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Performance Tips and Tricks

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© Copyright 2022 ETAS GmbH, Stuttgart
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Document Performance Tips And Tricks V7 R01 EN – 03.2022
ETAS Contents

1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 4

2 PC Hardware Configuration ............................................................................... 5

2.1 INCA System Requirements ...................................................................................... 5
2.2 Individual PC Hardware Components......................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Processor .................................................................................................. 6
2.2.2 Main Storage (RAM) ................................................................................... 6
2.2.3 Hard Disk / Solid State Disk ........................................................................ 6
2.2.4 Graphic Board ............................................................................................ 7
2.2.5 Network Adapter ........................................................................................ 8
2.2.6 Exemplary Performance Comparisons ......................................................... 8
2.3 Company LAN .......................................................................................................... 9

3 Software Environment ..................................................................................... 10

3.1 Operating System ................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Virtual Operating Systems ....................................................................................... 10
3.3 Energy Saving Mode .............................................................................................. 10
3.4 Hard Disk Data Encryption ...................................................................................... 11
3.5 Virtual or Shared Drives .......................................................................................... 11
3.6 Impact of Other Applications Running in Parallel ....................................................... 11
3.7 Virus Scanner ........................................................................................................ 12
3.8 Multimedia Timer .................................................................................................... 13
3.9 Instant Messaging Services ..................................................................................... 13

4 Operation Hints for INCA ................................................................................. 14

4.1 Data Access from the Company Network ................................................................. 14
4.2 ASAP2 Files ........................................................................................................... 14
4.2.1 COMPU_METHOD "FORM" ..................................................................... 14
4.2.2 Errors and Warnings ................................................................................. 15
4.3 ASAP3 Latency / Bandwidth .................................................................................... 15
4.4 Opening the Experiment Environment in Off-line Mode ............................................. 15
4.5 Dynamic Loading of Experiments ............................................................................ 16
4.6 Pre-configuration of Experiment Environment Instruments ........................................ 16
4.7 Number of Variables in the Experiment .................................................................... 16
4.8 Borrowing of INCA Licences .................................................................................... 17

5 Contact Information ......................................................................................... 18

Figures ....................................................................................................................... 19

Tables ......................................................................................................................... 20

Definitions and Abbreviations...................................................................................... 21

Index........................................................................................................................... 22

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 3

ETAS Introduction

1 Introduction
INCA supports engineers in the automotive industry to perform their measurement,
calibration, validation and diagnostic tasks. These tasks come by default with high
performance requirements for a PC system. For example, huge description files
like ASAP2 (ASAM MCD-2 MC) are used, a large amount of measurement data
needs to be recorded and analysed, and a large amount of signals have to be
monitored and visualized. During the development of INCA these performance
requirements are taken into account, so that INCA can address the daily tasks of a
calibration engineer on a standard Windows© computer.
However, there are other environmental effects, which cannot be influenced by the
design and the development of INCA, but have impact on INCA’s performance.
Those are:
• The PC’s hardware configuration on which INCA is running
• The software environment, under which INCA is running, i.e. the operating
system and other software applications running in parallel to INCA
• The individual usage and configuration of INCA by the user
The goal of this document is to provide some best practices and tips & tricks on
how to deal with these environmental effects to get the best possible performance
when operating INCA.

As the given tips & tricks strongly depend on the individual used PC hardware
and SW environment, they can only be seen as general hints. Therefore,
evaluate each hint under the actual given environment of the user. There might
be hints, which bring performance improvements under the used environment
and others that do not.

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 4

ETAS PC Hardware Configuration

2 PC Hardware Configuration
As with any software product, INCA’s performance depends strongly on the PC
hardware used. This chapter provides you with recommendations which PC
Hardware to choose when operating INCA.

2.1 INCA System Requirements

For the use of INCA two generic PC hardware configurations are recommended:

Minimum System Requirements Mandatory to run INCA

Recommended System Requirements Results in an acceptable performance for

standard INCA use cases

For current system requirements, refer to the Installation Guide and the Release
Notes of your INCA version.

