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1 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

Give ‘Em Hell, Kid. Vol 2: A Beginner’s Guide To Texting

Copyright: Thomas Crown, 2022

The right of Thomas Crown to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by

him in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act

1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in

retrieval systems, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,

photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the

author. You must not circulate this book in any format.

2 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown




3 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide



4 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown


This guide was born out of a coaching call I had where the student needed a lot of help

with his texting. After the call I created the first draft of what would later become this


As I wrote, I came to see how texting could be used as an excellent case study for

showing my approach to Game, mindsets and Inner Game. Especially for the latter,

because texting is something you do when no one is watching. That’s a time when you

are only proving things to yourself.

If you eat one burger, you won’t become fat, but if you make unhealthy decisions over

and over again, you will. Developing good Inner Game is all about regularly making

decisions which will cultivate and preserve good character. Don’t make bad choices

5 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

which satisfy your urges in the moment when you could be making long term, healthy

choices for your Inner Game.

I hope that this guide will not just help you to fix any issues you’ve been facing with your

own texting, but that it will also provide guidance for how to conduct yourself throughout

the seduction.

I wrote this guide for beginners and lower intermediates and so I present some advice

here as hard rules to follow. "Rules are made to be broken" and so as you progress you

can use your calibration to know what to do. Unfortunately, only time and experience can

teach you that and so that's why this guide is written as it is; it is full of rules of thumb.

This guide will give you 80% of what you need. I’m sure that you will be able to find

anecdotes which go against this guide - “I did XYZ once and she still came out on a

date/slept with me” - but those are the 20%. This guide is designed for the everyman who

needs help getting to grips with texting and for whom rules of thumb are suitable.

6 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown

You may also read through this guide and ask “is this enough? I thought you would need

to be more flashy.” No. Good Game is not about being a larger than life character like the

PUAs of the mid-2000s. Neither is it about being the ultra slick player archetype. It’s

about knowing where she’s at and what she’s communicating to you, and then you acting


This means focusing on the fundamentals of what is driving the seduction forward: in

most cases, less is more. This carries over to the amount of thought you need to put into

the process: many guys are overthinking things. Remember the 80/20 rule: 80% of the

consequences come from 20% of the causes.

All I ask of you is to follow the rules laid down in this guide for one month and to see

what happens.

This is written with Daygamers in mind and so there are specific references to that such

as “send your feeler 1.5 - 2 hours after the set.” If you’re a Nightgamer or are meeting

girls via apps then you will need to act differently where you see fit. However, I hope that

even if you are not meeting women via Daygame that you find this guide useful.

7 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

A quick note for guys who are meeting girls via apps versus in-person: with the former

you are selling yourself predominantly on looks - or to gold-diggers through the level of

wealth you display - for the latter you are selling yourself on a much wider array of

factors. When you promote yourself mainly on looks you can be more to-the-point and

more sexual: the girl is already sold on you and so is more willing to overlook

personality deficiencies. However, when that guy starts meeting girls in real life he may

be surprised that his results drop off if he doesn’t have an attractive personality to go

along with his looks. If so he’ll simply be closing the same level of girls who he was

meeting online. It’s something to keep in mind: numbers taken from apps are a different

beast to those from in-person meetings.

What is true regardless of how you meet girls:

You need to be an attractive masculine man for them to want to reply

Remember that being an attractive man means having Sexual Market Value (SMV):

having status, looks and displaying the correct behaviours i.e. having (outer) Game,

8 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown

strong Inner Game, charisma, a good vibe, being a leader, being likeable, your body

language, mannerisms, etc, etc. Different girls will prioritise different aspects of SMV: a

gold-digger will prioritse status, specifically signs of wealth, whereas an 18 year old

might prioritise pretty boy looks. The point I want to highlight here is that if you are

getting many flakey numbers or unenthusiastic and slow responses then your problems

are most likely not texting-based. The harsh truth is that you are simply not attractive

enough in the aspects of your SMV which the girls you are pursuing value.

This guide is what you need to hear. Not what you want to hear.

Many guys will want to blame their poor text Game for their lack of results but in a lot of

cases the issue is that the guy isn’t an attractive masculine man and so he needs to work

on himself - his SMV - deeply. Getting the girl interested from the very start will make

things thousands of times easier once you reach the texting stage. That being said, you

should ensure that you’re not making mistakes over texting which diminishes the girl’s

interest; this guide will give you 80% of the puzzle and the remaining 20% will be

learned through real life interaction.

9 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

And I’ll bring this up because I’m sure that there will be guys trying to make this point:

her flaking on you is not because “the attention of the modern day woman is that of a

goldfish,” either. It is because she doesn’t like you enough. The same goes for “she

doesn’t know how to use the app properly.” You can try to spin it whichever way you

like: it’s a coping mechanism and having a good texting structure or even having the

wittiest texts in the world will not make up for a lack of SMV.

Throughout this guide if you start to feel resistance to something I’m saying, then ask

yourself why that is. The advice in this book is thoroughly field tested (read: effective)

and so you should be prepared to ask yourself whether you’re putting off the hard work

and looking for the easy answers. Are you looking for a quick fix which means you don’t

need to change? Are you going to blame your poor results on the city you live in or the

attitude of the local girls? Or are you actually trying to get good with women?

For the second time:

All I ask of you is to follow the rules laid down in this guide for one month and to see

what happens.

10 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown

Note that this carries over to the spam approachers too. Spam approaching teaches you

nothing more than how to spam approach. It’s not sustainable and the girls you get from

it will be way below the level of quality you could get if you took a more measured

approach. Spam approachers are employing a defence mechanism: they’re substituting

real change for volume of sets because the latter makes them feel as if they are working

on themselves. In reality it’s just turning them into glassy-eyed weirdos who no longer

have any reaction at all to a woman’s emotions. That’s what we call a psychopath:

someone who is 100% internally referenced.

A texting guide is exactly the kind of guide which would appeal to these people. Their

thought process goes like this: “I’m doing tonnes of sets but the results aren’t coming… It

must be the texting that’s wrong - not me - and so by reading this guide I will finally have

all the results I deserve.” When results don’t change for them (because they hadn’t

become an attractive masculine man) they blame the guide and return to the streets to do

even more sets.

11 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

As a rule of thumb - and we’re stepping away from being a text guide for a second here -

you should aim for 25-30 sets per week over three to four sessions, with some

consideration for personal circumstance e.g. whether you are working a nine to five job

or not. Get yourself to a pace of opening a set every 10-15 minutes, meaning that in a two

hour session you could approach 8 - 10 women.

This argument applies to people who “spam” self-improvement as well. They’re eager to

let you know just how many ways they’re “working on themselves” but in the end they

are creating the uncanny valley human being: something so close to the real thing, yet not

close enough, that they come off as alien-like. Girls find these guys very scary because

they cannot see what they’re thinking. They have a “ghost in the shell,” flat effect.

They’re missing the key ingredient: soul. Can the girl see that there is a real person with a

real personality there? This is something we’ll get onto later.

For the third and final time:

All I ask of you is to follow the rules laid down in this guide for one month and to see

what happens.

12 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown

I’d like to thank my test readers for providing comments: Breeze, Brown Daygamer, Mr

D and Mr Z. I would also like to thank all the commenters on Twitter who responded

with what they would like to be included. I’ve tried to accommodate them wherever

possible and to explain my thinking in the relevant sections where I disagreed with their


I’d also like to thank all the Daygame theorists and practitioners who came before me. I

wouldn’t be where I am today without their work. I learned especially from Tom Torero

(RIP) and Nick Krauser and I recommend you check out all of their work.

I would especially recommend watching Torero’s Guide to Texting video (if you can find

it online somewhere) and Krauser’s sections on texting in Daygame Mastery and

Daygame Infinite. I would also recommend reading Primal Seduction by Steve Jabba for

more information on Inner Game and developing a masculine identity.

Yours unfaithfully,

Thomas Crown

13 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide


A large part of becoming good at Game is learning how to identify and accept that a girl

just isn’t that much into you: she’s a No girl. This can be quite a hard lesson for a

beginner because Game is often sold as a method to “get any girl.” It may not be an

explicit part of the marketing but it is implied through the encouragement for beginners to

spam sets and that they only need to “perfect the skillset” before the girl who just blew

him out would instead be really into him.

Here is a an uncomfortable truth which average guys need to come to terms with:

80% of women do not like you and never will

That’s got nothing to do with the girls’ character - they’re not “bitches” because of it - it’s

simple preference: maybe you’re too tall, too short, too fat, too thin, wrong race, wrong

mannerisms, incompatible personalities, she would never date a guy she met in the street,

14 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown

etc, etc; the list is endless. This is simply the way of the world and something everyone

needs to accept1. Doing so will massively help you with your Inner Game and

non-reactivity because once you can mentally file something away as “something outside

of my control” then you can move on: only care about the things which are actually in

your control.

Here’s another uncomfortable truth for average guys:

80% of the numbers you take will not progress to a date

Maybe you do something over texting which diminishes their interest. Maybe they gave

you their number in the first place because they felt pressured. Maybe they gave you their

number so you would go away. Maybe they gave you their number to let you down

gently and ghost later. Maybe they thought dating you was a nice idea at the time but they

thought better of it later on. Here’s a kicker: maybe they gave you their number because

they pitied you.

Something you need to hear, not what you want to hear.

15 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

The added issue is that some girls will respond to you even though they have no intention

of ever meeting you. Whether that is out of politeness, a desire for attention, or any other

reason. That’s right, dead leads might even respond to you! That’s why this guide directs

you to look for compliance and lets you know when to let a lead go.

The only thing that is within your control is your own actions; you cannot control how

people react to you. As I said in the introduction, this guide will give you 80% of the

knowledge and is more than enough to get you started on this journey. That means 80%

of your side of the process is contained here. When you “fail” you should recognise that

it is really an opportunity to learn; with that you can learn the remaining 20%.

Given that 80% of numbers will die at some point it’s important to see when she’s

showing you that she’s a No girl. There are prompts throughout this guide as to when this

has occurred.


16 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown

When a lead dies - when she stops responding to you or else is proving to be

non-compliant - delete her number (or unfollow her on social media) and delete the chat

as well. This may sound harsh but this way you have no way to message her again. You

want to cultivate the mindset that you will give each girl a fair shot but if she doesn't take

you up on it then she doesn't get another. I have seen with my own eyes how some guys

pursue dead leads and then start to think that women are malicious timewasters and bad

people. This is not somewhere you want to be. Furthermore, by pursuing dead leads you

will display needy behaviour and start to convince yourself that that is who you are. Don't

do it!

This carries even if "she was so hot!" or "the set was so strong!" or even "it's my only

lead!" That's right, even if she's your only lead. No girl is worth compromising your

integrity for. Men with integrity have personal standards and boundaries and wouldn’t

debase themselves just for the slightest whiff of pussy. When a woman meets a man and

senses this integrity she gets the (attractive) impression that you want, but do not need

her. Act today in the way that you want to be considered tomorrow.

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Texting Guide

Throughout this guide I say “delete her” or something similar quite often. Specifically I

mean to wait a day from that point and then delete the chat and her contact if she hasn’t

responded (I don’t want you to be sending messages, waiting 15 minutes and then

rage-deleting!). If you’ve sent a message and she hasn’t responded in a day then she isn’t

worth your time and is probably only responding to you so that she can appear polite to

herself. She was just waiting for you to get the hint.

And remember that deleting her number doesn’t mean you’ve blocked her. She could

reappear out of the blue. The ball is now in her court. If she does happen to get back to

you then don’t re-add her as a contact until you have been on a date with her (or another

date, if you had already had the first) because you want to see her put her money where

her mouth is first.

18 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown


While this guide is 99% about the messaging itself, we should answer the question of

which app you should use. I personally prefer using WhatsApp. It’s better than SMS due

to better visual messaging incorporation and has a “turn off read receipts” feature which

Telegram doesn’t have. However, you can use any app that you like. This is just my

personal preference.

I like that on WhatsApp I can turn my read receipts off and can archive my leads (active

and ones who I’m rolling off of). In my opinion you’re better off not knowing if she’s

read your message because it’s her responding that counts. And when it comes to the

archive it means that I don’t check my phone as often to see if any new messages have

come in; for me, at least, not having girls’ messages appear as notifications on my home

screen lets me ignore them somewhat.

When you turn off read receipts then you stop playing these silly games:

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Texting Guide

- pretending not to see her message and not opening it

- being able to look at the chat without showing her you've read the message

- being able to check how long she took to respond without showing her you've read

the message

- being forced to respond instantly if you accidentally open the message

And at the end of the day the benefit to you of having read receipts on is zero because

people tend to do all of the above. They pretend not to see the message and then when

they want to respond they read it and reply then and there. It means there's only a minute

or so of "blue tick" before she messages you anyway. The only thing it will tell you is bad

news: if she reads it and doesn't respond.

Lastly, who cares about her reading your message? I care about her replying to me.

20 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown


When it comes to WhatsApp versus social media apps such as Instagram I prefer

WhatsApp because having her phone number represents a closer connection to her and

maintains some mystery about me. Her phone number is a more private piece of

information than her Instagram profile, for example, meaning that it’s a higher hurdle for

her to jump. If I went for Instagram as my preferred option then I would get more

contacts - girls know it is a less private piece of information and so are more willing to

give it out to placate you - but the surplus would be flakier. I don’t want flaky contacts. I

don't want to be just another one of her followers on Instagram either.

However, I understand and acknowledge that there are upsides to connecting with her on

Instagram or other social media apps such as her being able to see your pictures and

stories, which is something which comes up later on in the section on long leads (though

WhatsApp has a story feature now too and who knows what will come in the future). At

the end of the day, it’s a personal choice.

21 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide



Acting in good faith means having (and yes I’m quoting from Wikipedia here):

“A sincere intention to be fair, open, and honest, regardless of the outcome of the


That means dropping the Gamey tactics and regurgitated lines which you learned on the

internet. And no, this does not mean that you should be messaging her like a needy simp!

Simping messages may get responses… but they are founded in pity. Messages from the

other end of the spectrum - the aloof arsehole - are working from a foundation of bad


22 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown

Here is some news for you: there is in fact an area that exists between simping and the

aloof arsehole. We're trying to give off the image of a high value guy who is busy but not

to some ridiculous (obviously fake) extent.

You might be surprised by some of the advice given in this guide and think that it's

coming across as either too available or not "high value behaviour." Don’t worry about

this. You already impressed your value on her during the set and so now you just need to

be not-boring and not-needy (more on that later).

At the end of the day you want to show the girl that you're a real person who doesn't need

to use tricks (e.g. excessively long response times, aloof messages, etc) to sleep with her.

Show her that you're confident that she likes you and start taking the Twitter Game gurus’

advice with a heaping of salt: they are only giving you “wisdom” which gets engagement

from their followers; followers who would rather “get back at women” than work on

themselves (just look at the number of likes they get when they “tell a girl off for her rude

behaviour”). Remember that the “magic combination of words to make her wet” do not

exist and nothing will ever account for an SMV deficiency.

23 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

Many guys come off as too cool for school because they have a misguided notion of what

to strive for. They want girls to "chase" them, perhaps because of some sort of revenge

notion: "those women don't value me for all the effort I put in... finally I'll be the one

who's the prize mwuhahaha."

