Book 03 Part2 en

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Cap 25

In the spacious hall, He Yiming exhaled a long breath, as if endless.

When he exhaled the breath completely, his closed eyes also opened. His gaze
wandered around the room, and finally fell on Yuan Lixun, who was cultivating
his internal strength at the same time.

At this moment, Yuan Lixun also closed her eyes, and the strong internal
energy flowed endlessly in her body, and gradually climbed to the peak.

He Yiming felt the powerful and abundant water system power that permeated
his body. These powers were all attracted from all directions when he
cultivated the true qi of the water system.

Not only that, He Yiming also discovered that although it is the same water
system power, it also has different frequencies. This mysterious frequency
can be fine-tuned by the speed of cultivation and exercises. And after fine-
tuning, the power of the surrounding water system heaven and earth became
more and more integrated with the breath on Yuan Lixun's body.

Especially when she was cultivating, she faintly felt a sense of unity
between heaven and man.

Although Yuan Lixun is not an innate powerhouse, and she cannot absorb the qi
of heaven and earth from the outside world, what she cultivates is a water
system exercise after all, so when He Yiming cultivates with the innate water
system true qi at the same time, she will more or less gain some benefits.

It seems that nothing can be seen in a short period of time, but over time,
Yuan Lixun's progress has not only increased a lot, but more importantly, he
has cultivated in this environment where the concentration of water system
power has reached its peakHer physique seemed to be undergoing some kind of
transformation, and it seemed that she could easily feel the power of the
water system that permeated the heavens and the earth.

Of course, this is just an illusion, but He Yiming knows that it is this

kind of illusion-like feeling that begins to communicate with the outside

If Yuan Lixun could maintain her cultivation in this environment all the
time, then when she reached the peak of the tenth-layer internal strength, it
would be far easier to impact the innate realm than others.

However, this method is too extravagant to be widely promoted.

After all, not every innate powerhouse will spare no effort to cultivate the
next generation of disciples, and except for He Yiming, I am afraid that no
one can easily fine-tune the exercises they are cultivating, and after fine-
tuning, it will not affect their own cultivation progress.

He felt Yuan Lixun's cultivation progress, and his face gradually showed a
hint of satisfaction.

Then, he took out a jade bottle from his arms, and in this jade bottle was an
Extreme Golden Pill, he hesitated for a while, and never made up his final

Slowly, after Yuan Lixun finished her work, she opened her bright big eyes,
and suddenly saw He Yiming in contemplation.

"Young Master, what are you thinking?".

He Yiming took the jade bottle in his hand into his arms and said, "It's
nothing, I'm thinking about whether to give you the Extreme Golden Pill." ”

Yuan Lixun was slightly stunned and said, "Are you going to take Jindan

He Yiming smiled dumbly, what a precious thing Jindan is, others can't get it
if they want to take it in every possible way.

However, he also knew that it was precisely for this reason that Yuan Lixun
seemed trembling when he took it. After all, before following He Yiming, she
never thought that there would be such an incredible scenery.

"Reikaoru, it's been five months since we came to Yokoyama. ”

"Yes. ”

He Yiming nodded and said, "Although you have only taken an energy golden
pill, you have now reached the peak realm of the sixth layer, which can be
regarded as a very hard work." ”

Yuan Lixun said solemnly: "Young Master, I know that it is all your credit
to be able to have such a fast cultivation speed. ”

He Yiming smiled slightly, of course this was his credit, the energy golden
pill was taken out by him, and the best environment for daily cultivation was
also created by him, and any problems encountered in the way of cultivation
were all guided and solved by him.

It is precisely because of the combination of these incredible conveniences

that we have been able to achieve this step today.

In just five months, he has reached the peak of the sixth layer from just
stepping on the sixth layer. This speed was even a month faster than the
cultivation speed of He Yiming himself in the past.

Of course, after He Yiming invested so much money, it is natural that it has

such a significant effect.
After thinking about it for a moment, He Yiming said, "Li Xun, you have
reached the peak of the sixth layer, and then you have to find a way to break
through the barrier of this level." His voice turned serious and said, "If
you take an Extreme Golden Pill now, then you will definitely be able to
advance smoothly." However, the power of the Extreme Golden Pill is
domineering, and it can only exert its greatest effect when it is taken for
the first time. With each subsequent swallow, the effect decreases. So I hope
that you will be able to take the Extreme Golden Pill again at the moment
when you hit the tenth layer. ”

Yuan Lixun nodded without hesitation and said, "Everything is up to the young
master." ”

What she said was natural, and she didn't seem to take her cultivation
progress to heart at all, but handed over everything in this area to him.

He Yiming touched his nose, smiled, and said, "But don't worry, I won't let
you stay in this level for too long." ”

Yuan Lixun responded, since following He Yiming, her own strength has also
improved by leaps and bounds, and she is already completely satisfied.

At this moment, He Yiming's ears suddenly trembled violently, and then a look
of surprise appeared on his face.

After getting along with He Yiming for a long time, Yuan Lixun naturally knew
that he had heard something unexpected, and looking at his expression, this
was obviously good news.

Sure enough, He Yiming said loudly: "Lixun, Bao Ye and Uncle have entered the
mountain, let's go and greet them." ”

Yuan Lixun hurriedly stood up, He Yiming stretched out his hand and pulled
it, holding her Qianqianyu hand in his big hand, and the two of them left the
room like a smoke.


At the entrance of the Elixir Peak, several people were walking slowly, the
first few people were the patrol disciples of the main peak, and in the
middle of them were He Laibao and He Quanxin.

He Laibao was naturally familiar with the Elixir Peak, he held his head high,
and proudly followed behind those disciples, listening to them introduce the
changes in Hengshan during this time.

What foreign enemy invades, the three innate powerhouses have no return.
Among them, Elder He chased the enemy for two nights, and finally returned
with all the attacks. (In fact, He Yiming just chased after him, and when he
came back, he lost his way, and it took three times as long to return
smoothly.) However, he was embarrassed to tell the truth in front of ordinary
disciples, so when it spread outside, it became a tracking and killing enemy
for two nights. The innate elders opened the ancestral hall, and in front of
the ancestors and ancestors, allowed He Wude to return to the door wall, and
officially invited He Yiming to become one of the innate elders of the sect.

There was also Elder He who came to help, allowing Lu Zhengyi of Lingyu Peak
to successfully advance to the innate realm and become the fifth innate elder
of the sect.

When those disciples recounted these things, their eyebrows fluttered one by
one, as if they had seen it with their own eyes.

Although they were all disciples of the main peak, for the young Elder He of
the elixir peak, they were admiring the five-body cast.

He Laibao naturally couldn't imagine that so many things would happen in just
two months after he left. However, when he heard these people's praise for He
Yiming, he was naturally overjoyed, and his old face was as happy as a
blooming daisy, and he was even happier than hearing them praise himself.

As for He Quanxin, his gaze was constantly patrolling the mountains, and he
was also greatly admired by the unique cultivation environment of Hengshan.
Of course, after hearing He Yiming's deeds, he was also very happy. As the
first person in Hejiazhuang today, the greater the achievements of He Yiming,
the more stable Hejiazhuang will be.

Just as they walked not far from the entrance of the Elixir Peak, there was a
sudden flower in front of them, and then they saw a pair of young men and
women standing in front of them.

Not to mention these disciples of the main peak who led the way, even He
Laibao and He Quanxin, the two acquired masters of the tenth layer of
internal strength, did not see clearly how they appeared.

Their hearts were all in shock, but when they saw it clearly, they suddenly
understood and were no longer surprised.

Because this suddenly appeared was He Yiming and Yuan Lixun.

"I've seen Elder He. Several of the main peak disciples who led the way bowed
in unison.

Although any of them were much older than He Yiming, in front of this innate
elder, they didn't dare anyone to make rude moves.

What's more, in their hearts, they have sincere admiration for He Yiming.
Especially after He Yiming successfully helped Lu Zhengyi advance to the
innate level, no one was the slightest disobedient to He Yiming.

He Yiming waved his hand slightly and said, "No need to be polite." ”
The leader said respectfully: "Elder He, Old Man He Laibao and this Mr. He
Quanxin entered the mountain and asked to see you and Old Man He Wude, so we
escorted them over." ”

He Yiming responded and said, "Thank you for your hardship." ”

Several people from the main peak didn't even dare to say it, and they then
retreated, but there was excitement in everyone's eyes.

As ordinary disciples, they were naturally excited and excited to see the
innate elders who were high in the sect, and they were also the youngest and
most potential among the many elders.

After they left, He Laibao laughed a few times and said, "See Elder He." ”

He Yiming glanced at He Laibao, who was like an old naughty boy, and said,
"Master Bao, are you scolding me?"

He Laibao shook his head slightly, he sighed, and said: "It's been 17 years,
when the sixth young master first learned internal strength, I knew that you
must have a bright future, but you have come to this point in just 17
years."It's unbelievable. ”

The corners of He Yiming's mouth twitched slightly, if he hadn't practiced at

night and had an adventure at the bottom of the lake, how could he have
achieved what he is today. However, this matter could not be described to his
old man, so he had to bury it deep in his heart.

He Quanxin stepped forward and looked at He Yiming, with an undisguised smile

on his face, and said, "Yiming, you are very good,." Our He family will
depend on you in the future. ”

He Yiming nodded lightly, as a member of Hejiazhuang, this is his unshirkable


He Quanxin then said: "Yiming, this time I entered the mountain, in addition
to following my father's instructions, I plan to rest my internal strength
diligently in order to break through the innate nature There's one more
message for you. ”

Seeing his solemn face, He Yiming couldn't help but be surprised: "Uncle,
what's the matter, is it related to our Zhuangzi?"

He Quanxin shook his head and said, "Master Shui Xuanjin sent a message from
Kyoto, hoping that you can enter Beijing before May this year. ”

He Yiming became more and more surprised, when he left Kyoto last year, he
had made an appointment with Shui Xuanjin that he would definitely leave the
mountain within 23 years. But this time, since Shui Xuanjin sent someone to
deliver the message, there was naturally some emergency. His heart moved
slightly, could it be that Master Shui's longevity had ended
As soon as this thought came to him, he threw it away.

Although Shui Xuanjin has lived for more than 200 years, looking at his
complexion, as long as he does not fight with masters of the same level, it
will definitely not be a problem to live for another 35 years.

It's just that after getting the news, he is still a little worried in his

After welcoming them into the peak and seeing He Wude, He Yiming came to the
top of the main peak to explain the matter to Yu Thunder.

The Supreme Elder agreed without saying a word, and personally met with He
Quanxin and gave him a few words of advice.

Although He Yiming is already a congenital powerhouse, due to his age, his

knowledge and erudition are still not comparable to that of an old man like
Yu Jinglei.

And with Yu Thunder's eyesight and experience, once he gave a little

guidance, he Quanxin suddenly felt a sense of openness. He bowed down and
thanked him with great joy.

He Yiming took the opportunity to propose that he should leave Hengshan and
go out for a walk, so as to fulfill his wish to travel the world.

Yu Jinglei only groaned slightly, and immediately nodded in agreement. In He

Yiming's surprised gaze, Yu Jinglei said: "If you want to continue to break
through in the innate realm, then it is far from enough to practice behind
closed doors. Only by traveling thousands of miles, experiencing the red dust
of the world and the dangers of the deep mountains, maybe when you see the
vast sea and the boundless desert, you will have the inspiration to break
through the limit. ”

He Yiming thought about it for a while, and asked suspiciously: "Uncle Shi,
have you ever traveled after your old man was promoted to congenital?"

Yu Jinglei nodded solemnly and said, "This is natural, when the old man went
out to travel for a whole year, he was able to successfully break through to
the realm of the first line of heaven." There was a rare pride in his
expression, and he said: "From the Great Shen Empire in the east, to the Holy
Alliance in the west, to the Southern Frontier Islands in the south, and to
the Extremely Cold Ice Fields in the north, The old man has stepped on it. ”

He Yiming's eyes couldn't help but be full of envy and a hint of expectation,
and if possible, he also wanted to repeat this experience.

However, when he thought of Yijiazi's time, his heart hesitated. If he also

goes out for a while, I'm afraid that my father and mother will miss it and
become ill.
However, He Yiming also understood why Yu Jinglei was able to understand
Romea's words, it was because this old man had traveled too many places, so
it was not surprising that he knew a few more dialects.

Entrusting his grandfather and uncle to Yu Jinglei and others, He Yiming took
Yuan Lixun away from the mountain.

Before leaving, the Medicine Dao Man gave him ten Extreme Golden Pills and a
large amount of Energy Golden Pills.

After several months of alchemy, He Yiming had already understood that if he

wanted to refine the Innate Golden Pill and the Extreme Golden Pill, he had
to have the Spirit Beast Inner Pill. However, if you want to refine the
energy Jindan, it is much simpler.

As long as it is a rare herb that is old, it can also achieve this effect.
Under the arrangement of the medicine man, He Yiming even refined the energy
golden pill of the second furnace with his own hands.

The medicinal herbs used in these two furnaces of Jindan are not the same,
but their effects are so strong that they are not at all under the energy
Jindan refined by using the spirit beast Inner Dan.


After leaving Hengshan, He Yiming did not return to Hejiazhuang immediately.

Since Shui Hyun Geun made an agreement before May this year, they still have
a lot of free time.

After a few days of turning around the mountain road, the two of them had
come to a dark and calm valley. It's a beautiful place, and it's in a
mountain col off the beaten track. In the past, if they hadn't tracked down
the two-headed spirit beast, they would never have come to this secret place.

The month of May flashed by, and the place was still deserted. Now that they
are revisiting the old place, they are quite emotional in their hearts.

He Yiming came to the foot of the mountain wall where the boulder was hidden,
and took off all those covers, revealing the huge white boulder that emitted
a milky white light.

The large stone was placed in the middle of the mountain wall, and the color
seemed to be a little darker.

However, when they pushed the white stone out of the cave, after seeing the
sunlight, it suddenly became dazzling.

He Yiming raised his head in surprise, looked at the scorching flame above
his head, and realized something in his heart. Could it be that this white
stone has nothing to do with the sunlight overhead.
But he studied it for a while, but found nothing. With his knowledge, of
course, it is impossible to understand what solar power is, nor do he
understand the principle and function of various rays. He only vaguely felt
that there seemed to be some mysterious and unknowable connection between

Shrouded in the milky white light of the big stone, they began their
respective cultivations.

Half a month later, Yuan Lixun finally broke through the peak of the sixth
layer of internal strength and reached the realm of the seventh layer as he

Although the seventh layer of internal strength is already insignificant to

He Yiming at this moment. But for Yuan Lixun, it was enough to make her

It's just that Ling He Yiming regrets that for the innate powerhouse, it
doesn't seem to make much difference whether they cultivate under the light
of the big stone or not.

In the end, He Yiming knocked down a few small stones the length of his thumb
again, carefully put them away, and stuffed one of them onto Yuan Lixun's

Although Yuan Lixun was not interested in this, and was even a little afraid,
but at He Yiming's insistence, she still chose to compromise and tied this
thing with a rope and hung it on her chest.

After knocking the stone strip off the boulder, the boulder still wriggled to
heal the wound. However, this time He Yiming and the others did not panic,
but were just amazed.

Pushing the boulder back into the cave and pushing all the cover, the two of
them left this secret col and finally returned to the long-lost county town
of Taicang.

(To be continued)

Cap 26

A year ago, the county seat of Taicang was attacked by horse thieves and
destroyed the city walls and a large number of shops in the city. At that
time, when He Yiming came here, as far as his eyes could see, it was a mess,
which was miserable.

However, when He Yiming came to Taicang County again more than a year later,
he couldn't help but feel a little stunned.
The tall walls seemed to be completely out of touch with the memories in his
mind, and if he hadn't been confident in himself and sure that he wasn't a
road idiot, he would have even suspected that he had gone wrong when he saw
the huge walls.

On the contrary, Yuan Lixun had never seen the dilapidated scene of the
county seat, so she didn't know anything about it, and from a distance, she
looked curiously at the height of the city wall and the crowded crowd that
came in and out one after another, and couldn't help but exclaim"Young
master, Taicang County is indeed prosperous, even if it is compared to our
county town, it is nothing more than that. ”

He Yiming opened his mouth and smiled slightly, he took Yuan Lixun's hand,
and did not enter the city directly, but circled around the city wall with
light body exercises.

After a few moments, he had figured out his surroundings.

Today's Taicang county is more than five times larger than in the past.
However, such a huge project is definitely not something that can be
completed in just one year.

Except for the one he came from, the other three sides of the entire city
wall were just built with a city head, and the rest of the city was in full

Perhaps because the city was about to prosper, there were crowds of people at
every head of the city.

People who wanted to enter and leave the city were separated as much as
possible, but they were still quite crowded.

Moreover, at every wall that had not yet been built, there were countless
soldiers patrolling the city, except for those who had started the work, so
that no one dared to enter or leave from there.

After seeing this scene, He Yiming was also taken aback by this speed.

Before he left home the last time, he knew that the county seat was about to
be rebuilt and would be expanded, but with the power of the Cheng family, it
would be so fast?

After a circle, He Yiming and the two appeared not far from the ghostly city

He Yiming controlled it just right, although it was a little abrupt, but it

stopped at the blind corner of the vast majority of people's sight, and
basically no one noticed it.

Only a child of five or six years old stared at them with round eyes, as if
he did not understand why they were suddenly here.
However, before the little guy could figure out this profound question, He
Yiming and the others left there and headed towards the city gate.

Although they were not wearing any silk and satin, they were just ordinary
people's cloth clothes.

However, not to mention He Yiming, who is a congenital powerhouse, even Yuan

Lixun is now an acquired little master with a seventh-layer internal

The seventh layer of internal strength may not be anything in the Hengshan
lineage, but this is Taicang County. Even if it is the three generations of
the children of the three major families, there is only He Yitian, the only
seventh-layer internal strength master. From this, it can be seen what kind
of status such people have in Taicang County.

The two of them walked on the avenue, and naturally they were a little
different from ordinary people.

Around them, people subconsciously avoided a few steps, leaving a certain

amount of space. When all the people around them did this, they were suddenly

He Yiming frowned slightly, he knew that this was the reason why he didn't
pay attention.

After staying in the deep mountains and old forests for a long time, he
forgot the ubiquitous powerful true qi of the innate powerhouse itself.
Although it does not hurt the innocent, it is like a beacon in the dark night
when it mixes in the crowd, emitting intense light all the time.

Standing out from the crowd, nothing more than ......

He shook his head slightly, he really couldn't stand the stares of the people
around him peeking here, intentionally or unintentionally. Finally, he took
Yuan Lixun's hand and strode forward.

He only slightly strengthened the extremely faint aura of a strong man that
naturally emanated, this level of aura would not cause any harm to ordinary
people, but it would make them subconsciously take the initiative to avoid

So as they walked straight towards the city gate, everyone got out of the way
without complaint.

This strange appearance immediately attracted the attention of the soldiers

at the city gate, and even if these soldiers no longer had eyesight, after
seeing this scene, they also understood that these two people were not easy
to provoke, at least not that they could provoke.
A soldier quickly lined up the soldiers at the city gate, trotted forward,
nodded and said, "Two adults, I don't know where the big name came from." ”

He Yiming stopped and asked in surprise: "Do you need to record when you
enter the city?" ”

If an ordinary person had asked like this, the soldier would have slapped him
in the face. But in the face of He Yiming, who did not have a restrained
breath, he didn't have this idea at all, but said respectfully: "Ordinary
people naturally don't need it, but the identities of the two adults are
naturally extraordinary, and the younger ones also do things according to the
rules." Please don't be embarrassed. ”

The soldier leader bowed as he explained, with a sincere face.

Yuan Lixun gently pulled He Yiming, He Yiming smiled helplessly, and said:
"I, He Yiming, this is my wife Yuan Lixun, as for where we came from."You
don't need to know. After that, he took Yuan Lixun's hand, ignored this
person anymore, and just left.

The soldier was a little angry in his heart, and tried to reach out to stop
him several times, but after all, he didn't dare to make a mistake.

Suddenly, his movements froze, and he remembered the name reported by He

Yiming, and his face suddenly changed greatly, and even his body began to

A soldier next to him stepped forward and said, "Cheng Tou'er, what are the
origins of these two guys, so they don't give you face." They also dare to
hold hands in broad daylight, do you want us to go up and teach a lesson, and
knock some silver to honor your elder. ”

Cheng Touer was stunned at first, and then a cold sweat suddenly broke out on
the vest, and the underwear and middle clothes were soaked in an instant. At
this moment, in his eyes, this soldier who knows how to shoot his horses the
most in ordinary times is already as terrifying as a fierce god.

Without thinking, he slapped it and immediately spun the soldier around like
a spinning top.

When the soldier fell down with a dizzy head, he fainted directly.

The surrounding soldiers were silent one by one, they didn't know how this
companion offended the boss, but the boss was a distant disciple of the Cheng
Mansion. Although they are not favored by the powerful Cheng Fu, they are
definitely not something that these little people can provoke.

As long as Cheng Tou'er said a word, their poor performance at the moment
would be smashed, so they stood up stiff one by one, and didn't dare to say a
Cheng Tou'er snorted angrily, regardless of whether the person was
unconscious or not, and said: "What is the blind thing, what is the hand,
that is called...... Trendy, stupid. ”

Then, his gaze swept around fiercely and said, "Listen to the few of you,
keep your eyes open for me, don't make trouble." If Lao Tzu knows, he will
definitely show the city lord and skin you one by one. ”

With that, he snorted coldly and walked away quickly.

The soldiers looked at each other, not knowing why Cheng Tou'er was mad, and
he was about to cut off their financial route.

However, under the Yinwei that Cheng Tou'er often erected, they did not dare
to resist. After a while, they continued to let people into the city, but
this time it was the turn of the common people to be surprised, because the
soldiers did not ask for the slightest property other than the fixed entry
taxEven if someone wants to stuff something according to the custom, they
refuse it.

In this way, everyone couldn't help but be amazed, and those who saw He
Yiming and the others entering the city secretly guessed their identities in
their hearts.


He Yiming naturally ignored what was happening behind him, he and Yuan Lixun
walked in the city with a smile, but in a moment, they had already come to
the most prosperous area in the city.

He originally wanted to go into the city to meet his parents, but when he
passed by here, he saw the look in Yuan Lixun's eyes, and his heart suddenly
softened, so he accompanied her to wander here.

Of course, after entering the city, He Yiming learned a lesson and completely
restrained his breath, without the slightest leakage. In this way, when
others looked at him, they could no longer find that different feeling in

As soon as Yuan Lixun entered this place, her eyes immediately brightened,
but she used her eyes more and hardly used her mouth, let alone said

It seemed as if she only needed to look around here for a while.

He Yiming shook his head and sighed lightly, but the prosperity here has
changed dramatically compared to a year ago, even if he feels a little dizzy.

Suddenly, He Yiming's ears moved slightly. Although he didn't deliberately

use the Tailwind Ear Miracle Skill. But when an acquaintance speaks nearby,
if he can't hear it, then this exercise is not worthy of being called an
innate miracle skill.

He took Yuan Lixun's hand and pressed slightly, Yuan Lixun turned his head in
surprise, only to see He Yiming gesture to the side and back with a strange

Yuan Lixun looked in that direction inexplicably, and then opened his mouth
slightly, revealing a look of crying and laughing.

There, too, there was a young man and woman, laughing and chanting at a stall
to pick something. Although there is no intimate movement between them, not
even holding hands. But He Yiming and the two saw from some small actions
that their relationship was not simple.

Of course, what really surprised He Yiming and the others was that this pair
was He Yiming's fourth sister He Yiling, and Yuan Liling, the eldest young
man of the Yuan family.

After seeing them, Yuan Lixun's first action was to break free of He Yiming's
hand, which immediately made him depressed. If he had known so, he would have
turned a blind eye.

After all, He Yiling and Yuan Liling are both masters of the sixth layer of
internal strength, and after being watched from a certain direction for a
long time, they will naturally feel something.

They turned their heads almost at the same time, looking in this direction.

However, when they saw the faces of He Yiming and Yuan Lixun clearly, they
all exclaimed in unison, and then the performance of the two people was very

He Yiling's face was full of joy, and her eyes lit up faintly. As for Yuan
Liling, the muscles on his face were a little stiff, and his eyes were full
of awe when he looked at He Yiming, which was a little more restrained than
seeing the old man of his family.

He Yiming smiled slightly, he took a few steps forward, walked through the
crowd, and had come to the side of the fourth sister.

"Sixth brother, you're back. He Yiling said happily: "It's a year to leave,
but I miss everyone." ”

He Yiming nodded, and he answered softly. However, there was a strong warmth
in his heart, and his thoughts instantly returned to the former Hejiazhuang.
There, especially in the early morning every day, a group of three
generations of children, under the leadership of the third uncle, conducted
morning exercises in the backyard.
It's not why, when He Yiming thought back to Hejiazhuang, he was the most
impressed by this matter.

Hejiazhuang was established by He Wude, and it was established for a short

time, and there were few children in three generations. But because of this,
the relationship between the third generation is far from being comparable to
ordinary centuries-old families.

Maybe for some reason, there will be some small friction, but in their
generation, the family affection has not been extinguished, and the blood is
still thicker than water.

Even though He Yiming is a congenital powerhouse, after seeing the fourth

sister, he found that in his heart, the concern and attachment to his
relatives were far beyond his imagination.

"Fourth sister, you're shopping. He Yiming seemed to have completely put

aside his identity as an innate powerhouse, and asked as if an ordinary
person was chatting with his family: "What do you want to buy?"

When he said this, his eyes turned in the direction of Yuan Liling, and the
expression that seemed to be smiling suddenly made He Yiling's face red.

"Sixth brother, don't think about it, we don't have anything. ”

"Fourth sister, you misunderstood. He Yiming put away his smile and said
seriously: "I didn't say anything." ”

He Yiling glanced at this guy fiercely, and suddenly seemed to remember

something, and sighed: "Sixth brother, after you go back, don't tell your
father, okay?" ”

He Yiming was slightly stunned, he was hesitant in his heart, and asked in a
deep voice: "Fourth sister, what happened? Do you have any misunderstanding
with the third uncle?"

He Yiling shook her head and was silent. After the joy of meeting the sixth
brother at the beginning, she seemed to finally remember the difference of
the sixth brother. As a child of a family, of course she understands the
weight of an innate powerhouse, and she doesn't dare to say what she hides.

He Yiming's gaze moved to Yuan Liling's body, and the eldest prince of the
Yuan family bowed deeply and said, "I've seen Master He." ”

His attitude was respectful, and he did not dare to be a little contemptuous.

He Yiming nodded slightly, and when he saw his expression, he knew that he
wanted to ask something from his mouth, but he was afraid that it was

Yuan Lixun's heart moved, and he stepped forward to pull Yuan Liling over,
and the pair of brothers and sisters muttered quietly beside them.
"Big brother, what's wrong with you and Sister Yilong?".

"Alas, I am in love with Miss He, and the identities of the two families are
also compatible. But He Sanye just has prejudices against me, and he refuses
to agree to our marriage no matter what, but wants to match Miss He with the
Cheng family or the Xu family. ”

Yuan Lixun blinked her beautiful big eyes a few times, and she said in
surprise: "Why is this?"

Yuan Liling smiled bitterly and said, "How do I know, maybe his old man
doesn't like me." Speaking of this, his voice was also full of indignation,
but because of the current prestige of the He family, he couldn't say it

Yuan Lixun shook her head slightly, turned her head to look at He Yiming, of
course she knew that with He Yiming's strength, she must have heard these
words in her ears a long time ago.

He Yiming really frowned slightly, but he also didn't understand the third
uncle's thoughts.

However, his current vision can be regarded as quite vicious, and when he saw
the situation of this young man and woman getting along, he immediately
understood that they really liked each other, and if they were forcibly
separated because of the third uncle's insistence, it was really unbearable.
And listening to Yuan Liling's meaning, the third uncle turned out to be a
child of the Xu family or the Cheng family, which made him even more

Smiling slightly, He Yiming said, "Fourth sister, let's go back first." Meet
the third uncle, let me say a few words for you, maybe the third uncle will
change his opinion. ”

He Yiling suddenly raised her head, and her eyes flashed with joy.

After receiving He Yiming's promise, she suddenly caught a giant tree as if

she had drowned, and boarded the boat along the giant tree. She knew that
although the sixth brother was not the elder in the family, with his
identity, he was afraid that what he said would be more effective than the
elders. If he was really willing to open Chrysostom, then Daddy might really

Although the reserve of her daughter's family made it difficult for her to
answer, her eyes had already expressed all the thoughts in her heart.

A group of four people walked back and forth towards the He family's
courtyard in the city.

He Yiming and Yuan Lixun naturally walked together, while He Yiling and Yuan
Liling followed farther behind.
seemed to have received some kind of hint from Yuan Lixun, and Yuan Liling's
face also had a strange brilliance.

He bowed his head and asked in a low voice, "Yilong, do you think Master He
will speak for us?"

He Yiling affirmed: "The relationship between the two of us has been good
since childhood, and the sixth brother will definitely ask his father for
mercy." Speaking of this, a hint of hope flashed in her eyes: "If the sixth
brother speaks, Daddy will reconsider it somewhat." In our family, the
current sixth brother can be at least half of the master. ”

Yuan Liling had no objection to this, and he secretly said in his heart, if
there was an innate powerhouse born in the Yuan family, then let alone be the
master of half, even if he wanted to be the master of everythingI'm afraid
that my father and grandfather will never talk to each other.

Suddenly, a thought surged in his heart, if he himself was an innate

powerhouse at this moment, or an acquired cultivator at the peak of the tenth
layer of internal strength, then would He Quanyi still resolutely oppose this

He looked at the two people walking slowly in front of him, and a strong
desire to attack the highest peak of martial arts suddenly surged in his

It was an irrepressible feeling, because at this moment, he suddenly felt

that the power in the family seemed to have become so small and fragile
before this powerful force.

(To be continued)

Cap 27

Before He Yiming returned to the courtyard, he heard the noise of the few
people in the manor.

Among these voices, he even heard a lot of voices like the Sixth Young
Master. It was only a little surprised, He Yiming already knew that the news
of his return had spread in this courtyard.

Sure enough, he just turned a corner, and immediately saw a person in front
of Zhuangzi looking out, and when he saw him, he was immediately overjoyed,
turned around and ran towards Zhuangzi. At the same time, he shouted loudly:
"The sixth young master is back, the sixth young master is back......."

With this roar, a group of people walked out with a noble lady in their
arms, as if they had been prepared for a long time.
He Yiming's eyebrows jumped slightly, he only needed a glance to be sure that
the lady who was embraced by everyone in the center was his mother Lin Wenyu.

However, after only a year of not seeing him, Lin Wenyu is now a little
afraid to recognize him.

It's not that there is any change in her appearance, but the clothes on her
body and even the temperament of her whole person seem to have changed

From an ordinary housewife with a small jasper family, she suddenly became a
graceful and luxurious lady, this change made He Yiming really difficult to
accept for a while.

By my mother's side, there were several noble ladies and some young ladies,
whose temperament was obviously more luxurious than that of my mother. But
their faces were full of flattering smiles. As long as there are people with
eyes, they can see that they are completely centered on Lin Wenyu.

He Yiming faintly felt that his mother seemed to be influenced by them, so

there was such a change.

However, he has no preconceptions about this, as long as he can make his

mother happy, then what does it matter if he wants to change a little.

With a slight movement of his body, he had already come to his mother's side,
and He Yiming said softly: "Mother, why did you come out in person." ”

Lin Wenyu held He Yiming's hand tightly, and at this moment, there was no one
else in her eyes.

No matter how high He Yiming grows up, in her eyes, this is always his
biological son. This kind of family affection, even at the end of life, is an
inseparable relationship.

He Yiming raised his head and swept his gaze over the faces of these women,
who he didn't know.

Lin Wenyu suddenly realized that she still refused to let go of her son's
hand, but introduced them one by one.

After a while, He Yiming already understood that these people were the Cheng
family, the Xu family, and the ladies in the wealthy compounds in Taicang

Lin Wenyu sighed lightly and said, "Yiming, in the past year, your father
doesn't know what he's busy with, so he can't take care of his family at
all." And your brothers and sisters are also shrunk in the Zhuangzi diligent
rest, only I am lonely here, thanks to the sisters of all the families who
have worked tirelessly, come here to be my companion, talk and relieve
boredom,Otherwise, this time is really difficult. ”
He Yiming knows that Hejiazhuang is now in the midst of rapid development,
and his father is naturally busy with his feet not touching the ground. I'm
afraid that even the children of the third generation of Zhuangzhong have
already joined it.

As for his mother, when he saw the clear look in his mother's eyes, he also
knew it in his heart.

Dressed up like this, although it is very different from my mother's previous

outfit, from another point of view, this also proves that the He family has
finally been recognized by those big families in Taicang County and
officially taken root in this county. No more ostracization by their union.

He sighed to himself in his heart, it turned out that everyone in the family
was working hard for the future of the family, whether they were happy or
not, they were all playing their part.

After several people met, they walked into the courtyard together, and He
Yiming immediately saw Cheng Jiahui waiting inside with a smile.

Although the identity of the contemporary head of the Cheng family is not
taken seriously by He Yiming, the identity of the sister-in-law's father is
enough to make He Yiming look at it differently.

Under Cheng Jiahui's introduction, He Yiming learned that his whereabouts

were leaked by the soldier guarding the door.

After more than a year away from Taicang County, he had no idea how well-
known he had become in the city. People here don't know who the city lord is,
but it's absolutely impossible not to know the three words He Yiming.

Lin Wenyu ordered the banquet to be held and washed the dust for He Yiming.

He Yiming naturally became the protagonist of everyone's attention at the

table, and He Yiming always smiled, maintaining an unfathomable attitude,
under the aura of the innate powerhouse, everyone naturally became more and
more in aweEven Lin Wenyu had a similar feeling.

After the dismissal, He Yiming and his mother inquired privately, only to
know the earth-shaking changes that had taken place in Hejiazhuang during
this time.

After getting the support of the Tianluo royal family, Hejiazhuang has no
worries about money and grain, and at the same time, in this newly built
city, nearly 1 shop has been pre-assigned to Hejiazhuang's name. Once the
whole city is built, it will be a huge asset, whether it is rented out or
operated by yourself.

Not only that, but even the entire Taicang county has benefited a lot. It can
be said that due to the emergence of He Yiming, a congenital powerhouse,
Taicang County has officially entered the sight of the high-level of the
entire Tianluo Kingdom. After the vigorous development, that means that it
can be waited.

Today's environment is completely different from the past, the He family has
already become a well-deserved first family in Taicang County, and in the
county, only Lin Wenyu is in charge, and the two brothers He Quanming and He
Quanyi stay in the village.

Although Lin Wenyu is a woman's family, if anyone dares to attack the idea of
the He family's shop in the city at this time, then there is no need for Lin
Wenyu to do it at all, and the Cheng family will definitely do it for him and
strangle all the harm in the cradle.

Subsequently, He Yiming asked about He Yiling and Yuan Liling again.

When it came to this matter, even Lin Wenyu was helpless. Although the three
brothers of the He family don't seem to be difficult people to get along
with, when they decide something, they are like stubborn stubborn cows, and
they can't pull it back.

And He Yiling, under the opposition of He Quanyi, finally couldn't bear it,
left his house, and came to the city to relax.

He Yiming shook his head slightly, and he couldn't figure out the reason, but
after knowing the recent situation in the village, He Yiming's heart could no
longer bear the surging longing, and he immediately asked to return to the

For him, Taicang County is just an inn in the course of his life, and his
real home is still in the place where he grew up.

Lin Wenyu nodded without hesitation, and ordered his subordinates to prepare

The moment she rode on the tall horse, He Yiming was sure that her mother had
not changed in the slightest, and she was still the great female surname who
endured hardships and stood hard work and assisted her husband in breaking
through in Taicang County.

Several people left the city quickly, towards Hejiazhuang, when they left the
city, because the time was too late, the city gate was finished. But when Lin
Wenyu showed the name of Hejiazhuang, the soldiers at the city gate opened
the gate without saying a word, and let them go.

Soon, the news of their departure from the county reached the ears of all
those who were interested, and those who were too late to visit today were
all sighing, but they could only wait silently for the next opportunity.

The fast horse galloped quickly on the avenue, and He Yiming's heart was like
an arrow, if it weren't for his mother and a few relatives behind him, he
would almost want to go on the road alone.

With his strength at the moment, compared to these ordinary horses, it is

simply incomparable.

Two hours later, He Yiming followed the familiar road, engraved in his
memory, and could never forget, and finally returned to his incomparable
...... In the midst of a strange manor.

When he saw the huge wall in front of him, he couldn't even believe his eyes.

A towering wall, even bigger than Xujiabao, has been built thousands of
kilometers away from the original Hejiazhuang.

This wall is tall and thick, trapping the entire Hejiazhuang inside.

He Yiming's deep eyes were bright, although in the past, when he saw the city
wall of Xujiabao, he was also determined to establish such a solid defense
line in front of Hejiazhuang. But he didn't expect that this wish had been
fulfilled before he could put it into action, and it was much better than he

Lin Wenyu looked at the city wall, and then looked at He Yiming, who was
silent, and said: "This is the order of the lord of Tianluo to gather tens of
thousands of people to personally build the city wall for HejiazhuangAll
items were mobilized from all over the country. Linlang Lin's family also
spared no effort to command and dispatch, which took ten months and was
finally completed. She paused, looked at He Yiming's eyes full of pride, and
said, "Yiming, this city wall was built by you." ”

He Yiming was slightly stunned and said, "What?"

Lin Wenyu said solemnly: "The royal family of Tianluo Kingdom and the Lin
family are showing favor to you by doing this. If you have not become an
innate powerhouse, you have never become the protector master of the Tianluo
Kingdom, and you have defeated Master Cheng Fu, then it is impossible to have
this city wall. ”

He Yiming suddenly felt that he looked at the tall city wall, and sighed
again in his heart.

Although he knew that everyone in the family would benefit a lot because of
his relationship, he still had an unexpected feeling of receiving such a
huge benefit.

On the city wall, someone shouted: "Who is coming, this is Hejiazhuang, the
home of Master He Yiming, the master of Tianluo Country." Those who come
dismount and do not make a mistake for themselves. ”
He Yiming touched his nose, and after hearing this, even he was slightly

Lin Wenyu saw his son's expression, showed a knowing smile, and said, "I'm
Lin Wenyu, hurry up and open the door and notify the second and third
masters."The Sixth Young Master is back. ”

There was a dead silence on the city walls, and all sounds disappeared at
this moment.

It was only a second later, and suddenly a thunderous cheer erupted.

Immediately afterwards, countless people began to panic, some rushed down to

open the city gate, and some were a little smarter, and even spread their
feet and ran towards the courtyard of their home thousands of kilometers
awayAt the same time, despite the fact that most people had fallen asleep at
this moment, they tore open their throats and howled frantically in a hoarse
voice: "Sixth Young Master is back......".

Of course, more people crowded over, they didn't dare to approach, they just
watched from a distance, wanting to take a look at this innate master who
moved the heavens in the cracks.

He Yiming was suspicious in his heart and said, "Mother, how can there be so
many people in the family?"

It was getting late today, but the number of people in the city was far
beyond his expectations, and if so, how many people would there be in the
entire Zhuangzi.

Lin Wenyu smiled bitterly and said, "Zhuangzi is big, and there are naturally
not enough people. Fortunately, the royal family, the Lin family, and the
local big families have all given away a group of domestic servants,
otherwise we wouldn't have thought of arranging it. ”

He Yiming sighed secretly, this is the biggest deficiency of a shallow

foundation, once the power is over-expanded, then it is inevitable that a
similar situation will occur.

The reason why my father returned to live in the village was because he was
not worried about the relationship between his family.

A moment later, He Yiming and the others had already entered the city wall.
He Yiming looked around, although it was night, but in his eyes, all this was
undoubtedly the same as day.

The city has also undergone considerable transformation, and like Xujiabao,
there is a large amount of arable land here, in addition, a large number of
new houses have been built, and there is also a faint distinction between the
inner and outer forts.
The two He Quanming brothers, as well as those brothers in the three
generations, all came in the shortest possible time, and the relatives were
naturally overjoyed to see each other, and even He Quanyi, who had always
been accustomed to pulling his face, rarely showed a smile this time.

He Yiming conveyed the recent situation of his grandfather and others, so

that everyone could rest assured that they would develop here, and once the
uncle was successfully promoted to the congenital, they would return to

And with the uncle in charge, Hejiazhuang is truly stable.

The sharp-eyed He Yiming noticed that at the moment when the eldest brother
came out, he was followed by two women at the same time, Cheng Yanli and Yuan
Liwen, no matter how they got along, but in front of outsidersAt least they
didn't show the slightest sign of strife.

He Yiming's ears trembled slightly, he suddenly sighed softly, and his eyes
fell on Cheng Yanli's stomach.

Although it was a bit rude for him to do this, several insiders in the
village were amazed, and he really deserved to be a powerhouse in the innate
realm, and he could see it at a glance.

A hint of joy appeared on He Yiming's face, and he said, "Big brother,

congratulations." ”

He laughed a few times, but a trace of blush appeared on Cheng Yanli's face.

"Grandpa, do they know?"

"I don't know yet. He Tiantian smiled bitterly: "After Bao Ye and Daddy left
for five days, they found out the happy pulse. ”

He Yiming sighed lightly and said, "If you let Grandpa know that the He
family is about to give birth to the fourth generation, they don't know what
they will be happy about." ”

He Quanming nodded and said, "That's right, either we will send someone to
Hengshan and inform Daddy of the news." ”

He Yiming groaned for a moment, shook his head and said, "Let's not talk
about whether we can reach Hengshan smoothly." Let's just say that the uncle
is in retreat at this moment, and he can't be disturbed. Anyway, in a year or
two at most, if there is no accident, the uncle and they will definitely
return safely, and everything will be talked about at that time. ”

Everyone nodded one after another, and once He Yiming made a decision, even
the two He Quanming brothers no longer objected.

That night, when everyone dispersed one after another, He Yiming noticed the
wordless pleading in the eyes of the fourth sister.

He nodded slightly, and whispered, "Fourth sister, you are waiting for me in
the backyard." With that, he went directly to the third uncle's room.

After explaining his intentions, He Yiming said sincerely: "Third uncle, with
the current status of our He family, there is no need to rely on the daughter
in the family to contact the feelings. Since the fourth sister and Yuan
Liling are in love, why don't you fulfill them?"

He Quanyi was silent for a while, and finally said: "Yiming, do you think I
am willing to break up this pair of mandarin ducks? Actually, I am
reluctant." ”

He Yiming looked at him inexplicably, puzzled.

He Quanyi shook his head slightly and said, "You haven't been a father, so
you don't understand my feelings." Although Yuan Liling's child is good, he
is the eldest grandson of the Yuan family after all, and he is destined to
be in charge of the Yuan family in the future. The distance between our
Taicang County and the Yuan family is not close, if Yiling marries in the
past, without the support of her mother's family, wouldn't it depend on the
face of her mother-in-law's family. He said in a non-negotiable tone: "Yilong
has been gentle since he was a child, even if he is wronged, he will not
complain to us." In Taicang County, we can still take care of 12, but if we
go far away to Yuan's house, then we will be beyond the reach of the whip, so
I will never agree to this matter. ”

He Yiming was dumbfounded, he never thought that it would be because of this

reason that the third uncle would oppose it like this.

However, thinking about it, for cultivators, their status as wives is indeed
a bit miserable, which can be easily felt in the He family.

The third uncle loves his daughter very much, and it is natural to have such

Leaving the third uncle's room, He Yiming came to the backyard.

Not only He Yiling is here, but even Yuan Liling is here, although the two of
them are calm on the surface, they are uneasy in their hearts.

He Yiming hesitated for a moment, took the fourth sister away, and faced Yuan
Liling, who was becoming more and more restrained, and explained the concerns
and concerns of the third uncle, and said unabashedly: "Brother Yuan,."If you
want to marry my fourth sister, then you must give up the position of the
next head of the Yuan family and live in our He family forever. ”

Yuan Liling's face was unpredictable, and it seemed that it was difficult to
Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, "Master He, if I stay in the He
family, can I achieve something in the martial arts?"

He Yiming was overjoyed in his heart, he didn't dare to say anything else,
but for the sake of the fourth sister, helping one person to progress in
martial arts was an easy thing for him.

"With your qualifications, being able to reach the peak of the eighth layer
of internal strength in this life is already the limit. The chances of
breaking through to the ninth layer are slim. But if you stay in the He
family, then I guarantee that you will be able to advance to the peak of the
tenth layer of internal strength before the age of 60. ”

Yuan Liling's eyes lit up slightly, and he finally said: "Since there is
Master He's promise, then Liling is willing to give up the position of the
next head of the Yuan family, stay in the He family village for eternity, and
accompany Yilong with a white head." ”

He Yiming's eyes flashed, although this matter was already successfully over,
but he was puzzled in his heart.

