you" I said sitting down.
Dr S:"How is everything going so far?" I sigh
Me:"Being a resident is not easy but I'm managing very well I can say" he nods
Dr S:"Well I see your record is good so far that's why I chose you?" I raised my eyebrows
Me:"Sorry but I don't understand what did you choose me for?"
Dr S:"Well you know that we have a project that will are trying to achieve as this hospital so every
doctor is stationed in a certain clinic where we will be working in for six months and we have to pick
our residents to work with so I chose you" I wanted to scream my lungs out Dr Stanley is difficult to
work with. He is a dragon and will slave you to death I don't want to mention how he smells like
Indian Curry every day this is a nightmare.
Me:"I'm honoured Dr Stanley" I said with a fake ass smile
Dr S:"This is where we are stationed" I looked at the piece of paper infront of me FUCK!!!!
Me:"Alright when are we starting?"
Dr S:"In two weeks"
Me:"Is that all" he nods and I stand up.

This couldn't get worse why God like seriously?

I walked inside the bathrooms I see Bella one of our residents.
Bella:"Are you okay?"
Me:"No!" I yelled and got inside the male bathrooms.
She followed me in and I looked at her.
Bella:"What's up little Memela?"
Me:"For the project I'm stationed with that old bully can you believe it?!"
Bella:"Stanley?" I nod and she laughed.
Me:"I'm glad you find humour in my pain!"
Bella:"Dude it's better you than me that man is a nightmare"
Me:"And what's worse I'm stationed to my village like seriously this is the worse day"
Bella:"I know what can make you feel better"
Me:"What?!" She bite her and pushed me inside the toilet and locked it "Whoa whoa what are you
Bella:"Shhh!" She said going on her knees and pulled down my pants.
She took my shaft into her warm mouth.
Me:"Fuck!" She swirl around it with her tongue while playing with my balls.
I pushed myself further into her throat mouth fuck her until I shoot my load inside her mouth.
She swallowed before standing up I pinned her against the door and pulled her pants down.
Thank God we are in a hospital there is condoms everywhere.
After putting my condom on and direct my shaft to her wet folds.
Bella:"Fuck! Yes" she said as she meet my strokes halfway.
I kissed her just to keep her moans down.
It didn't take us long before we both reach our climax.
Me:"That was wild and dangerous! Thanks I really needed it!" She fixed herself before walking out.

I went back to work feeling a bit lighter.


I was tired when I came back from the farm.

It is beautiful but it surely does needs a proper management hopefully I will be able to help with that.

As much as I was tired I had to cook I got in the kitchen and found Lizalise's wife.
Me:"Hey" one thing about her she doesn't talk much or its because me and her haven't had a serious
Xola:"Hey how was the farm tour?"
Me:"It was good that place is beautiful" she smiled
Xola:"Well I used to love it too"
Me:"And you don't love it anymore" she shook her head
Xola:"Nope I barely have time to go there anymore since I don't live around"
Me:"Oh alright then"
Xola:" I'm sorry about our father in law he is a nightmare I'm telling you" I laughed
Me:"I noticed that"
Xola:"I hope you don't think I'm a gossiper" I laughed
Me:"That's what sisters in law are for I guess" I said taking an onion I looked at her she was drinking
coffee or something "Are you sure you should be drinking coffee at this time because I barely get
any sleep if I have any" she laughed
Xola:"Coffee where? This is something better than coffee!"
Me:"Tea?" She laughed
Xola:"Taste it" I hesitate before taking it then drank it it taste good.
Me:"What's this?" She raised her eyebrows and laughed.
Xola:"That's a mixture of Jaeger and Amarola"
Me:"This is alcohol!" She nods with a mischievous smile.
Xola:"Trust me you will need it to cope around here"
Me:"I don't drink"
Xola:"You will learn to take another sip"
Me:"Xola!" She laughed
Xola:"Come Bheki won't know and I have these sweets to handle any smell" I looked at her before
taking another huge sip.
Me:"I hate you already" she laughed and we continue making dinner.

It was a following morning me and Bheki were in my house.

Mom:"Nkanyezi I didn't expect a visit so soon don't tell me you miss us already" as if that was
Me:"No not at all" I said with a smile.
Bheki:"Uh Ma I have some policies I have to put my wife under so we will need her original
documents ID and a matric certificate"
Mom:"Matric certificate?"
Bheki:"Yes they want to see which category she fits into" this is a lie
Mom:"Alright son" that was easy she came back with my documents and Bheki "I'm sorry to bother
you guys I forgot to withdraw money yesterday can you lend me some for bread" wow
Bheki:"That's not a problem" he took out R300 and gave it to her
Mom:"Thank you so much son"

As soon as we got inside the car I looked at him

Bheki:"I just didn't want her saying anything mean to you"
Me:"That's too much money thou for bread"
Bheki:"It's okay" I sigh "And I decided to leave later on not at 10 "
Bheki:"Don't tell me you want me gone already" I laughed
Me:"Ofcourse not!"
Bheki:"So you don't want me to leave" he said with a smirk
Me:"Bheki!" He laughed
Bheki:"I just wanted to speak just a little more time with you" I swallowed
Me:" Oh okay" he took my hand into his.
Bheki:"You are okay with that?" I nod
Me:"Yeah" he smiled and kissed my forehead.


Nomonde real is mad at me for what happened I tried talking to her but she made sure that I don't
get to her.

My relationship with Nkanyezi is improving she is starting to open up more to me.

This weekend I wasn't able to go home because I had a meeting out of town which means I won't be
seeing Nkanyezi.

After work I decided to try one more luck with Nomonde I still do love her very much even when
there's Nkanyezi around.
I know I'm two timing these girls but I can't let Nomonde go and Nkanyezi is my wife I'm slowly
starting to like her a lot.

I knocked a few times in her apartment before the door opens my heart skips a bit when I saw her
standing in front of me.
Monde:"What do you want Bheki? This is getting old" I sigh
Me:" Can we talk I promise after this I won't bother you ever again" she looked at me before opening
a space for me to enter.
I sat on the couch and she sat opposite me.
Me:"How are you?"
Monde:"I'm okay Bheki you can see that what do you want I'm going out"
Me:"Going out with who?"
Monde:"I'm going on date since I'm single I decided to try and get to know other people you know" I
swear the chest pains immediately hit me.
Me:"No you are not going on that date Nomonde!" She laughed
Monde:"You are not going to stop me Bheki I thought you wanted us to talk but it seems like you got
nothing to. Please leave" she said standing up I quickly stand up and pushed her against the wall
Me:"Fuck that date Nomonde" I said putting my hand under her short dress.
Monde:"Bheki" she whispered as I insert my finger on her clit.
Me:"I miss you so much" I said kissing her she moaned in my mouth "Do you want me to stop?" She
shook her while unbuttoning my pants.
Monde:"Don't stop please" my heart skips with joy Lord knows I missed her so much.
I dropped her panties then pull her dress up and picked her up.
Her back is against the wall I pulled my pants down and directed my shaft into her.
I slowly rubbed it against her wet clit I slowly pushed myself in.
Monde:"Oh my God" she said as I pound inside her "Bheki!" She screamed my name as her body is
tensioning up.
Me:"Wait for me!"
Monde:"I can't" we both exploded at the same time.
I walked with her to the bedroom and placed her on top of the bed.
We cleaned ourselves up and I got next to her.
Me:"Babe I'm sorry" she sigh
Monde:"You treated me like piece of shit that day Bheki!" I nod
Me:"I know babe I was just stressed with a lot of things it's not an excuse but I promise it won't
happen again"
Monde:"As much as I love you Bheki I won't let you treat me like that it's not okay you can't take out
your stress on me"
Me:"I'm sorry I messed up I will make it up to you just give me a second chance" she nods.
Monde:"Fine then" I smiled.
Me:"I love you so much" she smiled
Monde:"How about you show me that you love me" she said biting her lip my little man gets up in
Me:"How do you want me to show you?" She got on top and direct my cock into her entrance "Fuck
babe!" I missed being inside her.
Monde:"What?" She said swaying her hips side to side.
Me:"I missed you"
Monde:"I know" she said riding me like horse I couldn't be happier that things are now good with

I know things should have ended between me and Emihle the night of Nkanyezi's wedding but they
I kept thinking of her ever since I tried staying away from her but I just couldn't.

Here we are again with her head on my chest after a steamy session of sex.
We agreed that we are just two people who simple enjoy each other's company.
Me:"You are going to accompany me for groceries like last time right?"
Emi:"No I won't"
Me:"Please Emi!" She chuckled
Emi:"Learn to ask Lutho"
Me:"Well with you I can't" I said running my hand on her naked back.
Emi:"Why is that?" She said touching my cock.
Me:"Because you also don't ask" she laughed
Emi:"Fair enough"
Me:"Do you think Nkanyezi will be mad if she finds out about us?" She looked at me.
Emi:"She won't find out about us Lutho we are not dating remember? "
Me:"Well I know that" she looked at me
Emi:"Are you falling for me?"
Me:"I want you around all the time" she smiled and kissed me.
We were disturbed by my phone ringing.
Me:"It's the security guards" she looked at me "Hello"
Caller:"Hello Sir we have a woman by the name of Babalwa looking for you here" my heart beat
increased instantly.
Me:"Let her in" I said standing up and putting on my clothes.
Emi:"What's going on?" I looked at her
Me:"Babalwa is here"
Me:"Please dress up Emi!" She dressed up and we want to the living room just then a knock comes
I opened the door she was really here with a huge luggage.
Me:"Babalwa what are you doing here?" I said trying to make sense of everything.
Babs:"Can we talk inside Lutho?" I nod and took her luggage it was heavy.
Emihle looked at us with questioning eyes.
Me:"Uh that's Emihle"
Babs:"I know who she is. What is she doing here?" We both looked at each other.
Me:"You know she is Nkanyezi's friend and the only person I know in the city she was helping with a
few things" I immediately saw the hurt in Emi's eyes but I have no choice here.
Emi:"I think I should go"
Babs:"No don't leave on my account please since you are friends with Lutho now you can also help
me know the city better"
Me:"Know the city better?"
Babs:"My parents kicked me out Lutho because I'm pregnant" I choked in my saliva.
Me:"Pregnant?" She nods.
Babs:"Yes I'm pregnant Lutho" she looked at Emi "On second thought Emihle Lutho won't be
needing your help anymore I'm here now" Emihle looked at me
Emi:"I got it goodbye" she said walking out.
Me:"What's wrong with you?!"
Babs:"I'm not stupid Lutho I can see that girl wants you"
Me:"Wow Babalwa"
Babs:" It's the truth I don't want her near you"
Me:" You made that clear I will talk to your parents because you can't stay here"
Babs:"What do you mean?" I sigh.
Me:"These are employees apartments we are allowed to bring visitors not someone to move in with"
Babs:"Okay babe"
This is fucked up I need to talk to Emihle.


I have been here for almost two months I enjoy working around the farm.
Me and Bheki are good I would say we are still taking things slowly.
I like the fact that he isn't pressuring me to be his wife I know at some point we will have to be
husband and wife for real.
His father is already asking us when are we having children.
A knock came through and it's Mrs Memela.
Mrs M:"Hey"
Me:"Hey Ma"
Mrs M:"I was just here to check on everything I can see that since you came around everything is
running smoothly with the farm"
Me:"I'm glad I could help since you are here I wanted to discuss something with you Ma"
Mrs M:"Okay what is it ?"
Me:"We have about eight horses in the stables are they up for sale or something?" She sigh.
Mr M:"No they are not four of those horses belong to the men in this family" I nod.
Me:"What about the other four?"
Mr M:"They are just the offspring of the other two female horses"
Me:"Okay I was thinking of getting them trained for a race" she looked at me.
Mr M:"You think they can win"
Me:"Not at first but as time goes by they will win it could be good for our stables"
Mr M:"I will talk to my husband then but I think it's a brilliant idea" I nod just then the door bust open
Ntsika walked in I didn't even know he was around.
Ntsika:"Prince is not okay" he said looking devastated.
Me:"Who is Prince?" He looked at me
Mrs M:"His horse I will call a vet"
Me:"I will check on him" I said walking out.
Ntsika:"What are you doing here?"
Me:"What do you mean Ntsika?"
Ntsika:"Don't tell me you are my brother's wife"
Me:"You would know that if you were here" he chuckled
I found Prince with some cowboys around him
Ntsika:"Hey don't go near him he is aggressive"
Me:"Prince" I said touching him "You okay buddy" the poor horse was in pain
"I think we should inject him boss he is so much pain" one of the suggested
Me:"What do you mean inject him Prince has a parasite inside him we will need some herbal
medicine for this in the next two hours he will be fine"
After the Cowboys treated Prince I went back to the office.
Ntsika:"How did you know that?"
Me:"I don't know"
Ntsika:"You are a whisperer"
Me:"What do you mean?"
Ntsika:"That's the only way you could know what's wrong with animals without studying about them"
Me:"I guess" he looked at me.
Ntsika:"Thank you for saving Prince today"
Me:"No problem when did you come back?"
Ntsika:"Last week I was just busy settling in at the clinic that's why you barely saw me" I nod
Me:"Which means you will be here for some time" he nods
Ntsika:"Yeah" there was some silence "I have to go" I nod
Me:"Can you give me a ride home?" He nods.
Ntsika:"So you and my brother huh?" He said as we were inside the car.
Me:"Yeah why were you not here?"
Ntsika:"Your husband and I don't see eye to eye we are very different"
Me:"I see" the car started making some weird noise "What is that?"
Ntsika:"Shit I think my engine is misfiring or something" we got out of the car
Me:"Uh so what now can we get a mechanic here or call someone to pick us up" I looked at my
phone there is no service.
Ntsika:"We just have to wait for a car that passes by" I sigh.
I jumped on him while screaming he caught me confused.
Me:"Lizard! There is a Lizard" he burst out of laughter.
Ntsika:"Star it's just a Lizard Jesus you scared me"
Me:"Is it gone?"
Ntsika:"Yeah it is gone" he puts me down "You are such a cry baby" I laughed
Me:"Lizards terrifies me"
Ntsika:"Now I know what to use against you"
Me:"Don't be so mean!" He laughed
Ntsika:"Should have seen your face!"


I tried talking to Babalwa's parents but they are dead set that they are going to accept her back at
home if only I pay damages and which is the money I don't have right now.

Fortunately for me I have an amazing boss who understood my situation and let Babalwa stay with
As much as that was a relief but she is suffocating me already not because I can't see Emihle
anytime I want but because she has turned into a controlling freak.

Maybe she always been a controlling freak but I never noticed because we didn't stay together.
And now that we are staying together it's showing.

Speaking of Emihle she is not answering my calls I decided to go see after work and not go home
because wow.

I knocked a few times before someone came to the door

"Can I help you?" Its a white girl I don't know if I'm in the apartment.
Me:"Hey I'm looking for Emihle" She nods and let's me.
"I'm Emihle's friend Shanley I will get her" she disappeared to a room.
Emihle appeared still in pyjamas and looking tired.
As soon as she saw me she frowned.
Emi:"What are you doing here?" She said folding her arms
Me:" You are not answering my calls"
Emi:"For a reason Lutho" I sigh.
Me:"I know you are mad at me for what I said that day but I was caught between a rock and a hard
place I couldn't just say you are the girl I'm sleeping to Babalwa" she currently bitterly
Emi:"You are right and you shouldn't be here at all. You should go home and be with your girlfriend
now Babalwa is not just your girlfriend but a mother to your unborn child. So please leave"
Me:"Is that what you want Emihle?"
Emi:"It's not about what I want but what's best"
Me:"For who?"
Emi:"Your child!! It's your child okay. Please leave Lutho" she said getting upset.
Me:"Okay if that's what you want" I said standing up and got close to her
Emi:"Lutho" I kissed her forehead.
Me:"Goodbye" she looked at me and swallowed
Emi:"Goodbye" I walked out.

I walked to my apartment I really didn't expect things to go this way with Emihle I feel like a wet dog
right now I didn't know that I liked her that much until now.
As much as it sucks that she doesn't want anything to do with me maybe it's for the best.
It's time I focus on Babalwa and my baby.
Even though I wasn't ready to be a father but I will own up to my responsibilities.

I got to my apartment and find Babalwa cooking.

Me:"Hey" she looked at me.
Babs:"Hey where were you?" I raised my eyebrows.
Me:"I was at work" she chuckled.
Babs:"Stop lying I called your boss since your were not answering your phone he said you left at a
normal time" I chuckled in disbelief.
Me:"Babalwa I'm thirty minutes late from the usually time and you are calling my boss. If you keep
calling my boss for no reason I might get fired what's wrong with you"
Babs:" This is your fault Lutho" I looked at her confused.
Me:"What do you mean it's my fault"
Babs:"Ever since I got here you have been nothing but distant you barely touched me and talk to
me. You have made me feel unwanted and insecure Lutho" I walked close to her
Me:"I'm sorry that I made you feel like that it's just that everything is overwhelming me your parents
and the pregnancy. I promise to be better" she sighed
Babs:"I miss the old you so much

your parents and the pregnancy. I promise to be better" she sighed

Babs:"I miss the old you so much this is hard for me but the way you are acting it's like this is my
fault" I pulled her to my chest.
Me:"I'm so sorry"
I hate how my head has been everywhere I need to do better and forget Emihle.

I have spent the whole with Nomonde and I enjoyed every bit of it.
I have missed her so much it was still easy to hide the fact that I married Nkanyezi from her.

I didn't have to wear a ring since it was just a traditional formalities but soon after our white wedding I
will be required to wear one.

I didn't want to think much about everything but just enjoy every moment with Nomonde.
Ofcourse I have to keep in touch with my wife too.

I know that Nkanyezi is a pretty naive but I don't want her thinking anything about what's going on so
I have to give her the attention she understands.
Monde:"I wish I could come with you" she said hugging me from behind.
Me:"I know love but I promise I will take you to my home when the time is ready" she sigh.
Monde:"I just want to meet your family Bheki"
Me:"I know but the only way that I'm allowed to bring you to my house is when I already asked for
your hand in marriage and last time I checked you were not ready to be anyone's wife and stay in
the bundu's" that made her cringed
Monde:"Well I guess they will see me in a few years cause I still love my independence" I smiled this
gives me time to figure this out.
Me:"And I still want you to fulfill whatever dream you without being pressured to get married and
settled down" she smiled.
Monde:"Thank you for understanding" I kissed her.
Me:"I love you so much"
Monde:"I love you to babe and please stop ghosting me when you are home or I won't forgive you" I
Me:"I don't want to mess up again so whatever you say goes madam" she smiled and we kissed

The drive home was quick and I have to make sure that I play my cards with Nomonde because I
love that woman.
When I get home I noticed my brother's car I didn't know he was home even my parents didn't even
warn me or say anything.
Me and him are oil and water I don't see this weekend going well.

As soon as I walked in I saw him talking to Nkanyezi in the kitchen and they are laughing like old
You could see from Nkanyezi's body language she was comfortable around him and was relaxed.
For some reason seeing them like this makes my chest burn.
I cleared my throat they both only notices me.
Nkanyezi:"Hey I didn't expect you to arrive this early" she said smiling and walking towards me.
Me:"Hey babe I just missed my wife" I said pulling her by her waist.
Nkanyezi:"Bheki your brother is right there" she said trying to wiggle herself out of my arms.
Me:"So what?" She scoffed.
Nkanyezi:"Just say hi to him Bheki" I sigh.
Me:"If you insists" I looked at my brother who was looking at his phone just to avoid me.
Me:"Hey Ntsika" he looked at me.
Ntsika:"Hey" he said standing up from where he was sitting "Star I will see you later" she smiled and
he walked out.
Nkanyezi:"What happened between the two of you?" I looked at her blankly.
Me:"Star?!" I said with a raised eyebrows.
Nkanyezi:"What do you mean?" She said consumed.
Me:"You hated it when I used that name on you you said only your brother is allowed to call you that
so I'm wondering why is my brother allowed to call you that"
Nkanyezi:"Your brother is stubborn so he wouldn't stop using" I nod.
Me:"Alright let me go unpack"
Nkanyezi:"I will do that for you go greet your parents" I smiled
Me:"Thank you" I kissed her cheek and walked out.

I find my brother outside the rondavel on his phone.

Me:"What's with you and my wife?" He chuckled at me annoyed.
Ntsika:"You are talking about Star?"
Me:"What's your problem?" He laughed
Ntsika:"You are so stupid and your insecurities are annoying"
Me:"Stay away from away my from wife"
Ntsika:"What are you scared of?" I chuckled.
Me:"Don't try me" he smirked that's makes me angry I punched him
Nkanyezi:"What the hell?!" I don't know where she appeared.
Ntsika returned the punch back making me stumble backwards.
Nkanyezi:"Guys stop!" She said getting between us.



I don't know what happened between the brothers but their feud seems to be

I don't know why couldn't they just talk about things instead of fighting like this.

I know I'm putting myself in harm's way for trying to stop them while they are
busy throwing mean and nasty punches at each other like this.
The neighbours were already standing outside and watching the fight between
the two.

Worse part no one else was at home to help stop this before they seriously hurt
each other.

I was still trying to stop it even thou I was failing.

Ntsika hit Bheki so hard to a point that he stumbled backwards.

He was furious and came back with a full force but he lost balance and ended up
hit me instead of Ntsika.

I swear my cheek went hot and numb at the same time.

I fall backwards Ntsika was the first one that rushed to me.

Ntsika:"Star! Are you okay?" I closed my eyes as the pain hits me "Come on" he
said helping me up.

Bheki is looking at us trying to make sense of how did he hit me instead of him I
He then rushes to me and push Ntsika away.

Bheki:"Nkanyezi I'm so sorry" he said touching my already swelling cheek.

He helped me up and you could see how bad he feels.

Bheki:"Come on let's treat that" I nod.

Ntsika looked us and shook his head before walking away.

We got inside our room and he started treating my cheek.

Bheki:"Nkanyezi you know I didn't mean to hit you I'm so sorry" I sigh.

Me:"Why did you hit him?" He looked at me

Bheki:"What do you mean Nkanyezi?"

Me:"Bheki I saw how the fight started you were the one who threw the first
punch" he sigh

Bheki:"I got angry"

Me:"About what? What's going on Bheki?"

Bheki:"I don't want to talk about it but Nkanyezi is there something happening
between you and my brother?" I looked at him confused.

Me:"Happening how?"

Bheki:"Are you guys fooling around or something?" I gasped in shock.

Me:"You think I'm sleeping with your own brother Bheki?"

Bheki:"It's just that he j---"

Me:"Don't justify what you just said Bheki I haven't even slept with you for crying
out loud and you already think the worse of me"

Bheki:"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you like that but Nkanyezi please
understand that my brother has slept with my girlfriends before and I'm scared he
might seduce you too"

Me:"Well Bheki I'm not those girls" he nods

Bheki:"I'm sorry it's just that I love you Nka--" he stopped realising what he just
Me:"What?" That came out as shock.

Bheki:"I know we promised to take things slow but I can't just help how I feel"

Me:"Bheki I l--" I choked on my words I'm not sure what to say now.

Bheki:"You don't have to say anything right now" I don't know if this is love or
what but I just like him a lot too. He understands me like no one does.

Me:"Bheki I like you a lot" he smiled and cupped my face.

Bheki:"That's enough for me and I will be patient until you fall in love with me" I
nod he kissed me and I suddenly feel hot as his hand roams around my body.

I quickly pulled away from the kiss.

Bheki:"I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable" It's not that he made me

uncomfortable or Something it's quite the opposite my body was reacting to his
touch but I don't think I'm ready to have sex now although I want to try it I'm just
scared I might get flashbacks of what happened to me.

Me:"You didn't make uncomfortable"

Bheki:"Okay" he rubbed his hand on my cheek "Baby you are swelling I'm so
Me:"It was a mistake Bheki you didn't hit me on purpose"

Bheki:"I know that baby but my parents will not think like that I don't want them
thinking I put hands on you my father will kill me"

Me:"Why?we will tell them exactly what happened" he sighed

Bheki:"I should have been the one who protected you and stopped fighting when
you tried stopping us. So if my dad finds out I was the one who hit you he will
definitely hit me or something"

Me:"No that's not going to happen"

Bheki:"That's not going to happen if we tell him that Ntsika is the one who hit

Me:"What?!" I said shocked.

Bheki:"Look baby Ntsika isn't going to be in trouble I promise we will tell them it
was an accident like how it was"

Me:"No Bheki I know you and your brother don't get along but throwing him
under the bus like that it's not okay"

Bheki:"Fine you are right I guess I will have to take the beating then" he said
standing up I don't want to see him hurt.
Me:"Wait Bheki" he looked at me.

I decided to go finish cooking my cheek was swelling and turning red.

I'm not looking forward to having dinner with everyone and answer the questions
of what happened.

The time for dinner was getting closer and my heart was beating so fast as
everyone was starting to arrive at table.

Bheki:"Hey" he said standing next to me in the kitchen

Me:"Bheki I--" the maid walked in disturbing us.

Bheki:"Let's go join everyone our maid is going to serve the food" he took my
hand and we head to the table.

As soon as his mother saw us she smiled looking at our hands.

Mrs.M:"You see Ntsika how happy your brother is? You should take a wife soon
too" Ntsika just looked at her blankly.

We both sat down and our food came.

Mr.M:"It's good to have you home Bheki she smiled looking at our hands.

Mrs.M:"You see Ntsika how happy your brother is? You should take a wife soon
too" Ntsika just looked at her blankly.

We both sat down and our food came.

Mr.M:"It's good to have you home Bheki how is work and the city?" He smiled.

Bheki:"Everything is still going okay" his father nods.

I was keeping my head down because I was avoiding anyone seeing my cheek at
this moment.

Mrs.M:"Nkanyezi are you okay?"

Me:"Yes I am okay"

Mrs.M:"Hey look at me" I slowly brought my eyes up and looked at him she
gasped in shock "What happened to your face?"
Mr.M:"Bheki did you hit your wife?" The anger in his eyes was evident I now know
Bheki was right.

Bheki:"Of course not dad" you could see the fear in Bheki's eyes.

Mr.M:"Nkanyezi what happened to your face"

Bheki:"She wa--" his father cut him off.

Mr. M:" I'm not talking to you Bheki but your wife"

Me:"It was an accident Ntsika and Bheki were fighting I tried stop the fight and I
was accidentally hit"

Mrs.M:"Who hit you?"

Bheki:"I tried stopping the fighting dad but Ntsika was out of control like always I
had to defend myself and he ended up hitting my wife in the process" Ntsika
looked at him with eyes filled with nothing but confusion.

His eyes moved to me I quickly looked away.

Mr.M:"Ntsika why did you fight your brother? Do you have to always cause chaos
in this house?"
Ntsika:"Nkanyezi is that what happened?" I looked at him surprised because I
wasn't expecting him to put me in the spot.

Bheki:"Don't even talk to my wife"

Ntsika:"Understood can I be excused?" He said walking away I feel like the most
horrible person in the world right now.

It's like no one is ever on his side.

By the time we finished having dinner Ntsika hasn't come back he probably hates
me right now.

Bheki:"We should go to bed you will wash the dishes tomorrow or the maid will" I
shook my head.

Me:"I don't think I can sleep after everything Bheki"

Bheki:"It's not like Ntsika got hurt nothing happened to him" his phone rang he
looked at it "I will take this just come to bed when you are done" he kissed my
forehead and walked out.

No one understands how Ntsika feel right now I should have been the person who
understands him instead of doing that to him.
Better than anyone else I understand how it feels like being treated as a black
sheep of the family.

It leaves you emotional wounded.

And without realising Bheki made me do what my siblings used to do to me.

He made me lie about his brother even though that it didn't get physical it surely
hurt him.

I hear foot steps approaching the kitchen Ntsika appeared.

He looked at me and said nothing then went to the fridge.

He pour a glass of water and gulped it down.

He looked at me I want to say something but I'm scared.

Ntsika:"Here is some cream it will help with the swelling" he said putting the
scream tube on top of the counter.

Me:"Ntsika I'm sorry" he laughed.

Ntsika:"You are sorry huh?Just keep that shit to yourself or shove it where the sun
doesn't shine. I really thought you were different but no you are just like my
brother and everyone in this house"

Me:"Ntsika please I---"

Ntsika:"Just don't ever talk to me again Nkanyezi!" He walked out

Me:"What have you done Nkanyezi?!" I said sinking back to the chair my eyes are
stinging at the back but I have no right to cry for something I did.

To say I was disappointed it would be an understatement for a moment I thought Nkanyezi was a
great person.
She didn't deserve my brother but it seems like they are feathers of the same flock.

I woke up early just to avoid everyone I decided to take Bella to house back riding.
She is stationed in the near village and even though we had sex before she has no attachment
issues she understands that I'm in no space to have a relationship.
Bella showed up dressed up like a cowgirl she was really into this.
Bella:"This place is beautiful"
Me:"Good morning to you too Bella" she laughed.
Bella:"Hey little Memela" we hugged.
Me:"Well I love this place I hope you will love it"
Bella:"Who wouldn't love this place"
Me:"Do you even know how to ride a horse"
Bella:"If I can ride a man I surely can ride a horse" she said jokingly but my dick misbehave.
Me:"Woman don't test a man like that" she laughed.
Bella:"Come on let's enjoy this day" I looked at her.
I took her hand and we went to the stables to pick some horses.
We started riding around the ranch she was really good at this.

We finally settled down on the fields.

Bella:"Are you okay? You seem distracted" I sigh
Me:"I'm fine my brother is back and we had a fight yesterday" she chuckled.
Bella:"That's fucked up but you had fights with your brother before you are never like this"
Me:"Well it's because this time it was different his wife tried separating us he ended up hit her. They
both told my parents I was the one who hit her" she chuckled annoyed.
Bella:"So she protected her husband and threw you under the bus wow it was just a mistake couldn't
they just tell the truth"
Me:"Worse part I was going to stand with them this time because we all saw what happened"
Bella:"I think you should keep your distance from his wife" I nod.
Me:"After this I just don't think I will ever be nice or friendly to her"
Bella:"Alright I should go" she said standing up.
Me:"Yeah I will walk you to your car"
We got next to her car and she looked at me.
Bella:"Stay out of trouble" I chuckled.
Me:"I will try"
Bella:"Okay I will see you" she was about to open her door when I stopped her
Me:"Bella do you think we should go on a date or something?" She chuckled
Bella:"Are you asking me out?"
Me:"I mean you are an amazing girl it wouldn't hurt trying" she looked at me.
Bella:"And you are an amazing guy Ntsika but I know you will hurt me"
Me:"How do you know that?" She sigh
Bella:"Because you are not the dating type and I am a sucker for romance"
Me:"But trying won't hurt"
Bella:"No I don't think that's a great idea and I don't want to ruin our friendship because once we go
there there's no coming back"
Me:"Okay tell me if you change your mind" she nods and drove off.

After this amazing day I just want to go home and rest.