That is simply a case of a bruised ego. Let’s face it: success with women is the most

important part of a man’s life (and vice versa). All the effort you’ve ever put into

anything was motivated by women. Got promoted at work: feels great doesn’t it?

Because now you can translate that into becoming more attractive to women. Lost weight

and gained muscle? Now you’re better looking and women like that. Learned Game?

Well… that’s self-explanatory.

So if a man is not able to achieve success with women it is much easier to become bitter

then to take a humble approach to his value and start becoming the kind of man such that

the women he likes will like him back. I would even go so far as to say that success with

women is the main determinant of a man’s self-esteem: without self-esteem it’s easy for

those revenge notions to develop and a desire to “make them be the one chasing me.”

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Instead, you should be aiming for compliance. This is the natural way of the world: the

man puts forward the notion and the woman decides yay or nay. In an ideal world she

would never say "No" and you would get pure compliance from meet to lay. This is not

“low value behaviour,” it is simply nature.

The thing we absolutely want to avoid is to get into some kind of frame battle where the

girl won't give herself to us because we're acting too aloof and too cool for school.

Remember this: you already did the set. You already got her attracted to you. Now if she's

responding within an hour consistently, maybe two to three if she’s a very busy person

herself, then she definitely likes you. Act in good faith!

Acting in bad faith includes notions like “punishing behaviour,” something I really

dislike. It feels too Gamey: instead I prefer that you stylise yourself and grow to become

a man with integrity who doesn’t talk to girls who act in bad faith. This might surprise

you but… the vast, vast majority of people (girls included!) are nice and are not

malicious actors. You should assume a good faith mindset when beginning to interact

with anyone.

25 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

Lastly, acting in good faith is a much better way of going about your business than

pretending to be someone you’re not because the honest frame is the strongest frame.

This is especially the case for beginners and lower intermediates who are still in the “fake

it” stage of “fake it til you make it.” Typically they won’t have so much going on for

them so when they act aloof it is entirely incongruent with who they are: something a girl

can easily pick up on and which will retard your progress.

26 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown


A lot of internet discussion on what to text - or what constitutes good texting - is aimed in

the wrong direction. I think so, at least…

If you have to ask someone "what do I say now?" you've lost the battle: you're qualifying

by trying to impress her. The truth is that what you send doesn’t matter much as long as

it's not-boring and not-needy. That's why this guide doesn't contain much advice on the

exact words to put in the messages, because, and I repeat: if she likes you then it doesn't

matter (as long as it’s not-boring and not-needy). Instead we’ll focus on the structure of

how to message.

Remember this analogy at all times:

To successfully run away from a hungry bear you don't need to be the fastest man in

the world. You only need to be faster than the guy next to you.

27 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

The majority of guys are quite boring and quite needy; they are “slow.” Remember: not

amazing… not incredible… not the most interesting man she’s ever met... Just


What constitutes boring?

"Hey/good morning/ good XYZ :) how are you?"

Don’t be like that.

And don’t be needy: not super cool... not James Bond… just not-needy. With regards to

achieving that, simply avoid superlatives such as “wow,” “amazing” and “incredible,”

don’t message her too much, don’t respond too quickly and don’t message that often.

Oh, and I have to say this because I’ve seen guys do it before: stop endlessly

complimenting her! Is your self-esteem so low that you feel that you need to say nice

things about her over and over again - “you’re so cute,” “you are beautiful!” - to keep her

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aware of your existence?! That doesn’t mean you have to be James Bond. Just curb your

worst excesses and you’ll do fine.

Most guys are both boring and needy. It's not hard to stand out.

You may be feeling some resistance to what I've just said and I don't blame you! Much of

the PUA literature revolves around telling you exactly what to say because it's more

profitable and panders to many guy’s low self-esteem. It doesn't fix the core issue that

most guys have - that they're not attractive masculine men and the girl doesn't like him

enough - and instead puts you on the eternal merry-go-round of "what do I say next?"

That's why this guide focuses on the fundamentals (and is why the next mindset is that

you can't turn a "No" into a "Yes").

Also, consider that when a girl reads your messages she does so in your voice. Even if I

borrowed your phone and messaged her for you, she'd still be reading it in the context of

speaking to you and the value and personality you impressed on her during the set. What

you write needs to be your own words.

29 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

Another reason why you should avoid using other guys' words is that they are suited to

them, their personality and, perhaps most importantly, the kind of girls they attract. It's

something I fell afoul of many times as a beginner. Girls can sense when you're using

someone else's words because it isn't congruent with the person they met in real life.

Your texting style should be representative of your personality and is something that you

will discover over time. I believe that each person has their own strong personality2

which they should aim to display over messaging. Personally, I am a warm and playful

person and aim to show that. If I tried to be aloof the girl would sense the incongruence

and would be turned off (unless she’s sold purely based on my looks).

Overall I recommend moving away from the mindset that Game is about assuming a

different role (as an actor would) to match the desires of different girls. Instead you

should find your niche. And just like how your style and looks create a niche for you,

your personality will too.

Understanding my personality - and the kind of girls it attracts - on a deep level had an

immensely calming effect because it was another dimension through which I could stop
You can use personality and archetype interchangeably here

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trying to impress women. If you try to take on different roles - different personalities -

you’re only finding ways to try and satisfy every woman’s every whim: itself an

impossible task. Furthermore:

If you aim to have every personality type then you don’t have one at all

Women can sense this emptiness inside of you. It’s a ghost in the shell/uncanny valley

situation where they can feel an invisible wall between you and them. I repeat: find your

niche; girls who react well not just to the way you dress (your style niche) but also who

you are (your identity/personality niche).

What I’m saying is that it is important to be authentic. But why? Authenticity is valuable

to women because it makes it easier for them to judge a man’s value. When a man isn’t

authentic women will treat him with suspicion. And at the end of the day, you will never

be a good enough actor to hide the tiny microbehaviours (tiny unconscious behaviours

such as eye movements) that bely your identity.

31 13 Jun 2023

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When you’re searching for the right role to play for different sets of girls you are a)

clouding your display of value (she senses the incongruence), and b) actively qualifying

towards the girl in trying to impress her by showing her that you believe your core

personality is not good enough for her.

At the end of the day there are many girls out there who will reject you because of a

personality mismatch and that’s fine. Learning to identify and cut your losses with these

mismatch-girls (a subset of “No” girls) is part of the Game. It’s important to get over the

marketing spiel that “you can get any girl.” Many guys know this logically but act as if

they think it’s possible. It is not.

There will be some debate over whether you should “fake it til you make it” as a

beginner. It’s been pointed out before that it’s unfortunate that “fake” rhymes with

“make” as there are many negative connotations with the word and if there had been a

different rhyme out there then people may approach the phrase in a different way.

Someone could, validly, read the previous paragraphs and say “so then you should

32 13 Jun 2023

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never fake it til you make it because the girl will always see through you; you should

just ‘be yourself’ and ‘always be REAL’”.

This is a simple issue of definitions. “Fake it” doesn’t mean to make wholesale changes

and try to entirely be someone you’re not. It’s about small, incremental improvements

where you emulate someone or something you aspire to. In the case of Game it means

taking on the behaviours of naturally high value men - naturals - and hoping that in

some cases your actions are believable enough that you get a positive reaction or that a

girl likes you in spite of it; you get a positive reference experience. You can then use

that reference experience as your new benchmark.

As an example, you might be terrified of approaching a girl - something a natural

might not care about - but then eventually manage to muster the courage to do it. You

might have felt like a fraud doing it and the girl might have blown you out, but you do

have your reference experience now. If you can do it once, you tell yourself, you can do

it again.

33 13 Jun 2023

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Note that this doesn’t mean that there is only one set of words that you can say.

Personalities are multi-faceted and you can highlight different parts of it when relevant.

You just shouldn’t be making wholesale changes. For example, later on in this guide

there’s a part on typing the girl as either a banter, comfort or serious girl and what to tilt

towards in each case. Tilt being the main word there.

An analogy I like to give to students is to imagine you’re trying to sell a car to a couple

and the car is both good value for money and very safe, as well as having other great

features. When you talk to the man you highlight how the car is good value for money.

When you talk to the woman you highlight how the car is very safe. It’s still the same

car! What you wouldn’t do is try to sell a sports car to the man while simultaneously

trying to sell a minivan to the woman. When they realise that the two cars are not the

same they see you’re trying to trick them and leave.

If you do find yourself asking other guys for advice - and let’s face it, you will, because

everyone does at some point - then do your best to think of what they've said in terms of

structure. Are they making a joke or using comfort? Are they DHVing? Are they framing

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themselves and/or the girl? Identify the structure of what they're doing and then put your

own words into it.

Throughout this guide I have avoided providing screenshots for this exact reason. I don’t

want to get people onto the “what do I say next” merry go round. However, where

examples are used I explain the structure behind them.

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You will see this all the time on pick-up forums and group chats: text screenshots where

the girl is not engaging with the guy and is leading the conversation to dead ends. It looks

like he's trying to draw blood from a stone. He’s probably asking: “what do I say next?”

In some cases, he’ll even preface the screenshots by saying something along the lines of

“I know this lead is probably dead but…” He can already see the writing’s on the wall but

still desperately clings to the hope that he’ll magically turn it around. The truth is that in

99.99% of cases it's because she doesn't like him enough and is just being polite by


Remember that women are conflict avoidant and would rather you ended the interaction

than them. Ask yourself “is she being compliant?” Is she allowing herself to be led to a

date where escalation is possible?

Don't pursue dead leads

This is so important I want to say it again:

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If a girl isn't into you then you're better off letting her go and focusing on new and

(hopefully) stronger leads. There is no secret code - no special set of words - to unlock a

girl and move her from a “No” to a “Yes.” You need to come to terms with the fact that

she is not responding to you because she doesn’t like you enough and/or that you did

something wrong and diminished her interest. Most likely it is the former and it was a

flakey number to start with.

Aren’t you just filtering for Yes girls then?

No. When a girl gives you her number in good faith and intends to see you again - to

check you out more and see if you’re really who you say you are - then she will work

with you to make that happen. That’s right! She’ll work with you. Any good Daygamer

will tell you that 19 out of 20 of their dates came from girls who made it a smooth

progression from number close to date. You shouldn't expect to use "PUA text magic" to

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get a girl out. In the vast majority of cases you'll get her number and progress smoothly to

a date request, then organise logistics and meet.

Seduction is not a battle, it is a dance.

That’s just how the cookie crumbles. It is so vanishingly rare that what you send in your

feeler increases her interest such that she goes from not wanting to meet you to wanting

to meet you that you might as well rule it out of your head as a possibility. As long as

you’re not-boring and not-needy - behaviours which actively diminish her interest in you

- then you’ll be fine. You should consider texting as a way of maintaining the interest you

built during the set and as a mechanism through which you preserve value.

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Wouldn't it be great if women were as logical as men?3 Wouldn't it be great if you could

just message her for logistics and she would show up on the day? After all, she gave you

her number, right?

Unfortunately for us, women are emotional creatures. You need to show her that you

value her by messaging her and going through each stage of the seduction properly. By

not messaging her enough i.e. not keeping her emotional side in mind, you suggest to her

that this is a pure pump'n'dump scenario. It flushes her plausible deniability down the

toilet because she will think that you are not interested enough for a relationship to be


Even if she knows you two are not going to be in a relationship - that it will only be

casual sex - you should never rub her face in it.

Sometimes it’s the ghost of a possibility of a relationship which allows her to cross the

finishing line. Even if she’s only after something casual too.

It wouldn't actually, but let's imagine for the sake of this argument

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That means acting with her plausible deniability in mind at all times. In literal terms:

always keep her social standing and her image of herself in mind. (Yes, even her own

image of herself; do not ever let her think that you think she is a slut).

Throughout this guide I make a few references to showing how you value and like her

and how you are not just after a pump’n’dump. Even if you are, and even if in her heart

of hearts she knows this, do not bring it to the surface. I repeat:

Keep plausible deniability in mind at all times

And as a corollary to this mindset: don’t act like a woman. You will probably have seen

sales advice where it tells you to mirror the client’s behaviour. That might be all well and

good for an environment where you are purely trying to build rapport with someone, but

it doesn’t hold so well in the dating market where you want to stand out from her;

somewhere you want to promote male-female polarity and stand out as a masculine man

in contrast to her as a feminine woman. You of course need to follow this subsection’s

mindset and appreciate that she is a woman who has certain concerns (such as plausible

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deniability), but you also must be driving forward for compliance and setting boundaries

for your attention (which this guide will help you to regulate).

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I've talked to lots of guys who lose girls over texting because they're "so busy" and

"didn't see her message." Pure bullshit! Everyone is on their phone all the time these

days. Everyone knows that everyone else sees their message and waits a little bit to

respond to not appear over-eager. That's just the nature of the Game. If you're not an

active texter then it will look like you’re breaking the golden rule of acting in good faith.

And even if you really were oh-so-busy, she will just think that you're pretending to be

and that you're using a Game tactic on her, which implies that you’re changing your

behaviour to impress her (in her eyes).

As a sidenote: the converse, ironically, is a good thing. Sometimes you’ll notice that girls

take suspiciously equal lengths of time to get back to you… It’s a good sign: she’s

changing her behaviour to impress you!

This is a very short mindset but it needed to be highlighted because there are too many

guys out there losing girls because they aren’t texting enough.

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Well done! You’ve made it through the (very, very important) mindsets section and are

now into what (I imagine) you came here for: the part where I tell you what to do in real


You can roughly categorise your texting by using these five time periods:

Period 1: The Day You Met Her Covers what to do once you have her

number and how to send your feeler


Period 2: The Day After You Met Her Covers how to get a conversation started

and how and when to send date requests

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Period 3: The Days In Between That And Covers how to keep the girl on the hook

The Date without appearing needy

Period 4: The Day Of The Date Covers what to do on the day of the date


Period 5: The Days After The Date Covers what to do after the first date so

you can smoothly build to a second if


I will go through each period in turn and explain what to do in each one and why, but

here are a couple of notes before we begin:

(1) Throughout this section I assume that you are the one opening the messaging. If

she does, it’s a very good sign of interest, and you should engage with her, but

don’t be put off if you are the one to always open the conversation. Remember that

classically the man makes the first move(s): aim for compliance, not for her to


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(2) If you’re messaging with a girl who has a boyfriend then be prepared to go into

full plausible deniability mode. If you usually ask girls out for drinks then you

may want to offer to go out for a coffee instead and build to an alcoholic drink on

the date itself. You should also be wary of what you send given possible prying

eyes. Just remember the maxim from earlier: keep a woman’s plausible deniability

in mind at all times.

(3) A “ping” is just another term for a message or a group of messages. E.g. “I pinged

her earlier” and “she responded to my ping.”

(4) A “roll off” is where you don’t message a girl for a specified period. For example

in Period 3 you will usually ping on alternate days. The days where you’re not

talking to her are days when you have “rolled off.”

(5) A “message block” is the whole batch of messages you send in one go, not every

time you hit send. This definition will help later on.

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Before we get on with Period 1 there is a “Period 0” that we need to speak about: what to

do at the end of the set.

Once you have created a new contact for the girl you should send your name as a test

message to confirm you have the correct number: I literally send the word “Tom” and

that’s it. As I send the test message I’ll gesture to her so that she checks her phone to

ensure it’s come through. The added benefit of this is that she now has the ability to

message you first: she can’t do that if she doesn’t have your number!

