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= XxXDF.CN & a Qunyan Press Hox SERB HER HOFF ) 1993 SEAN AAR SO A BooiwiL Word List 1 > Word List 2 Word List 3 Word List 4 Word List 5 Word List 6 Word List 7 Word List 8 Word List 9 Word List 10 Word List 11 Word List 12 Word List 13 Word List 14 Word List 15 Word List 16 Word List 17 Word List 18 Word List 19 Word List 20 Word List 21 Word List 22 ARAL Word List 23 Word List 24 Word List 25 Word List 26 Word List 27 Word List 28 Word List 29 Word List 30 Word List 31 Word List 32 Word List 33 Word List 34 Word List 35 Word List 36 Word List 37 Word List 38 Word List 39 Word List 40 Word List 41 Word List 42 Word List 43 WR: MOHAN RS unidimensional 4d). —##113( one-dimensional) [,ju:nidar'menfanl] #2 #8i21Z. unil #—) + dimensional zfs] ) + —#849 agility ‘N. UHR (the quality or state of being agile) [aldgulati | (2 XB agilel adi. RISH, BHeeN) retentive adj. Bictt65, 121Z72885( capable of keeping the memory of) (ri'tentrv] flabby ‘ad. (ALAS ) ARS, WGI llimp and soft, flaccid), mas mH [ flebi] (lacking force; weak) B tlagay( adj. 453848), floppy( adj. #45) overwhelm v. URE, EAR, EEfB|(t0 overcome by superior force or numbers; crush; Louver 'welm } overpower); #83, f§¥6(to surge over and submerge; engulf) fd S38: over( #---t ) + whelm( #38) —> efAl; HE. infamous adj. 812% 85( having a reputation of the worst kind ) ('infomes } notorious fickleness BRR: DCTS Se [ 'fikinas ] Flinconstancy unscrupulous 4d; £cie(¥iG9|(unprincipled) [an'skruzpjalos | fi RAMICIZ: unl 7) + scrupulous( Jviney) > ARMS I The value of Davis’ sociological research is compromised by his unscrupulous tendency to use materials selectively in order to substantiate his own claims, while disregarding information that points to ‘other possible conclusions. adopt \. 3RiA, 3RFA (to take up and practice or use 1 RA, [alda:pt JEStHES, Witt (to accept formally and put into BRO! effect) $2) ARICA: ad + opt HAE) + WALA > x : 4, RA chancy adj. AWE , AWEHY( uncertain in outcome or ['tfeensi ] prospect, occurring by chance) “unidimensional & agility retentive oflabby Goverwhelm 0 infamous Ofickleness unscrupulous 3 adopt i chancy alienation 1n. Hitz, WIE|a withdrawing or separation of a person) [ietlia'nerfn] alienation from 5--- te prestigious adj. ZA, ABBA having prestige; honored) [pre'strdgos] f@ KE prestige Fi, BE); prol BYE) + stig( #48) + e—> HAIEAM fo MB, Re Many of the early Hollywood moguls sought to aggrandize themselves and enhance their celluloid empires by snaring prestigious writers and intellectuals as screenwriters. 5/aistinguished, eminent, notable, prominent, renowned contritic 1. (838, FBG remorse for having done wrong} [kon 'trifn] fi XG contrite( aaj. #14 ) deplore v. REA, BUR to express or feel grief for); HBR to condemn) (dr'plo:r 3 WIRICIZ: del HF) + plor ak) + e— FER S)bemoan, bewail, grieve, lament, moan repetitive adj. B58 repetitious) ; 5H t#B4 containing repetition ) (r1'petativ] 9 ARICA. rel FH) + petl BH) + itive > APRS — mH congenital adj. SGI, KAHVexisting as such at birth; innate) fig) SBARIEIZ: con + gen( #4) + ital + FARAH > KAAS ve#B4U{to give official authorization to or approval of) [a!kredit | Bhaccredit sb. to HE, RIK spartan adj. f84N89 (of simplicity or frugality); 22569 (strict self-discipline or self- [ 'spa:rtn } denial ) fig] A Sparta MEI), ARE, BAHL A DLa shel SFR nonthreatening adi. */3sm09 e {nozn'@retnry] IKAVICIZ: non( 7S) + threatening| mLRAtS ) > ARMA ADE irradiate ¥. 