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Polymer Degradation and Stability 38 (1992) 255-259

Kinetics of polymer degradation involving the

splitting off of small molecules: Part 8.
Thermal degradation of polyvinyl esters
Peter ~imon & Milan Ryb~ir
Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Slovak Technical University, Radlinsk~ho 9,
812 37 Bratislava, Czechoslovakia

(Received 18 September 1991; accepted 4 October 1991)

High conversion kinetic runs of the thermal degradation of polyvinyl esters

have been treated using the theory developed previously. For polyvinyl
acetate, polyvinyl propionate, polyvinyl butyrate and polyvinyl valerate,
excellent agreement has been obtained between theory and experiment for the
model of gradual zip propagation. In the case of polyvinyl caproate, better
agreement has been reached for the model of immediate zip growth. The
results obtained suggest that the pre-exponential factor and activation energy
for random elimination of acetic acid from polyvinyl acetate increase with
increasing molecular weight and the extrapolation to infinite chain length gives
the values log(A/s -1) = 14-0 and Ea = 192 kJ mol -I. In all cases, the initiation
step of the zip reaction is not autocatalytic. The pre-exponential factors and
activation energies for random elimination of acids are arranged in a zig-zag
fashion, but the rate constants of random elimination increase with increasing
length of the acyl substituent. The ratio of the rate constants for zip
propagation and random elimination exhibits a minimum at polyvinyl butyr-
ate. The content of structural irregularities causing premature zip termination
is rather high.

INTRODUCTION attributed to the action of acetic acid which

accumulates in the sample due to hindered
The thermal degradation of polyvinyl esters diffusion. 3'7 The question of where the initiating
occurs by the zip elimination of acids, polyene step of the zip reaction occurs is not fully
sequences being formed along the polymer resolved. Grassie ~ has concluded that the
backbone. Only a few detailed studies on this initiation cannot be at random along the polymer
subject have been reported, the greatest chain but must take place at the chain ends. The
attention having been paid to the degradation of idea is supported by experiments in which
polyvinyl acetate (PVAc). dependence of the degradation rate upon the
Decomposition of PVAc begins at about relative molecular weight of the polymer has
190°C. 1 Acetic acid is the main component been found. 4'5 Barrales-Rienda e t al. 7 have
(90-98%) of the volatile products in the observed a very moderate influence of the
degradation up to 300°C. 1-3 The process is molecular weight of PVAc on the rate of
non-radical L3 and acceleration of the degradation elimination of acetic acid, however, and have
by acids 3'4 indicates that ionic elimination takes ascribed the variation in rate rather to different
place. The kinetic curves have a distinct contents of isotactic triads than to a true
autocatalytic character; ~-3,5-8 some authors sug- molecular weight effect. On the contrary, other
gest that the autocatalytic behaviour may be authors believe that the initiation occurs at
random 3'6'9'1° and this suggestion is also sup-
Polymer Degradation and Stability 0141-3910/92/$05.00 ported experimentally. In some cases no
© 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers Ltd. difference in rate for samples with different
256 Peter ~imon, Milan Rybdr