Some guys might ask:

“Isn’t that needy to check you’ve got the right number?”

No. This is a case of acting in good faith and assuming she is working from the same

position. If she gave you her number and intends (at least in the moment) to see you again

then she should want to check that she gave you the right one as well. Furthermore, if a

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girl is so on the fence that me doing this pushes her to “no” then she probably wasn’t

worth pursuing in the first place. The juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.

Now onto Period 1 proper:

A feeler message is simply the first full message you send to a girl after meeting her. You

are “feeling out” where she stands.

Send your feeler 1.5 - 2 hours after you got her number and if she responds then continue

the conversation to the end of the day. If that 1.5 - 2 hour timeline takes you beyond

11pm then you should send the feeler the next morning at around 11am. That would mean

that for any numbers collected past 9pm you should send your feeler the next day4.

Only use statements in the feeler text, though questions are fine if a conversation

develops off the back of it. An extremely basic example of a feeler message would be:

“Hey Biker Jane 👋🏻😎 nice meeting you today” 5

On Fridays and Saturdays you shouldn’t message after 9pm, and so with any numbers taken after 7pm you should
wait for the next day.
You can use alternate emojis; more on that later

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The structure here is:

“Hey [callback humour] 👋🏻😎 [express positive sentiment towards her]”

A variation on the same feeler could be:

“So… this is the biker girl I met earlier 😛👋🏻 Cool to meet you today Jane.”
Keep your feelers low investment, simple and easy to respond to. It is not the time to be


This gives her the freedom to respond with a low enthusiasm response such as “Hey. You

too,” - in which case you should probably end the day’s texting at that point - or a

medium or high enthusiasm response where she includes emojis, questions and unbidden

information - from which a conversation can ensue.

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You should keep your feelers low investment because it gives her more opportunities to

respond given different interest levels. If you come in with a high investment feeler6 then

you are somewhat forcing the situation: if she comes back with a high investment

response, great, but if she does otherwise then it will be blindingly obvious that you like

her more than she likes you; the imbalance will stick out like a sore thumb and she can

revisit that any time she likes. Instead you should start with a low investment feeler and

can always build the conversation from there.

If a conversation happens off the back of your feeler then see it out to its natural

conclusion. Furthermore, if it is after 10pm then I recommend talking nearly entirely in

statements. This is so that, just in case you are the one to send the last message of the day,

the narrative stands: you sent a statement and so she didn’t feel obliged to respond. This

will help us when sending our pings the following day.

Timing wise, any response within an hour is a good sign, though keep in mind that she

may be busy at the point you send your feeler and so there might be a longer gap. For

example, you met her on her lunch break and she’s still at work two hours later. In these

Which includes the classic/cliche Daygame feeler of “Hi Jane, random but cool to meet you earlier. Are you always
so friendly to new people? ;) “

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cases I recommend you don’t overcomplicate things and try to guess when she’ll finish

work. Just send your feeler as you usually would and she will pick it up when she can.

She should then start responding quicker now that she has full access to her phone.

Lastly, all you need to do is:

Judge the enthusiasm of her feeler and use that to form the basis of your expectation of

where this lead will go.

A final note before moving on to Period 2: what do you do if she messages you first? As

in, she sends a feeler to you.

Sometimes a girl will respond to your test message from Period 0 with a standard “nice to

meet you” style message. You should wait 30 minutes before responding with a modified

feeler. For example:

“Nice meeting you too Biker Jane 👋🏻😎”

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Where you essentially mirror her positive sentiment and include some callback humour.

If she responds again then see the conversation out to its natural conclusion.

Alternatively, she might send you a high enthusiasm/interest message, in which case you

should respond to her warmly and positively - she knows she is showing her hand by

messaging you first - and within 20 minutes. Again, if a conversation develops then see

it out.

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Hopefully the girl responded to your feeler on the day you met her and that you had a

little back and forth. However, we cannot escape flakes and slow responses: it’s a natural

part of the Game and it sometimes takes a while to get the ball rolling. Don’t be fooled

though, girls are on their phones all the time, and so I’m afraid to say it’s likely a show of

low interest on her part.

If she doesn’t respond to your feeler then you should roll off for a day. This will preserve

some of your value and show her that you’re not-needy. That would mean that if you met

her today, and she didn’t respond to your feeler, then you wouldn’t message her

tomorrow, and would try again the day after that using the instructions for Scenario A

described below. But I repeat: this is probably because of low interest on her part; if she

doesn’t respond to your initial feeler then the follow-up becomes a Hail Mary.

In 99% of cases the girl didn't respond to your feeler because she didn't like you enough

and so it was probably a lost cause anyway. However, 1% of the time you will have the

number of a very literal and logical girl who needs an explicit question mark to prompt

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her to respond. Your follow up weeds out that 1%. And yes, you could make an argument

that said that she was testing you in not responding to your initial message - to test for

persistence - or that her availability changed over that rolled-off day, but we are really

clutching at straws here.

The overall point I want to make here is that:

If a girl likes you then she’ll look out for your message. If she did miss it in the

moment then she’ll search for it later on.

But let’s look on the bright side of life: what do you do on the day after you met her if she

responded to your feeler? We have three scenarios in this period:

Scenario A For when you need to start a new

conversational thread

Scenario B For when you have a conversation

ongoing from the previous day

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Scenario C For when you need to send your feeler the

day after meeting her

Scenario A: New Conversational Thread

This is for when you are starting a new conversational thread because none developed the

previous day (maybe she replied with a low enthusiasm response) or else it was wrapped

up before you went to sleep. This is also the scenario which covers what to do after

rolling off for a day if she didn’t respond to your feeler.

Send a photo or video ping just before lunchtime so she can respond during her break.

This would mean sending a picture or video of something you're doing, a caption to

describe it and then a question to prompt her to respond. If there’s nothing interesting

going on in your day at 11am then feel free to use something from the previous evening.

You might want to keep a folder of back-up photos/videos to send at any time, and I do

this myself, but I only use them when I have absolutely nothing else to send. An example

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could be a picture of a huge meal that you had and to send that along with a caption such

as “My dinner from last night. Not bad for a starter 😛 How’s your day going?”
But do remember the golden rule! I try to structure my day and do things so that I have a

real photo that I just took to work with. If you rely on stock images then you’ll eventually

make a mistake and send a girl something which is clearly old - perhaps people are

walking in the background with winter coats on and it’s summertime - and it could spoil a

good lead.

Another example of a simple photo ping would be sending a picture of the coffee you're

having, with the caption:

“Best coffee in the city 👌🏻 How is your day going?”

Or, as a spikier example (this is the Scenario A message I sent to nearly every girl in my

first six months of Daygame):

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“Currently sneaking out of work for the best coffee in the city 😉 Are you
behaving yourself today?”

But at this point I want you to focus on the subtext of what’s going on rather than the

words themselves or trying to come up with the “optimal ping:” whenever you send a

message to a girl you’re giving her an IOI. Every time she responds is an opportunity to

judge her reaction to that IOI: was it red, amber or green? This will further inform the

judgement you made when she (hopefully) responded to your feeler. Put another way:

you are showing you like her and then seeing how much she likes you back.

There is no magic combination of words which unlock her, no matter how much you

might want there to be.

Rather than wasting time trying to craft the “perfect text” you should stick to being

simple and effective, conveying your personality and reading the signals she’s sending


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Remember that you are the one sending the message; there is no magic combination of

words which are objectively the best no matter who says them. As long as you’re

not-needy and not-boring then it doesn’t really matter what you say. Given you satisfy

that condition, express your personality.

Scenario B: Ongoing Conversational Thread

Sometimes your conversation will be standing from the previous day. Try your best for

her to be the one left hanging overnight so that you can be the one to respond first the

next day. You can pick the conversation back up and send your first message somewhere

between 10 and 11am.

This is a case where you can break the “message between 11am and 11pm” rule (see the

“How Often Should I Message? section) as it appears more natural: you’re picking up

where you left off at your earliest convenience; perhaps once you’ve settled in at work

and cleared your inbox.

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If you happen to be the one left hanging overnight then wait for her to respond up until

1pm. If she hasn’t then assume the conversation from the previous day is over and send a

ping as per Scenario A. Waiting until 1pm is a long time for someone to take their turn in

a conversation and so you’re safe to message again at that point. This is why I

recommended predominantly using statements after 10pm: that way there is the narrative

that she thought that the conversation had ended. This will mean, in her eyes, that you’re

not double texting, you’re merely starting a new conversational thread, even though she

could have responded to the prior night’s statement.

There is one more formulation of this scenario: when she responds to your feeler the day

after you met her. In this case she will either add more colour into her response, making it

an ongoing conversation and so you should respond accordingly, or will send a

run-of-the-mill “nice to meet you” message (very likely a sign of low interest). In the

latter case you can respond to her with a regular ping as per Scenario A and try to build a

conversation from there.

Scenario C: Late Number Closes

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This is for when you had to send your feeler the day after meeting her because you took

her number later than 9pm (or post-7pm on Fridays and Saturdays). Send it just as you

usually would and then if she responds then send a ping as per scenario A or carry on a

conversation if she provides additional colour and unbidden information.

For scenario A and B ensure that you use an explicit question mark in your ping to

indicate that you want her to respond. For scenario C, send the next-day feeler as a

statement and then in your follow-up include an explicit question mark.

Note that if she doesn't respond to this message - in all scenarios (and including the one

where she didn’t respond to your feeler either) - then delete her contact and the

conversation. That's even if she responded to your feeler i.e. she responded on the day

you met her but not after. She's woken up and decided talking to you isn't in her interests.

Remember that you should wait a day before deleting her contact.

Sleep is a powerful factor in seduction. When we go to sleep our brains sift through the

day’s events, commit them to long term memory and take out the emotional content of

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what happened. That’s why we tell people to “sleep on it” and hope that they will make

more responsible decisions the next day. A girl might feel a strong emotional

connection to you the day you meet her but not the day after because of this process.

If a girl has gone to sleep and still wants to talk to you, it means her interest has jumped

the hurdle which sleep represents and you’re safe to…

Date request!

Let’s take a small step back and confirm the most common series of events which leads to

a date: you sent your feeler on the day you met her and had a short conversation with her.

The following day, you sent a ping, and she responded, so you sent a date request.

Here is my advice on when to send date requests summarised as one sentence:

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If she responds to one of your non-feeler messages on the day after you met her, then

date request7

Re-read that sentence (and the footnote) as many times as needed so you understand.

There are many different dates out there but here is what I suggest to be the best first date


In cases where you had to send your feeler on the day after you met her and in those where she didn’t respond to
your feeler at all you will do the following: for the former you send your feeler (the day after meeting her), she
replies, you ping, she replies, you date request; for the latter you send your feeler (she doesn’t reply), you roll off for
a day, you ping the day after, she replies, you reply, she replies, you date request (I recommend waiting for one
additional back and forth in this case to appear not-needy).

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Day ASAP (but not that evening): you want to capitalise on the

emotional impact caused during the set and ride the momentum

all the way to the first date. Note that Fridays and Saturdays

represent prime real estate and so if she accepts for these days

it’s a better than average sign of interest.

Meeting Time 8pm: generally, the later the better, but if you suggest meeting

too late then she’ll think you’re trying to line her up for a booty

call. 8pm is the sweet spot where it’s clearly a romantic meeting

but not too suggestive.

Activity Drinks: even if you don’t drink I still believe “drinks” are the

best date activity as it suggests a man-to-woman frame. Just go

to the date venues any other guy would use and get a

non-alcoholic drink.

Meeting Location Public meeting location e.g. metro station or landmark: this is

discussed below.

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And don't worry that asking her out isn't part of the flow of the conversation; it’s nice if it

is, but don’t worry about it. This is something a lot of guys get caught up in: trying to

ramp up to the perfect date request. Don’t worry about it and just ask her out. Assume the

sale by saying, for example:

"Let's meet for that drink then. How's Thursday evening? 🥂"
Note that as the man you need to pick the activity. Don't ask her whether she'd prefer

dinner or drinks, for example. Just lead.

The above is how I usually do my date requests, but here is another example:

“How’s Thursday or Friday looking for you? 🥂”

You can exchange the emoji at the end for something more appropriate where required.

For example a rock’n’roll girl would get “ 🍻” or “🥃” whereas a red wine drinker would
get “🍷.” If it’s for a coffee date then it will be “☕.” If I closed the set on the offer of

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coffee but now I see she’s more interested she might get “ ☕🍷” (which leaves the door
open for us to progress to an alcoholic drink).

The important thing is that you:

Just ask her out

If she accepts the date request on your suggested days that's great. If she suggests

alternate days that's also great. Pick the one that suits you and if neither does then give

another alternative. You don’t want this back and forth to be going on forever, though, so

if she can’t make your counteroffer (and doesn’t provide another good alternative herself)

then you can agree to talk again later in the week and organise something then.

Re-engage in a few days with a ping as per scenario A.

As long as you can pick a day you can then proceed to logistics and get her locked in for

a time and place. Make this a statement:

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“Great. Let’s meet at [place] at [time] 💃🕺” 89

It’s important to first agree the day then the time and place as separate messages:

sometimes guys will put all the information in one message and make it a statement.

Then if the girl doesn’t respond to that they are left wondering whether the girl accepted

their offer and felt no need to respond or whether she declined and ghosted. Save yourself

the headache and get her to agree to a day first.

In terms of where to meet: always suggest meeting near to your place first just to see if

she says yes. Don’t go out of your way to tell her you live nearby, though, as that will

impact the plausible deniability of meeting you there. Typically if girls ask where I live I

will say - at the time of writing - “North London” and keep it vague. That satisfies her

curiosity but keeps the plausible deniability alive. Though of course if she pushes to find

out where specifically I will tell her the area I live in. However, even in that case, I will

still try at least once to get her to meet me near mine. Never underestimate the power of

good logistics!

See the objection handling section for more information on what to do if she is partially compliant i.e. she will
meet you but does not immediately agree with your suggestion of the time, location and activity
You can change the emojis as you see fit

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If you don't ask, you don't get, and you may be making the logistics harder than they have

to be on the date (by meeting centrally) when she might have met up closer to yours. This

is within reason of course. If you live out in the sticks then you’re better off coming up

with a date structure somewhere central to your city and then extracting back to yours by

cab (meeting too far from a central location makes it obvious that you’re setting the date

up near yours).

If meeting near yours is too far for her or she can tell that it's going to be near to yours

(and she won’t accept that) then she may object (see the section on objection handling for

more information on partial compliance). You may have to meet her - literally - in the


I want to highlight this point on where to meet:

Meet her somewhere convenient for you or for the both of you, not somewhere which is

only convenient for her

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This is an issue that many beginners run into: the girl is willing to meet him but only if it

is in a convenient location for her. This is usually a case of low interest. I recommend you

hold your ground in these scenarios and only agree to meet somewhere which is

convenient for you or for both of you. Be polite, of course, but I would rather put off a

date than go on a low interest one which is far away.

Going on low interest dates which are only convenient for her is most likely to be a waste

of time and it sets the wrong frame: you’re going into her world and are qualifying to her;

satisfying her every whim. At a metaphorical level you should try to position yourself

above her so that you trigger her hypergamy. Instead, by expressly going to her and into

her world, you’re showing her that you pedastalise her. You have to show her (and

yourself) that you value your time and aren’t going to whore yourself out just so that you

get to go on a “date.” I use air quotes here because there’s a high chance that it will be a

timewaster one and she knows it; she’s only agreeing to the date to appear polite but

probably hopes herself that you’ll turn it down.