983 to cast rays of light upon) ; FREE. Ito shine; light up) [r'rerdiert] GE WARICIZ: irl EBT) + rad( 24) + inte > RAKED > MA, Rm opulent adj. BSB very wealthy); 75 BU( profuse ; luxuriant) ['anpjolont ] (i) ARILIZ: opull BER) + ent > wHeCH cardiac adj. INIEAVof, relating to, situated near, or acting on the heart) fig aARIAHZ: card( t+) + iac — ARES 1n. ERRP RRR a lack of faith or confidence in oneself) (self 'daut.] estimable adj. {8% 8165( worthy of great respect); {Sit B5( capable of being ['estimabl | estimated ) 3G estimate( v. féit; FH) platitudinous | 4d. [29 having the characteristics of a platitude } [,pletr'tuzdonas] _ platitudinous remarks Pris OS 2 alienation Cprestigious contrition deplore Orepetitive congenital Daccredit © spartan Gnonthreatening 0 irradiate ‘opulent Ol eardiac Cself-doubt estimable 0 platitudinous piety n. £16, = WB (fidelity to natural obligations (as to parents); 2 Wt { ‘paroti} (religious devotion and reverence to God; devoutness ) Their piety was expressed in quotidian behavior: they worshipped regularly, according to all the regenerative processes of nature respect, and even awe. excise v. BOER, BI35(to remove by cutting out or away) ['eksaiz] 2 WARIZIZ: ex + cis( 9) +e — Mh — DR solo adj. $2465 without companion) n. 408 Lisoulon 2] ARIZA: soll BLA) + 0 —> SHIRA stiffen v. SHE, {EARLE to make stiff or stiffer) ['strfn] |, harden, solidify comic =f; SEEIH using comedy) n. SRIRA comedian) [ tkarmik] ian inventive comic actor —f0-4 Oi 69 BE BIRR refractory agj. 3869, X€@4E83( stubborn; unmanageable); (75) #£/465( resistant [ri'frektori] to treatment or cure) TYRIZIZ: re + fract( BBL) + ory —> PHAB— WH automotive adj. £89, 989 (of, relating to, or concerned with self-propelled Leite imoutrel vehicles or machines) ridge n. BOOBS, WAS); Meee [rid3] crest ‘talent ‘n. Mi (the natural endowments of a person); A (a special often [ 'taelont ] creative or artistic aptitude } ed BABII: tal(1)( BH) + entl A) + BA > RA Bl aptness, faculty, flair, genius buckle n. B2#830K v. #0K(t0 fasten or join with a buckle) ("bakt] Hi buck up RRS inhibition n. BRIE; MBI the act of inhibiting); MEW sth. that forbids, debars, or Can(h)r'bifn } restricts ) ~ « {Bij Wiliam James lacked the usual awe of death; writing to his dying father, he spoke without inhibition about the old man's impending death dividend ‘n. ETI, IBFU(bonus) . { 'dividend] fig ARIZ: dil HIF) + vid F) + end -ERAHAS— LA fanatic adj. 7£7%65, B{E89(marked by excessive enthusiasm and often intense [fo'netik] uncritical devotion) n, 3£ #% %(a person marked or motivated by an extreme, unreasoning enthusiasm ) fi KB fan(n. Ae) clemency n. RA mildness, esp. of weather); 4, HF (mercy) { 'klemonsi ] {iQ 40 cement( 23 )— BIZ, — caritas, charity, lenity ideology 1. SEAR R, [EAIR a systematic body of concepts) (iaidi'a:led3i) KIB ICIZ: ide( BF idea, BAB) + ology FA) + BRKR Opiety Dexcise solo astiffen comic O refractory automotive Gridge talent a buckle inhibition dividend DB fanatic clemency a ideology defamation 1. HEB, Ch #Al the act of defaming another) [\defa'merfn] [laspersion, calumniation, denigration, vilification jusion V. RESSARIBK. §EBEIH(to cause to lose naive faith and trust) (idist'lu:gn ] ff) ALICIZ. dis( 7S) + illusion( 4048) > AAEM —> Hea ARR, fl . et eae —— anterior adj. 65, DARBY previous; earlier) (aen'tirior) encumber ¥. $558, §HLUG(to impede or hamper) eS. * frinticnmitionT fl ABINZ: en + cumberl HR) —> Hhoe “conformity 7. — 3%; 31, |ii/\(action in accordance with some specified standard [kon 'forrmati } or authority ) vi ic ‘adj. %)3805| virulent of feeling or of speech) [iviteia:hik] fia WHARIEIZ.. vite EAR, 1c 25°F" ) + clic — RISEN {BI Although a few"delegates gave the-opposition’s suggestions a vitriolic _ fesponse, most greeted the statement of a counterposition with civility. anticlimactic 4d). 