The only emotion he had about this incident was that in this world, the most
difficult thing to figure out was people's hearts.

Neither a woman's nor a man's is something he can see through....

(To be continued)

Cap 28

After living in a thriving Hejiazhuang for ten days, He Yiming handed over
eight extreme gold pills and hundreds of energy gold pills to his father, and
told him thousands of times that with the special surname of extreme gold
pills, a person can only break through the limit when he takes it for the
first time in his life, so it must be used with caution.

He Quanming naturally understood that it was powerful, and collected the

Extreme Golden Pill, but he distributed the energy Golden Pill, and even Yuan
Liling obtained one.

He Yiming was very satisfied with his father's approach, since Yuan Liling
promised to stay in the He family forever, it was natural to treat him

Subsequently, he and Yuan Lixun left again and went to the capital of Tianluo
Everyone knows that the reason why Hejiazhuang is so prosperous today is
because He Yiming is the protector master of Tianluo Kingdom, so even the
royal family, including the royal family, is sparing no effort to show favor
to him, in this case, even if it is He Yiming, he can only repay the peach.

This kind of honeymoon period is like a child, He Yiming doesn't want to

destroy it easily.

A few months after he left, Yuan Chengcheng, the head of the Yuan family in
Jinlin, came in a hurry. After receiving a letter from his eldest son, Yuan
Liling, he immediately left everything behind and came to Hejiazhuang.

When he came to Hejiazhuang, he was immediately shocked by this earth-shaking

change. But after meeting Yuan Liling alone, he immediately frowned and said,
"Liling, what nonsense are you talking about in your letter, how can you give
up the position of the next head of the family? Even if it is a woman from
the He family.", and it's not worth your choice. ”

Yuan Liling smiled slightly and said, "Dad, the child is not reckless for a
while, but after careful consideration, he made this decision. ”

Yuan Chengcheng's face turned and he said, "Nonsense, could it be that in

your heart, a woman from the He family is even more important than the entire
Yuan family?"

Yuan Liling shook his head and said, "Of course, this can't be compared, but
Daddy, do you think that the two daughters of our Yuan family can really sit
back and relax after marrying into the He family." ”

Yuan Cheng was stunned, he thought seriously for a moment, and said: "Li
Ling, in fact, after having this tiger skin of the He family, our Yuan family
is in Jinlin,You can really sit back and relax. He said solemnly: "The news
of Master He Yiming's defeat of Master Cheng Fu has spread all over Jinlin,
and I can't think of any other guy who doesn't open his eyes and dares to
provoke our Yuan family." ”

Yuan Liling sighed lightly and said, "Daddy, maybe this is the case in a
year or two, but what about ten or eight years later? Do you have to ask the
He family for help every time because of an acquired master of the tenth
layer of internal strength?"

Yuan Chengcheng suddenly became silent, and after a moment, he said in a deep
voice: "Liling, is this the reason for your decision?"

Yuan Liling puffed up his chest and said, "Master He Yiming has already
agreed, as long as I stay in the He family, then before the age of 60, I will
be guaranteed to advance to the peak of the tenth layer of internal
strength." His eyes flashed with a brilliance that made Yuan Cheng difficult
to look at: "Once you reach the peak of the tenth layer of internal strength,
then the child may have the possibility of going further." ”
Yuan Chengcheng gasped, of course he understood the meaning of this sentence.

The peak of the tenth layer of internal strength, if you can go further, you
will not be an innate powerhouse.

He vaguely understood in his heart that if there was a possibility of

becoming an innate powerhouse, then with Liling's surname, he was afraid that
he would really give up the position of the head of the Yuan family.

The father and son looked at each other for a while, although Yuan sincerely
knew that Liling's doing this would definitely have more advantages than
disadvantages for the entire Yuan family. But Yuan Liling is the next master
of the family that he has carefully cultivated since he was a child, and he
is the eldest son of his most beloved in-law, so he is still hesitant in his

Yuan Liling sighed and said suddenly, "Daddy, have you ever met Sister

Yuan Cheng was surprised, not knowing what he had done when he mentioned Yuan
Lixun for no reason, shook his head, and said, "I came in a hurry from
Jinlin, of course it is impossible to meet Lixun." Isn't she deeply favored
by Master He, is she falling out of favor?"

Yuan Liling smiled bitterly and said, "Master He really loves Sister Lixun
very much, and now Lixun is already the seventh layer of internal strength.

When he said this, he did not hide the envy and jealousy in his heart.

For so many years, he has practiced diligently, and he is only the peak of
the sixth layer of internal strength, but Yuan Lixun has surpassed him
silently. This incident also had a great impact on him, and it was also one
of the major factors in his decision.

Yuan Chengcheng's eyes suddenly widened, and he said in disbelief: "Seven

layers of internal strength, this can't be ......."

"It's really impossible. Yuan Liling said faintly: "In just over a year, I
have been directly promoted from the fifth layer to the seventh layer, this
speed, hehe......" His gaze once again stared at his father's extremely
shocked face, and said: " Sister Lixun is by Master He's side, and it may
even be possible to be promoted. So, do you still want me to change my

Yuan Chengcheng opened his mouth, and he finally let out a long sigh.

At this moment, in his heart, he deeply felt the magic contained in the
powerful force.
Compared to this, the position of the head of the Yuan family may really be


On the official road, a red shadow flashed, and then the sound of horses'
hooves like thunder was heard.

After leaving Hejiazhuang, the red ayama immediately resumed his wild
surname, spread his four hooves, and ran towards the direction of the capital
like a fly.

Since it was sent back to Hejiazhuang, it has begun to enjoy the care of the
old man, and it is impossible for anyone to ride this BMW horse exclusive to
He Yiming. For more than a year, it has indeed been idle.

Along the way, there was no need for He Yiming to urge, it was just running
desperately, as if it wanted to completely vent the depression of more than a

But it is indeed a BMW, even if there are He Yiming and Yuan Lixun sitting on
it, plus the terrifying Daguan knife, it doesn't care at all, and it doesn't
have a little effort.

With such a miraculous BMW, anyone will rejoice from the bottom of their
hearts. He Yiming and Yuan Lixun are naturally no exception.

However, they soon discovered that although they cherished horsepower, the
red silk horse was unappreciative, if the horse galloped fine, but if it was
stiff and slowed down,It would elicit the disgruntled wails of the almost
psychic fellow.

In the end, the two of them had no choice but to let it go, and it only took
a few days to rush from Hejiazhuang to Tianluo Capital.

After He Yiming and the others came to the capital, they also rode their
horses in the middle of the avenue, and everyone looked sideways along the
way, but no one dared to stop them at all.

Soon, they came to Shaomingju again.

When they stopped in front of Shao Mingju, He Yiming's ears suddenly trembled
slightly, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

Yuan Lixun said in surprise: "Young Master, could it be that Master Shui
really has an accident?"

He Yiming shook his head slightly and said, "Master Shui's body is very good,
but in the middle of Shaoming, there is actually an innate master. ”

Yuan Lixun was even more surprised, even if the innate master was in a hidden
sect like Hengshan, there were only a few people. And in the Tianluo Kingdom,
there were only two, so she couldn't figure out who the other innate master
in Shaoming's middle was.

However, the two of them faintly felt that Master Shui Xuanjin's message was
only related to this person.

After He Yiming came here, he didn't restrain his breath anymore. Suddenly, a
hearty laugh came from the center of Shao Mingju.

"Brother He, it's really unexpected that you came back so soon. ”

The door of Shao Mingju slowly opened, and the sound of Shui Xuanjin arrived,
and he walked out of the gate with a smile on his face.

He Yiming nodded with a smile, but his gaze passed over the old man and fell
on the old man beside him.

"Brother Shui, this brother is ......".

Shui Xuanjin half-turned around and said, "Brother He, this is Master Mao
Lieguang from the Master Hall of Kairong Kingdom. ”

He Yiming nodded at him slightly, and said, "It turned out that Master Mao
was here, and it was rude." ”

Mao Lieguang's gaze always fell on He Yiming's body, and his expression was
solemn, clearly sensing the breath on He Yiming's body.

At this moment, Pi smiled and pulled his face, and said: "I have admired the
prestige of Master He for a long time, and when I see it now, it is really
worthy of the name, no wonder the apprentice will also be defeated by you."

He Yiming was slightly stunned and said, "I don't know who the Lingtu is?"

"The apprentice becomes a master. Mao Lieguang snorted lightly and said.

He Yiming suddenly realized this, no wonder this person didn't have a good
face when they met, it turned out to be the master of Chengfu.

However, since he put on a score like this, He Yiming naturally couldn't put
a hot face on his cold ass, he smiled coldly and said, "It turned out to be
Master Cheng's master, it's really disrespectful." However, the next time I
met Master Cheng, I asked for a deception, so that no one would tell me a
lie. ”

Mao Lieguang's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he said gloomily:
"Master He, what do you mean by this?"

He Yiming looked at him without fear and said, "I have verified kung fu with
Master Cheng, but it is just a fluke that beats a trick." But......" The
corners of his mouth suddenly showed a sneer like a mockery: "Master Mao
thinks that he can go through a few tricks in the hands of a contemptible

Mao Lieguang's eyes flashed, his eyes gradually became cold, and a huge aura
slowly boiled from his body.

He Yiming's naked slap in the face made him unable to bear it anymore.

If he is indifferent at this moment, then if it spreads, I am afraid that he

will be looked down upon immediately. So although he can't see through He
Yiming's depth at the moment, he still has no choice Yuan Lixun is naturally
full of confidence in He Yiming, with He Yiming's strength at this time, as
long as he doesn't meet a first-line heavenly powerhouse, then he will have
nothing to fear.

Even if he really encounters a strong person of that level, with He Yiming's

light body exercises, he can also escape far away.

She took a few steps back and came under the shade of the trees, watching

Shui Xuanjin frowned slightly, then dispersed, shook his head, and retreated
to the wall.

Feeling the increasingly powerful momentum on Mao Lieguang's body, He Yiming

suddenly understood that this person's cultivation was indeed better than
Cheng Fu, but his strength was only similar to that of a medicine Taoist at

After He Yiming killed the two-headed spirit beast, he was already able to
win the medicine dao people, and now he had an epiphany again, and the points
in his body were extremely close to full and overflowing, and he was called
the first person below the first line of heaven by Yu Jinglei many times.

Before the two sides fought, He Yiming's heart was already full of confidence
in victory. This confidence was revealed as his true qi gathered, and it was
suddenly monstrous, steadily overpowering the other party.

Mao Lieguang's face was extremely solemn, and he secretly complained in his

After Cheng Fu returned defeated, Mao Lieguang had many detailed discussions
with him, and finally came to the conclusion that although He Yiming was
strong in the cultivation of martial arts, he was only a cut above Cheng Fu,
and the gap between the two sides was not bigIf it weren't for the mutual
restraint of the exercises, then it is not yet known who killed the deer.

Mao Lieguang, as Cheng Fu's mentor, has been in the innate realm for decades
longer than him, and he once had an epiphany. In the master hall of Kairong
Kingdom, if Cheng Fu can be ranked in the top five, then Mao Lieguang can
definitely be ranked in the top two.
In the Kairong Kingdom, except for the great grandfather of the royal family,
no one dared to say that Mao Lieguang could win.

This time, Mao Lieguang made a special trip to Tianluo Kingdom, although it
was to deliver news, but it also had the meaning of suppressing He Yiming and
bringing back the lost face.

In their minds, if Mao Lieguang and He Yiming fight, then they will
definitely be able to win the battle.

Therefore, Mao Lieguang put on a provocative posture as soon as they met,

wanting to provoke He Yiming and even have a conflict.

However, although he was getting his long-cherished wish at the moment, he

regretted it in his heart.

Is this young man really the He Yiming in Cheng Fu's mouth?

Why is his momentum so strong, he actually faintly wants to suppress himself.

Could it be that the last time I fought with Cheng Fu, I didn't do my best?

The momentum on He Yiming's body increased little by little, although the

amplitude was not large, but it always suppressed the opponent.

Being able to control the momentum to this extent, a discerning person can
know at a glance that he did it on purpose.

Not far away, Shui Xuanjin's eyes also showed an incredible color, he felt
the obvious changes in He Yiming's body, and couldn't help but sigh in his
heart, it was worthy of being under the Hengshan Gate, but he just went back,
there is such an almost reborn change. It seems that the rumors that there is
a line of heavenly powerhouses in the Hengshan lineage should be true.

He blamed He Yiming's progress on the guidance of a first-line heavenly

powerhouse, but he definitely didn't guess that He Yiming's progress was far
beyond his expectations.

After a while, Mao Lieguang's face became more and more ugly, and under the
pressure of He Yiming's monstrous and ferocious momentum, he even had the
urge to flee from the wilderness. At this point, his confidence was finally
greatly damaged, and he no longer had the slightest hope of winning.

And just when his confidence was declining, He Yiming immediately sensed it,
he let out a long laugh and stepped out.

This step landed, like a mountain falling heavily to the ground, which
shocked people's hearts, and even Mao Lieguang couldn't help but tremble.

His momentum suddenly fell to the freezing point, and he was completely
suppressed by He Yiming.

Then he saw a fist, expanding in front of his eyes at an unimaginable speed.

He had a bad heart, but he knew that there was no way to retreat at this
time, and when the qi machine was completely locked by the other party,
unless the light body exercise was twice as high as others, it was impossible
to escape at all.

Mao Lieguang's eyebrows rose suddenly, he was also a fierce figure who had
gone through thousands of battles, and he was forced to a desperate situation
at this time, but it stimulated the ferocity in his heart, and his true qi
was running all over his body, and all of them were suddenly released.

He shouted, his hands held high, and his arms shimmered with an eerie
metallic hue.

Although he was Cheng Fu's master, what he practiced was not the fire system,
but the major was the gold system and the minor earth system. At that
critical juncture, there was naturally no way to hide it, and the strength of
the gold system was gathered to the extreme in an instant, and there was a
sharp smell all over the body.

The palms were like knives, turning into an afterimage in the void, bringing
up the last momentum like a trapped beast fight, and rushed towards He

He Yiming smiled coldly, and his hands were also raised at the same time, and
on those palms, they also shone with a metallic color.

Then, with a mistake in both palms, he simply pushed it out like this.

A sharp howl came out of Mao Lieguang's mouth.

Although He Yiming's palms have not changed, in his eyes, they are
undoubtedly even more terrifying.

When all the complicated changes are contained in one palm, what a powerful
power it will contain.

Innate gold combat skills, 36 types of ......

With a loud bang, He Yiming and Mao Lieguang's four palms collided violently
in midair.

The palm shadow conjured up by Mao Lieguang suddenly disappeared without a

trace, he snorted angrily, only to feel an unimaginable force surging up, his
steps could no longer be controlled, and he retreated backwards like flying.

After a few steps, he finally stood still, and a flush welled up on his face,
and he was really angry, and it was difficult to continue.

He looked up and saw that He Yiming was standing there with his hands behind
his back, looking at him with a look of pity and mockery.
Under the anger in his heart, he had a sweet mouth in his mouth, and a
mouthful of black blood suddenly spurted out, only to feel that his whole
body was soft, and then he knew that he had been seriously injured.

Shui Xuanjin was dumbfounded, he looked at He Yiming and smiled bitterly.

One move, just one move, the two sides have already divided the winner and
loser. And looking at He Yiming's appearance, it seems that he is already

Only then did he know that the gap between the two was not extremely small,
but extremely large, so big that it was far away.

Inside and outside Shao Mingju, countless pairs of eyes looked at this scene,
some of these people were disciples of Shui Xuanjin's protégé, some were
envoys from Kairong Kingdom, and some were eyeliners arranged by major
families outside Shao Mingju.

At this moment, the hearts of all those in the know were shocked and
incomparable, and everyone knew that the previous assessment of He Yiming was
about to be completely invalidated......

(To be continued)

Cap 29

Mao Lieguang, the second ranked innate powerhouse in the Master Hall of the
Kairong Kingdom.

Among the top ten innate powerhouses of the entire Kairong Kingdom, except
for the ancestor of the royal family of the Kairong Kingdom who has always
been in retreat and has reached the realm of the first line of heaven in the
legend, he is already a veritable first person.

Such a character is not only known as the first in Kairong Country, but also
among the many countries within the sphere of influence of Kairong Country,
he can definitely be ranked among the top few in the Hundred Scattered

It was precisely because he had such a strong strength that he was able to
teach a disciple like Cheng Fu, who was also in the innate realm.

However, in this day, Mao Lieguang's myth of almost invincibility of the same
level was broken.

Before he fought with He Yiming, no one thought that it would take only one
move to cleanly divide the winner and loser.
The gap between them is not a gap in moves, nor a gap in experience, but a
gap in real strength.

The two gold forces representing the sharpness made the strongest collision
in an instant, and the result after that turned out to be Mao Lieguang's
defeat and collapse.

Above the ground, there was a sudden crack, and from the feet of Mao
Lieguang, it spread like a spider's web.

With that creepy sound, everyone's eyes were firmly attracted here, and the
crack seemed to continue to crack endlessly, and finally overflowed the door
of Shao Mingju. Under everyone's dumbfounded gaze, the gate began to crumble.

At this point, these people realized that although the battle between these
two innate powerhouses looked unremarkable, the destructive power they caused
was unimaginable.

Some people who had been fortunate enough to see He Yiming and Cheng Fu do it
also sighed in their hearts, it was worthy of a higher-level congenital
collision. Although it is not as fancy as Cheng Fu and them, the secret
destruction is more than that. When it comes to thrilling, it's even better.

Shui Xuanjin let out a long sigh, and with a wave of his sleeves, the entire
gate shook for a moment, and then collapsed with a bang.

The entire field was suddenly dusty, and when the smoke and dust dissipated,
the people around suddenly found that the three innate masters who were
originally standing in the middle, and even Yuan Lixun on the side, had

And under their undivided attention, they don't even know how these people

These people looked at each other, and one by one they felt a chill in their
hearts, and quietly left this place of right and wrong.

However, the battle between the two innate powerhouses suddenly spread
quickly at a speed like growing wings.

Although it was only a private confrontation, the speed of transmission of

this news even exceeded the national war between He Yiming and Cheng Fu.

He Yiming's name was finally firmly remembered in the hearts of all the
innate powerhouses within the sphere of influence of Kairong Kingdom with a
stronger attitude.


In Shaoming's residence, He Yiming and Yuan Lixun sat quietly on the edge of
the court, and opposite them were Shui Xuanjin and Mao Lieguang, who was
still arrogant just now.
However, to the surprise of He Yiming and the others, Mao Lieguang at this
time no longer had the slightest domineering color, but a smile on his face,
like a harmless and kind old man.

He Yiming's heart was full of emotion, the world is really strange.

Although Mao Lieguang and Cheng Fu are a pair of masters and apprentices,
their surnames are diametrically opposed.

Once Cheng Fu was defeated, he immediately turned around and left, but in
Cheng Fu's body, there always seemed to be a taste of not admitting defeat.
He Yiming is even sure that after Cheng Fu goes back, he will definitely work
hard to cultivate, and maybe he will enter the second epiphany because of
this, which will greatly increase his strength.

However, after Mao Lieguang was defeated, instead of being ashamed, he

changed his cold face to the right person, as if nothing had happened, and
sat with him with a smile. And between the words, he immediately became
polite and unusual, giving him unexpected respect.

This approach made He Yiming's evaluation of him drop greatly, and he ignored
the words he provoked. Because after seeing his behavior, He Yiming was
already sure that Mao Lieguang's cultivation in martial arts in this life had
come to an end, and he would never want to go further in this life.

However, no matter how much He Yiming despised this person's behavior and
conduct, he was embarrassed to show it in front of him.

You can be cheeky, I still want it.

Fortunately, there is Shui Xuanjin to sit with him, this old fox is not in
vain in his 200s, he is very vivid, with his old man present, and he is
willing to waste saliva,Then it is difficult to keep the atmosphere alive.

Under the questioning of Shui Xuanjian's side, He Yiming said selectively

about Hengshan and his party this time.

When he knew that He Yiming was not only the protector master of the Tianluo
Kingdom, but also the innate elder of the hidden sect Hengshan, Mao
Lieguang's attitude became more and more kind.

Although He Yiming understood Shui Xuanjin's hard work, he didn't mind

borrowing the name of Hengshan.

"Brother He, how is Elder Yu Jinglei from your faction?" asked Mao Lieguang's
eyes with a glint in his eyes.

He Yiming smiled slightly, but he was ashamed in his heart, he had just been
deflated on his hands, but in a blink of an eye, he came up to call him a
However, since the other party asked about Yu Jinglei, he couldn't help but
say it, so he said nonsense: "Uncle Yu can eat three bowls of rice per meal,
and he is very healthy, thank you Brother Mao for worrying." ”

Mao Lieguang said haha, and he was extremely suspicious in his heart, does a
congenital powerhouse still need to eat at every meal? Could it be that Yu
Jinglei's body is not good, so He Yiming will talk nonsense.

However, looking at He Yiming's expression, he couldn't make up his mind at


Although the Hengshan vein is deep in the mountains, it is actually within

the sphere of influence of the Kairong Kingdom, and the royal family of the
Kairong Kingdom has long coveted the resources on the Hengshan Mountain.

In particular, the medicine garden with a history of thousands of years and

the powerful alchemy room are the existence that any force is jealous of.

However, there are not only many innate powerhouses on Hengshan, but what is
even more terrifying is that there is also a first-line heavenly powerhouse,
which is enough to make anyone who wants to get involved think twice.

"Brother Mao, haven't you seen Uncle Yu before?"

Under He Yiming's smiling gaze, Mao Lieguang laughed awkwardly and said,
"Brother He, when I was young, I met Elder Yu twiceSo I'm very worried. ”

He Yiming nodded slightly, ignoring this person no longer.

However, Mao Lieguang didn't seem to give up, and still said with a smile:
"Brother He, it is said that since the beginning of the Hengshan lineage,
there has been no new innate master. Your entry into the mountains this time
is undoubtedly a relief in the snow for them, and they must have gained a
lot. ”

He Yiming became more and more dissatisfied in his heart, listening to his
tone, he actually became a person who took advantage of the fire to rob.

He smiled coldly and said, "Brother Mao's news seems to be outdated. ”

Mao Lieguang was stunned for a moment, and said hesitantly: "How do you
interpret Brother He's words?"

He Yiming said expressionlessly: "In the Hengshan lineage, a new innate elder
has already been born, and going forward this time is just the icing on the
cake, where can it be called a charcoal in the snow." ”

Mao Lieguang was suddenly dumbfounded, his face changed several times, and
his heart became more and more suspicious.
He Yiming didn't lie, but he reversed the order. In this way, even if Mao
Lieguang and the others knew that Lu Zhengyi had set foot in the innate
realm, they would never think of him.

Shui Xuanjin laughed, and the more he listened, the happier he became.

Now the Tianluo Kingdom has been tied to He Yiming, but He Yiming is an elder
of Hengshan. Then the stronger Hengshan is, the more stable the position of
Tianluo Kingdom will be. At this moment, he wished that there were more
innate elders in Hengshan, the better.

"Brother Mao, now that Brother He has arrived, we can also talk about
business. ”

He Yiming's eyes condensed slightly, it turned out that Shui Xuanjin came
back from him, and it was really related to this innate master of Kairong
Country, he wondered in his heart, are they unwilling to lose, and they will
have another national war to gamble.

Mao Lieguang laughed twice as if he had just woken up from a dream, and said,
"Brother He, the old man came this time, and he actually sent you an
invitation. ”

"Invitation?" He Yiming said suspiciously, "What has happened to your country

recently?" ”

Mao Lieguang shook his head slightly, and said: "There is no great joy, but
the envoy of the Tu Domain sent an envoy to Kairong, and a total of eight
innate masters came. ”

He Yiming's originally smiling face suddenly froze, and there was an

indescribable look of surprise in his eyes.

If he heard correctly, Mao Lieguang seems to be talking about the 12 innate


I quickly calculated in my heart, in the Kairong Country Master Hall, there

were ten innate masters, and now there are eight more. In other words, in the
territory of Kairong Country, there are nearly 20 innate powerhouses all at

He looked at Shui Xuanjin in a daze, and there was a wordless question in his
eyes, when did that rare innate master become so worthless...... Shui Xuanjin
hurriedly coughed and said, "Brother He, the Tu Domain is one of the three
major powerhouses in our northwest countries, and the number of innate
powerhouses they possess is not below KairongAnd this time, half of them are
actually the protector masters of the small countries under the jurisdiction
of the Tu Domain. ”

He Yiming was relieved, but he still asked, "What are so many of them doing
Mao Lieguang said with a smile on his face: "These innate masters have come
here to bring a large number of rare goods, and invited our masters from
various countries to trade. ”

"That's right, the things that can be traded there are all kinds of rare
medicinal materials, refined treasures, and the alchemists of the two
countries will also refine some energy golden pills on the spot, and every
innate master present can share one. Shui Xuanjin said in a condensed voice:
"This is a good thing for the disciples to take, I want to ask for it, but I
can't take it without a certain price." ”

"Energy Jindan?" He Yiming smiled disdainfully.

If it was the Extreme Jin Dan, He Yiming would still be moved, but the Energy
Jin Dan was no longer too attractive in his eyes. Because of the accumulation
of thousands of years in Hengshan, the amount of energy Jindan is really a
lot. Moreover, even he himself had successfully refined the second furnace
with different main medicines, so how could he still take it to heart.

His expression was suddenly seen by the two innate powerhouses, and Mao
Lieguang smiled bitterly: "Brother He is an elder of Hengshan, so naturally
he doesn't look down on the energy Jindan, but we people care very much." ”

Shui Xuanjin also nodded secretly, as a hidden sect, most of them have their
own medicine gardens that have been inherited for thousands of years. And
more importantly, all these sects have a common special surname, that is,
their mountain sects are basically in the deep mountains far away from
ordinary people.

There, it is definitely not a poor mountain and bad water, but a blessed land
full of heaven and earth.

Cultivating in that environment, even if you are not an innate powerhouse,

has great benefits, and it is by no means comparable to the outside world. As
long as you are talented, you can rely on your own efforts to cultivate to
the tenth level of internal strength.

Therefore, although they could refine a large amount of energy gold pills,
the demand for this pill was the least. Over time, the number is naturally
more and more impressive.

Shui Xuanjin smiled suddenly, and said, "Brother He, if you have extra energy
on your body, then you can exchange what you want with other masters at the
master fair." ”

He Yiming couldn't help but feel excited, and he asked in a deep voice, "Is
there even a transaction of treasures there?" ”

"Of course, but you also understand the value of the treasure, and it is not
easy to exchange it for a treasure of this level. ”
He Yiming frowned slightly, he smiled bitterly, and said, "It's a pity that
the little brother doesn't have any extra energy on his body, and he doesn't
have any treasures."So I had to give up this opportunity. ”

In fact, there is still a treasure on his body. The white boulder hidden in
the valley is definitely an unknown treasure. However, without understanding
the origin and function of this thing, He Yiming will never use it easily.

When He Jiazhuang hunted the golden crown python for the first time, the old
man He Wude nagged countless times, making it difficult for him to forget.

A hint of surprise flashed on Mao Lieguang's face, and he turned his head to
look at Shui Xuanjin.

The veteran master of the Tianluo Kingdom laughed loudly and said, "Brother
He, you are joking. Since you are the protector master of the Tianluo
Kingdom, you have a share of the treasures that the whole country has found.
Later, I will accompany you to the treasury and choose some things, so that
no one can underestimate my Tianluo Kingdom. ”

He Yiming was overjoyed in his heart, he couldn't imagine that as a master of

protecting the country, he would still have such treatment.

Mao Lieguang laughed, the look on his face was very different from the
beginning, no one could associate him with the cold person at the beginning,
and from his attitude, no one could think of it He was defeated by He Yiming
just now.

Until the end of the banquet, the smile on his face was still unrestrained.

Before He Yiming left, he looked at this innate powerhouse who was very good
at reading, but he suddenly felt a burst of fear in his heart.

If you don't have a face, you are invincible, so what happens when a
congenital strong person doesn't even want a face......※※※※

He Yiming's return is also an extremely important event for the royal family
of Tianluo Kingdom.

When Shui Xuanjin and He Yiming came to the imperial treasury in the backyard
of the imperial city, the crown prince Yu Xiaoyi had been waiting for a long

Yu Xiaoyi, who had great authority in the Tianluo Kingdom, was quite
respectful in front of the two innate powerhouses, he opened the library
door, and after the two innate masters entered, he gently covered it, and
even he didn't even enter it.

The only one who could accompany them into the imperial treasury was Xue Lie,
the first disciple of Shui Xuanjin.
"Brother He, this imperial treasury was specially built for me by my old
friend, and everything that can be found in the Tianluo Kingdom that is
useful to the Innate Master is here. Even if it's something bizarre and can't
see the calendar, most of them are here. Shui Xuanjin said proudly: "This
imperial treasury has always been sorted out and cleaned by Lie'er, and no
one else is allowed to enter except for the lord of the country. ”

He Yiming's gaze swept around the imperial treasury twice, and he was
secretly shocked in his heart.

Now his eyesight is by no means comparable to what he used to be, but in a

matter of moments, he has seen a lot of good things in the imperial treasury.

There are not only a large number of specially treated spirit herbs and
elixirs here, but also a few pieces of armor and weapons that shimmer with
strange light, in addition, there are even a lot of strange minerals that
He Yiming can't name. Although He Yiming couldn't identify all of them, the
stainless steel magnet in it was by no means unfamiliar.

With a deep sigh, He Yiming said, "Brother Shui, your collection is really
rich, which is an eye-opener for the younger brother. ”

Shui Xuanjin smiled dumbly and said, "Actually, every country's protector has
a similar imperial treasury, but the old man has been building here for a
long time, and he has collected a little more. He circled his hand and said
aloud: "Brother He, from now on, this imperial treasury will belong to you."

Xue Lie stood with his hands hanging on the side, as if he hadn't heard this
sentence at all, and the expression on his face remained unchanged at all.

He Yiming was stunned, and hurriedly said, "Brother Shui, I didn't mean that.

Shui Xuanjin waved his hand and said with a smile: "Since you know that my
brother and my lifespan are not long, then there is no need to excuse
myself." These things are good, but I don't have the skills to take them to
the underworld. And these things can only play the greatest role in the hands
of the innate powerhouse. Looking at the whole Tianluo, you are the only one
who is qualified to accept it. ”

He Yiming opened his mouth, was silent for a while, and finally said, "Since
this is the case, then the little brother is deserved." ”

Shui Xuanjin laughed loudly, there was relief in the laughter, but there was
also a trace of attachment and reluctance.

No matter who you are, no matter what the reason, you will have a similar
feeling when you give away a treasure that has been collected for more than
100 years.
And He Yiming, who accepted this grand gift, also sighed in his heart.

Shui Xuanjin's approach is exactly the same as Yuan Chengcheng's, both of

which are using benefits to tie him to his chariot.

Although the price they pay is not the same, and the value is very different,
there is no doubt that they all have the same heart.

While receiving this gift, I also took on the corresponding responsibility.

Who took advantage of this, it's really a confusing account.

"Brother He, let's pick something and get ready to hit the road. A strange
brilliance flashed on Shui Xuanjin's face: "This is the last time in the old
man's life to participate in such a congenital gathering." But you have to
bring something good, and you can't underestimate it. ”

He Yiming raised his eyes and thought of the old man's short life, and his
heart was inexplicably sour.

(To be continued)

Cap 30

In the summer fields, the fallen peanuts bloom in clusters of small golden
flowers, as many as stars in the sky. Every leaf of the holly tree on the
roadside shines clearly, and the clusters look like light-colored hydrangeas.

He Yiming slowly lowered the curtain and glanced at Yuan Lixun beside him,
with the slight fluctuation of the carriage, they looked at each other and

This is a convoy of more than 100 people, and every guard in the convoy is a
carefully selected master of the Tianluo Kingdom. Even one of the coachmen
who drove the carriage had a cultivation of no less than seven layers of
internal strength.

However, in this convoy, everyone knows that it is not these guards who are
really powerful, but the three innate powerhouses in the convoy.

In a convoy, there would be three innate beings, and if it was spread, it

would be a terrifying thing.

Naturally, they packed up and followed He Yiming and Shui Xuanjin with Mao

For this kind of gathering between innate powerhouses, it would be

absolutely self-deceptive to say that they are not interested. So He Yiming
also had the cheekiness to pick out some things in the imperial treasury, and
then the three innate masters went on the road together.
Innate powerhouses will not be despised anywhere, and Yu Xiaoyi has already
prepared the best carriage, coachman and escort for them.

They don't have to worry about it, they just need to move into the car.

Among the ten carts, there were five luxury carriages, except for one spare,
one was actually prepared for Yuan Lixun. It can be seen from this that the
Tianluo royal family is so careful about He Yiming, the new master.

However, He Yiming and Yuan Lixun still stayed in the same carriage.

Hundreds of capable and fierce escort peers, although the combat

effectiveness of these people is not regarded by the three innate beings, but
for ordinary people, this is a powerful force that is difficult to ignore.

Along the way, even if they passed through Taicang County, no horse thief
gang dared to attack their ideas.

In today's Taicang County, although the four major horse thieves such as the
Red Turban Thieves have disappeared, these people are like weeds in spring,
and they have never been extinct.

However, He Yiming knew that behind these new horse thieves, there must also
be the shadow of Kairong Kingdom, otherwise it would not have been possible
to resurrect it immediately in just over a year.

Holding Yuan Lixun's little hand, He Yiming explained to her the geography of
this place. Although he himself is also half-understood, this does not affect
his casual play.

Suddenly, He Yiming stopped, he raised his head and glanced into the distance
through the curtain, as if he had a hint of surprise.

"Young Master, what's wrong?" asked Yuan Lixun obediently.

He Yiming shook his head slightly and said, "There may be some trouble, but
it has nothing to do with us, let them deal with it." ”

At this moment, the convoy had come to a slow halt, not because of its own
reasons, but because in front of the convoy, a pair of people and horses had
stopped the avenue.

The leader of the convoy was a middle-aged man over forty years old, named Yu
Kefan, one of the children of the royal family of Tianluo Kingdom, and he was
deeply trusted by the current lord, so he received the heavy responsibility
of escorting the three innate masters to Kairong Kingdom.

Seeing the changes in front of him, although he couldn't believe that someone
would rob the three innate powerhouses without opening his eyes, he still
immediately stepped forward.
When he came to the head of the convoy, his eyes were like lightning, and he
immediately saw that the convoy that was blocking the way was not a good

There are about 200 people in this convoy, a total of 12 large cars, and the
guards are all masters.

Although he was surprised, he was not confused at all, indeed, anyone who had
the support of the three innate masters behind him would not feel flustered.

With his eyebrows raised, Yu Kefan said loudly: "Friends in front, please get
out of the way." ”

In that convoy, there was also one person who walked out. This person's face
was very calm, and as soon as his gaze turned around in Kefan's convoy, he
immediately showed joy on his face, and said, "Your Excellency is the leader
of this convoy?"

Yu Kefan was slightly stunned, and his back suddenly felt cold.

In his convoy, there are three congenitals, even if he eats the bear's heart
and leopard gall, he doesn't dare to admit this sentence.

Snorted coldly, he said, "Your Excellency asks about this matter." ”

The man in front of him snorted and said, "Brother, I see that there are a
few luxury vehicles in your fleet, I don't know if you can sell one and wait
with me, the price is negotiable." ”

Xiao is Yu Kefan is well-informed, but when she encounters such a thing, she
is still the first time that the eldest girl has been on the sedan chair.

He looked at the convoy in front of him again, and immediately understood


In that fleet, there are also many luxury cars, but there is one of them,
just looking at the appearance is already extravagant to the extreme.

At this moment, around this big car, several people are trying to repair
something, obviously because the big car broke down halfway, so it will drag
down the entire team.

He was secretly shocked in his heart, the owner of this big car must be
extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to wait
for him willingly.

However, when he thought of the three big names in his team, his heart was
suddenly full of confidence.

Yu Kefan shook his head without hesitation and said: "Your Excellency said
that you are joking, our vehicles have a purpose, and they cannot be taken
out, please order someone to get out of the way." ”
The face of the person opposite suddenly became gloomy, and his voice turned
cold, and said, "Brother, I have good words to persuade you, and you can just
get a big car."If not......".

Yu Kefan looked up to the sky and smiled, and said, "What if we don't come
out evenly?"

The man didn't speak, but his eyes grew colder.

The atmosphere between the two sides suddenly became solemn, and their
respective subordinates also held the blades in their hands, and gradually,
the surrounding air was filled with a dangerous aura like a powder keg, as if
it was only a little bit.

He Yiming frowned, he and the others were also unlucky, and they encountered
such a thing. If the two sides make a move, then Shui Xuanjin and Mao
Lieguang will definitely not be suitable to make a move, and in the end, the
matter will still fall on their own heads.

He was slightly angry in his heart, what is the difference between that man's
behavior and blocking the road and robbing?

He Yiming snorted coldly, although the three of them were congenitally

strong, but sitting in the carriage, they all restrained their true qi as
much as possible. But at this moment, He Yiming was going to use his true qi
and let go of his breath.

However, at this moment, he heard a familiar voice ringing in the other

party's convoy.

"General Ting, what happened? Is it necessary to use a knife or a gun? ”

This voice still sounded a little young voice that had not faded, and it was
clearly from a young man under 20.

However, after hearing this voice, He Yiming's heart was suddenly filled with
joy. Without thinking, he lifted the curtain, and his body was already
ghostly and left the place, and flew towards the person who spoke like a gust
of wind.

He moved so fast that almost in the blink of an eye, he was already in front
of the man.

The broken down cart of the opposite convoy shook suddenly, and then exploded
towards He Yiming's side. An old man rushed out of the countless fragments of
wood chips like lightning and stopped He Yiming violently. At the same time,
he pushed out with a palm, and the sharp and piercing sound burst out like a
firecracker, which shows how far this palm has reached.

He Yiming's heart sank, and he knew that there was also an innate powerhouse
in this big car.
This innate powerhouse should be the same as them, he restrained all his
breath and stayed quietly in the carriage. That's why both sides are unaware
of each other's existence.

His heart was racing, and his hand was already subconsciously slapped out.

With his current strength as the first person below the first line of heaven,
although this palm is not exhausted, it is also like wind and fire,

With a soft sound, He Yiming's figure suddenly stood still, his body was as
immobile as a mountain, and his eyes were full of pride.

The person who slapped him on the other side was like a thunderbolt, and he
involuntarily retreated backwards, smashing the cart behind him into pieces.

It was only at this moment that the two of them were congenitally strong
enough to see each other's faces.

Then, they let out a sigh of surprise together, and a look of surprise
appeared on their faces at the same time.

"Who ......?"

"Stand ......"

Countless people shouted angrily, but no one dared to make a bold move.

Suddenly, a person shouted excitedly: "Brother He......".

He Yiming laughed and said, "Brother Mingjin, I didn't expect to meet here
again, it's good lately." He said that, without waiting for Xie Mingjin to
answer, he turned around slightly, saluted the innate master, and said,
"Brother Ting,." Fang Cai He was reckless, forgive me!".

It turned out that the voice He Yiming had just heard was Xie Mingjin of the
Fire Crow Country.

The two of them are of similar age, and they are friends they made before He
Yiming was promoted to the innate, and He Yiming is naturally different from

And it was Ting Shiguang, the protector master of the Fire Crow Country, who
intercepted He Yiming, but at this moment, this innate powerhouse had an
incredible face, and his eyes were full of disbelief when he looked at He
Yiming, as if he didn't recognize him at all.

It wasn't until He Yiming clasped his fists and saluted that he said twice as
if he had just woken up from a dream, and said, "Master He, is it really

He Yiming was slightly stunned, and then said with a smile: "Brother Ting,
who is it if you are not a junior brother." ”
He secretly said in his heart, Master Mo Feiting had gone wrong when he was
cultivating martial arts

A hearty laugh came from another luxury car, and Shui Hyun Geun got out of
the car at some point, and strode towards this place. Not far from him, Mao
Lieguang also got out of the carriage, but he was far less enthusiastic than
Shui Xuanjin, just nodding indifferently here.

This attitude suddenly reminded He Yiming of the arrogant posture when he

first saw this person, and it seems that Mao Lieguang's attitude towards
people really varies from person to person.

He Yiming couldn't help but wonder in his heart, how could a person with such
a moral character be promoted to the innate level? However, after thinking
about it, the promotion to the innate did not seem to have anything to do
with the cultivator's conduct, but had a great relationship with the
cultivator's character and luck.

"Brother Ting, I haven't seen you for ten years, don't come unharmed. ”

Ting Shiguang's eyes lit up slightly, and said: "Brother Shui is also here,
what a coincidence...... " He rolled his eyes, and suddenly saw Mao Lieguang,
and the words in his mouth couldn't help but pauseThen he was relieved and
said with a smile: "Brother Shui, Brother He, you are also going to Kairong
Country." ”

Shui Xuanjin nodded with a smile, glanced at the dilapidated luxury car, and
said with a smile: "Yu Kefan, bring our spare car and give it to Brother
Shui." ”

Everyone on both sides had long been dumbfounded, they originally thought
that only their own team had innate powerhouses, but they didn't expect that
not only did both sides have powerhouses of this level, but they were still
very familiar with the situation.

Yu Kefan didn't dare to slack off, and immediately responded, and asked
people to drive the spare cart up.

Ting Shiguang didn't refuse, but Xiangshui Xuanjin nodded slightly.

When their strength and status reach such a point, it is naturally impossible
to put a car in their eyes. If it is a change of place, Ting Shiguang will
make the same choice.

Now that the misunderstanding has been clarified, everyone naturally

continues on the road. However, unlike just now, the two teams have been
mixed together and are getting bigger and bigger.

The person who confronted Yu Kefan just now was a disciple of the royal
family of the Huowu Kingdom, named Ting Guili, who was almost the same as Yu
Kefan's status in the Tianluo Kingdom. The two can be said to be ignorant of
each other, and after the merger of the team, they also became brothers.

He Yiming called Xie Mingjin into his luxury carriage, Xie Mingjin happily
entered, and couldn't help but be stunned when he saw Yuan Lixun.

"Brother Xie, this is my wife, Yuan Lixun of the Jinlin Yuan family. He
Yiming introduced with a smile.

Xie Mingjin immediately bowed down and said seriously: "I've seen my sister-
in-law." ”

Yuan Lixun's heart was sweet, and the refreshments prepared for him were a
little more careful.

Sitting in the carriage, Xie Mingjin said happily: "Brother He, although I am
in the midst of the fire, I have also heard of your great achievements. To
have you as an elder brother, the younger brother has no regrets in his life.

He Yiming laughed and said, "Nonsense, what great achievements can I have."

Xie Mingjin hurriedly said: "How could it not be, in Jinlin, kill the blood
butcher Lu Xinwen, kill 2,000 horse thieves in Taicang County, and the
capital of Tianluo Kingdom."The national war with Master Cheng Fu of Kairong
Kingdom. These deeds have spread throughout the fire. ”

He Yiming was stunned for a while, and the rest of the things were gone, but
even though it was not the first time he had heard the rumors of killing
2,000 people with one knife, he still couldn't laugh or cry.

However, he already understood that the more this kind of thing was
justified, the more rumors would be, so he simply let it go and ignored it.

The two talked for a while, and He Yiming already understood why they
appeared here suddenly.

The Fire Crow Country is also a small country within the sphere of influence
of the Kairong Kingdom, and this time, many innate master fairs have also
invited Ting Shiguang.

Before leaving, Ting Shiguang called Xie Mingjin to go with him.

They originally wanted to meet He Yiming in the capital of Kairong Kingdom,

but they didn't expect to meet He Yiming before they reached their

This time I met Xie Mingjin, although he seemed a little more mature than the
last time, his surname had not changed much, so He Yiming seemed very relaxed
when he got along with him.
This feeling has become less and less as his strength continues to improve.
Even if it is in Hejiazhuang, he can only feel it when he is with his most
beloved ninth brother Yitao.

As for the rest of the brothers, even if it was the eldest brother for a day,
although they were still as close as siblings, He Yiming still obviously felt
that they had a tendency to become more and more restrained in front of him.

Although He Yiming tried his best to change this, some things could not be
changed according to his wishes.

After half a ring, He Yiming suddenly stopped, he thought about it for a

moment, and finally made a decision in his heart, and said, "Brother Xie,."
In the past, when his brother was promoted to congenital in the Zunfu, he had
promised Mr. Zhien that if he succeeded within three years, he would
definitely protect the Dharma and bless the meridians to help him impact the
innate realm. ”

Xie Mingjin's face suddenly showed a hint of nervousness, staring at He

Yiming motionless.