One more point on where to meet is literally where to meet: give her a public meeting

place, commonly the nearest metro station or tourist location, and not the bar/cafe/activity

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location itself. Girls are liable to get lost and so it’s easier to give them a public meeting

spot rather than a specific place. Furthermore, telling her exactly where you’ll be going

spoils some of the mystery. Again: she’s entering your world and the correct frame is that

you’re leading her and she trusts you, not that she gets to vet the activity location


If a girl insists on knowing exactly where you’re taking her then you can let her know.

Just be aware that this is likely a red flag and that she is sizing up how allying herself

with you will allow her to be seen in fancier places. Again, at a metaphorical level, the

girl should be entering your world/frame and you should be leading her: she should agree

to this (metaphorical) preposition through agreeing to a public location and then

following your lead.

If a girl rejects the meeting point outright then this is a red flag: it’s likely that she is

hoping that you are going to take her to a more expensive area/place. Red flag (bad faith)

scenarios occur when the girl says something like “I don’t like that area” or “I only go to

fancy places” when you suggest a meeting point. I have seen many guys fall afoul of

these complaints: they change the location in an attempt to impress her rather than

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sticking to their guns. Remember, she’s a guest in your world and so it’s rude to


On the other end of the spectrum we have good faith complaints such as where she wants

to meet somewhere convenient for both of you because the initial suggestion is too far


Note that when you are agreeing on logistics it is an occasion where you can break the

“no messaging past 11pm” rule if she is responding to you very quickly. In this case you

want to have a very quick back and forth to get her locked in before you wish her

goodnight and end the day’s messaging. If you were bashing out the logistics during the

daytime then once you've organised them feel free to end the day's messaging there, but if

she wants to continue talking after that then see the conversation through to its natural


You will be able to tell if it’s a good faith complaint on the location or not through the reason she gives. If it’s too
far away for her then fair enough. Similarly if it’s near where she works or where an ex-boyfriend lives, for example,
then that’s also okay. Bad faith rejections will be based on her wanting to go somewhere more expensive or
exclusive. Just ask yourself: is her non-compliance reasonable or not? Is her non-compliance leading you to feel that
you’re being taken advantage of somehow?

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If she does not accept your date request but leaves the door open to another (vague) time

such as “next week” that's an amber light. A weak amber light at that.

I like to give this analogy to students when we discuss date requests: imagine a friend

asked you whether you wanted to go to the cinema on Wednesday. If you couldn’t make

that day but you offered an alternative, you’d work it out between you. It would be quite

obvious you wanted to go. If you couldn’t make it anytime soon but still wanted to go

some point soon, you’d offer to discuss it another time. If you responded saying you

were busy and gave no alternatives or any signal that you still wanted to go… is that

really how friends talk to each other?

If says that she can't make those days with no alternative, that's a red light. In this and the

previous amber light cases, you should acknowledge her response with:

"Okay, no worries. Another time 👍🏻"

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If she didn’t respond to the message block containing your date request at all then delete

her. This is a clear case of a girl being willing to talk but not progress the seduction any


If she responds to part of your message block, but not specifically the date request, then

she’s playing silly buggers: she knows she is supposed to respond to it and hasn’t. In this

case you should pretend that her non-response never happened but should end the

conversation very quickly. Do not ask any more questions and stop using emojis. This is,

in effect, going “cold” on her: she is acting in bad faith and doesn’t deserve your positive


This is probably because she isn’t interested enough to come on a date but enjoys

messaging; the lead is as good as dead at this point. You have to make a decision whether

to wait a day and delete her or whether to re-engage in a few days time. In some rare

cases, however, this is a test to see how you react. The worst thing to do is to follow up

with messages such as “so is Friday okay for you?” That’s needy.

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By going cold in these scenarios there’s a chance she may respond to your next message

agreeing to go on a date. However, you are walking on thin ice, if you’ll pardon the pun,

and she may only have agreed to the date because she knows that she won’t receive your

attention without it. Be prepared for a flake.

In all the amber and red light cases where you are going to roll-off: wait for a few days

and re-engage with a new ping (if there's a time constraint e.g. she's leaving town soon or

you are then you should re-engage sooner). On the day you re-engage, use only

statements in your ping i.e. no questions. This is to preserve some value and to show her

you’re not-needy.

If she responds to you when you re-engage then play out the conversation to its natural

end and on the next day you can open the day’s messaging with a date request. I would

advise against sending a date request on the same day that you re-engage with her

because taking your time shows non-neediness. It is value preserving behaviour to show

her that you’re not excited by the sheer act of talking to her and jumping to the date


72 13 Jun 2023

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Why not start the Period 2 pinging with a date request? Why do you wait for her to

respond to your first ping then but not later?

The first time you build up to the date request you send a ping first because it’s showing

her you’re not thirsty and rushing towards it. It also encourages her to respond to your

message which enforces a level of consistency on her. As the theory goes: once she’s

responded once that day she characterises herself as being interested in you and is more

willing to agree to the date request. It’s ramping her up to the date request rather than

coming in out of nowhere with the date request and possibly scaring her off.

The reason this changes for the second time around is that you want to see if she’ll put

her money where her mouth is. You’re at a point now where you want to show her that

you’re driving straight to the point. If she doesn’t agree to meet you now then she’s had

her shot.

If she gives you another amber or red light to your date request then cut your losses and

move on. She just doesn't like you enough. Respond to her non-agreement to meet with

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“Okay” then wait a day and delete her. You should aim to ask any girl out twice but no


I will highlight this for brevity’s sake:




You may also be asking yourself:

“Isn’t that too soon to send a date request? Don’t I need to banter with her first? Or

build more comfort?”

No. Attraction and comfort are both feelings which you would have developed during the

set. If you have both, and she’s logistically available, then she will want to meet up with

you. Remember that you got her number on the premise of dating her. Test that premise.

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When you “build comfort/banter over messaging” first she only sees a guy who isn’t

moving towards what he wants. You’re not “preparing her for the date request,” you’re

preparing yourself. You should be going for what you want from the get-go and so if you

do not do this - with some consideration for not appearing thirsty and respecting her

plausible deniability - she will see you as lacking courage and confidence. That you don’t

understand female nature and think that she needs to be handled with kid gloves.

Really, you're playing the game not to lose rather than to win. Having a girl respond to

you is such a victory that you don't want to rock the boat. It's weak behaviour which is

actually costing you dates.

And sorry if all that sounds a bit harsh but it needs to be said. Remember this guide was

going to tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to!

Then why not just make your feeler a date request?

Because you still need to play the Game and preserve plausible deniability. Going for the

date request immediately implies that she is only a pump’n’dump to you and/or that

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you’re thirsty. By following the rules of this guide you can find a nice balance between

going for the date request in a timely manner which respects her plausible deniability and

protecting yourself from long chats to nowhere.

Why don’t I need to “run comfort” on her more before date requesting?

A girl can feel more comfortable around you as a result of texting, but us providing that

comfort comes on the condition that we’re actually going to meet. You can think of

comfort in this context as more about providing reassurance that you value her, letting her

experience your personality for more time and letting her know that you won’t stand her

up. Just think about it: why would a girl turn up for a date if she thinks the guy doesn’t

value her?

This is another reason why developing a texting style which matches your personality11 is

important. Because every message she receives reinforces the positive impression you

made during the set.

I’m sure there are some people out there who will say “but my personality is to go directly to the point and only
message for logistics.” Go for it, my friend, but you are leaving money on the table if you do. My advice to you
would be to learn to enjoy the seduction dance and appreciate that each stage needs to be performed properly and the
“intermission” (the texting) is part of that. Furthermore, is your personality so direct that you would open the girl
with “let’s go have sex right now?” I’d guess that it is not… Much like a good film, good pacing is really important.

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How soon should I try and set the date for?

Try to set the date up for as soon as you can, but not for the same evening unless there’s

some time pressure; same evening invites can come across as needy and thirsty. The best

day, in my opinion, would be the next day or the day after i.e. the date would occur two

or three days after the set. If a girl is willing to meet you for a date in such a short time

frame then she’s showing very strong interest.

Again you might ask:

Isn’t that needy?

No. You talked to her in the first place with the intent of fucking her. This is just a natural

expression of that desire. You’re taking advantage of the emotional impact you caused

during the set and are going to try and ride that positive momentum all the way to the


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We’re getting ahead of ourselves slightly but when it comes to intermediary pinging (in

the cases of quick date setups) you should be talking to her each day (rather than the

usual alternate day pattern which we’ll get onto). If the date is set for the following day

then you can send the pre-flake check message as per Period 4. If the date is set for the

day after that then send a ping the next day as per Scenario A.

Here are a couple of tables to clarify this:

Day Number Action Taken (ex. 1)

1 (Period 1) Feeler

2 (Period 2) Ping and date request. Date is set for day 3.

3 (Period 3) Pre-flake check message

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Day Number Action Taken (ex. 2)

1 (Period 1) Feeler

2 (Period 2) Ping and date request. Date is set for day 4.

3 (Period 2) Ping as per Scenario A

4 (Period 3) Pre-flake check message

Long story short: if you date request for the next day or day after that you will be talking

to her every day from meet to date.

Once again I’m sure some people are asking:

Isn’t that needy?

Again: no it’s not. Girls understand that when they go on a date with a guy soon after first

meeting him they are, to some extent, showing their hand. This is a point in time where

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you definitely need to display that you value and like her so that she doesn’t start to get

cold feet and think that you’re only in it for a pump’n’dump.

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Given that you’ve now got the date set up you can take a day off of texting to show her

you’re not over-invested in the whole thing12. It’s push-pull/fractionation.

After that roll-off you should go into an alternate day pinging pattern up until the day of

the date by using the instructions from Period 2 (though of course, no date request is

required). Simply send a new ping, or continue the ongoing conversation if there is one,

and see it through to its natural end.

The purpose of these alternate day pings is to show her that you value her and won’t

stand her up, and to give her more opportunities to feel your personality, while not being

needy due to the on/off structure of pinging on alternate days.

You can start the day’s pinging whenever it feels right for that day i.e. no need to send it

just before lunchtime as you did in Period 2. This gives you more time to find something

That is unless you’ve set the date up for the next day or the day after that, in which case you will need to message
each day as described earlier.

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interesting and engaging to send, though I still recommend sending it just before

lunchtime so that you can catch her during her break if it’s a working day.

There is no set recommendation for how many times you should message back and forth

in any conversation, simply see it out. That can be with her sending the last message or

yourself; just make sure that you tie up all the active conversational threads before ending

it. I make a distinction here between active and dead conversational threads because

sometimes you need to cut one thread to allow the conversation to proceed without it

becoming too bloated (see the “How Much Should I Send?” section).

What should I do with ongoing conversations?

If your conversation continues overnight - whether that’s from a conversation which

continued after the date request or off the back of one of your alternate day pings - then

keep it going for as long as seems natural. If this happens to carry over to the day after

that - the one when you'd usually be sending one of your alternate day pings - then keep

the conversation going then too. All in all, keep on talking to her if it feels natural; the

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strongest leads will talk to you from the day you met them all the way up to the day of the


However, I would make one recommendation here with regards to the roll-off structure

and ongoing conversations: if it proceeds into the afternoon and naturally ends there, then

you should roll-off the next day, even if it would have been one of your pinging days. We

need to put some kind of line in the sand so let’s say that if the ongoing conversation ends

after 1pm then you should roll-off the next day. If it ends before 1pm, then you should

re-engage the following day after 1pm.

Here are three tables with three different scenarios to help clarify the ping structure,

where day 1 is the day you met her (Period 1) and day 6 is the day of the date (Period 4):

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Day Number Action Taken (ex. 1)

1 (Period 1) Feeler

2 (Period 2) Ping and date request. Conversation ends before the end of the day.

3 (Period 3) Roll-off

4 (Period 3) Ping. Conversation ends before the end of the day.

5 (Period 3) Roll-off

6 (Period 4) Pre-flake check message (this is explained in the Period 4 section)

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Day Number Action Taken (ex. 2)

1 (Period 1) Feeler

2 (Period 2) Ping and date request. Conversation continues into the next day

3 (Period 3) Ongoing conversation ends before 1pm

4 (Period 3) Ping after 1pm. Conversation ends before the end of the day.

5 (Period 3) Roll-off

6 (Period 4) Pre-flake check message

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Day Number Action Taken (ex. 3)

1 (Period 1) Feeler

2 (Period 2) Ping and date request. Conversation continues into the next day

3 (Period 3) Ongoing conversation ends after 1pm

4 (Period 3) Roll-off

5 (Period 3) Ping. Conversation ends before the end of the day.

6 (Period 4) Pre-flake check message

What should I do once a conversation ends? How do I know it’s over? Should I ever

break the pinging structure?

Again: there is no set recommendation for the number of back and forths you need to

“make” a conversation. You only need to ensure all the active conversational threads are

tied up. That is what I would class as the conversation’s “natural end.”

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Once I see that this has happened I will either send a message purely made of emojis e.g.

“👍🏻😎” or “👍🏻😊” which communicates that I approve of what she says but don’t see
that there’s anything more to add.

You can get creative with these messages made up purely of emojis and I like to try and

describe everything that we’ve talked about in one. For example, if we tying up the

logistics for a date I could end with “🥂💃🕺👌🏻.” Or perhaps if we had been talking
about the weather spoiling our day’s plans I could send “☔🙏🏻🌞💪🏻.” It sounds silly and

it’s meant to be; it shows a fun side to the girl and is a chance for you to express your


Alternatively, to end the conversation, I might leave an emoji reaction on her last

message to show her I’ve acknowledged it and don’t see anything more to say.

Lastly, when you send your pings you should gauge whether she is up for talking or not.

If she is not, then it's fine to simply acknowledge her, give a little comfort and end the

conversation there. For example: she says she's studying hard for an exam (code for "I

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like you but right now is not a good time to talk") and so you could respond with "Keep

working hard! 💪🏻"

Carrying on from this point, if the girl says something along the lines of “See you on [day

of the date]” in response to one of your alternate day pings then she is likely

communicating the following: “I like you and I will see you then. There’s no need to

check in on me.” If this is the case then it’s fine to skip the remaining alternate day pings

and wait until the day of the date to send your pre-flake check message. That is unless the

date is set quite far in the future. In that case you may want to wait a few days then send

another ping just to show her you’re still there and intend to meet her.

If she fails to respond to any of your alternate day pings13 then there is a very high chance

that she will flake on the date. In this case, stop sending the alternate day pings and wait

for the day of the date and send a modified pre-flake check message of “Still good for

tonight? 🥂”

For the extremely pedantic people out there I mean where she doesn’t respond to one of your message blocks in its
entirety. This doesn’t cover where you are having a conversation and send a block comprised entirely of statements
and she doesn’t see the need to respond i.e. the conversation has reached its natural end. It also doesn’t cover the
scenario where she responds to part of your message block but not other parts (maybe she’s only responded to the
questions and not the statements in the block, for example).

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Following on from the above, I want to highlight that:

For every one of her replies (or non-replies) try to take a step back and work out what

the subtext is

This practice will go very far in helping you to understand the 20% of texting we’ve been

alluding to so far in this guide. Ask yourself questions such as:

● Was that an IOI or an IOD?