The Oscilloscope released in INCA V7.1 requires Graphic Boards supporting
DirectX 9.29 or higher and equipped with sufficient RAM (1GB recommended)
on board.

2.2 Individual PC Hardware Components

The above given recommendations assume that there are no other resource
consuming applications running in parallel to INCA and that the user is working
with projects and experiments of medium size 1. If this is not the case, exceeding
the specified system requirements helps to ensure a good INCA performance.

The performance of a PC system cannot be determined from the performance of
each individual hardware component, but also depends on their smooth
Therefore, before defining a standard PC configuration for a department or a
company ETAS recommends evaluating the performance of such a PC

1Example of a medium-sized project and experiment: A project with ~15.000 variables, 2 ECU
devices and an experiment with ~10 layers and ~ 500 selected variables.

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 5

ETAS PC Hardware Configuration

2.2.1 Processor
The CPU is the calculation engine of your PC and therefore has high impact on the
performance of INCA. However, the price/performance quotient for CPUs is not
linear, which leads to the fact that choosing cutting-edge CPU models provides
only a minor performance improvement at a significant higher price compared to
state of the art CPUs.

The best practice is to choose the second latest CPU core generation, which
typically provides a good performance at a reasonable price. Multi-core CPUs:

As of version 7.1 INCA supports single and multi core CPUs. In case of a multi
core CPU, one core is used for INCA and on each other core, you can run one
target server. The target server is an INCA component, which is handling the low
level HW access. Mobile CPUs:

Mobile CPUs are offered for notebooks. They are optimized for low power
consumption, resulting in longer operating hours under battery mode. However,
mobile CPUs typically provide lower performance than standard CPUs.

Mobile CPUs are only recommended if the user frequently runs his notebook on
battery mode for long hours. For use in vehicles, 12V DC/AC adapters should be
considered as an alternative.

2.2.2 Main Storage (RAM)

The main storage of a PC is used to store parts of the running operating system,
running applications and their data in use. Compared to a hard disk the RAM has
much faster access times. In case the PC runs out of available RAM, the operating
system extends the RAM by swapping parts of the data to the hard disk. Due to the
slower access times, this swapping has negative impact on the systems
performance. Therefore, ETAS recommends equipping the PC with sufficient RAM.

2.2.3 Hard Disk / Solid State Disk

You can install INCA either on a Hard Disk or on a Solid State Disk. Hard Disk

Typically, the HDD (Hard Disk) is one of the slowest PC components and can
therefore be a performance bottleneck for the system, especially when using large
data files. The performance of a hard disk depends on several factors, for example,
rotation speed, cache-buffer size, bus interface. However, the consideration of
these factors is outside the scope of this document.

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 6

ETAS PC Hardware Configuration

All these parameters result in two main key performance indicators:

• Sustainable Data Rate
• (Data) Access Time
For further information, see the data sheet of the HDD.
The storage capacity of the HDD is only limiting the amount of data which can be
stored on a device and which has no impact on the performance. The storage
capacity of state of the art HDDs is more than sufficient for INCA.

When selecting a new PC, compare the HDD access times of different offers.
Changing the HDD of an existing PC just for performance reasons makes less
sense, unless you need more storage capacity anyway. Solid State Disk

The market prices for SSDs (Solid State Disks) have dropped significantly in the
last years, and so they are a real alternative to HDDs today. ETAS internal
comparisons have shown a 10% performance increase in average for INCA
compared to a typical HDD. However, the actual possible performance increase
strongly depends on the use cases performed under INCA. For example, the first
opening of an experiment is 14% faster when using a SSD, but the second opening
of the same experiment does not show any performance increase due to caching
algorithms of the OS.
There are no speed differences between SSDs and HDDs in writing measure files.
Both supports the maximum write speed of ETAS hardware.
The main advantage of SSD is the fast file access when reading / writing multiple
files and accessing the INCA database.