229999( of, relating to, or marked by anticlimax) [ventiklar'maktrk] {2 W442: anti (48K) + climac (=climax Tx) + tic > STAR > Bem respiratory adj. (ORG) [ resparato:ri | Bil Antificial light enhances the respiratory activity of some microorganisms in the winter but not in the summer, in part because in the summer their respiration is already at its peak and thus cannot be increased. proclivity 7. {ff@3(an inclination or predisposition toward sth. ) leaning £95R( to inhibit); x4Bl to make sth. tighter, smaller or narrower) iBARIZIZ: con + strict HU) + HB)—ke — KM Lpra'ktivati } connive =—. RF; 4 Blo feign ignorance of another's wrongdoing); #£ HR (to [ko !natv] conspire) ____ FAITH con + nivel EERE) > HABESHRAR —> Ite resume Vv. HESHP8G, 44#( to begin again after interruption ) [nz fid PURICIZ: re + sum( #2) +e —> BRI > ATH controversial 20). 5\i5¢o)8#5|te120( causing controversy) [ikarntre'varrft] a ARIZAZ: control 4H) + vers( 4) + fal > RAE —> Sikes TASTES Pith corroboration 7. iE32, 32}%( the act of corroborating) [kajrazba'rerfn } ff 6 corroborate (v. XH; #81L) ‘undecipherable 49). #ii#89(not easily deciphered) (andr 'sarfrabl ) haughty adj. 41889, —7X89( blatantly and disdainfully proud ) Lihotti] 2 Wa#RICIZ. haught( =haut es) + y—+> GLH — ste defamation — Oo disillusion anterior Clencumber conformity O vitriolic Danticimactic respiratory proclivity constrict C.connive resume controversial © corroboration Cc undecipherable : haughty rubbery adj. ®BLDIGV, A3EEHI( resembling rubber (as in elasticity, consistency, [rabari] or texture )) supplant v. Hf, ERAR(to supersede by force or treachery} [so'plent ] HRICIZ: sup( FH) + plant Fi) + AFAR — HE, BAR ‘When railroads first began to supplant rivers and canals as highways of commerce, they were regarded as blessings and their promoters were looked upon as benefactors. institutionalize _v. @i/F(L(to make into an institution) [unstr'tu:fonalarz] Binstitutionalization( n. #8 4%) presuppose _“. HEMRE(to suppose beforehand); Di IRATE to require as an (ipeieaipous.| antecedent in logic or fact) Succinct _adj. (219809, fava marked by compact, precise expression) [sak 'sipkt } fd HRIZIZ: suc FB) + cinct(=gird Rez) > RGBIE FHM RHR PRP > MISC You should delete this paragraph in order to make your essay more succinct. [lconcise, compendiary, compendious, curt, laconic v. IB, H)(to move back; withdraw) fia] WHHRIZIZ: rel KE) + ced) +e > EBA > Bia [ 'deralikt ] adj, 7/2 85( deserted by the owner; abandoned); Et@IRFAY( neglectful of duty; remiss); i269 (negligent) n. #iBFBIA (sb. abandoned by family and society) fied THHRIZIZ: de + rel (5) + lict( linqu BF) — 32 Bs — BRAN A hysteria n. @SiIBIE (a psychoneurosis marked by emotional excitability); MIS [hr'stirio] 3485\ behavior exhibiting emotional excess) A8iZ1Z. hyster( =hystero, FB; AE) + ia > 1B T REF AK SBE {Bi During the Battle of Trafalgar, Admiral Nelson remained imperturbable and in full Command of the sitlation in spite of the hysteria and panic all around him. pollinate v. 33° 22% to carry out the transfer of pollen) [tpa:lonert } crater n. XUC(a bow!