● How long did she take to respond?

● How much did she send?

● Did she include emojis, exclamations, questions, unbidden information and other

signs of enthusiasm? Specifically, is her enthusiasm growing or receding?

● Did she mirror your messaging style (including the use of photos, videos, GIFs

and voice notes) and/or emoji use?

● Did she play along with your banter and allow herself to be framed in the way you

suggested? E.g. you joked about being the professor and her the student and she

accepted it

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● Did she accept your framing of yourself? E.g. if you joked about being the “king

of [your] street” did she accept it and play along?

● How is she placing herself on the r/K spectrum? Is she portraying herself as a

“good” or “bad” girl?

● If she was previously presenting herself as a pure good girl is she now showing

more signs of naughtiness?

● Is she being compliant?

By analysing the subtext of each message a girl sends you can add to the mental dossier

you have on her and better calibrate to her. It means that as you message her more you

are both showing her more of your personality and getting a better feel for hers, not to

mention how close you can estimate she is to sex.

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This period is about checking that she is going to turn up that evening and handling any

issues you may have just before meeting her.

You check that she’s going to turn up by sending a “pre-flake check” message such as

“See you tonight 🥂" just before lunchtime (or the modified one described in the
previous section if she didn’t respond to one of your alternate day pings). As with the

date request you can swap out “ 🥂" for an appropriate emoji. If you have an ongoing
conversation as a result of your alternate day pinging you can tack your pre-flake check

message onto your first message that day.

If she gets back to you in any positive way then she’s confirming she’s coming, whether

that’s a “see you later,” “looking forward to it” or even just a simple thumbs up.


If she doesn't respond to this message then assume she is not coming to the date14

Once in a very blue moon she will actually turn up without having responded to your pre-flake check message…
But I am talking about a very blue moon here; think one in 1000 odds. The kind of odds you might as well ignore. If
somehow you do receive an “I’m here” message out of nowhere then let her know you’re running late and head to

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Do not send a follow up. That includes not sending a "fake flake" message a few hours

later pretending you can't make it any more. Remember the golden rule - you will act in

good faith - which means not lying. Plus, she knows what you’re doing by suddenly

flaking on her when she doesn't respond. It’s not as if that will help you to lay her in

future because she suddenly thought “oh wow he’s such a busy guy!” Girls know that

guys prioritise dates with them over 99% of other activities and will see straight through


If she doesn't respond to your pre-flake message then she is acting in bad faith (it would

be polite for her to either confirm she's coming or not) and so does not need another

message from you. This is another case where you should delete her number. If there is a

good faith reason for her not responding such as her losing her phone then she will

contact you another day to explain what happened.

You can spin all manner of different stories in your head as to why she didn’t send a

response but 99.99% of the time it is because she doesn’t like you enough. Don’t let

the date if it is convenient for you to do so. She should accept your lateness as a consequence of her silliness for not
confirming she was coming.

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yourself be tempted to message her again because that’s not what a man with integrity

would do.

Again, think about it from her perspective. She’s agreed to meet you and then on the day

itself left you hanging. And yet, you still want to try and get her out? That’s incredibly

weak behaviour.

What should I do if she starts trying to change the meeting point/time/activity on the

day of the date?

This is covered further in the section on objection handling - and there I am more

referring to objections made in advance - but here I am mostly talking about a girl

playing silly buggers and acting in bad faith. Maybe she’s trying to move the time of the

date so she can slot something more important than you in afterwards (perhaps

literally)15. Maybe she’s trying to move the location so that it’s more convenient for her.

Maybe she’s trying to get you to take her somewhere more expensive such as a fancier

If she suggests the opposite, agree to it. E.g. you were meant to meet at 8pm and she asks for 9pm. In general, the
later the time of meeting the higher the chance of sex. It’s more likely that she sees your date as perfunctory before
going to have sex.

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part of town. Or alternatively she might be trying to downgrade the romantic nature of the

date because her interest in you has changed.

This kind of behaviour is likely a red flag and you need to hold your ground; don’t agree

to changing your plans at the last minute. Remember that she already agreed to meet you

and on what terms and so if she’s trying to change plans now then she’s probably already

got one foot out of the date and is looking for you to flake on her, thus absolving her of

responsibility for the date not going ahead. Alternatively, she might see you as an easy

mark, someone who thinks they had what they wanted and now that it’s being pulled

away is willing to jump through hoops to get it back again.

Don’t let yourself get dragged around by the promise of a date because even if you went

on it, consider how low interest this girl must be not to follow your lead and even then

how much effort it would take to get her into bed. Remember that the correct frame is

that you are the dominant male and she is the submissive female, she should be coming

into your world and be led by you.

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You’ll be able to sense that this is a bad faith objection (to the agreed logistics) because

you’ll feel as if she’s trying to get one over you. If this occurs then be prepared for the

date not to go ahead. In fact, if these objections pop up on the day of the date then you

should probably assume that it won’t be happening. However, I should point out that

there are good faith objections which can happen on the day of the date. For example, she

might have finished work early and is asking to meet a little earlier. Though in those

cases, the girl is likely to be willing to stick to the original plan anyway and was simply

asking on the off-chance that changing the plans was convenient for you too. At the end

of the day, ask yourself whether she’s playing silly buggers and act accordingly.

What do I do just before the date itself?

With all that negative stuff out the way, let’s talk about the times when the girl has

confirmed she’s coming and hasn’t raised any issues.

Once you reach the meeting point you should send a simple “I’m here” message to let her

know that you’ve arrived. Hopefully you’ll be able to spot each other and it will be easy

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to begin the date from there. However, as I’m sure you will have experienced with

women, they are not usually on time…

As the meeting time approaches she may message you to say she’s going to be running

late. This is typical girl behaviour and, in all honesty, anything up to 15 minutes after the

agreed meeting time might as well be considered “on time” for a girl. Of course, if she is

going to be late but messages you far enough in advance then you can simply head to the

meeting location later than initially planned.

I would respond to any “I’m going to be [up to 15 minutes] late” messages by saying:

“Okay. See you soon 👍🏻”

And would wait in the meeting location for her. Anything longer than 15 minutes (and I

was already headed to the meeting location) then I would message:

“Okay. I will wait at [nearby cafe/bar/location]. Meet me there 👍🏻”

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She should be able to come and find you… But we are talking about women here. In the

case where she cannot find where you are, you should tell her to send a picture of where

she is and that she should stay there. You can then go find her at your convenience.

Anything later than 45 minutes - without a valid excuse - and I think you’re well within

your right to go home.

And what if she doesn’t show up?

This is the absolute worst case of acting in bad faith: agreeing to go on a date, confirming

that you will be going that day, and then not showing up. In this case you absolutely

must, must, must delete her. MUST. Show no mercy. Not only is she a dead lead, she’s

dead to you now.

Then what do I do after the date?

At the end of each date I will tell the girl to “let me know when she’s home safe.” Some

girls will do that - mostly when the date has gone well, whether we had sex or not - and

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some will not - often because it was a bad date - or simply forget to do so. If it was a

good date then she’ll probably thank you for a nice evening and so you should be polite

in saying “you’re welcome” or somesuch - some callback humour would be good here

too as long as it is not sexually suggestive - and then you can wish her goodnight. In the

case of a bad date, it’s no big deal, she might have simply forgotten to send the “home

safe” message. In both cases, proceed to Period 5 as per usual.

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Well done! You successfully made it past perhaps the hardest stage of the seduction: the

first date. Hopefully it went well and she wants to see you again. Our aim is to let the

date settle into her mind and smoothly get her out another time.

Send a ping like you would in Period 2 at around 1/2pm on the day after the date. We

message later this time because we want her to be able to gather her thoughts. You do not

want to be pressuring her decision at this point because it can turn her to a "no” when she

may well have been a “yes.” Another difference to Period 2 is that you should not send a

date request this day unless she's making it obvious that she wants you to invite her back

out by responding quickly and with lots of enthusiasm.

This can be one of the most nerve-wracking points in the seduction: you’ve already spent

time with her on the date and want to see her again (and are hoping that she does too!).

Don’t be surprised if she takes longer than usual to respond in this period. She knows

where things are headed if you continue to meet up and so may pretend to drag her feet so

as to preserve her plausible deniability (she is making it appear that you are the one who

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is moving everything towards sex and that she reluctantly came along with you, even if

she really wants it herself).

Let the conversation reach its natural end and then roll off for a day. The purpose of this

roll-off is to show her that you’re not jumping at the opportunity for sex, which the

second date might represent. You can then open the following day with a new date

request i.e. the first message you send is the date request. At this point you both know

you’re attracted to each other and know where the process is heading and so you have

more freedom to get straight to business.

If she happens to open the texting on your roll-off day then you can go for the date

request then. She’s showing her hand and so you are safe to invite her out. Similarly, if

the conversation continues from the day after the date into your roll-off day then you can

send your date request that day after she sends her first response (similar to how we wait

for her first response on the day after meeting her).

Finally, go back to the process of alternate day pinging and pre-flake messaging as

described in Periods 3 and 4 (and repeat this process if you go on further dates).

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Should I invite her straight to my place?

I include this section here because you should never invite her straight to your place, or

even mention it in the date request, for the first date. That is guaranteed to kill her

plausible deniability even if she intended to sleep with you on the first date.

However, there is some wiggle room for it in the requests for what would be second,

third, fourth, etc. dates. It all comes down to the maximum number of dates you’re

willing to go on and the level of escalation so far. For me, that is three dates. Maybe five

if the girl is very, very hot and/or is a special situation like a virgin. In terms of escalation,

I expect to kiss her by the second date as a maximum.

If I get to that point with a girl then I will only agree to meet her again if she explicitly

agrees to come to mine as part of the date request. That might mean inviting her directly

to mine e.g. “Let’s watch a movie at mine 🎥” or including her coming to mine as part of
the date request e.g. “Let’s have a cocktail then watch a movie at mine 🍸.”

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In terms of an escalation based decision maker: if I had been on two dates with a girl and

hadn’t kissed her then I would include an explicit invitation to mine as part of the date

request for the third date.

Otherwise I personally would never include coming to mine as part of the date request as

doing so preserves her plausible deniability16. Normally I would meet her somewhere and

then lead to mine after some sort of activity. That’s why I wouldn’t include coming to my

place unless we’ve gone past my maximum number of dates or the escalation hasn’t

progressed as I would have liked: it’s an unnecessary risk. Why turn her off by affecting

her plausible deniability when it’s not needed? Inviting her straight to mine is simply a

defence mechanism so that I don’t go on dates to nowhere once I’m at my limit.

Always remember that girls know where things are headed if you continue to date them

and so you don’t need to “warn” them that you are going to be leading to yours. She can

always say no at the front door if she wants to, after all. If you want evidence that women

see sex as a possibility just watch out for how many of them have shaved and put on sexy

If you happen to live quite far from the centre of town and tell her to meet you somewhere near to yours, she
knows exactly what will happen. It’s equivalent to inviting her to yours as part of the date request.

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underwear when you undress them even though you didn’t explicitly tell them it would

be happening.

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I’ve included this section to show what texting in each period will look like. This is a

smooth (hypothetical) timeline and so she’s very compliant, but as I said earlier in this

book 19 times out of 20 the texting goes quite smoothly and so this is quite representative

of most of your text exchanges which leads to dates and lays. You can especially see the

smoothness when looking back on any lay and seeing that you were unnecessarily

anxious about what would happen.

Just remember that if you find yourself stuck with “sludgey numbers” - numbers which

take ages to respond and are generally non-compliant - that the issue likely lies with you

and your ability to attract the women you’re going after, not your texting.

The below table shows the different periods and the timeline begins on day 1: the day you

met her. The period names are given in full, bold and italicised, as well within each action

box once they begin.

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Period Day Action

1 1 Period One: The Day You Met Her. You send your feeler 1.5 - 2

hours after the set and have a conversation which naturally

concludes before the end of the day.

2 2 Period Two: The Day After You Met Her. You send a photo ping

around 11am, she responds, you date request, she accepts and you

sort out logistics. The conversation ends once you agree on logistics.

The date is set for day 5.

3 3 Period Three: The Days In Between That And The Date. Roll-off

3 4 Alternate day ping and conversation

4 5 Period Four: The Day Of The Date. Send pre-flake check message

5 6 Period Five: The Days After The Date. You send a ping around

1/2pm and you have a conversation which concludes before the end

of the day.

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5 7 Roll-off

5 8 You open the day’s texting with a date request for day 10 which she


5 9 You send a ping this day too because there was only two days

between the date request and the date.

5 10 Send a pre-flake check message. You get the lay. You message all

your wings with +1 and post it to Twitter too. Everyone

congratulates you but deep down they’re burning with resentment,

bitterness and jealousy. You tell them how reading this amazing

texting guide helped you get the lay and they feel compelled to buy it

too 🌝.

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Now we’re onto the real meat of things: what to actually include in your messages.

As I’ve tried to stress throughout this guide I recommend that you should be messaging

using words that come to you naturally. Using someone else’s words is not a

sustainable solution and I guarantee that there will be occasions where you kick

yourself for going with what someone else recommended rather than what you

originally thought to say. Instead, you should focus on the structure of what they have

said and so where there are examples in this chapter there is also the structural


One note before we begin, because it needs to be said, though I hope more than 99% of

you do not do this already: don't talk about religion, politics, feminism, her exes, etc. If

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she brings these up then acknowledge it briefly then move on. Better to play dumb and

then change the subject then get dragged into a seduction killing conversation.

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As in Scenario A in Period 2 - where you need to start a new conversation - you can start

each day’s pinging with a photo or video along with a caption or a brief description of

what you’re up to and then use a question to prompt her to respond. This is the classic

“Window On My World” ping which Nick Krauser recommends in his textbooks.

Specifically, I recommend that you send your photo/video, caption and question all as

part of one message. This is just because many people keep read receipts turned on and it

is harder to view an image through the preview in your notifications panel. The girl then

has an incentive to open your message because she can’t see it fully without doing so.

Lastly, as she is used to having a read receipt be delivered she may not realise that you

don’t know if she’s opened it yet and will respond straight away. Sneaky stuff!

I recommend you take advantage of the technology available to you and mix up your

messaging formats: that means not only using text and photos, but also video pings and

GIFs. These days you can easily create your own GIFs by recording a video and then

selecting “send as GIF” in WhatsApp. If you've got a good voice and know exactly what

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Texting Guide

and how to say it then try sending voice notes. Mixing your formats will make you more

interesting than the average guy.

You should also take advantage of the features on messenger apps to change words to be

formatted in italic, bold, underline and strikethrough, and you can write a word in

CAPITAL LETTERS (though I recommend you do this sparingly as it makes you look

like a cheesy internet marketer). This allows you to add more inflection to your messages

and lets her read them as if you were saying them to her in real life. You can use them to

add an extra level of humour, for example, by using strikethrough you can make the

classic joke of saying the quiet part out loud, then crossing it out, then writing the socially

acceptable line. Don’t be doing this in every message block though, one inflection every

other block is probably enough.

When she responds to you I recommend using this structure:

[Something funny/witty/interesting]

[Something genuine]

[Flip it back to her]

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I sent a photo ping of a meal I had at a place called Camden Blues Kitchen with

the caption “Camden Blues Kitchen 👌🏻 then we went for (quite a few) beers. How
was your evening?”