He Yiming smiled slightly, Xie Mingjin is still the same Xie Mingjin, all his
thoughts are written on his face. But it is precisely because of this that He
Yiming will look at him differently.

"My schedule is relatively tight, but this time I will probably stay in
Kairong for a while, and it would be great if Mr. Zhien was willing to move
to Kairongguo. ”

Xie Mingjin nodded in surprise, agreed with a full mouth, and immediately
ordered Xie Fu's henchmen to return to Huowu.

Although Xie Zhien is very old, his body is very tough, in order to impact
the opportunity of the innate realm, let alone let him rush to Kairong
Country, even if he is asked to go around the northwest countries, he is also


In another luxurious carriage, Shui Xuanjin sat opposite Ting Shiguang.

The two of them are also old friends, although they are more than 50 years
apart in age, they have a lot of friendship.

Ting Shiguang pointed with his hand and said, "Brother Shui, Mao Lieguang
actually accompanied you personally, this face is big enough." ”

Shui Xuanjin smiled and said, "Don't you know his surname, if it weren't for
Brother He's frustration of his spirit, how could he be so honest." ”

Ting Shiguang's eyes flashed, and he said, "So, the recent rumors that Master
He defeated Mao Lieguang with one move are not false?"
Shui Xuanjin smiled proudly, with an unconcealed look on his face, as if the
person who made the shot was not He Yiming, but himself.

Ting Shiguang opened his mouth, and he muttered, "Impossible, impossible,


Shui Xuanjin said unhappily: "Brother Ting, nothing is impossible. ”

Ting Shiguang smiled bitterly and said, "Brother Shui may not know that
Master He is actually a successful innate in our Fire Crow Country. But he
didn't even have two years to be promoted. He took a deep breath and said,
"Two years, can it be that in less than two years of cultivation, you can
defeat Mao Lieguang?"

Shui Xuanjin opened his mouth to speak, but finally closed his mouth, in his
heart, it was not the same thought.

Those who can be promoted to innate must be geniuses. Those who can surpass
these geniuses are naturally the geniuses of geniuses, but if they exceed
these geniuses too much, then what is it...... For a while, the two were
relatively speechless, but in Ting Shiguang's heart, they were devoured by a
poison called regret.

If they had known that He Yiming had such potential, then even if their Huowu
royal family smashed the pot and sold iron and went bankrupt, they would have
to ask him to serve as the protector of Huowu.

But at the moment......

Ting Shiguang looked at Shui Xuanjin who was in deep thought, and the envy
and jealousy in his heart were really far from being able to describe what

(To be continued)

Cap 31

Early in the morning, the sun hid in the clouds like a big girl.

The weather didn't seem to be very clear, but the two convoys from different
places finally arrived at their destination.

Since its rise hundreds of years ago, the Kairong Kingdom has been one of the
three great powers in the Northwest Kingdom.

Their rise replaced the masters of the land at that time, and the previous
dynasty took a back seat.
He Yiming had read this history, but all the records were relatively vague,
as if the lord of the previous dynasty admired the ancestors of the Zhan
family of Kairong State at that time, so he took the initiative to give way.

Although the description in the book is very idealistic, He Yiming knows that
this is simply a fart.

However, whatever the reason for this result, one thing is certain, and that
is that the Kairong State does have the outstanding strength of the three
great powers.

The capital of Kairong is also one of the most famous and magnificent cities
in the northwest, and when He Yiming came here, he was also amazed by the
grandeur and style of the city.

Such a large convoy came to the city, and naturally someone came up for
interrogation. Fortunately, anyone with a little eyesight can see that every
member of this team is a master, a real master. Therefore, their attitude is
also quite respectful, and there is absolutely no such bloody incident of
ordinary city gate soldiers extorting and domineering.

Especially when Mao Lieguang sent his entourage to show off the title of
Master Hall, it was even more smooth sailing, and there was no one to even
interrogate the origin.

Even if he was sitting in the car, He Yiming could feel the prestige of the
Master Hall in the city and the monstrous arrogance that made people dare not

After entering the city, the carriage of the people stepped directly onto the
road in the middle of the avenue, which only the princes, nobles and people
of high status could walk.

There are many cities in the western kingdoms that have similar roads.

The more luxurious, prosperous and prestigious the city, the more such roads
there are, and the greater the rules. On the contrary, a small city like
Taicang County has absolutely no rules and regulations.

Finally, everyone came to a huge mansion in the city, which was specially
used by Kairong to receive foreign guests from all over the world.

He Yiming and the other three people, as the protectors of other countries,
are naturally the most respected figures, so the treatment they receive is
naturally the highest standard.

When everyone got out of the car and entered, He Yiming's ears fluttered
rhythmically and gently.
He had already "heard" that in this city, there were quite a few innate level
powerhouses, and there were three places with the largest number of people.
And this huge mansion where they live is one of them.

He didn't bother to listen, because he didn't want to be targeted.

After Mao Lieguang sent everyone here, he immediately said goodbye and left,
and after agreeing for three days, he invited everyone to visit the master
hall of Kairong Kingdom.

He Yiming naturally agreed without thinking, and he also wanted to see the
famous ten innate talents of Kairong Country.

As soon as he put things in the courtyard and tidied up a little, Shui Hyun
Jin walked in laughing.

"Brother He, my brother is going to visit a few old friends, are you
interested in going along?" said the old man expectantly.

He Yiming was suspicious in his heart and said, "Do you always have old
friends here?"

"That's right, this time the innate trade of the Kairong Kingdom will be
attended by the innate people of the Tu Domain, and they have something
special there, which is relatively rare in the entire northwest. Therefore,
among the many subordinate countries of Kairong Kingdom, there are many
innate masters, and a few of them have a good relationship with the elder
brother. When Shui Xuanjin said this, his eyebrows suddenly raised, and he
said arrogantly: "Brother came to Kairong Country this time, and he didn't
expect to get anything good."But I want to meet many old friends for the last
time, and by the way, let them know that even if there is no brother in
Tianluo Kingdom, it is not coveted by people. ”

He Yiming nodded slightly, and he immediately grasped the true mentality of

the old man.

He wants to introduce himself in front of everyone, and he also has a bit of

an explanation for the future generations.

At this moment, he deeply realized the old man's heart for Tianluo Kingdom,
even at the last moment of his life, he never gave up working for the future
of this country.

Now that he has comprehended this meaning, He Yiming naturally cannot refuse

As the old man walked through this huge mansion, He Yiming's tailwind and ear
miracle skills had already made him aware that in a certain room, there were
already seven innate powerhouses together. And the direction in which the old
man Hyun Jin is going is that room.
Suddenly, a strange thought popped up in He Yiming's heart.

In this room, it is the protector masters of the subordinate countries within

the sphere of influence of the Kairong Kingdom, if you add the many innate
and masters of the Master Hall of the Kairong Kingdom from the Tu Domain.
Then in the capital of Kairong Kingdom, nearly 30 innate powerhouses have
been gathered.

With such a huge number of people gathered together, I am afraid that only a
powerful country like Kairong is qualified to do it.

If these masters come to the capital of a small country together, then the
lord of this country will definitely be worried and unable to sleep.

When He Yiming and the others came outside this room, the aura inside
suddenly became a little chaotic.

He Yiming knew that this was not the reason why many masters inside sensed
the breath of the two of them, so they communicated in private.

Since entering the city, He Yiming, like everyone else, has let go of the
powerful aura that has been restrained. Although it was not deliberately
maintained, it was also very easy for the masters of the same level to find

Pushing the door in, Shui Xuanjin's face had an obvious smile, while the eyes
of the seven innate powerhouses inside stared at him at the same time.

At the moment when He Yiming entered the door, he had already seen clearly,
among the seven people inside, in addition to Ting Shiguang, there were six
people he didn't know.

However, when He Yiming raised his head, these six people seemed to have
agreed in advance, their eyes lit up in unison, and in an instant, they swept
past the first Shui Xuanjin and forced their eyes towards him.

At the same time, a powerful momentum surged from their bodies, and the
momentum of the six innate powerhouses actually merged into one in an
instant, and they came towards He Yiming like the top of Mount Tai.

He Yiming's face was slightly gloomy, he didn't expect that these people
would be ruthless at all, and they wanted to give him a dismount as soon as
they saw him.

He snorted lightly, in the face of the powerful momentum of so many people,

He Yiming didn't even have the slightest intention of retreating, and
suddenly a more powerful momentum erupted from his body, with a more
courageous attitudeWith the power of substance, he recoiled towards the six
people on the opposite side.
The aura fluctuations of the two sides immediately caused the ubiquitous
innate qi, even though the six innate powerhouses did not exert all their
strength, but a total of seven innate realm powerhouses collided, and the
power caused by the collision was also extraordinary.

A crisp sound came out of the void, and then centered on the point where
everyone clashed, huge ripples of power spread out in all directions.

He Yiming sneered, he was not afraid of the joint efforts of all the
powerhouses, the true qi in his body was surging like crazy, and there was an
indescribable cold arrogance in his eyes when he looked at everyone.

When Shui Xuanjin proposed to introduce a few old friends, He Yiming knew
that he was about to officially meet with the protector masters of the
surrounding small countries as the protector master of Tianluo KingdomHe was
ready for the challenge. Although the number and strength of the challenge
now are greatly beyond his expectations, in his heart, there is a faint
excitement to the extreme.

Suddenly, He Yiming sensed that the momentum of the six innate powerhouses
did not continue to grow after a touch, but showed signs of dissipation.

He frowned, stretched out his hand, pushed it out flatly, and just like that,
he hit the center of the confrontation with everyone.

In an instant, the temperature in the entire room suddenly increased


At this moment, He Yiming's mind appeared in the situation of the endless

earth fire raging.

Beneath the nine-story pagoda, the boundless underground flames emit

unimaginable high temperatures, which is the temperature of the earth's core,
although it is not as colorful as when the volcano erupts, but this
continuous temperatureIt is the greatest power of fire.

When he took the initiative to strike out this palm, the faces of the six
innate powerhouses suddenly changed, and they became extremely ugly.

These people are all protectors of various countries, and they have known
each other for many years. Any new Protector of any country who wants to be
recognized by them and integrate into their circle will go through a similar

But it's usually a person who makes a move, and it's just a random

But today is different, although they did not meet He Yiming, but in the past
year, He Yiming's great achievements, especially the defeat of Cheng Fu, have
long been rumored.
What's even more amazing is that He Yiming's age makes everyone feel terrible
and terrifying, and they have doubts in their hearts.

At first sight, the situation that only needed one shot and a slight
temptation evolved into six people shooting at the same time.

They didn't agree beforehand, and they knew something was wrong when they
made the move. So after the collision of momentum, they all wanted to stop.

However, at this moment, He Yiming suddenly took the initiative, and what he
attacked was not one of them, but a provocation towards the six of them.

This move, which bordered on hubris, immediately caused everyone's anger.

A thought flashed in their hearts at the same time, even if one of us is not
your opponent, can the six of us join forces, and we will still be afraid
that you will not succeed...... In an instant, the six breaths that had
already converged suddenly burst out again, and this time the momentum was a
little more powerful than Fang Cai.

Six different caste true qi unleashed their power in the void without fear,
and in this richly decorated room, all kinds of true qi collided and blended
with each other, either canceling out or amplitudeA huge indescribable
spatial force field was formed.

He Yiming's eyes suddenly lit up, although others could sense this force
field, but they definitely didn't have such a deep feeling as He Yiming.

His physique is special, and he is particularly sensitive to the collision of

the true qi of these various genera.

In his mind, it was as if a myriad of different colors had appeared, and

these colors blended together to form a huge and wonderful pattern full of
mystical flavors.

He Yiming's heart swelled up with a feeling that could not be described in

words, it was a feeling of joy that was almost bursting, vaguely, he seemed
to think of something, as if he saw the source of some kind of power from
this dazzling and colorful.

However, this feeling was only fleeting, and he immediately woke up and felt
the immense force that seemed to be unrivaled in front of him.

The combined strike of the six innate powerhouses was far more terrifying
than the combination of their momentum.

The voice, which was far louder than Shicai, sounded again, and this time the
collision was a collision of the real strength of the two sides.

Hit hard with hard, hit strong with strong.

Several forces erupted at that point, and the ripples that had subsided
somewhat spread out again and without limit.

The sturdy house shook as if it had been hit by a Category 10 tornado.

As the powerful force fluctuated more and more violently, the shaking became
more and more obvious and violent. Finally, when the momentum of He Yiming
and the others reached its peak, this room was finally unbearable for the
ravages of so many innate masters, and after groaning for a while, it
collapsed with a bang.

A gust of wind blew, as if it had a spirit surname, and blew through the
dusty area.

Slowly, all the dust around it dissipated, and several figures were revealed.
Even in this environment where the house collapsed, none of the many innate
powerhouses left the place. For them, this kind of disaster, which is enough
to kill ordinary people, is unlikely to pose any threat to them at all.

Even if the huge beam fell on the head, they had already broken or diverted
the thick log with a single wave of their hand.

Not only that, but the true qi in their bodies swirled, and the power of
heaven and earth around them formed a thin transparent shield, protecting

Although their shield was scattered but not condensed, it was far less
powerful than the kind of shield that could almost take over the Daguan Knife
displayed by the first-line heavenly powerhouse Yu Thunder, but there was
still no problem in blocking some dust.

But at this moment, among all the people, except for He Yiming, the faces of
everyone else became extremely exciting. The eyes of the eight innate
powerhouses were all condensed into one place.

In the focus of their gaze, He Yiming stood proudly in place, revealing a

kind of confidence and momentum that looked at the world.

Even the combined power of the six innate powerhouses did not make him take
half a step back.

Although they all knew that these six innate powerhouses did not go all out,
this record was enough to laugh at Tongji, and everyone present was
absolutely out of reach.

Shui Xuanjin inhaled deeply, and his heart became more and more proud.

Every time he meets He Yiming, he is able to surprise himself.

For the first time, He Yiming shot on his behalf and defeated Cheng Fu
cleanly, making the prestige of Tianluo Kingdom great and reaching a new
In the second phase, He Yiming defeated Mao Lieguang, who had always been
famous for his gold and earth system, with one move.

This time, He Yiming represented Tianluo Kingdom for the first time to meet
with the protector masters of many countries. His performance exceeded his

With one enemy and six, he actually used his own strength to contend with the
six innate powerhouses at the same time. Not to mention anything else, this
extremely strong self-confidence alone is enough to make everyone bow down.

And, more importantly, He Yiming did it. He was one against six, and he
didn't retreat or fall behind.

At this point, Shui Xuanjin let out a long breath, and the last boulder in
his heart was also put down.

Old friend, I am too old to fulfill my promise to you, and I can no longer
protect this kingdom. However, I have found a successor, a young man who is
stronger than me, who will continue to protect the country in my place......
Just as Shui Xuanjin's heart was surging, Ting Shiguang's eyes also widened.
The muscles on his face twitched, and the regret in his heart was extreme.

One thought, one thought, one thought, actually let go of such a genius, is
this the fate of the Fire Crow Country?

He Yiming laughed loudly, and his body moved, like lightning.

After the blow just now, he still refused to give up, and his hands waved out
a palm shadow in the sky, turning into a net towards the six people.

His movements were like a storm, full of ferocity, and most importantly, his
speed was unmatched. With a single step, he had already come to the front of
one of them, and his palms were full of strength, and he was beaten down like

The innate powerhouse let out a strange scream, as if he was complaining

about why He Yiming was the first to find his head.

But his movements were not slow at all, his hands were raised high, and
countless palm shadows were also conjured. But at this moment, He Yiming's
palm shadow disappeared, leaving only the plain palms in front of him, which
were simply patted over.

The man's face suddenly became extremely solemn, although it was the simplest
palm, but in this palm there was a huge power of heaven and earth, absorbing
the power around it.

In his heart, what he saw was not this palm, but countless forces of heaven
and earth that were pulled by this palm, impacting him from all directions.
He screamed, and with all his might, landed on one foot, spinning like a
spinning top.

From his body as the center, a large amount of heaven and earth power surged
out, as if it was about to compete with He Yiming's palm.

He had completely exploded his most powerful life-saving trick at this


However, what he didn't expect was that when he went all out and was ready to
go, the feeling He Yiming gave him disappeared.

Then, he saw He Yiming's palm getting smaller and smaller in his I recommend the book "The Most Crossing", written by Xiao
Pervert, which is indeed very good.

It turned out to be all crossed, the whole family, young and old, even with
many related guys. It's definitely a different idea, and it shouldn't
disappoint ^_^

(To be continued)

Cap 32

The change in front of them made everyone feel a strange feeling to the

He Yiming's palm struck out, and it was immediately embraced, and everyone's
ears seemed to hear the extremely sharp sound of breaking the sky in an

The huge power contained in this palm made everyone dare not despise it in
the slightest, and the innate powerhouse shrouded in the power of this palm
did not hesitate to perform the most powerful exercises in his life in order
to resist this powerful blow.

However, no one expected that this seemingly powerful palm would turn a
corner halfway through.

The same power, the same momentum, the same majesty.

It's just that the goal of this palm is suddenly different.

The face of the other innate powerhouse changed drastically, a trace of

horror flashed in his eyes, and at this moment, he actually felt a dangerous
and intense stimulation, and at the same time, the hairs on his body stood
upside down.
He had a strange feeling, that is, He Yiming's palm had exceeded the limit of
what he could bear, and the qi of both sides was locked, if he wanted to
escape, he would not be able to avoid this palm no matter what.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to gather all his true qi in an instant,

although the momentum was inevitably weakened in a hurry, but at this
critical juncture, he had no choice.

With a burst of applause, his feet were open, the center of gravity of his
body fell, and his palms were raised, ready to meet this palm.

However, his eyes were also round in the next moment, because he, like the
previous person, found that in his eyes, He Yiming's palm containing the
power of destroying the world was not getting closer and closer, but getting
farther and farther.

He Yiming's heart was not chaotic, and his steps stepped out like flying.

Although there were rocks everywhere here, he was walking on the ground, and
he circled between the six innate powerhouses at a lightning speed.

After this circle, he met with everyone once, and everyone felt the
terrifying aura from his body that seemed to be crushed at any time. However,
until this circle came down, He Yiming's palm never hit out.

He suddenly returned to his place, his eyes blazing straight ahead, and
everyone had the feeling that he had devoted most of his energy to himself.

Although He Yiming's ready palm did not really hit, because of this, the
momentum on his body has been stored to the peak, like a huge powder keg,
which may explode at any time.

Not to mention the six great innate beings who were confronting him, even
Shui Xuanjin and Ting Shiguang were holding their breath and not daring to

After feeling this abundant and indescribable momentum, they all had a
feeling that in the face of He Yiming's blow, they would definitely not be
able to take it.

So what are the consequences of not being able to take it?

No one dared to imagine this consequence, and their only thought was to avoid
conflicts with He Yiming as much as possible, even if it was a small

Slowly, the momentum on He Yiming's body began to converge little by little.

Just when his momentum reached its peak, he was already like an arrow full of
bows and had to be fired, but his momentum was weakening little by little.
But even so, under the watchful eyes of the six innate powerhouses, He Yiming
still restrained the huge momentum on his body without fear. It seems that he
has full confidence, and no one dares to take this opportunity to

Although the faces of the six innate powerhouses were ugly one by one, at
this moment, they really didn't dare to act rashly, so they watched He Yiming
completely restrain all their momentum.

From beginning to end, these six powerhouses did not have the idea of making
up their minds to fight back.

And when the momentum on He Yiming's body was completely subdued, they had a
sense of relief in their hearts.

At this point, the feeling they felt when they looked at He Yiming finally

In their eyes, there are no more doubts, assessments, and contempt for the
young and strong.

At this moment, their eyes were full of respect, and although there was also
loss and jealousy, no one could easily express it.

As soon as you enter the congenital, it is not only a fish leaping into the
dragon gate, but it is very different from the thinking of normal people.

In their eyes, the so-called difference between generation and age no longer
has much significance. The only thing that can convince the innate powerhouse
is strength, super strength that is stronger than them.

When He Yiming showed his strength far stronger than them, they finally
believed the rumors and determined He Yiming's strong position among the

With a turn of his eyes, He Yiming's face suddenly showed a warm smile like a
gentle breeze, and said, "In Xia He Yiming, I have seen many masters of
protecting the country. ”

Shui Xuanjin was secretly grateful in his heart, he knew that Yihe Yiming's
surname would not have been able to do such an arrogant thing, but when he
met many innate powerhouses for the first time, he did not hesitate to make a
moveAnd it's the kind of bohemian who doesn't seem to take these people into

This kind of completely different performance fell in his eyes, and he

naturally knew that this was He Yiming looking at his face, so he would go
all out, so that the prestige of the new protector master of Tianluo Kingdom
would be officially spread far awayIf the many countries that are competing
around them want to use the brains of the Tianluo Kingdom, they will seem to
be worried.
Before the six innate powerhouses could speak, they heard the exclamations of
countless people coming from all directions, and they were accompanied by the
sound of hurried footsteps.

Everyone glanced at each other, and then looked at the scene of a mess here,
and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Although the seven innate powerhouses did not go all out, even if they were a
little contacted, the sensation caused was already extraordinary.

The collapse of a huge building, such a loud noise, naturally could not be
hidden from those people outside.

All of a sudden, I don't know how many people are rushing here.

In a moment, there were already a lot of people in the vicinity here, and
these people were not dressed in the same way, and they clearly belonged to
different forces. Among them, there are guards from various countries, the
disciples of several innate strong people here, and the miscellaneous
servants of the Kairong country here for people to call and so on.

However, although the personal identities of these people are a little more
varied, after they came here, they are even the most vocal and arrogant
people who have been here. After seeing the nine people here, he immediately
closed his mouth obediently, and was as silent as the world's most well-
behaved kitten.

The people who can appear here all have a certain amount of eyesight, and
except for He Yiming, the other eight innate powerhouses are all old people
with decades of fame. The appearance and dress of each of them are passed
down among those who have a heart.

If there is only one person, then some people may not be able to recognize
it, but when nine people appear at the same time, if these people are no
longer recognized, then they are not qualified to appear here.

Finally, when I saw the young man standing among the crowds, faintly
surrounded by several people like stars and moons, the heads of those people
became more and more active.

Shui Xuanjin shook his head slightly and said, "Everyone, let's talk in
another place." ”

His proposal was immediately approved by everyone, and no one wanted to

continue to be stared at like a monkey by others on such an occasion.

Several innate powerhouses waved their sleeves, patted their clothes, and
turned around to leave. They turned a blind eye to the mess behind them and
the excited gaze in everyone's eyes. In their eyes, in addition to the
masters of the same level, among the acquired cultivators, even if they are
the peak of the tenth layer of internal strength, they will not be worried
about it.

When their figures disappeared from everyone's sight, the place slowly began
to be lively.

At first, the whispers of some people quickly spread, and everyone's eyes
were filled with excitement and reverence.

Most of the people here are guards from different countries. In their
country, there is only one innate powerhouse. With their identity, it is
impossible to meet these top powerhouses in normal times. Even these servants
of the Kairong Kingdom, their status is also very different from the
powerhouses in the Master Hall, and the difficulty of meeting them is even
greater than that of these guards.

Therefore, when they saw the nine innate powerhouses gathered together,
everyone's hearts were filled with a strong sense of excitement.

One person walked out, clasped his fists slightly at everyone, and said,
"Everyone clean up, disperse, get together, it's really ugly." ”

This person is Yu Kefan of Tianluo Kingdom, his attitude is extremely

sincere, and his eyes are even brighter.

The other person also walked to his side, but it was Ting Guili of the Fire
Crow Country. With his echo, the leaders of the guards in the other countries
agreed without hesitation.

After a few moments, everyone dispersed, leaving only a few selected people
to sort through the mess here.

Although everyone had never seen the contest between these innate
powerhouses, this did not hinder everyone's infinite imagination. Almost
instantly, countless rumors appeared in the city, making it difficult to
distinguish the truth from the false. It's just that no matter which rumor
version it is, He Yiming is one of the protagonists.

Such a young innate powerhouse is naturally the focus of everyone's

attention, and appearing in that situation is even more reminiscent of


After arriving in a new room, everyone sat down. After a short and brief
introduction, He Yiming already knew the names of these masters.

Zhao Ruipei, Xu Zechun, Li Qingxian, Zhang Xingfeng, Zhao Zhanyang, Wang

These six masters are all innate Dharma protector masters among the small
countries under the Kairong Kingdom, and judging by their attitudes, they
seem to have a good relationship with Shui Xuanjin and Ting Shiguang.

Shui Xuanjin's gaze turned around everyone, and he said in a deep voice:
"Everyone, everyone has seen Brother He's strength, so is there anyone who
still opposes him joining us?"

Several innate masters showed a wry smile on their faces, and at this time,
if anyone objected again, wouldn't they become idiots.

He Yiming's expression moved slightly, and after seeing everyone's

expressions, he suddenly felt that Shui Xuanjin seemed to be hiding something
from him.

He pondered for a moment and asked, "Brother Shui, what do you mean by this?"

Shui Xuanjin said apologetically: "Brother He, this matter is my fault, and I
didn't explain it to you in advance." ”

Ting Shiguang smiled slightly: "Brother He, this can't blame Brother Shui,
but in the past, we once had an agreement, unless it was approved by the
majority of people, this matter will definitely not see the light." ”

He Yiming's heart became more and more curious, his eyes turned around on
everyone's faces, and the expressions on the faces of these innate
powerhouses seemed to be so grim.

Suddenly, his heart moved, thinking of the country that these people were
guarding, and he immediately raised his eyebrows and said, "Kairong

Shui Xuanjin sighed and said, "Brother He is right, we, the protector masters
of the small countries, have secretly formed an alliance decades ago. ”

Master Zhao Ruipei exchanged glances with the rest of the group and said,
"Master He, the matter of the alliance between us, except for us, has indeed
not been discussed with anyone else. Therefore, Brother Shui is not
deliberately concealing, and I ask you to bear with me. ”

With that, he bowed deeply in place like this, and almost at the same time,
several other innate powerhouses also made the same etiquette.

He Yiming's face changed slightly, he didn't dare to accept such a big gift
for no reason. In the slightest movement of his body, he had left the place
like the wind.

Everyone here is an innate powerhouse, and after they saw He Yiming's body,
they also sighed secretly. Although they had already experienced the power of
He Yiming's body just now. But at this moment, as bystanders, they have
another strange feeling.
Such an elegant and agile body style makes each of them have a strong sense
of impact.

However, their eyes all glanced in the direction of Shui Hyun Geun in the
next moment.

They have all seen that there is a power of wind in He Yiming's body, and as
we all know, what Shui Xuanjin cultivates is the power of wind. It's just
that in everyone's feelings, He Yiming's body style is not the same as Shui

However, in comparison, He Yiming seems to be a step higher than Shui

Xuanjin in terms of speed and the flexible changes in his body style.

He Yiming flashed everyone's heavy gifts, and the original resentment in his
heart suddenly calmed down a lot.

After all, in front of him, there are six innate powerhouses. When they
sincerely apologized to someone, even He Yiming himself felt a strong sense
of satisfaction.

However, his brows furrowed slightly, and there was a hint of vigilance and
hesitation in the eyes of everyone.

The meaning of Shui Xuanjin and the others is already very clear, the reason
why they are secretly forming an alliance is to gather the strength of
everyone to resist the strong pressure from the Kairong Kingdom.

But in the Kairong Kingdom, there are ten innate powerhouses. It takes more
courage to stand up to such a behemoth. Even He Yiming himself was not sure
whether he was willing to join such a small group.

Ting Shiguang and the others are all guys who have lived for more than a
hundred years, and they are old and do not die. After seeing He Yiming's
expression, they immediately exchanged a look.

Zhao Ruipei coughed lightly and said, "Master He, I know your scruples. But
with all due respect, the ambition of Kairong is definitely not small. They
didn't just want to fully incorporate the northwest of 1 into their
territory. And for the hidden sect within their sphere of influence, they
also have a strong heart for it. He paused, and looked directly at He Yiming,
which was full of a sincere taste: "Although the Hengshan Yimai is a reading
power, the master hall of the Kairong Kingdom is also full of ambition for
it. ”

He Yiming raised his eyebrows, and suddenly smiled: "Brother Zhao, your words
are a bit alarmist." If you want to fight our Hengshan idea, you can rely on
Cheng Fu, Mao Lieguang and others, I'm afraid it's not enough to qualify. ”
What he said was full of confidence, and the look in his eyes fully expressed
his intentions, and anyone could see that kind of expression, he didn't have
a little bit of heart at all.

Zhao Ruipei's face was extremely serious, and he said: "Master He, do you
know that in the master hall of Kairong Kingdom, Mao Lieguang is not the
first master. And the real number one master is actually an ancestor of the
royal family of Kairong Kingdom who has lived in seclusion for many years. ”

He Yiming's heart moved slightly, and he immediately thought of eavesdropping

on the conversation between the three princes of Kairong Kingdom and Cheng Fu
and others.

In their mouths, the extremely respected old ancestor seemed to have a

strength that even Cheng Fu could hardly match.

After hesitating for a moment, He Yiming asked, "Who is that old ancestor?"

Zhao Ruipei's eyes suddenly froze, and it was obvious that even with his
ability, when he mentioned this, he was a little frightened.

"That is Zhan Tianfeng, the head of the top ten innate powerhouses of the
Kairong Kingdom. He took a deep breath and said bitterly: "This person is the
only one among our Kairong Kingdom and even many affiliated small
countries...... A first-line sky-strong man. ”

"A ...... in the Sky"

He Yiming also took a deep breath, before he went to Hengshan, he really

didn't know what the first-line heavenly powerhouse represented.

But at this moment, especially when Yu Jinglei had killed an innate

powerhouse in front of him easily, seemingly effortlessly, He Yiming had
already understood the horror of this kind of powerhouse.

"Master He, it is rumored that the Hengshan lineage also has an innate
powerhouse who has reached the first line of heaven. Zhao Ruipei continued:
"If it weren't for that, I'm afraid that Zhan Tianfeng would have already hit
your faction with his idea." ”

He Yiming snorted lightly, he immediately remembered the medicine garden in

Hengshan that had been inherited for thousands of years, as well as Yu
Jinglei and the medicine Taoist people's worries about having no successor,
etc., and so on, he had already believed a little in his heart.

If it weren't for a strong sense of crisis, how could Yu Jinglei and the
others be so impatient.

When Zhao Ruipei spoke, everyone, including Shui Xuanjin, was silent. It is
clear that this man's eloquence is indeed the best of all.
At this time, even if he hadn't made an invitation to join him, He Yiming was
already excited.

Perhaps, only by combining all the forces that can be united can we confront
the huge and terrifying monster of Kairong Country.

Suddenly, He Yiming's ears moved, his face changed slightly, and he said,
"Everyone, Mao Lieguang is here!"

(To be continued)

Cap 33

He Yiming's sudden sentence made the faces of everyone present change.

Shui Xuanjin's ears suddenly swelled a lot, and they shook like a banana fan.

After an instant, his gaze froze and said, "Mao Lieguang is here." ”

At this point, those innate powerhouses looked at He Yiming with more

admiration and respect in their eyes.

They have known each other for many years and are extremely familiar with
each other's abilities. Everyone knows that Shui Xuanjin is not only good at
the extremely rare wind system exercises, but also cultivates a kind of
miraculous secret art, Shunfeng Ear.

Although this bizarre technique is not very useful in battle, if it is used

to monitor the surrounding environment, it is indeed a unique magical

It is precisely because of such a miraculous exercise that they will be

relieved and bold to discuss these taboo things in the capital of Kairong

You must know that in this city, Kairong Country has a powerful first-line
skypowerhouse. If he hears these secrets, it will undoubtedly bring disaster
to the small countries. All along, they seemed extremely relieved in front
of Shui Xuanjin. However, it was only at this moment that they suddenly found
out...... It turned out that this young and incredible innate master in the
Tianluo Kingdom not only had the strength to surpass everyone here, but his
attainments above Shunfeng Ear surpassed Shui XuanjinReached the first person
in the entire Kairong country's sphere of influence.

Ting Shiguang glanced at He Yiming deeply and said, "Everyone, since Mao
Lieguang is here, let's go out to greet each other." ”

Naturally, there was no objection to this proposal.

Since this innate powerhouse second only to Zhan Tianfeng in the Kairong
Kingdom Master Hall came in person, it was only natural that everyone came
out to greet him.

After all, Mao Lieguang at this time did not represent him alone, but the
entire Kairong Kingdom.

However, Shui Xuanjin said suddenly: "This matter is not appropriate, if he

sees us together with his own eyes, I am afraid that he will have doubts
again, and it is better for everyone to disperse." ”

Everyone was stunned, and then nodded one after another.


Mao Lieguang really came to this embassy area that was specially designed for
important people from various subordinate countries to live.

However, to everyone's surprise, he was only visiting the two Protector

Masters from the Tianluo Kingdom.

If it was before He Yiming fought with Zhao Ruipei and the others, they might
be puzzled by this.

As Mao Lieguang, he not only went to Tianluo Country in person to ask for a
post, but also walked with him. After coming to Kairong Country, he visited
the door the next day.

This kind of treatment, no matter how much it is exchanged for anyone, is


However, after seeing He Yiming's strength, they had to admit it. With He
Yiming's strength, age and potential, he does have the qualifications to make
Mao Lieguang look at him differently.

After taking a seat in the hall, He Yiming and Shui Xuanjin greeted him at
the same time. After the two sides met, they chatted a few words, and then
Mao Lieguang vaguely mentioned the house that collapsed due to the
confrontation of many innate powerhouses.

He Yiming and Shui Xuanjin couldn't help but look at each other, although
they both knew that this matter could not be hidden from the people of
Kairong Country who were the head snakes of the ground anyway. But in their
hearts, they thought that when the people of Kairong Kingdom knew that this
matter was actually caused by the battle between the nine innate powerhouses,
they would definitely turn a blind eye to it.

Even with the strong national strength of Kairong Country, it is impossible

to offend so many masters because of a house.

However, they didn't expect that it was just an hour or so, not only did Mao
Lieguang come here in person, but he also asked about it in front of them.
At the same time, a ridiculous thought surged in their hearts, could it be
that Mao Lieguang would really pursue this matter?

Shui Xuanjin coughed lightly and said, "Brother Mao, Brother Shicaihe and
Zhao Ruipei and others met, and they just made a move with each other, and
there is nothing remarkable." ”

Although what he said was an understatement, it seemed that he could be

uncovered with a word, but Mao Lieguang knew that the battle between the
innate powerhouses could be so simple.

He smiled slightly and said, "Brother Shui, Brother He, you just came here,
and Zhao Ruipei and the others tried it, but they have bad intentions." ”

He Yiming was surprised and asked, "Why did Brother Mao say this?"

Mao Lieguang smiled and said, "Brother He has just become the innate master
of the Tianluo Kingdom, so he may not know it. Around the Tianluo Kingdom, it
can be said that there are many strong enemies. The few of them wanted to
test Brother He, just to know the details of Brother He, so that they could
make future responses. ”

Shui Hyun Jin remained silent, as if she hadn't heard his words. And He
Yiming thought about it for a while, and finally suddenly realized it.

Although Zhao Ruipei and others formed an alliance to protect themselves

under the strong pressure of Kairong State, they absolutely did not want
this kind of thing to happen from the position of Kairong State. Therefore,
once they have the opportunity, they will naturally spare no effort to sow
the seeds of discord among several innate powerhouses in small countries.

Of course, there is some truth in what he said.

The reason why those people made a move was indeed the meaning of the school
examination. If they can't get their approval, then in the process of Kairong
Kingdom starting to get into the Tianluo Kingdom, not only will it be
impossible to get help from them, but you should be careful that they will be
the first to stretch out their sharp and fierce minions, wanting to share
part of the fruit.

As soon as he thought of this, He Yiming's favor for Zhao Ruipei and others
was greatly reduced, and he was even very worried about the solidity of this
small league.

A hint of triumph flashed in Mao Lieguang's eyes, and he knew that those who
could successfully promote to innocence were definitely not stupid.
Therefore, as long as he mentions a beginning, some words can often achieve
the desired purpose. But if you continue to talk about it, it will inevitably
add to the problem.
"Brother He, Mao came this time, in fact, he wanted to invite Brother He to
the Tufan National Pavilion and his party. ”

This time, even Shui Xuanjin, who was originally like an old monk sitting in
meditation, was a little moved. He said aloud: "I don't know what Brother
Mao's intention is to suddenly have this invitation." ”

Mao Lieguang's face was slightly gloomy, and he said, "Brother Shui, among
the eight innate masters who came from the Tu Domain Kingdom this time, it
was Mu Dutian who was the leader. ”

Mao Lieguang's face finally became solemn, and he exclaimed: "Mu Dutian, but
in the Tu Domain, the ...... who is known as the first person in the Hundred
Scattered Heavens under the Heavens."

Mao Lieguang nodded slowly and said, "Brother Shui, Brother He, now that I
don't need to hide anything." The Tu Domain Kingdom let Mu Wantian come to us
to open the sky, that is, to show off his might. He let out a long sigh and
said, "But this person's strength is indeed unfathomable, except for Zhan
Tianfeng's predecessors, there is no one who can compete with it." ”

When he said this, he glanced in the direction of He Yiming, as if he wanted

to hint at something.

He Yiming turned his head and looked at Shui Xuanjin.

The old man hesitated for a moment and said, "Brother He, among the three
major powers in our northwest, each has a first-line heavenly powerhouse. But
under the first line of the sky, they are all the innate masters of the
scattered heavens. Among these masters, Master Mu Dutian of the Tu Domain
Kingdom is only 100 years old......" He suddenly smiled bitterly and said,
"He is more than 120 years old this year, and he has always been recognized
by everyone as the number one master under the first line of the world. ”

He Yiming's eyes suddenly flashed with a gleam.

The first person below the first-line sky, in Hengshan, he also received a
similar evaluation, and this evaluation was also said by Yu Jinglei, who is a
first-line heaven powerhouse.

But now, he heard the same thing about another person from the mouths of

In his heart, a strange thought suddenly popped up, as if there was destined
to be a battle between them to decide who was the real first person below the

"Brother Water. Mao Lieguang suddenly interjected: "If it was a month ago,
maybe I would have thought so." But at this moment, ......" He smiled, looked
at He Yiming, and said, "With Master He's martial arts cultivation, how can
you let the people of the Tu Domain Kingdom steal the top of the list." ”
He Yiming smiled dumbly, he knew that Mao Lieguang was here, firstly, to sow
discord, and secondly, to instigate himself, wanting to oppose Mu DutianSo
that the country can profit from it.

But to be honest, when he heard that there was such a character in the
capital of Kairong Kingdom, He Yiming was really moved. Even if you don't
fight with him, just meet him, maybe it's enough.

"Okay, since it was Brother Mao's invitation, He dared to disobey. He Yiming

stood up and said briskly: "In that case, let's go." ”

Mao Lieguang opened his mouth, he never thought that he had only slightly
mentioned Mu Dutian's strength, and he immediately said that He Yiming was
moved, and he was willing to go to the Tu Fan National Pavilion.

A look of surprise and ecstasy flashed in his eyes, though only for a moment,
and well disguised. But how can he hide from He Yiming and Shui Xuanjin, who
have been paying attention to him.

Shui Xuanjin looked at He Yiming with some concern, but He Yiming gave him a
comforting look, for some reason, when Shui Xuanjin saw this peaceful look,
his somewhat hanging heart suddenly relaxed. Because he knew that He Yiming
would definitely not let him down.


In the west of the capital of Kairong Kingdom, there are countless exquisite
mountains and rivers in a huge mountain villa.

This place is far more gorgeous than the Shaoming Residence in Tianluo
Kingdom, which can perfectly blend luxury and exquisite elegance, even if it
is the entire Kairong Kingdom, there are few such places.

At this moment, living in this manor are the eight innate powerhouses from
the Tu Domain.

Only envoys from the Tu Domain, who were also one of the three great powers,
could enjoy the highest level of treatment even higher than Shui Xuanjin and

Outside the gate of this manor, there are attendants of the Kairong Kingdom
who are specially guarded.

They were ostensibly there to protect the manor, but their true purpose was

A luxurious carriage slowly stopped in front of the manor gate.

As soon as the attendants in charge of guarding the manor saw the sign on the
carriage, their faces suddenly changed color, and they immediately walked
down in three steps and two steps, and stood guard on both sides of the door
in fear.
On this carriage, there is a significant symbol, which represents the famous
master hall in the Kairong country.

Any Kairong State guard who can understand this symbol knows that the one who
can ride this carriage must be one of the ten innate powerhouses in the
Master Hall.

And no matter which innate strong person got out of the car, it was not
something they could offend.

The car door slowly opened, and an old man walked down slowly, and when he
saw this person, the eyes of all the attendants on the field changed again.

Although they all knew that there must be a certain protector master in the
master hall in this car, and this master must have come to meet the master of
the Tu domain. However, when they saw the man who stepped out of the
carriage, they still gasped.

Mao Lieguang turned out to be the second innate powerhouse in the entire
Kairong Kingdom.

And what surprised them even more was that this strong man, who has always
been known for his coldness, maintained a rare smile on his face. At the same
time, he half-turned, facing the door of the carriage, as if greeting

The person who can make him do this willingly, looking at the entire Kairong
country, I am afraid that there is only one person.

For a while, all the attendants of Kairong Kingdom who knew Mao Lieguang
raised their spirits and set their eyes on the still open car door.

One foot stepped out of the car door, and in an instant, the eyes of all the
attendants were dazzling, and their hearts were full of excitement, because
they thought that they were about to see the most powerful patron saint of
the legendary Kairong Kingdom.

However, after just a breath, everyone's eyes froze at the same time, and
they looked at the young man who stepped out of the carriage, and for a
moment they couldn't believe their eyes.

The man who got out of the carriage turned out not to be the hero in their
minds, but a young and incredible man.

After the man got out of the car, his face swept expressionlessly.

On his body, there is no particularly powerful momentum, just like an

ordinary young man who does not understand any martial arts, without a trace
of specialness.
The guards looked at each other, they looked at each other, and they really
couldn't understand why Mao Lieguang was so humble to this person, or had a
faint taste of flattery.

After the two men got out of the car, they walked side by side, and thus
walked into the manor.

The attendants who were guarding outside the manor naturally didn't dare to
stop them, but their hearts became more and more suspicious.

It was naturally He Yiming who stepped down from the carriage, and he
deliberately restrained the aura on his body that belonged to the innate
powerhouse. In this way, unless it is a face-to-face encounter with a master
of the same level, it is impossible for anyone to discover his true strength.

Although Mao Lieguang didn't understand why he did this, the more low-key He
Yiming was at the moment, the more relieved he was, which proved that He
Yiming really took Mu Dutian and the others to heart, and did not have the
slightest arrogance.

Under the leadership of Mao Lieguang, they naturally passed through the many
guards with ease, even the guards from the distant Tu Domain, they did not
dare to stop this innate master of the Kairong Kingdom, but before welcoming
him into the hallI have been notified as soon as possible.

When He Yiming and the others came to the hall, there was already an innate
powerhouse of the Tu Domain Kingdom who greeted them here.

It was an old man with pale hair, and he was dressed in a strange suit,
especially on his coat, which had only one sleeve, and the hem of his shirt
had beads hanging down. As soon as he walked, he suddenly let out a crisp and
pleasant jingle sound, which lifted people's spirits.

"Brother Mao is here, and Su is far away. The old man said with a slight
smile on his face.

Mao Lieguang laughed and said, "Brother Su Jun, I didn't expect that you came
out to greet you in person, which really made Mao feel deeply ashamed." ”

Su Jun laughed a few words with him, and his eyes turned and glanced past He
Yiming's body. However, he was stunned for a moment, as if he had discovered
something, and suddenly turned his head again, and his gaze fell on He Yiming
again. At first, he thought that this was a certain junior of Mao Lieguang,
and coming here was just a foil.

However, the longer his gaze stayed on He Yiming's body, the more doubts he
had in his heart.

Slowly, his eyes became solemn and gradually sharpened.

Mao Lieguang sighed secretly in his heart, but he never expected He Yiming to
really be able to hide from the innate powerhouses of the Tu Domain, so he
smiled slightly at this time and said, "Brother Su Jun, let me introduce
you.", this is Master He Yiming, from the Hengshan lineage. ”

Su Jun's eyebrows trembled slightly, and he nodded deeply. But in his heart,
it was a monstrous wave.

It turned out that this young man was really a congenital powerhouse......

Among the eight congenital powerhouses of the Tu Domain, the Soviet Army is
second only to Mu Dutian.

With his knowledge, after seeing He Yiming and observing for a long time. I
immediately knew that this was definitely a real young man, not an old man
who had a good face through some kind of magical exercises.

But because of this, he felt so shocked.

Suddenly, something remembered in his heart. It was a thing that was rumored
even in the distant kingdom of the Tu domain.