Fig. 2-1 Performance comparison SSD / HDD

2.2.4 Graphic Board

As of INCA V7.0 the performance of the graphic board has almost no impact on the
performance of INCA. Consider only resolution and color depth as they affect the
appearance of INCA.

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 7

ETAS PC Hardware Configuration

If you use INCA, you can almost use any state-of-the-art graphic board.
ETAS recommends a graphic board with a resolution of at least 1280x1024
pixel, a 16 or 32bit color depth and at least DirectX 7 support.

2.2.5 Network Adapter

An Ethernet adapter via USB has only a restricted interrupt support. Measuring
with high raster speed is not possible.
• Use a native Ethernet adapter

2.2.6 Exemplary Performance Comparisons

To provide a rough indicator what impact the PC hardware configuration has on the
performance of INCA, ETAS compared two different PC configurations with the
following results.
Configuration 1 Configuration 2
Laptop Desktop
Lenovo T61 HP Compaq 8100 Elite
Intel Core 2Duo CPU Intel Core i7 CPU Quad Core
T7300@2.00GHz i7-860@2.80GHz
1.96GByte RAM 3.43GByte RAM
SSD Kingston SSDNow V+100 SSD Kingston SSDNow V+100 128GByte
128GByte Windows XP
Windows XP
Tab. 2-1 Two different PC configurations with results

Configuration 1 is used as reference (i.e. 100%, explicitly shown only in the last
line). The percentages given for Configuration 2 for the different use cases indicate
the relation to Configuration 1. Any value below 100% means that Config.2 is faster
than Config.1; the lower the percentage, the better the performance in relation to

Fig. 2-2 Performance comparison of different PC configurations

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 8

ETAS PC Hardware Configuration

2.3 Company LAN

Dependent on the services running in the company, there might be an impact on
the INCA performance, e.g. updates in the background, backups …
• If possible, use the INCA PC without connection to the company LAN.

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 9

ETAS Software Environment

3 Software Environment

3.1 Operating System

INCA V7.3 supports Windows 8.1 64bit and Windows 10 64bit
• ETAS recommends Windows 10 64bit.

3.2 Virtual Operating Systems

The usage of INCA on a virtual machine (VM) is restricted and not recommended:
• The VM needs sufficient working memory (RAM). Otherwise, the
performance of INCA goes down.
• Access to sufficient graphic card memory (Direct X) is necessary.
Otherwise, the oscilloscope representation of measurement signals is not
• Access to hardware interfaces, such as Ethernet, USB, PCMCIA, … is
necessary. Otherwise, INCA cannot use the connected hardware.
• Measurement samples may be lost and the accuracy of time stamps is not
guaranteed as the higher task priority for hardware access (target server)
is not given.

3.3 Energy Saving Mode

To save battery power, some notebooks offer the option of reducing the
performance of system components when the notebook is not connected to the AC
power supply. This can affect the INCA performance, for example, if the processor
speed is reduced in battery mode. Always switch off any power saving mode for
high performance measurements.

For maximum performance connect your PC to a power supply or configure the
Windows Energy Saving Options in a way that maximum performance is granted
even under battery mode.

Presentation Mode to avoid that the PC goes to standby / hibernate.
Press [Windows] + [X] first and then select the Mobility Center. Then click on
"Turn on" in Presentation Settings. This changes the status of the Presentation
Settings to "Presenting".

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 10

ETAS Software Environment

3.4 Hard Disk Data Encryption

For data security reasons, modern PCs provide an automated encryption of data
stored on the HDD. This encryption forces the system to encrypt / decrypt any data
access from/to the hard drive, which has negative impact on the system
performance. The magnitude of the performance decrease depends on the PC
hardware / BIOS configuration in use.

In case of unexpected low system performance, ETAS recommends that you
investigate the impact of the hard disk encryption under the PC hardware /BIOS
configuration in use. If it turns out that the encryption is the root cause, use a
hard disk password instead of hard disk encryption. However, as this could lead
to less data security, discuss such step with your company’s IT department.