You can see the structure there: a picture accompanied by a caption then a prompt

for her to speak.

She responded by saying my dinner looked delicious and joked by saying “Let me

guess it was in Camden?” In her following message she described how she had

had a late night out and was now hungover.

Here is my response, broken down using the structure above:

Something funny/witty/interesting: [in response to her joke about Camden] Well

then, looks like we have good looks and intelligence in common 😏.

Something genuine: Nice. Clapham is always good for a party.

Flip it back to her: Now get some rest so you’re ready for tomorrow! 😊

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You can use that structure to see a conversation through to its natural end. Don’t get

bogged down overthinking what to say as the structure will take care of that for you:

opening the day’s messaging - preferably with something visual - will grab her attention

and you’ll prompt her to respond, then each message has words to keep the vibe playful,

provide some comfort and keep the conversation going.

But don’t feel that you need to use this structure religiously. For example, if you happen

to be in a very quick back and forth with flirting and banter, or one where you’re only

sending single lines to each other, then it’s fine to skip out the “genuine” section of the

above structure so as not to send too much. As we’ll get into in the section on how much

to send you want to be roughly matching a girl’s investment levels. If following the above

structure leads you to be massively overinvesting, don’t do it!

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At the subtext level, asking a question is taking value from the conversation whereas

making a statement is giving value. However, speaking predominantly in statements is a

very odd way to talk. If you’ve ever talked to someone who doesn’t ever ask questions

and only talks about themselves then you will know exactly the feeling I’m referring to. It

means that in your own text conversations you need to find the balance between giving

and asking for value.

Send a maximum of one question per message block. If you send two blocks in a row

containing a question then don’t include any in the third one.17

If you ever need to reduce the number of questions you’re asking per block look to see if

you can change the question into a statement. A very simple example would be rather

than asking “How are you today?” you can say “You sound like you’re having a great

day.” Simply take your original question, assume her answer and present it as a statement.

In other words, do not send three consecutive message blocks containing questions

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I thought I wouldn’t need to include this section but on the advice of my test readers, I

will… I hope that it should go without saying but you should not be double texting a girl.

That means that you should follow the texting pattern of “you message, she messages,

you message, she messages,” and so on, 99% of the time.

Double texting is a major way to come across as needy. It telegraphs to the girl that you

don’t think that she likes you enough and that you need to do more to warrant her

responding. You should also watch out for if you think that you should double text to

make up for a previous mistake. E.g. you sent a ping where you believe that you came

across as flippant (acting in bad faith) and so you try to send another one to counteract it.

If you make a mistake you just have to own it and take the consequences on the chin:

double texting will only make you look worse. Hope that she likes you enough that it

doesn’t kill her interest in you.

The main occasion where you will send two message blocks in a row without a response

from her is if there was a roll-off in between. For example, you might be the last one to

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message today as part of your alternate day pinging, then roll-off for a day, and then

re-engage, and it’s okay that you sent the last message block and then the next one.

There are a few other exceptions to the “do not double text” rule where it is okay to send

two blocks in a row:

- Between the Period 0 test message and the Period 1 feeler (the test message

doesn’t count as a true message and is there to simply ensure you have the correct

phone number)

- Between the Period 1 feeler and the Period 2 ping if she didn’t respond to your


- When you’re at the meeting point for the date (you can send the “I’m here”

message and if she hasn’t arrived in 15 minutes you can send the “I’ll be in

[nearby cafe/bar/pub], meet me here,” message)

- When sending resurrection pings (these have their own section later on)

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Guys will argue amongst themselves whether to use emojis and how much. I personally

use them a lot because they allow you to show your personality and add colour and intent

to your messages. The colour they provide, along with the visual pings that you send, will

make her chat with you pop compared to other guy’s.

That’s why I recommend using emojis… but don’t go overboard:

Limit yourself to one or two per message block

Note that is per message block i.e. for all the messages you send in one go to a girl -

however many that is - you may only use two emojis maximum over the entire block.

Just to ram this point home: this does not mean two maximum for every time you hit

send. It is for the whole batch of messages you send in one go.

WhatsApp emojis have recently been enhanced with the addition of “reactions” where

you can attach an emoji directly to a girl’s message. Again, don’t go overboard, one per

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message block is enough, and I recommend you don’t “react” to two message blocks in a

row. Adding a reaction here and there is another tool to add personality, colour and

emotion to your chats.

And don’t worry that it will make you appear feminine or girly. Emoji use is pretty

standard these days and if you lack them your messages will appear overly serious.

You’ll find that as you use certain ones you’ll associate them with different facial

expressions of your own and so - if you message how you speak in real life - she’ll see

your personality shine through.

Here are five of my most commonly used emojis and the corresponding meanings I attach

to them:

😊: to show warm positive sentiment

😎: when being playfully narcissistic
🌝: when being cheeky and going for more than my fair share
😛: when teasing or joking

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😅: when I make a self-deprecating joke

Other emojis I use frequently are 🤓, 👍🏻, 👌🏻, 😃, 🥲, 🤔, 🤭, 🧐, 🥂 and 🥺, amongst
many, many others. There really is no limit to your emoji use as long as you’re not

overusing them, and the “one or two max” per message block rule should keep you from

falling afoul.

I also recommend not using the same emoji for two message blocks in a row and not

using the same emoji twice within a message block. The former is a faux pas on the level

of using the same word twice in one sentence and the latter is reminiscent of teenager text

speak (elongating words such as “heyyyy”) and shows signs of overinvestment.

Lastly, when it comes to whether to use emojis rather than emoticons such as “:)” I prefer

the former since it inserts more colour into your chat. From time to time, though, I will

use “:)” because it appears more sincere than “ 😊” (the latter might be inappropriate if
there is genuinely something going wrong in her life). Another time I might use “:)” is

when I want to appear to be investing less, such as when a girl flakes on a date in good

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faith (don’t worry, this isn’t all there is on flakes; there is a large section on them later


A hypothetical good faith flake might go like this:

Girl: [good faith flake due to illness sent many hours before the date]

Me: Okay, no worries. We’ll do another time 👍🏻

Girl: [reiterates apology]

Me: I understand. Get well soon :)

The last point I want to make on emoticons is to warn against using “;).” Let’s make a

quick comparison and ask: which of these looks sleazier?

;) or 😉
Maybe it’s just me but the first one looks sleazier than the second. The first looks like a

sexual wink whereas the second looks like a jokey wink. And as we’ll get onto later on

you should not be sexualising the conversation before you’ve had sex.

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If 80% of seduction can be covered by rules of thumb, the remaining 20% is where

calibration comes in. This is something you predominantly build over time as you come

into contact with new girls, new situations and new obstacles, but I hope to get you

started on this journey. Throughout this section I give basic categories which you can put

girls into, but, in reality, they will be mixtures of each or exist somewhere on a spectrum

between two extremes.

Before you start to message a girl, ask yourself this question:

“Is she a banter girl, a comfort girl or a serious girl?”

During your set with a “banter girl” there will have been more joking and… bantering

around! (The prior example I gave about “Camden Blues Kitchen” was a banter girl, for

reference). With a “comfort girl” you will have noticed that she’s a bit shy and

inexperienced. A “serious girl” might be the professional type 18.

Note that the serious category to some extent includes women over 30 as well. The older a woman gets the less
comfort she normally needs from texting and the more likely she is to have the mindset that once you agree to meet
each other it is now in her calendar and is blocked out.

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Use the following matrix to see how you might interact better with each type of girl:

Type Communication Style Ping Frequency

Banter Use more jokes and teases. Consider Alternate day

using more emojis.

Comfort Be more interesting and down to earth. Consider pinging more often i.e.
Consider using warmer emojis. roll-off less often

Serious Be more interesting and down to earth Consider pinging every three
but expect more logical and to-the-point days i.e. roll-off for two days
replies. Consider using less emojis. rather than one

Note that for emoji use with serious girls you can experiment with using less of them but

don’t eliminate them entirely. It can be a sign of strength to use them when the girl

doesn’t because it shows you won’t let her change your behaviour. Don’t go overboard

though! Again: one or two per block is enough (and when it comes to serious girls I’d

probably stick to only one per block). Similarly with banter girls you could try using

more with her but still don’t go above that “two per block” rule.

When it comes to ping frequency you can imagine that each ping provides comfort and

reassurance. Comfort girls might need you to show more interest before they can feel safe

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showing theirs. Serious girls might be more logical and organised and so might have less

intrusive thoughts about you making things happen (aka they need less reassurance by

message). Banter girls sit somewhere in between.

But note that I say “consider:” this will be a test of your calibration. Sometimes you will

pass. Sometimes you will fail. You may, as you get to know more about each girl, find

that your initial categorisation was wrong or that she’s more a mixture of different types.

As I say at the very end of this guide you should keep notes on where you fall down and

use them to create lessons so you don’t make the same mistakes again.

Another point on ping frequency and serious girls before moving on: if I was to date

request one and set up the date within a couple of days' time, i.e. within three days of

meeting her, I would still send a ping between the date request and the day of the date.

This is just so that our chats don’t look like they are purely logistical. I want her to be

able to look at the chats and know that I’m serious about meeting her by showing interest

in her.

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You should also consider tilting your style based on the level of masculine-feminine

polarity in her culture. If the polarity is higher in the country that the girl grew up in then

you have more space to be warmer and more playful. You can imagine that you’re

playing with a kitten or assume a father-daughter frame where everything she does is

girly and endearing.

Cultures with higher polarity still hold up the traditional family unit as an ideal and so

taking on a masculine fatherly frame is more likely to be effective. Our expectations of

how men and women should interact is set by how our parents interact with each other

and with us. Yes, that is quite Freudian, and there still are many other environmental and

genetic factors at play, but it’s very, very important.

Alternatively, in countries with less polarity, you should consider her more like a friend

who you want to have sex with. That means more banter like the kind you would have

with a guy.

In low polarity countries the family unit is downplayed and so the girl is more likely to

have grown up in a broken home, with separated parents and/or an absent father. This

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will affect her view of men and the correct behaviour they should assume. This setup is

exacerbated by welfare programs and social conventions which encourage single


In summary:

Where did she grow up? Communication Style

High polarity country Consider taking on a fatherly frame where

you promote warmth

Low polarity country Consider teasing her more and using less

emojis. Promote the “powerful” side of

your charisma.19

As a specific example regarding emojis, with a girl from a country where the polarity is

higher you can use ones like “ 😊” which conveys very warm sentiment. Use that for a
I recommend that you read The Charisma Myth by Olivia Cabane to learn more about charisma. She breaks it
down into three areas: presence, power and warmth. Presence is your self-esteem. Power is displayed through your
body language, eye contact and style. Warmth comes through in your smile and eye contact. In Game terms: having
power causes attraction and having warmth leads a girl to feel comfortable. Remember that attraction and comfort
are both feelings, not long conversations or special words.

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girl from a lower polarity country and she might think that you’re being condescending

and talking to her as if she had a mental problem. Instead I might prioritise making jokes

where the appropriate emoji to use would be “ 😉” or “😎.”

Lastly, particularly with girls who are from lower polarity countries, you should watch

out for when they are trying to frame themselves as being the leader and you the follower,

thus flipping the traditional dominant man / submissive woman frame. A high polarity

girl would probably not try this in the first place or, if she did, it would clearly be a joke.

With low polarity girls you will get a sense that their initial expectation is for a dominant

woman / submissive man frame and it is your job to reset this to the correct one.

Examples of this might be where they give you grades for something you said, pat you on

the head for trying to get her out or generally talk to you with a patronising or

condescending tone. You should reject this frame and ensure that you keep yourself on at

least an even footing. However, she shouldn’t consciously realise you’re doing this,

which we’ll get onto.

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As an example, let’s say she “grades” something you said. You have to then tease her

back to reset to the correct frame:

Girl: “A+ decision there. You actually have good taste.”

Guy: “Woah… I’m the native here. I’ll give the grades out 😉”
Notice that I am not slapping her down in resetting the frame. I’m making a joke while

repositioning myself above her.

Let’s talk about dominance and break it down into overt and covert dominance. Overt

dominance would be directly telling a girl to do something, e.g. “Come here, I want to

kiss you.” A girl from a high polarity country might like that because you’re highlighting

the dominant man / submissive woman frame. A girl from a low polarity country might

reject that because it is triggering her feminist brainwashing; she has told herself that she

should never obey a man or do something expressly for his pleasure20. Instead, with low

polarity girls, you need to use more covert dominance: lead but give the impression that

you are “co-closing” each other by maintaining a fun vibe where it’s only natural that

things would progress.

This literally happened to me in real life and the low polarity girl tutted and said “You can ask to kiss me.” Ugh.

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This is hard to describe fully - it is firmly in the 20% learned from experience - but here

is an example following from the previous one. Imagine that I had sent a photo ping in

Period 2 showing my coffee:

Guy: “[Photo ping] Best coffee in the city 👌🏻 How is your day going?”
Girl: “A+ decision there. You actually have good taste. It’s going well, thanks.”

Guy: “Woah… I’m the native here. I’ll give the grades out 😉 But as my best
student, you deserve a reward. How’s Thursday or Friday for drinks?”

Look at what’s going on there. I’m leading, asking her out for drinks, while combining it

with a push/pull comment on her being “my best student” (which reinforces the frame

reset). I’m keeping a jovial vibe throughout the conversation and using it to hide my

frame resets.

What I would not do, is this:

Guy: “[Photo ping] Best coffee in the city 👌🏻 How is your day going?”

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Girl: “A+ decision there. You actually have good taste. It’s going well, thanks.”

Guy: “Woah little girl, you’re not the boss of me. I’m the man around here 😎
Let’s meet for drinks. I’ll be free Thursday and Friday evening. Let me know.”

Saying something like that, being overtly dominant, is going to trigger her. You need to

use more covert dominance and have to hide your escalation and compliance tests

underneath jokes and banter (the 20%). But at the end of the day biology is the same all

around the world and maybe covers 80% of the equation: you still need to take the

masculine role and drive the seduction forwards. Lastly, just remember that I am making

generalisations here: you could easily run into a submissive girl in a low polarity country

and a dominant girl in a high polarity country.

Lastly, we have girls who are more “r-selected” or more “K-selected.” There’s a wealth of

information on this topic already available (especially in Krauser’s Daygame Infinite),

but at a very high level r-selected girls are “bad girls” and K-selected girls are “good

girls.” Think about each lead and which camp she roughly falls into then act accordingly.

With r-selects you may want to highlight the “bad boy” elements of your personality and

be cocky. Be the adventurous fast-sex guy who gives them tingles. With K-selects you

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should show utmost care for their plausible deniability and be warmer and more fatherly.

Let having sex with you be an easy action for her to go through with while not impacting

her social standing.

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Texting Guide


You will have probably heard that you need to “make the conversation more sexual.”

That’s usually said alongside text screenshots where a guy is dirty talking a girl. The only

thing he leaves out is that he’s usually punching way below his league. Don’t get

suckered in by what looks like nirvana! I heavily advise against this and advise you to

never spike sexually. I repeat:


It breaks the rule of plausible deniability and is something she can revisit again and again.

It's not like something said in person which you could forget about. It's now staring at her

on the screen, reminding her that you think she's easy.

At most you can use innuendo but tread very lightly here so as to avoid the above.