But I also don't want to see my family right now.
I ended up driving home and I noticed Lizalise's car outside.
I quickly rushed in because I know that here is with Xola and their daughter.
As soon as my little girl saw me she rushes to my arm I picked her up.
Me:"My favourite niece" I said swinging her around her little laughter is everything.
Xola:"You mean your only niece"
Me:"Sister in law"
Xola:"Hey you look happy" I chuckled.
Me:"Well there's no reason to be sad" she raised her eyebrows.
Xola:"Lizalise told me what happened Ntsika I can't believe Nkanyezi would do that I mean she
seems like a nice girl"
Me:"I thought so too and I don't want to talk about that now" she nods.

After spending some time with my niece I decided that I should chill outside.
It's good thing that I haven't seen my brother nor Nkanyezi today.
Someone cleared their throat I looked at her I don't know what she is doing here when I told her that
I want nothing to do with her.
Star:"Can we talk?" I closed my eyes trying to ignore her "Ntsika!"
Me:"What do you want Nkanyezi?"
Star:"I want to apologize for what I did yesterday Ntsika I shouldn't have let Bheki convince me to do
that" I chuckled.
Me:"No you can't blame him for this yes your husband is a shitty person but you had a choice to lie
or tell the truth you choose to lie and paint me red to protect him. So please don't act like you are
sorry when the damage is already done"
Star:"I know Ntsika and I don't expect you to forgive me right now I just wanted to apologize"
Me:"Okay now please leave" she sigh and walked away.

I thought leaving Emihle and focusing on Babalwa will make things better for us but it seems like
everything is getting worse.

I'm trying my best to understand that she is pregnant it might be the reason she is like this but no
she is not making things harder for me.
All she cares about is sex and all that.
"Dammit" she said getting out of the bathroom.
Me:"Are you okay?" She nods and looked at me.
Babs:"Can we talk about?" I nod and sat down hoping it's not our millionth fight since she got here.
Me:"What's going on?"
Babs:"I'm sorry that I have in your neck earlier I just didn't mean to drive you away like this"
Me:"What's happening Babalwa this is unlike you please make me understand you better" she sigh.
Babs:"I don't know Lutho I'm really sorry I will try to be better" I nod.
Me:"Please do because all the fights we keep having are unnecessary and it's hurting our
relationship" she nods.
Babs:"I promise we will be fine again" I pulled her to my arms despite of everything I still love her.
Me:"When do you think we should go see the doctor?"
Babs:"It's still too soon and doctors are expensive I will just go to the nearest clinic" I nod.
She kissed me unexpectedly and sat on top of me.
My dick quickly misbehave as she take off my t-shirt.
I flipped her under me and take off her dress.
One thing about Babalwa she has the most beautiful body.
I took off her underwear and rub her wet clit my dick is throbbing against my pants.
Babs:"I want you" she said helping me out of my pants.
Me:"Fuck" I said as soon I slide inside her warm cookie.

Sex with Lutho has always been amazing he is the only man I have been with my whole life.
My whole life I have been waiting for us to get married and have our family.

And I don't see myself doing that with someone else.

But ever since her sister's wedding I have been getting so many signals from him it's like he was
slipping away from me.

Lutho wouldn't go a day without calling me but everything was starting to change he barely called.

That's why I decided to come to the city I told my mother what was going on and it was advice for me
to come here.

I stuck with that man when he had nothing now that he is slowly getting to the top other girls are
starting to notice him.

I just can't let that happen that's why I need to get pregnant as soon as possible.
I know I shouldn't have lied but a woman in love can do anything to get the man she loves.

I have been here for two weeks and nothing has happened yet it's the reason I have been so
frustrated and I have been hard on him.

I need to get pregnant in the next two weeks because my period will soon come.
It's a good think that he is hitting it raw since he already thinks I'm pregnant.


I regret what I did I honestly do Ntsika was the only person who I can talk and I ruined that.
Now he can't even look at me without a disgusting look on his face and I don't want to lie.

I was now preparing dinner with Xola in the kitchen she is being distant too.
Ntsika probably told her what happened and now everyone thinks I'm some snake.
Me:"Xola!" She looked at me blankly "Can you pass me those onions" she just nods and took the
onions then hand them to me I sigh.
Me:"You can't give me a silent treatment forever" she chuckled.
Xola:"It's not like you don't deserve it"
Me:"I know I deserve it I was just protecting my husband"
Xola:"If your husband was man enough he would have taken full responsibility of what happened but
no he decided to hide behind your skirts like he always does" I chuckled.
Me:"Okay Xola I get it you are angry at me but you can't disrespect Bheki like that"
Xola:"Well I'm sorry Mrs I will only show your husband some respect when he actually earns my
respect but for now I will keep disrespecting him" I sigh.
Me:"Wow okay"
We continue with the dinner in silence.
Thanks to Ntsika's cream the swelling has gone down.
We had an awkward dinner only the parents and Bheki were engaging in a conversation.
I kept stealing glances at Ntsika but he was avoiding my stares at all costs.

After dinner we finally retired to bed I put my nightie on and join Bheki under the covers.
Bheki:"Are you okay? You barely said a word during dinner"
Me:"I'm fine good night" I said turning to face the other way and switched off my lamp.
He pulled me closer to him and kissed my shoulders.
His hand trailed in between my thighs.
Me:"Bheki what are you doing?" He moves my underwear aside.
Bheki:"Just breath and relax" he said running his finger around my vagina.
He put his knees in between my thighs to open them a little.
He gentle massaged my clit to my surprise I like it and it feels good.
Bheki:"You like it don't you?" He said as he hear me breathing heavily.
Me:"Yes" that comes out as a whisper.
Bheki:"Do you want me to stop?" He said picking up his pace.
Me:"No please don't stop" I said as this nice feeling takes over me.

Bheki left yesterday afternoon I really did miss him.
I guess I didn't think I will fall for him the way I am right now it's so scary.
After the fingering experience he used his mouth on my vagina I have never felt anything like that
before it felt good.

As much as I enjoyed those things he understood that I'm not ready for anything more.
My body is ready but emotionally I don't think I can be able to do it I'm scared of reliving my rape
moment and I have worked so hard to forget that.

With Bheki I'm starting to feel his absence it was lonely and with Ntsika not talking to me anymore it
was just boring.
All I do is work all the time because that's how things are.

I decided to go and see Bab'Gumede it has been long since I last saw him I feel bad for staying
away when he was the only there when I needed someone.
Me:"Bab'Gumede" he turned and looked at him something seems different about him it's like he is
not okay.
Gumede:"Nkanyezi" he said smiling and walking towards me then hugged me.
Me:"Are you okay?" He nods.
Gumede:"I'm good I can tell that you are good now you have put on some weight" I chuckled.
Me:"Well I can't complain but Bab'Gumede you don't look good is everything okay?" He sigh.
Gumede:"I don't know what happened but ever since you left the shop I couldn't find anyone who
took care of this place like you did so I have to do double the work if not this shop will run to the
Me:"I'm so sorry I can come and help everytime I'm free" he shook his head.
Gumede:"No Nkanyezi you are somebody's wife now and you have wifely duties to perform"
Me:"No I can't watch you suffer like this you were more of a parent than my parents ever did. I will
talk to my in-laws I will only just come in whenever I can and I will help you find someone who will
help you here"
Gumede:"Thank you I will make something for you" I smiled it's been long since I had anything from
Me:"Thank you" I went to sit down while he prepares something for me I really need to help him
otherwise he will be sick and he already doesn't look good.

I see Ntsika approaching the gate he was on his white coat it really looked good on him.
I just looked at away just to avoid him it's not like he will say anything to me.
"Hi" I brought my eyes up to find him looking at me.
Me:"Hi" I didn't know what to say to him I was surprised that he was talking to me.
There was some silence between the two of us I curse my eyes on the ground.
Ntsika:"Can I sit here?" I swallowed and nod.
Me:"Of course" I don't know why I suddenly feel happy that he atleast said something to me.
Ntsika:"How have you been?"
Me:"Fine I guess how about you?"
Ntsika:"I have been good" silence again I should take this opportunity and apologize to him
Me:"Ntsika I just want to apologize fo-" he cuts me off.
Ntsika:"I don't want to talking about that anymore but I'm going to say one thing to you Nkanyezi I
trusted you I thought you were a good person and I still think you are a good person I don't
understand why you did that because what happened that day was a mistake there was no need for
you to use my name as leverage for your husband. You ruined our friendship for something that
could have been solved by simple telling the truth. I don't know that we could be close again
because I don't know when you will woke up and decide to lie about me. Basically I don't trust you" I
swallowed I really fucked up here and there's no turning back.
Me:"You are right and what I did was wrong I just want to apologize for hurting you like that" he just
His order came and he looked at me.
Ntsika:"We can walk home together" I shook my head.
Me:"I will stay for a while and help Bab'Gumede with some things" he nods.
Ntsika:"Alright bye" he walked out I still don't understand why he walks to work when he has a car.

I decided to stay longer and help around until it was closing time atleast today I wasn't going to cook
Bab'Gumede:"You can go home now thank you for today" I smiled.
Me:"I'm glad to help you" we hugged and I stepped outside it was so dark I could went back in
Bab'Gumede quickly looked at me.
Gumede:"Nkanyezi are you okay?" I shook my head.
Me:"It's dark outside"
Gumede:"But you used to walk home at this time" he said looking at me worried "Did something
happened?" I shook my head I haven't told anyone about the rape it's only me and Bheki who knows
about it also the rapist too.
Me:"Nothing happened" I could tell he doesn't believe me.
Gumede:"Okay I will walk you home" he decided not to press the matter.
Me:"Thank you"
"Nkanyezi" we both looked at the person.
Me:"I thought you went home"
Ntsika:"I'm here to pick you up" I looked at him confused.
Gumede:"Seems like I'm no longer walking you goodnight I will see you soon" I nod and got inside
Ntsika's car.
Me:"Why did you come back?"
Ntsika:"You were not home I decided to come and check if you are okay" I looked him.
Me:"Thank you" he drives off.
Ntsika:"Nkanyezi are you happy?" I looked at him he was just looking at the road.
Me:"I am happy Ntsika" he nods "Why did you ask that?"
Ntsika:"I don't know" I nod.
Me:"What about you is there someone in you life?" He chuckled.
Ntsika:"Well I like this girl and she likes me too but she is doesn't want to be in a relationship with me
because I will hurt her"
Me:"Why would you hurt her if you like her?"
Ntsika:"You do know that a person can hurt you even thou they like you. So are you expecting Bheki
not to hurt you?"
Me:" I just don't know" he nods.
Ntsika:"He will hurt you even if it's unintentionally" I'm not experienced with relationship I honestly
don't know what to expect I wasn't worried about that when I married Bheki because I didn't feel
anything for him and now I'm starting to have feelings.
Ntsika:"But don't worry about that if your love is strong it will over come anything" I nod.
Me:"You should shave" he laughed.
Ntsika:"Why? I don't want to look like a baby"
Me:"You won't shave it all just trim it neatly now you look homeless"
Ntsika:"Well if you want me to shave you will do it yourself " I laughed.
Me:"Not happening" he looked at him intensely "What?"
Ntsika:"Nothing I just missed you" I blinked a few times.
Me:"I'm sorry I did you like that"
Ntsika:"Don't do it again you hurt me"
Me:"I promise it won't happen again I missed you too" he chuckled.
Ntsika:"Have you ever been in town?"
Ntsika:"I have a day off tomorrow I'm taking you"
Me:"What happened to asking?"
Ntsika:"You lied about me without asking me"
Me:"I won't hear the end of it" he chuckled.
Ntsika:"Ofcourse not my Star" I smiled and looked outside the window.

I got here yesterday and Nomonde was already here.
We spent the night together I couldn't call Nkanyezi I hope she won't think too much of it.

I know I love Nomonde and I don't doubt how I feel about her but I'm also starting to love my wife

I know that I shouldn't have used her as a weapon against Ntsika but I don't regret it because it has
caused a wedge between the two of them.

I can't have my brother close to my wife I don't trust him at all and I don't want him changing my
image in Nkanyezi's eyes.

After she allowed me to touch her and use my tongue on her I know for sure she is starting to fall for
me soon she will be open to have sex with me and I will have to get her pregnant as soon as I can.
Monde:"What happened you zoned out?" I sigh.
Me:"I was just thinking about our future that's all" she smiled.
Monde:"I like the sound of that"
Me:"Babe do you want to have children?" She chuckled.
Monde:"Yes but the only time I will get pregnant is when I have a ring in this finger" I nod.
Me:"Alright then I can't wait to marry you" she smiled.
Monde:"Me too babe let me good and start with some dinner" I nod I watched her as she walk out.
I took my phone and dialed Nkanyezi's number but it rings until it goes to voicemail.
She must be mad because I didn't answer her call this morning because I was busy giving Nomonde
morning glory.

I decided to go join Nomonde as she cooks some food.

Monde:"Are you okay?" I faked a smile.
Me:"I'm fine" she nods

I keep tapping my feet as I wait for the pregnancy test.
My heart is beating fast can it work this time around.
I said a little prayer before picking it up and check it.
Me:"Fuck!" I said throwing it against the wall.
I don't have time now I will have my period soon.

I decided to call Zanele my best friend she is a doctor and has her own private clinic.
I told her what's going and what I'm planning to do she agrees into helping me.

My last plan is to call that bitch who has been sleeping with my boyfriend behind my back and it's
only about 30 minutes before my boyfriend comes home.

After calling Emihle I decided to go outside and throw the pregnancy test.
After a few minutes Emihle arrived.
Me:"Hey please come in" she walked in I now understand why Lutho was tempted by her.
She is a slim beautiful piece of art.
Emi:"You said you needed some help with something what is it?" I chuckled.
Me:"Nothing I just wanted you to come here and tell me face to face why are you sleeping with my
boyfriend?" She swallowed and looked at me.
Emi:"I don't know what you are talking about Babalwa"
Me:"Do I look stupid to you and besides that Lutho has told me how you seduced him" she chuckled
looking at me.
Emi:"Well I don't know what he is talking about cause I have never slept with your boyfriend I don't
have time to entertain insecure people like you Babalwa if your boyfriend is cheating on you it's
probably not with me" she said standing up I quickly grabbed her arm.
Me:"You stay away from him or you will regret it Emihle" she chuckled.
Emi:"Is that a threat?" I saw Lutho walking outside the window.
I tighten my drip on her arm she flinched.
Me:"Take it as a warning"
Emi:"What's your problem you are hurting me" she yanked me off her I fell as Lutho walked in to
witness what his bitch did.
Lutho:"Babalwa" he said rushing to me.
Me:"Lutho...ouch!" I said holding my stomach.
Lutho:"It's okay"
Me:"My baby Lutho" Emihle was standing there not knowing what to do.
Emi:"I didn't mean to push her Lutho"
Me:"Please take me to Zanele's clinic Lutho I can't lose my baby" he nods.
Emi:"I will drive you" this couldn't have played out perfectly Emihle just caused my miscarriage.


My heart was racing as Babalwa kept screaming you could tell she was in a lot of pain I might not be
ready to be a father but I don't want the baby to die.

Emihle's face was written panic all over her I guess she is also scared because she is the one who
pushed her.

I don't know what happened between the two but this is my fault I decided to two time these women
and now look at the consequences of being a player.

We arrived at Zanele's clinic it was the only clinic near by I still have hope because she wasn't
bleeding when we arrived.
They quickly rushed her inside Emihle was about to enter the clinic with me.
Me:"I think you should go home you have done enough don't you think?" Her face immediately fall
down she is hurt but I can't feel pity for her right now Babalwa is the one who is in pain and about to
lose our baby all because of her.
Emihle:"I'm sorry Lutho" she said and walked away.
Me:"Emihle!" She turned around "Please stay away from us" she nods and got inside her car and
quickly drove off.
I watched her car disappear and I got inside.
I wasn't allowed to be inside with her I had to sit in some cold waiting room.

A doctor walked to me she must be Zanele that's what the tag on her coat.
Zanele:"Lutho?" I quickly nod
Me:"How is she?" She sigh I could already tell that it's only bad news.
Zanele:"I'm sorry but she just started bleeding there wasn't much we could too she lost the baby" I
swallowed the lump on my throat my chest hurts.
Me:"Can I see her?"
Zanele:"She is heavily sedated for now the medication will well off in two or three hours" I nod.
Me:"Thank you" she faintly smiled.

I just sat on the chair feeling numb if this is the punishment I get from cheating on Babalwa then it
hurts like hell.

I waited here until I was allowed to see her I was dragging to go to her room I couldn't face the
consequences of cheating on her.
I slowly walked in she was facing the wall and curled into a ball.
Her body language spoke more than any words.
I sat down on the chair next to her bed.
Me:"Hey" she sniffed before turning around.
Her eyes are red you could tell that she has been crying.
Babalwa:"I lost our baby Lutho" I held her hand her eyes quickly became teary.
Me:"I'm so sorry Babalwa this is not fault"
Babalwa:"of course it's not my fault Emihle pushed me I lost the baby because of her" I sigh I know
Emihle pushed her but right now I feel like she is projecting.
Me:"Let's just focus on you for now Babs" she looked at me.
Babalwa:"I guess she was right you love her and the only reason you ended things with her it's
because of the baby. And now that the baby is no longer here I'm sure you will go back to her don't
worry I will pack my things as soon as I get discharged"
Me:" I love you Babalwa Emihle was just a moment of weakness. I'm not going to let you go home
now that you need me the most. We will go through this together. I'm sorry that my cheating ways
got us here but I promise it won't happen again" she nods and I hugged her.

I was hurt I don't want to lie I have fallen for Lutho when I shouldn't have.
But then I knew that what we had won't have any happy ending maybe I had hope that there will be
some silver lining.
I didn't mean to push Babalwa and now she might lose her baby Lutho will hate for that.
The only thing I have to do is to stay away from them like he asked.

I got inside my apartment and Rachel was sitting on the couch waiting for me to come back.
Rachel:"What happened?" She asked me as soon as she saw tears in my eyes.
Me:"I might have killed Babalwa's baby Rachel"
Rachel:"What do you mean?"
Me:"After the call I got there she told me to stay away from Lutho and the next minute she was
holding my arm for life hurting me in the process so I pushed her off she fell so hard" she hugged
Rachel:"Don't cry like this Emi I told you not to go there. And you were just defending yourself from a
woman acting like an animal"
Me:"Lutho hates me and he blames me for what happened" she sigh.
Rachel:"Screw Lutho! I know you love him but you don't need him Emihle. Probably this was for the
best" I nod.
Me:"Yeah you are right he didn't even let me explain"
Rachel:"Just take some rest I will make some food for us" I nod.


Today I was going to town with Ntsika I was excited I don't want to lie I don't remember the last time I
was in town.

I saw missed calls from Bheki yesterday I was mad at him for not telling me that he had a safe trip
but I decided to call him back because I missed him we talked for about ten minutes before I went to

I woke up and made breakfast for everyone.

I set the table and waited for everyone to come and eat.
Mrs M:"Nkanyezi good morning" she was the first one to walk in
Me:"Good morning Ma"
Mrs M:"Are we having guests?"
Me:"What do you mean?" I asked confused.
Mrs M:"You made so much food" I laughed.
Me:"No not at all I just woke up in good spirits" just then Ntsika walked in looking all fresh and
dressed up.
Ntsika:"Good morning Ma"
Mrs M:"Good morning it seems like everyone is in high spirits today" Ntsika chuckled.
Ntsika:"Are you ready?" He said looking at me.
Me:" I was hoping to serve breakfast before we leave"
Ntsika:"Sis Mandy can finish that" that's the helper.
Mrs M:"Where are you guys going?"
Ntsika:"To town" her face suddenly changed.
Mrs M:" Together?"

Nkanyezi I will wait for you in the car" he walked away leaving me with his mother.
Me:"Uh I will go" I said quickly walking out because I was suddenly feeling uncomfortable with the
look she was giving me.
I got inside the car and Ntsika drove off.
Me:" Why don't you get along with your parents?" He chuckled.
Ntsika:"I don't think you will like the answer to that it involves your husband so I rather not answer
than speak ill of him to you" I nod.
Me:"Well okay then"
Ntsika:"The dress looks good on you" it was just a short summer dress privileges of being a modern
Me:"Thanks although I feel under dressed comparing to you" he laughed.
Ntsika:" Come on you look good!" I chuckled because he was just messing with me "And welcome to
Me:"I don't remember the last time I was here this place has changed a lot"
Ntsika:"Well we have so many places to see come on" we got out.
The place is busy I don't want to lie he took my hand to his I looked at him.
Ntsika:"I don't want you to get lost my brother would kill me" I didn't even tell his brother that I was
going to town with him.
We walked inside the mall and walked around.
Ntsika:"You should try this it will look good on you" I quickly shake my head.
Me:"Hell no it's too short and formal"
Ntsika:"Great go to the fitting room"
Me:"Ntsika!" He smirked I just shook my head and walked inside the fitting room.
I put on the dress to my surprise I instantly fell in love with.
I walked out and found Ntsika on his phone as soon as he saw me he smiled.
Me:"And what do you think?"
Ntsika:"I told you it will look good on you"
Me:"Yeah it does"
Ntsika:"You should take it" I laughed
Me:"What?! No I can't afford it"
Ntsika:"Take it as a gift from me" I sigh I know he won't say no.
Me:"Fine this is the only dress I'm taking"
Ntsika:"Fine by me" I changed back to my dress and we went to pay.
The cashier kept stealing glances at us and smile.
Cashier:"I'm sorry for the stare but you guys are so much in love I have been watching you for a
while. It feels great to see a young couple so in love"we looked at each other and laughed.
Ntsika:"Thank you" we walked out still laughing.
Me:"That was weird"
Ntsika:"Tell me about it I'm hungry where do you want to eat?"
Me:"You tell me I'm a village girl I have no idea of what I'm doing" he laughed.
Ntsika:"You have no filter let's go" we walked to Steers and ordered some burgers.
"Ntsika!" We both turned and find a coloured girl.
Ntsika:"Bella hey"
Bella:"I didn't expect to see you here" does she go around expecting to see people or something?
Ntsika:"Yeah me too uh this is Nkanyezi" she smiled
Bella:"Your sister in law? Wow hey I'm Bella"
Me:"Hey nice to meet you" she nods.
Ntsika:"Bella can you keep Nkanyezi company I need to use a bathroom"
Bella:"Of course"
Ntsika:"I will be back" he said looking at me I just nod.
Bella:"So he finally forgave you?" I raised my eyebrows.
Me:"What do you mean?"
Bella:"You lied about him to cover for your husband" I sigh.
Me:"Yeah he did" she chuckled.
Bella:"That's great just don't hurt him again. He cares about you a lot"
Me:"I won't so you two work together?" She smiled.
Bella:"That and more"
Me:"Oh wow" Ntsika approached us.
Bella:"Ntsika I have to go it was nice meeting you Nkanyezi" I nod.
Me:"Always a pleasure" she walked out.
Ntsika took our food and we went to the car.
Ntsika:"Ready to go home?"
Me:"Not really I'm still enjoying being here" he smiled and drove off outside town.
He parked near some beautiful lake park just outside town.
We started eating our food it was good.
Me:"So Bella is the girl you like" he chuckled.
Ntsika:"Way to go Star but yeah she is"
Me:"You guys should date you look good together"
Ntsika:"You think so?" I nod
Me:"Yeah she is beautiful and nice she would make a great girlfriend" he laughed.
Ntsika:"So those are qualities of a great girlfriend?" I shrugged my shoulders "Wow Star I hear you"
we sat there in complete silence.
Me:"This place is beautiful"
Ntsika:"Just like you" I looked at him "What?!"
Me:"Nothing I think we should go before it gets late"
Ntsika:"Alright then let's go"
Me:"I wanna take a walk first before we leave"
Ntsika:"Are you sure?" I nod "Okay your wish is my command"
We walked out and I'm breath taken by this place.
Me:"I love it"
Ntsika:"You should see it when it's dark and the stars are reflected in the lake it's magic"
Me:"You come here a lot?"
Ntsika:"At night though" I nod.
Me:"Unfortunately I don't like darkness" he looked at me.
Ntsika:"Why is that?" I sigh
Me:"Because I was raped at night" that easily came out of my mouth I have difficult time talking
about it "Don't pity me" he chuckled.
Ntsika:"Why would I do that?" I shrugged my shoulders.
Me:"I don't know" he sigh.
Ntsika:"That's the last thing I would do. Yes I am sorry that such thing happened to you I don't even
know what to say to you right now. Did it happen recently?"
Me:"Less than a year ago"
Ntsika:"I know it's not easy to talk about such but if you need to talk about it I'm here to help" I nod.
Me:"I think I'm ready to go" he nods.
Ntsika:"Let's go then" we got inside the car and he drove off.
He was awfully quiet so was I he pulled over and looked at me.
Me:"Why are we stopping?"
Ntsika:"Get in the back"
Me:"What? Why?"
Ntsika:"Trust me" I looked at me and got in the back he also get in.
Me:"What's going on?" He sigh and wrapped his arms around me my eyes quickly became teary.
Ntsika:"It's okay to cry about it you are hurting. He hurt you and took a part of you with me forcefully.
You didn't deserve that" I don't know why but I broke down the only time I cried about it it's when it
happened only after that I never cried until now.
Me:"It hurts so much why me?"
Ntsika:"I know Star" his voice was breaking

I have realised that all along I have been holding it in hiding how I felt about being raped .
All along I blamed myself for going to the river late at night.
I thought everything was my fault I haven't had a chance to cry and let the pain be felt.

But Today I was able to do exactly that I was able to offload the pain.
I'm not the crying person because of how my own parents treated me but today I was able to
vulnerable and break down.

Its like around Ntsika I can be myself and I hate that he is making me break down like this.
He didn't pity me but he wanted me to be vulnerable instead of acting strong.

Immediately after my crying session he drove straight home in complete silence I appreciated him
not saying anything.
As soon as I got inside the room I got under the covers and continue crying until I fell asleep.
I was woken up by my phone ringing it was Bheki.
Bheki:"Hey babe are you sleeping already?"
Me:"Yeah I am" he sigh.
Bheki:"I miss you so much"
Me:"I miss you too maybe you should come home this weekend" he chuckled.
Bheki:"You miss me that bad huh?"
Bheki:"I will come back next weekend I promise I have some business meeting this weekend which I
can't cancel"
Me:"Okay then"
Bheki:"I love you"
Me:"I love you too" we end the call.
I was hungry so I went to the kitchen and looked for something to eat.
I warmed my plate up as I was waiting my mother in law walked in.
Me:"Hello Ma" she looked at me.
Ma:"I see you and Ntsika are getting close"
Me:"Well he is the only one who is around and it gets lonely here sometimes" she nods.
Ma:"I hope you are just seeing him as a brother nothing more" I looked at her confused.
Me:"What do you mean Ma?" She smiled.
Ma:"Nothing have a good night"
Me:"Good night" I took my plate and went to my room then started eating.
My phone chirped it's a text from Ntsika.


Me:"Yeah I was hungry"


Me:"Yeah thank you for today"



Me:"Yeah I was hungry"


Me:"Yeah thank you for today"


Me:"Alright good night!"


I don't know why I smiled when he called me that.

I stand up and put my shoes on then walked out of my room.
I knocked a few times before someone opened.
Ntsika:"I thought you were sleeping" she was shirtless.
Me:"Be decent" he chuckled and put on his shirt.
Ntsika:"Do you want to come in?" I nod.
Me:"I was thinking of seeing someone"
Ntsika:"I can recommend someone"
Me:"Thanks" we sat in complete silence.
Ntsika:"So have you thought about what you want to study next year?"
Me:"I always loved farming so I was thinking of that direction" he chuckled.
Ntsika:"Very rare to find women who are passionate about farming but I have seen you at the ranch
and our fields you are good at it"
Me:"Well if your father allows" he laughed.
Ntsika:"Well if you listen to my father you will not amount to anything in life" I sigh.
Me:"I should go to sleep" he nods.
Ntsika:"Okay then" he stands and pulled me up.
Me:"Your mother doesn't like that we are close"
Ntsika:"Did she say something to you?"
Me:"Not in many words but the way she looked at me says it all"
Ntsika:"Why is that?" He said looking at me his stare is intensifying making my body unsettled.
Me:"I don't know goodnight" I suddenly feel so bothered.
Ntsika:"Are you okay?" I swallowed and shook my head.
Me:"I feel bothered"
Ntsika:"Bothered?" He said taken back
Me:"I think I should go" he got closer "Ntsika don't"
Ntsika:"Do you want me to touch you?" I swallowed stepping backwards.
Me:"We can't do this"
Ntsika:"I asked you a question?" We were now inches apart.
Me:"Please" our lips collided and he pinned me against the wall holding my waist in place.
His kiss is slow and tender my body is burning up.
His hand travelled to my thighs his touch is gentle.
He pulled away from the kiss and we locked eyes.
Ntsika:"We can't be doing this"
Me:"I'm sorry" he slowly pulled up my t-shirt I was now left with my breast and my skirts.
He pulled it down with my underwear and I was completely naked infront of him.
He picked me up and placed on top of the bed.
He drops his t-shirt and kissed me with more hunger this time.
He leaves a trail of kisses all down to my vagina making my spine shiver.
He finds my wet clit and his tongue explore his way against it making me arch my back a little bit.
His tongue swirl around my folds and clit making moan his name as he deepens the kiss on my
I pushed his head further as the pleasure he is giving me is getting more intense.
Me:"Ntsika!" I said as my toes curl and grabbing on the sheets.
I let go of his head as I feel the edge of some sort of pee About to explode.
I tried to move away from him but he pressed my waist down causing more pleasure on me.
Me:"Ntsika please!" He didn't burge but instead rubs his finger on my clit.
I covered my mouth suppressing my scream as I let go of whatever that I release from my vagina my
legs are trembling.
Ntsika:"You good?" I slowly nod.
Me:"Did I pee on you?" He chuckled
Ntsika:"You had your orgasm"
Me:"I think I should go" he sigh and came to lie next to me.
Ntsika:"I'm sorry I should have stopped myself"
Me:"I shouldn't have come here" he ran his hand on my stomach I closed my eyes "Ntsika"
Ntsika:"You are beautiful" he pulls me close to him.
Me:"You are his brother Ntsika and I'm his wife"
Ntsika:"I saw you first"
Ntsika:"You should go" he said sitting up.
Me:"I want to try it" he looked at me.
Ntsika:"No you don't want to try it with me you are going to regret it I can't take that" I sigh and put on
my clothes.
Me:"Goodnight" he kissed my forehead.
I quickly walked out of his room and went to my matrimonial room.
My heart is beating so fast as I get inside the sheets I share with my husband while I think about his
little brother.
Me:"What have you done Nkanyezi?!"


It has been a week filled with guilt and regrets.
I couldn't look myself in the mirror without feeling the guilt of what I have done.

I couldn't bare the thought of myself it was haunting me I begged him to touch me and I was willing
to go beyond that with him.

The brothers don't get along already so I can't pour some more fuel on the fire and start a war I'm
not ready for.

I can't stomach the thought of betraying my husband after he saved me from so much pain I had to
deal with.
I betrayed him when I was actually starting to be comfortable with him.
I don't know how I will fix it but I have to fix this I can't hurt Bheki.