3.5 Virtual or Shared Drives

The performance of virtual or shared drives can have an impact on the INCA
INCA regularly writes data to the INCA database, e.g. during calibration.
Depending on the drive performance, the drive where the INCA database is stored
may not be accessible fast enough.
If the drive where the INCA database is stored has a higher latency for read or
write access, this directly affects the INCA performance. This can occur when any
other processes synchronize shared drives in the background.

To optimize the INCA performance, use drives that are connected to the INCA
PC with high bandwidth and low latency.

3.6 Impact of Other Applications Running in Parallel

Running other applications in parallel to INCA means that these applications have
to share the system resources (RAM, CPU) with INCA. Depending on the
applications in use and the PC configuration, this can have significant impact on
the performance of INCA. You can easily evaluate this effect by monitoring the
system resources in the Windows© Task Manager.

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 11

ETAS Software Environment

To work reliably with high performance measurements, ETAS recommends the

following actions:
• Set your energy saving plan to highest possible performance
• Disable your virus scanner partially
• Offline scan off your HDD
• Scan at your network card
• Only activate necessary network clients and services or protocols
• Update your network card driver

In case of a performance decrease due to running applications in parallel to
INCA you have the following options:
Reduce the number of applications running in parallel.
Should this not be possible you should consider increasing the overall system
performance by upgrading the PC hardware configuration or single hardware
components (see chapter Individual PC Hardware Components on page 5).

3.7 Virus Scanner

Virus scanners can have a significant impact on the system performance. They
typically offer three different scanning modes:
• Manual scanning of files, directories or entire partitions
• Scheduled scanning of files, directories or entire partitions
• Online scanning
While in the first two modes, the scanning is only performed when triggered by the
user or at a predefined time, in the third mode every file immediately gets scanned
when accessed by the system.
As INCA accesses many files when running, the impact of online scans on the
performance of INCA can be significant.

To avoid negative impact on the performance of INCA do the following:
 Perform manual and scheduled scans at times when you are not using INCA
(e.g. during lunch break)
 Exclude the file paths of INCA from the online scans:
­ C:\Program Files\ETAS *
­ C:\ETAS *
­ D:\ETASData *
* The exact path may vary on your PC. You can configure during installation.

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 12

ETAS Software Environment

3.8 Multimedia Timer

MS Windows uses the multimedia timer when an application plays videos or other
multimedia services. The multimedia timer may have a negative impact on the
network communication:
• Disable the multimedia timer in the registry.
Select the path 'Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\
Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Multimedia\SystemProfile'
and set the key 'NetworkThrottlingIndex' to '0xFFFFFFFF'.

It is not sufficient to disable the multimedia service.

3.9 Instant Messaging Services

Instant messaging services require an amount of network bandwidth. This is in
conflict with high performance measurements.
• Do not install or use instant messaging services while operating INCA.

No user should be signed in to e.g. Skype, Jitsi, Zoom, or any other instant
messaging service.

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 13

ETAS Operation Hints for INCA

4 Operation Hints for INCA

Besides the PC hardware configuration and additional applications running in
parallel, the way of handling INCA and project files can have an impact on its

4.1 Data Access from the Company Network

The file access to network shares is in most cases significantly slower than the
access to local hard drives. Therefore, frequently accessed files should be stored
on the local PC.

 Make sure that the INCA database is located on the local hard disk.
 Copy project files that are frequently accessed by INCA to the local hard disk.
 If necessary, configuration management tools (e.g. SubVersion) can help to
keep the original project files on the network share and local copies on the
local hard disk consistent.

4.2 ASAP2 Files

Due to the increasing number of measurement and calibration variables in a
project, the size of ASAM MCD 2MC files (ASAP2) has increased significantly in
the last years. Therefore, reading and parsing these files becomes more and more
time consuming in INCA. However, there are ASAP2 elements that are more
critical for the parsing performance than others.
See further information in the following sections.