Whenever I make innuendo myself I like to use the “ 😊” emoji to balance it out with
some warmth and to make her guess further as to whether I’ve made an innuendo or not

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This carries if she tries to sexualise the conversation also. Treat it as bait and do not

engage with it. Classically guys will use the “ 🙈” emoji to give the (joking) impression
that they’re a good boy and that this is inappropriate for them. If she sends sexual

pictures, guys will often also try to pick out something else in the picture and comment

on that, for example: “Your room is so messy.”

Watch out for when girls do something similar in sending you a photo that isn’t

pornographic but one which is clearly her showing herself off in a sexual way. An

example that springs to mind is one that a student sent me where the girl had taken a

picture of her freshly shaven legs in a bath and she’s holding an energy drink.

Here are three example responses:

1. “That looks nice and relaxing 😊”

2. “Bit late for an energy drink! 😛”

3. “I like how the energy drink and bath will combine so you feel exactly the same at

the end of the bath as at the start 🤓”

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The absolute worst thing to do here would be to comment on her legs, or her body in

general, because it’s bait. She’s testing you to see if you’re just another thirsty guy.

Instead, comment on something else; don’t be led down a path where she mentally

classifies you as “just like all the other guys.”

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Here are a list of rules to follow to show the girl that you’re an adult. Don’t let guys suck

you in by saying that “guys who get laid message like this.” If they do, it’s not because of

this style of messaging, it’s because they are rich, famous, very good looking and/or have

conveyed a metric tonne of value prior to the messaging stage. Instead play up the fact

that you're older and more mature by speaking like an adult and not a clown.

Furthermore, as a Twitter commenter pointed out, the below are all things that girls

commonly do while messaging and so by not doing the below you increase the

masculine-feminine polarity.

1. Do not abbreviate. That means no “lol,” “lmfao” and “ROFL,” for example

(instead you could use emojis to express emotional reaction)

2. Do not use modern slang such as “Gucci,” “cap” and “for real”

3. Don't use text-speak such as “u,” “ure” or “l8.”

4. Don’t elongate words e.g. no saying “heyyy” or (the double offender) “lmaaaaao”

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5. Punctuate correctly: use apostrophes where appropriate and capital letters at the

start of your sentences and for proper nouns, for example (for the grammar Nazis

out there you can use an emoji as the full stop at the end of your sentences

6. Check your spelling before sending; the worst offender being “your” when you

meant to say “you’re” and vice versa

In my coaching experience I have found American guys to be the worst offenders with

the above. If you try to sound like her she'll think you're trying to impress her like the

adult who turns a chair around, sits on it backwards, rolls up his sleeves and thinks he's

"down with the kids."

Remember, you want to increase the male-female polarity, not decrease it!

134 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown


Date flakes can be one of those frustrating parts of the process and you should be ready to

deal with them in a mature and non-reactive way. These are perhaps the best moments to

improve your Inner Game and show yourself the kind of man you want to become.

It’s important to learn to see when a girl starts to flake, because it doesn’t simply happen

when she messages to say she can’t make it anymore. It typically starts a few hours or

even days beforehand. Perhaps her response time is slowing down, indicating that her

interest for you is diminishing. Or maybe on the day itself she starts to try and downgrade

the romantic nature of the date or to move the meeting location; maybe she’s trying to

make the date so convenient for her - and not for you - that eventually you flake on her.

At a high level, you can sense that a girl is going to flake because her level of compliance

diminishes in the run up to the date.

Once you receive her proper date flake, “I can’t come anymore” message you should,

first of all, try to judge whether her flake was made in good or bad faith. Is she sending it

just before the date is meant to start or with a very weak explanation for why she can’t

135 13 Jun 2023

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come? This suggests she’s acting in bad faith and is now trying to dodge your scheduled

meet-up for something else, or that she simply doesn’t want to meet you anymore. Bad

faith date flakes are typically telegraphed by diminishing compliance in the run-up to the


If you believe that she is acting in bad faith then simply say “Okay. No worries” and

leave it at that.

It’s likely that she is now a dead lead but you can, if you like, roll off for a few days

before re-engaging again following the steps from Period 2 onward just as if she’d given

an amber or red light to your date request. This is just in case you’ve misjudged her

intentions and/or she’s suddenly flipped into a horny part of her cycle. However, it’s

highly likely that your gut instinct is correct and that she flaked in bad faith and therefore

is not worth pursuing (do not pursue dead leads).

On the other hand, does she send a flake message many hours in advance (or even days),

with a genuine reason, apologising multiple times and using emojis? She may even

immediately be offering an alternative day to meet which you’re free to accept. In this

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case, the flake is most likely genuine and she does want to meet you again. If you believe

she is acting in good faith then you can put more warmth into your response:

“Okay. No worries. Another time 👍🏻 ” 21

If she says she’s ill you could tack “Get well soon” onto the end of the message as well.

If in this case she goes on and reiterates her apology then you should engage with her

shortly and can practically confirm that she’s acting in good faith and does want to meet.

You can then roll off for a day and re-engage using the instructions from Period 2 of the

texting guide onward.

When it comes to roll-off length I suggest a one day roll off because she’s still acting in

good faith. In the bad faith case I suggested rolling off for a few days which would give

you more chance of re-engaging in a horny part of her cycle or where her other options

have fallen off the hook. If the flake happens days in advance then you should wait for

the day after the date would have occurred to re-engage.

Note that in both cases I speak in very short sentences and don’t make jokes about the situation. I want to give as
little conversational energy to it as possible.

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In both cases you’re trying to show her that her flaking is water off a duck’s back, and

this is where the Inner Game lessons come in especially. This is not an occasion to try

and “fix” the girl and launch into a tirade on manners and etiquette, even if she has been

rude. You may think that that will be a moment of catharsis in letting your anger out but

a) it won’t let any anger out and instead primes you for future anger i.e. reactivity, and b)

you’re not going to change her behaviour anyway.

Don’t let the internet keyboard warriors convince you otherwise. They might get a lot of

likes on their tweets where they “tell the girl off” but it’s simply an echo chamber of

angry men. And I don’t mean that in a “the manosphere is a place for misogynists” way.

These are genuinely angry, reactive and insecure men who won’t accept the truth of

female emotional driven behaviour; behaviour which can change very quickly. This can

even be the case with men who have had a lot of sex in their life; just because a guy has

been with a lot of women doesn’t mean he has good Inner Game. The demons are still

there and he won’t find long term happiness unless he deals with them.

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If you react angrily to her flake - or to any of her behaviour for that matter - you’re only

showing her that you’re a little boy who’s throwing his toys out of the pram when he

didn’t get what he wanted. As I’ve said multiple times in this guide: you want to cultivate

the identity of a masculine man with high self-esteem. A man like that knows the value of

his attention and so knows that the girl is missing out when he removes it from her

139 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide


There are two main types of objections you’ll face in texting: ones which imply an end to

the seduction (usually availability based) and ones where the girl is being partially


Seduction Ending Objections

The first case describes situations where the girl has a boyfriend, isn’t dating right now,

etc. etc. When faced with these kinds of objections you can follow this structure:

[Acknowledge her objection briefly]

[Restate your interest]

[Plow forward]

For example: "That's okay. I'd still like to grab a drink with you 😊 How’s Thursday?"

I highly recommend you reading Primal Seduction by Steve Jabba for more information on objection handling. It
has inspired the approach I recommend here.

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If she sticks to her objection (“I really do have a boyfriend and I’m not going to cheat on

him,” for example) then you should wish her well, move on and delete the number.

Remember: don’t pursue dead leads.

By responding in the above manner you preserve plausible deniability and can avoid

those cringe lines you’ll find recommended on the internet. I want to make a standout

recommendation here not to use those lines you find on the internet: “shared wisdom”

which in reality is guys who never get laid spouting off what they think the community

wants them to say. It’s the blind leading the blind. Or else it’s guys messaging girls who

are already sold based purely on their looks where they can run anti-Game and still get


If you want good advice then (re-read this guide and) find an experienced wing and ask

him about his own experiences. What actually worked for him and isn’t just theory? If he

recommends you use those awful internet lines then ask him whether using them in the

past actually led to him getting laid.

141 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

A classic recommendation you will find all over the internet is that if she says she has a

boyfriend you should say “Thanks but I don’t want to be your boyfriend” or some other

lame agree and amplify response. That makes you sound like a try-hard clown. Here is a

suggestion I just plucked from Twitter; someone literally suggested this as a good

message to send…

Girl: Sorry, you’re not really my type

Idiot: U ain't my type either.Thank god u said that otherwise I was thinking that

when I reject ur proposal to me,u are going to get clingy with me & stalk me23

Not only is this guy suggesting you send messages that make you want to vomit he’s also

using text-speak and sounds like a buffoon (though admittedly this may be due to the

Twitter character limit). These are the kind of suggestions you will get when you go

online for texting recommendations when the best response is the simplest one: show her

that it’s water off a duck’s back, don’t invest in her objection and then move on.

Note that if she gives you a seduction ending objection but says that she can meet “but

only as friends” then you need to make a decision as to whether to go or not. If you do go
I’m not kidding. I literally copied and pasted this from Twitter…

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then it’s likely to be a date to nowhere; forewarned is forearmed. If you are willing to

meet her then I recommend responding so that you don’t entirely take on the LJBF frame

- for example, “You know I will still try to flirt with you though 😛” - before agreeing
logistics. Whatever you do, though, don’t explicitly agree to the LJBF frame.

If she really does intend to friendzone you then she will excuse herself once you start

escalating. Of course, once in a blue moon things can go the other way and she was only

saying her LJBF line for plausible deniability.

How To Deal With “The Message”

Another form of seduction ending objection a girl can send is in the form of “The

Message.” This is where she sends a long explanation for how she “thought she was

ready for dating and isn’t” or somesuch. We may have even sent a few of these messages

before ourselves while trying to edge away from a girl who wanted a relationship!

Whereas usually you should try to push against objections this time you should let her go

with a simple:

143 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide

“Okay. No worries”

If you try to push back against this kind of objection you’re only going to force her

further down the hole she was digging. Instead, by showing her that it is water off a

duck’s back, you preserve your value and leave the door open to a future meeting24,

whether that’s because she reaches out to you or responds to one of your resurrection


Partial Compliance Objections

With the second kind of objection where she’s being partially compliant, playfully chide

her once to try and corral her into agreeing with you. Partially compliant objections will

usually be to your choice of activity, meeting point and meeting time: she still wants to

meet but not completely on your terms.

Anecdotally, I have been laid from a situation like this. She sent “The Message” and I replied as I described. I sent
a resurrection ping 10 days later: no response. I sent another 10 days after that and replied and was horny. We met up
a couple of days later and had sex.

144 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown

You propose… She asks for…

Meeting Time 8pm 6pm25

Activity Drinks Coffee

Meeting Location Public meeting location Public meeting location

convenient for you convenient for both of you

For example, you ask her out for drinks and she asks whether you can go for coffee

instead. You might respond with "Come on, let's go for a drink. I might seem scary on the

outside but I'm nice on the inside 😊."

If she reiterates her objection then you potentially should lose the battle to win the war

and allow the first date to be downgraded in its romantic nature: you may need to get her

to agree to a softer date to actually get her out. This will most likely be in a situation

In this case do take into consideration whether she’s asking for an earlier start time because you have proposed to
meet centrally and she doesn’t live nearby. That would mean her having to return home and then come back to the
centre or else kick about for a few hours. Anecdotally, I’ve fallen foul of this where I moved a date one day forward
so we could meet later on and had a near miss because that’s when her period started. If I had met her on the initially
agreed day then I could have got in before it began.

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where she either needs more comfort before she will enter a situation where sex is likely

or one where she is actively trying to put you in the friendzone.

I would only do this for girls where I think that after that first (downgraded) date that we

would be able to progress to something more. For example, maybe I can tell that she’s

quite shy and inexperienced and only needs time to warm to the situation. However, in

cases where I know the girl is simply trying to downgrade the date so she can tell herself

she was polite - before ghosting after the date or sending “The Message” - then I would

rather just not go on the date. In those cases I would be better off putting off the

downgraded date - agreeing to meet “Maybe another time when it’s easier for us to meet”

- and then re-engage her at a later date when her horniness or availability had changed.

All in all don’t be afraid to turn down dates if you think your time will be wasted.

At the end of the day, she should want to meet you in a romantic setting e.g. in the

evening in a place where alcohol is served (and that is even if she doesn’t drink herself):

she knows that even just being in a bar with you suggests more than a cafe, for example.

Go into any other setup with lower expectations and only let it happen once i.e. you

would not let her downgrade the romantic nature of the date a second time.

146 13 Jun 2023

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With that being said, don’t be deterred: I’ve had lays before where we met for a quick

coffee for the first date and then the second date we had sex. However, you need to have

some skill to do this because it’s harder to escalate on a coffee date, but that’s beyond the

remit of this guide.

147 13 Jun 2023

Texting Guide


A resurrection ping is where you bring a dead lead “back to life” by sending a message to

remind her of your existence.

While it might be tempting to try this with every number you get, I only send these to

girls who I've already had a first date with. This is the only scenario where I wouldn’t

immediately delete her number. If you've not had a date with her yet then consider it from

her perspective: "Why is this guy so eager to meet me?" It's needy and you’re better off

putting your mental energy into new leads and forgetting the dead ones.

Resurrection pings are a great example of the burger analogy I gave in the introduction

and the impact of repeated poor (or good) decisions for your Inner Game. I’m sure that

either you or your wings will have a story about how you persisted with one girl for a

long time and got her out, but that’s a classic case of ignoring the hidden costs such as

the time, effort and mental and emotional energy invested as well as creating bad

habits such as pursuing dead leads. Plus, even if it does work, that was one out of how

148 13 Jun 2023

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many leads you tried to resurrect? You probably tried with more than just one. And

even if she responds, how often do you actually get her out for a date? Every time you

ate that burger you were making yourself more unhealthy when you could have been

contributing to your Inner Game.

The thing to remember with resurrection pings is that it’s horniness or a change in her

availability that counts, rather than wittiness. A classic resurrection ping that a guy might

send is “Have you been kidnapped?! 😱” but don’t fool yourself into thinking that the
content of your message gets her to respond. She’s not sitting on the fence and then sees

your message and finally decides to go out with you because she thought what you wrote

was oh-so-clever. It’s going to be whether she’s entered the horny part of her cycle and/or

your competitors have been eliminated and now you’re higher in her queue.

The first question to answer is:

“How long should I wait to send a resurrection ping?”

149 13 Jun 2023

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I recommend waiting 10 days before you send a resurrection ping: a) because if you send

it too quickly - a lot of guys will send one after two days - you will likely come across as

a needy pussy-beggar; and b), it gives you a better opportunity to talk to her while she’s

in a different phase of her cycle and/or her availability has changed.

The next question is:

“And what do I send?”

For your first resurrection attempt send a photo ping along with a caption. Do not include

a question as part of the ping. If her circumstances have changed then she’ll reply. If she

doesn’t respond, the narrative can still stand: she didn’t respond because you didn’t ask

anything. If she ends up responding to you after a long time or to a future resurrection

ping she can tell herself “well I didn’t respond / didn’t respond straight away because

there was no question there.”

150 13 Jun 2023

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This gives you the opportunity to try and resurrect her twice without it looking too needy:

if she doesn’t respond to an explicit question she’s openly admitting to herself that she

doesn’t want to talk to you.