molecular weight has been observed 2,3 and, tion. The facts mentioned above for PVAc
moreover, Minsker et al. have found that in the degradation suggest that this is the mechanism
early stages of degradation only stochastic which takes place in the degradation of polyvinyl
elimination of acetic acid takes place. 9 Once the esters. The aim of this paper is to employ the
initiation has given rise to a double bond, there is theory for the treatment of experimental data
a methylene group in the a~-position and adjacent described by Barrales-Rienda et al. 7"8
to an acetyl group. This structure is highly
reactive, and another molecule of acetic acid is
produced leaving a double bond again with an SIMULATION OF THE KINETIC CURVES
a-methylene group adjacent to an acetyl group. 1
The allylic activation in PVAc thus leads to a For the simulation of the kinetic curves we use
one-sided zip propagation in the direction of the the same procedure as in Parts 3, 6 and 7,16'19'2°
methylene group. In the early stages of i.e. the whole set of kinetic runs obtained for
degradation, polyenes with a smaller number of various temperatures is treated simultaneously.
double bonds are predominant. 4 The average As in previous cases, 19'2° the sum of the squares
polyene length is 1-2-1.5, which is much less of the differences between the experimental and
than in PVC. 11 These findings give support to the theoretical values of conversion is rather rich in
assumption that the zip propagation proceeds at minima. Preliminary calculations have shown
a low rate I and the zip termination is practically that the minima corresponding to the zip
absent. 12 mechanism are found solely for the value fl ~ 0,
Degradation studies for polyvinyl esters other which means that the initiation reaction is not
than PVAc are rare. 8,13 Barrales-Rienda et al. autocatalytic. Equations (13) and (14) from Part
have dealt with five members of the homologous 5 for the time dependence of the conversion x
series of polyvinyl-n-alkyl esters, namely PVAc, and the probability p are thus reduced to the
polyvinyl propionate (PVPr), polyvinyl butyrate form
(PVBu), polyvinyl valerate (PVVa) and polyvinyl dt = B(xm x)[1 + (1 - za/z)yp]
- - (1)
caproate (PVCa). 8 They have eliminated mole-
cular weight as a variable by using the same
dP= B ( 1 - p ) (2)
backbone for the synthesis of all the polymers. dt
They have found that PVPr, like PVAc, degrades
by an autocatalytic mechanism. Increasing the The solution of eqn (2) is given by eqn (20) Part
length of the n-acyl portion leads to a decrease in 1, and the ratio z J z is expressed by eqn (21) Part
the participation of the autocatalytic mechanism. 5. After combining it with these equations, eqn
The last member of the series, PVCa, degrades (1) is integrated numerically by the fourth-order
by first-order kinetics. The kinetic runs have Runge-Kutta method. The rate constant of
been treated using a simple autocatalytic random elimination, B, is expressed by eqn (1)
equation and the energy of activation for the Part 3 and the ratio of rate contants, y, is
initation reaction has been found to decrease as supposed to obey the Arrhenius relation given by
the length of the n-acyl substituent increases. eqn (2) Part 6. Then the parameters for the
The decrease is not constant or regular, but takes minimization of the sum of the squares are A,
place in a zig-zag fashion, suggesting an Ea, zkAy, AE~, Po and Xm. The values of Ay and
odd-even effect. E~ are calculated by eqns (3) and (4) Part 6.
In Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this series of papers, the
dehydrochlorination of PVC in an inert atmos-
phere has been studied. 14q6 Autocatalytic mech- RESULTS A N D DISCUSSION
anisms of polymer degradation occurring via
elimination of low molecular weight compounds In the calculations, the agreement between the
have been analyzed 17a8 in Parts 4 and 5 and the theoretical and experimental kinetic curves is
theory has been applied to the study of the excellent in all cases except PVCa. The standard
thermal degradation of PVC in HCI and deviation per mesh point lies within the values
oxidative atmospheres. 19'2° The mechanism de- 0-008 (PVAc NM-14) to 0.031 (PVAC GL-03).
scribed in Part 5 involves random initiation and Figure 1 shows that the deviations between
gradual slow zip propagation without termina- experimental and calculated values of conversion
Kinetics of polymer degradation: Part 8 257

parameter P0 in the minimization loses any

.04 meaning. Agreement between theory and experi-
ment is worse; this is indicated not only by the
standard deviation per mesh point, which is
0.054, but also by the occurrence of systematic
• e
#oe + +
• • O &~O
deviations between the experimental and theore-
10+ I +eChOO0 0 ~ ++
0 K 0% q &~. + . ~ . t xet p
tical kinetic runs. The kinetic runs for PVCa
.x degradation resemble those for the de-
x A/~ A
• •
hydrochlorination of PVC in an inert
- .02 atmosphere. 16 Hence, we have tried to treat these
data using the model of immediate zip growth
without considering autocatalysis of the
- .04
initiation. 15'16 This calculation has given a high
value for the parameter P0 and values of
Fig. 1. Deviation diagram for PVAc NM-14. Temperatures, parameters A log A and AEa, leading to high
°C; O, 261-6; O, 271-4; +, 281-1; x, 291.2; &, 300.7; A, values of the zip length m. In this case, eqn (20)
310.5; ~, 320-2.
Part 2 converts to eqn (14) Part 1, i.e. into the
kinetic equation of the degradation of a priori
for PVAc NM-14 do not exhibit any regularity, given sequences. Taking into account the
which indicates that the theory adequately presence of impurities, integration of eqn (14)
describes the experimental data. Similar devia- Part 1 yields
tion diagrams have been obtained for the other 1 - e -~'
polyvinyl esters (except PVCa). The results of X = Xm (3)
1 - (1 - p0)e -n`
the calculations are listed in Tables 1 and 2.
For PVCa, only the minimum corresponding to The values of kinetic parameters for this model
first-order kinetics has been found with a are given in Table 2. The standard deviation is
combination of A~ and E~ leading to the value 0-048, which indicates that this model describes
~/--~ 0. This minimum does not correspond to a the degradation of PVCa better than the one for
zip reaction. For this case, the introduction of the gradual zip growth. The model of the degrada-

Table 1. Kinetic parameters for the degradation of PVAc

Polymer ~ M, x 10 4 a log (A/s ~) Ea log (AT/s t) Ey P0 Xm

(kJ mol ]) (kJ mol -])