Bheki will be here today I'm not enthusiastic with that not because I don't miss him it's just that I don't
know how will I face him now.

It was good that Ntsika was understanding the fact that what happened between us was a big
mistake from both of us he is always at work lately I don't know if it's because of work or he is just
avoiding me we haven't spoken ever since that day and I'm glad because I wouldn't know what to
say to him or about the situation.

I was thinking about the situation when I saw Ntsika's car driving in he got out and Bella also got out
of the passenger side I was suddenly uncomfortable with seeing them together. I don't know if he
could see me but he looked at my window before he took Bella's hand into his like he did with mine
at the mall.

It made realised that I wasn't special it's just in his nature to do that with his lady friends I wonder
what's Bella doing here? I'm being silly these people are friends or even more.
I watched them until they got inside the house with Bella smiling to whatever he said to her.

I walked back to my bed and tried to call Bheki but it went to voicemail.
I fixed myself before going for lunch to join everyone.
My in-laws are chatting a storm with Bella when I walked in.
You could see my mother in-law and Bella clicked instantly.
I greeted everyone before sitting down after sitting down the front door opens and my husband
walked in.
He greeted everyone and settled next to me.
Mom:"Son you are just in time for lunch" he looked at me clearly happy to see me while my anxiety
just goes up more.
Bheki:"Hey babe" he kissed my cheek and I nervously smiled.
Me:"Hey" I looked up my eyes meet Ntsika's eyes but he quickly cast them down.
Bheki:"How rude of me I didn't realise that we have a guest" he said looking at Bella and my mother
in law quickly smiled.
Mom:"Yes this is Bella Ntsika's girlfriend" Since when I asked myself but Bella's smile confirm
Bheki:"So my little brother finally decided to grow a pair and settle nice to meet you Bella I'm Bheki"
she smiled showing her perfect teeth.
Bella:"You must be Nkanyezi's husband" he looked at me.
Bheki:"Yes I am"
Our food came and we ate with conversation about the new couple.
Mom:" So Bella where are you from?"
Father:"That's a beautiful place where are you parents?"
Ntsika:"Dad!" He reprimand my father in law
Mom:"Ntsika we are just getting to know our future daughter in law" Bella sweetly smiled.
Bella:"It's okay love my parents are both in Stellenbosch enjoying their retirement" Ntsika seek back
to his chair.
Mom:"First time having a daughter in law from a stable home" she said that looking at me I suddenly
feel attacked by my mother in-law who I was okay with last time I checked
Ntsika:"Mom please" she smiled at her son.
Mom:"You chose well Ntsika" the table was suddenly awkward.
Bheki:"Are you okay you barely touched your food nor said anything"
Me:"I'm just not feeling well that's all" he nods
Mom:"It's a good thing we will now have two doctors in the house" no one said anything.
Bheki:"So how long have you two been dating?"
Ntsika:"Not longcan we talk about something else either than my relationship?" Bheki chuckled.
Bheki:"That was the whole point of introduction Bella for us to know about your relationship so I don't
know why it's bothering you"
Ntsika:"It's not bothering me I just don't want to overwhelm Bella" Bella smiled and took his hand to
Bella:"It's okay Ntsika your family are good people" he nods.
Mom:"You two will make beautiful babies" Ntsika choked.
Ntsika:"It's too early for that"
Father:"Maybe Bheki and his wife will bless us soon"
Bheki:"Of course we will" I swallowed to the thought I'm not ready for that.
Mom:" I thought Nkanyezi wanted to finish her studies first"
Bella:"That's great Nkanyezi I also want to persuade my career further before I dedicate myself to a
Father:"That's really nice" I looked at him beyond shocked it can't be the same man who refused for
me to go to school and now he is suddenly impressed by her wanting to continue studying.
But I was glad that the attention has gone back to her instead of me and getting pregnant with
After lunch I don't know where the couple disappeared to I went to the kitchen and washed the
Bheki snaked his arms around my waist.
Bheki:"Are you okay?" I sigh.
Me:" I'm fine" he sigh and turned me around.
Bheki:"I'm sorry about what Mom said in the table" I nod because I feel like the time to defend me
was at the table not here.
Me:"It's okay"
Bheki:"She didn't mean any harm"
Me:"No she was telling the truth" he sigh.
Bheki:"I missed you" he said kissing me then deepens the kiss I tried moving away but he holds me
into place continue kissing me Until we were both out of air.
Ntsika walked in and looked at us.
Ntsika:"I was just getting water" he grabbed his water.
Bheki:" Congratulations bro" he looked at him confused.
Ntsika:"What are you talking about?"
Bheki:"I mean on your new love"
Ntsika:"Thanks" he walked out.
Bheki:"I never thought I would see this day?" I looked at him.
Me:"What day?" He chuckled.
Bheki:"The day my brother is in love enough to introduce a girl to our parents she must be special"
Me:"Yeah she must be special I need some air"
Bheki:"I thought we will spending the whole afternoon together"
Me:"I will be back I promise I just need some air at the stables"
Bheki:"The ranch is far though"
Me:"You can go with me" he shook his head.
Bheki:"I hate horses" I nod.
Me:"I will ask the driver" he nods.
Bheki:"Okay I will see you later" I nod and walked out.

I find a new place that's refreshing I used to love clean water and its reflection but ever since the
rape I can't go anywhere near the river.
Now what's refreshing for me it's to ride the horse around these beautiful fields and with animals
scattered around.
This is something I want to own one day a beautiful place like this.
I decided to ride back to the stables and put the horse back.
And then went to the ranches office to look at some things I don't like bragging but this place has
been doing better ever since I started taking responsibility of the place.
I sat down and checked everything that needed to be checked.
"Hey" I looked up to him he was leaning against the door with his hand on his pocket.
Me:"Hi" there was some silence.
Ntsika:"I was just here to check on Prince" Prince is his horse I nod and went back to what I was
Me:"You can go ahead" he sigh.
Ntsika:"I was going to tell you"
Me:"About what?"
Ntsika:"Me and Bella"
Me:"Why would you want to tell me that?" He sigh and walked in.
Ntsika:"Introducing her wasn't the plan" I chuckled.
Me:"What you are talking about its none of my business Ntsika. I'm happy for you and her"
Ntsika:"Are you?"
Me:"Of course I am" he nods.
Ntsika:"What happened that night it was---"
Me:"Nothing happened that night" he looked at me I was starting to feel uncomfortable.
Ntsika:"You know the truth Star" he said closing the space between us.
Me:"Please leave" I said holding my breath my lips are quivering.
Ntsika:"I can't stop thinking about the softness of your lips" he said with his thumb touching my lips
"The fairness of your skin how good you tasted" I swallowed.
Me:"Ntsika please stop you have a girlfriend and I'm your brother's husband" I said with my mouth
but my clit is saying something different my panties are wet.
Ntsika:"I thought giving it a try with her will make me forget what happened that night but I can't
forget it Star"
Me:"Yes you can please forget it Ntsika that night meant nothing I love your brother" he attacked me
with a kiss my body quickly betrays me as I respond to his kiss for sometime before snapping out of
it he looked at me with his begging eyes.
I moved away from him and went to the door.
He sigh and walked towards the door but stopped when I closed the door then locked it.
We didn't say anything but our body languages did.
He walked close to me and touched my skin.
Ntsika:"What happens here is never going to be a mistake Star and what happened that night meant
more. I have feelings for you I tried ignoring them but I can't do it. If you tell me that you don't feel
anything for me then I will ignore these feelings too and I will continue with Bella" the thought of him
being with her is unsettling for me but then again I can't betray Bheki once again.

I have been here for just few hours and for some reason I could sense my wife being cold towards

The excitement she used to have when we talk on the phone was just gone.
I don't know what's going on because I have been able to give her attention as much as I can while
I'm away from home.

What makes matters worse is that I could sense some tension between her and my mother
especially from my mother.

I don't understand what happened the pass two weeks that I was away between them I need to
figure it out.

When she came back from the stables she went straight to the shower then came to bed she didn't
say anything she just looked the opposite way and pretended to be asleep until she fell asleep.
I don't know what's going on did my mother's words upset her that much.
I didn't even come to her defence because I didn't want to disrespect my mom infront of the guest
we had.

Speaking of the guest I was honestly happy that Ntsika has a girlfriend it's now going to put my soul
at easy with everything I don't trust him around my wife I have always been insecure when it comes
to him being around someone I'm dating.

The morning finally came my wife was already awake the bed was empty I didn't even hear her
waking up.

I texted Nomonde good morning she replied as fast as she can I wish I was next to her instead of my
moody wifey right now.

Me and Monde had a great weekend last week we are in a better space of our relationship.

I walked to my mother's garden she was singing a jolly song which means she was in a great mood.
Me:"Ma good morning" she smiled and looked at me.
Mom:"Boy good morning" I don't know when will she drop the boy part I'm a grown ass man right
Me:"Can we talk?" I said sitting on the bench that was on her garden.
Mom:" Of course is everything okay?" She said taking off her gardening gloves.
Me:"I don't know Mom I was hoping you could tell me because yesterday during lunch you said
something about my wife coming from an unstable home"
Mom:"Which is true" she said nonchalantly.
Me:"Mom please you said that with intensions to hurt her what happened between the two of you?
Because when I left you guys were fine" she sigh.
Mom:"Nothing happened I will apologize to your wife if that's what you want"
Me:"No don't if you don't want to don't. Mom I always respect you because you are my mother but I
honestly didn't like your behaviour yesterday towards my wife and it seems like you have no reason
why you behaved that way" she swallowed I just walked inside the kitchen my wife was making
breakfast for everyone.
Me:"Hey" I said kissing her cheek.
Nkanyezi:"Good morning"
Me:"Are you okay?" She nods.
Nkanyezi:"I'm good. I'm sorry about yesterday I was just tired when I came back"
Me:"It's okay I know riding horses can be tiring maybe you should ride me instead" she laughed she
was okay now.
Nkanyezi:"Well maybe you should teach me how to ride you" I didn't expect her to say that but my
body immediately reacts to it.
Me:" Mmh I like that" she smiled faintly looking at my bulge that was showing in my trackpants.
Nkanyezi:" Maybe I should take care of that" these sexually advances she were making towards me
were exciting which means she was ready to take things further now.
Me:"I like this side of you" she wrapped her arms around my neck.
Nkanyezi:" Well I like being like this with you Bheki" Nomonde is beautiful but she has nothing to
Nkanyezi her eyes are hypnotizing.
Me:" Stop looking at me like that we are in the kitchen" she laughed a little before backing away.
Just then my brother walked in disturbing the moment between us.
Bheki:"Finish what you are doing then join me" she slightly nods.
My brother's eyes travelled to my pants then back to my wife I just left him.

If anything I regret is bringing Bella and using her as a way to forget what happened between me
and Nkanyezi that night.

I know it is wrong to feel this way towards my brother's wife but I can't help myself.
After that night I can't help but feel like her body she be mine to claim she should be mine.

And last night was a nail in the coffin I can't seem to forget how flawless and soft her skin feels like.
It was so hard to see her like that and not be able to have her.

I know this might sound like a sexual attraction to her but it's beyond that my heart burns to make
mine things are just complicated between us.

I now regret not making love to her that night she asked me to maybe that night she would know that
what she feels it's just not some sexually attraction but something more.
My stomach turned seeing my brother turned on like this because of her I wonder what were they
talking about or doing.
I waited for my brother to walk out and be sure he was outside.

Nkanyezi turned and payed attention back to her pots without noticing my presence it stings.
Me:" Nkanyezi!" She turned and looked at me.
Nkanyezi:" Good morning" she said blankly looking at me.
Me:" I'm trying here but I can't" I said about to walk close to her but she stopped me.
Nkanyezi:"Control yourself Ntsika" she said and realise a sharp sigh.
Me:"Please don't do this"
Nkanyezi:"I love him" that's a stab in my heart "I'm sorry" she said that and went back to what she
was doing she couldn't even hold a knife still she was trembling

she couldn't even hold a knife still she was trembling I walked out.

The table was set everyone was here she was sitting next to her husband.
She couldn't even look at me even once how I wish she did.
Mom:"This food is delicious Nkanyezi"
Nkanyezi:"Thanks" that's all she said my mom just sighed I didn't know her sudden problem with
Mom:"Since everyone is here I want to apologize about what I said during lunch it was uncalled for.
I'm sorry especially to you Nkanyezi"
Nkanyezi:"You were not wrong but I didn't like the fact that you used to impress your new daughter
in-law" she said looking at me looking at me.
Bheki:"Nkanyezi" he warned!
Nkanyezi:" No Bheki I have been mistreated my whole life even though I didn't deserve it and my
mother in-law is doing just that lately" why did I just fall in love with her more right now?
Mom:"Those were not my intention I'm sorry" she just kept quiet.
Nkanyezi:"Since everyone is here I would like for my white wedding to be in a month" Bheki choked
loudly covering my own choke.
Bheki:"What?" He was also shocked way too shocked if you asked me.
Nkanyezi:"If I'm going to give you children as soon as possible then I will do that but not without a
white wedding first" I said feel hot like I'm about to past out.
Dad:"That's great news then we will have the wedding in a month" Bheki just looked like he has seen
a ghost.
Bheki:"Uh Nkanyezi can we talk about this in private?"
Nkanyezi:"If you are hoping to change my mind then that's not going to happen" she said that eating
her food.

I spent the whole day distracted at work thank God it wasn't as busy as always.
It was time for lunch Bella walked to my table.
Bella:"Hey babe" she said looking at me.
Me:"Hey" I couldn't even hide my foul mood from her.
Bella:"Okay bad day?"
Me:"Uh yeah the old man was in my ass the whole day" I lied she nods.
Bella:"I can make you feel better" for some reason my body doesn't react to what she just said like it
would usually do.
Me:"Not today" she looked at me taken back.
Bella:"That's new" she said with some disappointment.
Me:"Excuse me" I stand up but she held my hand I looked at her.
Bella:"Are we okay?" She said looking sad I sigh.
Me:"Uh yeah of course I will see you" I walked away I hate that I will hurt her.

My shift was over I wasn't even looking forward to go home but I had no choice.
I arrived at home I wasn't even going for dinner tonight.

I took my phone there were some text from Bella.

I went on my gallery and looked through some pictures that I took of Nkanyezi the day we were at
the lake.

She was so beautiful and goofy I missed how we were that day we were both so happy like nothing
Me:"Please come back to me" I said and threw my phone aside.
A knock came through I didn't even bother to open I was in no mood.
"You are acting as if someone just died" I looked at her.
Me:"You broke my heart" she sighed "I don't think you should be here"
Nkanyezi:"If you are worried about my husband he went out with your father and will come back in
Me:" So you are giving him kids huh?" She looked at me.
Nkanyezi:"I'm not yours to have Ntsika" she switched off the lights
Me:"Why are you switching the lights off"
Nkanyezi:"The blinders are open so someone from outside can see us" I stood up and closed the
blinders she switched on the lights.
Me:"Do you love him?"
Nkanyezi:"I love him" I nod
Me:"Are you in love with him?" She looked at me "Answer me"
Nkanyezi:"What are you saying?"
Me:"I think you should leave" she looked at me "Nkanyezi leave me alone because you don't know
what you want!" She smashed her lips against mine.
I picked her up as she wrapped her legs around my waist.
Soon our clothes are flying all over the room she stopped kissing me and looked at me.
Nkanyezi:"Please don't stop this time"
Me:"I won't" I gently place her to top of the bed.

Nkanyezi wasn't sure of what she was doing she knows she has to stay away from Ntsika and she
tried Lord knows she tried but no something keeps pulling her to him.

It's like a force that attracts her to him she can't control it.
Every now and then she kept day dreaming about the first night she allowed him to touch her it was
like an electroshock switch has been turned on.

She kept wondering why she feels this way towards him why was she jealous when he came with
Bella and she was introduced as the girlfriend.

She had no right of feeling jealous she is married to Bheki yet now she is here with his little brother.
Her heart is beating so fast as their lips move in sync they are exposed to each other's nakedness
he run his fingers on her naked back her spine tingles.
The minute they are land in bed she has her legs around his waist.

Everything feelings right yet wrong at the same time.

He is taking time with her body exploring every inch of her.
From her firm standing breast to her flat stomach.
Her tiny waist is moving towards as a confirmation that she wants him as much as

He is holding her curved hips in place before diving in between her thighs her scent is welcoming
she tastes soo good.
She screamed his name as his tongue swirl against her clit and pushes his head further inside him.

His name sounded right coming out of her mouth.

She could fill that all her nerves have congested in her clit she is on the verge of explode her body
tension up and her toes have curled she holding his sheet into a fist.

She screamed his name before she exploded on his face.

She squirted that was joy to his heart he wiped his face and put on his condom.
She watched wondering if she will be able to take his thick size.

He goes to her lips and they stare at each other before their lips touch again passing an electrifying
between them.

They both felt it they can't deny it and it has fuelled something more.
He rubs himself on her entrance before gentle pushes himself inside her.
It was a struggle she was so tight.
Ntsika:"Are you okay?" He asked making sure she was comfortable with everything.
Nkanyezi:"Yes I'm good" she thought it was going to hurt but he was gentle with her there was a little
bit of pain but more pleasure.
He pushes himself more inside her until her vaginal wall clenches on him and he was fully in.
Ntsika:"Oh my God!" They say man don't moan but he did this felt like heaven for him and the
warmth inside her felt like home.
He was even afraid to move inside of her he is scared he isn't going to last long.
He takes a deep breath before thrusting in her.
She moaned in his mouth while she dig her nails on his back.
Her moans drove him crazy he didn't want to be rough with her but the pleasure he was getting
drove him to the edge.
He starts pounding inside her harder and deeper.
Soon Nkanyezi orgasm came crashing on her and Ntsika's also followed suit.
He thanked his ancestors for being him through out he really didn't want to perform poorly on her
first time.
He stayed inside her he liked being there.
Ntsika:"Are you okay?" She was more okay.
Nkanyezi:"I'm good" they stayed in comfortable silence for a while funny enough she didn't want him
to move from inside her too "I have to go" she said playing with his hair.
Ntsika:"Can't you stay longer?" She sigh.
Nkanyezi:"Bheki might come back any minute now it's almost midnight" he groaned and sucked her
nipples "Ntsika!" that came out as a moan instead of reprimand.
Ntsika:"I want more of you" he said biting her nipple a bit.
She could feel him get hard inside her again her clit throbs to the feeling.
He pulled out and put a new condom before sliding back inside her wet folds until her vagina took all
of him in.
Nkanyezi:"Don't stop please!" She said as he digs deep inside of her as if he was burying
Their skin touching one another was perfect.
They enjoy each other the second time it was longer and more passionate.
Nothing mattered at the moment just them.
Soon their bodies slum against each other as they both get their orgasm.
Ntsika:" Don't marry him legally atleast not yet" she looked at him his eyes were begging her.
Nkanyezi:"Ntsika don't make things difficult we both know this is wrong" they stare at each other and
intertwined their fingers.
Ntsika:" what if it's not Star" she touched his face.
Nkanyezi:" Even if it wasn't we can't hurt Bheki like that" she said standing up.
Ntsika:"Can you hurt me like that?" She turned to look at him the stare was intense.
Nkanyezi:"You are forbidden to me" she dressed up and walked out without saying anything else.
Ntsika slum against the bed he knows what he feels for her but is he ready to go against his brother
for her? Is she worth it?
It has been months since I saw Lutho our last encounter was the day Babalwa lose her baby yes
now I know she lost it because she wrote me a message that I killed her baby.

The past four months I have been focusing on my school as much as I can do I could forget
everything but I was hoping for the impossible as the evidence of what happened between me and
Lutho is inside my stomach.

I have been dragging going home even at school I wear baggy clothes my fashion sense had to
change I was hiding my pregnancy even Rachel doesn't know.

I can seem to even imagine my parent's look when they find out about this especially who the father

I wanted to abort but I couldn't go through the doors at the clinic and now it's like I'm regretting that
decision everyday as my exam are soon to be done.

And the fact that Babalwa lost her baby because of me while I get to keep the one I'm carrying
makes me guilty.
Rachel:" Earth to Emihle!" She said shaking me.
Me:"What were you saying?" She sigh and look at me.
Rachel:" Emihle this is almost your last paper you can't lose focus like this" I nod.
Me:"I'm sorry can we do this tomorrow?"
Rachel:"Emihle I'm worried about you this behaviour of yours it's new"
Me:"I just need some time"
Rachel:"Is this about that Lutho guy?" I looked at her.
Me:"Of course not have a goodnight" I stood up and went to my room.
I took my phone complimenting if I should call my mother or not.
I decided not to do it my life is a mess right now because of my stupidity.

After what happened between me and Ntsika I went to the kitchen to drink water.
I drank it as if it would wash away the sin I just committed.
The passion I felt with him that wasn't just sex it was beyond that.
I was scared that I was going to remember the rape but the gentleness and care he showed made
me forget about everything.

I always tell myself that what I feel for him is just nothing.
It can't be something Bheki is the brother I married he has helped me and looked beyond the scars I
had he loved me even after seeing the state I was in after my rape ordeal.

Why am I betraying him like this? Why can't I control myself when it comes to his little brother?
Shouldn't he be the one I can't control myself around not his brother?

I have soo many questions but no answers to any.

I walked out to the house me and Bheki sleeps in I looked at Ntsika's house the lights were still on
his question about me being capable of hurting him was haunting my mind.

The sensation of him being inside me comes back I quickly walked inside my matrimonial room and
slammed the door before leaning against it while closing my eyes and try to calm down the tingling
feeling in me that reminds of him.
" Where were you?!" I jumped and opened my eyes my eyes land on Bheki who was sitting on our
bed that was still freshly made.
Bheki:"Where are you coming from?!" His voice is calm but his eyes are carrying a wave of anger.

I'm stuck at the door still thinking of something to say he stood up he can't walk towards not now
when Ntsika's scent is all over me and I still smell of sex.

His stare is surely making me uncomfortable I could feel a drop of my sweat on my forehead.
I have never been able to lie since I was young even at school.
But now I'm forced to lie how do I possibly tell my husband that I was busy rolling in his brother's
Me:"I was at the kitchen" he looked at me with his eyebrows raised.
Bheki:"At this time it's midnight Nkanyezi I'm not stupid" he said about to walk close to me I need to
think faster.
Me:"what are you talking? I was in the kitchen and decided to watch TV I fell asleep while watching
TV" he looked at me I maintain eye contact so he doesn't doubt my answer.
Bheki:" I was worried about you" his eyes have soften and he tries walking towards me.
Me:"I'm going to the bathroom"
Me:"Bheki where did you think I was?" He squirm.
Bheki:"I was just worried about you Nkanyezi you are my wife and I couldn't find you in our bed in
the middle of the night" I chuckled.
Me:"You also went out to God knows where and came back at midnight but I didn't question your
whereabouts" he sigh.
Bheki:"Nkanyezi I didn't mean it like that"
Me:"Yeah right" I walked to the bathroom and closed the door.
I took a quick shower that was a close call I barely made any lie up.
Getting rid of Ntsika's scent from me was a process I could get rid of his scent but I can't get rid of
what happened between us.

I got out of the bathroom Bheki was already inside the blankets.
The thought of sleeping right next to my husband after giving myself to his brother it was just making
my stomach turn.

But I had no choice I got inside the covers then switched off my side lamp.
He put his arm around me like usual my body immediately rejects his touch as it tension up.
Bheki:"Are you okay?" He felt it too I quickly nod.
Me:"I'm just tired" he nods.
Bheki:"I'm sorry about how I reacted" I feel bad for doing this to him.
Me:"It's okay I'm sorry too"
Bheki:"I love you so much Madlomo"
Me:"I love you too Memela"

I don't know when did sleep take over me as I kept tossing the whole night.
I managed to sleep few hours I soon had to wake up and make breakfast.
Surprisingly my mother in law was already in the kitchen making breakfast.
She was in a good mood singing a few church song.
Me:"Good morning Ma" she turned to look at me and smiled.
Ma:"Nkanyezi how are you sis?" That's the first.
Me:"I'm good Ma how are you?"
Ma:"I'm good too

you can sit down I'm almost done or go back to bed to join your husband until it's breakfast time" she
said nicely I'm really confused by her behaviour.
Me:"It's okay I will just help with setting the table breakfast is in 30 minutes" she nods.
Ma:"Thank you" I helped her fix the table.
Mr Memela walked in and looked at his wife confused.
Father:"What's the occasion?" He said with exactly my reaction.
Ma:"What do you mean?"
Father:"Then what are you doing in the kitchen?" She laughed
Ma:"Well I woke up in high spirit" he just nods.
Bheki walked in and we settled down everyone was here except for Ntsika he soon walked on his
formal clothes and his white coat on his left arm with a briefcase on his right hand.
He looked rather handsome I quickly looked back to my food.
He settled right next to me I almost choked I'm now in between him and Bheki why is he doing this.
Ntsika:"Good morning family" her mother frowned after starring at the door as if she was expecting
Ma:"Ntsika where is Bella?" Ntsika looked at her confused.
Ntsika:"Why would Bella be here?" He said sipping on his juice.
Ma:" Come on I know she slept here" she said with a smile.
Ntsika:"Bella didn't sleep here I don't know why would you think of that?" He said sipping on his juice
Ma:" Ntsika! Who was having sex with you last night" Ntsika spit his juice and choked in the process
while my heart is beating loudly and harder against my chest I feel like it's about to come out of my
Ma:"I'm not stupid I heard sex sounds"
Ntsika:"What were you doing near my house at night?!"
Ma:"You are not answering me! Are you cheating on my daughter in law" Ntsika laughed.
Ntsika:"Your daughter in law?! Bella isn't my wife and she will never be who I sleep with its none of
your business and stay out of my business woman!" He was suddenly pissed.
Ma:"Ntsika I'm still your mother and Bella is a good girl"
Ntsika:"Then act like my mother not some control freak if you think Bella is a good girl then marry her
yourself! And leave me out of it" he said standing up.
Father:"Ntsika sit down!"
Ntsika:"No I lost my appetite" he took his things and walked out.
Now it makes sense why was she happy she thought her daughter in-law slept here.
Bheki:" Ntsika will never change" he said a mouthful.

After breakfast I went to my room so I could prepare to go to ranch.

Bheki walked in and looked at me.
Bheki:"You are going to Ranch?" I nod "I thought we were going to spend time together"
Me:"What did you have in mind?"
Bheki:"I don't know let's just stay and watch movies"
Me:"Okay then"
Bheki:"So Ntsika was sleeping with someone else who is not his girlfriend"
Me:"Can you stay out of it?" He looked at me.
Bheki:" Yeah I feel sorry for the girl thou imagine sleeping with a bastard" he said and laughed.
Me:"Why are you involving yourself in his business too much? And besides I thought we were
suppose to spend time together so it's like you are going to talk about your brother the whole time"
Bheki:"I'm sorry babe it's just Ntsika gets under my skin way too much" I just kept quiet because it is
seems like he is the one with issues with Ntsika because Ntsika always told me that he do rather
keep quiet than say anything bad about my husband and here he is talking ill of him I wonder what
Bheki:"So about the wedding"
Me:" I don't want to get married at least not yet" he looked at me.
Bheki:"I thought you said you wanted to get married in a month"
Me:"That was before yesterday"

What kind of a mother listen to their son having sex.
I was really upset this morning especially with her bringing Bella up during breakfast I could see how
it immediately made Nkanyezi uncomfortable I could hear her breath change.

Speaking of her I couldn't sleep last night I kept thinking about everything that happened between us
how passionate everything was.

The more I think about it it's the more I'm thinking about fighting for her.
After she left yesterday I have realised that the second condom busted inside of her.
I don't know what I should do I don't know if I should tell her or just let it be.

I mean her being pregnant by me would be a dream come through but it would also be selfish of me
to not saying anything to her so she can make a choice that's good for her.

I haven't talked to Bella since that day now that I see her approach I don't know what I will say to her
I don't want to hurt her.
Worse part I have been avoiding her the whole two days.
Bella:"Hi" you could see she wasn't pleased by me going a whole two days without saying anything
to her.
Me:"Hey how are you?" She chuckled bitterly.
Bella:" How do you think I am Ntsika Memela huh?" I scoffed.
Me:"I'm sorry about that"
Bella:" What's going on Ntsika?" She said calmly yet you can see that she was hurt I sigh.
Me:" Bella I'm hurting you we both can see that so I think it's best that we end this before I hurt you
more because I know I'm going to hurt you" her eyes are already swimming in tears.
Bella:"Ntsika I told you that I can't date because you are going to hurt me but you begged me to be
with you"
Me:"I never promised not to hurt you Bella" she threw her bag at me it hit me in the face since it
caught me off guard.
Bella:" You are a dog Ntsika!" She screamed and threw punches on my chest I held her hands.
Me:" Bella please stop this madness you are causing an unnecessary scene. I'm sorry that I have
hurt you but it's better to end it now than later. I'm sorry" the security approach us.
Security:" is everything okay?"
Bella:"Does anything look okay to you" she clicked her tongue and grabbed her bag then walked
The security looked at me for an answer.
Me:" Everything is okay grootman" he nods I walked back inside.
"Memela I won't have this nonsense this is a work place not some fighting club" that's my senior
Me:"I'm sorry sir" My day seem to be getting worse every minute.

I was going back to the city tomorrow and I was spending more time with my wife.
But she seemed to be absent minded through out the whole time.

It must be how I acted yesterday night I couldn't help myself but be angry.
I mean when I got home our bed was still freshly made and it was midnight.

She is trying to concentrate but her thoughts just seemed to be trailing off I wonder what is she
thinking about.

If I knew things were going to be like this when I come home I wouldn't have come back.
She has fallen asleep during the movie so I decided to go through her phone it might give me a clue
of what's happening with her.

I took it and it was easy to figure out her pin.

I went through everything then Ntsika's name caught my eye why does she even have his number?.

I read through their message


why does she even have his number?.

I read through their message it seems like I'm reading a conversation between people who have
known each other for the longest time they last spoke two weeks ago and I just find out they went to
the mall together without my knowledge.

I feel like I'm losing my mind as I repeatedly read her text to him you could feel the energy she was
projecting from the text she sounds happy and free.
I quickly stood up and walked out to get some air I feel like I'm suffocating.
Even though there was nothing suspicious of them speaking but them even having a close
relationship with each other is unsettling for me.

I took out a cigarette I barely smoke unless I'm stressed out.

"Why are you smoking?" Mom said walking close to me.
Me:"Just rewinding that's all" she chuckled.
Mom:"I'm your mother so you should know by now that I know you very well so tell me what's
bothering?" I looked at her.
Me:"I don't like the friendship between my wife and my brother I just found out they went to the mall
together without my knowledge" she sigh.
Mom:" I don't like it too but we are all family here" I chuckled because that sounds like bull to me.
Me:"You knew about this and decided not to say anything to me"
Mom:" Ntsika is your brother so---"
Me:"Stop it right there! That bastard is now my brother he is just a ma--" a slap lands on my cheek.
Mom:"Don't you ever Bheki! Don't you dare do you hear me?!" She is trembling with anger.
Me:" I need him far away from my wife"
Mom:"Maybe you should take your wife to the city with you then" my body tense up "Yeah I thought
as much" she walked away.
I sigh and took out then called Monde she quickly picks up.
Monde:"Babe!" She said with exciting the same exciting I wish I was getting from my wife.
Me:"Hey how are you?"
Monde:"I'm good just missing you and how are you?"
Me:"I just want to come back already" she chuckled causing me to smile.
Monde:"Then come back home love"
Me:"I will be there tomorrow morning"
Monde:"You promise"
Me:"I promise"
Monde:"Okay I love you"
Me:"I love you too Monde" I end the call feeling better.
I need to take care of the situation with Ntsika I need to find a way of getting in between them.