His face changed suddenly, and he said, "Could it be He Yiming, the innate
master of the Tianluo Kingdom?"

He Yiming was surprised in his heart, he knew that his fame was so great that
even the innate powerhouses in the Tu Domain had already heard of it.

He raised his head, and the powerful aura on his body that had been
suppressed was slowly released.

Su Jun took a deep breath, and at this point, he really felt the strong
pressure from He Yiming.

At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed through his heart.

Perhaps, the previous rumors were not exaggerated in the slightest...... He

Yiming smiled slightly and said, "Master Su Jun, may I ask where Master Mu
Dutian is?"

(To be continued)

Cap 34

Su Jun's face changed instantly, and He Yiming explained his intention so

straightforwardly, which was indeed far beyond his expectations.

He laughed twice and asked vigilantly, "Master He, may I ask what you want to
do to meet Master Mu Dutian." ”
He Yiming smiled slightly, and said, "I heard Brother Mao say that Master Mu
Dutian is the number one master of the Hundred Scattered Heavens of the Tu
Domain, and he admired it from the bottom of his heart, so he came to pay a
visit. ”

He said goodbye, but his demeanor did not have the feeling of sincere fear
that ordinary innate powerhouses had when they mentioned Mu Dutian.

Su Jun clearly sensed this strange attitude, although his heart was full of
anger, but when his eyes fell on Mao Lieguang, he immediately returned to
normal, and said with a smile: ". Since it was Master He Yiming who came in
person, then Su would go and report it, as for whether Master Mu Dutian had
the opportunity to meet you, it was not something that Mao could do. ”

He Yiming said quietly: "This is nature, then it will bother Master Su." ”

The Soviets nodded deeply at them and turned to leave. The moment he turned
his body, a fierce gaze appeared in his eyes.

When the Soviet army really left here, Mao Lieguang's face suddenly showed a
happy smile. He Yiming looked at him suspiciously, not understanding what he
was happy about.

As if feeling He Yiming's gaze, the old Su Jun blushed, coughed lightly, and
said, "Master He, this Su Jun is one of the seven innate powerhouses who came
with Mu Dutian. Not only is his cultivation in martial arts far superior to
Tongji, second only to Mu Dutian, but he also has the trust of Mu Dutian and
the Tu Fan royal family, and he also has a corresponding status in this
master group. Speaking of this, his face became more and more proud, and
said: "Now that he heard Brother He's intention, he didn't even have the
courage to askNaturally, it's gratifying. ”

He Yiming's heart moved slightly, and he immediately understood that Mao

Lieguang must have suffered in front of this person, so he felt like this.

However, from the Soviet army's different attitude towards him and Mao
Lieguang, he understood that the Tu vassal country attached more importance
to him than Mao Lieguang.

Thinking of this, he was also deeply surprised when he was puzzled.

However, he didn't know that the reason why the Soviet army valued him so
much actually had a lot to do with his age.

No matter what the forces, after finding out He Yiming's true age, they will
make this choice.

Although Mao Lieguang is powerful, if it is about the future development

prospects, then even two such characters can not be compared with He Yiming.
A moment later, He Yiming's ears twitched slightly, and his eyes suddenly
burst into bright brilliance.

Under the influence of the tailwind ear, far away, he has already heard it.

Several footsteps came from a distance, and they came in this direction.

Although those people were still a long way from here, inexplicably, He
Yiming sensed that a powerful momentum was pressing towards him.

It was precisely because he sensed such a powerful momentum that He Yiming's

heart had a feeling of eagerness to try.

He could be sure that this person should be the most powerful of the eight
innate powerhouses of the Tu Domain, known as Mu Dutian, who was known as the
first person below the first line of heaven.

Although the two people did not meet each other directly, through some
mysterious connection in the air, it made the two people feel a sense of
sympathy for each other.

In addition to the footsteps of this man, there were the voices of several
people, even the Soviet troops.

Of course, the rest of them were ordinary acquired cultivators. No matter

what their identities are, they will not be taken to heart by He Yiming at
this moment.


Just after He Yiming's downwind ear activated the most powerful function,
someone who was behind the manor suddenly let out a startled sigh, he raised
his head, looked at the front with a look of infinite surprise, and then
frowned slightlyThere was a look of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes.

This man was dressed in a brocade robe, but his eyebrows were very handsome,
two brushes, thick, and he had a unique mouth, rich and red, with a gentle
and elegant feeling like jade.

His abrupt stop immediately caught everyone's attention, and they all stopped
in unison, and then turned their eyes to this man.

In their minds, this man has an almost godlike status.

As soon as they saw him stop, everyone subconsciously stopped.

"Brother Mu, have you found anything?" Su Jun glanced in the direction of He
Yiming's existence, he was probably the only one among these people who
understood what was going on.

Mu Dutian nodded slightly, and said, "I seem to have a feeling that our
whereabouts have been discovered." ”
Su Jun's face changed slightly, and he said: "Impossible, unless it is a real
first-line heavenly powerhouse, how can it be hidden from your ears and

Mu Dutian hesitated for a moment and said: "The world is so big, and the
secret arts of miracles are endless, even if you are not a first-line
heavenly powerhouse, it may not be impossible to do this." ”

The eyes of the two innate powerhouses exchanged, and Su Jun instantly
comprehended and said, "Shunfeng ear?".

Mu Qiantian nodded slightly, and then said with a smile: "What about the ears
of the wind, peerless hearing does not represent peerless force." ”

What he said was full of confidence, which was also a strong confidence that
had gradually accumulated after countless victories in battles with
powerhouses of the same level.

If He Yiming was here, then he would definitely find that he and Mu Dutian
were indeed very similar in this regard.

Mu Dutian continued to walk, as if he hadn't stopped just now.

Behind him, everyone, including the Soviet Army, looked at him with a kind of
admiration and admiration that had reached the extreme.

Although those ordinary acquired powerhouses didn't know what the

conversation between these two innate masters meant, it didn't affect the
strong confidence they had just felt from Mu Dutian.

As long as Mu Dutian himself does not have an accident, as long as he does

not meet Zhan Tianfeng of Kairong Kingdom, then they will have nothing to

A moment later, surrounded by everyone, they finally arrived in this

luxurious and extravagant hall.

When Mu Dutian stepped into the hall with one foot, the first thing he saw
was He Yiming. Similarly, He Yiming's eyes that seemed to be flashing with
brilliance also locked on the other party at that moment.

A light flashed in their eyes at the same time, and at this moment, they
really saw each other clearly, and at the same time sensed the incomparable
power contained in each other's mortal-like bodies.

From their bodies, an aura erupted almost simultaneously, and this momentum
surged up like a volcanic eruption.

The surrounding air seemed to freeze at this moment, as if a mountain was

pressing everyone.
Su Jun and Mao Lieguang's faces have changed, Mao Lieguang has already seen
He Yiming's true strength, so although his face has changed, he has already
prepared in his heart. But the Soviets were truly stunned.

According to the information obtained by the spies of the Tu Domain, they

already knew the true details of He Yiming.

A 17-year-old congenital powerhouse, no matter in anyone's eyes, is an

existence that cannot be ignored. However, although they also heard some
about He Yiming's achievements, they never expected that his strength would
reach such a level.

Although Cheng Fu is powerful, how can he be compared to Mu Dutian, a top

genius who has been rare for hundreds of years in the Tu Domain.

Before He Yiming and Mu Dutian met, everyone thought that He Yiming was far
from being Mu Dutian's enemy. The reason why the Soviet army was so polite to
He Yiming was not because of his strength, but because he was afraid of his
age and potential.

But at this moment, when he personally felt the strong momentum inspired from
these two, he understood. It turns out that He Yiming not only has a
terrifying potential, but also has a powerful strength to the extreme. And
this kind of strength can even compete with Mu Dutian, who is known as the
first person below the first line of heaven.

An unprecedented tremor quickly spread from his heart, and there was a faint
sense of fear in his gaze when he looked at He Yiming.

Glancing at Mao Lieguang on the side, he finally understood a little why this
old man with strong force but not a good character wanted to bring He Yiming
here. Because he wanted to use this young powerhouse to suppress the many
envoys and innate powerhouses of the Tu Domain.

Under the pressure of this terrifying, the two innate powerhouses were
already a little unbearable. Then those ordinary acquired cultivators who
came here with Mu Dutian became more and more unbearable.

Under the strong pressure of these two innate masters, they suddenly suffered
the disaster of the fish pond.

Several people stumbled without exception, except for a cultivator who was at
the peak of the tenth layer of the day after tomorrow, the rest of them were
either kneeling or squatting or lying on their stomachs, and even the
cultivator with the tenth-layer internal strength was also shakyIt seems like
there is a possibility of falling to the ground at any moment.

Mu Dutian's brows furrowed slightly, when he met He Yiming, his mood was also
very excited, but he didn't expect that when their momentum began to be
released, the pressure on others was too great.
He sighed lightly in his heart, and couldn't help but feel quite regretful.
Behind him, there is a prince from the Tu Domain, who is even more related to
him, and if he is injured for this reason in this situation, then even if it
is him, it is difficult to escape the blame.

The momentum on his body suddenly weakened, but this was not a sign of
weakness, but it was similar to He Yiming's Tibetan needle seal.

He Yiming also sighed in his heart, his eyes glanced at those people's
bodies, and the momentum on his body slowly converged.

Su Jun and Mao Lieguang glanced at each other, and the two of them smiled
bitterly in their hearts, both of them were shocked by the strength of these

If they keep accumulating and improving their momentum, then they won't be
like this. However, He Yiming and Mu Dutian were able to instantly stimulate
their momentum to the extreme, and they did not burst out at the peak, but
converged as if nothing happened.

This degree of control over their own momentum and true qi made the two of
them feel ashamed of themselves at the same time.

When the momentum of the two people dissipated, the acquired powerhouses who
followed Mu Dutian stood up straight.

However, at this moment, when they looked at He Yiming, their eyes were like
ghosts and gods, containing infinite fear.

Mu Dutian chuckled lightly and said, "Brother He, Mu has heard of it a long
time ago. However, when I saw it now, I realized that hearing is false, and
seeing is believing. ”

He Yiming secretly screamed ashamed in his heart, if there was no trip to

Hengshan this time, then in front of this person, I am afraid that he would
never be able to behave so strongly.

"Brother Mu has won the prize. He Yiming returned the salute and said: "The
top genius of the Tu Domain has not been encountered for thousands of years,
and the name of the strongest person below the first line of heaven, He is
even more thunderous. ”

Mao Lieguang was stunned, and his gaze couldn't help but be a little

What is like thunder, if it weren't for his request, He Yiming wouldn't know
who Mu Dutian was.

Mu Dutian stretched out his hand, led them into the hall as the master,
looked behind him, and said, "Brother He, this is His Royal Highness Bu
Chucong, the fourth prince of our Tu Domain. ”
One person walked out of those acquired cultivators, this person looked
around 30, his figure was tall and straight, his face was also quite
handsome, and the bronzed skin on his body was full of manliness.

But at a glance at He Yiming's eyes, he immediately knew that although this

person was brave on the outside, his cultivation above the martial arts had
also reached ninety percent of his internal strength.

But his internal strength was clearly gradually accumulated because he had
taken a large amount of gold pills, and his own will quality belonged to the
typical silver spear candle head among these people. And because this
person's performance just now was the worst, he was the only one among all
who couldn't withstand the pressure and lay on the ground directly, and the
rest of those who only had seven layers of internal strength didn't show such

For such a person, He Yiming naturally doesn't take it very seriously. After
all, in this world, only the truly strong can gain the recognition and
respect of everyone. And this kind of producer has a very high status, but
people who lack their own will and quality may be respected by ordinary
people, but in the eyes of congenital powerhouses like He Yiming, it is

Bu Chucong stepped forward, hugged his fists and said: "In the next step, I
have seen Master He." ”

He was born noble, and as the prince of the Tu feudal country, there is no
shortage of congenital strong people in the country, and the fear of
congenital strong people is far less strong than that of the little prince.

Moreover, because there was a big ugly in an unguarded situation just now,
although he was quite afraid of He Yiming, there was still a trace of
arrogance in his expression.

This is a habit that he was born with and has cultivated after more than 30
years of life, and where has he changed it for a while.

A trace of dissatisfaction and gloom flashed in Mu Qiantian's eyes, his

relationship with Bu Zhuocong was extraordinary, so he brought him here, and
came to meet the rumored young and excessive innate powerhouse.

But Bu Chucong's performance did not satisfy him.

His eyes turned and fell on He Yiming's face, and Mu Dutian said: "Brother He
came here to see someone Mu, I don't know what you are doing?"

When he said this, he even had a faint sense of anticipation. He Yiming

clearly sensed the huge research institute director that filled him. However,
a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said, "Brother Mu,
junior brother is just because he heard your name, so he has a whim."I didn't
mean anything else when I came here to see me. ”

As soon as these words came out, whether it was Mu Dutian, Mao Lieguang and
others, they were all dumbfounded.

Since He Yiming entered the manor, the strength he has shown is obvious to
all, especially at the moment when he confronted Mu Dutian just now. Whether
it was the other two innate powerhouses, or those ordinary cultivators, they
all thought that He Yiming had come here specifically to challenge Mu Dutian.

However, no one expected that when Mu Dutian asked about the intention, He
Yiming suddenly changed his voice.

It's like punching out with all your might, but on the way, it becomes a soft

The look of astonishment on Mu Dutian's face flashed, and there was not the
slightest hint of ridicule in his eyes, but it became more and more solemn.

It was just that sentence just now, and he actually felt a force from He
Yiming's body. It's an unpredictable force. In his mind, there was a sudden
feeling of ungraspability, a feeling that had not been felt in decades.

He Yiming sat here for a moment, then took his leave.

After leaving the manor, He Yiming said goodbye to Mao Lieguang with a smile.

Looking at his dashing back as he left, Mao Lieguang's face suddenly became
gloomy. He originally planned to borrow He Yiming's hand to compete with Mu

In his plan, when a genius like He Yiming and Mu Dutian meet, there will
definitely be a strong collision. As for who wins and who loses, it has
nothing to do with him, anyway, the fight between the two is of great benefit
to Kairongguo.

However, everything was going well, but when He Yiming and Mu Dutian met, the
strong collision of their momentum made him happy in his heart. It's just
that He Yiming finally chose to retreat, and suddenly disrupted all his
plans, and couldn't help but feel irritated in his heart.

In the distance, He Yiming looked back, and a sneer of disdain crossed the
corner of his mouth.

Although he also wanted to test the martial arts with Mu Dutian, he would
never let Mao Lieguang be satisfied.

Even though he and Mu Dutian will eventually fight one day, it doesn't mean
that he has to obey Mao Lieguang's arrangement.
Just when Mao Lieguang was annoyed and He Yiming sneered, there was also a
heated discussion in the manor at the same time.

The Soviet army took a step forward, swept his eyes, and except for Bu
Chucong, the rest of the people quietly exited the room. Subsequently, Su Jun
asked, "Brother Mu, what do you think of this person's strength?"

Mu Dutian groaned for a while, and said, "Strong, extremely strong." ”

Su Jun gasped, it was the first time he had heard Mu Dutian say such an
evaluation of a hundred scattered heavenly powerhouses.

Mu Dutian seemed to be talking to himself: "This person's martial arts are

unpredictable, and he has the ability to argue with ghosts and gods, if he
can fight with this person, he ......."

His voice gradually became ethereal, as if even his whole person had fallen
into some kind of magical state.

(To be continued)

Cap 35

The capital of Kairong is extremely large and prosperous, whether it is the

capital of Tianluo or Zhengtong County, it is far behind.

In the northwest of the national capital, most of the foreign envoys lived.
In addition to the powerful envoys of the state like the Tu Domain, all the
envoys of the subordinate countries of the Kairong Kingdom were here, even
the many innate powerhouses.

Of course, if these innate powerhouses did not come here in the name of the
country, they would naturally be treated better. But if you come as a
protector, you will inevitably have to live here.

On both sides of the avenue, there are tall trees, which were planted by the
order of King Kairong himself. At this moment, under the shade of the trees,
the sunlight shines through the leaves, leaking a piece of gold. Gladly
walked over the broken gold, wrapped in broken gold.

He Yiming and Yuan Lixun walked side by side in the shade of the trees.

The two of them were laughing and talking, as if they were discussing
something pleasant. But in fact, there was not the slightest mood in their

"Young Master, do you have anything on your mind?"

He Yiming's gaze had a hint of helplessness, and said, "I hate here." When he
said this, his ears twitched.

Yuan Lixun's gaze fell on his ears, and he immediately knew that he must be
paying attention to something. She covered her mouth and smiled, "Why do you
hate it here?"

He Yiming looked at her intently, no one could have imagined what he said,
but his expression was incompatible.

"There are a lot of people here. He Yiming said seriously: "Our every move is
under their surveillance, so I hate it." ”

Yuan Lixun blinked a pair of big eyes that seemed to be able to speak, and
said with a smile: "Young Master, since you hate them, then let's leave." ”

He Yiming hesitated, but still shook his head, and said, "After all, this is
the capital of Kairong Kingdom, if we suddenly disappear, it will definitely
alarm many people." It's just someone else, I don't want to make trouble for
Brother Shui. ”

The expression on Yuan Lixun's face darkened slightly, she lowered her voice,
and said, "Young Master, is Master Shui's body really weakening?"

He Yiming let out a long sigh and said, "That's right, the time that his old
man can take care of Tianluo Kingdom is not too long. ”

The two of them fell silent at the same time, and since they met Shui
Xuanjin, the old man had given them great favor. They get along very well,
and this feeling is a bit like friends who talk about everything, but more
like relatives who are in harmony.

So after determining the current situation of Shui Xuanjin, their hearts were

After a while, He Yiming shook his head and said, "Lixun, let's go and visit
this city." Feng Laixiang in Tianluo Country didn't buy you anything last
time, but this time I want to give you a little more. ”

Yuan Lixun nodded gently, she naturally understood that He Yiming didn't
really want to buy anything when he said this, but was just distracting her
by talking.

Gently holding Yuan Lixun's little hand, He Yiming rolled his eyes and said,
"Prepare a carriage for me, I'm going to visit the city." ”

His voice wasn't loud, but it came out like a straight line.

On the side of the avenue, there are dozens of sturdy soldiers guarding them,
these soldiers seem to be ordinary, but each of them has a cultivation of
more than six layers of internal strength, and they are clearly the elite of
the army in the Kairong Kingdom.
At this moment, in the ears of these people, the voice from He Yiming
suddenly sounded, they were slightly stunned, and suddenly two people ran out
quickly. A moment later, a luxurious and extravagant carriage had already
been delivered to He Yiming and Yuan Lixun.

He Yiming had already heard the whispers of these people through Shunfeng Ear
Qigong, who were not only responsible for the role of outer defense here, but
also secretly spying on the members of all the vassal states.

However, for the innate powerhouses, even if they are not the innate
powerhouses in their master hall, they are also very admired and respected,
and they dare not have the slightest slackness.

So after hearing He Yiming's voice, they immediately arranged a carriage for

him to drive.

Glancing at the carriage, He Yiming smiled dumbly, it seems that these people
really spare no effort to treat the innate powerhouse.

He remembered the logo on this carriage very clearly, if he was not mistaken,
this should be the unique logo of the Master Hall of the Kairong Kingdom.

In this city, those who have a little knowledge, as soon as they see this
carriage, they know that this carriage belongs to the Master Hall, and the
people riding in it are naturally those innate powerhouses in the Master

In the same way, in this city, as long as you ride in this carriage, you can
drive in the city without any scruples, even in the palace, there will be no
blind person to intercept this carriage.

Of course, if you don't have the corresponding status and strength, then you
can't take such a carriage, otherwise you will not only suffer yourself, but
also your family.

After taking Yuan Lixun's little hand and stepping into this luxurious
carriage, they headed towards the center of the city.

The carriage was driving in the middle of the avenue, and most of the
ordinary people who saw the carriage were silently saluting, which showed how
respected the status of the innate powerhouse in the city was.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the most prosperous street in the
capital, and in this street, there were many shops, and the prosperity was
far greater than any place He Yiming had seen before.

As soon as they arrived, several fast horses came from behind, and these fast
horses, like the carriages, ran in the middle of the avenue without fear, and
they were running straight towards their carriage.
On top of the luxury carriage, there are two coachmen, each of whom is a
master of the seventh layer of internal strength.

Although it is obviously overkill to be a coachman with such strength, for

the vast majority of seventh-layer masters who do not have a sect, being able
to become a coachman of this kind of carriage is already something they dream

If when they were working as a coachman, they were favored by a certain

congenital powerhouse, or if they were interested in it and gave a few random
points, then it was already a rare harvest for them.

For the sake of this illusory hope, not to mention the master of the seventh
layer of internal strength, even if it is an acquired master of the eighth
layer of internal strength or even the ninth layer of internal strength, he
will not mind being a coachman.

At this moment, seeing that the galloping horses were approaching behind, the
faces of the two changed slightly, and they glanced at each other. Although
even they themselves couldn't believe that someone here dared to storm the
carriage of the Master Hall, he didn't dare to have the slightest slackness.

One of them suddenly rolled over, flew to the ground, turned the carriage,
and came to the center of the avenue. He went around the side of the
carriage, and did not dare to leap over it.

"Stop ......"

A loud shout came out of his mouth, and at the same time, he also put on a
defensive posture, if these people still refused to stop, then he would not
hesitate to stop them.

Although He Yiming is not a congenital powerhouse in his country, he also

does not allow anyone to offend the dignity of the strong.

The fast horses immediately stopped, and the knight on the horse put his
hands on the horse's back, and suddenly fell from the horse as light as a
swallow. He had just taken a breath, and before he could speak, he heard He
Yiming's voice sound from the carriage.

"Mingjin, are you here for me?".

The nerves of the two coachmen in the carriage were suddenly relaxed, since
they were people known to Master He, then there was no need for them to

However, looking at this young man who could be called a brother by Master
He, but his own strength seemed to be inferior to them, a trace of jealousy
that could not be concealed flashed in their eyes.

This guy's life is really good.

Xie Mingjin answered, let go of the reins in his hand, and walked quickly to
the carriage.

The man who had blocked the horse was slightly stunned, and stepped forward
to take the reins of the horse, whether he wanted it or not, but on his face,
there was no strange look, as if he was originally a most ordinary coachman,
and this kind of thing is just his specialty.

"Brother He......" Xie Mingjin lowered his voice and said, "Master Shui
Xuanjin asked me to invite you back, saying that there is something to
discuss." ”

He Yiming was stunned, couldn't help but hesitate, and looked back at Yuan

Yuan Lixun was by his side, and Xie Mingjin did not deliberately avoid her,
he heard it clearly, although he was disappointed in his heart at this time,
he said empathetically: "Young Master, Master Shui is looking for you, there
must be something important to discuss, you better hurry up. ”

He Yiming nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I'll go now, but since I'm already
here, then you can also take a walk." With that, he patted Xie Mingjin's arm
and said, "Mingjin, your sister-in-law wants to take a walk around here, you
can help me take care of it." ”

Xie Mingjin patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, big brother, little
brother understands." ”

Yuan Lixun listened to his words, and couldn't help blushing slightly, but he
didn't refute it, but his heart was sweet. Although it was not the first time
she had heard such a title, every time she heard it, she felt a similar
feeling in her heart.

He Yiming turned around and strode away, his movements seemed to be very
slow, but after a few steps, he had disappeared.

The two coachmen on the seventh floor of internal strength looked at Yuan
Lixun and Xie Mingjin and looked at each other, this carriage was a special
tool provided by Kairong Kingdom to those masters in the master hall and
foreign masters who came to the national capital. According to the
regulations in the Master Hall, only masters who have reached the innate
realm can enjoy this treatment.

At this moment, He Yiming had left, but Yuan Lixun stayed.

They were not qualified to continue riding in this carriage, but even if they
borrowed ten guts from these two coachmen, they would not dare to drive
people away.

The two glanced at each other, eventually smiled bitterly at each other, and
finally decided to turn a blind eye.

On the most lively and prosperous street in the capital of Kairong Kingdom,
Xie Mingjin kept calling his sister-in-law, although his surname was bold,
but he was not stupid, and he knew the truth of taking the route of his wife.
Here, as long as Yuan Lixun paid a little attention to something, he waved
his hand, and naturally someone stepped forward to buy it.

Yuan Lixun was humble at first, but in the end he had no choice but to give

She is also Bing Xue smart, she understands Xie Mingjin's mind a little, and
she knows that He Yiming values this good friend very much, so she can't
complain about it, so she has to let it go. But she's also a lot more
careful, and she definitely doesn't pay attention to anything other than
what she's really interested in.

But even so, after a circle, the hands of several guards around Xie Mingjin
were already carrying a lot of large bags and small bags.

Most of them are not things that Yuan Lixun pays attention to, but as long as
they are favored by Xie Mingjin, they will also be taken correctly, and most
of them are objects used by some women, so his intentions naturally can't be
hidden from Yuan LixunI can only smile bitterly in secret.

Since He Yiming was not accompanied, Yuan Lixun's interest was naturally not
very high, but she understood He Yiming's intentions, so she deliberately
stayed for a while before returning from the original way.

Xie Mingjin accompanied her to the avenue, but the carriage stayed on the
side of the avenue.

Yuan Lixun paused abruptly and asked, "Brother Xie, please forgive me for
taking the liberty of asking Master Shui to let you come?"

Although the relationship between Xie Mingjin and He Yiming is already a

well-known thing, he is not from Tianluo Kingdom after all, and Shui Xuanjin
chose to let him inform He Yiming, no matter what.

Xie Mingjin glanced around and said, "At that time, Master Shui and Master
Protector of the Kingdom of China were discussing things together, and they
didn't want anyone to come in suddenly, so they handed Master Water a letter.
After reading the letter, Master Shui ordered Master He to be invited. The
younger brother happened to be next to him, so he volunteered to come over.

Yuan Lixun was relieved, but she was a little worried in her heart, and she
didn't understand what it was that made Shui Xuanjin look for He Yiming in
such a hurry.
Glancing at Yuan Lixun and seeing the unnatural look on her face, Xie Mingjin
naturally understood what she was worried about.

His eyebrows rose suddenly, and Xie Mingjin said loudly: "Sister-in-law, you
just have to rest assured, in this world, there is nothing that can be
difficult to defeat the eldest brother." As long as he comes out, he will
definitely be able to solve it. ”

Ever since he witnessed He Yiming's successful promotion to the innate realm

at the age of 16, in his heart, He Yiming's image has become unlimitedly
tall. In his opinion, He Yiming is definitely the kind of omnipotent
character, no matter what happens, it will be solved in his hands.

Yuan Lixun was slightly stunned, then shook his head and smiled dumbly. She
has been by He Yiming's side and has experienced a lot, but her confidence in
He Yiming is not as good as Xie Mingjin.

Suddenly, there was a rapid thunderous sound of horses' hooves in front of


Xie Mingjin's face changed slightly, and he immediately took a step forward,
but it was the Xie family guards around him who were faster than him.

These guards are all carefully selected from the Xie family, and they all
know that their eldest young master must have a bright future after climbing
into He Yiming's relationship, so they are extremely positive at this moment,
wanting to leave the most profound impact on the eldest young master.

There were more than ten fast horses galloping from a distance, and these
people were far more domineering than Xie Mingjin, although they saw Yuan
Lixun and Xie Mingjin and others in the middle of the avenue. But they didn't
have the slightest intention of slowing down.

Xie Mingjin's face changed suddenly, he shouted and shouted, "Stop ......."

However, instead of stopping, the horses sped faster, and from there there
came a burst of happy laughter.

But in an instant, the fast horses had rushed in front of them.

The guards of the Xie family threw away the things they had just bought, and
they all drew out their weapons and slashed forward mercilessly.

Although they all know that the people who can ride horses here will not be
simple characters. Maybe they can't afford to offend even one. However,
behind them at this time, it was their eldest young master. In this case, no
matter who is running from the front, these guards will block them in front
of them.

The knight at the head snorted suddenly and shouted, "Bold. ”

With a burst of shouts, a person jumped out of a horse behind him, and this
person's speed was even faster than that of a fast horse, and he jumped into
the Xie family guards like lightning.

The guards couldn't even see the person's movements clearly, so they felt a
pain in their bodies, and they had been kicked out by him like a fly.

Almost instantly, the guards who stood in front of Yuan Lixun and Xie Mingjin
flew out as if they had grown wings.

Xie Mingjin's face changed greatly, as soon as the expert made a move, he
knew the depth and level, and once this person made a move, he immediately
showed that extremely powerful force.

The guards of the Xie family are at least masters of the seventh layer or
more of internal strength, but in the hands of this person, they can't even
make a move. Fortunately, this person was merciful and did not really kill
him. Although the guards who were sent flying looked a little scary, they
were not fundamentally injured, and with their physique, they could fully
recover after a period of cultivation at most.

Xie Mingjin's face had become no longer bloody, and the other party's
arrogance had reached the extreme, far beyond his imagination. Moreover, the
strength of the person who shot is incredible, and at least he has the
cultivation of more than nine layers of internal strength. With such
strength, how could he resist it.

Seeing that the leader of the Jian Ma was about to rush over without
stopping, he couldn't care about anything else, and came to Yuan Lixun's
side, pushed her hard, and immediately retreated to the side of the road. At
the same time, he struggled to jump to the other side, and in an instant he
had already given way to the central avenue.

People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads. When the strength is
low, avoiding is already the only option.

However, at this moment, the fast horse at the head had already rushed past
like a meteor catching the moon, and the knight on the horse laughed, and
waved the whip in his hand, and the long whip spun in the air like a
poisonous snake spitting letters, turning around at an eerie angle.


A crisp sound erupted in the air, Yuan Lixun snorted miserably, and several
blood beads swayed in the air.

Xie Ming's eyes were split, he was entrusted by He Yiming to take care of
Yuan Lixun, but now that he has suffered an inexplicable disaster, the only
thing that is certain is that Yuan Lixun has been injured.

His heart was full of anger, and how could he explain it to He Yiming.
A beast-like roar erupted from his mouth, and his eyes were full of blood. A
furious pounce, in an instant, exerted the fastest speed in his life, and
rushed behind the horse of the man who led it.

With a flick of his wrist, a jet-black light suddenly came out of his hand,
drawing a beautiful arc in the air, chasing towards the leader.

(To be continued)

Cap 36

The moment the beast-like roar sounded, the master who had injured several
Xie family guards suddenly moved, his movements were as fast as lightning,
and he had already crossed the distance of several meters between the two of
them in one step and came to Xie Mingjin's side.

As soon as this person's wrist was stretched, it turned out to be the last to
come first, blocking the hidden weapon sent by Xie Mingjin.

Xie Mingjin's heart suddenly sank to the extreme, such a terrifying and
terrifying skill, in the Xie family, I am afraid that only uncles and fathers
can do it.

He immediately understood that this person who jumped off the horse should be
a top acquired master with ten layers of internal strength.

After the man intercepted the hidden weapon, he still struck out with a palm,
this palm was not fierce, and the power in it was insufficient, but the
action was extremely fast.

Xie Mingjin just jumped out, he tried his best to avoid this palm, but before
he could really react, he felt a strong upper body, and then a feeling of
pain into the bone marrow quickly spread from the force point to the whole

His body flew several meters in the air before falling heavily to the ground,
his face already distorted from excessive pain. But at this moment, he had
seen the knight on the horse, and he had seen the face of the man who had
knocked him away.

And the faces of these two men have been remembered in his heart
forever...... The knights on the horses left like the wind, and the master of
the tenth layer of internal strength also left with the horse team, but
before he left, he still saw the luxurious carriage parked on the side of the
After seeing the sign on the carriage, this person was slightly stunned, and
then his face changed slightly, and then he quickly caught up with the horse
team and went all the way.

However, as soon as he caught up with the team, he gave an order to one of

the members of the team. The member was puzzled and disapproving. But he
didn't dare to disobey at all, so he had to dismount his horse and leave
quietly, returning to his place, secretly observing everything that followed.

Xie Mingjin lay on the ground and convulsed for a while, only then did he
recover from the intense pain. When he barely stood up, he saw Yuan Lixun
dressed in a wolf. When he saw Yuan Lixun's face clearly, he couldn't help
but gasp.

At this time, on Yuan Lixun's face, there was a deep blood mark. Xie Mingjin
suddenly thought of the strange whip that the knight had made.

He immediately understood that the man's move was definitely deliberate. This
whip was hit in Yuan Lixun's face.

Although Yuan Lixun himself is also a sixth-layer cultivator of internal

strength, he is not below him. But since he was a child, when Xie Nuanyi was
concentrating on cultivation and polishing, Xie Mingjin had rich experience
when facing the enemy, but Yuan Lixun was a complete novice.

So after receiving this sudden whip, Yuan Lixun didn't even have a chance to
dodge, so he was hit directly.

However, she was the only one of them who had not come into contact with that
terrifying tenth-layer master of internal strength, so there was no other
damage except for the whip mark on her face.

At this time, the two coachmen of the luxurious carriage rushed over, and
after seeing the scene just now, they were also helpless, until the group of
knights ran away, and then they dared to come to the rescue.

Xie Mingjin's face had already turned pale, he stepped forward and said,
"Sister-in-law, you get in the car first." ”

Yuan Lixun could naturally feel the hot pain on her face, and as a girl, she
cared very much about her appearance. After knowing that she was sure to
break her appearance, her heart was already a mess, and the six gods had no

After listening to Xie Mingjin's words, she nodded subconsciously and got
into the carriage.

Xie Mingjin turned around, looked at the two coachmen, and Ling Ran said,
"Two, who are the characters in the mansion who passed just now?"
The two drivers looked at each other and smiled wryly, and one of them, a
slightly older man, said, "Those people are running too fast, so we can't see
clearly." ”

Xie Mingjin's heart suddenly rose with anger, he had already seen the
performance of these two people, and he had already guessed that these two
people must know the background of that group of people. It's just that they
are afraid in their hearts, so they don't dare to say it.

His face was slightly gloomy, but when he turned his gaze, he saw the group
of guards who barely got up, but their faces were painful, and he had to
force down the evil fire in his chest.

The two people in front of him are not ordinary coachmen, if they are forced
without strong strength, I am afraid that the wounded on their side may not
be able to keep these two people.

Xie Mingjin barely squeezed out a smile on his face, but he didn't know
whether it was because of the injuries on his body or because of his bad
mood, this smile was simply more ugly than crying.

"Two big brothers, how about you please send us back. ”

The two of them were relieved to see that Xie Mingjin no longer asked about
the origin of the knight, as for sending Xie Mingjin and Yuan Lixun back,
that was what they had to do as a matter of course, so they naturally agreed
with a mouthful of wordsAnd he was more careful than ever with his actions.


The fast horses continued to gallop in the middle of the avenue, passing
through the small half of the city, before stopping in front of a huge manor.

The leader leaped down, his face looking rather unkind, as if he was annoyed
by something.

When he dismounted, the rest of the knights jumped down and followed him into
the manor.

The master of the Acquired Peak of the Tenth Layer of Internal Strength
quickly stepped forward a few steps and said, "His Royal Highness the Fourth
Prince." ”

The person at the head is the fourth prince of the Tu Domain, Bu Chucong, who
is now out of the city and hunting in the suburbs with the second prince of
the Kairong Kingdom. But in the end, the result was a cut and defeated.

That's why he was furious, and after entering the city, he galloped in the
middle of the road at the fastest speed.
Along the way, he also knocked over some of the magnates of the Kairong
Kingdom who could walk in the middle of the avenue. But compared to his
identity, these are trivial, not enough for the anger in his heart to vent.

However, after hearing the voice of the head of the guards, Bu Chucong's
footsteps were still stunned, and he asked, "Bu Rong, what's the matter?"

Bu Rong hesitated for a moment and said, "Your Highness, the few people we
met just now seem to have some origins. ”

Bu Chucong snorted coldly and said, "No matter what his origins are, can the
laws of Kairong Kingdom still be able to control me." ”

Although Bu Rong's heart was dissatisfied, he didn't dare to express


As Bu Chucong, he is still by Mu Dutian's side. Even if he collided with the

royal family members of Kairong Kingdom, as long as it was not an irreparable
human life, then everything was negotiable.

At least, for the sake of Mu Dutian and the face of the Tu Domain, the most
he can do is to lose a little money to end the matter.

However, this time the situation is not so simple.

Bu Rong smiled bitterly and said, "Your Highness, when I caught up just now,
I saw a carriage parked at the edge of the avenue, and these people seemed to
be the owners of that carriage. ”

Bu Chucong snorted coldly and said, "What carriage, which family's?"

There was an attitude of indifference in his tone, as if he had not taken the
meritorious nobles of the Kairong Kingdom in his eyes.

sighed bitterly in his heart, Bu Rong knew that His Royal Highness the Fourth
Prince was used to running rampant in the country, so after coming to Kairong
Kingdom, he still brought this bad habit over.

It's just that, after all, this is one of the three major powers in the
northwest that is as famous as the Tufan Kingdom, and it is not a subordinate
country of the Tufan Kingdom. His Royal Highness's approach is only afraid
that it will cause unnecessary trouble to the country.

However, Bu Rong didn't know that Bu Rongcong's temper had not caused them a
small trouble, but a big trouble that even Mu Dutian couldn't bear.

Seeing that Bu Rong's face had a look of hesitation, Bu Chucong said

impatiently: "Which carriage is it?"

Bu Rong raised his head helplessly, lowered his voice a little, and said,
"Your Highness, it is the exclusive carriage in the Master Hall of the Rong
Kingdom." ”
Bu Chucong was stunned, this time his face also showed that dignified color,
although he was arrogant and unscrupulous, but he also knew what the status
of the innate strong in a country was, and more importantly,The innate strong
has strong personal force, if he intends to secretly attack and kill a
certain person regardless of his identity, then even if he is exhausted, he
will not dare to say that he can definitely save his life.

Because he can't never leave Mu Dutian's side, otherwise it would be

equivalent to house arrest.

As soon as he thought of this, his face also showed a rare hint of

irritability, and said, "You go and find out, which family member of the
Innate Master we met." ”

Bu Rong lowered his head and answered softly.

Behind them, the rest of the squires understood the identities of the men
they had just met. They couldn't help but rejoice in their hearts,
fortunately, they met the family members of the innate powerhouse, not the
innate powerhouse himself. Otherwise, it wouldn't be those people who are
lying on the ground humming at the moment, but them.

It didn't take long for the person Bu Rong had arranged earlier to return

When Bu Chucong learned that the carriage did not enter the master hall of
Kairong Kingdom, but entered the embassy area arranged by Kairong Kingdom for
all subordinate countries, the big stone in his heart suddenly let go of

As long as you are not a master of Kairong Country, you will not get the full
support of Kairong Country. And those protectors of small countries, if they
pay the corresponding price, they should be able to solve it easily. After
all, not every innate powerhouse was willing to offend Mu Dutian and the Tu
vassal kingdom behind him because of this matter.


In the embassy area, He Yiming came to the courtyard where Master Shui
Xuanjin lived without delay.

In the embassy district, the most respected are undoubtedly those who are
innate and strong, they are the pillars of the whole country, and the
treatment they enjoy is naturally in line with it.

The courtyard where Shui Xuanjin lived was not only very large, but also
delicate and elegant, even somewhat similar to his Shaoming residence in the
Tianluo Kingdom. It can be seen that for these innate powerhouses from other
places, Kairong Country is also extremely concerned, and has made great
efforts to collect their intelligence and hobbies.
This is also a manifestation of the strength of the country, at least in the
Tianluo Kingdom, it is impossible to do so perfectly. Of course, with the
prestige of the Tianluo Kingdom, it is difficult to invite so many innate
powerhouses to the national capital, so even if it costs everything to build
such a manor, it is useless.

He Yiming walked around the manor, and he didn't have the slightest worry in
his heart.

He believed that if something urgent really happened, then it would not be

Xie Mingjin who came out to find him, but several disciples of Shui Xuanjin,
and even himself.

Before stepping into the courtyard, He Yiming had already felt that in this
courtyard, there were two powerful aura. This is the breath of the two forces
that have already communicated with the qi of heaven and earth, representing
the two noble innate powerhouses.

When these innate powerhouses did not hide their aura, other masters of the
same level could easily find their location and determine their numbers.

A moment later, He Yiming had already come to a certain courtyard tower.

When his footsteps stepped on the courtyard tower, he heard Shui Xuanjin's
familiar voice coming: "Brother He, you came back so quickly." ”

He Yiming smiled dumbly and said, "The elder brother invited someone to
recruit him, how dare the younger brother delay." ”

Shui Xuanjin laughed loudly, and after listening to He Yiming's words that
were half compliments and half respect, he was indeed quite proud in his
heart. At the last moment of his life, being able to make such a friend is
indeed the greatest luck in his life. However, he also understood that this
was because He Yiming knew that he didn't have much time, so he was so

On the other hand, Ting Shiguang, who was sitting opposite him, still showed
regret in his eyes.

He was the first innate powerhouse he encountered after He Yiming became an

innate powerhouse.

If he had known that He Yiming was willing to accept the invitation of the
Tianluo Kingdom and serve as the protector master of the small country, then
he would definitely ask He Yiming to serve as the protector master of the
Huowu country at all costs.

But it's too late at the moment, and some things are irretrievable after they
are missed.
"Brother He, please be seated. Shui Hyun-geun, who had already stood up, said
with a smile.

Seeing that Shui Xuanjin didn't say any bad news in a hurry, He Yiming's
heart became more and more determined, he sat down next to the two innate
powerhouses, saw the tea on the table, and poured himself a drinkI slammed my
mouth twice, but I couldn't appreciate anything at all.

Seeing his appearance, Ting Shiguang couldn't help but shake his head
speechlessly, and sighed lightly: "It's a pity, it's a pity." ”

Shui Xuanjin laughed and said: "Each has its own way, the mood is accessible,
and the surname is cool, which is the truth." ”

He Yiming naturally knew what Ting Shiguang was sorry for, and couldn't help
but smile and said: "Brother Ting, in my opinion, the so-called famous tea,
after brewing,But it's just a thirst-quenching water. Some people may be able
to use the tea ceremony to improve their personal cultivation, but this path
is definitely not for me. ”

Ting Shiguang was stunned for a moment, he pondered for a moment, and finally
nodded, and said, "Brother He is right, there are thousands of avenues, and
the path suitable for everyone is different. ”

Shui Xuanjin also sighed and said, "In this world, there are so many things
that can make us excited, even with our lifespan, we can't fully explore it.
And it's a privilege to find something that we can dedicate ourselves to. ”

Ting Shiguang glanced at Shui Xuanjin in surprise, and he vaguely felt that
this old friend's mentality seemed to have changed a lot from before. There
is even a sense of detachment. And this kind of psychological change is often
a hundred times more difficult than the growth of true qi, I really don't
understand how he can see through all this.

"Brother Shui, your cultivation is a step ahead of ten years ago. Ting
Shiguang said sincerely: "I really don't know when I will be able to catch up
with you." ”

Shui Xuanjin's eyes suddenly had a hint of strangeness, he smiled bitterly,

and said, "Brother Ting, I was able to break through the shackles of my soul,
but it was actually just an accident out of desperation."You still don't have
to be envious. ”

Ting Shiguang was puzzled, but the look in He Yiming's eyes was slightly

The fact that Shui Xuanjin's life does not last long is not known to
everyone. Without He Yiming's strange feeling, even the Soviet Army would not
be able to figure out his bottom without doing anything.
Therefore, these innate powerhouses don't know that the reason why Shui
Xuanjin's state of mind has changed like this is because he knows that the
limit is approaching, so he can see through what he couldn't see through
before like an epiphany.

But this is just an emancipation of the mind, if you want to go further, then
with his age and strength, it is absolutely impossible.

He Yiming coughed lightly, diverted from this sad topic, and said, "Brother
Shui, what are you asking me to come back for?"

Shui Xuanjin stretched out his hand and threw out a sealed letter, saying,
"This is from Hejiazhuang in China, and I want you to read it immediately."

He Yiming nodded slightly, looked at the seal on it, and knew that no one had
touched it. He then opened the envelope and took out the letters inside.

After casually glancing at it, a smile immediately appeared on He Yiming's


Shui Xuanjin asked curiously, "Brother He, is there something wrong?"

He Yiming put away the letter paper and said, "It's not a big deal, it's just
that an elder in the family has returned to Zhuangzhong, so let me feel at
ease." ”

The content of the letter was very simple, He Laibao returned to Hejiazhuang
with five Hengshan disciples of the ninth layer of internal strength.

Among these five disciples, two are descendants of the elixir peak He Wujing,
and three are Lu Zhengyi's personal disciples.

After they returned to Hejiazhuang with He Laibao, the peak force in

Hejiazhuang suddenly jumped to the head of Taichong County. As long as there
is no congenital powerhouse, then Hejiazhuang is definitely as stable as
Mount Tai.