In an ASAP2 file the conversion formulas “COMPU_METHOD” can be defined by
using the following types:
While INCA can calculate the formulas of the types IDENTICAL, LINEAR and
RAT_FUNCTION online during operation, it has to convert the type FORM into a
lookup table when parsing the ASAP2 file. This is a time and memory consuming

Avoid COMPU_METHODS of the type "FORM" in your ASAP2 files. They can
often be replaced by the type RAT_FUNCTION.

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 14

ETAS Operation Hints for INCA

4.2.2 Errors and Warnings

When INCA detects ASAP2 constructions that lead to errors or warnings in INCA, a
time consuming handling is necessary.

Update and correct the A2L description file that provokes the errors and

4.3 ASAP3 Latency / Bandwidth

Optimizing the data transmission between the Automation System and INCA
consists of finding the best trade-off between bandwidth and latency. For this
purpose, INCA offers a user option that allows tuning the measurement data
transmission from maximum bandwidth to minimum latency.

Use the INCA user option “Experiment / Measure / General / Cycle time for
measure data polling [ms]” to tune the measurement data transmission from
INCA to the Automation System. For maximum bandwidth use 500ms for
minimum latency use 20ms.

4.4 Opening the Experiment Environment in Off-line Mode

When opening the Experiment Environment INCA automatically searches for
connected hardware and initializes it. However, there are uses cases, where you
just want to access the Experiment Environment without the need for any hardware
access. For example, you want to prepare an experiment at your desk for later use
in the vehicle.
For such cases, you can open the Experiment Environment in an off-line mode and
skip the search for hardware and the hardware initialization.

You can toggle between on-line and off-line access to the Experiment
Environment by clicking on the experiment icon in the toolbar of the INCA
Database Manager:
 Experiments will be opened in on-line mode
 Experiments will be opened in off-line mode
Even if the Experiment Environment is open in off-line mode, you can still switch
explicitly to the on-line mode by pressing <F3> (initialize hardware).

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 15

ETAS Operation Hints for INCA

4.5 Dynamic Loading of Experiments

INCA V7.1 or higher loads experiments dynamically. This means that when
opening the experiment, not all layers of an experiment are loaded, but only the
active layer. Whenever the user switches between layers, INCA unloads the
components of the current layer and loads the components of the layer selected by
the user. This dynamic loading/unloading of layers results in a reduced
consumption of Windows resources (memory, GDI resources) and a faster initial
opening time of the experiment. However, the dynamic loading of layers also leads
to a short delay when switching between layers. In case a layer contains a high
number of elements, this delay would become recognizable for the user. To avoid
this, INCA does not unload layers with a high number of elements any more once
they are loaded. This minimizes the delay when activating this layer, but results in
a slightly higher consumption of Windows resources.

When working with huge experiments you can reduce the required Windows
resources (memory, GDI resources) by distributing layers with a high number of
elements to several smaller layers.

4.6 Pre-configuration of Experiment Environment

All measurement and calibration instruments newly added to the Experiment
Environment are opened with a pre-defined style (background color, font color, font
size, ….). Later, the style of each instrument can be adapted individually in the
“Properties” dialog <ALT+RETURN> of the instrument or in the “Display
Configuration” Window <F4> of the Experiment Environment.
You can save configuration time by adopting the predefined style of each
instrument type in the INCA user options to your preferred settings (e.g. the default
background color of oscilloscopes).

Use the INCA user options below “Experiment / Measure” and “Experiment /
Calibration” to tune the default settings of Experiment Instruments to your
personal preferences.

4.7 Number of Variables in the Experiment

For displaying GUI elements, the Microsoft Windows operating system uses so
called GDI objects. Microsoft limits the number of GDI objects that can be used by
a single application to ~10'000 objects. To minimize the system load, most signals
should only be recorded. Only visualize those signals, which are necessary for live
analysis. Every GUI element in INCA requires a certain number of these GDI
objects. When using experiments including a huge number of instruments it can
happen that INCA runs short of GDI objects. INCA indicates this by a warning, and
it is not possible to add further instruments to the experiment.