I couldn't even spend some quality time with my husband without my thoughts trailing off.
I need to take care of the situation before it gets out of hand.

I don't care how someone seems me right now but I need to try and get rid of Ntsika on me.
Maybe I keep thinking of what happened between us because he is the only man I have given
myself to.

Allowing my husband to have me is the only way of getting rid of him.

I woke up after I zoned out and fell asleep during the movie.

My husband wasn't next to me I sigh and stood up.

I got inside the bathroom and washed my face and mouth.

I decided to take a quick shower after I washed my face.

After that I went to my closet and took out a silk gown that he bought for me.
I wore it without any underwear and sat on top of the bed.

I took my phone and went to my brother's number I wanted to call him but I knew he is working so I
just dropped a hey text on WhatsApp.

Me and Lutho talk everyday and I can't help but feel like he is not the happy Lutho I know.
He tries to hide it but I know my brother very well so I need him to open up on me so I could be there
for him like he was for all these years.

Just then my husband walked in with his phone on his hand.

He sits at the edge of the bed without saying anything.
Me:"I'm sorry for falling asleep during our movie session"
Bheki:"it's okay" he said dismissively without even looking at me.
I sigh and stood up I went to stand in front of him.
Me:"I'm sorry" I said untying my gown and drops it on the floor.
He swallowed looking at me tongue tied.
Bheki:"Uh what are you doing?" You could see the edge of touching my nakedness is killing him.
Me:" Make love to me" his hands immediately ran to my thighs he stood up and kissed me I could
taste cigarettes on his mouth with a mix of mint.
He gently pushed me to bed while he undress himself.
We are both naked his touch is soft but it doesn't get me to the edge anytime soon.

I soon feel his breath in between my thighs he slowly rubs his finger on my clit then devour on my clit
and folds that seems to do the trick as I feel myself enjoying the moment.

He keeps eating me out until I was wet enough and horny for him.
He comes back to my mouth and kiss me hungrily I return the favour.

I watched him put on his condom my body goes cold.

He comes back to my mouth and kissed me I can't back to the zone I was in.

My body trembles as the darkness of that night engulfed my mind and my heart rate has increased.
He is rubbing himself on my entrance as tears rolls to sides of my eyes.
I quickly pushed him so hard that he hits the floor.
Bheki:"Nkanyezi!" He screamed looking at me my eyes are blurry with tears I covered myself up
while trembling.
Me:"Did you do it?" He looked at me confused.
Bheki:" Do what?"
Me:" Did you rape me? Did you rape me Bheki!" I said breaking down.
My whole body is shaking and my tears are gushing down.

I was trembling everything nerve on my body has been instilled.
The room has become cold in an instant so has his eyes his eyes are suddenly ice cold.

I'm shaking like a leaf under the cover I must be wrong.

Bheki couldn't have done such to me he loves me.

He was staring at me with his cold stare but quickly his eyes softens.
He sigh and walked towards the bed.
Me:"No please don't come near me" I crawled backwards to the wall and he stopped in his trail.
Bheki:"Babe" he said softly I just kept quiet "Nkanyezi I will never hurt you like that"
I feel numb I can't say anything right now I don't know what to think.
My mind could be playing tricks on me but why would I be triggered by him not Ntsika? Why would I
go trail back to that night with him? Why him?
Bheki:"I will sleep in the guests wrong" he said that and walked out.
Leaving me with unaswered thoughts I quickly went to the closet and put on some clothes.

I couldn't sleep the entire night I didn't even go for dinner.

I was pretty much shaken and I couldn't stomach anything.

It was now in the morning and Bheki did in fact sleep in the guest room.
I even locked the door I kept crying the whole night.

Someone tried pushing the door but it was locked a soft knock followed.
"Nkanyezi" Bheki said on the other side of the door.
I went to open the door and he walked in he looked at me.
Bheki:"Are you still in pyjamas?" He said looking at me "We need to go for breakfast"
Me:"I'm not hungry" he sighed looking at me I just go inside the covers.
Bheki:" Nkanyezi the family was already asking why you were not having dinner with us now it's
gonna be breakfast"
Me:"Just tell them I'm not okay"
Bheki:"We have a doctor in the house Nkanyezi so that excuse is just stupid" he said with
annoyance I'm gutted and he must be also be angry after I accused him of such thing but I can't help
it too.
Bheki:"You know what? Do what you want" he said and grabbed his sports bag.
Me:"Where are you going?" He chuckled.
Bheki:" I'm going where I'm wanted" he walked out and slammed the door.
That escalated faster than I thought I soon hear his car drive off.
The door flew open my mother in law is standing at the door fumming I don't even know why.
Ma:"What did you do to my son?"
Me:"What are you talking about?"
Ma:"He just left Nkanyezi to go to the sit you could see that he wasn't okay it's obvious you did
something to him"
Me:"Why are you all over my marriage it's annoying Ma is your marriage that boring so much so that
you have to be all over your children's business?" I don't know what came all over me. She slapped
Ma:" I don't know what my son saw in you but I'm not going to allow you to turn my family into a
laughing stock like yours in this village I'm not going to allow you to wreck my family like that"
Me:"I would like to freshen up please" she chuckled.
Ma:" And after that go do your wifely duties wake up and smell the coffee because you will lose
Bheki and losing Bheki means you lose this lifestyle we are providing you. You will go back to your
poor family" she said that and left.

I don't know why her behaviour has changed towards me it's like she suddenly hates my gut.
For a wife I wasn't worried that Bheki left me for the city I was relieved.

Me and Bheki have been dating for a long time now I don't want to lie I love the guy with my whole
being but I just feel like there is something he is hiding from me I can't pin point it.

He always wanted me to meet his family and all I was just not ready for it now that I'm ready for it he
just seem to have an excuse to why I can't meet them yet.

He walked in looking like he just saw a ghost and he is troubled.

He doesn't say anything but rather go to our room.
I followed him there confusion is all over my face.
Me:"Babe" he looks at me "What's going on? You just passed me like that in the living room"
Bheki:"I'm sorry"
Me:" What's going on? Did something happen at home?"
Bheki:"Nothing happened!" He yelled causing me to jump but then composed himself "Can I be
I walked out feeling all sort of confused feelings from the situation.
I took my phone and looked for a friend's number.
His phone rang a few times before he picked it up.
Zayn:"Monde!" He said breathing heavily.
Me:" Are you busy?"
Zayn:"Yeah I was about to have my second orgasm so there better be a good reason you deprived
me of such" I roll my eyes.
Me:"It's important

now that I'm ready for it he just seem to have an excuse to why I can't meet them yet.

He walked in looking like he just saw a ghost and he is troubled.

He doesn't say anything but rather go to our room.
I followed him there confusion is all over my face.
Me:"Babe" he looks at me "What's going on? You just passed me like that in the living room"
Bheki:"I'm sorry"
Me:" What's going on? Did something happen at home?"
Bheki:"Nothing happened!" He yelled causing me to jump but then composed himself "Can I be
I walked out feeling all sort of confused feelings from the situation.
I took my phone and looked for a friend's number.
His phone rang a few times before he picked it up.
Zayn:"Monde!" He said breathing heavily.
Me:" Are you busy?"
Zayn:"Yeah I was about to have my second orgasm so there better be a good reason you deprived
me of such" I roll my eyes.
Me:"It's important I need your skills" he sigh.
Zayn:"They are going to cost"
Me:"I will pay" I hear him shift.
Zayn:" Okay shoot"


I was getting worried about Nkanyezi it's like she is in dark place.
She barely talks to anyone she just do what she does then go back her room.
It's taking everything in me not to kill that door open so we could talk.
I don't know what happened to her I just wish she could open up.

I see her by the tank fetching water I quickly stand this is my opportunity to talk to her.
Me:"Nkanyezi!" She jumped and turned looking at me.
Nkanyezi:"Don't sneaky up on me like that!" Her eyes welled up.
Me:" Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you"
Nkanyezi:" What do you want Ntsika" she said wiping the little tears that have escaped her eyes I'm
immediately worried about her.
Me:"Nkanyezi talk to me" she looked at me "You are worrying me!"
Nkanyezi:"Please stay away from me Ntsika"
Me:"Not until you tell me what's wrong did Bheki hurt you?" She looked at me
Nkanyezi:" Bheki is my husband she will never hurt me and just because I rolled in between the
sheets with you it doesn't mean you know me and it absolutely doesn't give you a right to speak like
that about my husband"
Me:"What's your problem? Why are you projecting on the wrong person?" She just picked the bucket
but I stopped her the water just spill on the ground.
Nkanyezi:"I'm sorry" she said breaking down.
Me:"It's okay do you want to get out of here?" She quickly nods.
We got inside my car and I drove off.
Nkanyezi:"Where are we going?" She said looking at me.
Me:"You will see"
It wasn't long before we see the lake her eyes lighten up.
Me:"Let's go" we both got out.
Soon we settled on the bunch she looked at me.
Nkanyezi:"I'm sorry about what I said earlier on"
Me:"It's okay just tell me what's wrong?" I said touching her hand.
Nkanyezi:"Not now please" she said playing with my fingers.
Me:"Okay then"
We ended up staying till it was dark.
Nkanyezi:"You were right this place is more beautiful at night" we were now lying on our back on the
Me:"I'm glad you like it" she smiled "I love you" those words slip out of my mouth.
Nkanyezi:"Ntsika..I.." I cut her off
Me:"It's better you not say anything than say something that's going to break my heart" she sat up.
Nkanyezi:" I tried sleeping with Bheki" that was like a stab in the heart.
Me:"What?" Why am I surprised that's her husband.
Nkanyezi:"I wanted to forget you I wanted to get you out of my system Ntsika but I just..." She said
sniffing her tears away.
Me:" And you just what?"
Nkanyezi:"When we were about to do it my rape scene came crashing like a wave in my mind" she
said trembling.
Me:"Nkanyezi breathe" she took a deep breath.
Nkanyezi:" I accused him of raping me" my body went numb.
Me:"What did he say?"
Nkanyezi:"Not much just said he would never hurt me but I can't get the thoughts of him being
possible the one who did it out of my mind"
Me:" I'm so sorry" I said pulling her to my arms he couldn't have done it again Or did he do it?


She have been better ever since we talked it has been the best three weeks of my life.
We have been seeing each other ever since that day.

Bheki hasn't come back ever since then I was relieved because I don't think I can call back to the
dynamic of not seeing her.

It suck that we have to see each other secretly but there was some thrill to it.
I was start to discover more sides of her and I'm falling in love with every side of her.

But my mind was still haunting me I kept wondering if Bheki was the one who raped her.
I mean the pattern of rapes were the same he would rape a girl and play hero after that.

Yes my brother has raped before not one girl but three of them.
When he was finally caught my parents protected their precious son without even thinking of the
victims the pain and fear he instilled in them.
Ever since then he stopped but now Nkanyezi's rape is just something else something I can't take
lying down.

I couldn't have helped those guys because I was young myself but I can surely do something about
Nkanyezi:"What are you thinking about?" She said looking at me.
Me:"I hate that we have to see each other like this" we were in one of our favourite spot.
Nkanyezi:" I hate it too" I looked at her "What?" She smiled and looked aside.
Me:"Nothing" she chuckled and looked at me again.
Nkanyezi:"I never had sex in a car before" we haven't slept together again I just wanted her to be
emotionally well.
Me:"You want to have sex in the car" I smirked.
Nkanyezi:" Will you stop being cocky?" I laughed and leaned back.
Me:"Hop on top of me"
Nkanyezi:"What? NO!"
Me:"I thought you wanted to have sex in the car" she was getting comfortable with me I loved that.
Nkanyezi:" Of course I do but I never been on top of a man before" she said I chuckled.
Me:" Then you will learn"
Nkanyezi:"I don't think a car would be a good space for a learner you know"
Me:"Well okay then" she bite her inner lip.
Nkanyezi:"The back is spacious though" I laughed.
Me:"Ain't you crazy Star"
Nkanyezi:"Maybe I am crazy about you" I looked at her.
Me:"What?" She returns the look we are now staring at each other.
Nkanyezi:" I think I have fallen for you Ntsika Memela" My heart skips with excitement she hasn't
said anything like this before I have always been the one that voice out my feelings.
Me:"Star" that came out as a whisper on my part.
Nkanyezi:"I love you too" you could feel our heartbeats that has filled the whole car.
Me:"If we don't calm down one of us or both of us is going to have a heart attack"
Nkanyezi:"And we both die Romeo and Juliet style" we burst out of laughter her eyes are sparkling
Me:"You are crazy Star"
Nkanyezi:" I have something to tell you please don't be mad"
Me:"Why would I be mad?" She shifted.
Nkanyezi:" just promise me you won't be mad" I sigh
Me:"Fine I promise" she bite her lower lip.
Nkanyezi:" Your mother slapped me"
Me:"What?! When!?"
Nkanyezi:"The last day Bheki was at home"
Me:"And you didn't say anything until now!"
Nkanyezi:"You promised not to be mad" I sigh
Me:"That woman is going to hear from me"
Nkanyezi:" No I don't want to cause any trouble Ntsika she already suspect that something is going
on between us. She hates me so please don't fuel the fire please" she said giving me her puppy
eyes I hate that they make me weak.
Me:"Fine but if she slaps you again slap her back" she gasp in shock.
Nkanyezi:"Hay Ntsika I can't slap your mother"
Me:"Well if you don't slap her back I will slap you"
Nkanyezi:" Hay Ntsika" she said laughing.
Me:"Sleep in my house too I will teach you how to be on top"
Nkanyezi:"Ntsika thats risky"
Me:"Risky is fun and besides I will make you feel good" I said running my hand on her thighs she
close her eyes her breath hinches when I move her underwear to the side and rub on her clit.
Nkanyezi:"Okay I will sleep in your room tonight"
Me:"Good" I said slowly removing my finger she opens her eyes and grabbed my arm.
Nkanyezi:"Why are you stopping?" She said looking at me in the eyes.
I smashed my lips on hers and put back my finger in her clit

she moaned in my mouth.

It has been three weeks since Bheki came back home.
The first week was intense in this apartment I didn't know what was going on with him and I still don't

He kept having weird dreams about police and he was starting to get paranoid.
Then when he woke up from his dreams he would say he doesn't remember anything I just didn't
buy that.

The second week he started snapping out of it and now I could say we were in a better place.
He is the old Bheki I fell in love with I just wish he would tell me what happened at home that made
him the way he was.
He hasn't even went home for the past three weeks.
Bheki:" Good morning my love" he said wrapping his arms around me from the back.
Me:"Hey babe your breakfast is in the oven" he sigh.
Bheki:"I have a meeting in 15 minutes I will grab breakfast at the office" I nod.
Me:"Well okay"
Bheki:"Please come to the office during lunch" he said grabbing my ass instantly make me feel hot.
Me:" I can't babe I have a friend coming over"
Bheki:"What friend?"
Me:"Zayn" he frowned he hates Zayn's guts.
Bheki:"I don't like that guy Nomonde he can't even hide that he wants you"
Me:"He doesn't babe go for your meeting you are late" he sigh and kissed my forehead.
Bheki:" I love you and you are mine alone remember that"
Me:"I love you too" he walked out.

Ten minutes later Zayn arrived and I let him inz he has a file on his hand my armpits immediately
starts itching.
Zayn:" Get a tarquilla and two glasses" he said before sitting down.
I quickly take what he says and joined him on the couch.
Me:"What did you find that's a big file?" He just chuckled and pour himself a glass of tarquilla then
gulped it down.
Zayn:" Your boyfriend have such a sheet"
Me:"What's going on?"
Zayn:" Well your boyfriend for starters he is from a well known influential family in the village spoilt
brat if you ask me" I sigh.
Me:"Get to the point"
Zayn:" Well every girl wants him but they can't" I roll my eyes.
Me:"Obviously he has a girlfriend in the city" he laughed until he choked.
Zayn:"Oh no sweetheart it's not because of you' I frowned.
Me:"What do you mean?"
Zayn:" Your boyfriend has a freaken wife" I burst out of laughter but stopped when I realise that he is
not laughing.
Me:" What?" I said feeling like I'm about to pass out.
Zayn:" Well they got married few months ago traditionally" my heart is my stomach as he shows me
the pictures the tears quickly cover my eyes "I'm sorry!" I grabbed the picture from his hand and
stood up.
Zayn:"Where are you going? I'm not even done yet"
Me:" I don't care!" I grabbed my car keys and went to my car.

The drive to these dusty roads were not smooth but I turned two hour drive into a 45 minutes drive.
I kept asking for the Mamela homestead until I reached this big home it is beautiful to be in a village.

I spot exactly the person I want to see I took a deep breath.

I wave my hand after I stepped out of the car.
She hesitantly walked towards the gate the pictures did this girl no justice she is a dark beautiful girl
her natural face has zero pimples and her glowly eyes sealed the look.
Her body is something I don't even want to explain I will choke in my tears she is practically a dark
walking Barbie I immediately feel my eyes burn I'm gutted I quickly wiped them before she reached
Me:"Nkanyezi" I said clearing my throat she looked at me confused her eyes are hypnotic.
Nkanyezi:" Yes can I help you?"
Me:"I'm Nomonde" she looked at me still confused it's pretty evident she never heard of me.

I left Ntsika's room in the early hours of morning indeed he did teach me how to be on top although it
was a struggle because of discomfort and pain but I was soon into it.

Ntsika is a natural person he is making it easier for me to fall in love with him every day whereas
with Bheki I felt like I need to love him as a leverage of what he did for me.
When it came to the rape my thoughts still can't get over the face that Bheki triggered me somehow
it's like he was familiar to my body not in a good way though.

It was taboo that I was falling deeply in love for my brother in law and what I thought I felt for Bheki
was soon fading away because it was never real I felt like I owned him for being my saviour that

I was now standing in front of the lady that just waved for me to attend to her I was still wondering
where do I know her from but nothing pops up because I don't know her.

What surprised me is that she knows me and she is not even from around here because I would
have known her if she was from here this village is pretty small everybody knows each other.
Me:"Uh I'm sorry do I know you?" She quickly shook her head.
Nomonde:"No you don't know me I shouldn't have come here" she said with tears already filling her
Me:"What's going on? Please don't cry" she shook her head you could see the pain in her eyes was
Nomonde:" I have been living a lie and it hurts so much" I'm confused with everything that's going
Me:"I'm sorry" that's all I managed to say.
Nomonde:" I need to talk to you it's very important" she said looking at me I raised my eyebrows
because I don't know what she could possible talk about with me.
Me:"Uh okay please come in" I opened the gate she locked her fancy car and we walked inside.

I decided not to take her in the main house since my mother in law is around I took her to my
matrimonial house.
Me:"Please sit" she looked around before sitting down.
Nomonde:"I'm sorry for barging in your home like this"
Me:"It's okay"
Nomonde:"I know you are wondering who am I and what do I want?"
Me:"Well you are not wrong because that's exactly what I want" she sigh.
Nomonde:"Well there's no way to say this but here it is you are married to my boyfriend?"
Me:"Married to your what?" I said very confused.
Nomonde:"Bheki your husband is my boyfriend of about 5 years now" I choked on my saliva.
Me:"I'm so sorry this is confusing my husband is your boyfriend?" She slowly nods I quickly become
dizzy who is Bheki? Who the fuck did I marry?
Nomonde:"I'm not here to cause any trouble I just wanted to see it for myself. Now it makes sense
why he didn't want me to visit here because he has a wife" you could hear the pain and hurt from her
Me:"I'm sorry that he did that to you" she chuckled.
Nomonde:"You seem like you don't care" I sigh if it was before I would be hurt but now I'm not
because it seems like I wasn't the only one living a double life.
Me:"It's not that don't worry about it you can keep him"
Nomonde:"What? Just like that am I missing something?"
Me:"Me and you don't know each other so you can't expect me to tell you about my personal life"
she swallowed.
Nomonde:"I'm sorry I should go"
Me:"Yeah you should" she stand up and quickly walked out.
I'm done with this I can't do it anymore.
It's a good thing that I came here with nothing so I have nothing to take with me.
"where are you going?" I turned around to find my mother in law.
Me:"I'm going for some fresh air" she chuckled.
Ma:"You are not going anywhere

I already called Bheki and told him that his girlfriend was here" I looked at her with shock.
Me:" You knew about this?"
Ma:"I know everything that goes on in this house I mean everything" she emphasis everything.
Me:"You are the reason Bheki is the way he is" she snatched the phone out of my hand.
Ma:"You will wait for your husband here" she walked out and locked me inside.
This family is sick they are no different from my own family if not worse.
I took my laptop and login on Facebook I left a text message for Ntsika with the hope that he
answers quickly.

I have been sitting here for over an hour and there is no way of getting out of this room.
Ntsika hadn't answered the message he must be busy at work.

Soon I hear a car pulling outside I quickly went to check the window and it's Bheki's car my heart is
racing as I see him quickly running inside the main house.
He comes out with his mother following him they are talking about something.
I quickly stepped away from the window the door opens we both stared at each other.
Bheki:"Hey" he said walking further in I just kept quiet "Do you want to sit down so we could talk"
Me:"No Bheki I want to go home!" His mother clapped her hands.
Ma:"Bheki look at the trouble you brought us she is going tarnish our family's name" I laughed.
Me:"What family Gloria?! This is not even close to what you call a family!"
Ma:"Did you call me by my name."
Me:"I did what are you going to do? Slap me" she charged to me but I was quick enough to be the
one who slapped her.
Bheki:"Nkanyezi!" He said rushing to his mother who was holding her cheek in shock.
Ma:"She slapped me!" She dramatically said.
Me:"And come near me again I will do more than slapping you!" I don't know where is this Nkanyezi
coming from.
Bheki:"Let me talk to Nkanyezi leave us alone" she walked out I was now left with an angry Bheki.
Me:"You lied to me!"
Bheki:" To help you" Is he trying to manipulate me right now?
Me:"No you are sick and a two-timing bastard Bheki"
Bheki:"You are so ungrateful!" I just stood up "Where are you going?"
Me:"Home!" I passed him I was about to walk out when I felt his hand grab me by my afro "Bheki!" I
screamed as he shoved me face down to the bed.
He stand there looking at me fuming.
Bheki:"You think I will let you leave!" He roared I kept quiet while I look at him "I paid a lot of money
for you and thank God your parents love money I paid them more every month I don't think they can
afford to pay me back the money they owe me!"
Me:"That's their problem not my problem Bheki but theirs!" I said standing up again but he quickly
came to me and grabbed me by my throat.
My phone rang from his hand and Ntsika's name popped up.
Bheki:"This bastard!" He threw the phone against the wall and squeeze my neck tight.
Me:"Bh... Bheki..you are hurting me!" I said gasping my husband.
Bheki:"You two are fucking" he shoved me back to bed I hold my neck coughing violently and
gasping for air.
He crawled to me and press my side face down on the bed.
Bheki:"You asked me if I raped you" a smile came through his face and my body immediately went
cold "Yes I did Nkanyezi God you were so good tight and warm. You were different from the others
you gave me your pride and I knew I had to keep you" a sob escape my mouth as he sniffs my hair
"God your scream drove me crazy that night and you remember that night you let me touch you and
eat your pussy" tears gushed down to my cheeks as he ran his hand on my thigh.
Me:"Bheki please don't" he chuckled.
Bheki:" Didn't you want me to make love to you I'm giving you what you wanted" my spine just goes
Me:"It doesn't have to be like this"
Bheki:"I'm doing nothing wrong I'm your husband" I shook my head and pushed him so hard that he
fell off the bed.
I stood up and ran but he grabbed my let I hit face down on the floor.
He stood up and started punching me and kicking me.
Bheki:"You see what you made me do!?" That's the last thing I remember as I lose consciousness.


After passing out I don't remember much after that than after waking up in a smell of medication it
was pretty evident that I was in hospital my mind is still haunted by the horrific events that took

I remember the excessive pain each punch carry how each kick felt like it was breaking my bone.

His confession of raping me was like a broken record to know that he wasn't sorry about and how he
fooled me into believing that he was my hero and my saviour just hurts me to the core.

I was ready to spend my whole life with my own rapist not only was he my rapist but he had done
this before he has broken so many innocent girls before me.

I opened my eyes and everything part of my body hurts like hell.

My throat is swollen I tried to move to make sense of my surroundings I whimpered in pain.
"Hey hey don't move" a familiar voice said I slowly looked at him as he approaches me my tears
cloud my vision.
Ntsika:" Please calm down Star" he said touching my hand.
Me:"Where am I?"
Ntsika:"Hospital in the city" I closed my eyes.
Me:"How did I get here? What happened?"
Ntsika:"Nkanyezi you are getting upset please calm down" my lips are trembling.
Me:" How long have I been here?" He cleared his throat.
Ntsika:"It's been a week" he sigh "I'm so sorry this happened to you I'm sorry I took too long to
answer your message. Please forgive me"
Me:"Where is he?"
Ntsika:"Bheki eloped no one knows where he is right now"
The door opens Lutho walked in as if someone was chasing him.
Lutho:"Little Star" he said quickly coming to me I try to hold back my tears but they betrayed me.
He squeezed my hand and wiped my tears.
Lutho:"I'm sorry baby I'm so sorry" he said tearfully.
Ntsika:"Excuse me" Lutho turned to look at him.
Lutho:"What are you doing here? I thought I told you I don't want any Memela near my sister"
Ntsika:"I'm sorry I just wanted to be sure she is okay"
Lutho:"She is okay please don't ever come here again" he sigh and nods.
Ntsika:"I will see my way out" he said walking towards the door.
Me:"Ntsika stop!" I said sitting up "Why are you chasing him away he did nothing wrong?"
Lutho:"He is a Memela my worse mistake was to allow you to marry into that family!"
Me:"He has nothing to do with what happened to me and you can't just chase him away!"
Ntsika:"Nkanyezi it's okay"
Me:"No it's not!"
Lutho:" Nkanyezi!"I shook my head.
Me:"Lutho you left for the city you left and never looked back after all the promises you made you
still didn't do any of them. You never took time to see why I got myself into a marriage soon after you
left. You didn't even see the pain in my eyes when you asked me if I'm sure about the marriage. You
forgot everything. I got raped! You didn't even notice that!"
Lutho:"Star" that came out a trembling whisper.
Me:"Only Ntsika was there when you were too focused on your life! Only him so if anyone should be
leaving it's you not him!" He bite his lower lip and quickly walked out.
Ntsika:"Nkanyezi you shouldn't have said that!"
Me:"Ntsika please"
Ntsika:"No Lutho is your brother more than anyone else he was there for you. Yes he might have
broken few promises but what you said broke his heart. I didn't notice that you were raped either
until you told me you hid it well and pretended that everything was okay. Lutho let you marry Bheki
because he thought you two were in love and it was what best for you. I know you are going through
a lot but remember that when you point a finger three fingers are pointing at you" I swallowed
because he was right
Me:"I'm just hurt Bheki raped me!"
Ntsika:"And he will pay for that I will make sure of it just please don't push your brother away he has
every right to be mad and angry at everyone that has a Memela surname"
Me:"I will apologize I'm sorry"
Ntsika:"it's okay for now let's focus on you getting better!" I nod.

The state I found Nkanyezi in that day still haunts me to this day.
When I got her message it was two hours later.
I immediately drove home I knew something was wrong when I saw my brother driving out in full

And I was right


I knew something was wrong when I saw my brother driving out in full speed.

And I was right I found her on the floor bleeding while my mother is just sitting in her house like
nothing is wrong.

I couldn't take her to the clinic because they wouldn't be able to treat the state she was in
I wanted to kill Bheki but I needed to sort Nkanyezi out first and make sure she was okay.

Now that she told me what actually happened that day I'm more furious when I saw her lying in her
blood I thought I lost her.
I drove her home leaving her with her brother to sort things out.
When I got there my parents are here as soon as they walk in they quickly stood up.
Dad:"How is she?" I chuckled.
Me:"You would like it if she was dead huh?"
Mom:"Of course not!"
Me:"That's funny Gloria because you were sitting here while Nkanyezi bled to death!" She swallowed
"I have made sure she opened a case against your son and I will make sure he is find and he will
pay for everything!"
Mom:"Bheki is your brother are you going to sacrifice him for a loose girl like Nkanyezi" I clenched
my jaw.
Me:"A loose girl? Don't ever in your miserable life talk that way about her that way. Nkanyezi is ten
times a woman you wish you were!" She gasped in shock
Mom:" Ntsika I'm your mother!" I laughed
Me:"Gloria you are not my mother!" They both looked at me "Oh you are shocked! You thought I
didn't know!"
Dad:"Ntsika let's talk about this!"
Me:"No the time to talk to me was when I was young now there is nothing to talk about. It finally
made sense way me and Lizalise are treated so horribly by you it's because we are not born of this
marriage. Atleast Lizalise was born before you were married. As for me I remind you so much of the
affair that occurred in your house under your nose! Bheki is treated like an egg because he is the
only one born of this marriage!"
Mom:"Ntsika! You..." She was fuming.
Me:"What?! Say it! I remind you of the maid that was sleeping with your husband!" Dad tried to slap
me but I stopped him "I'm not your punching bag Memela"
Dad:"You are now a man?" He said yanking me off him.
Me:"A better one than you!"
Mom:" You have lost it Ntsika and if anything happens to Bheki you will regret it!" I laughed.
Me:"You are no different from a witch you are the reason your son is like that!"
Mom:"I want this ungrateful bastard out of my house"
Me:"Exactly go off say what you always wanted to say!"
Mom:"Talk to your son Memela" she walked out .
Dad:"Ntsika you are choosing this girl over us"
Me:" Yes I would choose Nkanyezi over any of you in this house!"
Dad:"You are going to regret this"
Me:"I don't care!"
Dad:"If you support that girl into taking your own blood down I will disown you" I laughed.
Me:"Mr Memela you never owned you have nothing against me. You don't even know how much my
school fees cost you don't know how much my car cost you don't even know how much money I paid
for rent you long disowned me"
Dad:"You don't want to do this!" I laughed.
Me:" Tell your wife if she comes near me or Nkanyezi she shouldn't be surprised if cops start
investigating my mother's death!"


That day came back and I was ready to confront him but he had blood in his tshirt.
He was panicking and started telling me we should pack but when I said no a slap landed on my

He told me that was Nkanyezi's blood if I don't want my blood in his hands too I should start

We were now staying in some sort of a beach house.