And what reassured He Yiming even more was that the uncle was also fine in
Hengshan. For the sake of He Yiming's face, the four elders and the Taishang
elders who now live in the first line of Hengshan all look at him

The elixirs on the Elixir Peak were all open to him, and he also personally
instructed him on the path of martial arts cultivation.

With such strong external conditions, if He Quanxin can't successfully

promote to the congenital, it is his fate, and it is beyond human power to

The three of them talked and laughed for a while, exchanging each other's
martial arts experiences.
Suddenly, there was a commotion from a distance, and it went straight towards
the courtyard where He Yiming lived.

He Yiming's ears twitched slightly, and his face suddenly changed greatly,
and he didn't even say hello, he immediately stomped his feet and
......disappeared in an instantps: Around ten o'clock in the evening, there
should be another chapter, sweat ......

It's really a last resort to separate, it's hard to survive without a

manuscript, and it always feels like there isn't enough time, so please
forgive me!!

(To be continued)

Cap 37

He Yiming's figure was like electricity, and in an instant, he had already

passed through the buildings between the two courtyards.

When he returned to this place, the first thing he saw was Xie Mingjin with
a guilty face and a hint of fear. Not only that, but in He Yiming's ears,
there was also an inaudible sobbing.

If it weren't for the fact that he himself had the miraculous skill of having
a good ear, then he might not be able to hear clearly at this moment.

The direction of the voice was the room where Yuan Lixuan lived, and it was
clear that after she returned to this place, she immediately entered the room
and was crying in secret.

He Yiming's gaze turned, and it immediately fell on Xie Mingjin's body.

Xie Mingjin raised his head and said in a deep voice: "Big brother, I'm
sorry. ”

Between the shaking of the figures, Shui Xuanjin and Ting Shiguang appeared
here at the same time, they glanced at each other, and Ting Shiguang said
coldly: "Mingjin, what happened?"

Xie Mingjin gritted his teeth and told what had just happened. He didn't add
fuel to the fire, but sought truth from facts.

And it is precisely because what he said is extremely true that He Yiming and
others have an immersive feeling. Especially when he mentioned that he had
moved out of the way, but the knight on the horse was still whipping people,
and everyone's hearts were filled with inexplicable anger.

Shui Xuanjin and Ting Shi's faces were slightly frowned, in the capital of
Kairong Kingdom, those who dared to be so unscrupulous were definitely not
simple characters. If you can't figure it out or be a member of the royal
family of Kairong Kingdom, it's even more complicated.

The relationship during this period of time let everyone know what He
Yiming's attitude towards Yuan Lixuan was.

Although Yuan Lixuan was nominally just one of his concubines, no one would
have similar thoughts after seeing the way they got along.

After learning that Yuan Lixuan was injured, their hearts were all worried.

The two eyes focused on He Yiming's face at the same time, however,
unexpectedly, He Yiming's face did not have any expression, as if he had not
heard this matter at all.

The two of them glanced at each other, but a chill surged inexplicably in
their hearts.

Xie Mingjin lowered his head and said for the second time, "Big brother, I'm
sorry." ”

He Yiming stepped forward, patted him lightly on the shoulder, and said, "You
did a good job, I can't blame you." ”

When he said this, a gentle force passed from He Yiming's hand into Xie
Mingjin's body.

This is a force that represents "life", and when this force passes through
his body, a hot feeling suddenly comes from the place where he was originally
injured. In just an instant, this feeling spreads and spreads throughout the

Although he tried his best to endure it, Xie Mingjin still couldn't help but
let out a sound that was almost moaning. Although he stopped immediately, his
face turned red instantly.

It was just a moment, and when He Yiming's palm was raised, he was surprised
to find that the intense pain caused by the injury had completely
disappeared. Although there was still a slight obstacle when the internal
strength was running in his body, he knew that the injuries on his body had
basically improved. As long as you rest for a period of time and recuperate
carefully, then you can completely recover as before.

glanced at He Yiming gratefully, and there was a strange firmness in Xie

Mingjin's eyes.

After this incident, he was ready to be complained about by He Yiming, and

even to bear his boundless anger.

If an innate powerhouse is mad because of this, then even if he is killed on

the spot, I am afraid that no one will stand up for him. At the very least,
he could be sure that Ting Shiguang and his family would never offend He
Yiming because of him.

However, after the real meeting, He Yiming's performance really moved him. It
was a feeling that I can't put into words, but it's real.

He Yiming glanced at everyone calmly, and said with a blank face: "Everyone,
I'll go in and take a look at Lixun." ”

With that, he came to the door of Yuan Lixun's room, stretched out his hand,
and knocked lightly a few times.

However, unlike usual, this time Yuan Lixun did not come to open the door,
but the suppressed crying in the room became much quieter.

A wisp of true qi slowly overflowed from He Yiming's palm, and the latch in
the room slowly opened as if an invisible hand was moving.

Pushing the door in, He Yiming closed the door with his hand. Then he walked
into the inner room.

In the inner room, Yuan Lixun said goodbye to his face and sat quietly in the
chair. Although only half of the face can be seen, the tear stains are still
visible, and it is clear that they have been crying for a while, and they are
slowly retreating at this moment.

He Yiming didn't speak, so he came to her.

Yuan Lixun subconsciously wanted to turn her face away, but He Yiming gently
held her chin.

His movements are gentle, but they are firm and powerful. Yuan Lixun
struggled slightly, and finally turned his face as if he had accepted his

On her face, from behind her ear, a terrible centipede-like scar cut straight
to her lips. Although it is not as open as the skin and flesh, the majestic
lines are still shocking.

Yuan Lixun raised her gaze, as if she wanted to find something in He Yiming's

After a few moments, the negative emotions of fear, worry, and anxiety in her
heart slowly calmed down. Because she didn't find the kind of hatred and
disgust in He Yiming's eyes that frightened her.

In those black eyes, what she saw and felt was a kind of tenderness, the
tenderness that made people want to indulge in it.

At this moment, she seemed to have returned to that nameless valley, where
there was a secret they shared, a world that belonged to the two of them.
He Yiming had a faint smile on his face, his hand was gently flickering
around the wound, and wisps of essence to the extreme of the wood innate true
qi were flowing rapidly, making Yuan Lixun feel a burst of numbnessIt seems
that this feeling can penetrate directly into the deepest part of the heart.

Under his gaze, Yuan Lixun seemed to be relieved wordlessly, a feeling that
could touch her heart far more than any words.

She plucked up her courage and asked, "Young Master, isn't it ugly?"

"Ugly?" He Yiming tilted his head sideways, thinking seriously with a serious

Yuan Lixun's heart suddenly rose high, and her face changed a little.

After a few breaths, He Yiming suddenly stretched out his head and pecked
lightly at the wound on her face at a lightning speed.

This sudden attack was like a dragonfly dotting water, and then he sat back
in place at the same speed, stretched out his hand and touched his head, and
looked at her with a smile on his face.

Yuan Lixun's face suddenly turned red, although the whip marks became
extremely terrifying because of the congestion, but He Yiming turned a blind
eye to it, and his face did not change in the slightest.

Yuan Lixun's heart finally calmed down completely, and after being with He
Yiming for so long, there were only a handful of intimate movements. And at
this moment, He Yiming answered Yuan Lixun's question in his own way.

He Yiming stretched out his hand into his arms, took out a medicine bottle as
if he was conjuring, and said, "Li Xun, this is the ointment refined by Elder
Yao himself, which has a magical healing effect on this kind of external
injury. I'll put it on for you. ”

Yuan Lixun hung his head in response, and let He Yiming apply the ointment
inside to his face.

A cool feeling came from his face, and Yuan Lixun hesitated for a moment and
asked, "Young Master, will there be a scar here?"

He Yiming said softly: "Don't worry, I'll solve it." Seeing that there was
still suspicion in her eyes, He Yiming raised his eyebrows, slammed his
chest, and said, "Don't you still believe me?"

Yuan Lixun was relieved and said, "Of course I believe in the young master."

He Yiming nodded with satisfaction, hugged her into his arms, and said
gently: "That's right, believe me, everything will be fine, everything will
be fine......"
There seemed to be a reassuring power in his voice, and in that warm embrace,
in this gentle voice, Yuan Lixun felt as if he had re-entered his mother's
arms, completely covered by the endless warmth.


A moment later, Yuan Lixun in He Yiming's arms slowly fell asleep, and a
subtle breathing sound of evenness and peace came out from her nose.

He Yiming picked her up by the waist, took off her dirty coat, shoes and
socks for her, and then put her on the bed and covered her with a thin quilt.

All these movements were extremely gentle, and they used the assistance of
true qi, even Yuan Lixun, who had just fallen asleep, was not awakened.

Then, He Yiming stood up, and he looked at Yuan Lixun deeply, his gaze
sweeping over the whip marks on her face. His eyes finally changed, and for
the first time after entering the room, he finally showed a hint of pain.

He had already checked out, and when the man swung the whip, he used a subtle
force that left a scar that would not heal as if it had been cut by a
serrated tooth.

From the outside, it seems to be just an ordinary whip, but due to the
complexity of the wound, the possibility of a complete recovery is very

He inhaled deeply, and then, without making a sound, he lifted his foot, and
left the inner room, opening the door and going out.

Outside the gate, many people have already come here, except for Shui Xuanjin
and Ting Shiguang, the two innate powerhouses, even Zhao Ruipei is waiting
here quietly.

When the door opened silently, everyone's eyes were on He Yiming.

At this time, He Yiming seemed to be expressionless, and no one could see

what was going on in his heart. However, the moment I saw him, whether he was
a congenital strong or not, he couldn't help but shudder. They seemed to see
a very terrible image in their eyes.

In their feelings, He Yiming is like a volcano, although it has not yet

erupted, but it is the current situation of constantly accumulating strength
that is becoming more and more terrifying.

He Yiming walked out of the room, and he gently closed the door.


The moment the door was closed, a strong anger that had been bitterly
suppressed boiled from He Yiming's heart like a storm.
Like the outbreak of the end of the world, the surging anger completely
drowned his heart.

He Yiming has changed.

His face changed, his eyes changed, his temperament changed, as if at that
moment, he had become another person.

His face was as hideous as a devil, his eyes were as sharp as blades, and his
body was filled with a huge killing intent that soared into the sky.

Everyone, including the three innate powerhouses, clearly sensed that the
person in front of them seemed to be no longer a person, but had become the
one who had gone through countless killings from the blood river of Shura ,
the world-destroying gods and demons who rushed to the shore with a bloody

Involuntarily, everyone's heart was full of coldness, even the three innate
powerhouses were chilling at this moment, and they almost couldn't help but
tremble on the spot.

Only then did they know that when He Yiming was angry, it was so terrifying.

"Mingjin, do you know who those people are?"

A cold voice came out of He Yiming's mouth, this voice was cold to the bone
marrow, making people feel afraid from the bottom of their hearts.

However, after hearing this voice, Xie Mingjin not only did not have the
slightest fear, but showed a trace of fierce fierceness on his face.

After this bold man's blow, his heart was also filled with an extremely angry
emotion, and if it was possible, he would not hesitate to choose the
strongest revenge for what had happened.

"Big brother, although I don't know where those people came from, I remember
their faces, and if I see them again, I will definitely recognize them. ”

He Yiming's brows furrowed slightly, there are many people in the capital of
Kairong Country, although the people who let the horses gallop in the middle
of the avenue must be people with great backgrounds, but it is still very
difficult to find them out of the vast sea of people.

Looking up and looking into the distance, He Yiming said abruptly: "Brother
Shui." ”

"Brother He, what's the matter?" Shui Xuanjin hurriedly said, in this case,
he didn't dare to hesitate in the slightest.

"Please help me inform Master Mao Lieguang and ask him to find those people.
He Yiming's voice was low and powerful, with a power that was impossible to
"Good. Shui Xuanjin nodded without hesitation and agreed.

"Big brother. Xie Mingjin suddenly raised his eyebrows slightly, and said,
"Those two drivers seem to know something." ”

He Yiming's eyes suddenly froze, the coachman who could be assigned to serve
as the carriage of the Master Hall must be a person at the level of the head
snake here, if they didn't know anything, it would be really strange.

Nodding slightly, He Yiming strode outside.

He didn't walk very fast, but every step he took was dignified, very
different from the power of the wind he mastered.

Everyone looked at each other, and immediately they all followed.

A moment later, everyone had already left the embassy area, and He Yiming's
eyes swept away, and he immediately saw one of the coachmen.

This person stood silently beside the carriage in front of the embassy area,
and when he saw He Yiming and the others coming out, his face suddenly
changed, he looked around cautiously, and retreated behind him silently.

He Yiming's expression did not move, and he stepped out, and in an instant,
he had already crossed the distance between each other and came to the front
of the man.

The man was about to leave, but as soon as his eyes flickered, He Yiming had
already appeared in front of him like a ghost.

He shuddered, barely pulled the corners of his mouth, and said with a sad
face: "Master He." ”

Although He Yiming is not the protector of the country, after the World War
II of Cheng Fu and Mao Lieguang, the name He Yiming is already a household
name in the city. This coachman was a cultivator himself, so naturally it was
even more impossible for him to be a stranger.

"Say, who is ......," He Yiming said expressionlessly.

Although he had no clue in what he said, the driver knew it clearly. The
corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he said tremblingly: "The
villain is not, no, no...... The villain knew that it was His Royal Highness
the Fourth Prince of the Tu Domain. ”

The man wanted to say that he didn't know, but when he said the word "no", he
suddenly felt a dangerous force to the extreme, and he was almost out of
breath when this force oppressed. And before he changed his words, the
pressure was getting bigger and bigger, and he even had the feeling that if
he didn't know these three words, then what was waiting for himmust have been
crushed to death by this pressure, and finally suffocated to death.
When he told the man's origin, the pressure that almost crushed him to death,
as heavy as Mount Tai, suddenly disappeared without a trace.

The coachman sat on the ground, one hand on his chest and the other on the
ground, looking at He Yiming with a frightened face.

At this moment, in his heart, He Yiming is no longer a person, but a devil.

Indeed, how could a human being exert such a ferocious and furious force,
which was enough to make people mentally collapse.

He Yiming turned around, his gaze was deep and unfathomable, looking in a
direction from afar.

The eyes of Shui Xuanjin and the others also focused in that direction at the
same time.

There, as we all know, there is a manor, which is a special place, even if it

is the protector master in the master hall of the Kairong country, he may not
dare to be presumptuous there.

Because, there are eight innate powerhouses living there, and one of them is
known as the number one master of Baisantian.

He Yiming took a deep breath, his gaze gradually firming.

As if sensing something, Shui Xuanjin said in a deep voice: "Brother He,

think twice." ”

He Yiming smiled as if he didn't care, and said, "I originally thought that I
wouldn't fight him so early, but people are not as good as heaven, and I
still have to obey Mao Lieguang's wishes." ”

As he spoke, he laughed a few times and walked forward.

Suddenly, Xie Mingjin's voice came.

"Big brother, take me with you. I know their faces, even when they are ashes.

There are a few people who slander in their hearts, if it really turns into
ashes, you can still know that there is a ghost, but at this time, no one
dares to say it at all.

He Yiming's body moved slightly, and the next moment, he and Xie Mingjin
suddenly disappeared.

The rest of the people looked at each other, especially the three congenital
powerhouses, who were staring at each other, and no one could make up their

Finally, Shui Xuanjin stomped his foot fiercely and said, "Brother Ting,
Brother Zhao, gather everyone and go together." ”
Ting Shiguang hesitated for a moment and said, "What if they don't want to?"

"If they don't ......" Shui Xuanjin's voice also turned cold: "Think about
Brother He's age, let them look a little longer." ”

Ting Shiguang and Zhao Ruipei looked at each other for a moment, and finally
it was decided.

And just as they hesitated, the gate of the manor in the distance suddenly
burst open, and then a sound like a thunderbolt suddenly exploded.

"Bu Chucong, come out and suffer ...... death".

(To be continued)

Cap 38

The sky is clear, the clouds are not stained, the distant mountains contain
daisies, and the wind warms. There is not a trace of clouds above the blue
sky, which makes people feel that as long as they use a little force, they
can wring out the water, which is clear and clear!

It's just that the weather is a little scary, as if something is about to

happen, which makes people feel uneasy.

In the capital of Kairong Kingdom, there is a manor with a wide area. The
people who lived in this manor were envoys from the Tu Domain, which was
known as one of the three great powers in the northwest along with the
Kairong Kingdom.

The number of envoys is not small, but what really attracts the attention of
the whole Kairong country is that in this mission, there are a full eight
super masters of the innate realm.

Even if it is the master hall of the Kairong Kingdom, there are only ten
innates. Therefore, when these eight innate powerhouses came here, they
immediately became the focus of attention of the entire Kairong Kingdom. In
addition, there are even real powerhouses like Mu Dutian, who are known as
the first people below the congenital level.

Therefore, although there are many attendants of the Kairong Kingdom guarding
outside this manor, no one has ever thought that someone will come here to


At this time, it was noon, and the sky was cloudless.

In the distance, the two of them walked one after the other, straight towards
this place.

Their movements were not in a hurry, and they walked forward step by step.
However, their arrival immediately aroused everyone's alarm.

In the eyes of these Kairong soldiers whose internal strength has reached at
least six layers or more, the appearance of these two people is too abrupt.

Especially the person who is the leader, every step he takes seems to contain
a thousand catties of power. As the foot hit the ground, their hearts

This man brought them a terrifying feeling, as if he was not a person, but an
ancient beast with ten tons, a hundred tons, and every step forward would
make the whole earth tremble.

Seeing this strange scene, even the most stupid person knew that this person
was menacing, and it was not ordinary.

The soldiers who were in charge of their duties were numb one by one, but
they still wanted to come forward and interrogate.

It's just that when they took a step forward and wanted to stop them, they
suddenly found that they couldn't move.

The closer you get to this person, the more you can feel the huge and almost
boundless pressure from him. This pressure hung over their bodies like a

Can anyone carry the whole mountain on his back?

The answer was a resounding yes, that even the most conscientious soldier was
stiff and could no longer move when he came within ten meters of the man.

This person is naturally He Yiming, and at this moment, he is in an extremely

wonderful realm.

Ever since he walked out of Yuan Lixun's room, the huge anger that could no
longer be suppressed had completely dominated his emotions.

He originally thought that after cultivating to the innate realm, with his
self-control ability, there would no longer be any emotions of joy and
sorrow. But, at that moment, he realized that he was wrong, and he was very

The moment he saw the whip marks, what he felt in his heart was pain, and the
whip hit Yuan Lixun's face, but it seemed to hit his heart at the same time.
If there is a slight possibility, he would rather replace him with his body,
because he knows that Yuan Lixun actually cares about her beautiful
appearance very much.
And this whipping was on the face, even if it was smeared with the elixir of
a medicine Daoist, coupled with the assistance of his wood innate exercises,
but in the end, I was afraid that it would inevitably leave a small scar.

When he thought that Yuan Lixun would definitely be depressed because of

this, his heart hurt terribly.

It wasn't until Yuan Lixun, who was mentally exhausted, fell asleep that
after He Yiming walked out of the room, the feeling of pain completely

His spirit was constantly rising from the overstimulation, and the range of
sounds that his downwind ears could hear continued to expand.

With him as the center, the qi of heaven and earth that can be affected is
constantly increasing.

With the feeling of anger that was almost crazy like an angry wave, the true
qi in his body was also fully stimulated, and that kind of unreserved
powerful power turned out to be like a substance at this moment.

Within a certain range, his spirit that had gathered to the apex and the
surging true qi created a huge force field, and anyone who entered this force
field would be oppressed by his powerI felt my heart beat faster, my mouth
was dry and I didn't dare to approach.

Only Xie Mingjin was recognized by him, so he was able to follow him closely
without being affected too much.

Finally, under the gaze of countless people, he came to the gate of the manor

All the guards tried to stop them on this stretch of the road, but none of
them succeeded. Even if there were hundreds of them in number, there was not
even one who could get close to He Yiming.

Xie Mingjin, who followed He Yiming closely, was even more adoring, and he
finally understood the true meaning of the sentence "Surrender without a

It turns out that in front of the real powerhouse, no matter how many
ordinary people like this are, they are just ants and the like, and there is
nothing to be afraid of.

In front of the door, He Yiming raised his hand without hesitation, and that
hand flashed with a terrifying metallic color. This color represents terror,
representing a huge and razor-sharp force.

This hand, in the gaze of everyone, as if with a thousand catties of great

force, was heavily imprinted on the huge bronze door.
Time, as if at this moment, stopped. Everyone had a weird feeling to the
extreme, and He Yiming's palm seemed to have mastered some kind of
incomprehensible power. Their hearts and bodies trembled inexplicably, as if
the palm was directly imprinted on their bodies.

The next moment, a loud popping sound spread throughout the manor.

The tall bronze door was like papier-mâché, and it was simply not able to
withstand such a powerful force to the extreme.

The wooden door wrapped in copper completely exploded, and countless pieces
of sawdust and copper rose into the air and flew towards the gate.

Immediately afterwards, He Yiming raised his head, and a voice like a

thunderbolt in the clear sky seemed to sound directly from everyone's hearts.

"Bu Chucong, come out and suffer ...... death".

The rumbling sound exploded in the air like a huge thunderbolt, and there was
no sound in the entire manor, only an endless echo floating in the air.

In the manor, Bu Chucong was holding a bewitching woman, watching the

performance of the dancers with great interest, and his soft and boneless
waist and beautiful face made his eyes linger. By this time, he had forgotten
about the failure of the hunt and the beating of people in the street.

For him, the loss of face from a hunting failure is far more serious than
beating someone on the street.

But just when he was indulging in pleasure, he suddenly heard a huge roar
that seemed to be chasing souls for his life. His body trembled, and the wine
glass in his hand fell.

It wasn't until the endless echoes had died down that he calmed down a
little. But at this time, there was no trace of blood on his face.

As soon as he heard this voice and felt the power in it, he immediately
understood that that person must be an innate powerhouse. Only a strong
person of this level can do this.

Without thinking, he jumped up, rudely pushed the woman in his arms away, and
rushed out of his room as fast as a lost dog.

In the past, in order not to be constrained, he arranged his room at a

distance from Mu Duten. But at this moment, he longed for this distance to be
zero, because only by running to Mu Dutian's side would he have a real sense
of security.

As soon as he stepped into the manor, He Yiming's momentum reached the
extreme, with his body as the center, the strong fluctuations of heaven and
earth qi were as unstoppable as the water of the rising tide.

The figures around him kept flickering, and almost in an instant, there were
already seven more people around him.

These seven people are all old men without exception, but in their bodies,
they have a much more powerful breath of life than ordinary people. And they
all have a power in their bodies, and they can maintain a vague connection
with the qi of heaven and earth in the outside world at any time.

He Yiming looked straight ahead and immediately saw the Soviet army.

Although no one introduced him, he immediately understood that this was the
seven innate powerhouses who came from the Tu Domain Kingdom this time,
except for Mu Dutian.

Su Jun glanced at the sawdust and copper pieces around him, and then felt the
almost substantial terrifying killing intent coming from He Yiming's body,
and couldn't help but stare at each other, and said in a deep voice: "Master
He, you broke into here for no reason, keep saying that you want to kill Your
Royal Highness, is this the hospitality of your country?"

He Yiming smiled proudly and said, "I am not a person who opened the country,
and the so-called hospitality has nothing to do with me. His voice suddenly
turned cold, and he said, "Hand over Bu Chucong, I'll turn around and leave,
otherwise I'll ......."

Another old man with a gloomy face snorted angrily and said, "If we don't pay
each other, can you still kill us?"

Although the momentum coming from He Yiming's body was really terrifying,
there were seven innate powerhouses here. Even Mu Dutian, who is known as the
first person in the Hundred Scattered Heavens, does not dare to be so

However, the old man's words tied everyone together, which shows that after
feeling the huge momentum of He Yiming, he still has little confidence in
dealing with He Yiming alone.

A palpitating smile swayed at the corner of He Yiming's mouth, and his gaze
glanced over the faces of the seven innate powerhouses one by one, and said,
"If you are killed, you can find Bu Chucong, then...... Go and die. ”

When the word "death" came out of He Yiming's mouth, his body suddenly moved.

As if he had disappeared suddenly, Su Jun and the others had lost his figure
in their eyes.
At this point, a trace of anger, humiliation, and horror flashed in the eyes
of the seven innate powerhouses at the same time.

Before He Yiming really made a move, even they didn't expect that in front of
seven masters of the same level, He Yiming would dare to take the lead.

For a while, they all had a trace of realization in their hearts.

After this battle, no matter whether he wins or loses, He Yiming's reputation

will spread throughout the entire northwest. And this kind of arrogance and
confidence has actually surpassed them, and I am afraid that only Mu Duan
Genius can compete with them.

A cloud of mist suddenly appeared in front of everyone's eyes, which was a

strange illusion formed by He Yiming's body technique to the extreme, and the
feeling of the cloud and mist was condensed into the fist technique.

Although the seven innate powerhouses did not have the experience of joining
forces to deal with one person, when they were attacked indiscriminately by
He Yiming, they naturally gathered together.

In an instant, in the eyes of the rest, they all saw a strange sight.

The seven innate powerhouses were actually surrounded by one person, and that
cloud that seemed to be omnipresent seemed to spread to the entire space.

After seeing this incredible scene, everyone's hearts were filled with an
unbelievable feeling, could it be that the strength of this person was so
powerful that even seven innate powerhouses could not be an enemy of it?

At this time, the hearts of the seven masters trapped in the clouds and mist
were also uncalm. Although they have long passed the age of impulsiveness, at
this moment in their hearts, there is a kind of impulse and pride that can
only be felt when they are young.

Even if you don't recognize He Yiming, you can know his origin from his young

He was provoked by a 17-year-old young man and said that he wanted to kill
them all. Such arrogance naturally aroused the disgust and disgust of all of

Whatever the reason, the dignity of the strong is not to be desecrated......

The seven innate powerhouses all became serious, and a powerful time rose on
their bodies, and the innate true qi on each of them was surging wildly. They
wanted to use their strength to tell He Yiming that the combined power of the
seven powerhouses was definitely not something that any master of the same
level could resist.

Seven innate true qi of different castes were instantly stimulated, and the
clouds and mist that filled this space suddenly had seven more huge holes.
However, in this hole, a ghostly condensation of human figures appeared in
front of the Soviet army from the virtual to the real.

The Soviet soldier sat on his horse with a heavy waist, exhaled, and his
palms instantly became fiery red as blood.

The fire system innate exercises were vividly exerted in his body. The heat
wave was surging and rolling in, as if it was about to burn He Yiming, who
had just come to him, to ashes.

But at this moment, Su Jun saw the disdainful sneer on He Yiming's face.

Inexplicably, his heart sank, and then, he seemed to see a monstrous wave.

It was a vast and boundless sea, and it seemed to be slanting down from the
water of the Milky Way above the nine heavens. In an instant, water and fire
blended, and the originally majestic heat wave all dissipated at this moment,
and was extinguished by the huge water wave in an instant.

Two fierce shouts erupted from the two sides of the Soviet army, and the two
innate powerhouses around him would never have imagined that in just one
move, He Yiming had already achieved an absolute advantage, and even had the
possibility of killing the Soviet army on the spot.

In the confrontation between the innate powerhouses, if they lose the

opportunity when the exercises are restrained, then it is not uncommon to be
pursued continuously by others, and even die tragically in the end.

As soon as they saw that the Soviet army was in a crisis, they could no
longer care about face, and immediately joined forces to rescue.

The two of them saw He Yiming's strength, and it only took a moment to
restrain the water power of the Soviet Army's firearms exercises. This time,
they used the wood and earth exercises.

The person on the left made a solid and heavy shot, which was the innate
earth true qi of the five elements that specialized in restraining the water
system exercises.

When the person on the right made a move, his arm was like the root of an old
tree, although the appearance was extremely ugly, but the powerful momentum
emanating from above was not below the person next to him at all.

Not only them, but the seven congenital powerhouses, including the Soviet
army, all thought that He Yiming had no choice but to give up the pursuit and
retreat for the time being.

However, they saw it almost at the same time, He Yiming's eyes were still
bright, and the sneer of disdain was rapidly expanding.
His palms did not retract, nor did he continue to perform the peerless body
technique like wind and mist, but made a mistake with both palms, and met the
two innate powerhouses respectively.

The hearts of the rest of the people all inexplicably filled with a strange
feeling, could it be that he actually wanted to use the water system
exercises to deal with the innate true qi of the earth and wood systems at
the same time?

If it weren't for He Yiming's monstrous momentum at this moment, they would

really have to wonder if this guy was a madman.

"Boom ......"

The moment the palms of the three of them got along, the faces of the two
innate powerhouses of the Tu Domain Kingdom all changed drastically.

He Yiming's right hand suddenly became as thin as firewood, and when it came
into contact with the opponent's earth-based true qi, it was immediately full
of divine power, and it was instantly dispersed.

However, his left hand was as strong as a diamond, and it completely crushed
and shattered the other person's wood true qi like a bamboo.

Wood, gold......

The True Qi he used had unexpectedly changed his caste in an instant, from an
endless stream of water exercises to a vibrant wood and an indestructible
gold system.

The transformation of these two true qi was so abrupt that there was no
warning at all beforehand.

Su Jun and the others finally showed a trace of horror in their eyes, and
they faintly felt why He Yiming had such strong confidence to challenge them.

The ability of this kind of exercise to transform in an instant has far

exceeded the limit that a hundred scattered heavenly powerhouses can reach,
and even among the first-line heavenly powerhouses, they have never heard of
such a thing against the sky.

He Yiming opened his bow left and right, defeating the two innate powerhouses
in one fell swoop.

He raised his head, and a long howl spread far away, and the killing machine
was full of fierceness...... Then he strode forward, his eyes firmly locked
on the Soviet army, which was the most powerful of the seven, and from his
body, endless monstrous killing intent swayed.

The other four didn't dare to slack off, they shot one after another, and the
innate true qi of different castes surged towards He Yiming like a tide.
However, He Yiming was not afraid, he did not retreat or evade, and continued
to stride forward like this, as if in front of him, it was not a strong
defense line composed of several innate powerhousesRather, it's a straight,
flat avenue.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom......".

After four successive loud noises like gold and iron clashes, the four innate
powerhouses were actually repelled one after another.

In these four battles, He Yiming's true qi was unpredictable, and he actually

used all the five elements true qi. Everyone who is in charge of him has
encountered the true qi that is against him.

At this moment, He Yiming seemed to be descending from the gods, and his
momentum was like adding fuel to the fire, and he took off to the extreme in
an instant, and even overwhelmed the combined power of the seven innate

(To be continued)

Cap 39

As if a giant hammer was striking hard in his heart, the faces of the seven
innate powerhouses suddenly became extremely ugly.

He Yiming's long roar also seemed to contain some kind of powerful power,
which could directly attack their spirits, making their heads faintly feel
extremely tingling.

If it weren't for that, the combined blow of the four innate powerhouses
would not have been broken so easily by He Yiming.

At this moment, He Yiming's mind was highly concentrated, but his mind was
recalling the process of the original sonic attack of Romea. His mind was
incomparably clear, and the scenes of the past seemed to be replayed in his

And he also vaguely saw that when Romea spoke, the magical and hidden changes
caused in the air, it was precisely because of this change that He Yiming at
that time was strongly attacked.

In fact, after the battle with Romea, He Yiming was very yearning for this
kind of sonic attack, and he has always been obsessed with it. When he helped
Lu Zhengyi to impact the innate realm at the last moment, he once realized a
little bit of the way to use it, and helped Lu Zhengyi to impact the innate
But that feeling was just a flash in the pan, and then it disappeared without
a trace.

And now, under the impact of a huge anger that can almost burn him
completely, he has coincidentally raised his spirit to an unprecedented
level. It was when this kind of energy was at its peak that he truly realized
the way to use this power.

So, without hesitation, he let out a long howl that inspired this power.

Under the impact of this strange power, those innate powerhouses were caught
off guard and were immediately broken by him 11. If it weren't for the seven
of them joining forces, then I am afraid that someone would have died on the
spot at this moment.

When the Soviet army flew back, he took a deep breath, his face suddenly
turned red, he opened his big mouth, tried his best, and shouted angrily.

Although his voice did not have any special attack power, it was a powerful
shout from an innate powerhouse who used his true qi to stir the dantian with
all his might, which was enough to suppress all the sounds in a short period
of time.

The eyes of the other six innate powerhouses lit up, and they also shouted at
the same time, and the sound that came out of the mouths of the seven innate
powerhouses was so loud that the rest of the voices were suppressed and
drowned, and it seemed that only the shouts of these people were left in the
whole world.

The people who came to watch the battle from all sides, whether it was the
soldiers of the Kairong Kingdom, or the attendants of the Tu Domain, as well
as Xie Mingjin, all covered their ears and retreated. Although this sound was
not fatal, it also made their eardrums tremble, and their faces were

He Yiming's momentum suddenly stagnated, his sonic attack method was not
mature in the first place, and when he was roared by these people, he
suddenly had a tendency to dissipate.

However, he is not alarmed, for him, the sonic attack is only a means of aid.

As soon as his figure moved, he appeared in front of the Soviet army as fast
as lightning.

When facing the attack of everyone, it is the best way to find one person to
chase and fight until the person is completely killed.

Among these seven people, the Soviet army is undoubtedly the most powerful
in terms of prestige and force. If he can be killed on the spot, then he will
definitely be able to easily break the fighting spirit of the other six.
A palm was raised high, and from this palm emanated a sharp, seemingly
invincible, invincible and powerful force.

However, after feeling this power, Su Jun and others were also happy when
they were furious.

The most powerful thing in the Soviet army is the fire-based true qi, but He
Yiming used the gold-based power to attack at this time, could it be that he
was dizzy?

Almost subconsciously, the Soviet army never retreated again, and his body
instantly turned red, from head to toe, and even a trace of pink appeared on
his hair.

Then, he punched out with all his strength, and he collided with He Yiming's

However, at this moment, his face suddenly showed a look of horror to the

Since He Yiming appeared, even if he was using sonic attacks, even when he
broke the seven-person alliance with the strength of one person, the Soviet
army had never shown such a frightened look.

But at this moment, he was really scared, and it was an extreme fear from the

When his palm full of fire-based power came into contact with He Yiming, what
he encountered was not the sharp and incomparable power of the gold system,
but still the water-based true qi that seemed to be overwhelming.

It was as if a layer of gold power was worn on the outside of the water
power, and He Yiming's palm made everyone look away.

However, at this moment, He Yiming also had some emotion in his heart, and he
was deeply grateful for the martial arts that Yokoyama Yimai brought him.

Before going to Yokoyama, although he could use all the exercises in the
basic five elements, it was absolutely impossible for him to do as he
pleased, and to exert more powerful power between the Xiangsheng exercises.

It is precisely because he has read many secrets of the innate exercises in

Hengshan, as well as the way to use the exercises, especially when he blessed
and guarded the meridians for Lu Zhengyi, that the experience he felt was
truly priceless.

It is precisely with that experience that he can truly achieve the

integration of the five elements, and he can play the innate true qi of
restraining his opponent anytime and anywhere.

The powerful power of the gold system suddenly turned into a monstrous sea of
water, completely extinguishing the flames of the Soviet army.
However, this blow was not over yet, his hand did not stop, but continued to
attack, but the power in his hand changed again in an instant, from the water
in the sky to the Daguan knife.

The palm that shimmered with metal light was condensed with powerful power,
and it ruthlessly broke through the hands of the Soviet army to intercept it,
and it was about to be imprinted on his chest.

As an old congenital powerhouse, the Soviet Army naturally has his life-
saving tricks. Seeing that he could not escape, when he could not escape, his
body suddenly shrank, and he was as small as a turtle.

He Yiming's palm was menacing, but it slashed past the left side of his

Just when the Soviet army thought that he had escaped, He Yiming's palm
suddenly flipped over, and a stream of quintessential innate knife qi slashed
into his vest.

Although the Daguan knife was not in his hand, when He Yiming used the power
of the gold system to the extreme, he was also able to produce a similar

Although this kind of sword is not enough to slash an innate powerhouse, it

is definitely not something that anyone can easily support.

The Soviet army snorted miserably, and a large amount of blood gushed out
from his eyes, ears, mouth, nose and seven orifices. The capillaries on the
surface of the body cracked countless times, and a large amount of blood was
slashed out by this sharp blow. It was as if he had just crawled out of the
river of blood and had become a bloody man through and through.

He stomped his feet hard, and he was already far away, falling heavily to the
ground, and his body twitched a few times, before he barely turned around.

His eyes were full of fear, and he was completely shattered by this dreamlike

Then his body went limp, and although he still had the strength to fight hard
at this time, he could no longer raise the idea of making a move.

The fight between them was just a breath, but between this breath, there were
unexpected changes that everyone was unexpected.

In one move, he wounded, defeated, and defeated the Soviet army, leaving an
indelible scar in his heart.

This is much more powerful than the scars left on the body, if this scar
cannot be smoothed out, then the martial arts cultivation of the Soviet army
in this life will end here.
Not to mention continuing to improve, even if you want to stay at the top of
your game at this point without regressing, it is impossible.

Six powerful true qi invariably surged towards He Yiming, who had already
entered the center of everyone. After seeing the fate of the Soviet army, the
other six also felt a deadly fear in their hearts at the same time. If just
now they were just forced by the situation and had to join forces, then at
this moment, they no longer had any choice, but sincerely joined forces, and
took out the peak combat power between the six of them without reservation.

In the face of a strong man who can defeat the Soviet army in one move, if
they are still clumsy, they are killing themselves.

However, He Yiming, who was surrounded by everyone, made a mistake with his
feet, and his whole person twisted in a strange posture. Once again, he
disappeared from everyone's eyes. Subsequently, the sound of countless steps
reached everyone's ears. At this moment, He Yiming seemed to be the
embodiment of ten million, leaving his footprints in all parts of this space.

This is such an incredible speed, even the six innate powerhouses are shocked
in their hearts.

Although their joint power is strong, if they can't beat the main master,
then everything is in vain.

Above the martial arts, the difference is a difference of ten million miles.
And He Yiming, with his special physique, interpreted this sentence vividly.

Under the siege of everyone, he broke out of the encirclement again with a
strange way, and re-entered the periphery at an extremely fast speed, and
surrounded everyone in reverse. Finally, as he had just done before, he
appeared ghostly beside an old man.

This old man was the one who questioned He Yiming just now, and when he saw
the smile with indifference and disdain that suddenly appeared in front of
him, his heart suddenly sank. He shouted as hard as he could, but his body
withered sharply. This is a common problem of all wood-based innate
exercises. But when the body becomes like the roots of an old tree, that
strong defense is enough to make up for everything.

It's just that the sneer on He Yiming's face remained unchanged, and his
hands once again glowed with a strong metallic luster.

Kaishan Type 36, Type 16.

It was as if a sharp axe had split the firewood, as if a long sword had
pierced a stake, as if a broadsword had cut off a stick.

He Yiming's Kaishan 36 style condensed the power of the gold system into one
point, and all his potential was stimulated to the extreme.
The old man's mouth let out a cold snort that hurt to the bone marrow, and
his body fell to the ground as softly as the Soviet army after being split
more than ten meters away.

However, compared to the Soviet army, his condition was even more miserable,
gulps of blood gushed out of his mouth, and the look in his eyes began to

After just a few breaths, his body was already a little stiff, and his hands
and feet were faintly cold, and he fell into a coma.

He Yiming's palm did not leave any hands, and the power in the 360 points in
the body was stimulated as much as possible, although it was not as
terrifying as the power of the five elements in one, but it was not even the
innate powerhouse that the Soviet army was inferior to could bear.

The faces of the remaining five people finally became terrified, He Yiming
wounded the Soviet army for the first time under the siege of everyone, it
can be said that there is no tacit understanding between everyone, and there
are a few innate powerhouses who are not Tu feudal countries still have
selfish intentionsThat's why he took advantage of the loophole.

But this time, the six of them definitely gave it their all, but the final
result was still the same.

This psychological blow to them is really unbearable.

I don't know who shouted, and then he took a leap and fled into the distance.
After the other four were slightly stunned, three of them also turned around
and fled, leaving only the last old man with a gloomy face.

Even He Yiming himself was stunned by this sudden change.

There are five people on the other side, if they really work together, then
they have never been without the power to fight. But he didn't expect that
these people would collapse so quickly.

His eyes fell on the last one, and He Yiming's heart suddenly swelled up with
a funny feeling, he smiled coldly, and said, "Why don't you leave, do you
think you can stop me?"

The old man smiled miserably and said, "They are not from my Tu Domain, so
they can naturally hide, but how can the old man, as the master of the Tu
Domain, abandon his friends." ”

He Yiming raised his eyebrows, and immediately understood the reason.

Mao Lieguang also once said that among the eight innate powerhouses from the
Tu Domain, there are also several Protector Masters from the Tu Domain's
vassal countries.
The relationship between these people is like that of the Tianluo Kingdom and
the Kairong Kingdom, although they belong to the same region, but everyone's
thoughts are different. If the innate masters of the Tu Domain Kingdom are
unlucky, I am afraid that these people will not only not avenge them, but
will laugh on the sidelines.

Nodding slightly, He Yiming said in a deep voice: "Where is Bu Chucong?"

The old man's gaze glanced over Su Jun and the other old man, stretched out a
hand, pointed in a certain direction, and said, "He lives in the Fanghua
Pavilion in the backyard, but is he there at the moment, The old man didn't
dare to guarantee it. ”

Bu Chucong is the fourth prince of the Tu Domain, if it was in normal times,

that old man would naturally not reveal his whereabouts. But this moment is
different, facing He Yiming, an incomparably powerful evil star. These innate
powerhouses all knew that if they concealed or stopped this, then he would
definitely not show mercy.

Although the prince is noble, for a country, the innate strong is more
important. If it is possible to exchange the life of a prince for three
innate powerhouses, then except for that prince, the authorities of any
country will not hesitate to agree.

Yes, although the old man told the truth, the Soviet army did not stop it,
but chose to acquiesce.

He Yiming nodded and said, "Very good, Mingjin, let's go ......."

Xie Mingjin responded excitedly, and immediately ran up, following He Yiming
in the direction pointed by the old man.

It wasn't until He Yiming left far away that these people invariably breathed
a sigh of relief.

The old man did not dare to slack off, and immediately came to the other
person for treatment, but when he helped his companion up, the old face
became more and more ugly.

The Soviet army also came to their side, and the two old men looked at each
other, and their hearts sank to the extreme at the same time.

A burst of anger surged in their hearts at the same time, but it was not
against He Yiming, but at the four princes.

This gentleman, by virtue of his identity, has always been in the sights of
no one. Now for some reason, he has provoked a terrifying powerhouse like He
An innate master, a friend for many years, seems to be about to fall in front
of them. As soon as they thought of this, their hearts grew more and more

The Soviets picked up the old man and said, "Go." ”

The two of them walked together, but the direction they were walking was not
Fanghua Pavilion, but the house where Mu Dutian was.


When many innate powerhouses left, a dense buzz erupted among those who were
watching from a distance, they were all discussing what had just happened,
and most of them had extreme excitement in their eyes.

Not only did they see a big battle between the innate powerhouses, but it was
also so brilliant. In particular, He Yiming's strength was beyond the scope
of what they could understand.

With the power of one person, he challenged seven masters of the same level,
and in the end, four of them fled, and the remaining three were also injured
two, one of which was the most serious, not only vomiting blood three liters,
And he has fallen into a coma and is dying. If he dies because of this, it
will be a sensational event.

Although they did not know the cause of this battle, their hearts were filled
with excitement at this moment, and they wanted to tell everyone who knew
what they had seen.

Of course, in the hearts of those soldiers who opened the country, they still
wished that the congenital old man of the feudal kingdom would die.


He Yiming took Xie Mingjin with one hand, and they quickly came to the place
pointed out by the old man.

At this time, there was already chaos here, especially in a chic and
beautiful high pavilion, and there were many people running around at a loss,
perhaps even they did not know what they were running.

Xie Mingjin's gaze was wandering here, and suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he
pointed to a person: "Big brother, this is the person, he is an accomplice."
, wounding all my guards. If it weren't for that, it wouldn't have hurt my
sister-in-law. ”

He Yiming's eyes rolled and he immediately recognized this person.

The last time he was here, he had met this man once. And this person is the
only tenth-layer peak master who followed behind Bu Chucong!
He Yiming's eyes flashed with anger, and the surging momentum once again flew
up unscrupulously.

(To be continued)

Cap 40

Bu Rong is anxiously commanding many attendants at the moment, letting them

maintain order here.

After hearing the loud drink, Bu Chucong immediately fled away, but he
couldn't do that.

Although he also guessed that the person who came to provoke must have
something to do with the carriage he said today, he didn't expect that the
owner of this carriage would dare to run here so boldly.