AH-22 20 13.75 188.9 12.75 166.8 0.257 1-000

NM-14 12 13.76 188.9 7.40 106-5 0.318 1-000
NL-05 4.2 12.48 173-7 14.04 179.2 0.302 1.000
GL-03 3-0 12-67 175-0 10.80 145-7 0.234 1.000

a Denotation of polymers and molecular weights taken from Barrales-Rienda et al. 7

Table 2. Kinetic parameters for the degradation of polyvinyi esters

Polymer log(A/s -1) Ea log(Ay/s -~) E~ A logAy AEy p, X m

(kJ mol -l ) (kJ mol -t) (kJ mol -l)

PVAc 12.48 173-7 14.04 179-2 1.56 5-5 0.302 1.000

PVPr 12-75 176.3 11-51 155.0 -1.24 -21-4 0.140 0.965
PVBu 12-11 168.6 12-20 162.0 0-09 -6.6 0.510 0.946
PVVa 13.37 182-4 12.90 167.2 -0.47 -15.2 0.356 0.963
PVCa 11.53 157-3 . . . . . 0.928
zip growth
PVCa 11.95 157.3 0.299 1.000
zip growth
258 Peter ~imon, Milan Rybdr

tion of a priori given sequences does not involve 1/Mn--~O gives the values log(A/s -1) = 14.0 and
zip termination as a chemical reaction. The zip Ea = 192 kJ mo1-1, with corresponding correla-
growth ceases only at the ends of the sequences tion coefficients 0.915 and 0-935. The values of
or at the monomeric units which have already kinetic parameters for an infinite polymer chain
been degraded. 14 The same assumption is suggest that the hypothesis about the independ-
adopted for the model of gradual zip growth. The ence of these parameters of the type of PVAc
principal difference between the models is that in used by some authors 2'3 is acceptable only for
the model of a priori given sequences the zip polymers with molecular weight M, > 105.
growth occurs at a very high propagation rate; ~4 Table 2 shows that the parameters of random
in the model of gradual growth the rates of the elimination of acids from polyvinyl esters are
initiation and propagation are comparable.18 We arranged in a zig-zag fashion which is in accord
have thus come to the conclusion that in the with Barrales-Rienda et al. s However, the rate
degradation of PVCa the propagation rate is constants of random elimination calculated from
much higher than the initiation rate. However, as the data of Table 2 by eqn (1) Part 3 for a chosen
Fig. 2 shows, for the model of degradation of a temperature, B, increase almost linearly with
priori given sequences, the deviations between increasing length of the acyl substituent (Fig. 3).
the experimental and kinetic runs also exhibit This result indicates that increasing the length of
regular trends up to x ~<0-25. The regularity in the acyl subsitutent leads to decreasing stability
the deviations indicates that neither in this case is of polyvinyl esters. This conclusion is in accord
the description of the experimental data by the with the experimental findings.8 As far as PVCa
theory fully adequate. At the beginning, the is concerned, from Fig. 3 it is obvious that the
degradation of PVCa is very fast, 8 which could be rate constant B for the immediate zip growth
caused, for example, by a high content of defect model follows the trend of the points illustrated
structures causing accelerated elimination or by much better than B for the model of gradual zip
deceleration of the zip propagation with increas- growth.
ing zip length. None of these effects is taken into Table 1 shows that there is no regularity in the
account in our kinetic models; of course, it could values A~ and E~ for PVAcs with various
be done, but the construction of a model taking molecular weights. As these parameters are
these subtler effects into account would require associated with zip propagation, they probably
complementary experimental support for the depend upon the morphology of the polymer
mechanism of PVCa degradation. chain like the zip length in the case of PVC
It can be seen from Table 1 that the dehydrochlorination.16The activation energy, Er,

L °l
parameters of random elimination of acetic acid
from PVAc depend upon the molecular weight of
the polymer. Linear extrapolation to the value


.08 ~ o @
@ •
+ ~o m
.04 x

I XOx p
.2 -~0 A~.4 £,6

i x + @

-.o4 t x ++
x+XXxx x ~ ×
i i i i

- .08

Fig. 2. Deviation diagram for PVCa for the model of a Fig. 3. Dependence of the rate constant at 300°C of random
priori given sequences. Temperatures, °C; 0 , 246.4; C), elimination (B) on the length of the acyl substituent, o, the
261.3; +, 271.2; x, 280.8; A, 290.3; &, 299.9; ~ , 309.2. rate constant for the random elimination of PVCa.
Kinetics of polymer degradation: Part 8 259

can be another reason for the higher thermal

12 stability of polyvinyl esters c o m p a r e d with P V C .


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