I was scared that he will hurt me I don't even know him anymore.
Bheki:" Hey" he said kissing my cheek.
Me:"Hi" I forced a smile.
Bheki:"I'm sorry things had to be this way I know I screwed up but you are the only thing that makes
sense to me"
Me:"Why didn't you ask me to marry you Bheki? You lied to me"
Bheki:"I know but you already said that you were not ready for that and my father wanted me to
marry as soon as possible"
Me:"Did you kill her?" He shrugged his shoulders.
Bheki:"I don't know"
Me:"If you love me you will turn yourself in Bheki I will support you" he ran his hand on his face.
Bheki:"No I can't if I killed her then I'm going away for life I can't turn myself in"
Me:"I'm sure my family is looking for me Zayn has information about you so if I go missing for long
they will involve the police let me call them please"
Bheki:"No Nomonde your father is law enforcement so he will immediately know that something is
not adding up. Don't worry we will skip the country soon I promise we will live happily away from
here!" I swallow.
Me:" I don't want to leave Bheki!"
Bheki:"You don't have a choice my love! I can't leave you either than the fact that I love you I need a
human sheild" i just nod and wiped my tears.


I know that what happened wasn't anyone's fault either than Bheki's fault.
He is the one who inflicted so much in my life then blindsided me into believing that he was actually
saving me from misery.

I know I shouldn't have blamed my brother of anything he didn't do this to me I'm just so hurt
because half of the blame is mine to carry.
I married a man who I barely know just for comfort and now here I am because of that.
My brother walked in before Ntsika left then he left us to be alone.
Me:"I'm sorry" I said playing with my fingers I couldn't look at the pain that my words caused in his
Lutho:" It's okay" I quickly shook my head.
Me:"No it's not you tried your best in your life to protect me from everything and you did a good job.
This was fate maybe something I had to through without you none of it all is your fault" he sighed.
Lutho:" I'm practically your parent Nkanyezi and parents should see and know when something is
wrong with their children but I didn't see anything" he took my hand and brushed my knuckles.
Me:" You wouldn't have known I hid everything so well because I knew that if you find out you will
drop everything in the city and come back to this side I didn't want to ruin your life"
Lutho:"Star you didn't ruin my life you will always be my priority" I nod.
Me:"I love you so much bhuti wam" he smiled but his smile doesn't reach his eyes that gives me an
unsettling feeling.
Lutho:" I love you too my little Star" I sigh.
Me:"What's wrong Lutho?" He shook his head.
Lutho:"Nothing let's focus on you getting better"
Me:"Lutho I'm not a child anymore please talk to me" he sigh and ran his hand on his face.
Lutho:" Everything is a mess my life has been a mess since I got to the city"
Me:"What happened?"
Lutho:"Don't judge me"
Me:"Why would I do that? I promise I won't" he sighed.
Lutho:"I cheated on Babalwa within the first weeks of being there" I gasped in shock.
Me:"Lutho you promised not to do that"
Lutho:"And I broke that promise Nkanyezi what's worse it didn't happen once. It happened until it felt
like I was falling out of love with Babalwa"
Me:"I don't know what to say" honestly I'm speechless and I'm no one to judge him.
Lutho:"That's just a tip of the iceberg"
Lutho:" Babalwa came to the city and saying she was pregnant her parents have kicked out. So I
had to take her in because she was carrying our baby"
Lutho:"Yes we lost the baby"
Me:"Lutho I'm so sorry why didn't you tell me?" He shrugged his shoulders.
Lutho:"I just couldn't it. Worse part I blamed Emihle for everything"
Me:" What does Emihle have to do with that?" He swallowed and goes pale "No it can't be!"
Lutho:"I didn't plan it"
Me:"She is my best friend Lutho!"
Lutho:"I'm sorry"
Me:"You cheated on Babalwa with your little sister's best friend"
Lutho:"She's more than that"
Me:"Wait? What? Don't tell me that you have feelings for her"
Lutho:"Well I don't know I just miss her a lot"
Me:"Okay how is Emihle's fault that you guys lost a baby"
Lutho:" Well I guess Babalwa suspected that something was going on between us the day she
arrived at my place Emihle was there. Then one day the got into some sort of altercation and Emihle
pushed her. That's how she lost our baby"
Me:"I thought my life was mess but yours it's worse. So you don't love Babalwa because of
Lutho:" No it's not that all Babalwa just changed after she arrived in the city she became controlling
before she lost the baby I have to report my whereabouts it was tiring. After losing the baby she was
okay at first then few weeks later she is back at it started going out with her friends. She is just not
the girl I fell for anymore"
Me:"Wow that's just too much so what are you going to do now?" He sigh.
Lutho:"Well I just don't know I will figure it out"
Me:" that's a lot"
Lutho:"Don't worry about it" I smiled mischievous "What?"
Me:"Emihle did it" he raised his eyebrows
Lutho:"What do you mean?"
Me:" She always told me that one day she will have you" he chuckled softly.
Lutho:"Well I was a bet huh" I laughed.
Me:"Nope not at all"
Lutho:"Well she got me then" a smiled crossed his face
Me:"She got you good huh?" He frowned.
Lutho:"Don't talk sex with me!" I laughed he smiled "It's good to see you smile Star after what you
have been through you are strong"
Me:" It's because you are here" he nods.
Lutho:"So you and Ntsika? What's going on there Nkanyezi?" I swallowed
Me:"I love him" he frowned.
Lutho:"Then why did you marry Bheki?"
Me:"Because I didn't love Ntsika back then"
Lutho:"So you fell in love with him while married to his brother?"
Me:"Yes" I whispered embarassed.
Lutho:" Look at us going through the most" I squeezed his hand.
Me:"We will be okay"

Ntsika arrived later on I was glad that Lutho didn't chance him away or something because they are
the two people I need right now.
Lutho left and went to his place.
Me:"Are you okay?" He slowly nod but he wasn't okay.
Ntsika:" I got into a fight with my parents before I came here"
Me:"I'm sorry that I'm the cause of this" he shook his head.
Ntsika:"No Nkanyezi we were already broken before your arrival and sooner it later it was going to
get worse"
Me:" I just added fuel to the fire"
Ntsika:"Well we can't cry over spilt milk" there's silence for a moment "I'm moving back to this side" I
Me:"Oh what about work?" He sigh
Ntsika:"I will have to travel back and forth I can't stay in that house Nkanyezi" I nod.
Me:"Okay" I said not sure how I feel.
Ntsika:"You can stay with me" I chuckled.
Me:"No I can't"
Ntsika:" Please while your brother still looks for a place that's suitable for you guys"
Me:"What do you mean?" I said confused.
Ntsika:"We both don't want you going back to the village Nkanyezi" I sigh.
Me:"I will go back to the village while he looks for a place to stay then but I can't stay with you" he
Ntsika:"Why would you want to go back there?"
Me:"You won't understand but if it gets too much I will come back I promise" he sighed and nods.
Ntsika:"Fine I will check on you everyday after work" I nod

I was getting discharged today and Ntsika was going to drive us home.
Lutho is coming with me he wanted to make sure I get settled before he leaves.

The drive home rather felt short than usual I was nervous and anxious about going back but I have
to go back.
Ntsika kept stealing glances at me he was really worried about my decision.

As soon as we pulled over in front of my home


he was really worried about my decision.

As soon as we pulled over in front of my home my sisters and parents even the kids came outside
and watched what was happening.
Ntsika:"Are you sure about this?" I sigh and nod.
Me:"Yeah I'm sure" he nods defeated.
Ntsika:"Okay" he helped us take things out of his car.
Lutho took everything inside his rondavel while I'm left with Ntsika.
Me:"Thank you" he sigh.
Ntsika:"Babe I don't understand why would you want to come back here"
Me:"Soon you will understand I promise"
Ntsika:"If you insists" he sulked.
Me:" Ntsika I love you" he looked at me and his eyes soften up.
Ntsika:"I love you too my Star"
Me:" Okay let me go before I cry" I said feeling my tears sting.
Ntsika:"I want to kiss you" he said looking at my parents and sisters who were throwing nasty stares
at us in fact at me specifically.
I throw myself at him our lips collided and he holds my waist in place my tears drop.
I couldn't hear mumbles and clapping hands at the background but I didn't care.
We slowly pulled away from each other and just stared into each other's eyes it's like he is sucking
my soul into his.
Ntsika:" If it gets bad just know my place is open for you" I nod.
Me:"I will see you soon"
Ntsika:"You will see me tomorrow after work" I smiled and after what seems forever he finally let go
of my waist.

He drove while I walk towards my family who were throwing daggers at me with their stares.
I just pass them without saying a word and goes straight to my brother.
Lutho:"So why are we here?" I shrugged my shoulders.
Me:" This is our home"

Later in the day we join everyone for dinner I know exactly what's going to happen.
Mom:"You are such a disappointment Nkanyezi!" She exclaimed.
Lutho:"Mom stop it"
Mom:" No Lutho she embarassed us in front of the whole village we can't pay Memela family back so
she has to go back and apologize to her husband and stop this nonsense" I chuckled.
Me:"Send one of your daughters back then"
Mom:" he! This I shall see because you are not staying here!"
Lutho:"Nkanyezi I told you this was a mistake"
Me:"No it's not! How about you two tell me who my parents are?!" She gasped.
Dad:"What do you mean Nkanyezi?"
Me:"You know exactly what I mean no mother would treat their own child like the way you are doing
you never even showed me ounce of love not even once. So there is no way you are my parents"
Mom:" I want you out of my house!" I stood up.
Me:" Am I your daughter?" She was about to slap me but I grabbed her arm.
Mom:"You are hurting me"
Me:"I can certainly do worse" I shoved her backwards and walked out leaving everyone shocked.
I grabbed my bag and walked out I bumped into my brother.
Lutho:"Nkanyezi where are you going?"
Me:" Where am welcome"
Lutho:"I will walk you tomorrow we are going back to the city no argument" I just nod I'm tearing up
not because I'm hurt but because I'm angry.
We soon arrived at Bab'Gumede.
Me:"I will see you tomorrow" he looked at me.
Lutho:"You are acting weird what's going on?"
Me:"I will tell you once I figure it I'm safe here" he nods.
I knocked and Bab'Gumede wife opened.
Her:"Hello can I help you?"
Me:"Hi is Bab'Gumede here?" She nods "Can I see him?"
Her:"Uh okay" she was suddenly uncomfortable.
I followed her to the sitting room where Bab'Gumede was watching TV.
Gumede:"Nkanyezi what are you doing here?" He looked better than last time I saw him.
Me:"Can I talk to you?"
Her:"excuse me"she said walking out.
Gumede:"Are you okay?" He said patting the space next to him for me to sit.
Me:"I'm fine I just need a place to stay for tonight" he quickly nods.
Gumede:" of course"
Me:"Are you ever going to tell me the truth?" He looked at me confused.
Gumede:"What do you mean?"
Me:"I'm talking about my parents" he swallowed.
Gumede:"What about your parents?"
Me:"Who are they?"
Gumede:"I'm not sure I follow"
Me:" Please I need to know this it's important to me" he sigh
Gumede:" I'm sorry but your mother is Nomcebo"
Me:" My late aunt" he nods I feel gutted because it makes sense why this woman treated me so
Gumede:" I just don't think we should talk about this now it's already late you need to rest"
Me:"No I want to know the whole truth" he sighed and ran his head.
Gumede:" Okay here is the truth. Twenty-one years ago me and my wife were going through a tough
time in our marriage we ended up separating. Then for few months I started seeing your real mother
it wasn't something serious it didn't work so we ended it on good terms. I got back to my wife and
worked on my marriage. Then months later I saw your mother again she asked me how was my
marriage I told her everything was going well and I was happy. After I said that I noticed that she
was pregnant but she quickly said I have nothing to worry about it's not my baby. Then we separated
ways I was glad that the baby wasn't mine because I didn't want my marriage trembling again.
Unfortunately she die leaving you with her sister. As soon as you started growing I started seeing
features of my children on you. I decided to come clean to my wife and we tried talking to your
parents about you but they refused us we tried everything but they didn't let us anywhere near you.
We soon learned that your mother has left money for you and your guardian will be the one to get it
and will do everything for you. You were legally theirs and if they lost you then they lost the money" I
choked up in my own tears.


I have been tossing the whole night I couldn't talk anything further with Bab'Gumede I just wanted to
cry myself to sleep.

After all the abuse I endured in their hands only to find out that I wasn't theirs it hurts so much.
It's like my life has suddenly changed over the night.

I was grateful to the Gumede family for allowing to stay for the night I wasn't sure of what to do the
next morning.

I was sleeping in their daughter's room since she is not here.

Both their kids started working recently.
I woke up and went to the bathroom to freshen up I wasn't sure if I should go out there but I was
So I decided to go the kitchen I was hit by a welcoming smell of breakfast.
Me:"Good Morning" she turned and gave me a tight smile if not fake.
Her:"Good morning Nkanyezi" I awkwardly stand she sigh "Nkanyezi sit down"
I sat on the table and just kept stealing glances I don't know what to say to her I'm sure she already
hates me for rocking up like this in her home.
Her:"You slept well?" I quickly nod and cleared my throat.
Me:"I slept well thank you for accommodating me" she dished up for me my stomach quickly rumbles
she chuckled.
Her:"Here I hope you don't have allergies" I shook my head "Good because your siblings are a
nightmare when it come to those they are allergic to everything" There was some awkward silence
Me:" I'm sorry for showing up here unannounced" she looked at me.
Her:"No it's okay I just thought it was going to easy to meet you but now that you are here it's
awkward I don't know what to say"
Me:"I'm sorry"
Her:"It's not your fault and this is your home" I looked at her.
Me:"Don't you hate me?" She chuckled.
Her:"Why would I hate you? You didn't ask to be born in such circumstances my husband and your
Mom didn't have an affair even if they did I wouldn't hate an innocent child" she said smiling faintly it
was genuine this time.
Me:" Is Bab'Gumede at the shop?" She nods.
Her:"Yes but he is just there to open up then he will come back" I nod.
Me:"Can my brother come over here?" She nods
Her:"Of course"
Me:"Thank you"
I helped her wash the dish she is really a nice person.
Her:"Your siblings will be happy to finally meet you"
Me:"They know about me?"
Her:"You were never a secret in this home everyone knows about your existence" I slowly nod and
then laughed "What?" She said looking at me smiling yet confused.
Me:"No it's nothing but just stupid"
Her:"Tell me I want to hear it too" I chuckled.
Me:"Well when I was doing grade 8 a boy tried bullying me and making fun of my hair. Mondli beat
him to the pulp I didn't understand why he was angry but didn't say anything to me. Stupid me
thought that he liked me he was old though all because of him defending me I grew this huge crush
on him" she burst out of laughter.
Her:"You had a crush in your own brother"
Me:"I didn't know Mondli is a handsome man"
Her:"Yeah he knew you were his sister so that's why he probably defended you" I smiled it just felt
easy talking to her.
Me:"Thank you for welcoming me" she nods
Her:" it's okay

all because of him defending me I grew this huge crush on him" she burst out of laughter.
Her:"You had a crush in your own brother"
Me:"I didn't know Mondli is a handsome man"
Her:"Yeah he knew you were his sister so that's why he probably defended you" I smiled it just felt
easy talking to her.
Me:"Thank you for welcoming me" she nods
Her:" it's okay I hope you and your father build your relationship Nkanyezi. He didn't know what to do
he tried every trick in the book to get you but he just couldn't your aunt made things difficult for us.
He is so scared that you are going to reject him because in his mind he failed you" I was about to
say something when someone walked in.
Gumede:"Good morning" he said looking nervous.
Her:"Good morning Nkanyezi and I just ate. Can I warm your food?" He nods.
Me:"Can I do it?" I said asking her.
Her:"Of course" she said smiling and went to sit to her husband.
I warmed the food and gave it to Bab'Gumede.
Gumede:"Thank you Nkanyi" he said softly.
Me:"It's not your fault that terrible things happened to me in that house" he sighed.
Gumede:"I just wish I could have done something I even offered them to keep being your guardians
and keep the money while we take you but they refused" a tear escaped my eye.
Me:"I don't understand why did they see me as such abandon"
Gumede:"It's the money my child that drove them crazy and led them to the evilness"
Her:"What matters is you know the truth now you don't have to stay there anymore" I nod as she
comforts me.
I just wish they let me go and stay with Bab'Gumede and his family.
Gumede:"You don't know how happy I am to have you here" I smiled it was now the two of us.
Me:"Sis' Nomuzi is such a good person"
Gumede:" I'm glad you two get along"
Me:"Me too"
Gumede:"So how is your husband?" My skin immediately crawls with chills "Nkanyezi" he said
looking at me.
Me:" We ended our relationship"
Gumede:"I'm sorry are you okay?" I nod.
Me:"I'm just glad it's over"
Gumede:"So what now?" I sigh.
Me:"I'm going to go to the city to stay with my brother but he is still looking for a place that's going to
be big enough for us" he smiled.
Gumede:"So in the meantime you will be staying with us?!" He said with excitement.
Me:"If that's okay with you" he quickly nods.
Gumede:"of course that's okay with us"
Me:"Thank you"
Gumede:"So next year are you going back to school?"
Me:"Well that has crossed my mind but I haven't applied for funds yet it just closed"
Gumede:"Funds are not a problem"
Me:"No they are too expensive" he sighed.
Gumede:" We made education trust funds for you Nkanyezi"
Gumede:"Yes even though we didn't know if we will ever get you but we did it. Now it's going to be in
use finish applying for school and don't worry about funds it's time for you to get your life my girl" I
three myself in his arms already tearing up.
Me:"Thank you so much" he squeeze me tight and plants soft kisses on my forehead this is fills my
heart with warmth.
Gumede:"You will be okay" I slowly nod against his chest.

I spent the whole day with both Sis'Nomuzi and Bab'Gumede they didn't push me to tell them about
what happened with my marriage but rather showed support.

Sis'Nomuzi is okay with me staying with them for a while.

My heart is not easy to trust but with them it's betraying me or maybe it's too desperate for parents

I was now with Ntsika and just told him about my parents who happens to not be my parents.
Ntsika:"I'm glad the Gumede family is welcoming" I nod.
Me:"I just can't believe that I was treated so horribly while I was basically their meal ticket"
Ntsika:"Well me and you have a lot in common" I looked at him.
Me:"Like what?" He sigh.
Ntsika:"Gloria is not my biological mother"
Ntsika:"Yes I was lied to my mother was their maid who had an affair with dad"
Me:"And where is she now?"
Ntsika:" She died I was just a year old when someone tried running us over and luckily I survived but
Mom died on the spot while holding onto me tight she protected me" I squeezed his hand what he
said was horrific events.
Me:" I'm sorry babe"
Ntsika:"It's okay I don't remember anything I just heard the story from my maternal grandparents
when I went looking for them"
Me:"We are so lost Ntsika"
Ntsika:"I'm glad we find each other we will hold each other's hands as we take a journey of self
Me:" We are in this together" he kissed my knuckles.
Ntsika:"I love you so much"
Me:" I love you too" we kissed something about kissing him gives me goosebumps and electrifying
We soon pulled away from each other before we bone each other.
Me:"Do you think Lutho knew that I wasn't her biological sister?" He sigh
Ntsika:"Maybe or maybe not but don't be mad at him for it if he knew Lutho is also young he took a
responsibility that was to protect you at all cost. It wasn't his place to tell" I nod.
Me:"I will forever thank God for a brother like him"
Ntsika:"I'm glad you have him no matter what he is your brother that doesn't change"
Me:"I know" he smiled and I sigh.
Ntsika:"What's wrong?"
Me:" I'm going back to school next year"
Ntsika:"That's great news but you don't seem excited"
Me:"I'm worried I might be too old for a first year" he chuckled.
Ntsika:"Don't be silly start you are so young people do go to school at the age of 30 no one is ever
old for school. So it's time to make those dreams you wanted come through"
Me:"Well I guess it's time I become the star I was born to be"
Me:"I want to tell them about you" he smiled
Ntsika:"Okay I would love to meet them too"
Me:"Don't break heart" he cupped my face.
Ntsika:" I'm not perfect but breaking your heart it's something I will never intentionally do"


It has been a week of staying with Gumede the atmosphere here was so peaceful.
It's not something I'm used too I love it.

Sis'Nomuzi has been nothing but amazing she has been making sure that my stay is comfortable.
As for my father he is treating me like a child I guess it comes with the fact that he was deprived that
chance of seeing me grow up.

Unfortunately I was leaving on Sunday and today it's Friday.

Ntsika was finally coming over for lunch I was sweating.

I had to introduce Ntsika to them because I wanted to start on a clean slate with them.
Even though I wasn't ready to talk about what happened to my marriage but it was clear that they
understand where I'm coming from.

I hope they won't be judgemental when they come to found out that I'm once again involved with a
Lutho was also coming here for lunch even my siblings.
I hope they are as accepting as their parents.
My brother came early as possible because I wanted to talk to him.
Lutho:"Gumede are nice people" I nod.
Me:"Yeah they are"
Lutho:"Are you okay?" I sigh as he looks at me with worry.
Me:"Did you know I wasn't your sister?"
Lutho:"Of course not"
Me:"I don't believe you" he chuckled.
Lutho:"I know that but trust me I didn't know my mother was also pregnant just few months before
you were born when she came back at home without a baby she told us that they are keeping you
for a while. Then when you came to our house we thought well it was time for you to come home.
They didn't tell us that our sister died at birth we also didn't understand a thing we were young" I
Me:"Alright then" he sigh.
Lutho:"Does the fact that we are cousins not siblings change our relationship?" He said I
immediately feel bad.
Me:"Lutho you are my brother nothing in the world would change I love you" he sighed in relief.
Lutho:"I love you too" just then Sis'Nomuzi called us in.
We find them with Mondli and Mandlakazi my siblings.
Nomuzi:"Nkanyezi these two are your siblings"
Me:"Uh nice to meet you" I said awkwardly.
Mondli:"Nice to meet you too" he hasn't changed a bit it feels weird now that I once had a crush on
Mandla:" Can I hug you?" I swallowed and slowly nod.
She quickly hugs me tight she has the same aura as her mother.
Mandla:"You have grown so much Mom why didn't you tell us she was here we would have atleast
bought some presents" Sis'Nomuzi chuckled.
Nomuzi:"I didn't want to ruin the surprise"
Mondli:"Well we can still buy gifts thou" he said and looked at me then my brother.
Gumede:"And that's Lutho Nkanyezi's brother"
Mandla:"You have changed a lot" she said smiling making me uncomfortable it would be weird if she
has a thing for him.
Lutho:"Well I can say the same" Mondli cleared his throat I guess he also sees what I'm seeing.
We settled on the table I'm tapping my feet as I notice that Ntsika will be here any moment from now

Soon a knocked echoed in my ears my eyes travelled to the door.

My father is looking at me to go get the door since Ntsika is my visitor.
I quickly erupted from the chair and went to the door.
I slowly turned the nub and opened the door.
His scent filled my inside we locked eyes.
He looked handsome and for the first time I want to feel him inside me.
Ntsika:"Hey" he said bringing me back to earth.
Me:"Hey come in" I said leading him to where everyone was.
Soon everyone paid attention to him Ntsika is a man of confidence and nothing shakes him.
He politely greets everyone and they return it.
Gumede:"So when you said Ntsika you meant the young Memela" I slowly nod I wasn't quite sure
what to say and how to explain the situation.
Nomuzi:"Ntsika welcome to our home" she said sweetly shifting the conversation I thank God for
Ntsika:"Thank you you have a beautiful home"
With that said lunch went on I was glad they were not all over him.
The conversation was comfortable for the first time I was in a home setting where I felt comfortable
and where I didn't have to try hard.
Atleast my father seemed to like Ntsika a lot as much as Ntsika spent his life away from here but he
was still very much attached to his roots I guess that impressed my father more.
Mondli was not much of a talker like Mandlakazi was but he was accommodating too.
It was time for Ntsika to go I was having too much fun I wasn't ready for him to go.
He bid his farewell and I walked him to his car.
Ntsika:"I like your family"
Me:"Me too I think they like you too" he chuckled.
Ntsika:"I mean everyone likes me" I rolled my eyes to his cockiness.
Me:"I will see you on Sunday" tomorrow he is not working.
Ntsika:"Can we get inside the car so I can kiss you" we can't kiss in front of my parents.
Me:"Okay" I said getting inside the car and he followed in.
We both settled in comfortable silence.
Ntsika:"I miss you" I looked at him and swallowed the chuck of saliva.
Me:"I'm here though" he sigh.
Ntsika:"I know but it has been long since I felt the warmth of your body" my clit throbs.
Me:"I miss you too"
Ntsika:" You are so different Star I have broken so many hearts before but for the first time I'm
scared of breaking a heart it's like once I hurt you I will be hurting myself in the process" he said with
his hand resting on my thighs my inside are burning from the intense look he is giving me.
Me:"I'm scared too but falling for you it all came once like some sleep. I was indenially at first but my
heart has already chosen you. It killed me to love you privately because you are all my heart desires
the most I love you so much"
Ntsika:"I love you too my Star" he kissed me

with his hand running around my thighs I wanted more of him but I knew that we couldn't do it here
by the time we pull away from the kiss my underwear is soaking wet and his bulge its visible against
his jeans.
Ntsika:"Let me not keep you longer and we will finish this on Sunday" I nod and peck his lip.
Me:" Let me go inside"
Ntsika:"I love you"
Me:"I love you" I got out and took a deep breath before walking inside the house while he drives

Me and Mandlakazi had to share a room together.

She was very bubble she made me watch movies with her while she tells me about the wild life she
lived in her varsity years.
Mandla:"I'm so glad you decided to go back to school next year you won't regret it"
Me:"Thank you so Mondli is he that quiet?" She chuckled.
Mandla:"No he is not quiet when he is himself"
Me:"What do you mean?"
Mandla:"He is gay and our parents don't know"
Me:"What? Why?"
Mandla:"Because he is scared that they won't accept him or something. Dad is a very traditional
Me:" Before a traditional man he is a father I don't think he wouldn't accept who he is"
Mandla:"Try telling that to your brother because he won't listen to me" I nod.
It felt nice having a sister that actually cared.
Mandla:"What's wrong?" I shook my head and wiped the tear that has escaped my eye.
Mandla:" Nkanyezi you are tearing up" I shook my head
Me:"It's just that I have never been treated this way before my sisters treated me like I was some
sort of an animal. They enjoyed seeing me suffering it brought them pleasure"
Mandla:"I'm so sorry babe" she said pulling me to her arms "What you went through hurts but I
promise you no one is ever going to hurt you again you have a family now and we will protect you
we love you"
Soon my head was on her lap she was braiding my afro it was calming.
Mandla:"Tell me about Ntsika he seems like a nice guy" a smile automatically falls on my face
Me:"He is a nice guy"
Mandla:"Well just don't get each other pregnant you both are still young. You have so much to
accomplish before becoming a mother" I chuckled thinking about the time Ntsika didn't tell me that a
condom bursted inside me we were both panicking when I was doing a pregnancy test and luckily it
was negative.

Sunday came and I was so excited about living under the same roof with my sister again.
I was so happy that she wasn't my blood sister because now that she knows that the parents that
caused so much pain ain't biological hers then it will probably lessen the pain.

I'm glad her family is welcoming and are accepting her.

I can't believe that my own parents are so cruel they were living off Nkanyezi and yet mistreated her
so much.
Mom:"So are you going to tell us where Nkanyezi is?" I chuckled.
Me:"Why do you care?"
Mom:" She has to go back to her in-laws" I laughed.
Me:"Nkanyezi is not going back there you are afraid that you won't be taken care of now that she left
Mom:"What are you talking about?" I laughed.
Me:"We know that Bheki has been paying bills in this house"
Mom:" And we can't lose that!" I looked at her in disbelief.
Me:"Well Nkanyezi is of legal age now you won't force her to stay where she is not happy. I will be
taking her to the city. Aunt Nomcebo must be turning in her grave for trusting a snake with her child"
she looked at me shocked.
Mom:" Wait Nkanyezi know?"
Me:"Yes she does and she is with her father now the one you deprived him of her because of money
that having Nkanyezi to stay with you came with. How can you be so cruel to her?" She swallowed.
Mom:"Lutho you don't know anything you can't believe what that man is saying" I sigh.
Me:"Unfortunately I believe him don't try to come anywhere near us you are dead to me" she covers
her mouth.
Me:"I have tolerated you because I couldn't take care of Nkanyezi but now that she has someone
and I also can provide for her consider yourself dead to me. I can't forgive you for what you did to
Mom:"Lutho please" I stood up.
Me:"Don't expect money from me anymore I'm done now. Your daughters are the one that are going
to take care of you"

I walked out and Ntsika's car was already outside.

This guy really loved my sister you can just tell.
I put my things at the back and got inside the passenger seat he looked at me.
Ntsika:"Are you okay?" I sigh.
Me:"I don't know I just disowned my own parents"
Me:"I know it's extreme but my parents are toxic and cruel I can't deal with them. I can't bring myself
to forgive them after what they did to Nkanyezi I just can't" he sigh.
Ntsika:" Trust me some parents deserve that so you did what's best for your peace of mind.
Welcome to the club"

I had the last breakfast at home and it was emotionally but I knew that I will come back here every
Mondli and I had a conversation about his sexuality he told me that he wasn't ready to come out to
the parents yet and I understood his decision.

Ntsika just arrived with Lutho and my parents were busy squeezing me and my siblings to a tight
Dad:"Are you sure you are going to be fine?" He asked for the millionth time I sigh.
Me:"Dad I said I will be fine I promise" his eyes sparkle calling him dad came so easy and he cried
the first time I called him that.
Dad:" Just call me everyday" me and my siblings laughed at how needy he is.
Me:"I will call you"
Just then we hear some nosey people Lutho looked at me confused.
My mother and my sisters are approaching the gate causing some drama and scene the neighbours
are already watching us.
My dad quickly pushes me behind him and walked towards my mother.
Dad:"You have some nerve to come here" he is fuming.
Mom:"I'm not here to cause a scene I'm just here to get my daughter" Sis'Nomuzi laughed.
Dad:"Your daughters are right there with you which daughter are you talking about?"
Mom:"Nkanyezi get here right now!" She screamed at me if it was back then I would be shaken but
now I feel protected.
Nomuzi:"Nkanyezi is not going anywhere with you"
Mom:" This is none of your business Nomuzi!"
Dad:"You don't want me to call police on you and you will go to jail for all the abuse you put my child
through. Don't test me woman"
Mom:"Call them and they will charge you for kidnapping" my sister laughed.
Mandla:" Got ahead stupid b----"
Nomuzi:"Mandlakazi!" She snapped reprimanding her.
Me:"What do you want?" I said stepping away from my father.
Mom:"Nkanyezi you are a married woman stop embarrassing us and go back to your in-laws"
Me:"You are not my mother! Don't tell me what to do. You want me to go back to a monster that
raped me! Someone that put me in a hospital bed! You want me to go back to that person!?" The
silence that engulfed the yard is deafening the shock in my parents face is visible this is not how I
wanted to them to find out the reason my marriage ended.
Dad:"Nkanyezi" that came out as a whisper from his part.
Nomuzi:"Leave my house!" She screamed with her voice breaking but you could feel the anger.
She didn't have to repeat herself as they all left shouting that I'm a liar.
Mandla:"Somebody tell me that the bastard is behind bars"
Ntsika:"No unfortunately Bheki managed to make a run for it"
Mandla:"Then he better keeps running because he will regret ever crossing paths with my sister" my
father is suddenly quiet his eyes are red I think it's just sinking in on him that I have been through
Dad:"Excuse me" he walked back to the house.
Me:"Dad" I said following him I couldn't let him blame himself right now he had no control on how
things would turn out.
He stood in the middle of a living room and let out an agonizing scream while knocking off everything
that was infront of him.
I didn't know what to do rather than watch him with my tears screaming on my cheeks.
Nomuzi:"Gumede!" She said approaching him I don't know when she came in "Please calm down"
he slowly sank to the floor.
Nomuzi:"Please give us space" everyone walked out and I was about to follow but she stopped me.
Nomuzi:"I know this hurts but Papa we need to be strong for our child and make sure that man pays
for everything" he doesn't say anything I went to kneel down infront of him.
I pushed my way inside his arms and he wrapped them around me.
Me:"I'm okay now" I don't know if I am or I'm just pretending to be okay.