You know, there are eight innate powerhouses here. Even if Mu Wantian doesn't
make a move, the rest of the people can't turn a blind eye.

However, just when he thought he was as safe as Mount Tai, he suddenly felt a
chilling chill surging up his spine.

At this moment, he suddenly thought of the feeling of being targeted by a

huge beast in the jungle when he had not yet completed his kung fu.

It was an aura of death that seemed to kill him at any moment.

And it was precisely because of that near-death that he was able to cross the
extreme barrier and become the most pinnacle tenth-layer internal strength
master among the acquired cultivators.

At this moment, he actually had this feeling again, and what was even more
terrifying was that this time the feeling was particularly strong, and it was
even more terrifying than that time.

His body stiffened instantly, and though he tried to relax, he couldn't do

that for some reason. Because under that strong pressure, his body has
already reacted naturally, it is an instinctive choice, even if it is him, he
cannot adapt to it in a short time.

Slowly, he twisted his neck in a strange way, and in his eyes, he immediately
saw two extremely conspicuous young people.

His eyes widened suddenly, and when he saw the faces of the two men clearly,
everything was already understood.

There was no trace of blood on his face anymore, and the only thought in his
heart was, how could he meet this person's family?
As the escort who followed the four princes closely, he was no stranger to He

A 15-year-old who has successfully promoted to an innate powerhouse, not to

mention that his strength at the moment has been recognized by Master Mu
Dutian, even if he is a strong man who has just entered the innate
powerhouse, it is an existence that no one can ignore.

At his age, God knows how far he will grow.

When the envoys of the Tu Domain Kingdom went to Kairong Kingdom this time,
these insiders knew that even if they offended Zhan Tianfeng, the patron
saint of Kairong Kingdom, they would definitely not offend this young
congenital powerhouse.

But now, Bu Rong's heart is extremely bitter, and he seems to have foreseen
the extremely tragic consequences.

If he knew that there was already an innate powerhouse who was about to die,
then he was afraid that he would even have the intention of committing

He Yiming stepped out in one step, and everyone who stood in front of him,
whether it was a kabuki or an attendant, was pushed away with a strong force.
But even though he was angry, He Yiming still didn't anger others. The True
Qi used by Fang Cai was extremely ingenious, and it seemed to leave people
far away, but when their bodies hit the ground, it was only a little painful
at most, and they would definitely not really suffer any harm.

In an instant, he had already crossed the distance between each other and
came to Bu Rong's face.

Looking at the intense fear and overwhelmed look in the other party's eyes,
He Yiming's eyes once again swelled with a strong violent color, and a rare
wisp of cruel smile appeared on his face. At this moment, this young strong
man, who was usually like a good old man, finally revealed his magnificent
side, letting his killing intent and all his negative emotions be released

"Do you know why I'm here?"

"Yes. Bu Rong nodded subconsciously, under the shroud of He Yiming's

momentum, he no longer had the slightest room for resistance, and even his
thoughts paused slightly.

"Where's Bu Chucong?" He Yiming continued.

Bu Rong's gaze looked in a certain direction, and there, there was a very
conspicuous tall building. All you need to do is take a glance in that
direction and you'll be able to notice.
Although the murderous aura on He Yiming's body was fierce, the depression in
his heart had already dissipated most of it after seriously injuring the two
innate powerhouses.

After all, Yuan Lixun was only injured and broken on his face, but when he
was besieged by many innate powerhouses, the Kaishan 36 style that he tried
his best to hit had a powerful power to kill people.

The Soviets avoided the vital point, and that's it.

But no one knew the severity of the old man's injuries better than him. Even
if the medicine dao man personally took action, it would be difficult to save
his life.

A human life, and a living life of a congenital strong, is about to pass

away. Even He Yiming, who was in a hostile force, couldn't help but feel a
little emotional.

However, before he saw the real murderer and sought justice for Yuan Lixun,
he vowed not to give up.

With a cold snort, He Yiming said loudly: "Aiding the abuse, the death
penalty can be avoided, and the living crime cannot be escaped." ”

After that, he kicked out and walked in the middle of the Rong Dantian.

Bu Rong snorted miserably and flew out upside down, and when he flew out a
few meters and fell heavily to the ground, he was already disheartened as

Although He Yiming did not take his surname, this kick broke his dantian, and
all the internal strength of decades of penance was lost. And what's even
more sad is that from now on, he will become an ordinary person, and it is
impossible to even rebuild his internal strength.

His eyes were confused, and when a martial artist suddenly fell from the
position of standing at the pinnacle of the day after tomorrow to a position
that was not even as good as an ordinary martial artist, his state of mind
would inevitably rise and fall.

Looking around, the people around him had already stopped their panicked
movements, and they all seemed to have a hint of complexity in their eyes
when they looked at them. He even saw a hint of excitement and joy in the
eyes of the two of them. Although this color is extremely hidden, how can it
be hidden from his eyes at this moment.

Those two people are masters whose internal strength has reached the ninth
layer, and they are also second only to his guards in Pingyue, once he is
abolished internal strength, then it will be their world in the future.
In a trance, Bu Rong seemed to have seen the future in everyone's eyes, he
laughed miserably, and those who had been injured and killed by him suddenly
appeared in the sea.

From an ordinary cultivator, he advanced to the tenth level of internal

strength with his own efforts, and in this process, countless people became
his stepping stones, and he once stepped on countless people's bodies to rise
step by stepto reach today's status.

At this time, he actually had such a feeling, and now he has become a
stepping stone, and it is a broken stone that is worse than a stepping stone.

From then on, all the glory and wealth, all the wonderful prospects, were no
longer with him.

He burst out laughing, unspeakably strange in his laughter. Then, under the
stunned eyes of the rest of the people, he reluctantly stood up, jumped down
from the pavilion, and hit his head heavily on the rockery, and his brain
burst out Dead and dead.

Suddenly, the shouts of the people came out of the pavilion, and the singers
lost their faces one by one, and some even vomited.

The two masters of the ninth layer of internal strength looked at Bu Rong's
still somewhat convulsive corpse in a daze, and their hearts were also cold,
and the joy of being abolished because of Bu Rong's internal strength just
now had receded cleanly.

Today's Burong may not be their ...... in the future


He Yiming naturally couldn't know what was happening behind him, and his
whole mind was on looking for Bu Chucong.

However, when he was about to come to the tallest building in the manor with
Xie Mingjin, he suddenly stopped.

He raised his head and looked earnestly ahead, his face more solemn than

"Big brother, what's wrong with you?" Xie Mingjin's spirit was still in a
state of extreme excitement, and now he followed He Yiming into here, he
witnessed He Yiming's powerful strength, not only the acquired master of the
tenth layer of internal strength was as fragile as an ant in his hands, even
if it is a real innate powerhouse under his hands, it is as vulnerable as a
native chicken.

All this made him look at the eyebrows, in his heart, He Yiming was already
tall and incredible, if anyone else could stop He Yiming, then he would not
believe it first.
He Yiming half-turned his head, glanced at him, smiled slightly, and said,
"It's nothing, it's just that there is still a level to pass ahead." His
voice was full of confidence, and he said, "As long as you pass this level,
then you can clear both." ”

So saying, he strode through the small bridge and the water, and walked
across the garden lawn, until at last he came to the tall house.

In front of this house, there is a practice field of hundreds of square


Here, apart from an empty patch of neat dirt land, there are no more

However, on the dirt floor, there were a few people standing quietly, and
they seemed to know He Yiming's whereabouts, so they chose to wait here.

When He Yiming appeared, the first thing he saw was Mu Dutian, who was known
as the strongest man under the first line of heaven in the Tu Domain.

At this moment, he was holding his hands behind his back, looking at him
tightly in his eyes, as if he didn't know that He Yiming had come here.

In front of him, there was a white-haired old man, but unfortunately, the old
man's breathing was completely still.

Behind Mu Dutian, Su Jun and another innate powerhouse looked at He Yiming

who was striding forward with complicated eyes, although there was a
resentful look in their eyes, but more than that, they were afraid and

If they were allowed to fight with He Yiming again at this moment, then they
would definitely learn from the other innate powerhouses and flee.

He Yiming came to the training ground, his footsteps finally stopped, and his
eyes fell on the deceased innate powerhouse.

Mu Duan suddenly raised his head and said leisurely: "He is the protector
master of our Tu Domain, you shouldn't kill him." ”

He Yiming smiled dumbly and said, "If I keep my hand, then the person lying
here at this moment is me." ”

Mu Dutian was silent, he had already heard the two of them talk about the
situation at that time. With the strength of one person, in front of seven
masters of the same level, he also disagreed, and immediately took the
initiative to provoke and attack.

Even if this courage is him, he is ashamed of himself.

However, no matter how much Mu Dutian admired He Yiming, there was no way
back between them at this moment.
Raising his head, Mu Dutian said in a deep voice: "Are you here to find Bu
Chucong? ”

He Yiming's eyes froze, as if he had been touched by the scales, and the
murderous aura on his body suddenly skyrocketed, and said, "He ran rampant
and hurt my wife's faceWhat do you say?".

Mu Dutian and the three of them were suddenly dumbfounded, injuring the face
of a congenital powerhouse's wife, this kind of thing that was almost like a
slap in the face happened to He Yiming, no wonder he was furious, and he came
here desperately to seek revenge.

With a long sigh, Mu Dutian said, "Your Royal Highness the Fourth Prince,
come out." ”

From the house behind him, Bu Chucong walked out slowly, his face was also
pale at this time, and he no longer had the kind of unscrupulous attitude on
the street.

Seeing this person, Xie Mingjin's eyes also showed hatred, and he said
loudly: "Big brother, it's him, sister-in-law has already made way of the
way." But he still whipped at his sister-in-law, and he definitely did it on
purpose. ”

When he said this, Xie Mingjin gritted his teeth, his eyes were about to
split, and his eyes were full of irrepressible anger.

He Yiming was handed over to him for the first time, but it was because of
this damn prince that he messed things up. This feeling of depression is by
no means something that anyone can bear.

The muscles on Bu Chucong's face twitched, and he regretted it in his heart,

if he had known that this was the case, what would he have done with that
whip. It was for this whip that he formed a mortal enmity with a powerful
innate powerhouse like He Yiming, and even an innate master of his own
country fell because of this, this price is really too great.

Mu Dutian glanced at him coldly, and suddenly sighed: "I brought him here
this time to broaden his horizons and lay the foundation for the future
throne competition." But I was wrong......" He lowered his head, glanced at
the corpse of the old man on the ground, and said, "With his sin of letting
an innate master fall, he will never be able to touch the position of the
head of the Tu Domain in this life." ”

Su Jun and another congenital old man's eyes flashed with similar colors at
the same time.

After today's incident, they are already resentful of Bu Chucong, if it is

really this person who inherits the throne, then these two innate powerhouses
are afraid that they will leave the Tu Domain Kingdom immediately.
Moreover, the prince is gone, and he can be reborn, and with the nearly
1,000-year inheritance of the current Tu Domain, there are countless members
of the royal family. However, the number of innate powerhouses is extremely

A prince provoked right and wrong outside, and even caused the death of a
congenital powerhouse. So no matter what the reason, this prince will never
be recognized by everyone again, and he will have nothing to do with the
throne from now on.

For a prince like Bu Chucong, who thinks highly of himself, this is a big
deal comparable to depriving him of his surname.

Yes, after hearing Mu Dutian's words, Bu Chucong could no longer stand

unsteadily, and sat on the cold ground like this.

At this moment, he clearly tasted the painful feeling of falling from the
clouds in the sky to the ground. It's just that, compared to Bu Rong, he
didn't have the courage to commit suicide on the spot.

However, He Yiming's even colder voice rang out.

"Brother Mu. You want to defend with him too. ”

Bu Chucong shuddered, he stood up suddenly, raised his head, and looked at He

Yiming in horror. Isn't it enough for this person to deprive him of his
inheritance rights and even want to take his surname away?

He only cared about his own resentment, but he never thought that if he
hadn't run wild in the street and hurt people at will, how could this scene
happen in front of him.

Mu Dutian's gaze fell on the corpse on the ground again, and he said coldly:
"Brother He, if I don't protect him or not, we will inevitably have a battle
between us. If I lose, let alone His Royal Highness the Fourth Prince, even
if the entire envoy group is at your disposal. ”

He Yiming smiled loudly and said, "Well said, if I lose...... his face
suddenly became hideous: "Then I'll run back and go back to practice
hard."Until I can defeat you, and defeat all those who stand in my way, I
will take his surname. ”

What he said was extremely vicious, and there was a smell of immortality

Bu Chucong finally fell again, his lips trembling slightly. His eyes were
filled with a dead gray color, and all the courage in his body was gone, and
there was no longer the slightest bit of manliness.

Su Jun and another strong man glanced at each other, and they finally
understood how important that woman occupied in He Yiming's heart after all.
At the same time, they became more and more resentful of Bu Chucong who
caused trouble.

Mu Dutian's face also changed slightly, and He Yiming's answer was completely
beyond his expectations.

His face was slightly gloomy, and he said, "Brother He, you are such a
scoundrel, aren't you really afraid that the masters of my domain will come?"

He Yiming smiled mockingly: "Brother Mu, I know that your Tu Domain must have
a first-line heavenly master in charge. But He is not only the master of the
Tianluo Kingdom, but also a disciple of the Hengshan lineage. I am in the
same vein as the mountains, and I also have a glimmer of heaven. ”

Mu Dutian's face was extremely gloomy, but he didn't say anything threatening

Among the three major powers in the northwest, there are first-line heavenly
powerhouses. If there is no support from Hengshan Yimai behind He Yiming,
then the first-line heavenly powerhouse of the Tu Domain Kingdom will come
forward and kill him.

But behind him, since he also has the support of a strong person of the same
level, the first-line heavenly powerhouse among the three major powers will
definitely not dare to act rashly.

If it attracts the revenge of a first-line heavenly powerhouse, then the

consequences will be a hundred times more serious.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Dutian's body finally erupted with the same powerful
momentum and fierce killing power.

Since the grudge between the two sides is no longer endless, it is useless to
say anything more.

At this moment, at this moment, perhaps only by strangling this young genius
here can we never suffer in the future.

As long as He Yiming did not die at the hands of a first-line heavenly

powerhouse, but died under a fair decisive battle, then it would be
impossible for the Taishang Elder of the Hengshan First Line to rush all the
way to the Tu Domain to take revenge.

Mu Dutian thought so in his heart, however, he suddenly raised his head and
looked into the distance, his eyes showing extreme surprise.

From a distance, there were eight powerful breaths, this is an innate

powerhouse, and it is a full eight such masters, they release their powerful
breath to their heart's content, and under the joint efforts of the eight
people, The hostility was overwhelming, and it was like falling into an ice
(To be continued)

Cap 41

He Yiming also turned his head, a hint of excitement flashed in his eyes,
although he didn't really care about the armed rescue of the Eight Innate
Powerhouses. But for their heart, I was deeply moved.

You must know that apart from Shui Xuanjin and Ting Shiguang, he doesn't have
much friendship with the other six masters of the Innate Realm. So when he
came here, he didn't expect to get the support of Zhao Ruipei and others.

But now, after feeling the eight breaths that came like meteors catching the
moon. Even the most stupid people know that they are here to help.

At this moment, He Yiming's heart is completely deceitful to say that he has

no feelings.

No matter what purpose they came with, as long as they came, then He Yiming
was already very satisfied. This is a human favor, a huge human favor that
cannot be forgotten.

In just a few moments, the protector masters of the eight small countries led
by Shui Xuanjin all arrived here.

Suddenly, the strength ratio of the two sides has undergone earth-shaking

On the side of the Tu Domain, in addition to the four innate powerhouses who
had already fled, there were only four left. And among these four people, one
was seriously injured, and the other had died, even if it was the one left,
he was frightened by He Yiming. If you really fight, you can play half of
your strength, which is already very remarkable.

Before Shui Xuanjin and the others came here, they thought that they were
going to go through a fierce battle. They are even ready for a hard fight.
But they didn't expect that when they came here, instead of seeing any fierce
fighting scenes, they saw an extremely strange scene.

Especially when they saw the innate powerhouse on the ground who had died,
they were even more surprised in their hearts, could it be that He Yiming was
able to do this by himself?

Several people exchanged glances with each other, and they all thought of
Shui Xuanjin's words.

Not to mention He Yiming's potential, even with his current strength, it is

already worth the danger of offending the Tu Domain to come to their rescue.
Mu Dutian looked at the eight newly emerged innate powerhouses, and felt the
strong hostility from them, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Bu Chucong's whip really stabbed the hornet's nest. Not only did it provoke a
super strong person like He Yiming, but even ordinary innate powerhouses came
to as many as eight.

He took a deep breath and suddenly shouted, "Master He, what are you going to
do, do you want to kill all the people in my Tu Domain?"

His words rang out like thunder, and everyone's hearts suddenly hesitated.

The Tu Domain is one of the superpowers alongside the Kairong Kingdom, and
there are even a line of heavenly powerhouses in it. If all these people are
really killed, it will be a complete break with the Tu Domain, and they will
not die.

Thinking of the strength of the first-line heavenly powerhouse, even Shui

Xuanjin seemed a little hesitant.

He Yiming raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Master Mu, you don't need
to use words to squeeze, since this matter was caused by me, then naturally
it will be ended by me."Nothing to do with them. ”

Zhao Ruipei and the others all secretly breathed a sigh of relief, although
they showed a posture of advancing and retreating together, but if they
really broke with the Tu Domain, not everyone had such courage.

Since He Yiming took on it alone, it naturally made them happy in their


Of course, in this case, no one directly expressed this thought.

Mu Dutian suddenly let out a long roar and said, "Okay, since Brother He said
so, then Mu Mou is also relieved." He took a half step back, stared at He
Yiming, and reached out to slowly untie the strange coat on his body.

With his strength, even if he wears a coat and fights with people, he will
not be affected too much. But when facing He Yiming, he did mention 12 points
of caution and was completely prepared, even if it was a small unfavorable
factor, it had to be ruled out.

Although he still has firm confidence in himself, he is still full of fear

for He Yiming, who can fight the seven innate powerhouses alone with the
power of one person.

The strength possessed by this young innate powerhouse was definitely beyond
anyone's prior estimates.

He Yiming also took a step back, and with a gentle wave of his hand, he
slapped Xie Mingjin's body.
Xie Mingjin suddenly felt a strong surge and pushed him out flatly. When he
involuntarily retreated a distance, he found that he had unknowingly come to
Ting Shiguang's side.

Ting Shiguang naturally understood He Yiming's intentions, he stretched out

his hand and pulled Xie Mingjin behind him. Shui Xuanjin also took a step
forward, and the two innate powerhouses faintly sandwiched Xie Mingjin
between them.

With their protection, even if He Yiming and Mu Dutian fought to their

heart's content, it would be impossible to accidentally hurt him again.

The Soviets and another old man exchanged glances, and they stepped forward
and picked up the dead old man's body. Although he had died of his injuries,
his body had to be transported back to the Tu Domain.

This is the most basic respect for the strong, and it is the only thing they
can do.

However, when they retreated, they still intentionally or unintentionally

blocked the culprit this time.

No matter what the result of the fight between He Yiming and Mu Dutian is,
this person can't make a mistake. Even if you know that he has no future in
the future, this is not the time to give up on him completely.

Unconsciously, in the entire practice ground, only He Yiming and Mu Dutian

were left.

In addition to them, even a few powerful innate powerhouses took the

initiative to leave this field.

Because the moment the momentum on He Yiming and the others spread, everyone,
including many strong people, felt a great danger.

So they all chose to retreat a certain distance, although it was a bit of a

weakness to do so in front of a master of the same level, but whether it was
He Yiming or Mu Dutian, they were obviously not ordinary Baisantian
powerhouses. They don't feel so ashamed to show weakness.

At the two ends of the square, He Yiming and Mu Wantian stood far away.

In his eyes, the whole world seemed to have disappeared, and the only thing
they could see in their eyes was the powerful opponent directly opposite.

From their bodies, they all exude a powerful momentum that seems to be self-

This kind of momentum is not just something that can be possessed by relying
on arduous cultivation, but it has been accumulated little by little in the
process of comparing with countless masters of the same level.
Mu Dutian can be called the number one master under the first line of the Tu
Domain, and that is definitely an honor that he has obtained step by step by
stepping on the corpses of countless people.

Under his hands, in the entire territory of the Tu Domain, all the Hundred
Scattered Heavenly powerhouses were defeated under him, even the first-line
Heavenly powerhouses of the Tu Domain Country had high hopes for him.

For decades, the invincibility of the same rank has given him great
confidence, and at this moment, he has completely transformed this confidence
into his own huge momentumThe power of substance continued to spread in all
directions, as if it wanted to envelop everything in its own momentum.

On the other hand, He Yiming, the momentum shown from him was not under the
other party at all.

If Mu Dutian was able to push his momentum to the limit that a hundred
scattered heavenly powerhouses could reach, it was because of the role he had
played by the confidence he had gradually accumulated through countless
battles. So He Yiming's momentum at the moment is the result of his momentum
rising and breaking out after he passed the test along the way, singled out
the seven masters of the same level and finally won.

In this way, these two kinds of momentum are intertwined with the tip of the
needle against the wheat mang.

The eyes of both of them were extremely solemn, and they seemed to sense that
the opponent in front of them at this moment was definitely different.
However, only such a powerful opponent can truly stimulate their desire to
fight, allowing them to climb to a higher martial realm in constant fighting.

Finally, as if they had a heart, the two of them started at the same time,
and they disappeared in place at the same time.

When they started to do it, Shui Xuanjin and the others found that their
speed was already so fast that even they couldn't see the changes clearly.

Then, in the very center of the martial arts training ground, a loud bang
like a thunderbolt broke out in the clear sky, making everyone's hearts
tremble violently...... They know that the two have finally fought each


The eight powerful auras walked together, and as long as they were strong in
the innate realm, they could easily sense the changes that had happened here.

In the distance, the most sacred thing in the Kairong country, as long as it
is a person from the Kairong country, it will be familiar to the master hall.

Several old men stood up in unison and stared in one direction.

Among these people, they are all innate protectors in the Master Hall.
Standing at the forefront of everyone is none other than Master Mao Lieguang.

Although he is not a very good person, but in terms of force alone, he is

indeed an innate powerhouse who has reached the high level of the Hundred
Scattered Heavens. Although he is far inferior to He Yiming and Mu Dutian, he
is indeed a step above the average innate powerhouse. Therefore, in the
ranking of the Master Hall, except for the royal ancestor, no one can surpass

At this time, everyone looked at a certain place with solemn faces, and they
all sensed the powerful heaven and earth qi that erupted there.

After a long time, a white-faced and bearded old man frowned and said, "What
the hell is going on?

Mao Lieguang glanced at him angrily and said, "Brother Xu, don't be joking,
even if they riot, the target will be our master hall."How could it be
possible to go to the trouble of those guys in the Tu Domain?".

The white-faced bearded old man's real name is Xu Kuiding, and although his
status among the top ten innate powerhouses in Kairong Country is not as good
as Mao Lieguang, he is also a strong man who follows closely behind, ranking
third in the master hall.

He coughed lightly and said, "What should we do now, do we intervene to stop


Mao Lieguang shook his head slightly and said, "Wait a while, I have already
sent someone out to investigate, and someone will pass on the information
soon." ”

Although they didn't see what was happening with their own eyes, with the
help of their breath sense, they knew that several of the protector masters
in the vassal countries in the Kairong Kingdom had joined forces and ran to
the Manor of the Tu Domain.

This happened suddenly, and even they had a sense of being caught off guard,
and all the Protector Masters in the city gathered together, ready to deal
with any changes that might arise at any time.

After all, all the masters of the Tu vassal country and the vassal countries
combined, there were already nearly 20 masters. If you count He Yiming and Mu
Dutian, who far surpass Tongji, this strength is so strong that even if it is
the Kairong Country Master Hall with a first-line heavenly powerhouse, it
does not dare to have the slightest negligence.

After a while, just when everyone's faces couldn't help but show anxious
looks, the figure outside the master hall flashed, and finally walked in.
Once this person entered, everyone except Mao Lieguang saluted him, but this
person hurriedly returned the salute, and then came to Mao Lieguang's side.

If He Yiming was here, he would naturally recognize that he was defeated by

his own Chengfu.

But now Cheng Fu seems to have been reborn, in his body, that strong sense of
presence has disappeared, and it seems to have become an ordinary middle-aged
man, if it weren't for the opening and closing of his eyes,There are also
wisps of strong heart-palpitating essence, and no one will associate him with
the Protector Master again.

Xu Kuiding smiled happily and said, "Brother Cheng's progress is like flying,
it's really gratifying." ”

Cheng Fu nodded slightly at him, but he was silent and did not speak. And the
rest of the people were not surprised, because they all knew that a year ago,
since Cheng Fu returned from defeat, he had been desperately devoted to
cultivation, and had received the guidance of the royal ancestors, until
recently, it broke through.

Since he came out, it was as if he had changed as a different person, and

even his master Mao Lieguang couldn't see his depth.

Everyone knows that he is waiting for another opportunity to fight with He

Yiming, and he wants to regain his former self-confidence in the same

"Master, I've already inquired clearly. Cheng Fu said loudly: "His Royal
Highness, the Fourth Prince of the Tu Domain, Bu Chucong committed a murder
on the street and injured Yuan Lixun, the wife of Master He Yiming. And
Master He Yiming was angry at the crown, and united many innate powerhouses
in the embassy area to go to the manor of the Tu Domain to seek justice. ”

Although what he told was different from the facts, he got such news in such
a short period of time, indicating that the movements in these two areas were
actually under the supervision of the spies of the Kairong Kingdom.

Mao Lieguang and the others were all frowning, although the conflict between
these two forces was definitely a good thing for them, but this conflict must
be controlled within a certain range, if it is beyond a certain rangeThat
would be a fatal disaster.

For a while, everyone's hearts were itching with hatred for Bu Chucong, this
gentleman dared to commit murder on the street, did he still think that this
was the territory of the Tu Domain?

In fact, in their eyes, the murder of a foreign prince is just a trivial

matter. But the problem is that hitting someone who shouldn't be beaten
naturally becomes a major event.
Mao Lieguang sighed and said helplessly: "Everyone, let's go and join in the
fun, we must mediate this matter." ”

Many innate powerhouses shook their heads one by one and sighed bitterly, and
several of them rushed towards the manor of the Tu Domain.

They were so fast that they had arrived at the manor in a matter of moments,
but all they saw was a mess, and even the gates of the manor were kicked

Everyone's faces changed slightly, He Yiming and the others were too much,
and they actually kicked the door away, wouldn't it be equivalent to slapping
their faces in the face, and the people of the Tu Domain Kingdom would not
give up easily.

After seeing the arrival of many innate powerhouses from their country,
several captains of soldiers immediately stepped forward to salute.

Mao Lieguang wrenched his face and asked, "What's going on here?"

One of the most articulate captains immediately recounted what he had seen,
and the many masters looked at each other, and their eyes widened one by one,
and they could hardly believe their ears.

The muscles on Mao Lieguang's face twitched inexplicably, and said, "You
mean, Master He Yiming came here alone and defeated all seven innate

The captain's head moved like a chicken pecking rice, and he said excitedly:
"Master Hui's words, that's exactly the case, they have only been fighting
for a moment, and the seven Protector Masters of the Tu Domain Kingdom have
already been seriously injured, Four escaped, and one of them told the
whereabouts of Prince Bu Chucong, and Master He Yiming let him go. ”

Mao Lieguang and the others glanced at each other again, their hearts full of
incredible feelings. Even Mao Lieguang, who was once in He Yiming's hands and
almost lost under one move, couldn't believe that He Yiming really had such
exaggerated strength.

Slowly, their eyes finally fell on Cheng Fu. And at this moment, Cheng Fu's
eyes were no longer calm.

In the past year, under the guidance of Zhan Tianfeng, he has used a special
cultivation method that can quickly stimulate potential, but is extremely
painful, to practice in the martial arts.

In the past year, although he has suffered unimaginable pain from ordinary
people, his strength has indeed improved by leaps and bounds, and it is a
world of difference compared to a year ago.
Among the ten innate masters of the current Kairong Kingdom, even if it is
his master Mao Lieguang, he may not be his opponent.

But even so, he didn't dare to say that he could fight against seven
powerhouses of the same rank with his own strength. As for winning the
battle, injuring and scaring the other party away, it is even more

Cheng Fu's fists suddenly clenched, and his nails were deeply pressed into
his palms, but his heart was even more miserable.

He Yiming, how did this guy cultivate? Could it be that in the past year, he
still had an epiphany...... Suddenly, there was an earth-shattering churning
aura from inside the manor. Everyone's spirits were lifted, and they felt the
power that made them feel incomparably terrifying, and a thought suddenly
flashed through their hearts.

He Yiming and Mu Dutian fought each other.

Almost without thinking, everyone was running in that direction, leaving only
a group of people here speculating about what was going on.

(To be continued)

Cap 42

Above the blue sky, several sparrows flew lightly, and they walked through
the courtyard carefree.

However, when they flew over a clearing that seemed to be empty, they shook a
few times one by one, and then they all fell down in unison.

After a while, a thin layer of white frost floated on their bodies. The frost
began to spread so rapidly that even the ground began to be covered with the
same color.


The icy feeling filled the whole world in an instant, as if it had suddenly
entered the coldest season, as if it had suddenly come to the snowy northern
Xinjiang ice field, which made people at a loss.

Among all the people here, except for Xie Mingjin and Bu Chucong, they are
all innate powerhouses with unique skills who can resonate with the qi of
heaven and earth. However, at this moment, even if they are as strong as
them, they feel irresistible.

Xie Mingjin and Bu Chucong even fought with their upper and lower teeth, and
their bodies trembled violently.
Ting Shiguang stretched out his hand and gently pressed it on Xie Mingjin's
body, and a fiery power suddenly spread throughout his body along his
meridians. This gave him a long breath, as if he had been rescued from the
brink of freezing.

He continued to tremble and looked up, just in time to glance at Bu Chucong,

who had also been rescued. There was hatred and hatred in their eyes, but
there was a faint taste of sympathy.

Several figures rushed towards this place like flying, they did not join the
battle group, but like Shui Xuanjin and the others, they quietly watched the
battle between these two masters of the same level outside the training

Shui Xuanjin, Su Jun and others glanced at them, although they were
dissatisfied, but no one spoke. Because after all, this is someone's
territory, and their strength has not reached the point of anti-customer.

It's just that among these people, there is an innate powerhouse who is
particularly excited after seeing He Yiming and Mu Dutian, and a strong will
to fight seems to emerge from him. But as soon as this momentum came out, it
was suppressed and dispersed by the momentum of the two top Hundred Scattered
Heaven powerhouses, and even dissipated into invisibility.

The gap between the two sides is so great that it is like an adult and a
child, and there is no comparable surname at all.

Except that Shui Xuanjin knew the reason, Ting Shiguang, Su Jun and the
others all glanced at him with disdain. It's really rare for someone to be so

Cheng Fu's face instantly darkened, and when he really saw the strength of
these two, he realized how far the gap had reached.

He Yiming's progress is so fast that it is indeed far beyond him.

His eyes were fixed on the two people on the practice ground, and Cheng Fu
suddenly felt a sense of discouragement. He faintly felt that in this life,
he was afraid that he would never have a chance to catch up with He Yiming.


When He Yiming officially fought with the other party, he finally understood
why Mu Dutian was known as the first person in the Hundred Scattered Heavens
of the Tu Domain. Moreover, he knew that he was a fellow practitioner of the
five lineages, but he still had a strong and invincible faith.

This is because what Mu Dutian cultivates is not any of the Five Elements
Exercises. What he cultivated was an ice system exercise.
That kind of strange exercise that drips water into ice, freezes for
thousands of miles, and is cold to cold.

The vast majority of innate powerhouses are good at one or two of the basic
Five Elements exercises, but there are also some innate powerhouses who
master them, but they do not belong to this category.

Before today, among the innate masters He Yiming had seen, only Shui Xuanjin
was the only one who practiced the wind system exercises. However, the power
possessed by Shui Xuanjin's wind system exercises was obviously not
comparable to that of Mu Dutian.

At this moment, from the circumference of Mu Dutian's body, a circle of

extremely powerful chills emerged like waves.

As the cold continued to spread, the entire practice ground seemed to change

Although there are more than 20 innate powerhouses around, it is so quiet

that it can be heard at this time.


It was the only sound at this time, and it was also the lullaby of the earth,
and Mu Wantian moved in this silent environment, and he seemed to turn into
countless light flying snow, dancing to the melody.

In the eyes of everyone, Mu Dutian seemed to have turned into a flying snow
as light as smoke, as white as silver, fluttering, fluttering, and falling
from the sky.

At this moment, everyone seemed to see an incredible scene.

This is no longer the capital of Kairong Country, but has become an icy and
snowy land in the northern Xinjiang ice field.

The nine cold days, the frozen earth, and the howling cold wind made the
whole world a big refrigerator. Not only are humans unable to survive, but
even the mountains are shivering with cold, the rivers are freezing stiff,
and even the air seems to be solidifying.

The earth is cold, the whole place is like silver, and everything is
depressed ......

At this point, everyone understood that Mu Dutian's strength turned out to be

as powerful as this.

Even those of them who were watching the battle from the sidelines felt
endless coldness, and they deeply understood that they could not be his
opponents at all.

So, what about He Yiming who is in it?


He Yiming's face was equally solemn, and the moment the frost arrived
everywhere, he began to turn the true qi in his body into an innate fire

This is the innate fire system exercise that he cultivated after observing
the medicine dao people and the infinite earth fire underground when he was
refining the pill.

Fire and ice are definitely two different extreme forces. These two extreme
forces in nature collide at this moment.

Around He Yiming's body, wisps of white light smoke suddenly rose from the
cold air that had already condensed, and the temperature around him increased
by a few degrees.

He Yiming raised his hands, and the palms of those hands were bright red as

Then, he strode forward, and just like that, he rushed straight towards the
other man, and a monstrous flame surged from his body.

Mu Dutian turned around, he didn't directly face He Yiming, but used the
weird and ethereal ice and snow body method to lay one natural cold barrier
after another around him.

He Yiming suddenly found that the communication between Mu Dutian and the qi
of heaven and earth around him seemed to be far more clever than his.

From his body, the 360 tricks seem to have become dantians, constantly
absorbing the energy of the outside world. Not only that, but when the qi of
heaven and earth in this place was inhaled into his body, there was more cold
and ice-like heaven and earth power in the distance.

It was the first time He Yiming had encountered such a situation, and this
person's mastery of the power of heaven and earth was even higher than him.

Faintly, He Yiming just had a feeling that this person's cultivation was so
high that it was only a line away from the line of life and death.

As long as he wants, he can even hit the last level at any time.

However, the stronger Mu Dutian became, the more excited He Yiming's heart
became. The true qi in his body has also reached an incredible level. Even
when Shicai confronted the seven innate powerhouses, he had never been so

His palms flew, like the fire of the earth, dispelling all the cold around
him, and the layers of cold barriers that had been laid down by the wood were
scattered like bamboos under his hands.
In the eyes of everyone, He Yiming was like a big fireball, following the
source of the cold air.

The battle between the two of them seemed to have a great upper hand, while
Mu Dutian kept retreating. However, after a while, everyone subconsciously

Because they all felt it abruptly, although He Yiming looked majestic and
imposing. But the surrounding environment has not changed in the slightest.

The white world was still like ice and snow, and no matter how powerful He
Yiming's fire system was, it had never had the slightest impact on it. On the
contrary, the reason for the restraint of the exercises, now He Yiming's
consumption of true qi is far greater than that of his opponent.

If this situation continues, then the first person to consume the true qi
will definitely not be Mu Dutian, who seems to be at a disadvantage now.

He Yiming obviously also discovered this situation, his face changed

slightly, and between his palms, the surging fire had completely disappeared.

Then, a powerful life force surged from his body.

This kind of power is incompatible with the power of ice, and He Yiming
turned directly from a fire into a towering tree, his feet were open, like an
old tree taking root, tightly buckled into the ground.

His palms continued to fly, and the powerful wood-based life force had
rippled around him.

It's just that a mocking smile flashed on Mu Dutian's face, and his body kept
moving, as if he was boxing alone, regardless of He Yiming's changes, he was
still using the impact of ice, consuming He Yiming's true qi little by

This young powerhouse also poses a huge threat to him, even with his current
strength, he does not dare to say that he can win in a hard-fought situation.

Therefore, Mu Dutian chose the most appropriate method, with the help of the
power of the qi of heaven and earth, and slowly consumed He Yiming's true qi.

When he fully activated the power of the ice system, he was able to create a
small area filled with cold air.

This kind of ability is not something that a hundred scattered heavenly

powerhouses can have, and even a first-line heavenly powerhouse can't do

However, there was a strange treasure on Mu Dutian's body, and it was with
this strange treasure that he was able to form such a terrifying ice force
field when he was scattered in the sky.
Fighting people in this force field, he occupies a huge advantage that is far
from what others can imagine.

It was precisely because of the assistance of this strange treasure, coupled

with his powerful strength that was infinitely close to the first line of
heaven, that he had the strong confidence to defeat and even kill He Yiming
on the spot.

At this time, although the wood power displayed by He Yiming was equally
powerful, in this icy and snowy world, it still did not take advantage of the

The power of the ice system faintly brought him a feeling of "death", which
was very different from the power of "life" of the wood system, and it was
even more-for-tat.

Although it is not as direct as that between fire and ice, the collision and
opposition between each other are not bad at all.

A moment later, He Yiming also felt that under the suppression of the power
of death, his life breath was slowly eroding, and what was even more tragic
was that although he clearly sensed this, but there is no solution.

He snorted coldly, his body sank suddenly, his knees bent slightly, and the
tall trees seemed to disappear immediately, replaced by a heavy mountain-like
sense of solidity.

The power of the earth system made him like a mountain that had stood for
thousands of years, as if it had existed in this world since ancient times,
even if it was frozen for thousands of miles in the north, it had never
frozen the huge mountains.

This is the power of the earth, and it is the strongest defense at all

However, after a few moments, He Yiming's brows were still furrowed. Because
he found out again that although he was less affected at this time, he had
completely lost the possibility of attacking at this time, and he looked
extremely embarrassed under the attack of Mu Dutian's snow-like palms.

The layers of snow came overwhelmingly, as if to turn him into a snow-capped

mountain, which was completely frozen as if it was a snow-capped mountain
covered with a layer of white armor.

The heaviness seemed to grow stronger, and it was about to overwhelm him.

He Yiming was shocked in his heart, a fierce glint flashed in his eyes,
rather than being slowly grinded to death, it was better to let it go.

He suddenly let out a loud cry, his knees straightened, and one palm raised
Kaishan 36 type, 16 type ......

This exercise has always been his mastery since he practiced it, and in the
same way, when he performs this exercise, it is also invincible.

A rumbling sound like thunder erupted from his body, and he seemed to have
turned into a knife, an indestructible Daguan knife.

The sharp power of that gold system was fully embodied in his body at this

His momentum had climbed to the extreme in an instant, and a powerful killing
intent emerged from his body, which would never return, and slashed towards
the wood like a fly.

There were countless popping sounds in the air one after another, and Mu
Dutian's face also became extremely dignified for the first time, his palms
slapped out like raindrops, and every slap was a chilling force rushing to He
Yiming's body. At the same time, his body technique sped up several times,
and he actually formed a circle with He Yiming in square inches.

Since He Yiming created his own Cloud and Rain Flying Technique, this is the
first time he has encountered someone who can compete with him in the mystery
of his body. And in this icy and snowy environment at this moment, the other
party is obviously faster than himself.

Although the incomparable Kaishan 36 style was extremely powerful, it was

never able to touch the wood.

With the continuous impact of one powerful ice force after another, He
Yiming's speed became slower and slower, and even his palms seemed to be
covered with a layer of white frost.

His Kaishan 36 style is still invincible, but under this power that can even
freeze the earth, it eventually becomes powerless.

He Yiming's figure finally stopped, he closed his palms and squatted, and a
new strength surged from his body again.

Streams of water power surged out of his body like monstrous waves, like a
huge tsunami.

This is already the last surname among the five elements, and it is also He
Yiming's final outburst after being suppressed for so long.

This powerful force has even exceeded the limit of He Yiming's usual

It was like a flood of power that seemed to be able to wipe out the entire
Mu Dutian's movements were faster, and under He Yiming's crazy counterattack,
he was like a small wooden sailboat in the midst of the raging waves, as if
he would be overturned and sunk at any time.

However, no matter how terrifying the monstrous waves were, the boat was
glued tightly to the waves, and it was impossible to completely submerge it.

Not only that, but around this small boat, the monstrous water slowly changed
color, and the white ice appeared again, and this time it appeared so
fiercely, as if it was only for a moment, the whole raging waves have been
completely frozen.

Condensing into ice, it has reached this level in an instant.

For the first time, the strong confidence in He Yiming's heart was extremely

He has already performed all the exercises in the five basic elements. This
ability to transform between different exercises has made all the innate
powerhouses dumbfounded. Even Mu Dutian, who was fighting against him, was
deeply shocked by this strange ability.

He also finally understood why under the joint efforts of seven masters of
the same level, He Yiming was still able to win the battle.

Because in the face of ordinary innate powerhouses, this ability is too

rebellious. No matter who fights against it, they will be restrained by the
exercises, and even half of their strength will often not be able to exert

He was secretly glad in his heart, if it weren't for the fact that he had the
strange treasure on his body that could absorb the ice energy in the qi of
heaven and earth and greatly enhance the strength of the ice system, then
when he fought with He Yiming fairly, he might not be his opponent.

But at this moment, as the frozen power around him continues to increase, he
has faintly grasped the initiative and has the absolute upper hand.

At this time, everyone had already seen that He Yiming seemed to be poor in
donkey skills.

Taking a deep breath, He Yiming's heart finally made a decision, the true qi
in his body was endless, and a murderous aura gradually surged up in his

When this murderous aura began to permeate, even in this icy and snowy world,
it seemed that it could not cause any trouble to it.

Mu Wantian's hair stood on end, and his heart was terrified, He Yiming had
obviously reached the point of exhaustion, but why did he bring himself a
more dangerous feeling?
He Yiming's face was solemn, and the true qi of the water system began to
flow, and at this time, he no longer planned to keep anything.

Since the strength of a single line is not enough to win, let's unite the
five elements.

This kind of final blow, which even a first-line heavenly powerhouse can
injure, is definitely an invincible existence in the Hundred Scattered
Heavens. It's just that after this blow, I'm afraid that only one of the two
will be able to leave this place alive.

However, He Yiming firmly believes that the living person must be his own Today, Thursday, I accompanied my daughter to learn calligraphy
class in the evening, but the promised Wanwu update will definitely not miss
the appointment.

Around ten o'clock in the evening, there is still a chapter.

In addition, He Yiming has absorbed a lot of monthly pass energy, and he is

still a little bit close to being promoted to the first-line sky, hehe......
At the critical moment, don't be soft-hearted^_^

Cap 43

The powerful True Air swirled, and the fierce sense of crisis spread
endlessly in all directions.

As the True Qi continued to increase, this feeling became more and more
intense. At this time, not only Mu Dutian, who was in it, had this feeling,
but even the surrounding bystanders also had a similar feeling.

In their eyes, He Yiming, who was almost desperate, suddenly transformed into
an ancient fierce beast. On his body, there is a dangerous aura hidden to the
extreme. They even had a hint of realization, He Yiming seemed to be
preparing something, once he was ready, it would be time for these two people
to make a judgment of life and death.

At this point, everyone became nervous, but the ones who were really most
concerned and annoyed were Mao Lieguang and others.

Although the identities of the other innate powerhouses are noble, they are
just dead, and not many people will stand up for them. But these two people
are different, whether it is the Tu Domain or the Yokoyama lineage, they
regard them as future stars. So it's nothing if the two of them lose in a
fair competition, but if there is really a three-long and two-short or
something, I'm afraid that even Zhan Tianfeng will be unable to withstand the
super anger of these two forces.

As they said at the beginning, they hoped that the two forces would be able
to fight, but it had to be within a mutually acceptable range. If all of them
lose their minds, it will be a disaster for everyone.

Intentionally or unintentionally, the eyes of several innate powerhouses

glanced in the direction of Bu Chucong, it was all the trouble caused by this
guy, so he came to such a field today.

Mu Dutian also looked extremely solemn, and after feeling the change in the
momentum on He Yiming's body, he also understood that the next step might be
the real battle of life and death. With a turn, he stood flat, one hand
gently brushed against his chest, and the other hand stretched out flat.

On his outstretched palm, there was a thick layer of white ice, emitting
multicolored light under the light of the day, as if it was covered with a
layer of ice armor, which was dazzling.

And it is precisely because of this strange color that everyone's eyes are
attracted to it, but no one notices that the palm of his hand on his chest is
unaware of it and unaware of it , holding a piece of jade.