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 16

ETAS Operation Hints for INCA

You can increase the number of measurement and calibration variables which can
be displayed in an experiment by using the instrument types "Measurement Table"
and "Calibration Table" instead of "Measurement Windows" and "Calibration
Windows", as the tables require less GDI objects than the classic windows.

It is possible to increase the maximum number of GDI objects that a single
application can use by editing the registry of the operating system. However, this
can lead to unexpected system crashes when the overall number of GDI objects
for all applications is used up.
Therefore, ETAS does not recommend increasing the maximum number of GDI
objects in the registry of the operating system.

4.8 Borrowing of INCA Licences

INCA supports three different software license types:
• PC-based, machine-named (for a single computer)
• Server-based, user-named (administrated by a server and linked to a named
• Server-based, floating (administrated by a server, not linked to a specific
While the licence file for PC-based licences is stored locally on the PC, the licence
file for the other two licence types is stored on a licence server in the company’s
network. When starting INCA the validity of the licence is checked. As a network
access takes longer than an access to a locally stored licence file, the validation of
user-named and floating licences takes a little longer than the validation of a PC-
based licence.
Delays during the licence validation can also occur if the auto-borrow mechanism is
When installing INCA, you can specify that the software license is automatically
borrowed from the server for a predefined period of time (“BorrowExpiryInterval”).
Furthermore, you can define how many days before the expiration date the
borrowing of the licenses should be renewed
(“ExecuteBorrowAutomaticExtensionInterval ”). If these two periods are almost
equal, license borrowing is frequently executed without any specific need.
Especially after holiday time (e.g. Christmas) this can lead to a high borrowing
activity at the licence server and subsequent significant delays, as the INCA
installations of all users will re-borrow their licence on the first working day.

For more details about the configuration of the auto borrow mechanism, refer to
the ETAS License Manager Online Help.

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 17

ETAS Contact Information

5 Contact Information
ETAS Headquarters
Borsigstraße 24 Phone: +49 711 3423-0
70469 Stuttgart Fax: +49 711 3423-2106
Germany Internet:

ETAS Subsidiaries and Technical Support

For details of your local sales office as well as your local technical support team
and product hotlines, take a look at the ETAS website:
ETAS subsidiaries Internet:
ETAS technical support Internet:

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 18

ETAS Figures

Fig. 2-1 Performance comparison SSD / HDD ...................................................................... 7
Fig. 2-2 Performance comparison of different PC configurations .......................................... 8

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 19

ETAS Tables

Tab. 2-1 Two different PC configurations with results ............................................................ 8

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 20

ETAS Definitions and Abbreviations

Definitions and Abbreviations

Automation System

Central Processing Unit of a PC, shortly processor.

Graphical Device Interface

Graphical User Interface

Hard Disk Device

Operating System. In this document only Windows© operating systems are

Solid State Disk

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 21

ETAS Index


Applications Running in Parallel 11 INCA System Requirements 5
ASAP2 14
ASAP3 15
Latency 15
B Licences File 17
Bandwidth 15
BorrowExpiryInterval 17
Main Storage 6
C Measurement Table 17
Measurement Windows 17
Calibration Table 17 Mobile CPU 6
Calibration Windows 17 Multi-core CPU 6
D Off-line Mode 15
Operating System 10
Dual Core CPU 6
PC Hardware Components 5, 9
Energy Saving Mode 10 PC Hardware Configuration 5
ETAS 18 Processor 6
GDI objects 16
Graphic Board 7, 8
Software Environment 10
H Solid State Disk 6
Hard Disk 6 System Requirements 5
Hard Disk Data Encryption 11
Virus Scanner 12, 13

INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 22


INCA V7 Performance Tips and Tricks 23

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