For a moment I was thinking of not going to the city because I believe that I need sometime with my
parents but they reassured a new scenery will do me good.

During the trip no one said anything I just wanted to think.

Maybe a new place and doing new things will help me a lot.
Thinking of my father's reaction it stings but felt warm at the same time.

The car came into a stop I guess we have arrived since I didn't pay much attention to the road.
The place was beautiful but I had no time to admire it my heart felt heavy.
Ntsika:"Lutho can I talk to you?" He nods as they step out of the car.
They talked for a minute then Lutho took out our luggages.
Ntsika got back inside the car I thought we were about to say goodbye but he just drove off.
I honestly had no strength to ask him where are we going.
Soon the car stopped and he got out then came to my side.
Ntsika:"Babe let's go" he took my hand and we got out.
We walked inside the apartment complex and he opened his door.
The place was beautiful I don't want to lie.
Ntsika:"Do you want anything to eat?" I shook my head.
Me:"No I'm fine thanks" he nods and led us to the bedroom.
He took out his tshirt and handed for me to wear.
I slide off my clothes and put it on.
I climbed on top of the bed and he joins me after he changed.

He pulled me close to him I took in his scent.

His arms felt like home and safe I didn't know how he knew I needed this I didn't even know that I
need it.

We stayed into comfortable silence until sleep took over me.

When I woke up it was already dark outside Ntsika wasn't next me.
My emotions were no longer all over the place.
I could hear soft music coming from the living area.

I walked out and found Ntsika watching soccer highlights even though the television was on mute
Me:"Hey" he looked at me.
Ntsika:"Hey babe feeling better?" I slowly nod.
Me:"Thank you" he sigh and I didn't like it.
Ntsika:"Babe come here and let's talk" I sat next to him.
Me:"Ntsika I'm fine" he ran his hand on his face.
Ntsika:"No babe you are not fine and you are not even close to being fine. What happened to you
was deep you were emotionally physically verbally and sexually abused. You have been through all
sorts of abuse and you never gotten any help. I know I suggested this before we never got a chance
to do it but now it's about time you see a professional. I know that you are not comfortable with
strangers knowing you but what if one day I'm not around and you have an emotional breakdown
what will happen then. I don't want you hurting yourself just because we ignored all the signs" I
swallowed my saliva.
Me:"I can't afford therapy"
Ntsika:" You have your parents now and they are willing to help and you also have me and Lutho. So
please" I slowly nod.
Me:"Okay I will do it" he sigh in relief.
Ntsika:"Thank you" he said kissing my knuckles.
Me:"I'm hungry" he chuckled and went to get some food.
I started eating he keeps stealing glances at me.
Me:"What?" I said placing an empty plate on top of the table.
Ntsika:"Nothing" he said pulling me to sit on top of him.
I could feel him poking me against my underwear.
Me:"Oh I get it you such a pervert" he chuckled and squeezed my butt.
Ntsika:" And you like it" he said biting my nipples on top of the t-shirt I moaned.

I hate the damage my parents have done on my sister.
Yesterday she was an emotional wreck after they showed up claiming her back.

I know Star hides her emotions so that she doesn't feel like too much for others.
It was pretty evident that she was hurting from everything.

I was glad that Ntsika was there because he seem to understand her even on a psychological level.
Babalwa:"Hey" I looked at her.
Me:"Hi" at this point I feel nothing for the woman standing in front of me she is nothing like the girl I
fell in love with.
Babalwa:"I thought Nkanyezi was coming back with you"
Me:"She did come back but had to go somewhere she will be here any minute" she sigh.
Babalwa:"Why does she have to stay with us anyways Nkanyezi is a grown woman she should learn
taking responsibility instead of being your responsibility" I raised my eyebrows in annoyance.
Me:"Do you have a problem with Nkanyezi staying with us?"
Babalwa:"No but we need personal space" I laughed.
Me:"Instead of telling people to take responsibility I think you should practice what you preach and
look for a job" she gasped.
Babalwa:" What?!"
Me:"I didn't stutter if you have a problem with me staying with my sister then you can pack your
things and leave" she swallowed.
Babalwa:"Lutho this is hard for me I lost--" I cut her off.
Me:"That speech is getting old you lost the baby so did I. Stop emotional blackmailing me the year is
ending in two months and you are not coming back here. I don't care if your parents kicked you out
or what I'm done. You will go stay with those friends that you party with till dawn. I have had enough
of your nonsense now" she was about to say something when someone knocked.

I let Nkanyezi and Ntsika in she looked better than yesterday that was a relief for me.
Me:"Little Star" I said hugging her.
Nkanyezi:"Hey" she walked in.
Me:"Bro thank you for taking care of her"
Ntsika:"It's my job she is okay now" I nod "I will let you guys settle I will see you"

Soon Ntsika left and I was left with Nkanyezi.

Nkanyezi:" This place is nice"
Me:"Yeah let's have you settled"
Nkanyezi:"Where is Babalwa?" She appears "Hey Babs"
Babalwa:"Hi" she said coldly I looked at her she scoffed.
Me:"Nkanyezi your room is there I will be with you shortly" she nods and walked to her room.
Babalwa:"What did I do now?"
Me:"Fix your tone!"
Babalwa:"You are so ridiculous" I chuckled.
Me:"You know what I want you out of here"she laughed and stopped when she sees I'm not laughing
Babalwa:"Lutho I'm sorry"
Me:"I have heard that many times it was long overdue"

Spending a night at Ntsika's place was exactly what I needed.
It was so refreshing having him noticing what's wrong while I was trying so hard to hide my feelings
it's just amazing.
It's overwhelming to have such a support system in my life now but honestly I appreciate it.

The night I spent with Ntsika was amazing but it left my body and vagina sore I never thought I
would beg a man to touch me but with him I always find myself wanting more of him it's like I can't
control myself.

I don't know if it's me or its true but I could sense some cold attitude towards me from Babalwa I
don't know why because me and her used to get along well.

Lutho walked in looking all frustrated and tired started helping me with organising everything.
Me:"Are you okay?" He sigh.
Lutho:"I'm okay"
Me:"You don't have to help me with this I can manage" he nods.
Lutho:"Okay I think I will go for a walk if you need anything to eat go to the kitchen" I nod he walked
It seems like the problems between Lutho and Babalwa were serious I don't know what went wrong I
used to love what they had but now it seems to be emotionally draining my brother.

I liked my room it was spacious and comfortable.

I decided to go watch some television to pass time I need to find some job to distract myself I can't
stay here for the whole day.

Babalwa walked in looking like she has been crying I don't know if I should ask her what's wrong or
She looked my way and come to sit next to me.
Me:"Are you okay?"
Babalwa:"Your brother just kicked me out Nkanyezi" I swallowed not knowing what to say.
Me:"Why would he do that?"
Babalwa:" Lutho changed when he got here I know I haven't been a saint either but I don't deserve
being kicked dog where am I going to go? Please talk to him"
Me:" I don't think I should get involved in my brother's business" she sigh.
Babalwa:" I know but Nkanyezi he listens to you"
Me:"Look it seems like a lot has happened between the two of you I can't just get involved like that"
she chuckled.
Babalwa:"You are the reason he is kicking me out Nkanyezi everywhere you go you ruin lives. You
are like a rotten potato you spoil everyone's lives!" She said snapping at me "First your brother
couldn't even love me in peace because he has to constantly worry about you! You ruined him your
family and everyone's lives I don't even know why you were born honestly!" I huge lamp engulfed my
Babalwa:"Of course she is going to cry you are such a burden Nkanyezi!"
I don't know what came over me but I just lost it and start beating the trap out of her.
I just saw red and I was on top of her attacking her.
I feel someone grabbing me from her.
Ntsika:"Nkanyezi what happened?!!" I'm breathing heavily Babalwa is on the floor with her nose
Babalwa:"You are unstable psycho!" She screamed getting.
Ntsika:"Say that again I will knock you off myself!"
I walked to my room and settled down my tears are gushing down.
Ntsika:"Breath!" He said kneeling in front of me.
Me:"I didn't mean to I didn't mean to beat her"
Ntsika:"You need to calm down and tell me what happened" I swallowed my saliva.
Me:"She wanted some help with Lutho and when I refused to get involved. She called me a burden
and a rotten potato

I lost it Ntsika. Oh my gosh I hurt her" I said gagging on my tears.

Ntsika:"Don't cry Nkanyezi she provoked you and got served"
Me:"I don't want to make Lutho angry" he sigh.
Ntsika:"He won't be come on let me see your hand" he said I gave him my hand he touched my
knuckles I flinched.
Me:"Ouch that hurts"
Ntsika:"Then learn how to punch properly" I laughed "I will get you some ice" I nod.
I can't believe my first day here is already a disaster.
Ntsika:"This will keep it from swelling I can't believe you hit her like that"
Me:"Babe!" He laughed
Ntsika:" I'm sorry I just didn't take you as a fighter" I sigh.
Me:"I never fought"
Just then Lutho walked in and looked at me.
Lutho:"What happened to your hand Nkanyezi?"
Me:"I'm sorry" he sigh.
Lutho:"I didn't know you are Rambo" Ntsika laughed
Ntsika:"Where is your girlfriend?"
Lutho:"Packing her luggage"
Me:"Should I apologize to her?"
Lutho:"I know that you wouldn't just attack her for no reason"
I sigh thinking about all the things she said.
Me:"When can I start my session? Because I believed everything she said about me"
Ntsika:"Tomorrow if that's ok with you" I nod.
We walked out and Babalwa dragged her luggage to the middle of the room.
Babalwa:"Lutho please can we fix this!"
Lutho:" Babalwa what we had long ended I can't do it anymore I tried being there for you in every
way but you just didn't want us to work. So this is for the best this is for you buy a ticket to get you
home and some food I'm sure it's enough" she wiped her tears taking the money from my brother.
Babalwa:"Thanks" she still had bruises on her face I can't believe I did that to her.

She walked out dragging out her luggage I looked at my brother he still does care for her but she
screwed everything up.
We all settled on the couch taking in a moment.
Me:"I was thinking of looking for a job" they both looked at me.
Ntsika:"A job? I'm not against it but babe I was hoping you take time to yourself. Focus on your
Me:" I can't be here all day"
Lutho:"Sign up for driving school lessons then"
Me:"And how will I pay for them if I'm not working? And don't say you will pay for them" they both
groaned and laughed.
Ntsika:" Fine it's only for two months next year it's only school" I rolled my eyes "I'm serious Rambo"
Lutho burst out of laughter.
Me:"Mxm!" I said standing up and went to the kitchen.
They start watching a game while I cook I love the little family we created here.
Now I need to go to Emihle they might not be okay with Lutho but she is still my best friend it has
nothing to do with me.
We started eating over a light conversation a loud knock disturbed us.
Me:"I will get it" I said standing up.
I opened the door and two officers stood by the door.
Me:"Hello can I help you?"
Officer:"Yes we are looking for Lutho Dlomo is he here?" My heart is beating fast.
Me:"Yes what is this all about" they didn't answer but just walked in.
Lutho:"Yes can we help you?"
Officer:" You are under arrest for assaulting your girlfriend Babalwa Mthi you have a right to remain
silent or anything you say will be used against you in the court of law"
Me:"What no! He didn't do it I was th--"
Ntsika:"Stay out of it Nkanyezi!" He said cutting me off.
Lutho:"It's okay Nkanyezi" he said as they cut him like some criminal I shook my head in tears as
they walk out with him.
Me:"He can't go to jail for something I did Ntsika" he sigh.
Ntsika:"It's okay let's go" he said taking my hand I can't believe Babalwa did this.



The drive to the police station seem to be long for us especially for Nkanyezi who keep tapping her
feet on the floor.

You could see fear and regret in her eyes for beating up that psycho I know that she is blaming
herself that Lutho got arrested but as for me I’m so proud of her for standing up for herself.

I was loving the confidence she was starting to have on herself she has been through a lot she
deserve a break from this.

I just can’t believe Babalwa could stoop so low she is the one who ruined the relationship she had
with Lutho from what I know.
I couldn’t believe that people could change but she proved me wrong today.
Babalwa used to be a nice girl that didn’t like anything bad she was even our headgirl at school
everyone loved her and now I don’t know where that girl everyone loved went.

I hate how this happened now that Nkanyezi was starting to be happy again she was finally looking
up to this new journey and was let her past life go.

Now I have to make sure that Lutho doesn’t spend a single night in jail because I don’t want to stress
her out.

I called one of my friends on our way to the station we soon pulled over at the station.
Soon Nelly walked out of her car and approached us Nkanyezi looked at me as she approaches us
and she frowned.

I knew why she looked at me like that but this was not the time nor the place for that.
Nelly: “Ntsika long time no see” she said smiling at me.
Me: “Long time Nelly but I need your help” she chuckled.
Nelly: “I feel used right now like I’m one of your bitches” that statement makes me uncomfortable
especially now that I’m with Nkanyezi Nkanyezi looked at me then swallowed.
Me: “Nelly this is my girlfriend Nkanyezi” she gasped immediately regretting the statement she said
Nelly: “Uh..Nice to meet you Nkanyezi” Nkanyezi just nod “Let me go and find my client” she said
quickly walking away.
Nkanyezi: “I will wait in the car” she walked away before I even answer I sigh and followed her to the
Me: “Nkanyezi” she looked at me.
Nkanyezi: “How much is she going to cost us?”
Me: “Don’t worry about that” she nods and looked outside the window “Are you going to tell me
whats wrong?”
Nkanyezi: “I’m just worried about my brother” I know she is lying she can’t even look at me.

It didn’t take long before Nelly came out with Lutho following Nkanyezi quickly jumped out of the car
and threw herself in her brother’s arms.
She starts crying Lutho brushed her back they have a special bond Lutho is a parent and a brother
to her I respect him for always being there for her.

Lutho: “Nkanyezi calm down I’m okay now” he said to my girlfriend who was crying against his chest
Nkanyezi: “I’m so sorry Lutho”
Lutho: “It’s not your fault that Babalwa is crazy”
Nelly pulled me aside while they talk to each other.
Nelly: “I’m sorry I didn’t know she was your girlfriend mate?” I sigh looking at Nkanyezi who was
focusing on her brother.
Me: “Well thank you for getting me in trouble” she scoffed
Nelly: “I can fix it”
Me: “I can handle my woman Nelly” she chuckled
Nelly: “Okay then she already hates me without being formally introduced way to mess things up for
yourself Zee” I chuckled
Me: “Who said I was going to introduce you”
Nelly: “Mxm. Let me go”
Me: “Send me your account?”
Nelly: “No tell your girl to have lunch with me that’s how much you owe me” she winked at me before
walking away.

Lutho: “Drive me to Zanele’s place?”

Nkanyezi: “Who is that?” I also want to know
Lutho: “Babalwa’s friend I’m sure that’s where she is” we both looked at him as if he is crazy.
Nkanyezi: “Why would you want to see Babalwa after what she just did” he sigh
Lutho: “I’m not going to do anything stupid please Ntsika just drive me there I will give directions” I
nod and drove there.
Me: “Is this it?” he nods and opened the door.
Lutho: “I will see you guys later”

Nkanyezi was clearly worried about him going there so was I I drove straight to my apartment she
didn’t ask any questions.
We got inside my place I looked at her
Me: “She is just a friend” she looked at me.
Nkanyezi: “What?”
Me: “Nelly” she swallowed
Nkanyezi: “Bella was a friend too and the next thing she is introduced as your girlfriend wait stretch
that as your future wife” she said bitterly I scoffed.
Me: “With Nelly its not like that. It is a different story” she scoffed
Nkanyezi: “If you say so” I sigh
Me: “Babe talk to me” I said holding her hand.
Nkanyezi: “Ntsika all your lady friends are successful they have a good thing going for themselves.
First Bella she is a beauty a soon to be doctor coming from a stable home Now Nelly God she is
beautiful too and a big shot of a lawyer who got my brother out within minutes then there is me” she
said playing with a fingers and looking down I lift her chin so she could look at me.
Me: “What about you my love?”
Nkanyezi: “Ntsika please I’m just a village girl with nothing but a matric certificate I don’t hold a
candle when it comes to those ladies. Why me? You could have any girl you want someone from the
same level as you” I chuckled
Me: “That’s somethingg you should ask my heart because it wants you and only. I see beyond that
village girl who holds nothing but a matric certificate. I see a woman who is still going to discover the
kind of power she possess onto the world” she bite her trembling lip as a way to prevent her tears
from falling.
Nkanyezi: “Oh my God I’m sorry it’s just that….” She couldn’t even finish the statement before she
breaks down.
I pulled her to sit on top of me she wrapped her arms around my neck I wrapped mine around her
Me: “Its okay babe she wrapped her arms around my neck I wrapped mine around her waist.
Me: “Its okay babe sometimes we all need reassurance from our partners I love you so much
sometimes I wish I could just bare my heart open for you to see it yourself. I’m always going to be
here” she doesn’t answer but she sniff and nod against my neck.

I understand with her past she doesn’t think that there is someone who willing to love her whole
heartedly she is used to people hating on her and it will take more than me reassuring her to fully
open herself up I will help her through that because I love this girl she doesn’t even have to try and
impress me.

We stayed in that position until her rumbling tummy disturbed us we both chuckled.
Me: “It’s time for you to be fed” I said moving her from my neck.
Nkanyezi: “I’m sleepy” I laughed
Me: “You will sleep after you ate my love” she sigh and moved from me.
I took my phone and started ordering I was disturbed by her hands wrapping themselves around me
from behind.
Nkanyezi: “Thank you” she said putting her head on my back.
Me: “For what?”
Nkanyenzi: “For loving me as broken as I am” I turned to look at her then cupped her face.
Me: “ I will love every piece of you my love”
Nkanyezi: “I love you so much Ntsika its just that sometimes I get scared that you will wake up and
think I’m not good enough I’m insecure about that” I love how she was opening up to me instead of
keeping this inside her.
Me: “You will always be good enough for me” I give a peck on her lips but she deepens the kiss and
moan in my mouth in the process of that.
My body immediately heats up because of what she is doing.
Me: “Babe the food is going to be here in 15 minutes” I said against her lips as she throws my tshirt
on the floor.
Nkanyezi: “then we have exactly 15 minutes my love” she said pushing me to the couch and sat on
top of me.
Slowly but surely my woman is gaining her confused now I know I created a freak when I taught her
woman on top not that I’m complaining though.

We are panting and sweating when the door bell rings we are both butt naked on the floor don’t ask
us how we got here.
Me: “Get the door”
Nkanyezi:"You get it"
Me: “Nkanyezi you are on top of me” she chuckled
Nkanyezi: “Your call Mr Memela” she stood up I chuckled.
She looked at me and shook her head I quickly stood up when I realize that she walking to the door
butt naked.
I quickly grabbed her back she giggled.
Me: “ Nkanyezi Dlomo!” she continue to laugh I put on my shorts and got our food “Are you crazy?” I
said walking back she grinned.
Nkanyezi: “No pass my food”
Me: “Lets make things clear that is my cookie to see mine alone” she grinned.
Nkanyezi: “Yes Sir” I shook my head to her craziness.

I know what I did was crazy and stupid but I had to teach Lutho a lesson he had no right to kick me
out at all.

I knew that when he told me that Nkanyezi was coming to stay with us that was is it for me I can’t
stand that brat worse part is that Lutho will always choose Nkanyezi over anyone else.

She had to ruin by showing up here now I have to go back to the village as a failure in my mother’s

Someone who couldn’t even keep a man nor get pregnant for this guy.
I decided to go to my friends place to think of my next move.

Zanele: “That was stupid of you Babalwa” I sigh I don’t understand why she has to tell me this
Me: “I know Zanele” she shook her head.
Zanele: “What did you think was going to happen after you got him arrested did you think he is going
to run back to you?”
Me: “I can’t lose him like this no there is gotta be something I can do. You need to help me Zanele”
she laughed
Zanele: “How? By faking another miscarriage again?”
Me: “Yes maybe he will feel sorry for me I will blame Nkanyezi this time”
Zanele: “Lutho is too nice and caring no guy who have stand for all the sit you have been doing for
the past months you have been sleeping with other people in his apartment while he is busy working
to provide for you. He would be stupid to buy that story yet again”
“Your friend is right” we quickly turned to the door my skin become pale.
Me: “Lutho what are you doing here? How did you get in?”
Lutho: “The door was open” he was cool as a cucumber “When did you become this evil Babalwa?”
he said sitting right infront of me.
Me: “Lutho please I’m sorry”
Lutho: “You are sorry for what? For making me mourn a baby that never existed? For cheating? For
lying about Emihle? For getting me arrested? What are you sorry for?”
Me: “For everything my love please forgive me” I said holding his hand but he yank me off.
Lutho: “You must be crazy if you think I will forgive such things”
Me: “Lutho if you didn’t cheat on me none of this was going to happen” he laughed.
Lutho: “I’m glad I cheated on you Babalwa because it showed me your true colours I can’t believe
that I was fooled like this. Don’t bother trying to apologize because I will never forgive you for this.
You separated me from the woman I love all for nothing” hearing him say he loved her angered “You
will never find peace as long as you live” he walked out you could tell he was hurt.
Zanele: “Wow my friend” she said clapping her hands.
Me: “You saw him coming didn’t you?” she smirked
Zanele: “He deserved to know the truth” I can’t believe her right now.
Me: “You always wanted him?” she chuckled
Zanele: “Lutho is a nice guy I would have went for him if he didn’t confess of still being in love with
Emihle the girl you worked so hard to get rid of” she said bitterly.
Me: “You are a snake Zanele” I said standing I’m so angry.
Zanele: “ Look at the kettle calling pot black”
Me: “ Fuck you Zanele!”
Zanele: “Go home Babalwa have fun looking after your father’s two goats” I walked out with tears
blinding me.



The drive to the police station seem to be long for us especially for Nkanyezi who keep tapping her
feet on the floor.

You could see fear and regret in her eyes for beating up that psycho I know that she is blaming
herself that Lutho got arrested but as for me I’m so proud of her for standing up for herself.

I was loving the confidence she was starting to have on herself she has been through a lot she
deserve a break from this.
I just can’t believe Babalwa could stoop so low she is the one who ruined the relationship she had
with Lutho from what I know.
I couldn’t believe that people could change but she proved me wrong today.

Babalwa used to be a nice girl that didn’t like anything bad she was even our headgirl at school
everyone loved her and now I don’t know where that girl everyone loved went.

I hate how this happened now that Nkanyezi was starting to be happy again she was finally looking
up to this new journey and was let her past life go.

Now I have to make sure that Lutho doesn’t spend a single night in jail because I don’t want to stress
her out.

I called one of my friends on our way to the station we soon pulled over at the station.
Soon Nelly walked out of her car and approached us Nkanyezi looked at me as she approaches us
and she frowned.

I knew why she looked at me like that but this was not the time nor the place for that.
Nelly: “Ntsika long time no see” she said smiling at me.
Me: “Long time Nelly but I need your help” she chuckled.
Nelly: “I feel used right now like I’m one of your bitches” that statement makes me uncomfortable
especially now that I’m with Nkanyezi Nkanyezi looked at me then swallowed.
Me: “Nelly this is my girlfriend Nkanyezi” she gasped immediately regretting the statement she said
Nelly: “Uh..Nice to meet you Nkanyezi” Nkanyezi just nod “Let me go and find my client” she said
quickly walking away.
Nkanyezi: “I will wait in the car” she walked away before I even answer I sigh and followed her to the
Me: “Nkanyezi” she looked at me.
Nkanyezi: “How much is she going to cost us?”
Me: “Don’t worry about that” she nods and looked outside the window “Are you going to tell me
whats wrong?”
Nkanyezi: “I’m just worried about my brother” I know she is lying she can’t even look at me.
It didn’t take long before Nelly came out with Lutho following Nkanyezi quickly jumped out of the car
and threw herself in her brother’s arms.

She starts crying Lutho brushed her back they have a special bond Lutho is a parent and a brother
to her I respect him for always being there for her.

Lutho: “Nkanyezi calm down I’m okay now” he said to my girlfriend who was crying against his chest
Nkanyezi: “I’m so sorry Lutho”
Lutho: “It’s not your fault that Babalwa is crazy”
Nelly pulled me aside while they talk to each other.
Nelly: “I’m sorry I didn’t know she was your girlfriend mate?” I sigh looking at Nkanyezi who was
focusing on her brother.
Me: “Well thank you for getting me in trouble” she scoffed
Nelly: “I can fix it”
Me: “I can handle my woman Nelly” she chuckled
Nelly: “Okay then she already hates me without being formally introduced way to mess things up for
yourself Zee” I chuckled
Me: “Who said I was going to introduce you”
Nelly: “Mxm. Let me go”
Me: “Send me your account?”
Nelly: “No tell your girl to have lunch with me that’s how much you owe me” she winked at me before
walking away.

Lutho: “Drive me to Zanele’s place?”

Nkanyezi: “Who is that?” I also want to know
Lutho: “Babalwa’s friend I’m sure that’s where she is” we both looked at him as if he is crazy.
Nkanyezi: “Why would you want to see Babalwa after what she just did” he sigh
Lutho: “I’m not going to do anything stupid please Ntsika just drive me there I will give directions” I
nod and drove there.
Me: “Is this it?” he nods and opened the door.
Lutho: “I will see you guys later”

Nkanyezi was clearly worried about him going there so was I I drove straight to my apartment she
didn’t ask any questions.
We got inside my place I looked at her
Me: “She is just a friend” she looked at me.
Nkanyezi: “What?”
Me: “Nelly” she swallowed
Nkanyezi: “Bella was a friend too and the next thing she is introduced as your girlfriend wait stretch
that as your future wife” she said bitterly I scoffed.
Me: “With Nelly its not like that. It is a different story” she scoffed
Nkanyezi: “If you say so” I sigh
Me: “Babe talk to me” I said holding her hand.
Nkanyezi: “Ntsika all your lady friends are successful they have a good thing going for themselves.
First Bella she is a beauty a soon to be doctor coming from a stable home Now Nelly God she is
beautiful too and a big shot of a lawyer who got my brother out within minutes then there is me” she
said playing with a fingers and looking down I lift her chin so she could look at me.
Me: “What about you my love?”
Nkanyezi: “Ntsika please I’m just a village girl with nothing but a matric certificate I don’t hold a
candle when it comes to those ladies. Why me? You could have any girl you want someone from the
same level as you” I chuckled
Me: “That’s something you should ask my heart because it wants you and only. I see beyond that
village girl who holds nothing but a matric certificate. I see a woman who is still going to discover the
kind of power she possess onto the world” she bite her trembling lip as a way to prevent her tears
from falling.
Nkanyezi: “Oh my God I’m sorry it’s just that….” She couldn’t even finish the statement before she
breaks down.
I pulled her to sit on top of me she wrapped her arms around my neck I wrapped mine around her
Me: “Its okay babe she wrapped her arms around my neck I wrapped mine around her waist.
Me: “Its okay babe sometimes we all need reassurance from our partners I love you so much
sometimes I wish I could just bare my heart open for you to see it yourself. I’m always going to be
here” she doesn’t answer but she sniff and nod against my neck.

I understand with her past she doesn’t think that there is someone who willing to love her whole
heartedly she is used to people hating on her and it will take more than me reassuring her to fully
open herself up I will help her through that because I love this girl she doesn’t even have to try and
impress me.
We stayed in that position until her rumbling tummy disturbed us we both chuckled.
Me: “It’s time for you to be fed” I said moving her from my neck.
Nkanyezi: “I’m sleepy” I laughed
Me: “You will sleep after you ate my love” she sigh and moved from me.
I took my phone and started ordering I was disturbed by her hands wrapping themselves around me
from behind.
Nkanyezi: “Thank you” she said putting her head on my back.
Me: “For what?”
Nkanyenzi: “For loving me as broken as I am” I turned to look at her then cupped her face.
Me: “ I will love every piece of you my love”
Nkanyezi: “I love you so much Ntsika its just that sometimes I get scared that you will wake up and
think I’m not good enough I’m insecure about that” I love how she was opening up to me instead of
keeping this inside her.
Me: “You will always be good enough for me” I give a peck on her lips but she deepens the kiss and
moan in my mouth in the process of that.
My body immediately heats up because of what she is doing.
Me: “Babe the food is going to be here in 15 minutes” I said against her lips as she throws my tshirt
on the floor.
Nkanyezi: “then we have exactly 15 minutes my love” she said pushing me to the couch and sat on
top of me.
Slowly but surely my woman is gaining her confused now I know I created a freak when I taught her
woman on top not that I’m complaining though.

We are panting and sweating when the door bell rings we are both butt naked on the floor don’t ask
us how we got here.
Me: “Get the door”
Nkanyezi:"You get it"
Me: “Nkanyezi you are on top of me” she chuckled
Nkanyezi: “Your call Mr Memela” she stood up I chuckled.
She looked at me and shook her head I quickly stood up when I realize that she walking to the door
butt naked.
I quickly grabbed her back she giggled.
Me: “ Nkanyezi Dlomo!” she continue to laugh I put on my shorts and got our food “Are you crazy?” I
said walking back she grinned.
Nkanyezi: “No pass my food”
Me: “Lets make things clear that is my cookie to see mine alone” she grinned.
Nkanyezi: “Yes Sir” I shook my head to her craziness.

I know what I did was crazy and stupid but I had to teach Lutho a lesson he had no right to kick me
out at all.

I knew that when he told me that Nkanyezi was coming to stay with us that was is it for me I can’t
stand that brat worse part is that Lutho will always choose Nkanyezi over anyone else.

She had to ruin by showing up here now I have to go back to the village as a failure in my mother’s

Someone who couldn’t even keep a man nor get pregnant for this guy.
I decided to go to my friends place to think of my next move.