When his hand took the piece of jade from his chest to his hand, the
extremely strong chill suddenly became more and more intense.

The surrounding air suddenly dropped a few degrees again, and even a few
powerhouses of the Innate Realm began to be overwhelmed.

The unprecedentedly violent cold suddenly rushed upward, even He Yiming

shivered slightly.

But it was precisely because of this that a thought suddenly flashed through
He Yiming's mind. As if it was a blessing to his soul, He Yiming gave up his
original plan without hesitation.

The true qi in his body was still running, but it was no longer the last
terrifying blow of the five elements in one.

Without others noticing, He Yiming's true qi was already slowly converging

inward, as if he couldn't resist the intense cold, retreating little by
little, and finally being completely enveloped by the coldThus being invaded
by these cold airs in the body.

This change of events was definitely unexpected by everyone.

The terrifying momentum on He Yiming's body that was enough to make

everyone's hearts beat suddenly disappeared completely in an instant.
Not only that, but his true qi also dissipated like the ebb tide, just like a
person opening the security door of his home, for fear that those thieves
would not come in.

At this time, an incredible thought surged in everyone's hearts. Could it be

that He Yiming was just an empty shell in disguise just now? Or had he gone
crazy, so he would do such a self-defeating thing.

At this time, He Yiming gave up the resistance of his true qi and let the
cold qi enter his body, because a thin layer of hoarfrost had formed on his
body, like a statue that had been frozen, which was vivid.

However, in such a state, he still refused to stop. Standing up with that

stiff body, he rushed towards Mu Dutian like this. His legs were also no
longer flexible because they were frozen. He stumbled forward, as if he
wanted to hit his opponent with his stiff body.

Although Mu Dutian was also puzzled by He Yiming's approach, he was willing

to let go of such a great opportunity in front of him.

Between the slight movements of his body, before He Yiming rushed up, he had
already come to He Yiming's side.

Mu Dutian's eyes finally flashed a fierce killing intention, since the enmity
between him and He Yiming was irresolvable, then one of them had to fall
between them. Now it seems that the one who has fallen has been determined.

The palm of his outstretched hand slapped it flat, but there was a hint of
regret in his eyes.

A 17-year-old genius has fallen here, and a fallen genius is no longer a


A slight sound came out, but it was so crisp and pleasant in this winter-like

Everyone's eyes were focused on one place, and Mu Dutian's hand finally
pressed on He Yiming's chest as he wished.

Shui Xuanjin's eyes were dark, and she almost didn't fall to the ground.

He Yiming was invited by him with great difficulty, and he succeeded him as
the protector master of Tianluo Kingdom, and he is still so young, he has
infinite bright and bright children in the future, and even Tianluo Kingdom
will benefit a lot from him. However, all this hope was dashed at this

After feeling Mu Dutian's strong strength, even he didn't have any hope for
He Yiming.
No one can withstand such a direct attack of freezing air, let alone He
Yiming, even if it is a strong person in the first line of heaven, I am
afraid that I will not dare to let Mu Dutian imprint a palm on his chest.

Not only did he have this thought, but everyone else had the same expression
on their faces.

Although before He Yiming, there was already an innate powerhouse who had
fallen. But compared to He Yiming's age, it gave everyone a stronger sense of
stimulation, making them seem to see a round of red words that had not yet
fully risen, and it had already fallen.

However, at this very moment, they saw ......

Mu Wantian's eyes widened, as if he sensed something incredible. He didn't

let go of the palm that was pressed on He Yiming's body, but his face turned
faintly pale, and even his body seemed to be trembling slightly. At the same
time, the surrounding cold seemed to be even colder, and the powerful cold
made everyone subconsciously take a few steps back.

In a trance, everyone seemed to see a strange scene, but a strange smile

suddenly appeared on He Yiming's face, which had been frozen in ice, as if it
was not him who was in a desperate situation at the moment, but Mu Dutian,
who was desperately exerting the power of the cold system.

For a while, everyone's hearts were filled with a colder cold, but this cold
did not come from the temperature of the outside world, but from the deepest
part of everyone's hearts.


At this time, He Yiming had already gathered all his breath and true qi, and
deliberately introduced the cold qi from the outside world into his body.

Introducing this power that is not one's own into one's body is definitely an
extremely risky thing. If it were a normal innate powerhouse, they would
never make such a choice. But He Yiming was different, just when the cold
outside was at its peak and reached the top, it reminded He Yiming of the
dark green bottle on his body.

When he first touched this bottle, he was frozen by the cold on it, and the
situation was even more terrible than now.

The cold on that bottle was ten times more violent than the current external
environment, and even when he was defenseless, he was instantly frozen.

However, that cold qi did not really freeze him to death, but was absorbed by
all of his dantian, and the true qi that he could use had another choice.

It's just that for him, who has always been accustomed to resisting the enemy
with the Five Elements True Qi, he is really not suitable for using this kind
of power. After all, in a battle of life and death, using unfamiliar forces
to fight is not much different from killing yourself.

However, at the moment when he was about to burst out of the biggest hole
card, he suddenly thought that since the power in the dantian could dissolve
the more powerful cold qi, wouldn't this cold qi be even more problematic.

With this thought, he reined in his true qi and introduced the cold qi into
his body. Sure enough, after this cold qi entered his body, he was still a
little chilly at first, but when the dantian qi gushed out, all of this cold
qi was immediately digested by him.

In this way, He Yiming was completely relieved.

Since this cold air can no longer be helpless against him, then he is already

Just when he wanted to regain his true qi and fight the opponent for 300
rounds, he unexpectedly discovered another thing that made him ecstatic.

The cold qi that had been absorbed from the outside world, after being
transformed by the dantian, actually surged towards the 360 points on his

His eyebrows twitched slightly, and the growth rate of this strength reminded
him of his previous epiphanies.

He Yiming definitely didn't expect that after he accidentally inhaled this

cold qi into his body, it would have an effect equivalent to an epiphany.

This unexpected discovery was enough to make him feel ecstatic.

His acupoints were already close to overflowing, but at this moment, they had
been irrigated by a large amount of true qi, and there was a possibility that
they would overflow at any time.

It's just that he soon discovered that although there was a lot of cold air
from the outside world, it was still a step away from him being able to
break through the last hurdle and really let all the tricks reach the point
of full at the same time.

He needed more, more intense cold.

At that moment, he thought of Mu Dutian himself, and perhaps only the strong
cold that he personally shot could meet his needs at the moment.

At this time, his face was covered with a thin layer of hoarfrost, and even
his eyes could not see clearly. But his tailwind luck was not affected too

He could clearly "hear" all Mu Dutian's movements at this time, and when he
hesitated, He Yiming shouted desperately in his heart, come on, come on, come
and hit me...... For this reason, he simply gave up all defenses, and rushed
straight towards Mu Dutian.

Sure enough, under this seemingly reckless provocative action, Mu Dutian

never hesitated anymore, and his palm was fiercely imprinted on He Yiming's
chest with the cold of death.

The incomparably huge cold qi instantly swarmed into He Yiming's body without
hindrance, and passed through the meridians, directly entering his dantian.

He Yiming groaned involuntarily in comfort, although this sound was so low

that it was inaudible, but Mu Dutian, who was beside him, seemed to have
noticed something.

His face turned pale, but he didn't believe that there would be a guy like He
Yiming in this world who was not afraid of the cold, but was in urgent need
of the cold to improve his strength.

You must know that these cold qi were not cultivated by He Yiming, but the
cold qi released by Mu Dutian, and directly attacked the opponent's dantian.

In this case, even if it is the same exercise as Mu Dutian's cultivation, it

is the only way to burst the dantian and die.

However, what made Mu Dutian feel strange was that although he had tried his
best, the other party's dantian was like an endless ocean, no matter how much
cold qi he poured into itNone of them can fill this bottomless pit.

Faintly, he seemed to notice that something was wrong. As the leading master
in the Hundred Scattered Heavens, he made a quick decision and wanted to
withdraw and retreat. But it wasn't until this moment that he realized that
there seemed to be a powerful suction force in the other party's chest, which
was firmly pulling his palm. If he retreats at this moment, then what awaits
him will be a surging and violent counterattack, and under that
counterattack, even if it is him,I don't dare to say whether I will survive
or not.

In desperation, he could only grit his teeth and insist, hoping that He
Yiming, the freak's dantian, would soon not be able to withstand the impact
of the cold and would explode automatically. Perhaps this is the only way to
let him get out of 100 safely.

For a while, the two of them fell into a real stalemate, but this kind of
stalemate was definitely the first time in history. Even the group of innate
powerhouses watching the battle next to them were confused and inexplicable.
They only knew that there seemed to be a new change in the field, but what
kind of change was that the monk of Zhanger was confused.

To the northwest of the capital of Kairong Kingdom, there is a vast temple,
which is inhabited not only by monks, but also by the Kairong royal family to
escape the heat in summer.

However, in this annex, there is a courtyard that is forbidden for everyone.

Even the contemporary Kairong kings and the masters in the Hall of Masters
did not dare to set foot in it easily without permission.

Here, it is the place where Zhan Tianfeng, the first master of Kairong
Country and the first-line heavenly powerhouse, lives.

His face was not necessarily very old, if he stood with several innate
powerhouses in the Master Hall, he would look quite young.

At the very least, the appearance of Elder Yu Jinglei in the Hengshan lineage
was much older than him.

He has not left this place since he chose it as his home 30 years ago. But
even so, as long as he is in charge for a day, no one dares to underestimate
Kairong Kingdom.

He had been meditating in this room for decades, as if nothing in the world
could move him anymore.

Even this time, several innate powerhouses in the city released a powerful
aura, and it seemed that there was some kind of turmoil with great impact.
But even so, Zhan Tianfeng didn't have the slightest intention of

Because he has a strong belief that as long as he makes a move, then no

matter what happens, he will definitely be able to suppress it. This is a
self-confidence, a strong confidence of a first-line heavenly powerhouse in

However, at this moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at a place
without blinking.

There, a huge amount of heaven and earth qi erupted like a landslide and

This feeling, this momentum, his eyebrows trembled slightly, and there was
only one thought in his heart.

Could it be that Mu Dutian has made a smooth breakthrough?

His body moved, disappearing into the room like a ghost, and for the first
time in decades, he had left this paradise-like courtyard, and for the first
time in decades, he had ended his life like a godAnd he became a mortal
again, and participated in the affairs of the world.

There are more and more cold qi entering the body, and it is getting
stronger and stronger, and the conversion speed of the dantian is also
increasing rapidly at the same time.

He Yiming's dantian was still like a black hole, absorbing all the power
without dropping, and through the meridians that intersected with each other,
it was sent into those acupoints.

When all the tricks reached a certain balance, He Yiming's heart also calmed
down inexplicably.

He seemed to have entered a new realm, and at this time, he had forgotten
everything, even Mu Dutian, who was still struggling to support, injecting
every trace of cold into his body and helping him accumulate strength.

In his body, the 360 points were finally completely filled with true qi, and
they released their excess power at the same time.

These true qi smoothly traveled through the meridians between all the

A little bit of true qi flowed to one point, and another point of true air
flowed to another point. Slowly, all the true qi began to penetrate, and all
the tricks were connected through this overflowing true qi.

At this moment, the energy in He Yiming's body suddenly became extremely

abundant, and all the tricks on his body opened in an instant, and each trick
seemed to have become a dantian, desperately absorbing the power of the
outside world.

Mu Wantian snorted miserably, and was bounced off by a vast and incredible
force, and he fell to the ground exhausted, looking at He Yiming's eyes full
of shock.

This is true of all of them, they feel the unimaginably powerful power of
heaven and earth flowing in the space. They all felt a tremendous pressure as
if they could be completely squashed, and in this change in the qi of heaven
and earth, they all felt as small as ants like ordinary acquired

There was a loud bang from He Yiming's body.

Within ten meters of him, there was a deep pit, and the white frost had long
since disappeared cleanly, and only He Yiming, who seemed to be reborn, stood

He looked sideways and looked at everyone coldly, and all the people who
looked at him had a sense of restraint.

"Brother He, ...... you," Shui Xuanjin asked in surprise. Among these people,
he is the only one who still has the courage to ask at this moment.
He Yiming raised his head, and he let out a long roar, like the thunder of
the nine heavens.

"The line of life and death, I am the ...... of the sky".

(To be continued)

Cap 44

A loud rumbling sound reverberated incessantly.

It was a person's voice, but it was as loud as the screams of thousands of

people trying their best to tear it apart, as if even everyone in the entire
Kairong capital could hear it.

The loudness of this sound and the breadth of its spread are far beyond the
reach of anyone present.

This wisp of sound condensed but did not disperse, although there was only
one sound, but it was overlapping, like the water of a rising tide, wave
after wave.

However, the rest of the city heard the sound, and at most they were
startled, incredulous and inexplicable.

However, after hearing this voice, none of these innate powerhouses here
could remain calm.

Especially those innate powerhouses who had fought against He Yiming, they
all looked sluggish, as if at this moment, he had lost the ability to think.

As for Cheng Fu, the clenched hands had already loosened unconsciously.

He looked at He Yiming's gaze that was extremely complicated at first, and

then slowly became relaxed, and the longing for a battle in it had completely

If He Yiming was still an innate master of Baisantian, then he would have the
confidence to catch up with him and fight with him again. Even if He Yiming
is now able to compare with Mu Dutian, he has never despaired.

Because, he can get the guidance of Zhan Tianfeng, a first-line heavenly

powerhouse, as long as he can endure hardships, then he will definitely be
able to make rapid progress, and in the end, he will be able to obtain super
strength in line with it.

However, today's He Yiming is no longer a powerhouse of the Hundred Scattered

The line between life and death is like congenital and acquired, and the
difference between the line is the world.

Cheng Fu slowly closed his eyes, and the depression in his heart seemed to be
dissipated in an instant.

The masters of the Hundred Scattered Heavens want to fight against the
powerhouses of the first-line heavens......

Even if you can't think about it, you won't choose this way of dying.

Therefore, at this time, he had completely extinguished his determination to

fight with He Yiming. However, for some reason, the moment he put down the
strong idea of fighting bravely and ruthlessly in his heart, his heart
suddenly relaxed. Inexplicably, he seemed to have understood something,
although the strength of his true qi did not increase, but his mentality had
undergone subtle changes, making his state of mind above the cultivation of
martial artsA step faster than the body.

When the rumbling sound that echoed in the air disappeared, He Yiming stepped

He didn't go in the direction of Mu Dutian, but walked towards Bu Chucong,

who was huddled behind the Soviet army and shivered.

Mu Dutian's face changed slightly, but his body had just moved, and there was
a burst of discomfort in his chest and abdomen, and his body bones were even
softer and had no strength.

He knew that it was because his true qi was depleted. Fang Cai He Yiming's
body was like a bottomless hole, greedily inhaling all of his cold true qi
into it. If it weren't for the fact that he had a treasure and could
replenish his strength from it, then he would have become a person at this

However, if he wants to recover as before, he also needs to meditate for more

than three days.

At this time, even if he wanted to stop He Yiming, he was definitely more

than willing to do it. With a long sigh, he turned his face away, not wanting
to humiliate himself again.

When He Yiming strode over, Su Jun and another congenital old man immediately
stepped back without hesitation, and they turned a blind eye to Bu Chucong's
eyes for help.

And in the eyes that looked at this gentleman prince, there was a trace of
deep hatred.

If it weren't for this guy, how could he attract He Yiming, a bad star. How
could it be possible to let an innate powerhouse fall, and how could it be
possible to give He Yiming a chance to break through the Hundred Scattered

Of course, all of this is nothing compared to Mu Dutian's defeat.

For the first time in these decades, Mu has lost to a master of the same
rank, which will be an incomparable blow to his self-confidence. If it was a
bad one, he would not have been able to come out of the shadow of this
defeat. Then he will never be able to break through to the realm of Heaven
again in this life.

And this is what they hate the most.

Of course, if it weren't for their poor strength, and He Yiming would already
be a second-level character, then the first object they hated should be He

It's just that, looking at He Yiming, who walked in slowly, the two of them
no longer have this kind of thought.

Hold a grudge against a strong man in the sky?

The two of them aren't tired yet.

He Yiming came to Bu Chucong's side expressionlessly, looking at Bu Chucong,

who was trembling and no longer half of his manhood, He Yiming's heart
instantly flooded with countless thoughts.

That whip, although it didn't hit him, it completely woke He Yiming up.

In fact, when he first saw the whip, He Yiming didn't have much killing
intent except for strong anger. And what really shocked him, even frightened,
was that he was afraid that one day, he would suddenly get the news that Yuan
Lixun or someone in the family had died.

It doesn't matter if you are injured, as long as you leave your surname,
there is a way to treat it. But if you lose your surname, it's too late.

Now it is said that Yuan Lixun can be whipped by someone, so will someone
ride on his head and kill his family and friends in the future?

Thinking of this, even He Yiming also had the feeling of falling into an ice

This is a kind of fear, a fear from the heart, which is why he made the
decision to take revenge despite being together.

He wants everyone to know that as long as he hurts the people around him, no
matter what the origin, no matter what price he will pay, he will seek
Just one accomplice Bu Rong, he can abolish this person's dantian, and when
the main culprit is here, if he retreats or is weak, then he will become the
laughing stock of everyone in the future.

No matter what the reason, as long as He Yiming let him go, then the effect
he has achieved today will be greatly reduced. In the future, if someone
wants to use Hejiazhuang's brain, they will definitely have a little less

Especially those with a strong background, they will not take him seriously.

This is an extremely realistic world, and the attitude of the strong

determines everything. People are good at being bullied, and horses are good
at being ridden. Coupled with everything he had experienced before, He Yiming
made some kind of decision at this moment.

Standing in front of Bu Chucong, who was panicked and almost collapsed, He

Yiming's face was cold, his eyes gradually calmed down, and his gaze at him
was as ruthless as if he was looking at a dead man.

Bu Chucong shuddered, and he suddenly shouted: "You can't kill me, I'm the
prince of the Tu Domain, I'm the prince, Your Majesty the King, you can't
kill me." ”

He Yiming smiled coldly, he didn't even bother to talk nonsense with this

Suddenly, his face changed slightly, and his gaze looked in a certain
direction. In his senses, he clearly sensed that a powerful aura was coming
quickly towards this place at a speed that was not inferior to him and Mu

In a few breaths, this person will come here.

As soon as his heart moved, his subordinates did not hesitate any longer, and
waved out a palm. This palm is fluttering, as if there is no strength at all.
But when he swung out this palm, Mu Dutian couldn't help but close his eyes.


As if he had gone crazy, Bu Yucong, who was screaming desperately, suddenly

stopped, because he no longer had the strength to speak.

He looked at He Yiming dumbfounded, and the look in his eyes gradually

disappeared. However, his eyes were still wide, as if he couldn't believe
that he would die because of the trivial matter of injuring people on

He had done this kind of thing countless times, and no one had ever come to
accuse him, as if he had been born with this right, and he did not care about
the rest of his life except himself. Compared to him, all people are ants
that can be sacrificed, and those people only exist to win his pleasure and

However, at the last moment of his life, he saw the eyes of many innate
powerhouses who were famous in the past look at him.

He finally understood that in the eyes of some people, his identity as His
Royal Highness the Prince was also extremely ridiculous.

In the eyes of those people, he was no different from ordinary pariahs.

When Bu Chucong swallowed his last breath, He Yiming also turned his gaze and
looked at Mao Lieguang and the others from Kairong Kingdom.

Although these people were the last to come here, they basically watched the
battle between He Yiming and Mu Dutian throughout the whole process, and they
clearly felt the indescribable strength of He Yiming at this moment.

At this moment, in their feelings, it seemed that as long as He Yiming made a

move, they could kill them all.

After seeing He Yiming's somewhat unkind gaze, Mao Lieguang and the others
all bowed their heads in acquaintance, even if it was Cheng Fu.

After He Yiming successfully reached another realm, Cheng Fu had completely

let go of the entanglement in his heart, and it was not an unacceptable
thing to bow his head in front of the first-line heavenly masters. Especially
in the eyes of these innate powerhouses who deeply understand the horror of
the first line of heaven, it is a matter of course for a powerhouse of this
level to bow his head.

Seeing their expressions, He Yiming showed a hint of satisfaction.

His gaze wandered, glancing at them one by one in front of everyone, and
although all the people opposite his gaze had different expressions, without
exception, they all expressed enough respect.

Even the old man Shui Xuanjin bowed down respectfully.

Friends and foes, their hearts are full of excitement at this moment. Being
able to witness the birth of a first-line heavenly powerhouse is undoubtedly
a powerful stimulus for them, and it is also a difficult and valuable
experience. Once they recalled the situation just now when the qi of heaven
and earth was surging in large quantities, everyone was enlightened.

Among them, the deepest feeling is undoubtedly Mu Dutian. He had mixed

feelings in his heart, although Bu Chucong's death was a fatal blow to his
reputation, but today's battle was also a rare experience for him. In the
future, if he can make a breakthrough and achieve a glimmer of heaven, it is
absolutely crucial to fight today.
Among these people, Xie Mingjin was the only one who couldn't figure out what
was going on.

Although he knew the power of the innate powerhouse, he didn't understand the
difference between a line of heaven and a hundred scattered heavens.

But at this moment, he saw a clue, after He Yiming shouted, the attitude of
all the innate powerhouses towards him suddenly changed, just like the
attitude of their Xie family towards He Yiming.

It's just that the elders of their Xie family are all acquired cultivators,
so how can they compete with these innate powerhouses?

At this point, even if he wants to break his scalp, it is difficult to

understand what is so greasy in it.

The cold gaze turned around, and finally fell back on Bu Chucong, who had
died. He Yiming said loudly: "This person was killed by me, and if you have
any dissatisfaction with the Tu Vassal Kingdom in the future, you can
challenge me." But if you dare to hurt the innocent, then don't blame me for
being ruthless and taking revenge on your country by any means. ”

Hearing the words as if they were taking an oath, the Soviet army and another
congenital powerhouse bowed their heads submissively, and they didn't even
have the courage to distinguish.

And Mu Dutian, who was already almost out of strength at this moment, smiled
bitterly and said, "Master He, you are laughing. Bu Chucong hurt people and
ended up like this, completely self-inflicted. If Master He is willing to
reveal this matter, we are all grateful, and we will challenge it again. ”

There was a hint of bitterness in his voice, but it was definitely genuine.

If He Yiming is still a hundred scattered heavens, then if he kills the

prince of the Tu Domain, maybe their first-line heavenly powerhouse will go
to the Tianluo Kingdom to seek revenge. But now He Yiming is already a first-
line sky, and he is only 17 years old.

So as long as the first-line heavenly powerhouse of the Tu Domain Kingdom

does not have a head in the water and becomes an idiot, then it is absolutely
impossible to form a life-and-death enmity with He Yiming for the sake of a
little prince.

Similarly, Bu Chucong's mother is actually a descendant of Mu Dutian's sect,

so he will look at Bu Chucong differently, hoping that he will be able to
inherit the position of the lord of the Tu Domain. But after Bu Chucong got
some of his teachings, he attracted such a terrifying enemy.

So no matter what position he stands on, Mu Dutian can only give it up

This is the difference between the centenarian and He Yiming's thoughts,
after getting Mu Dutian's promise, He Yiming was stunned at first, and then
vaguely grasped his thoughts, he looked up at the skyFeeling the fear
contained in the eyes of everyone looking at him, a feeling of excitement
arose inexplicably in his heart, and this feeling was even more comfortable
than when he was successfully promoted.

After half a ring, He Yiming opened his eyes and said loudly: "He Fang is
here, please come forward to see him." ”

His voice rumbled, rushing in one direction.

The sound of breaking wind suddenly sounded in that place, and a green-robed
man appeared in front of everyone like a ghost.

When they saw this person's face, all the innate masters of the Kairong
Kingdom were happy, and they bowed down at the same time and said, "I've seen
the old lady." ”

He Yiming stared at him and said in surprise: "Zhan Tianfeng?".

Zhan Tianfeng laughed and said, "Yes, it's the old man." ”

Although Shui Xuanjin, Mu Dutian and the others belong to different forces,
and they have the same feeling for Zhan Tianfeng in their hearts, but the
moment he appeared, the attitude of these people was the same respectful.

He Yiming looked deeply at the person in front of him, this person's face was
not old, he was much younger than Mao Lieguang. But when he cultivated to his
level, he could no longer distinguish a person's true age from his appearance

As long as you enter the innate realm, then the aging of your appearance will
be greatly reduced, not to mention this kind of superpowerhouse with a
glimmer of heaven.

Zhan Tianfeng hugged his fists from afar and said, "Brother He's great
achievement, congratulations." ”

He Yiming returned the same gift and said, "Brother Zhan has won the award,
and He is just a fluke." ”

His words immediately struck a chord with everyone.

In order to impact the first-line heavenly realm, people were cautious, and
even exhausted the strength of the whole country to cultivate a person, and
when he began to attack, the whole country was under martial law, and all the
innate powerhouses were like facing a great enemy.

But look at He Yiming......

It turned out that when he was fighting with people, he unscrupulously
impacted the first-line heavenly realm, and what was even more incredible was
that the ghost sent him to succeed in the impact.

Looking at this newly released first-line heavenly powerhouse, everyone has a

feeling in their hearts, God's conscience has been eaten by dogs, it is
really unfair.

Zhan Tianfeng shook his head, his expression was extremely solemn, and said,
"Brother He, do you know how I successfully advanced to the first line of
heaven in the past?"

He Yiming shook his head blankly and said, "I don't know, please ask Brother
Zhan for advice." ”

Zhan Tianfeng sighed and said, "Without him, it's just that the old man's
luck is better, so he succeeded in the end." ”

This answer was obviously beyond He Yiming's expectations, and he said in

surprise: "You're always joking, aren't you?"

Zhan Tianfeng said solemnly: "Impacting the Hundred Scattered Heavens

requires super talent and unremitting efforts, but impacting the first-line
sky, then personal luck is the real key." His gaze looked towards Mu Dutian
and said, "A strong man like him who has reached the peak of the Hundred
Scattered Heavens, looking at the northwest, there are not twenty, but
seventeen or eighteen. But in the past hundred years, there are only three
people who can successfully break through this line of life and death. His
eyes flickered for a moment, and he said, "Their cultivation and state of
mind are almost the same, but no one can guarantee whether they can succeed
in the end." And this is the biggest charm and regret of the first line of
heaven. ”

All the innate powerhouses lowered their heads, and their hearts were

It turns out that in the entire northwest, there are so many masters who are
similar to Mu Dutian.

Regardless of the question, it can be seen that these masters are basically
hidden in the mountains and forests, or in those hidden sects. And they, the
innate masters who roam in the outside world, have all become frogs at the
bottom of the well.

Zhan Tianfeng smiled lightly, although he also valued Mu Dutian, but as long
as he didn't reach the first-line heaven for a day, it would be impossible
for him to be qualified for equal treatment for a day.

Taking him as an example, even if Mu Dutian is unhappy in his heart, he is

He Yiming pondered for a moment and didn't comment on it, but if anyone knew
what he was thinking at the moment, then he would definitely have a strong
suicidal tendency.

In his heart, he muttered to himself.

What kind of luck, isn't it easy to be promoted to the first line of


(To be continued)

Cap 45

"The old man has found a good place to live here, and if Brother He has time,
please come to the cold house. Zhan Tianfeng smiled and sent out an

He Yiming just groaned slightly, and immediately agreed. However, before

leaving, he nodded lightly to Shui Xuanjin and Ting Shiguang and the others.

Although they didn't really help him here, just with this intention, it was
enough for He Yiming to appreciate it.

seemed to understand the meaning in He Yiming's gaze, Shui Xuanjin and the
others were overjoyed, and two of them were originally apprehensive and
hesitant, but they were even more overjoyed at this time. They were all
rejoicing, fortunately they came with the crowd this time, otherwise not only
would they not be able to continue to make friends with He Yiming, but they
would offend this promising powerhouse from now on.

Under the guidance of Zhan Tianfeng, He Yiming and the others left in style.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, everyone had mixed feelings in their
hearts. Especially looking at He Yiming's eyes, all of them were a little

Obviously, half a day ago, everyone was still a Baisantian master with a
similar identity, but in these turbulent hours, He Yiming's status has
undergone an incredible change.

The first-line heavenly powerhouse, from now on, compared with them, is one
in the sky and the other on the earth.

I don't know how long it took, these innate powerhouses silently looked at
each other. But from beginning to end, no one glanced at Bu Chucong's body
again, not even Mu Dutian.
It's not that his surname is Bo Liang, but the consequences caused by Bu
Chucong are too bad, in this case, even if he is a well-cultivated person, it
is impossible to tolerate him anymore.

Mao Lieguang naturally acted as a peacemaker, persuading several innate

masters on the two sides.

At this time, everyone knew that the matter had come to an end, and no one
had any interest in continuing to pursue it.

When the servants were summoned, everything was sorted out, and the corpses
of Lianbu Chucong and the unlucky congenital powerhouse were all buried, it
was already two hours later.

Although Mu Dutian's expression was gloomy and his complexion was not good,
no one dared to underestimate him because of this.

Although he did not break through to the first line of heaven, with his
freezing cold air, he was still invincible in these scattered heavens.

After everything was cleaned up, Mao Lieguang coughed lightly and said,
"Everyone, will the master trade fair we originally agreed to be held as

Everyone's eyes are on Mu Dutian, and only he can decide this matter.

Mu Dutian hesitated for a moment, and immediately said: "Of course, it was
held as scheduled, and you don't need to be taboo for the sake of Bu Cong's
affairs." He paused and said solemnly: "The friendship between the Tu Fan and
Kairong will definitely not change because of this. ”

Shui Xuanjin's brows furrowed slightly, and he snorted softly, although his
voice was extremely soft, but who could stand here, except for the ignorant
Xie Mingjin, who was not a human spirit.

Mu Dutian smiled bitterly and added, "It's my negligence, the friendship

between the Tu Domain and the Tianluo Kingdom will not be affected by this
trivial matter. ”

Shui Xuanjin nodded with satisfaction, and after getting Mu Dutian's promise,
he was really relieved.

The promises of a congenitally strong man like him are far more effective and
reliable than the promises made by politicians.

Mao Lieguang's brows were slightly and unknowingly furrowed.

Mu Dutian's words actually compared the Kairong Kingdom with the Tianluo
Kingdom, and it seems that these two countries are already on the same level.

Whether this is intentional or unintentional, it will not bode well.

Everyone agreed on the specific time of the master's fair, and they were
about to disperse. But suddenly, a hearty laugh came through the door.

"Senior brother, you have finally succeeded in breaking through, if you let
the master know, you will definitely be very happy. ”

This sound is like a winter thunderstorm, although it is not very big, but
everyone who hears it has a feeling of heartbeat.

At this moment, everyone thought of He Yiming's shouting.

Subsequently, a big man appeared in front of everyone, this person looked

middle-aged, with a beard, which was a typical image of a big man in the

As soon as he appeared here, his eyes fell on Mu Dutian's body first. Then,
the smile on his face suddenly froze, and finally his eyes flashed with

"Senior brother, what's going on? You didn't even break through, so who was
the one who used the ice power to break through just now, and also, who were
you injured by, is it Zhan Tianfeng, the old man. ”

His words were like firecrackers, one faster than the other, and with his
peculiar northern accent, it was hard to understand what he was talking

However, Mu Dutian seemed to have been with this person for a long time, he
heard it clearly, and said with a wry smile: "Senior Brother Zhuo, don't
mention everything, the junior brother was not injured by Zhan Tianfeng." ”

Senior Brother Zhuo blinked his big eyes twice, and he said with a puzzled
face: "In the Kairong Kingdom, apart from Zhan Tianfeng, can anyone else hurt
you?" Could it be that the person who broke through just now couldn't do it.

Mu Dutian pursed his lips, and he suddenly asked, "Senior Brother Zhuo, why
did you come here?"

Senior Brother Zhuo smiled and said, "I was ordered by my master to escort
you." He arched his hand towards the north and said, "Master said, now that
you are at a critical juncture, you may break through the first line of
heaven at any time, so I want to follow you from afar. If you feel something
has changed, you can always protect the Dharma. ”

Mu Dutian's eyes showed a look of gratitude, he took a deep breath, looked

north, and bowed from afar, although he didn't say anything, but his pious
attitude had already revealed his feelings.

Mao Lieguang's expression changed a few times, and he said stubbornly:

"Brother Mu, this senior is ......."
From Senior Brother Zhuo's body, they all felt an incomparably powerful aura,
and the horror of this aura was definitely not under Zhan Tianfeng and He
Yiming, who had already been promoted to the first line of heaven.

Now that he understands the strength of the other party, of course Mao
Lieguang does not dare to slack off.

Mu Dutian nodded slightly at him and said, "This is the junior brother is the
same senior brother Zhuo Wanlian." ”

"Tiger of the Northern Frontier?" Mao Lieguang suddenly exclaimed, he was

almost intimidated by this person's name.

When they heard this name, Shui Xuanjin and the others thought of someone at
the same time, and their faces couldn't help but change slightly.

Only then did they understand that Mu Dutian was actually a disciple of this
person, so it was no wonder that he was able to reach the peak of Baisantian
at the age of 120, and he had the strength to impact the first-line heaven at
any time.

Zhuo Wanlian glanced at Mao Lieguang lightly, he didn't put this person in
his eyes at all, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it.

"Senior brother, a few days ago, I once found a spirit beast, so I went into
the mountains to chase and kill. I just came in a hurry today, but a hundred
miles away, I felt that the cold here was very strong, and it seemed that all
the cold air in the heaven and earth had been condensed here. This is clearly
a sign of advancing to the first line of heaven with the power of the cold
system. He said with a solemn face: "Senior brother, I'm in a hurry, but I'm
still a step late." Since it's not you who have advanced to the First Tier
Heaven, is there another Hundred Scattered Heaven Peak here that cultivates
the Cold Technique?"

Mu Dutian's face was bitter, he didn't hide it, he recounted his fight with
He Yiming, and finally said: "Senior brother, He Yiming is only 17 years old
this yearAnd it was promoted to Baisantian at the age of 15. ”

Zhuo Wanlian's eyes didn't know when they were round, his lips twitched a few
times, and said, "15-year-old innate?17-year-old first-liner?".

Mu Dutian nodded heavily, and there was a certain complex feeling in his

Zhuo Wanlian took a deep breath, his eyes suddenly flashed, and then he
stared tightly in one direction.

There, it was the direction in which He Yiming and Zhan Tianfeng left.
"You can break through to the first line of the sky in two years, hehe......
How could I not have seen such an interesting character. Zhuo Wanlian said

He was a naturally loud voice, even when he asked Mu Dutian, he never lowered
his voice in the slightest, but at this time, he lowered his voice for the
first time.

Mu Dutian's face changed slightly, and he said, "Senior brother, I have

already agreed to be the master, and I will no longer pursue the matter of Bu
Chucong, please don't interfere." ”

Zhuo Wanlian snorted coldly and said, "What kind of prince are you, since you
have the guts to provoke a glimmer of heaven, you are killing yourself." For
my brother, I don't have the spare time to stand up for him, but since that
He Yiming injured you, Brother Wei naturally can't stand by and watch,
otherwise how can he explain to the master. ”

After that, his body moved, and he had already leaped out.

Mu Dutian's face changed unpredictably, and he hurriedly shouted, "Senior

brother, be careful. ”

A burst of laughter came from afar: "Senior brother, rest assured, a newly
promoted first-line sky, how can he be my enemy." ”

Mu Dutian opened his mouth, although He Yiming was a first-tier heaven who
had just advanced, his exercises were extremely strange, not only were he
good at the Five Elements technique, but even the cold power could not cause
him any damage. So at this moment, he was worried in his heart, and there was
always a vague trace of uneasy emotions lingering in his heart.


He Yiming walked with Zhan Tianfeng, but in a few moments, he had already
arrived at the temple where he lived.

The courtyard where Zhan Tianfeng lives is actually not big, and the
furnishings and decorations inside are very ordinary, and they all look quite
old, and He Yiming can even find some subtle cracks in some places.

He glanced at Zhan Tianfeng in surprise, if it weren't for the fact that he

felt a more powerful force than himself from his body, he really couldn't
believe that a first-line heaven master would actually live in this place.

Not to mention that this is one of the three major powerhouses in the
northwest, even in the Hengshan lineage, where there is a serious lack of
various architectural resources, the houses of several elders are much better
than here.
Zhan Tianfeng turned a blind eye to his gaze, and just said with a smile:
"The old man has been in this courtyard for decades, and today is the first
time to go out." However, since there are distinguished guests coming to the
door, the old man naturally wants to be hospitable. ”

He took the lead and walked into the backyard, and He Yiming's eyes became
more and more surprised.

In the backyard, there is a green vegetable field. This vegetable garden is

not a medicine garden on the top of Hengshan, and it does not grow any rare
medicinal herbs.

On it, all the vegetables that are usually visible are cultivated.

Zhan Tianfeng went down to the field, and in this way, under He Yiming's
surprised gaze, he picked some different varieties of vegetables.

He Yiming's heart was filled with an extremely strange feeling, and he

couldn't help but ask, "Brother Zhan, are all the vegetables here grown by

"Yes, all the vegetables here are selected by the old man himself, planted in
the ground, watered and grown to remove insects. Zhan Tianfeng had a trace of
undisguised pride on his face, and said, "I promise, these vegetables taste
so good, you have never tasted them." ”

He Yiming wanted to speak and stopped, although he didn't think much of it in

his heart, but when he thought that even the innate powerhouses of Baisantian
had their own unreasonable hobbies, then as a first-line heavenly person,
even if his hobbies were a little weirdIt's also excusable.

Zhan Tianfeng washed the vegetables and went straight to the kitchen.

If there's anything that sets it apart from ordinary people, it's undoubtedly
this kitchen.

Here, there will be an ordinary servant who will not be able to do it at any
time, and their only task is to ensure that the fire in the kitchen is not
extinguished, so that Zhan Tianfeng can use it at any time.

And Zhan Tianfeng also acted quickly, quickly washed and cut the vegetables
picked in his hands, and finished cooking.

His movements were as natural as flowing water in his peers, and He Yiming
could already see at a glance that Zhan Tianfeng was not a show, but he
didn't know how many times he had cooked it, so he had such a natural

The cooked dishes were taken to the outer hall, and the two sat down
separately. Zhan Tianfeng took out an altar the size of a human head, gently
opened the Tan cover, and suddenly a fragrance came to his nose.
"Drink, eat......".

After Zhan Tianfeng finished these two sentences, he didn't care about He
Yiming anymore, but poured himself a drink and enjoyed it.

He Yiming hesitated for a moment, took a sip of the wine in the jar, only
felt that the entrance was sweet, smooth and moisturized, and after eating a
mouthful of food, it seemed to have a different flavor.

It's just that he can't be sure whether the texture of these dishes is
different, or whether it's because of the different people who cook them,
which makes him feel this strange feeling in his heart.

"Brother Zhan is really good Yaxing. He Yiming said with a smile, although he
didn't approve of this kind of life, he didn't have the slightest intention
of interfering.

Zhan Tianfeng laughed heartily and said, "Brother He, the old man is
cultivating the way of water and wood. Since stepping foot on the silver
lining 60 years ago, nothing has been achieved in decades. However, 30 years
ago, the old man inadvertently came here, and he had a feeling in his heart,
and since then he has lived here idlely, without asking about foreign
affairs, and for 30 years, the old man has lived here, everything is done by
yourself, everything is done without the hands of others, and it is finally
an occasional gain. ”

He Yiming was moved, he thought for a moment, and finally stood up, bowed
deeply to Zhan Tianfeng, and said, "Thank you for your advice." ”

The way of the five elements is the way of nature, Zhan Tianfeng relaxed his
mind in the case of fruitless penance, opened up a small world here, and
integrated himself into the way of nature. If you can't achieve anything,
then you have no heavenly reason.

It's just that this kind of cultivation method is not suitable for young
people like He Yiming.

Zhan Tianfeng waved his hand slightly and said: "This is a small path,
although it is somewhat useful, but if it is compared with Brother He, it is
a world of difference." ”

He Yiming's face was slightly red, he knew his own family affairs. Whenever
people praised him for his talent, he didn't know how to deal with it.

Zhan Tianfeng drank another glass of self-brewed rice wine and said, "Brother
He, do you know the origin of Mu Dutian?"

He Yiming was slightly stunned and said: "Mu Dutian is the master of the Tu
Domain, known as the first person below the first line of heaven. ”
Zhan Tianfeng smiled and said, "Mu Dutian is indeed the protector master of
the Tu Domain, but his master is not my northwest lineage. ”

He Yiming heard him solemnly mention it, and he also knew a little in his
heart, it is estimated that Mu Dutian's origin made this old man very

Zhan Tianfeng looked at the north from afar and said: "In the past, when the
old man was young, he used to travel all over the world, and after entering
the northern Xinjiang, he fought with a strong man of a certain lineage.
Because the powerhouses of that line have lived in the cold environment of
northern Xinjiang for a long time, they are not practicing the basic five
elements of the path, but the power of the special cold lineage. ”

He Yiming immediately thought of the situation when he fought against Mu

Dutian, but when it came to the strength of the cold system, Mu Dutian was
obviously inferior, far less effective than the liquid in that green bottle.

If Mu Dutian knew that He Yiming compared the exercises he cultivated with

the innate 10,000-year-old ice pith, he would definitely be so angry that he
vomited three liters of blood. Moreover, if the news of this thing on him
leaks out, then it is guaranteed that the masters of the Northern Frontier
will snatch it away at all costs.

"Brother Zhan, you specifically mentioned this matter, is it that the Wood
Heaven Sect is extremely powerful?" He Yiming asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, his sect is indeed strong, and it is also the first sect in Northern
Xinjiang. Zhan Tianfeng said solemnly: "You have defeated this person today
and been promoted to the first line of heaven, even if he has not blamed you,
but the masters in his division may not have this kind of cultivation." If
you come to take revenge, it will also be a troublesome thing. ”

Countless thoughts instantly turned in He Yiming's heart, and what he was

worried about was not himself, but his relatives. If a strong man who he
can't resist comes, and he goes to Hejiazhuang to kill, then he will regret

As if he saw his thoughts, Zhan Tianfeng comforted: "Brother He, in fact, you
don't need to worry, although the number one in Northern Xinjiang is strong,
it may not be able to defeat our northwest countries. And it is impossible to
make a big move for this. As long as you don't set foot in the north easily,
then you can sit back and relax. ”

He Yiming was a little relieved at this time, but suddenly, the faces of both
of them changed slightly.

Because they sensed it at the same time, in the distance, a cold air rose up
in the sky.
It was the same source power as Mu Dutian's mastery, but in comparison, it
was much more powerful.

He Yiming looked at Zhan Tianfeng with a little suspicion.

And the old man's face became extremely ugly, he just said that he could sit
back and relax, but before the words fell, someone came to the door, even if
his skin was twice as thick, at this moment his face was slightly red, it's
hard to justify.

(To be continued)

Cap 46

He Yiming asked in a deep voice: "Brother Zhan, this should be a member of Mu

Dutian's master." ”

Although he didn't want to admit it, after sensing the diffuse and
unrestrained powerful ice aura, Zhan Tianfeng was embarrassed to say that he
didn't know, even if he was thick-skinned.

He sighed helplessly and said, "It should be from the northern Xinjiang." He
snorted lightly, his tone suddenly turned gloomy, and said, "Brother He,
don't worry, since you are from Northern Xinjiang, then after coming to
Kairong Country,."Absolutely do not dare to provoke arbitrarily. ”

When he said this, he was absolutely confident. This is not just his self-
confidence, but also related to the agreement between the two peak bosses
hundreds of years ago.

However, as soon as he finished saying this, the two of them sensed at the
same time, and that powerful aura suddenly skyrocketed.

In the realm of Baisantian, although he also has the ability to sense the
changes in innate qi and find the strength or weakness of the opponent, if it
is compared with the first-line heaven at this time, it is far from the same.

Once you become a first-line heavenly powerhouse, then all the power in the
360 points in your body will no longer be scattered and helpless, but will
have been condensed into one. This state and advantage is not only manifested
in the high condensation of true qi, converging on the first line, but more
importantly, being able to truly control the body and begin to merge with the
qi of heaven and earth.

In fact, in the eyes of the first-line heavenly powerhouses, the masters of

the Hundred Scattered Heavens were just children who had just come into
contact with the qi of heaven and earth, and they did not have the ability to
truly communicate with the qi of heaven and earth at all. Only when you have
reached the first line of heaven and can condense the power in all the
acupoints into a rope, and you can truly control your body completely, can
you have the qualification to communicate with the qi of heaven and earth.

It was precisely for this reason that the first-line heavenly powerhouse
could even detect the fluctuations of the powerful heaven and earth qi here
from a hundred miles away, thus deducing that someone had been promoted to
the first-line heaven with the power of cold qi.