For the second resurrection attempt, sent 10 days after the last, include a definitive

question such as "You still alive there?! 😱" Including the question here is moreso for
your closure then something for her. If she doesn't respond to that then delete her number.

You can also have fun by trying to come up with resurrection pings which purely use

emojis. For example if you were to have teased a girl previously by asking “are you

married yet?!” as part of the regular pinging then a resurrection ping, at this stage, could

be “ ⛪💍💃⁉️.” 26
But again remember it’s not the wittiness or creativity that gets her

attention, it’s the change in circumstances. Sending messages like these are just for you to

have a bit of fun.

If she does respond to any of your resurrection attempts then you should get the

pleasantries and initial banter out the way then quickly go for a date request. See if she’ll

put her money where her mouth is. If you can organise a date off the back of a
FYI, that last “?!” is an emoji, I’m not cheating! (You can confirm this on your phone yourself!)

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resurrection ping then set it up as soon as you can: you want to take advantage of her

change in circumstance.

Note that in this case I wouldn’t send any pings between agreeing the date and the

pre-flake check message. The air you want to give off is that you are tired of the back and

forth and just want to meet her, or else forget about her, and that her ghosting you

previously means that she isn’t going to get your nice, comfort providing side until you

see her in person.

If you can’t organise a date off of the back of that conversation then you delete her

number; she’s just talking to you for attention and has no intention of meeting or is

simply being polite by responding.

152 13 Jun 2023

Thomas Crown


Every now and then you’ll receive a message from a dead lead, seemingly from nowhere.

She’s resurrecting us! When this happens we have to find out - in quick order - whether

her circumstances have changed (horniness and/or availability) or if she just wants

attention. The key is to not invest much and find out what she’s after.

As a simple example:

Girl: “Hey”

Guy: “ 😎👋🏻. How are you doing ” 27

Or perhaps:

Girl: “How are you?”

Guy: “ 👍🏻. Yourself”

Notice how you don’t use a question mark. This is a subtle behaviour shift to show her that you don’t care so
much about her message to properly punctuate your own.

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Or maybe:

Girl: “What are you doing/up to?”

Guy: “😎🥃. Yourself”

This is a very simple example and she may make her message much more interesting

than a “Hey” or “How are you?” but the point still stands: send low investment responses

and try to work out what she’s after. Of course, if she messages you off the back of one of

your resurrection pings then you can follow along the previous line of conversation. In

these circumstances, though, do not get drawn into a long conversation. She either wants

to meet or she doesn’t, so test that premise.

Also in terms of timings: if you receive a message from nowhere during the day then you

should respond within roughly 30 minutes before following the usual rules for response

times (if she wants to meet then she is probably fishing for a date that evening or very


154 13 Jun 2023

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If you receive one at night then you should respond within 10 minutes to her first

message then again every five minutes until you organise logistics. This change in

response times will allow you to capture her attention and get her to agree to a quick

meet-up; it’s possible that she may move onto other guys if you don’t act quickly. If she

actually wants to meet then she is probably fishing for a meeting that same night so it’s

now or never. Note this also allows you to break the usual texting hours you operate in.

In a special scenario, you may receive one of these messages from an active lead i.e. she

messages you and you did not expect it at all. In this case you need to play it very

cautiously. Is she messaging you because it’s a roll-off day and she felt compelled to

reach out to you? If so, treat it like a regular ping and don’t push for a meeting as

described above. Instead have a nice back and forth and mentally upgrade the level of

interest you assigned to this particular girl.

Or perhaps she’s messaging you on a Friday or Saturday night and has been out drinking

with her friends? Maybe it’s a booty call. Again: play it very cautiously. You do not want

to be pushing to meet her late at night and make her think that you think she’s easy and/or

that you’re thirsty. You need to be sure that she is angling to meet up before asking for it.

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The only technical tweak I would make for an active lead is to properly punctuate my

responses and add more colour to them in general i.e. slightly increase the investment on

my side. This is to show her you aren’t being flippant and value her.

156 13 Jun 2023

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There is a huge section in Krauser’s Daygame Mastery on Long Game which I

recommend you check out. This section is more focused on girls who you won’t be able

to meet inside the next week but should be able to see in the next month / six weeks and

so want to stay on their radar before logistics clear up.

The first thing to do is to get her on Instagram if not already; it gives her more to look at

and she can watch your stories. At this point I’m willing to sacrifice the mystery that us

only having each other’s phone numbers represents for her being able to sell herself on

me through my Instagram account. After a point, mystery tends to apathy. The harsh truth

is that if you're not able to meet her in that week-long time frame then you're going to be

facing an uphill battle. Accept the fact that her interest diminishes with every passing day.

Switch to pinging her every three days (if you’ll see her again within a week) or every

week (if you won’t see her for more than two weeks) rather than alternate days. The

former applies mostly to girls who you have dated and/or were supposed to date but

something came up logistically that delays the date. The latter is more applicable to

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situations where one of the two of you will be out of town but where you want to meet

each other in the future once logistics clear up.

I’d also include here girls who are in relationships but who might be up for meeting you

because they break up, become bored in their relationship, get really horny and their

boyfriends can’t satisfy that, etc. Just beware of chasing dead leads in these

circumstances. If you try a couple of times to get her out and she won’t then I would still

delete her number and/or unfollow her on Instagram.

158 13 Jun 2023

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Response times are a tricky subject to deal with, and you can get advice from all over the

spectrum. My aim with my response times is to come off as natural as I can. I want to

convey the image of being a guy who doesn’t respond immediately, but who isn’t taking

an unreasonable amount of time to respond. I want the girl to get the feeling that she is

talking with a real person, and not some internet caricature who just read his first “5 Tips

To Make A Girl Wet Over Texting” article.

Here is my headline recommendation:

Take the same amount of time as her to respond give or take 10 minutes (mix it up),

from a minimum of 10 minutes up to a maximum of 1 hour 10 minutes

159 13 Jun 2023

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That means if she takes 30 minutes to respond you should respond within 20 to 40

minutes. If she responds in an hour you can take 50 minutes to 1 hour 10 minutes. If she

responds instantly you take 10 minutes to respond (the minimum). If she takes longer

than 1 hour 10 minutes to respond then you should respond in an hour to an hour 10

minutes (the maximum)28. Lastly, if she initiates texting with you then respond in 20

minutes then follow the usual response time rules.

As a general rule, if she’s responding consistently within an hour then she likes you,

though take note that if she works a very intensive job where she might not be able to use

her phone then she might take longer (for example, in retail, you may not even be

allowed to have your phone with you while working). In that case it’s good to consider

judging her interest by her after-work response times.

I recommend following those response times unless you are actively doing something

that really requires concentration in which case you may take longer to respond. This

further causes your text style to appear natural because you mostly respond in good time

but sometimes life gets in the way. As an example, I may leave my responding to the end

Note that if she takes longer than 1 hour 10 minutes to respond, whether that’s two, three, seven, nine, etc. hours to
respond, you come back within an hour to 1 hour 10 minutes. I am not suggesting that you don’t respond if she takes
longer than 1 hour 10 minutes!

160 13 Jun 2023

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of my gym session because I want to focus entirely on that. Or I might be on a date and

so would only respond when I go to use the toilet or she does.

Just a couple words of warning, though: 1) don't let yourself weasel on this and use it as

an excuse to become lazy with your texting; 2) don’t make things up to give yourself an

excuse to respond slowly: only postpone responding because of something real that

you’re doing. This advice is given in a similar vein to trying to come up with fresh photo

pings rather than using stock photos.

Why set the maximum as 1 hour 10 minutes?

Remember that we want to act in good faith and not pretend not to see her message.

We’re encouraging her to respond faster by not getting into a response time frame war.

I’m sure you’ve been in one before: she takes a day, you take two days… You’re never

going to meet her if you act like that! Instead you can stick to the 1 hour 10 minutes

maximum response time and show her that her slow responses don’t faze you. If she likes

you then she can be slowly drawn into your frame and will start to respond quicker.

161 13 Jun 2023

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Conversely, the 10 minute minimum (except for in the case of very fast responders, more

on that soon) is there to stop you from over-investing. If you are replying instantly to her

then she must be doing the same to keep the investment levels similar. If the investment

levels spiral out of control then you can come across as needy.

Your messaging hours are:

Sunday to Thursday: 11am - 11pm; Friday to Saturday: 11am - 9pm

“Why 11pm? Isn’t that too late? Don’t I want to show her I’m unavailable at night?

Surrounded by multiple hot bitches?” There is some allowance for that for Friday and

Saturday night but let’s face it, most girls don’t have the most interesting lives - most

people in general - and on regular days they are at home in the evening. This is a perfect

opportunity to strengthen your connection with her as much as you can and be in her

thoughts before she goes to sleep. This is especially true for the day you met her (Period

1) where you are trying to ride the emotional impact you caused during the set.

162 13 Jun 2023

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The 9pm end time on Friday and Saturday is moreso to stop you from messaging her

while you are drinking alcohol and/or horny. It’s more likely you’ll make a mistake at this


The 11am starting time is there more for symmetry than anything else - and as I’ve said a

few times throughout this guide you may start messaging around 10am if you had a

conversation ongoing from the previous day - but the main benefit of starting to send

your messages around this time is that you’re more likely to catch her just before any

kind of lunch break.

163 13 Jun 2023

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We need some discussion for girls at the extremes of the spectrum: the very fast

responder and the very slow responder.

For the very fast responder - which you can identify when a girl sends three responses in

a row near instantly - I recommend talking to her as if it were a real life conversation. In

these cases you can reduce the minimum response time down to five minutes. Then at

some point you can cut off the conversation because you have something to do. Again,

make it a real thing and don’t brush her off with a fake activity.

For example, if you’ve identified a girl as being a very fast responder - well done she’s

probably really into you - then after an hour or so of text conversation you can end it by

saying something like “Okay, off to the gym now. Speak later 😊.” It could be anything:
you’re going to the gym, you need to focus on work, you need to go pick up your parents

from the airport; it doesn’t matter what it is but I repeat: don’t make something up to

brush her off.

164 13 Jun 2023

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And a quick point for the pedantic people out there: even though I’d say “speak later” it

doesn’t literally mean I will speak to her later that day. It’s just a phrase29. I’d still stick to

my alternate day pinging plan and if she’s that into you she might even message you


For the very slow responder i.e. she takes many hours to respond to every message: stick

to your one hour to one hour and ten minute response time. Ask yourself: is she a

genuinely busy person and is still interested or is this a sign of low interest? You can

usually see if a girl is dragging her feet based on the content and enthusiasm in her

responses and whether she is compliant. If you sense that she’s dragging her feet then be

prepared that she may ghost you or agree to and then flake on a date.

The same goes for if you tell a girl to “Let me know.” Just because you said that doesn’t mean you can’t be the
next one to message on the topic. People use phrases like this all the time in non-literal senses.

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I include this as its own small section because there are certain tweaks I recommend you


Once it gets to around 9 or 10 pm you may want to start responding quicker - towards the

lower end of the response time window - since it’s more likely she’ll have nothing to do

and be on her phone, especially if it’s between Sunday and Wednesday. That could lead to

a quick exchange which puts the idea of you in her head before she goes to sleep.

You should also focus on talking with statements rather than questions just in case she

doesn’t get back to you until the next day. It’s not good to have a question hanging

overnight and it gives her total control of the conversation for the next day and the issues

that could entail. Let’s say she promises herself to send her response in the morning but

then doesn’t get around to it. Then she starts to think it might be awkward to respond now

that it’s been a while… She gets in her head and messes things up for both of you. Now,

of course, as I’ve said many times throughout this guide, if she likes you then she will

respond, but it’s a risk to that interest that you don’t need to take.

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That’s why, if she’s responding quickly, then you should have a back and forth but then

purposefully end the conversation before going to sleep. To end the conversation for that

day you can act as described previously in the discussion on fast responders e.g. “Alright

then, I need to get my beauty sleep 😴 Goodnight!”

Lastly, if you have an ongoing conversation that you think will persist into the next day

then you should take steps so that she is the one left hanging overnight. You might stop

messaging before 11pm so as to cause this. I would then pick up the conversation the next

day around 10am (another case of breaking the messaging hours rule) so she gets the

feeling that you are responding to your message at your earliest convenience.

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Texting Guide


We’ve addressed what to say and how often, now we need to get to “how much?”

You may have heard of the 2/3s rule where you should send 2/3s the amount that she

sends. For example, she sends three lines so you can send a maximum of two. In my

opinion, this is too much to worry about. Obsessively trying to cut down your messages

to be 2/3s the length of hers is a massive headache you don’t need.

Instead follow this simple rule:

Send roughly the same amount to her as she does to you. It can be a little bit more or a

little bit less. It doesn’t matter.

Remember that if she likes you then she'll respond in good time and with enthusiasm as

long as you're not diminishing her liking for you by coming across as boring and needy.

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We are simply matching her investment levels and are looking for compliance: I don't

care if I'm messaging the same amount as her if she's saying "Yes" to my suggestions.

Remember that our aim isn’t to make her “chase:” that might be a natural byproduct of

being an attractive masculine man but it isn’t our starting intention.

My only word of warning is don't send "too much." But what is too much? You'll get a

feel for it, but some obvious things to avoid is sending big blocks of texts or multiple

photos/videos within one message block. If you ever want to check up on yourself then

do the classic trick of holding your phone at a distance, squinting your eyes and seeing if

you are taking up too much of the screen. Sometimes she will be taking up more of it,

sometimes it will be you. As long as there’s a balance then it’s fine. Another “trick” is to

get an experienced wing to look at your messaging.

Furthermore, there will be times when she sends way too much information in one

message block for you to gracefully respond to all of it. Do your best by responding to

two or more parts of her message with one part of your own but don’t be afraid to let

certain conversation threads die and to focus on new ones. As a priority, deal with any

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Texting Guide

explicit questions she asked you and then try to work on her other points before moving

the conversation forward.

As a last resort you can always say something like “We’ll have a lot to talk about on [day

of the date] then 😊.”

If you ever need help to shorten one of your messages, write your reply in a note on your

phone then leave it for ten minutes and return to it. Ask yourself whether there's too much

information there. Is there a way you could say the same thing with fewer words? Ask

yourself whether you're breaking any of the rules presented in this guide? Wait until the

right moment to send the message and then send it.

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And that’s it! I hope that through reading this guide you can see that texting can be very

simple. Don’t overthink it! Remember that if she likes you, it doesn't matter. Just don't be

boring and don't be needy by following the rules laid down here. Apart from that, send

messages that come naturally to you and if you make a mistake, that’s actually a good

thing. You'll only learn a lesson once you've experienced the negative consequences

yourself, whether that's responding too quickly or too slowly, making a joke when you

should have given comfort (or vice versa), written too much or too little, or any other

mistake you could make.

Just remember this important point:

You can make every mistake once as long as you learn from it

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Texting Guide

I recommend you create a note on your phone where you can write down the little

mistakes you make. Periodically revisit this note to remind yourself of the lessons you've


And with that, you’ll build calibration and will progress as an effective texter who

conveys his personality in a natural way.

Thank you for purchasing this guide. If you enjoy my content then please check out my

website - - where you can find free articles to help you with your

Game. You’ll also find links there to my books and a message form to contact me to set

up coaching where I can give you personalised tips for your texting, Daygame, dating

and SMV. I hope to speak to you soon!


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