Zanele: “That was stupid of you Babalwa” I sigh I don’t understand why she has to tell me this
Me: “I know Zanele” she shook her head.
Zanele: “What did you think was going to happen after you got him arrested did you think he is going
to run back to you?”
Me: “I can’t lose him like this no there is gotta be something I can do. You need to help me Zanele”
she laughed
Zanele: “How? By faking another miscarriage again?”
Me: “Yes maybe he will feel sorry for me I will blame Nkanyezi this time”
Zanele: “Lutho is too nice and caring no guy who have stand for all the sit you have been doing for
the past months you have been sleeping with other people in his apartment while he is busy working
to provide for you. He would be stupid to buy that story yet again”
“Your friend is right” we quickly turned to the door my skin become pale.
Me: “Lutho what are you doing here? How did you get in?”
Lutho: “The door was open” he was cool as a cucumber “When did you become this evil Babalwa?”
he said sitting right infront of me.
Me: “Lutho please I’m sorry”
Lutho: “You are sorry for what? For making me mourn a baby that never existed? For cheating? For
lying about Emihle? For getting me arrested? What are you sorry for?”
Me: “For everything my love please forgive me” I said holding his hand but he yank me off.
Lutho: “You must be crazy if you think I will forgive such things”
Me: “Lutho if you didn’t cheat on me none of this was going to happen” he laughed.
Lutho: “I’m glad I cheated on you Babalwa because it showed me your true colours I can’t believe
that I was fooled like this. Don’t bother trying to apologize because I will never forgive you for this.
You separated me from the woman I love all for nothing” hearing him say he loved her angered “You
will never find peace as long as you live” he walked out you could tell he was hurt.
Zanele: “Wow my friend” she said clapping her hands.
Me: “You saw him coming didn’t you?” she smirked
Zanele: “He deserved to know the truth” I can’t believe her right now.
Me: “You always wanted him?” she chuckled
Zanele: “Lutho is a nice guy I would have went for him if he didn’t confess of still being in love with
Emihle the girl you worked so hard to get rid of” she said bitterly.
Me: “You are a snake Zanele” I said standing I’m so angry.
Zanele: “ Look at the kettle calling pot black”
Me: “ Fuck you Zanele!”
Zanele: “Go home Babalwa have fun looking after your father’s two goats” I walked out with tears
blinding me.

I miss Emihle a lot I feel so stupid for not even giving her a chance to explain what happened.

I guess I just wanted to make sure that Babalwa was okay after losing the baby I blamed myself for
cheating on her and falling in love with the woman I cheated on her with.

It hurts that she made me mourn a baby that never existed but I was somehow relieved that it wasn't
there I will finally stop feeling the guilt of losing a child because of my actions.
Accompanying Nkanyezi to go see Emihle it took me everything not to go in there and tell her how I
feel and apologize for doing her so wrong.

But I didn't want to overwhelm her I pray that she forgives my stupid.
I came from work and find Nkanyezi cooking she was so joyful it's great to see her this happy.
Me:"Star" she turned and smiled.
Nkanyezi:"Bhuti wam how are you?"
Me:"I'm okay what happened? Why the Jolly mood" she chuckled.
Nkanyezi:"Sit and let me dish up for you I will tell you everything" I nod.

I settled down and soon she dished up for us.

Me:"So how was your day?"
Nkanyezi:"It went pretty well God I missed Emihle so much" I also miss her.
Me:"I'm happy for you"
Nkanyezi:"And my friend is pregnant I'm so happy" I choked on my food.
Me:"What?" The chest pains are hitting me like crazy she frowned.
Nkanyezi:" Are you not happy?"
Me:"Why would I be happy Nkanyezi? Her being pregnant means I have lost her forever she has
moved on" that taste bitter.
Nkanyezi:" What are you talking about she is---"
Me:"I need some air" I said standing up.
Nkanyezi:"I just told you are expecting a baby with the woman you love and is this how you act?"
Nkanyezi:"Wait you thought the baby wasn't yours"
Me:"Wait you are serious" she grinned I know she is serious.
Nkanyezi:"Yes bhuti" I quickly hugged.
Me:"She is having my...wait are you sure she is pregnant?" She sigh.
Nkanyezi:"Emihle is not Babalwa Lutho she is very much pregnant and the baby is already moving"
she said reassuring me.
Me:"I will be back" I kissed her cheek.
Nkanyezi:"Get your woman" I nod and ran out.
I bought flowers on my way to her as much as I'm nervous I will do anything at this point to get her
back especially now that we are having a baby together.
My heart is jumping with joy and also nerves.

My heart is beating faster and palms are sweating as my knuckles hit the door.
The door opens and she appears I'm sweating as we share a stare.
Emi:"Lutho" she said with her eyes glistening with tears I want to hug her immediately but I don't
want to overstep.
Me:"Hey can I come in?" She nods and opened for me to get in "These are for you" her bump is
visible on the baggy clothes she is wearing.
Emi:"Thank you" she took the flowers.
Me:"Emi I want to apologize for everything I know I was stupid I shouldn't have left you without letting
you explain"
Emi:"But you did Lutho you left me and on top of that accused me of killing a baby which apparently
didn't exist" of course Nkanyezi told her I knew this wasn't going to be easy.
Me:"I know Emi I'm so sorry I did that. I was hurt but I had no right to take that out on you" she sigh.
Emi:"That's in the past Lutho I had to let it go in order for me to love my baby because I wouldn't
have loved him if I kept thinking of that at first I would be guilty for having keep him while I killed
Babalwa's" she said rubbing her belly.
Me:"I'm sorry you had to go through that all because of me"
Emi:"It's okay" there was some silence.
Me:"It's a boy" a smiled creeped on her face she looks beautiful.
Emi:"Its a boy" I can't help but smile too.
Me:"Thank you for keeping him safe no matter"
Emi:"I couldn't lose both of you"
Me:"Can I touch it?" She smiled and nods.
I kneeled in front of her and touched her belly.
Me:"Hey boy it's me your dad. I know I haven't been here and you probably don't know me but I
promise to be here from now on I will never leave Mom alone" I kissed her belly she put her hand on
my head

I will never leave Mom alone" I kissed her belly she put her hand on my head that gives me hope
that we still have something special.
I looked up at her her tears are falling freely on her cheeks.
I quickly sat next to her so we could be in the same level.
Me:"What's wrong Emi?"
Emi:"I almost lost him Lutho everything has been so difficult. I have been stressed with everything I
just didn't know how to deal with everything alone" I quickly hugged her I hate that she had to go
through so much all alone.
Me:"I'm here I promise I'm not going anywhere" she nods holding onto me tight God I missed her so
Me:"Feeling better now?"
Emi:"Yeah just that my feet are hurting"
Me:"Put them here" I said helping her get her feet to my lap "Do you want me to massage them?"
She quickly nods and I chuckled.
Emi:"Thank you" I nod.
Me:"Have you told your parents yet?" She shook her head.
Emi:"No I'm scared they won't accept my baby especially that you are the father I mean they couldn't
even accept my friendship with Nkanyezi"
Me:"We will see that when we cross that bridge I don't want anything stressing you anymore I think
it's best they know when you go home" she nods
Emi:"Yeah I was thinking that too"
Me:"Do you need anything?" She nods
Emi:"I'm out of jungle food"
Me:"Is that all" she shook her head and look down "Hey what's wrong?"
Emi:"I need sex a lot of it" I gasped in shock.
Me:"If we have sex we get back together then"
Emi:"What?! No"
Me:"Well I can't sleep with you"
Emi:"Fine I will find it somewhere else" I choked.
Me:"Not while you are pregnant with my child"
Emi:"But you are depriving me" I sigh.
Me:"Finally I will be your booty call" she laughed I missed hearing her laugh.
Emi:"You can start now"
Me:"You are crazy Emi" she smiled we locked eyes and the next thing our lips are locked "God I
missed you" I said against her lips.
Emi:"I missed you too" her hands are already helping me out of my t-shirt.
Me:"Please give me a chance again I promise I won't mess up" she looks at me as if she is
searching for something.
Emi:"I love you I tried stopping but I just couldn't. I still love you" my heart is whole again.
Me:"Thank you Mangwane I love you too" that's all I needed.

I think God hated me now that I was starting to be happy with the woman I love whole heartedly now
this happens.

We couldn't perform the ultrasound on Bella because I had a busy day and I also had patients to

But by the confidence in Bella told me that she isn't lying.

I couldn't focus the rest of my shift I don't know how will Nkanyezi take this.

I don't want to be the reason she is sad nor heart broken.

My shift was finally over and Bella was waiting for me to do this.

I did the ultrasound on her and it confirmed that she is in deed pregnant and it align with the time we
were together.
Bella:"Satisfied? If not you are free to perform a paternity test"
Me:"I'm screwed" I can't even hide that I'm not happy.
Bella:"Oh you are worried about your brother's wife finding out that I'm pregnant and leaving you"
Me:"She is not my brother's wife she is my girlfriend" she laughed.
Bella:"Whatever makes you sleep better at night if you are that worried we can keep it a secret until
you are ready to tell her" I raised my eyebrows.
Me:"Oh really?"
Bella:"Yeah I'm not here to break you guys up I just want my child to have a father" I laughed
Me:"You think I'm stupid you want me to hide this from Nkanyezi so you could go behind my back
and tell her causing trouble between us" she swallowed.
Bella:"Ntsika I was just considering your relationship I don't want it to end because of me"
Me:"Worrying about my relationship is not your business I will handle it" I walked out leaving her
I drove home with my heart on my knees I'm scared.
I decided to go to Lutho's apartment it's better I tell her now it's not like I cheated but it will still hurt

She opens the door she was in a good mood you could tell by the way she threw herself in my
Me:"Hey babe" she smiled.
Nkanyezi:"Oh okay" we sat down "Before I forget Lutho is going to be a father"
Nkanyezi:"Emihle is pregnant" the word pregnant makes me cringe at the moment "Are you okay?"
Me:"Yeah I'm good" God how do I break her heart?
Nkanyezi:"Ntsika you are lying" she frowned.
Me:"I'm sorry babe"
Nkanyezi:" Babe"
Me:"Bella is pregnant"
Nkanyezi:"What?" I nod.
Me:"And she says it's mine" she kept quiet "Babe" she looked at me her eyes scream pain and hurt.
Me:"Say something"
Nkanyezi:"Congratulations" I close my eyes.
Me:"Babe this doesn't change anything" she shook her head.
Nkanyezi:"It changes everything"
Me:"No Nkanyezi don't say that"
Nkanyezi:"It's the truth I don't get to be the mother of your first child and Bella gets that. She will
forever have something that ties you two together" she said with tears right now I hate myself I
engulfed her in a hug she doesn't protest.
Me:"Forgive me"

We have been sitting in comfortable silence I could tell that she was hurting.
It broke my heart to hear her say that the opportunity of being the one who bare me the first child
had been taken away from her.

I know this is going to add to her insecurities.

I don't know what Bella's plan is with all of this I feel like she is going to cause trouble to my
relationship and she is going to use this pregnancy to her advantage.

I know people might say I'm evil but I just can't be happy about this baby I know it's cruel but I just
Nkanyezi quickly stood up without saying anything and went to the bathroom.
I could hear water running she is taking a shower and soon she comes out.
She goes to her wardrobe and took out some clothes I looked her confused.
Me:"What's going on?" She sigh and looked at me.
Nkanyezi:"I'm going out with Nelly" I totally forgot about that.
Me:"Okay I will drive you" she shook her head.
Nkanyezi:"I will take an Uber"
Me:"Nkanyezi I didn't do this on purpose"
Nkanyezi:"And you think I don't know that?"
Me:"Seems like it because right now you are acting as if I cheated on you" she chuckled.
Nkanyezi:"What do you want me to do Ntsika? Be happy for you?!"
Me:"Of course not but I want you to talk to me tell me what you are feeling?"
Nkanyezi:" I'm not happy Ntsika you think this baby is not going to change anything but it has
already. Bella will be part of our lives forever you will start going to appointments together and bond
over your baby while I'm left in the cold. I just don't know if I can deal with that" she looking at me as
emotional as she is she is not crying.
Me:"You don't trust me"
Nkanyezi:"I don't trust her before everything else she was your friend and she might know you more
than I do. So who knows what will happen"
Me:"I don't want this coming between us like it is right now"
Nkanyezi:"It's not coming between us I'm just voicing out my feelings and I'm allowed to feel the way
I do right now. I'm not going to stop you from being a father but I'm just wondering where will that
leave me"
Me:"I know you think a lot is going to change I myself I'm not ready to do this and more than ever I
need you" she looked at me astonished and comes to sit next to me.
She took my hand and squeeze it into hers.
Nkanyezi:"I'm scared I'm scared that I'm going to lose you I don't want that"
Me:"You are not going to lose me I'm also scared of losing you because of this" she sits on me.
Nkanyezi:"I'm sorry I made this about me" she said touching my face.
Me:"You were voicing out your feelings" she shook her head.
Nkanyezi:"I was but I sometimes tend to forget that we are in a relationship together you will also
need me to hold you down like you do. I'm sorry I have been selfish it will take us time to adjust in
this but we will make it work together because I'm not losing you" I pecked her lips.
Me:"Thank you babe I appreciate it" she nods.
Nkanyezi:"Can you tell Nelly that I can't go out with her not today"
Me:"Why?" She sigh
Nkanyezi:"Because you need me"
Me:"But I--"
Nkanyezi:"Tell her we will meet this Saturday it's more convenient"
Me:"Nelly will think I'm keeping you away from her"
Nkanyezi:"Well better you than me"
Me:"So I'm the bad guy now wow" she laughed and kissed my cheek.
Nkanyezi:"I love you too" I chuckled.
I'm glad she is here honestly I know it's hard knowing that another woman is having your boyfriend's
I just don't know if I will be able to co-parent with Bella I need time to wrap my head around

Bella drove inside the Memela resident and as soon as Mrs Memela saw her she smiles widely she
squeezed her into a hug.

She didn't see anyone else worth to be a Memela bride like Bella.

Bella is from a good home her parents are rich and she is climbing a ladder to be a doctor someday.

She had more things in common with Ntsika she didn't understand why Ntsika chose Nkanyezi over
Mrs M:"Bella how are you?"
Bella:"I'm good Ma how are you?"
Mrs M:"I don't know Bella honestly I did everything for Ntsika but here we are"
Bella:"I'm sorry I'm sure he will come around" she sigh.
Mrs M:"I doubt

enough about him what brings you here not that I'm complaining" Bella sigh
Bella:"I'm pregnant" there was some silence for a while.
Mrs M:"I guess it's Ntsika's that's why you are telling me"
Bella:" Yes" Mrs Memela smiled.
Mrs M:"God you don't know how happy I am to hear this and have you told him" she nods
Bella:"I told him Ma"
Mrs M:"And what did he say?" She sigh.
Bella:"He didn't believe me at first and he even perform an ultrasound on me" Mrs M gasped
Mrs M:"How dare he? I can't believe how much that girl has changed my son" Bella kept quiet "You
know what Ntsika will hear an earful from me he has to take responsibility of his actions and don't
worry Bella I will make sure he does" she nods with some relief atleast she has Ntsika's mother on
her side and she is sure his father will surely agree to anything she says.

We have been locked up in my room the whole day.
I was in his arms once again it's like he never left I know some people would think I forgave him way
too easy and they are right.

But I just feel like we were both manipulated by a vile person I'm not saying we were right for doing
what we did to her but she took it far.

I love Lutho so much when it started it was just me having crush on him and when we finally slept
together I knew it was more than that.

I know our lives are going to be complicated because my parents won't be happy about this but I
don't care about that right now.
Lutho:"What are you thinking about?" I looked at him Lord knows I missed him so much.
Me:" Life" he looked at me and caressed my belly.
Lutho:"I hope you are not stressing my baby" I could see the sparkle in his eyes he is happy about
this pregnancy and he is going to do anything for his child.
Me:"I'm not stressing him I promise" he looked at me as if he is searching for something in my face
especially my eyes "Lutho"
Lutho:"Marry me" I laughed at him but stopped when he is not.
Me:"What?" That comes out as a whisper.
Lutho:"I know we are both young and we don't have much but people do find their soulmate at a
young age and I have find mine in you and we have love we have us. I don't want to lose you again
so marry me" I looked at him I'm speechless and he is anxiously waiting.
Me:"Yes Lutho I will marry you" tears bust into my eyes he kiss my face all over.
Lutho:"I know I can't afford a big wedding and I can't af--"
Me:"I don't care if we marry in court" he looked at me with so much love in his eyes and I'm drowning
in it.
Lutho:"I love you so much"
Me:" I love you" Nothing matters right now but us I know my parents will kill me but I'm ready for that
because I love him with all my heart.

I have been locked up in this house the love I once had for Bheki had fade away.
I have lost so much weight I don't even recognise myself when I look in the mirror.

My body has bruises he has turned to this violent person I don't recognise.
Anything I say can easily tip him off and he will beat me then apologize later.

I used to forgive him because I believe it was my fault that he lost it and he would blame for it also
while apologising.

The sex was no longer about us both but him as long as he is satisfied then that's it.
He will force me into it as well I could easily say he has been raping me when he feels like it.

He has been trying so hard to get me pregnant but nothing has happened he bought fertility pills but
still nothing happened and that angered him.
Bheki:"Babe" I looked at him with tears in my eyes "I'm so sorry" he said trying to touch my bruised
face but I flinched moving away from him.
Bheki:"I love you Monde please forgive me I don't know why I lost it like that" I just nod I have been
hearing a lot of that lately
Bheki:"I'm going for a run do you need anything"
Bheki:"I love you" he kissed my cheek and walked out I was expecting to hear the door getting
locked but I don't.
I stood up after a few minutes and limped to the door and it's indeed unlocked.
I slowly walked out of the room praying that the front door is unlocked.
I looked around and saw the keys my heart is beating fast as I picked them up and walked towards
the door.
I opened and walked out then locked the door locking the door will surely give me time he will think I
locked myself inside.
Me:"It's now or never Monde" I hope this painful body manages to get me away from here as far as

I'm honestly scared of how Bella is going to use the pregnancy to her advantage it was pretty
obvious that she was more into Ntsika than he was.

If it was the old me I would have cried and left him but now I felt confident about what we have.

Yes I'm hurt that I don't get to be the one who carries his first child.
But I love Ntsika with every part of me he didn't cheat on me.

I was also with Bheki when all of this happened so I can't be that mad.
Ntsika needed me he was scared to lose me.
I have never had someone who is scared to lose like he is and I appreciate it it shows that he does
really love me.

Since Lutho was at Emihle's apartment Ntsika decided to take me to his so I don't get bored.
Ntsika:"What are you thinking about?" He said kissing my shoulder.
Me:"Thinking about how everything has changed for the both of us"
Ntsika:"Yeah a lot has changed but I'm glad about all the changes in my life"
Me:"Me too" he smiled.
Ntsika:"Are you ready for tomorrow?" I was starting my therapy sessions.
Me:"I'm just nervous to unpack everything" he held my hand.
Ntsika:"It's all for the greater good babe I know it's scary" I nod.
Me:"Thank you for everything you are doing for me Ntsika"
Ntsika:"Don't thank me my love I just want you to be okay and live the life you deserve" I nod.
Me:"I just wish that I was the one pregnant right now" sadness washes on his face "Don't be like that
babe I'm not saying I want a child now but having to deal with Bella it's going to be a lot" he sigh
Ntsika:"She asked me to hide the pregnancy from you" I chuckled.
Me:"Why? So she could use it to break us apart because if you did hide it I was going to leave I
Ntsika:"That's what I thought I knew the moment she suggested that I don't tell you something was
up and I'm not that stupid"
Me:"I love you Ntsika and I promise we are going to figure this out together"
Ntsika:"Thank you and I love you too Star" my stomach rumbles "Let me go get us something to
He stood up and goes to the kitchen side the door bell rang.
Me:"Are you expecting someone?"
Ntsika:"No please get the door" I nod and went to the door then opened it I was met by my ex
mother in-law and Bella this can't be good.
She sizes me from up and down I was wearing Ntsika's shirt she chuckled.
Ma:"Nkanyezi you are now cohabitating with my other son after running away from your marriage
with my other son it truly shows that you are from that no good of a family"
Ntsika:"Babe who is it?" He yelled from the kitchen.
Me:"Your stepmother and your ex are here" I said walking back in leaving them to decide if they
want to come in or not.
Ntsika quickly comes to my side and watch them as they come in.
Ma:"So is this what you do Ntsika? Cohabitating with your brother's wife"
Ntsika:"What do you want?" He said not entertaining what she just said.
Ma:"I want to talk about you about Bella's pregnancy" She ran to her to report Ntsika what a
Ntsika:"What about her pregnancy?"
Ma:"She is carrying your child Ntsika you have to take care of her. She can't be staying alone while
pregnant you need to take of your responsibility" I chuckled Bella gave me a look I frowned and
stared at her she quickly looked away I thought as much.
Ntsika:"My responsibility is that baby she is carrying not her

she has a home so until she gives birth she is not my responsibility and she will never be. Until then
forget it woman and you Bella I thought you were better than this I thought I knew you but obviously I
Bella:"Ntsika this is our child I just want us to be a family"
Ntsika:"We could have been that if you were not after what's not yours" she swallowed.
Ma:"I can't believe you I will talk to Bella's parents we will make sure you do right by her"
Ntsika:"You are not my mother don't forget that you are not welcomed here. As for you Bella I want a
paternity test of that baby before I get involved" Bella gasped.
Bella:"You think I would lie to you"
Ntsika:"Well you are the one who said I was free to do it so I don't know what you are crying about"
Bella:"I can't believe you right now" she said quickly walking away crying I don't care.
Ma:"Ntsika you have went too far this time you are letting this girl destroy our family soon you will
regret it and come back crawling to us nx!" She clicked her tongue then walked away.
Me:"That was fun-ish" he looked at me.
Ntsika:"I can't believe this" he was angry.
Me:"Calm down babe let's eat"
Ntsika:"Babe are you okay?"
Me:"I was expecting this to happen your family is very predictable so is Bella. So I'm fine let's eat I'm
so hungry" he smiled.
Ntsika:"Let's eat then" I can't believe these people.

I went for a run to clear my head everything has been a mess lately.
I can't stand looking at Nomonde she is just a reminder of how vile I have turned into.

I have been stalking my brother on social media and when I see him posting my wife as the love of
his life I just lose it and end up taking out my anger on my girlfriend.
I know she doesn't deserve this I hear her cries everytime she is using the bathroom my heart just
breaks I didn't mean to hurt her like this.
She has lost so much weight because of how I have been treating her.

I need her to forgive me so I can do the right thing.

I love her so much I can't lose her.

I ran back home and searched for my key but it's not in the pocket I walked down the road to search
for it but it's not anywhere then it clicks that I never took it on top of the counter.
I ran back home as fast as I can I tried pushing the door open but it's locked.
Me:"Nomonde!" This can't be happening. .
I round the house to find a way in but the doors are locked.
I break the window and got inside.
I kept yelling for her but she was nowhere.
Me:"Fuck" I took my phone and called my mother.
Mom:"Bheki is everything okay?"
Me:"She escaped"
Mom:"What!?" She said panicking
Me:"She is not anywhere to be found"
Mom:"You need to get out of there Bheki"
Me:"No Mom I need to find her she couldn't have made it far in that state"
Mom:"What? Bheki did you hit her?"
Me:"I swear I didn't mean to"
Mom:"I know please leave that place baby"
Me:"I need to find her!" I hung up "Where are you my love"

I have been running in this wooden area I don't even know where am I.
There is no near by road or I took the wrong route.

My feet are in so much pain I feel dizzy and weak.

I was now near a lake or fishing pod and if I fall it's over for me I will drown.

I hear voice like children voice I might be hallucinating due to being worn out.
Me:"Help!" I can see their blurry small figures "Help me!" It took every strength for me to get my
"Are you okay?" A little voice said.
Me:"Please help" I whispered.
"Dad!" another one yelled.
Soon a man approach us as much as I don't see their face due to being dizzy I can hear them.
"She needs help dad I think she is hurt"
"Mam are you okay?" I shook my head "It's okay lean on me we will take to the hospital"
"Dad her feet are bleeding"
"Fuck what happened to her"
"That's a bad word dad"
"I'm sorry baby girl" he picked me up bridal style "Don't talk you will be draining that little energy you
still have kids get in the car it seems like we are going to the hospital" that's all I remember before
blacking out.


It has been days without finding Nomonde I don't know how to cope it's like I'm losing my mind.

I didn't even leave this place because I was hoping that she will soon show up at my door step and
we will fix everything.

But she never showed up instead my mother showed up on my doorsteps I was so happy thinking
it's her but no it wasn't.
Mom:"Have you ran out of your mind?" She said pushing me aside and walked in she is fumming.
Me:"What are you talking about?" She looked at me as if I just went crazy.
Mom:"Bheki I might have managed to control the police in that Nkanyezi's case in our village but
Nomonde's father is the law himself he will make sure you for in jail for what you did to her
Me:"I didn't mean to hurt her" she sigh
Mom:"But you did if you don't get out of here you will be charged for Kidnapping Assault and Rape
you will spend your whole life in jail" I swallowed to the thought.
Me:"What am I going to do now?"
Mom:"Stay in hiding start a new life because I don't think her father will rest until he finds you and
throw you in jail"
Me:"Fine but I will need to make one stop before going to away forever"
Mom:"What stop Bheki?"
Me:"I rather not say how is everyone?"
Mom:"They are okay it's not like you haven't been stalking everyone anyways"
Me:"I wasn't stalking them I was just keeping tabs on them"
Mom:"Well I guess you see what happens between your brother and your wife" I clenched my fist.
Me:"He is not my brother"
Mom:"He is your father's son" I chuckled.
Me:"Did you kill her?" She looked at me like I caught her off guard.
Mom:"What are you talking about?"
Me:"About Ntsika's mother were you the one who ran her over"
Mom:"How could you ask me such nonsense"
Me:"Because you are capable and you wonder where I get the evilness it's from you mother dearest"
a slap landed on my face.
Mom:"I'm trying to clean every mess you do and here you are calling me evil" I chuckled.
Me:"A loving Mom would get me help inside of promoting everything I do you are the reason I'm like
this God knows I hate you"
Mom:"You can't say that I'm your mother Bheki" her voice was shaking.
Me:"If you were a mother you could have avoided this by getting me some help when I raped the first
girl I was just sixteen haven't you thought I had mental issues since then. But all you did was clean
up my mess and that made me believe what I was doing was somehow right and you motivated it"
she doesn't say anything.

I don't remember much after getting in the car with those strangers.
My eyes seem to be blurry when I open them and a smell of medicine hit my nostrils.

That right there immediately tells me that I'm in hospital.

I closed my eyes when the bright lights hit me and groaned.
"Are you okay?" An unfamiliar voice said I opened my eyes and find a guy standing next to my bed it
wasn't my doctor.
Me:"I'm fine" I'm still confused and trying to figure out who he is.
"I'm the dad who helped you" I guess he noticed my confusion God I'm grateful for him and his kids.
Me:"Thank you so much" he smiled a little.
"It's okay let me call a doctor for you" I nod.
He comes back with the doctor.
Dr:"I thought it would take you longer to wake up" she said smiling.
Me:"How long have I been here" she looked at me.
Dr:"Three days"
Me:"That long?" She nods
Dr:"We will finish running some test on you for now everything is good"
Me:"Thank you" she nods and walked out the stranger walked close to me.
Stranger:"You will be out of here in no time"
Me:"Have you been here for the past three days" he nods.
Stranger:"Yes they needed a family member" speaking of family member I need to call my parents.
Me:"Thank you so much

do you mind borrowing me your phone?"

Stranger:"Of course not" he hands me the phone I was about to call when the door flew open I
jumped a little think it might be Bheki but two girls walked in with a woman I assume it's his wife
since he is wearing a wedding band.
He looked at me and mouth I'm sorry I just nod.
Stranger:"What are you guys doing?"
Girl1:"We miss you dad you are barely at home" I immediately feel bad that I was taking their father
away from them.
Stranger:"I promise I will be home tonight"
Girl2:"Pinky promise"
Stranger:"Pinky promise" I chuckled to the action because it reminded of me and my father when I
was young.
They all turned to look at me.
Woman:"Oh my God we didn't even notice you are awake I'm sorry" she wearing a warm smile.
Me:"It's okay"
Woman:"I'm Lisa"
Me:"I'm Nomonde" her and the girls laughed except for their father he seemed taken back I'm
Woman:"I'm sorry this is funny"
Me:"What?!" I asked confused
Girl1:"Dad's name is Monde" he looked at me.
Me:"Uh that's I don't know" I chuckled.
Monde:"Okay guys that's enough please go I will be with you at home shortly I'm sure Nomonde
wants to rest"
They all bid their good and the room is quiet Monde sigh as if he is relieved I chuckled.
Monde:"I'm sorry about that I don't know why my sister brought them here" oh it's her sister not wife
now I see the resemblance.
Me:"It's okay I needed some laugh" he chuckled and stared at me someone cleared their throat it's
the doctor.
Dr:"Monde can you excuse us" they know each other.
Me:"No it's okay" he smiled a little bit.
Dr:"Uh okay your test results have come back and everything is good your baby is d--"
Me:"What?" The chest pains.
Dr:"You didn't know you are pregnant?" I shook my head with tears I can't be pregnant with Bheki's
child no.
Me:"There must be a mistake"
Dr:"It's okay I know these kinds of news can be shocking do you need some time?" I shook my head
and wiped my tears.
Me:"How far along am I?"
Dr:"Three weeks"
Me:"I want an abortion" they looked at me shocked.
Dr:"Nomonde you can't just make such decisions while you are this emotional"
Me:"I don't want this baby I will hate the baby I don't want to keep it so please I want to terminate the
pregnancy" she nods.
Dr:"I will make preparations for everything" she walked out.
I'm left with Monde I can't even look at him I'm sure he is judging me but he doesn't understand the
pain I have been through.
We stay in silence for a while.
Monde:"Do you want to call anyone?" If I call any of my family they will try and stop me from doing
this I can't keep this baby.
Me:"No I will be fine"
Monde:"Okay then it's a difficult thing to go through alone you might need someone" I looked at him
how does he know that "I'm the doctor here I see how emotional patients become after they go
through an abortion"
Me:"I don't want anything thing tying me to him" my tears build up thinking of how this baby was
conceived hurts me to my soul.
I felt his hand around me something about him just gives out comfort his aura is different from what
I'm used to.

Few hours later the procedure was done I was cleaned up.
I didn't feel emotional about any of that I just felt bad that the baby wasn't given a chance to live
because of the father's doing I wish the circumstances were different I would have kept the baby but
in this situation my mental health comes first.
"You are crying" Monde stood by the door I wiped my tears.
Me:"I thought you went home"
Monde:"I did I just came back are you okay?" he seemed genuinely concerned.
Me:"I'm okay I just need to book an appointment with my therapist"
Monde:"Nomonde your father called back and they are on their way here" I know he has some
questions because I'm sure my father did tell him I have been missing.
Me:"I was kidnapped by my then boyfriend"
Monde:"I'm sorry to hear that" I nod "I got you something to eat I hope it cheers you up"
Me:"Thank you" I smiled realising it's a home cooked meal I haven't had any of that since I left my
Monde:"You are welcome" he looked at me I don't know if it's in his nature or what he loves staring.