And although He Yiming's shout that spread throughout the city was huge,
because it did not cause the qi of heaven and earth, Zhuo Wanlian could not
hear it.

But at this moment, when the cold qi on Zhuo Wanlian's body erupted in this
situation, and he recognized the direction and rushed towards them, not only
He Yiming was amused in his heart, but even Zhan Tianfeng was really angry.

Wouldn't it be more difficult for him to step down than slapping him in the
face than slapping him in the face?

As if seeing the smile in He Yiming's eyes, Zhan Tianfeng half-closed his

eyes and said in a deep voice: "Brother He, don't worry, if this person is
not here to provoke, then it's fine."If he comes to challenge you, then the
old man will naturally drive him away. ”

After getting his promise, He Yiming's heart was relieved. After all, he had
just advanced to the first line of heaven, and he couldn't compare with those
old powerhouses, if it was possible, he really didn't want to immediately
start with someone of this level. At the very least, let him have a few more

If Zhan Tianfeng next to him knew what he was thinking, he would definitely
even laugh off his big teeth. Epiphany, where can it be so easy, this is
simply wishful thinking.

Just when they were thinking about it, Zhuo Wanlian had already rushed
outside this temple like a fly.

He didn't stop moving, and just went straight over the wall and straight out
of their house.

Zhan Tianfeng whispered coldly from his mouth, and He Yiming's ears twitched
slightly, so that he could hear clearly.

He was actually scolding: "Northern Xinjiang barbarians." ”

He Yiming's heart turned, thinking that this person was a first-line heavenly
powerhouse, and knew that there were two masters of the same level here, but
he still broke in directly without even saying hello, and he was indeed a
reckless barbarian without any demeanor and politeness.
The door opened without wind, and then a chill filled the room.

Zhuo Wanlian walked in with a big grin, as if this was his home, without any

Zhan Tianfeng snorted coldly, although he secretly screamed in his heart that
he was unlucky, he actually ran into a barbarian. But at this moment, he is
already difficult to ride a tiger, even if he has a headache, he can only
stop it.

Inexplicably, a powerful burst of life power surged from his body.

In this power, including a powerful breath of life, it seems that in his

house, it suddenly turned into a vibrant spring, and the bitter cold winter
weather was instantly suppressed to the extreme.

He Yiming's eyes lit up slightly, he knew that Zhan Tianfeng's cultivation of

the water and wood exercises, but being able to exert the power of life in
the wood exercises to such an extent actually had a feeling of spring-like
warmthThis is the realm that even he is ashamed of.

Zhuo Wanlian's eyes finally showed a hint of surprise, and his gaze at Zhan
Tianfeng suddenly showed a little respect.

Although it was only a clash of momentum, the exercises that the two of them
were good at were-for-tat.

One represents the death of the bitter cold, and the other represents the
breath of life in nature.

Although Zhuo Wanlian is extremely powerful, he is inferior in the collision

of momentum. Naturally, he became cautious.

"Kairong Zhan Tianfeng ......"

"Yes, it is the old man, and I have not yet consulted Your Excellency. ”

Zhuo Wanlian raised his head and said proudly: "I, Zhuo Wanlian, I don't know
if Brother Zhan has heard of it?"

Zhan Tianfeng's brows furrowed slightly, he nodded slightly, and said: "The
tiger of Northern Xinjiang is said to have dominated Northern Xinjiang for 20
years, and I didn't expect to have the opportunity to meet here." ”

Zhuo Wanlian laughed a few times and said, "Zhan Tianfeng, a certain family
is not looking for trouble with you this time, I hope you don't get
involved." ”

Zhan Tianfeng's face was silent, but his heart was already extremely angry,
this was the first time in decades that someone had spoken like this in front
of him.
"Zhuo Wanlian, since you are from Northern Xinjiang, don't you remember the
covenant between the two places in the past?" he forcibly suppressed the
anger in his heart and said.

"Of course I remember. Zhuo Wanlian rolled his eyes and said, "But this time
I am not here to challenge Your Excellency, but to avenge my junior brother."

Zhan Tianfeng snorted angrily and said: "Pure quibble, since Senior Brother
Ling is the protector master of the Tu Domain, then if there is something,
naturally someone from the Tu Domain will stand up for him."And when is your
turn. ”

Zhuo Wanlian's eyes flashed, and he turned his head suddenly, and said, "You
are He Yiming, such a first-line heavenly powerhouse who was promoted at such
a young age is really extraordinary." ”

He Yiming said with a smile: "I have won the award, if you have any advice,
please say it directly, the province is uncomfortable in my heart." ”

Zhuo Wanlian's eyes lit up, and said: "What a quick talk, the old man will
not hide it, I heard that Your Excellency has just instructed my junior
brother, so Zhuo also wants to come and learn it." ”

Zhan Tianfeng was about to speak, but he heard He Yiming say loudly: "Okay,
since Brother Zhuo has this Yaxing, He should accompany him." ”

Zhan Tianfeng was stunned and said, "Brother He, you ......."

He Yiming laughed and said, "I have heard for a long time that the Northern
Xinjiang Ice System Divine Skill, now that I have this opportunity, how can I
easily let it go." ”

Zhan Tianfeng hesitated for a moment, and finally gave up persuasion and
stopped talking. Zhuo Wanlian was naturally overjoyed, a hint of fierceness
flashed in his eyes, and he said, "Since Brother He also has this intention,
then please." ”

He Yiming's body shook, and he had already left the house, and he shouted
loudly: "Brother Zhuo, let's go out and try again, the province has destroyed
this place." ”

He already has a deep understanding of the abilities of the innate

powerhouses, and knows that if he exerts his full strength, the environmental
damage here will reach a terrifying level, so he will deliberately leave.

It was naturally impossible for those two first-line heavenly powerhouses to

understand what He Yiming was thinking at this time. He has just been
promoted to the first line of heaven at the moment, and it is the time of
pride. In his heart, he is actually eager to let go of the battle with the
strong people of the same level. Zhuo Wanlian's proposal naturally made him
excited, and there was also Zhan Tianfeng sitting by his side, if he didn't
know how to take advantage of this opportunity, wouldn't he become a big

The speed of the three first-line heavenly powerhouses was naturally

extraordinary, but in a moment, they had already come to the outside of the
city, and easily left the capital and came to a wilderness on the outskirts.

He Yiming finally stopped, he looked around, and he was unusually satisfied

with the surrounding environment.

Half-turning, he said aloud: "Brother Zhuo, please." ”

Zhuo Wanlian smiled heartily, so far, he really has a good impression of He

Yiming. At first, after hearing Zhan Tianfeng's words, he thought that he was
going to return in vain, but he didn't expect He Yiming to accept the
challenge. He himself is a rude man who is arrogant and dry, and when he sees
He Yiming so cheerful at this moment, he naturally has a good impression.

"Brother He, be careful. Zhuo Wanlian said in a loud voice: "A certain family
also cultivates ice-based exercises, but it is far superior to junior
disciples in terms of power. ”

He Yiming nodded slightly, if he didn't even know this, then wouldn't he

become a fool.

As soon as Zhuo Wanlian's words fell, his body had already rushed up.

There was still a distance between them, but once Zhuo Wanlian advanced,
there seemed to be a sudden snowball-like sound in He Yiming's ears.

It was as if a small black dot had appeared from the top of a tall mountain
and was slowly pressing towards him.

He Yiming's eyes lit up, he stared at the other party with both eyes, but his
heart was calm and terrifying, he did not choose to avoid it, but gathered
the true qi in his body as much as possible.

His hands faintly exuded a metallic color, and the 360 points in his body
stimulated a large amount of true qi at the same time, and they were firmly
combined to become indestructible.

Then, he took the initiative to rush towards the big snowball that seemed to
be more powerful.

There was a loud bang, and the two of them each stepped back. He Yiming's
palms had already returned to their original state, although he had broken
the opponent's strange technique just now, his fist power was also exhausted,
and he could no longer go further.
However, his punch was not in vain, and the big snowball that had formed was
shattered and collapsed by this huge punch in an instant, so that it could no
longer be maintained.

Although this one seems to be evenly divided, the expressions on their faces
are very different.

He Yiming used one of his most powerful martial arts, the 36 style of opening
the mountain, this technique shows the sharp power of the gold system to the
fullest, even in this environment against the old first-line heavenly
powerhouse, it is not inferior in the slightest. So after the blow, his
confidence increased greatly, and the momentum on his body became more and
more powerful.

And after Zhuo Wanlian flew back, his face became quite ugly.

Snowball rolling is a special technique he practiced, if this kind of

exercise is fully deployed, then the power will become greater and greater,
just like the small snow ball rolling down from the top of the snow-capped
mountainAfter this snow mass has gone through the rolling process from the
top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, even the smallest snow
ball at the beginning, at this moment, it has become a giant monster that can
crush anyone to death.

Before he performed this set of exercises, he was absolutely sure that he

could make He Yiming suffer a big loss. Unexpectedly, He Yiming's eyes were
like gods, and he immediately saw through the essence of his set of
exercises. didn't even give him a chance to keep accumulating strength, this
alone was enough to impress him.

He Yiming let out a long roar, and after the first punch worked, he was full
of confidence, and his fists were wrong, and he had already rushed up like a
fly. When facing Zhuo Wanlian, he actually chose to take the initiative to

The two figures were quickly entangled together, and a piercing sonic boom
was constantly heard, and at this moment, the two first-line heavenly
powerhouses were evenly matched.

Zhan Tianfeng's face always maintained a faint smile, but there was already a
strong jealousy and deep uneasiness in his heart.

He Yiming is just a first-line heavenly powerhouse who has just advanced to

success, and it stands to reason that it has not been long since the passages
between his 360 tricks have been integrated, and he can't even talk about all
of them.

In this case, although he was able to barely condense the true qi of his
whole body into one, he definitely couldn't support it for too long.
Unless it has gone through several years or even more than ten years of
penance, it can truly stabilize all the meridians that run through.

This is already the consensus of all the first-line heavenly powerhouses.

However, He Yiming's performance was too incredible.

Zhuo Wanlian is known as the Tiger of Northern Xinjiang, and he has been
successfully promoted to a first-line heavenly powerhouse 15 years ago.
However, in order to consolidate the meridians in the body, he has also been
in retreat for more than ten years, and he has only recently reappeared in
the world.

It can be said that in the past ten years, the acupoint channel in Zhuo
Wanlian's body has been completely stabilized, so his shots can be so
continuous, and his power is condensed but not dispersed.

But He Yiming at this time was the same......

His fight with Zhuo Wanlian is not to take a small route, but to open up and
wide, one move is simple and clear, and it is clear that he is relying on his
own true qi to compete with the other party. And what's even more amazing is
that he doesn't fall behind.

A thought suddenly popped up in Zhan Tianfeng's mind, all the tricks in this
guy's body can't be connected in the first place, right?

Of course, this thought had just popped into his mind, and he had already put
it away. Because there has been no similar record since ancient times, Zhan
Tianfeng would never believe that such a rebellious thing would really happen
to He Yiming.

He Yiming and the two bombarded each other, and they both coincidentally
chose the attack method of intersecting fists and palms. In this uninhabited
area, the sharp fist wind palm shadows were superimposed layer by layer, and
the strength of both sides made the surrounding space a mess.

In particular, the cold air emanating from Zhuo Wanlian's body has a tendency
to gradually spread, and within tens of meters around, there is a layer of
chilling freezing air, as if even the blood on a person can be frozen.

However, at this time, He Yiming seemed to be unaware of it. It was the time
when the blood boiled in his body.

With the battle against the first-line heavenly powerhouse, his confidence
became more and more high.

At this moment, his strength has been exerted at 120, and the sharp and sharp
surname of the Jin system has been stimulated to his limit.
In his hands, Kaishan 36 style was unscrupulously unscrupulous, and every
punch and palm aroused in addition to the huge true qi, there was also his
powerful confidence.

This is the first outstanding person He Yiming has encountered in his life,
who can still fight with him under the 36-style of opening the mountain. And
what is even more valuable is that the strength shown by Zhuo Wanlian does
not have an advantage over his surname. It is precisely because the two of
them are-for-tat, but they are on equal footing, that He Yiming can have such
a happy feeling.

Suddenly, a long howl came out of He Yiming's mouth, and with this long howl,
his body changed, and the fist technique in his hand changed.

Metal, water, wood, fire, earth......

The basic Five Elements Exercises were unleashed in his hands like flowing
water, and he no longer forced the special surname of a certain exercise, but
he came at his fingertips and waved it casually, but every time he made a
move, it was just rightSlowly restrained Zhuo Wanlian's cold exercises.

The huge cold air in the air slowly receded, and the true qi circulating in
He Yiming's five elements was like a big grinding plate, slowly grinding away
the cold and frozen air in the void.

When the strength of the two people is equal, and there is no external force
to mix, the natural way of the five elements still outperforms most of the
strange exercises.

As He Yiming became more and more proficient in the operation of the power of
the five elements, the cold air in the sky suddenly shrank more and more.

Zhuo Wanlian was obviously a little impatient, and he finally shouted loudly:
"He Yiming, be careful." ”

He Yiming's heart froze, since the other party said this, naturally there was
a trick to appear, of course he didn't dare to slack off.

Zhuo Wanlian took a few steps back and slapped his back suddenly.

Behind him, there was a big skin bag, which was suddenly cracked open when he
slapped it at this moment.

The next moment, a rich aroma of wine suddenly spread to the surroundings.

He Yiming's eyes narrowed slightly, he couldn't figure out what the other
party was doing, could it be that there was something mysterious about the
wine in this wine bag?

Just when he was hesitant, he stretched out a hand to Zhuo Wanlian, and the
wine floating in the air suddenly rushed to his palm as if he had found his
mother's little daughter-in-law.
Then, these drinks quickly condensed, and in such an instant, Zhuo Wanlian
already had an ice sword turned from wine in his hand.

(To be continued)

Cap 47

Looking at this ice sword that exuded a powerful cold aura, He Yiming
couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

When he had just been promoted to the Hundred Scattered Heavens, he had also
tried to use his true qi to condense a weapon outside his body. But in the
end, it turned out that this was nothing more than a gimmick. A weapon made
of pure true qi looks majestic, but in fact it is fragile.

Not to mention that it is compared to the Daguan sword, even if it is

compared to an ordinary sword, it may not be able to win.

So he put the thought behind him and never thought about it again.

But at this time, after seeing the ice sword in Zhuo Wanlian's hand, his
heart moved again.

At the time of the Hundred Scattered Heaven Realm, the True Qi dispersed but
did not condense, so the condensed True Qi Sword was naturally also fragile.
But when he himself was promoted to the first line of heaven, the tricks in
his body were already integrated, and the true qi was even more condensed, so
could he really use the true qi sword?

Even if it is not enough to simply use true qi, then with the help of Zhuo
Wanlian's method, what kind of effect will it have if the true qi is
condensed on the rest of the items?

A series of thoughts instantly formed in his mind, causing a rare flush to

his face.

Zhan Tianfeng's heart sank more and more, he knew that this was a special
manifestation of a cultivator after he had comprehended the martial arts.

This young first-line heavenly powerhouse seems to have comprehended again

after breaking through just now.

Inexplicably, a decision was finally made in his heart. Such a terrifying

young powerhouse, and he is also the protector master of the Tianluo Kingdom.
Such a character must not be left behind.

As the so-called side of the couch, it is not allowed for others to sleep
If He Yiming grows up again, to the point where even he can't control it,
then will Tianluo Kingdom replace Kairong Kingdom?

Hundreds of years ago, the lord of the Kairong Kingdom forced the lord of the
previous generation of powerful countries to give way, and it must not

He Yiming shuddered inexplicably, but no matter how smart he was, he would

never guess the vicious thoughts hidden by Zhan Tianfeng's smiling face.

He also thought that this chill came from the ice sword in Zhuo Wanlian's
hand, and he couldn't help but feel a little more jealous in his heart.

Zhuo Wanlian stabbed out with a sword, this sword was extremely powerful,
although the sword in his hand was an ice sword, but if you only listened to
the sound of the breaking wind, it was no different from a real sword.

Seeing that this sword crossed the distance between each other in an instant,
it stabbed in front of him. He Yiming subconsciously stretched out his hands.

His hands formed a magical handprint, and the muscle in the middle of his
hands throbbed slightly, although the sound of the skin was subtle, but in
the ears of Zhan Tianfeng and Zhuo Wanlian, the two absolute first-line
heavenly powerhousesBut it is not much different from the sound of the drum.

Sure enough, as the drum sounded, several red needle-shaped true qi shot out
from between He Yiming's hands, drawing a strange angle in the air and
stabbing at Zhuo Wanlian's body.

Zhuo Wanlian snorted coldly, and with a wave of the ice sword in his hand, a
suction force was born, and those needle-shaped true qi suddenly lost their
target and flew towards the ice sword.

Under He Yiming's incredulous gaze, these needle-shaped true qi dissipated on

their own as soon as they touched the ice sword.

This is the first time that He Yiming has returned in vain after casting the
Tibetan needle seal. He faintly sensed that if he wanted to deal with a
first-line heavenly powerhouse, he had to make more powerful and fierce

Zhuo Wanlian shook his sword and continued to move forward, He Yiming raised
his handprint, a metallic luster flashed on his skin, and he greeted him like


A slight collision sound suddenly sounded, and He Yiming screamed and jumped
out like a fly.

The sturdiness of the opponent's ice sword was far beyond his imagination,
and it seemed that with these drinks, the ice sword in Zhuo Wanlian's hand
had really become a peerless blade, and it had left a long scar on He
Yiming's hand.

Not only that, but the powerful cold power from the ice sword almost froze
him into a popsicle.

It's just that as soon as these frozen gases entered his body, they were
immediately completely absorbed by the magical power surging up in the
dantian, so when he was in mid-air, his body had returned to normal, but the
layer of hoarfrost covering the surface was still a little scary.

In an instant, He Yiming had already understood the terrifying nature of this

ice sword. It was definitely not something he could resist with his bare

Subconsciously touched his back, He Yiming secretly complained in his heart,

he was dizzy when he came here today, and the Daguan knife was placed in the
embassy area and was not carried with him.

As soon as his eyes turned, he suddenly saw the dense forest not far away in
mid-air, and his heart moved, and he was immediately overjoyed.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, He Yiming immediately jumped up again
and pounced like a fierce god.

Zhuo Wanlian made a sword achievement, his heart was proud, his cold and
frozen qi was extremely powerful, since he had invaded He Yiming's body, even
if the other party was a first-line heavenly powerhouse, he would never feel
good if he was afraid.

But before he could continue to attack, he saw that He Yiming had already
pounced on him like a mad tiger, and his eyes were green, and he was
completely in a posture of fighting to defeat both. He was shocked, and
immediately changed his mind, counterattacked and defended, opened his feet
in a figure, and waited intently.

At the same time, after seeing He Yiming's lightning-fast body, it seemed

that he was not affected by the freezing air at all. Only then did he
understand that it was no wonder that his junior brother had said that
although this person was not cultivating the ice exercises, he was not afraid
of the ice exercises at all.

It's just that how He Yiming did it made him puzzled.

He Yiming rushed over like lightning, and he could even see Zhuo Wanlian's
eyes that had become extremely solemn, as well as the mysterious feeling that
the tip of the sword trembled slightly, as if it would suddenly appear from a
certain place at any time.

But at this moment, He Yiming's face showed a smug smile.

Zhuo Wanlian was slightly stunned, and then saw that He Yiming's figure did
not advance but retreated, and there was no routine, but jumped far behind.

He was stunned, and suddenly couldn't cry or laugh. This little guy's grasp
of momentum has reached the point of being superb, and even he can't help but
be fooled by that pounce.

However, what did He Yiming mean by retreating like this?

However, in the next moment, he understood.

He Yiming jumped into a woodland like a fly, where there were countless tall
trees, the tallest of which even reached a height of seven or eight meters.

When he came to a certain big tree, he suddenly shouted and punched out. The
powerful fist power surged out like a mountain of mountains, and instantly
broke one of the big trees about four meters high.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the power of this punch is naturally

shocking, but in the eyes of the first-line heavenly powerhouse, it is
nothing more than that. Zhan Tianfeng and the others didn't understand what
the hell He Yiming was doing.

However, He Yiming's next action made them startled at the same time.

I saw that he had picked up such a huge tree with his toes, and then he held
the tree in his arms with both hands.

A strong wood innate true qi surged from He Yiming's body, but in just a few
breaths, the entire tree seemed to be filled with the powerful life energy of
the wood system, and He Yiming, who was holding this big tree, gave the two
of them an extremely strange feeling.

It seems that He Yiming and the entire tree have been integrated, just like
the ice sword in Zhuo Wanlian's hand, and have become an inseparable whole.

With a flash of light in his eyes, He Yiming rushed towards Zhuo Wanlian
again, this time, his pace was steady, and his speed gradually increased,
when he came to Zhuo WanlianHe raised the tree in his hand high and slashed
down like a machete.

For a while, Zhan Tianfeng and Zhuo Wanlian's eyes were momentarily sluggish.

They are all well-informed people, and they have dealt with countless innate
powerhouses in their lives. But those who use this kind of thing as weapons
have never seen it with their own eyes, and they have never heard of it.

However, they didn't know that the weapon used by He Yiming was originally a
Daguan knife close to four meters.
Although the trees used at this moment are a little too thick, the length is
similar to that of the Daguan knife, and the difference between the two is
not very big, and He Yiming uses it quite easily.

Zhuo Wanlian was only slightly stunned, and instantly returned to his normal

He poked out with his sword, drew a strange circle, and lightly touched the
big tree, and immediately avoided it.

However, he suddenly found that the other party's big tree was really full of
powerful wood power, just like the ice sword in his hand was full of cold

Not only was the tree as solid as a stone, but the shred of life power rushed
up through the ice sword, making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

This discovery almost stunned Zhuo Wanlian.

He was able to condense his true qi into such a long ice sword, and reach
this level of hardness that was not inferior to that of a divine weapon, and
that was only after ten years of cultivation after being promoted to the
first line of heaven.

And He Yiming had just been successfully promoted, and he was already able to
easily attach the true qi of the wood system to the big tree, and it was such
a huge giant tree.

Such a huge volume, even if it is him, is beyond reach.

At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in his heart, even if it was a

master and an old man, he might not be able to condense such a huge ice
sword...... He really couldn't figure out how he could do this with the
strength that He Yiming had just been promoted to the first line of heaven.
Could it be that his true qi can resonate with all things in heaven and earth
without even the slightest hindrance?

Of course, this idea is just random speculation, and he doesn't believe that
there will be such a strong man in the world.

If there really is such a person, then no one else should live.

He Yiming hugged the big tree, waving it lightly, in his hand, this giant
tree seemed to come to life, not only when the tree pole swept and split, it
contained unparalleled power, Even the branches and leaves on the trunk of
the tree fluttered with the same ease, like countless whips, leaving their
traces in the void.

Zhan Tianfeng, who was watching from the sidelines, was dumbfounded, he
secretly swapped himself with Zhuo Wanlian, but sadly found that even if he
made a move, he might not be able to win He Yiming.
The power of the weapon in this guy's hand is really speechless...... The
more Zhuo Wanlian fought, the more depressed he became, no matter how fast
his body was, no matter how mysterious and unparalleled his ice sword was,
even if his swordsmanship was false and real, even he himself went around it,
and he couldn't figure out which one was real, which is empty. But as long as
the other party gently shifts the big tree to an angle, then all the
swordsmanship he painstakingly displayed will be useless.

This big tree is so big, so big that he can't help it.

Suddenly, a flush swelled up on his face.

What he cultivated was originally an ice system exercise, and he had already
cultivated to the peak realm, but at this moment, because the true qi of his
whole body was completely stimulated, an abnormal color appeared on his face.

Then, he snorted suddenly, raised the ice sword in his hand, and headed it
towards the ...... in front of him Big trees are cut down.

His sword was as sharp as lightning, and as powerful as a bamboo.

In an instant, the part that came into contact with the ice sword suddenly
cracked, and even the giant tree with the blessing of He Yiming's innate dead
wood skill couldn't withstand Zhuo Wanlian's desperate all-out blow.

However, just a moment later, the smile that had just appeared on Zhuo
Wanlian's face froze again.

This sword of his has condensed all the true qi in his body, and it is indeed
unstoppable. However, he still overlooked one thing, the big tree was still
too big.

Moreover, the wood power instilled by He Yiming was really broad and
profound, which made him feel a deep sense of helplessness.

Although his ice sword had already broken through the tree by more than a
meter in an instant, it was only 1 of the entire tree.

At this point, his true qi was already close to drying up, and the speed at
which he continued to advance was as slow as a snail. This ice sword has been
wrapped in layers of wood-based power, not to mention entering, even if you
want to exit safely, it seems to have become an unattainable thing.

He instantly understood that if he continued to be strong, then not to

mention that he would not be able to break through the tree and hurt He
Yiming, he was afraid that the moment his true qi completely dried up, it
would be the moment when he died on the spot.

A look of helplessness flashed in his eyes, and his body retreated like a
As for the ice sword in his hand, it was already deep in the tree, and it was
impossible to take it out.

And without the support of Zhuo Wanlian's true qi, this ice sword had
dissolved in an instant under the impact of the power of the big tree's
"life", and turned into a puddle of wine again, volatilizing in the air.

He Yiming looked at the big tree that had been split in front of him and had
been broken by 1, he was secretly shocked in his heart, knowing that he was
still so far behind Zhuo Wanlian compared to Zhuo Wanlian.

However, he also sensed the embarrassment of the other party at the moment,
and suddenly it was the big tree that continued to rush over with the
momentum of the overlord.

Between advancing and retreating, the momentum between the two has undergone
a earth-shaking change.

For the first time, He Yiming took the absolute initiative in the
confrontation between the two, his momentum was like a rainbow, and the big
tree that was a little cracked in the middle made a piercing scream, as if
the ghost cried wolf and whipped away.

Zhuo Wanlian continued to retreat, he already had to retreat, because he

could no longer accept such an inhuman attack.

He finally yelled and said, "Stop, stop fighting." ”

Although He Yiming was unwilling, he hesitated for a moment and still

withdrew his hand. He knew that although he had the upper hand, it was just
that the advantage of the big tree in his hand was too great. And it's one
thing to have the upper hand, it's another thing to want to kill your

Under the current circumstances, it is undoubtedly a fool's dream that he

wants to kill Zhuo Wanlian.

With a flick of his wrist, the big tree suddenly carried it on his shoulder,
and He Yiming asked, "Why don't you fight." ÷ Zhuo Wanlian said angrily:
"Your kung fu is so weird, you can't help my frozen breath, and you still
fart." ”

He Yiming suddenly laughed dumbly, but he also understood. Because he himself

has a stronger freezing gas than the other party, Zhuo Wanlian's greatest
ability is no threat to him. In such a situation, he naturally could never
threaten himself.

Since he sensed this, Zhuo Wanlian naturally retreated, and if he continued

to fight, wouldn't it be boring to be self-deprecating.
Zhan Tianfeng walked up with a laugh and said, "The two of you are good at
kung fu, which has opened the old man's eyes." ”

He Yiming and the others naturally wouldn't believe that this old man had
advanced to the first line of Tianyi Jiazi, and his strength was so profound
that they could not compare.

Zhan Tianfeng's gaze fell on the big tree on He Yiming's shoulder, and he
suddenly said, "Brother He, how about playing tricks on me?"

He Yiming threw the big tree over without hesitation, although this one was
four meters long and unusually thick, but in the eyes of the first-line
heavenly powerhouse, it was just a big tree.

Zhan Tianfeng stretched out his hand and lightly held the tree in his hand.

He Yiming secretly admired in his heart, looking at other people's movements,

it was like holding a branch, he couldn't do this chic energy.

Zhan Tianfeng instilled the true qi in his body into the big tree, but he
soon found that although his true qi was far stronger than He Yiming at this
time, after entering the big tree, he could only barely integrate into the
volume of about 1. Once this limit was exceeded, his Wood True Qi could no
longer be fully controlled.

Others can't see the clue from the appearance, but he knows that if he uses
this big tree to make an enemy of Zhuo Wanlian, then he will definitely
easily cut off most of it, and eventually become nondescriptWhere could there
be such a powerful power in He Yiming's hands.

His face changed slightly, and infinite questions arose in his heart, how
could He Yiming do it, and fill such a huge tree with wood-based true qi?

After a while, he put the big tree down and said with a smile: "Two, it is
said that the masters of the Tu Domain Kingdom have brought a lot of good
things to participate in the master transaction this time, I wonder if you
are interested in this?"

He Yiming nodded and said without concealment: "That's why I'm here, so
naturally I want to participate." ”

Zhuo Wanlian's attitude towards He Yiming has changed a lot at this time, in
his heart, although he has already blamed He Yiming for being a freak, but
his super strength has indeed won his approval.

After a moment's hesitation, he nodded in agreement.

Zhan Tianfeng laughed loudly and reintroduced the two of them to the temple
for good hospitality, but no one could have imagined that under his
enthusiastic appearance, there was an unimaginable strange mind.

(To be continued)
Cap 48

When He Yiming returned to the embassy area, everyone, including Shui

Xuanjin, greeted him. At this moment, their attitude towards He Yiming is
very different from before.

This difference is not just superficial, but comes from their inner

He Yiming coped with the half-bang and returned to his courtyard with Shui
Xuanjin. After retiring everyone, Shui Xuanjin hesitated for a moment and
said, "Brother He, now that you have broken through to the first line of
heaven, are you still willing to join our small country alliance?"

He Yiming smiled dumbly and said, "Brother Shui, this is what they asked you
to ask." ”

Shui Xuanjin's old face was slightly red, and he said, "Yes, they are all a
little worried, so let the old man be cheeky and ask about it." He pursed his
lips and explained, "But rest assured, no matter what decision you make, we
won't complain." ”

He didn't lie when he said this, because even if he complained, he didn't

dare to show it.

He Yiming thought about it for a moment, and finally said slowly in Shui
Xuanjin's expectant gaze: "Brother Shui, I have already stated my position
last time, since Tianluo Kingdom needs it, then as the protector master of
Tianluo Kingdom." , the younger brother naturally will not refuse. ”

A relieved smile appeared on Shui Xuanjin's face, and the biggest concern
after He Yiming was promoted to the first-tier heaven was finally completely

Taking a deep breath, Shui Xuanjin said: "Brother He, we have made an
agreement with Mao Lieguang and Mu Dutian, after seven days, it will be the
time for everyone to trade itemsDon't forget. ”

He Yiming was surprised in his heart and said, "Will they still participate?"

Shui Xuanjin smiled and said, "Aren't they all the way here for this?"

"But two of them died. He Yiming said in a deep voice.

Shui Xuanjin smiled and said, "These two people have their own way to die,
and since they are dead, there is no one who is willing to stand up for
them." He looked at He Yiming, and said suddenly: "The Tu Domain Kingdom will
definitely not offend a promising first-line heavenly powerhouse for the sake
of a deceased prince and a deceased Baisantian master. ”

He Yiming suddenly realized that Shui Xuanjian's words were extremely

penetrating, if he did not advance to the first line of heaven, then what was
waiting for him would be a violent thundercloud storm, and even Hejiazhuang
would be involved. But when he advanced to the first line, then everything

The root of all this, in the final analysis, is the word strength.

The two talked for a while, and Shui Xuanjin said goodbye and left, but
before leaving, he hesitated for a while, and finally couldn't help asking,
"Brother He,."What do you think of this person?".

He Yiming said sincerely: "This person is very powerful, especially with a

tough heart, and he is an excellent opponent. ”

Shui Xuanjin's face changed slightly, and he said, "Then do you think he
still has a chance to advance to the first line of heaven after losing once?"

He Yiming was slightly stunned, unable to figure out why he would ask himself
such a brainless thing.

After thinking seriously for a moment, He Yiming said: "If ordinary people
are at the peak of their lives and careers and suddenly encounter setbacks,
then the possibility of rising again will be very small, but Mu Dutian is
different. I'm sure he'll be able to get back on his feet and finally break
through. ”

Shui Xuanjin nodded slightly and said, "Great." ”

He Yiming became more and more puzzled and asked, "What's so good about

A smug smile flashed on Shui Xuanjin's face, and he said, "This sentence was
actually asked by Mao Lieguang, and he naturally hoped that Mu Xuantian would
collapse, so that he could feel at ease." Hehe, how could the old man let him
get his wish. ”

He Yiming shook his head slightly, he really didn't have much interest in the
intrigue between these countries. After this battle, his biggest gain is that
as long as you have the strength, and it is still the kind of strength that
overwhelms the surname, then you can act unscrupulously.

Even if it is to kill His Royal Highness the Prince, one of the three great
powers, and an innate powerhouse. People can only knock out their teeth and
swallow blood, and they don't dare to come to you for revenge.

As for Mu Dutian's ability to be promoted to the first line of heaven, he

didn't care at all.
By the time he advanced to the first line of heaven, his cultivation above
the martial arts was afraid that he would have been left far behind.

However, looking at Shui Xuanjian, who was leaving with his eyebrows flying,
He Yiming was also relieved.

This old man has been trapped in the realm of Baisantian all his life, and
now he has not much longevity, so his thoughts are naturally different from
his own.

Shaking his head, He Yiming came to Yuan Lixun's room.

Before he left, he passed through the transportation of wood and water true
qi, allowing Yuan Lixun to sleep peacefully. Now that the hours have passed,
I guess she should wake up too.

It's just that when I think back on what happened in these few hours, it
really feels like I was in a dream.

Not only did he successfully break through to the realm of a glimmer of

heaven, but he also defeated Zhuo Wanlian in a solo fight. If this kind of
change had been before, he would not have dared to imagine it.

Gently pushing the door in, looking at Yuan Lixun lying on her side on the
bed, especially the long whip marks on her face, He Yiming's heart ached.

To be honest, after following the medicine Taoist for several months of

study, He Yiming also has a glimpse of the way of medicine. He was absolutely
sure that he would be able to erase all the whip marks. But to say that it
doesn't leave a little scar is unlikely.

After thinking silently in his heart, he finally made up his mind. It's just
that the difficulty of trying to do that is really difficult.

His ears twitched slightly, He Yiming smiled heartily and said, "Lixun, since
you've woken up, let's get up quickly." ”

Yuan Lixun's eyelashes trembled slightly a few times, and then she slowly
opened them, she sat up obediently, but intentionally or unintentionally, she
skimmed the injured half of her face.

He Yiming sighed secretly in his heart, knowing that she couldn't pass the
level in her heart, but she didn't say anything, just sat on the edge of the
bed and looked at her quietly.

Although she is only about the same age as herself, she is also 17 years old.
But when a girl reaches this grade, if she has good nutrition and internal
strength, then in terms of development, she will not be inferior to a mature

At this time, Yuan Lixun, who was sitting at the head of the bed, was wearing
a goose-yellow semi-middle coat, although her graceful and long figure was
completely wrapped, but from the neck, a slippery snow white could be
seenEspecially in the opening of the middle coat, a button was loosened
intentionally or unintentionally, and when the eyes fell here, even the
thrilling ravine could be seen.

Yuan Lixun saw his gaze, and couldn't help but immediately blush. Although
she is not a wealthy daughter who really doesn't know anything, but under
this naked and hot gaze, as long as she is a yellow flower girl, there is a
chance that she will become like this.

He Yiming coughed lightly, he withdrew his gaze, and said, "Lixun, you can
cultivate with peace of mind, I have already avenged you." ”

Yuan Lixun was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Young master, you went
to ...... just now."

He Yiming nodded slowly and said, "The person who hurt you is the fourth
prince of the Tu Domain, Bu Chucong, and he has received the retribution he
deserves." ”

Yuan Lixun's eyes were slightly red, as a person from Jinlin Country, she
naturally understood the weight of the Tu Domain, which was one of the three
major powers in the northwest, even if it was Kairong Country, it was just on
a par with it.

His Royal Highness, the prince of this country, is so noble, but He Yiming
sought justice for her during the time she fell asleep just now. This is
indeed quite a shock for a female surname.

Of course, in Yuan Lixun's thoughts, He Yiming is at most a human way or a

human being, and at most he will whip him a few times. If she knew that He
Yiming was prestigious, so she killed Bu Chucong with one palm, then I am
afraid that she would not only be moved, but shocked.

Holding Yuan Lixun into his arms, He Yiming was relieved softly, and said,
"Lixun, I've seen the whip marks on your face." ”

The delicate body nestled in He Yiming's arms suddenly became stiff at this
moment, He Yiming patted her back gently in heartache, and slowly, her body
softened again.

"Li Xun, I have already applied the wound medicine that the medicine Taoist
personally refined to you, at most half a month, this whip mark will
completely disappear, and the scar left behind will gradually shrink. ”

Yuan Lixun's whole mind is here, and he can naturally hear the meaning of
avoiding reality and fiction in his words. After a moment of silence, she
asked, "Young Master, are you saying that this scar will never fade away?"

He Yiming pondered for a moment and said, "Bu Chucong is extremely heavy, and
what he uses is also a special technique. If my estimation is correct, he
must have used this whip method from time to time before, as long as he
received this whip, no matter what elixir was applied, it was still difficult
to completely heal the wound in the end More or less it leaves a little scar.

Speaking of this, a burst of anger surged in his heart again, if Bu Chucong

was still alive, he would definitely kill again without hesitation.

The expression in Yuan Lixun's eyes quickly dimmed, and he said, "Young
Master, I know." ”

He Yiming raised his eyebrows and smiled, and said, "Lixun, this whip mark
can't be removed by others, but that doesn't mean that I can't do it." ”

Yuan Lixun was slightly stunned, and a hint of surprise immediately appeared
in her eyes, and she reached out and gently slapped He Yiming's shoulder, as
if to express the ups and downs of that moment in her heart. It's just that
the force this time is too light, if it weren't for He Yiming's wholehearted
concern for her, I'm afraid I wouldn't have felt it at all.

"Young Master, what can you do?" asked Yuan Lixun full of expectations.
Although she has great confidence in He Yiming, if she doesn't ask clearly,
then she won't be willing anyway.

He Yiming raised two fingers and said, "Two methods, one is internal
cultivation, and the other is external application." ”

Yuan Lixun's eyes were dazzling, there were as many as two ways, he really
deserved to be a congenital powerhouse.

"If you want to treat the scars caused by this special whip method, ordinary
medicines are helpless, but if you cultivate from within and stimulate your
own potential, then when you reach a certain level of achievement, this small
injury will heal itself without medicine. ”

Unexpectedly, a bad premonition suddenly surged in her heart, and she asked
cautiously, "Young Master, are you saying that as long as I cultivate with
peace of mind, I can heal myself without medicine?"

"Yes. He Yiming nodded, and he solemnly stated: "As long as a cultivator can
reach a certain level, he can definitely make all the scars on his body
disappear, just like a newborn baby, white and ......tender."

When he said that it was white and tender, the corners of his eyes
subconsciously looked towards the spring light on her chest.

Yuan Lixun's face was flushed, she complained in her heart, she was already
anxious, but he still had the heart to think about this...... However, if He
Yiming really didn't have the slightest intention in this regard, her heart
would be uneasy.
This ambivalence made even her feel incredible.

His body twisted slightly, and Yuan Lixun asked softly, "Young Master, what
realm do you have to reach?"

He Yiming coughed lightly and said, "Although it's not easy, it's actually
not very difficult. ”

Yuan Lixun's heart sank slightly, and the more He Yiming refused to tell the
truth, the heavier her mood became. If it was something else, Yuan Lixun
would definitely not get to the bottom of it, but when it came to her
appearance, she couldn't bear it anymore and asked, "Young Master,."What kind
of realm exactly. ”

He Yiming pursed his lips twice, and finally said, "It's very simple, it's
almost the same as Lu Xinwen." ”

Lu ...... Xinwen!"

Yuan Lixun looked at He Yiming dumbfounded, if she didn't worship the person
in front of her too much, then she would definitely not say a word at this
moment, hide her face and leave.

After half a ring, Yuan Lixun said bitterly: "Innate realm." ”

"That's right, it's the innate realm. He Yiming didn't seem to see the dim
color in her eyes, and said: "Once you reach the innate realm, then you will
attract the qi of heaven and earth into your body, and all the dark diseases
and scars on your body will completely disappear."It's like the rebirth of a
phoenix. ”

Yuan Lixun smiled bitterly again and said, "Young Master, I understand, so
what about another way?"

"Another way is to find the materials for refining the Zhuyan Pill, if you
can successfully refine this anti-heaven pill, then let alone this small scar
on your face, even if you are slashed seventeen or eighteen times on your
face, you can recover intact as before. ”

Yuan Lixun's eyes suddenly flashed with bright brilliance, like two little
stars as cute.

He Yiming looked at her with a smile and said, "But to be honest, with my
help, although it is a little difficult to let you be promoted to the innate
level, you still have some certainty." But if you want to find the materials
of the Zhuyan Pill and successfully refine it, it depends on your luck. ”

Yuan Lixun was shocked, and then he realized that it was actually more
difficult to refine the Zhuyan Pill than to promote the innate powerhouse.

She shook her head, if it weren't for He Yiming's frank confession, she
really didn't believe it.
It's just that after getting He Yiming's assurance, her heart completely
calmed down. Especially when she thought that she also had the opportunity to
advance to an innate powerhouse, the strange feeling in her heart was really


Seven days passed in a flash.

In these seven days, although the entire embassy area seems to be calm, it is
indeed turbulent, and countless people are running for their own purposes.

Among them, He Yiming, who went from an ordinary congenital powerhouse to an

ordinary congenital powerhouse within two years, successfully broke through
the first-line heaven of life and death, and was promoted to the first-line
sky, which has passed through all channels to the outside world and reached
the ears of many well-intentioned people.

And He Yiming was angry at the crown, and the matter of killing the fourth
prince of the Tu Domain and an innate powerhouse was even more popular, with
countless different versions.

After hearing the news, Yuan Chengcheng of the Jinlin Yuan family discussed
with his father Yuan Zeyu behind closed doors for a whole day, and finally
announced a sensational thing in a small area.

That is the next head of the Jinlin Yuan family, who is no longer his eldest
son Yuan Liling, but a little-known son Yuan Lixiang.

When the news was announced, several respected elders in the family raised
objections. Especially after witnessing the tragedy of Yuan Zeyu and Yuan
Zewei, two old men, who have been entangled for decades for the position of
the head of the family, resulting in the tragedy of being in the same room,
those older figures are even more opposed to this decision.

Although Yuan Chengcheng took over the position of the head of the family,
after all, the time was still short, and he was still afraid of some old
people in the family.

However, after he only said a word at that time, the old men were suddenly
silent, and no one objected anymore.

Yuan Zeyu sent Yuan Lixun to He Yiming as a concubine, even in the entire
Yuan family, not many people knew about it. This is because they were also
worried about whether Yuan Lixun would be able to gain He Yiming's favor and
whether he would be able to stay by his side in the end.

If everything goes well, it will naturally be a great joy for the Yuan
family. But if it doesn't please He Yiming, then this incident will be
treated as if it never happened.
However, no matter how scheming Yuan Zeyu's father and son were, they never
thought that there would be such a day.

Yuan Lixun's weight in He Yiming's heart reached such a point, so the two of
them finally decided to completely straighten Yuan Lixiang.

From now on, as long as Yuan Lixun is by He Yiming's side, the Yuan family in
Jinlin is as stable as Mount Tai as the He family in Taicang County.

Of course, after hearing this news, it was definitely not only the Jinlin
Yuan family that was affected.

In the entire sphere of influence of the Kairong Kingdom, almost all the huge
forces have paid the most attention to it.

The four major families of the Fire Crow Kingdom were even more troubled by
gains and losses, and they had the same thoughts as Ting Shiguang, and they
felt extremely regretful that they did not leave He Yiming to become the
master of the country protector in the past.

However, the only thing that made the Xie family happy was that there was a
news from Xie Mingjin that they had dreamed of.

After getting the news, Xie Zhien immediately rushed to Kairong National
Capital at a fast speed, accompanied by the other two tenth-layer masters of
the Xie family.

The entire Xie family has the greatest expectations for this matter.

Because the Xie family has not had another innate powerhouse for four hundred

Of course, the most affected by this incident are Hejiazhuang in Taicang

County and Hengshan in the deep mountains.

When He Laibao got the news, he was immediately overjoyed and sent a disciple
of the Elixir Peak back to Hengshan to report the news.

Similarly, the four elders of the elixir peak and the Supreme Elder Yu
Jinglei all looked at each other after seeing the letter. Even if He Laibao
cursed and swore in the letter, they were all skeptical.

In the end, Yu Jinglei personally took Lu Zhengyi down the mountain and went
to Hejiazhuang.

After all, this matter is too important, and no one can believe it when they
don't see He Yiming with their own eyes.

As for He Yiming at this time, he didn't know the uproar he caused, he just
silently accompanied Yuan Lixun in the embassy area until the master trade
fair began seven days later.

(To be continued)

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