Monde watched me eat he even made sure that I finish the food.
I don't want to lie the food was delicious it made me miss my mother's cooking God knows I can't
wait for her to get here.
I wanted to get home so bad and cry about all that has happened to me.
Monde:"You zoned out again"
Me:"I'm sorry you should get going it's late" he frowned.
Monde:"Why are you kicking me out am I boring you?"
Me:"NO of course not I just thought about your family it's getting late"
Monde:"Okay then I'm leaving" he said standing up
Me:"Don't be like that"
Monde:"I need to put the kids to bed anyways" I just nod
Me:"Will I see you tomorrow?" That volunterily escaped my mouth I want to slap the shit out of my
stupid head.
Monde:"You want to see me?" He said smiling.
Me:"Uh if you are not busy?"
Monde:"Okay then I will see you tomorrow" he comes and kissed my forehead I held his arm.
I withdraw his scent to my nostrils he smells good.
Get a grip Nomonde he is married and you just got out of a messy relationship.
Monde:"Are you okay?" I opened my eyes feeling all sort of embarassed.
Me:"I'm fine" I said letting go of his arm.
Monde:"Take care of yourself" I nod I honestly didn't want him to go
Me:"You too" he flashed a smile before walking out.

A while later the doors opened and Mom rushes to me calling my name with tears in her eyes my
tears fall as I crashed myself inside her arms.

Mom:"It's okay babe you are safe now" she said kissing my forehead repeatedly.
She pulled away from the hug and wiped her tears.
I looked at my dad he looked pained he lost some weight too.
He is holding his tears by his eyelids.
Me:"Daddy" my eyes well up again he walked closed to me before pulling me in for a hug he sobs
holding me tight.
Dad:"I'm so sorry princess" I know exactly what's going on in his mind.
I just cried harder realising the pain my disappearance has caused this is Bheki's fault God knows I
hate him so much.
The moment went for a while before we both calmed down.
Dad:"How are you feeling?" I sigh.
Me:"Better than the few days"
Mom:"Thank God to the guy who called us for a minute we thought it was a prank when he said his
name was Monde" at the mention of his name I just smiled.
Me:"Yeah his name is Monde him and his children were the one who helped and brought me to the
Dad:"We should thank him I promise baby we will find that boy and he will regret ever meeting you" I
Me:"I was pregnant" I have always been upfront and open with my parents they looked at each
Mom:"What happened? Did you lose the baby?" I swallowed I wish that was the case.
Me:"No I aborted" Dad ran his hands on his face.
Dad:" How are you feeling about it?"
Me:"I'm okay I'm going to see a therapist"
Mom:"Okay babe" I'm glad they are not judging me.
They spent more time then left and went to the hotel.

I woke up in the middle of the night due to my bladder feeling happy.

I tried standing up but someone was holding I wanted to scream but I didn't I turned and found
Monde behind me.

What is he doing he? I looked at him he was deep in his sleep.

I sigh and went to the bathroom then came back he was still sleeping I climbed back to bed.

He wrapped his arms around me again.

Me:"Monde" I whispered.
Monde:"Mmmmh" he said in his sleepy voice.
Me:"Are you sleeping?" He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me.
Me:"Hi" we stared at each other "What are you doing here?"
Monde:"I couldn't sleep"
Me:"You came here" he nods.
Monde:"I'm sorry"
Me:"Where is your wife?" He looked at me.
Monde:"Probably sleeping" I'm no homewrecker
Me:" Go home Monde" he sighed and nod.
Monde:"Goodnight" he stood up I watched him as he put on his shoes "I wouldn't cheat on my wife I
said she is probably sleeping because I'm not sure if the dead sleep"
Me:"I..." The words are stuck on my throat "Don't go please" He stopped and took off his shoes then
got next to me and pulled me in his arms a sense of belonging washes over me.
Monde:"How are your parents?"
Me:"Relieved that I'm safe thank you for coming to my aid that day"
Monde:"The kids wants to see you again"
Me:"I would love that" his kids are a breath of fresh air.
Monde:" I want to kiss you"
Me:"I...Okay" he captured my lips and led me to a passion kiss his lips are soft.

Today I was meeting up with Nelly even though I was skeptically about the whole thing Ntsika
promised she is a great person and I will love her.

It was pretty evident that him and Nelly share a great friendship and she means a lot to him so I'm
willing to give it a try with her.

Ntsika has been followed me around begging me for a quicky before I leave.
Me:"Ntsika I don't want to smell sex" he sigh sulking he is such a baby.
Ntsika:"You will clean up babe"
Me:"I'm already late Memela" he doesn't answer he instead pushed me against the wall and attack
me with a kiss I moaned in his mouth.
He moved my underwear aside and rubbed my clit I'm instantly wet.
Me:"Make it quick" my clit is throbbing for him to be inside me.
He rubbed his dick before sliding inside me he groaned before deepening his stroke I dig my nails on
his back as I feel him hit against my womb my body tensed up before a wave of orgasm hit me and a
feeling of satisfaction takes over me.
He soon releases inside me it leaves a warm feeling.
Ntsika:"I want more of you" he whispered against my ear.
Me:"And I have to go" He groans and pulled out of me slowly he is doing it on purpose he knows
how that leaves my clit throbbing for more.
I'm soon cleaned up and ready to go.
Ntsika:"I'm working a night today" I sigh
Me:"Good that sucks"
Ntsika:"You can sleep here I will be back before you know it"
Me:"My parents will kill us once they found out we are doing exactly the opposite of what we
Ntsika:"You are not staying with me you are just visiting since your brother decided to lock himself
up with Emihle" I chuckled.
Me:" Fine then I will be waiting for you" he smiled.
He drove me to the place where I will meet Nelly.
Ntsika:"I will see you tomorrow my love"
Me:"Okay babe" I was about to open the door he stopped me.
Ntsika:"Not without kissing me young lady" I smiled and kissed him.
Me:"I love you Memela"
Ntsika:"I love you my Star" I opened the door and wave goodbye.

I walked inside and found Nelly already seated she smiled as soon as she saw me.
Nelly:"Hey" she hugged me she smelled really and expensive.
We settled down on our chairs.
Nelly:"Before anything else I want to apologize for that day I didn't know that you were his girlfriend" I
Me:"It's okay that's water under the bridge"
Nelly:"Thank you let's order then" we ordered.
We talked for a while and I found myself opening up to her.
Nelly:" Wow I thought Bella was a nice girl"
Me:"Me too I'm so scared that she will try to come between me and Ntsika"
Nelly:"Ntsika loves you he wouldn't let anything come between the two of you. Knowing the old
Ntsika I know for sure that you are special to him "
Me:"I also love him but I'm scared of him leaving me"
Nelly:"Why would he leave you?"
Me:"Because I have nothing going on for myself in the side and find a job in this place it's hard" she
Nelly:"I need an assistant"
Nelly:"Yes it's nothing major I sure you will manage"
Me:"I would appreciate that Nelly thank you"
Nelly:"And don't worry Ntsika is selfless no matter he will be there for you"
Me:"I know I just want him to see that his sacrifice weren't for nothing they were worth it"
Nelly:"Seems like my friend has found the one with you"
We ate our food and everything was great she didn't make feel like I was any less than her.
I guess there are nice people in the world too different from what I grew in.
Nelly:"Geez time flies when you are having a great time"
Me:"Tell me about it" she made me drink a cocktail for the first time I tested alcohol.
Nelly:"Please don't tell Ntsika I made you drink a cocktail he will kill me"
Me:"He is working our secret is safe"
Nelly:"Let's go before my girlfriend kills me"
Me:"So it's true that you are saying another girl"
Nelly:"Yes it's true"
Me:"I thought Ntsika was just making it up to ease my insecurities" she dropped me off at Ntsika's
Nelly:"Call me when you wake up" I nod.
Me:"Thank you for today"
Nelly:" my pleasure" she watched until I got inside before she drives off.
All I need right now it's a long sleep I'm tired so I went straight to the bedroom.
As soon as I closed the door the light turns on I jumped and dropped my bag.
Me:"Bheki what...what are you doing here?" He had a gun in his hand.
Bheki:"You still look beautiful my love"


She is standing in the middle of the room she is not sure whether to make a run for it or just stand

She looked at the gun in my hand and then back at me.

I'm not sure if she is terrified or not.
I looked at her she is still beautiful and the dress she is wearing fits her like a glove.
I now realise how much I missed her.

It angers me that Ntsika is the one who has her but I have to remind her of how much we loved each

Nkanyezi:"Bheki what are you doing here?"

Me:"I'm here for you my love" she blinked a few times.
Nkanyezi:"Ntsika is going to be here any minute" I chuckled and walked towards her she doesn't
Me:"I know your boyfriend is working"
Nkanyezi:"If you are going to shoot me do it or put that thing away"
Me:"You have grown a pair I see" she chuckled.
Nkanyezi:"That what happens when you have a real man by your side not some coward who is a
rapist" that hits home.
Me:"I want us to fix our marriage" she laughed.
Nkanyezi:" What marriage?"
Me:"Our marriage I paid a lot of money for you to just let Ntsika have you"
Nkanyezi:"How much do you want my parents will pay it" I laughed.
Me:"What parents? The ndlomo's don't have a dime on their name"
Nkanyezi:"I'm talking about my real parents you idiot" I raised my eyebrows.
Me:"Your real parents?" She chuckled and kept quiet while looking at the door I turned to look at
what she was looking at there was nothing.
Nkanyezi:"What do you want here Bheki?" She said starting to get annoyed the gun wasn't scaring
her at all.
Me:"I still love you and I want you back"
Nkanyezi:"Have you forgot what you did to me you beat me up beyond recognition. her left me to
bleed to death and Thank you to Ntsika I was saved I'm alive today all thanks to him. You are the
same guy who raped me and played hero so you could manipulate me into being with you. And you
think I will up and leave with you you are clearly mistaken Bheki I will never leave Ntsika for you
even with that gun on your hand. I would rather die" she said boldly with a smile on her face.

After dropping Nkanyezi Nelly realised that Nkanyezi forget her phone.

So she drove back to Ntsika's apartment the door was opened so she didn't have to know she
walked in with the hope of startling Nkanyezi or prank her.

Only to find a man with a gun threatening Nkanyezi she didn't even wait to hear the whole

Nkanyezi saw her though she tiptoed back to the front and ran to her car.
She drove straight to the police station while trying to call Ntsika.

It kept ringing without any answers she wasn't thinking straight.

If only she went for help around the apartment complex she was praying that the man doesn't do
anything to Nkanyezi because she will never forgive herself for not thinking straight.

She called her girlfriend on the way and told her what's going on.
She told her they should meet at the police station.

Soon she pulled over at the station her girlfriend was already there reporting what she told her.

Girlfriend:"Babe are you okay?" Her eyes are swimming in tears.

Nelly:"Nkanyezi is in danger"
Girlfriend:"It's okay they already took my statement she will be fine baby" she said pulling her to her
arms and kiss the top of her head.
Nelly:"Let me try calling Ntsika again"

It has been a crazy busy night I just don't know how I will survive it all.
Atleast now everything has finally slowed down.

So I missed my girlfriend a lot I'm so used to her being next to me all the time.

This is why I don't like night shifts at all.

I had missed calls from Nelly I wonder how did their dinner go.

I decided to call Nkanyezi before getting back to her.

"Ntsika!" That's Nelly
Me:"What are you doing with Nkanyezi's phone?" I hear her sniff.
Nelly:"Please come home"
Me:"Is Nkanyezi okay?" I could hear some chaos in the background "Nelly!" I could feel my heart
sinks as I run towards my car.
Nelly:"She is okay

just be quick" she hung up.

I drove like a maniac from the hospital I didn't even report that I had an emergency at home I just

I know something is wrong I'm trying so hard not to think the worse.
I swear the drive home never felt so long in my whole life.

When I arrived there police men ambulance and fireman on standby.

Nelly quickly ran to me with her girlfriend.

Me:"Where is Nkanyezi?" My heart is pounding as I acknowledge her absence.

Nelly:"Your brother is in there with a gun"
Me:"Nkanyezi is in there with him"
Nelly:"Yes the police have been begging for him to give himself up but he only said he wanted you
here" I nod Bheki has lost it.
I walked to the officers who were begging him to come out.
Officer:"You must be the brother he is requesting"
Me:"Can I go in?"
Officer:"We can't put you at risk"
Me:"I don't care my girlfriend is in danger and Bheki might kill her if I don't go in"
Officer:"Let us handle this"
Nelly:"Like you have been for the past hour?"
Officer:"Mam this is police work that you are interfering with if you don't behave we will have you
arrested" Nelly looked at me and I nod.
Nelly:"Then arrest me I know my rights please do arr.." I didn't even hear anything else as I sneaked
my way to the house.
Me:"Bheki!" I yelled as I got in.
I approached my room and he was pointing the gun to Nkanyezi.
Bheki:"The lover boy is here"
Nkanyezi:"You shouldn't have come now he has us both" I closed my eyes.
Me:"It's okay I'm here okay" Bheki laughed.
Bheki:"How cute is this Romeo and Juliet part 2"
Me:"What do you want Bheki?"
Bheki:"I want what's mine so if I can't have her no one will"
Me:"Bheki why are you doing this huh?"
Bheki:"I love her which part don't you get"
Nkanyezi:"I know you love me Bheki but this is not the way to go about it"
Bheki:"It's either you choose me or die Nkanyezi" she blinked a few times.
Nkanyezi:"It's always been him Bheki I love him" now her eyes are welling up.
Bheki:"You made your choice so b..." I quickly pushed him to the ground.
Me:"Nkanyezi run!" She looked at me "Now!" She ran out as me and Bheki are fighting over the
Bheki:"I'm going to kill you!" We are throwing mean punches at each other.
We both reach for the gun and fight over it until it goes off.
I feel pain in my abdominal area as I move backwards hold the bleeding area.
Bheki:"I told you Ntsika that I'm going to kill you" he was about to pull the trigger when the police
filled the whole room.
Officer:"Drop the gun" he dropped the gun.
And they put him in cuffs the paramedics came in rushing to me.
I was rushed to an ambulance outside.
Nkanyezi ran to me with tears already falling.
Nkanyezi:"Babe" the blood is probably scaring her.
Me:"I'm okay babe"
Nkanyezi:"Can I come with?"
Officer:"No you can't we will have to take down your statement then you go see him"
Nelly:"I'm coming with her don't worry Ntsika she is okay and we will come straight to you" I nod
Nkanyezi came to kiss me.
Nkanyezi:"I love you so much"
Me:"I love you too babe" I can't believe Bheki went this far.



Bheki went too far with this I didn't think he was capable of taking things this far.
I got scared but I needed to compose myself to not show him how scared I was.

The drive to the police station was long I was impatient I wanted to see Ntsika seeing him hurt was
It was calming to have Nelly with me.
I was taken to be questioned with Nelly present.

Det:"So you are saying that you are married to this guy and now you are staying with his brother?"
He said in a questioning tone and full of judgement.
Nelly:"I'm sorry detective this has nothing to do with what Bheki did to my client" he scoffed.
Det:"I'm just doing my job"
Nelly:"So am I" the door opens a woman police walked in and whispered something to the detective.
His eyes widens and he nods then the woman walked out.
Det:"Miss Dlomo we will deal with this guy" we looked at each other "Let's just this guy has been
wanted for a while now"

We walked and found Mrs Memela outside she quickly charged to me.
A slap landed on my face everyone gasped.

Mrs M:"You are such a hoe Nkanyezi!" She screamed while officers hold her back.
I chuckled and shook my head looking at her.
Me:"Where do I press charges of assault?" She gasped in shock.
Mr M:"What! That's ridiculous" I smirked
Me:"It's about time you realise that you are not untouchable Mrs Memela I would like to press
charges please"
Police:"Come this side ma'am" I followed him and pressed charges.
Police:"Mrs Memela you are under arrest for assault.."
Mrs M:"Nkanyezi you will pay for this!" She yelled while she is being taken away.
Nelly:"That's iconic" she said laughing

After that we left and Nelly drove me to the hospital.

Her girlfriend was with Ntsika he was okay I quickly hugged him.
Ntsika:"Ouch ouch babe!"
Me:"I'm sorry" I said pulling back he smiled.
Ntsika:"I should get shot more often" I wanted to hit his chest "You can't hit a patient"
Me:"You are an idiot" he touched my face.
Ntsika:"Who slapped you?!" He said looking angry.
Me:"Your stepmother"
Nelly:"Don't worry she is in jail I took a video your girlfriend is iconic" I chuckled.
She showed Ntsika the video he looked at me as if he wanted to undress me right there.
Ntsika:"I'm proud of you" he said pulling me down for a kiss it got wild to a point that our tongues
were in each other's mouth.
Nelly:"Hello we are still here!" We stop I could feel myself wet.
Ntsika:"Then Excuse us"
Nelly:"Mxm you are an ass" they walked out.
We shared a stare I think it is now sinking in how we almost died a tear escaped my eye.
Ntsika:"I'm sorry my love he is no longer going to hurt you I promise you" I got next to him in bed.
Me:"I thought he was going to shot me" he sighed "I don't want to lose you"
Ntsika:"And you won't lose me babe"
Me:"Is it possible to perform Paternity test on Bella while she is still pregnant" he raised his
Ntsika:"You think she is lying"
Me:"I know that you say the dates align with her pregnancy but we are not certain that the baby is
yours. I don't want us bonding with a child that's not even ours" he smiled "What?"
Ntsika:"You said ours" I chuckled..
Me:"I love you and if that baby is yours I will love it as if it was mine"
Ntsika:"I love you so much thank you so much. We will talk to Bella baby"

Today I was getting discharged I will say me and Monde are very much close.
And our thing was surely not going to end here in this hospital.

He walked in looking fresh my stomach makes an awkward movement I think it's the excitement of
seeing him.

He had flowers in his hand.

Monde:"Nomonde" he said pulling me close to him.
Me:"Monde" that was followed by my sneeze.
Monde:"Are you okay?" He said looking at me I sneeze again "You are allergic to flowers"
Monde:"I'm sorry I didn't know" he said feeling bad.
Me:"It's okay" he pulled me in for a kiss.
We shared a short kiss before someone clears their throat.
My dad and Mom are standing by the door and Monde is freaked out.
Dad:"Can you excuse us Monde?" He nods and walked out.
Mom:"Don't you think you are move on too fast" she said looking at me.
Me:"There is no time frame to move on"
Dad:"We know that but you need to heal from your previous relationship"
Me:"There is nothing much to heal from and I'm working on that Monde is okay with it" they nod
Dad:"They arrested Bheki" I looked at him "Nomonde"
Me:"Oh okay"
Mom:"Are you okay?" She asked concerned.
Me:"I'm good I'm just ready to go home. Can I say goodbye to Monde?"
Mom:"Okay we will wait in the car" they walked.
Monde walked in back.
Me:"This is not goodbye right?"
Monde:"Of course not Nomonde" I sigh in relief.
Me:"I will see you soon"
Monde:"How about this weekend?"
Me:"I would love that" he hugged me and grabbed my ass.
Monde:"I will come for you" I nod.


It's been a day since I was arrested and this place was hell.
I was still at the cells in police station not prison but it was feeling like torture.

I was told that I have a visitor I found my lawyer waiting for me.
Him:"Bheki how are you?" I chuckled.
Me:"How do you I am? I'm locked up in this cell

get me out of here"

Him:"I'm sorry I can't you are all over the media and two girls came forward claiming you raped
them" I choked.
Me:"What?There is no way they can prove that it happened years ago"
Him:"How screwed are you Bheki!? Did you do it?"
Me:"Don't expect me to answer that just do your job right!"
Him:"You will be awaiting your trial in prison"
Me:"What the hell!"
Him:"And if those girls manage to get evidence against you then you are getting life"
Me:"I want you to get my mother for me" he sighed.
Him:"Unfortunately that's impossible"
Me:"What do you mean that's impossible!" I yelled a little the guard approach us but the lawyer hold
his hand up to stop him he goes back.
Him:"Well your mother assaulted Nkanyezi and she got her arrested and Nomonde also accused her
of being your accomplice"
Me:"No that is not good at all!" I said feeling my chest compressing.
Him:"You need plea guilty"
Me:"What?! Are you crazy?" he chuckled.
Him:"No but if you plea guilty then might be light on you if you make them work hard to convict you
then they won't be no mercy for you"
Me:"Then they should prove that I'm glad I'm not admitting to anything I will only plea guilty for
shooting Ntsika and holding Nkanyezi hostage that's all. As for others they can go to hell" he
Him:"Your choice" I'm not admitting to anything.


A week later Ntsika had been discharged the bullet didn't penetrate him that deep it was just a little

Nkanyezi's parents decided to come see him they really like him for their daughter.
Nkanyezi had been taking care of him and he enjoyed that.

He called Bella to talk about the paternity she was so excited to get the call from him she thought
Ntsika has finally came back to his sense they will be family.

She knocked eagerly to see him her face immediately fall when Nkanyezi opens the door.

Bella:"What are you doing here?" She frowned.

Nkanyezi:"I'm here to see Ntsika please come in" she opened the door for her.
She hesitantly walked in she is no longer sure what this is about.
She sees Ntsika on the couch and Nkanyezi sat next to him and hooked her arm on his.
Ntsika:"Bella I'm glad you come" she faked a smile.
Bella:"Yeah what's going on?"
Ntsika:"Straight to the point I like that we decided to do a paternity test Bella"
Ntsika:"Yes we have to be sure that the baby is mine before anything else"
Bella:"Who is we?!" She is now angry.
Ntsika:"Me and Nkanyezi!"
Bella:"You can't be serious my baby has nothing to do with her she is just your girlfriend!"
Ntsika:"Who might be my wife by the time that baby is born" she gasped with teary eyes.
Bella:"She is the one who influenced you to do this?"
Nkanyezi:"If you are sure that the baby is his you have nothing to worry about and not so long ago
you were so open in doing it so what's the problem right now?" She swallowed.
Bella:"You think you are so smart just because you said that?"
Nkanyezi:"No but I'm smart enough to not let my boyfriend be trapped for a baby that isn't his"
Ntsika:"Bella we both know that the paternity test is no longer as dangerous so let's just do it and we
can all move on"
Bella:"No one is doing a paternity test on my baby!" She stormed out.
She can't believe that Ntsika is listening to a stupid uneducated girl.
How is she going to change the results because she will do whatever it takes to do to have Ntsika.
Ntsika and Nkanyezi are dumbfounded.
Ntsika:"That baby isn't mine"
Nkanyezi:"Yeah she just confirmed it and if she agrees to do the paternity test. Please take her to
someone she doesn't know and someone you can trust because I'm scared she will do anything to
have at this point"
Ntsika:"I know thank you for being here"
Nkanyezi:"Lucky bastard" she laughed.



Mrs Memela couldn't believe that she has been arrested her charges are now more than the initial
charges she got in for.

She is still in disbelief of what is happening even her husband couldn't help her.

Nomonde's father had such an influence and he was making sure that they are spending time in jail
while they are awaiting their trial.

This was a nightmare for her and the case was strong against them.
Since she was a new inmate the mistreatment has begun.

She is turning to a slave she barely slept on the bed nor eat.
She can't believe what her life has turned too.

"I don't have the whole day!" An inmate snapped disturbing her thoughts.
She wiped her tears she was on her knees and the inmates were forcing her to lick their shoes

She started licking the shoes while others laughed at her.

The embarrassment was too much for her she is not used to being treated this way she has been
the one calling shots her whole now and now this happens to her.

She couldn't take the embarrassment she has been dishing to others.
"The princess is mine tonight" another inmate said licking her lips looking at her and her insides turn
upside down with disgust.

Bheki walked inside the visitation area his eyes land on Nomonde.
She has put on some weight now she is glowing.

Bheki:"Monde I can't believe my eyes" he said smiling sitting down but she doesn't smile.
Nomonde:"I see you finally met your mates" she said looking at the bruised face he frowned.
Bheki:"Look babe we can forget what happened and..." She bust out of laughter.
Nomonde:"You are so delusional Bheki you think I want you back" he frowned.
Bheki:"Nomonde you love me" she chuckled.
Nomonde:"No I thought I did but now that I know what love is I don't think what I felt for you was
Bheki:"What are you doing here?"
Nomonde:"I wanted to see for myself that you are really here that's the only way I would find closer
I'm happy that you will rot here for the rest of your life here did they know you are a rapist in here?"
She said with a smirk.
Nomonde:"They hate rapists in this place!" She said a little bit loud.
Bheki:"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" She laughed to how terrified he suddenly is.
She stood up and looked at him.
Nomonde:"This one is in for rape!" She yelled and walked out leaving Bheki stucked in one place
while the inmates are looking at him as if he is some chicken to roast.
Right then he knows he is fucked he can't believe Nomonde was so petty.
Nomonde walked out and found Monde standing next to his car.
Monde:"How was it?"
Monde:"What do you mean?" She told him what she did and Monde is laughing as they drove out.
Monde:"Babe that's petty"
Nomonde:"Bheki is a rapist he needs to pay for everything he did not just sit in a prison cell eating
our tax money"
Monde:"You are strong Nomonde what you went through wasn't easy"
Nomonde:"Thank you" he looked at her.
Monde:"For what?"
Nomonde:"For being such a supportive and not judging me"
Monde:"I'm glad I'm here" she smiled.
Nomonde:"I love you" Monde hit the brakes making them hit the dashboard "Ouch!"
Monde:"I'm sorry babe"
Nomonde:"Why did you do that?"
Monde:"Because you just told me that you love me for the first time" she laughed.
Nomonde:"Is that why you almost killed us?"
Monde:"Pretty much" she smiled and removed her safety belt he needs to pay for everything he did
not just sit in a prison cell eating our tax money"
Monde:"You are strong Nomonde what you went through wasn't easy"
Nomonde:"Thank you" he looked at her.
Monde:"For what?"
Nomonde:"For being such a supportive and not judging me"
Monde:"I'm glad I'm here" she smiled.
Nomonde:"I love you" Monde hit the brakes making them hit the dashboard "Ouch!"
Monde:"I'm sorry babe"
Nomonde:"Why did you do that?"
Monde:"Because you just told me that you love me for the first time" she laughed.
Nomonde:"Is that why you almost killed us?"
Monde:"Pretty much" she smiled and removed her safety belt then got on top of him.
Nomonde:"I love you Monde" Monde moved his seat back so she could be comfortable.
She lowers her head to kiss him and his hands grabbed her ass.
The kiss gets intense they never been intimate before and Monde has been patient with her.
Her hand travelled to his belt and unbuckled it.
He groaned in her mouth as her hand touches his dick.
Monde:"Babe we are in the middle of nowhere"
Nomonde:"I don't care" her eyes are full of lust she pulls her skirts up and helped him pull out his
dick out.
She pulls her undies aside and rubs his dick against her wet clit.
Before directing it in her entrance and ride him.
Monde:"Fuck! You are warm" She gasped as he pushed himself deeper inside her.
Nomonde:"How long are you?!" She said in between her moans causing Monde to laugh.
Monde:"You are crazy" he loved how comfortable she was with him.
Nomonde:"Okay fuck me"



Bheki was sentenced to 76 years in prison and his mother got 15 years for being an accomplice to
his crimes.

My parents had finally performed my ceremony and my surname was now Gumede.
The Dlomo's kicked us out of their homes even their son Lutho since he was being supportive
towards me.

It was funny how they kicked him out of their house but they still expected him to support them.

Lutho was having none of that especially now that he has a beautiful son and was married to

Shockingly enough Emihle's parents accepted Lutho as their son in law apparently they didn't want
me as Emihle's friend because of how the Dlomo's were that's all.

During Bheki's trial I got to meet Nomonde and we hit it off.

I just started my classes a month ago I now had my own place which my siblings were paying for I
was basically the most spoilt 22 year old.

I was finally happy living my life like a normal 22 year old.

Varsity was a different scene I was not used to.
But Ntsika promised me that soon I will get hang of things.

My classes were over and Nelly was picking me up.

Nelly:"That bad!" She said when I threw myself on the car seat.
Me:"School is a scam" she laughed.
Nelly:"You will get used to it" I rolled my eyes.
Me:"Yeah right you all been saying that"
Nomonde has invited us for lunch in some restaurant we had no idea what all this was about.
Her and Emihle were already waiting for us.
Nomonde:"You took your sweet time"
Me:"Blame Nelly she drives like a tortoise"
Nomonde:"Okay you ladies must be wondered why I invited you here"
Emihle:"Yes what's going on?" We were now a group of friends and we all got along very well.
Nomonde:"Okay I don't have a lot of friends and you are the girls that I have stuck with for longer
than a month. So I was wondering if you guys could be my bridesmaid?"
Us:"What?!" We said at once.
Nomonde:"I'm begging you guys"
Me:" I want to be part of your bridesmaids but I'm just shock that you guys are already getting
married you just got engaged two months ago" she smiled it was evident that she loves Monde and
the way things were it obvious that Monde's feeling were mutual.
Nomonde:"You just know when you find the right one and I'm at my happiest with Monde"
Emi:"I'm happy for you girls obviously we will be your bridesmaids"
Nelly:"Yeah don't worry about that and I'm happy for you"
Nomonde:"Thank you guys now can we order some food and drinks" my phone rings it's Ntsika I
picked up.
Ntsika:"Where are you?" He is panicking
Me:"Out with the girls is everything okay?"
Ntsika:"No Bella is about to give birth I'm coming to pick you up"
Me:"Okay I will send you my location" I hung up and sent him my location.
Emi:"Is everything okay?"
Me:"Bella is about to give birth"
Nelly:"That one" she said annoyed.
Bella never allowed us to perform Paternity test on the baby.
So we had to wait until she gave birth.
Me:"Guys I'm sorry but I have to go"
Nomonde:"It's okay babes I will brief you on the group" I nod and left.
I quickly got inside Ntsika's car.
Me:"Babe calm down" he looks like he is going to pass out.
Ntsika:"Babe I'm so scared"
Me:"I'm here" we pulled over at the hospital and walked in.
We waited until Bella gave birth and the doctor came to get us.
Bella was holding her baby close to her.
Bella:"Why is she always with you?" I sighed.
Ntsika:"Can we not fight and do what we were supposed to do?"
Bella is holding her baby way to close to her.
Ntsika:"How are we going to see her while you are hiding her" she slowly removed the blanket.
Ntsika:"You got to be kidding me a freaking white baby and you are saying it's mine!" He said and
walked leaving Bella crying.
Me:"Why did you lie?"
Bella:"I love him just like you. You took him away from us Nkanyezi"
Me:"Ntsika is not yours Bella he was never yours" I walked out and followed Ntsika to his car.
Me:"Babe" he looked at me.
Ntsika:"Sthandwa sam" I smiled a little bit.
Me:"What now?"
Ntsika:"You get to be the one who gives me a first born" the butterflies in my stomach are crazy.
Me:"We can start practicing tonight" I playful say.
Ntsika:"You want your father to kill me"
Me:"I love you so much"
Ntsika:"I love you too my star" I smiled.
Me:"Let's go home" he smiled and drove off
It was about time to start living my life without feeling like I was caged.

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