-shaped cavity at the mouth of a volcano); 3#8i(a pit [erertor] made by an exploding bomb) indigenous adj. £69, Avs native); 4989, BAHT innate) [in'drdgonos] 3 ARIZA: indil PYBB) + gen( HAE) + ous —+ MEF AVABEY —> AH E immature adj. FDA MIKHY, ATES ARE lacking complete growth, differentiation, [umo'tfur] ‘or development); ({379%) 7RANIABY (exhibiting less than an expected degree of maturity) fd RABIZIZ. im 7) + mature( ALARA) —> ARRAS rubbery supplant" Giinstititionalize 6 presuppose cisuocinct recede derelict hysteria © pollinate Gorater indigenous ci immature a provoke V. BURR to incite to anger); S|ifZ(to evoke); SKE to stir up purposely) Tomivouk 2 ARICA: prol ZEN) + vok (OER) + e—> AERTMOFM — MER, SIde @ For many young people during the Roaring Twenties, a dis the excesses of American culture combined with a wanderlust to provoke an exodus abroad. skinflint Nn. SBR miser; niggard ) ['skinftint } BHA. skin a flint( BU ws ) inverse ——_-adj. 48520) directly opposite); (FEA inverted) Casita 2 FIRICIZ: inl BZ) + vers( 44) +0 —> HAG — HREM, INES scourge 7. WZ whip); Bxla cause of great affiction) v. HES; ERE [skairds] $2 40 courage( n. BA )—szi2 #H) One of the “great killers until barely 50 years ago, tuberculosis (“consumption” as it was then named) seemed a scourge or plague rather than the long-term chronic illness it was. dutiful adj. ZIRE filed with a sense of duty) Cidustifl) GA duty(n, HE) boon 17. BM, RIBIWAL a timely blessing or benefit) [burn] (89) BRABIZIZ: JK BIE moon )#4B)BAK( boon) —> KABA Hi be a boon to xt RIAA mui adj. #2209( of a wall) n. S15 ('mjural) GB WBRICIZ. mur( $8) + al — SEHD ‘transcend —_. iil, iG, f#T(t0 rise above or go beyond — (tren 'send ] abe jie) fi ia#RIZIZ: trans( Bit) + (s)cend( Me) — Me it it punishment 7. 1. #flil(suffering, pain, or loss that serves [ !panifmont ] as retribution); & 4 (severe, rough, or disastrous treatment) {BI A sense of faimess dictates that the punishment should fit the crime; yet, in actual practice, judicial decisions vary greatly for the same type of criminal offense. unworldly adj. 3 t# {@ AY (not swayed by mundane considerations); #§ ## f 89 [an'wartldli) (spiritual) fig SABIE AZ unl A) + world HF, Att) + ly > TRH HE Without seeming unworldly, Wiliam James appeared wholly removed - from the commonplaces of society, the conventionality of academy. retaliate V. #838, Rihi( to get revenge) [ri'teeliert] {89 ARIZIZ: re + tall A) + ate —+- ARIAT — disgruntled adj. F§285 , AFG annoyed or disappointed ) (dis 'grantld Gi) KABICIZ. dis 78) + gruntle( ERX) + d — ABN > AGLED provoke ca skinfint inverse scourge dutiful. 1 boon ‘Omura Qtranscend = C punishment G unworidly retaliate 1 disgruntled rigid [midgid ] specialize Uspefalarz) sumptuous ['samptfuas } deviant ['dizviont ] [kom 'plersns } mortality [mo:r'taloti) underground (.ando'graond ] adj. F™#309; (EWG, MIEEGST stiff; not flexible or pliant) ff) RICH: rig =rog BER) + id + ARAFSER — FHA {Bi) He was regarded by his followers, as something of a martinet, not only because of his insistence on strict discipline, but also because of his rigid adherence to formal details. j|incompliant, inflexible, unpliable, unyielding v. Sf J8F3x( to limit to a particular activity or subject} 3B speciall aaj. #47%49 ) adj. R00, BSA extremely costly, luxurious, or magnificent) @) WRIZA- sumpt-H, HR) + uous —> (FIR —» SHH ‘BI The sumptuous costumes of Renaissance Italy, with their gold and silver embr ry and figured brocades, were the antithesis of Spanish sobriety, with its dark muted colors, plain short capes, and high collars edged with small ruffs. deluxe, palatial ‘adj, 433232801 deviating especially from an accepted norm) fie taARICIZ: del 4a) + vil BE) + ant —> dee RRS — AE > IE 7. Bill satisfaction with oneself) ‘n. 3EC HI the rate of deaths) fie) WARICIZ: mort FET) + ality( FER) > FER ‘adv. Zeit; #\@Bitilin or into hiding or secret operation) adj. OF BY; 1 wo {BJ Just as astrology was for centuries an undérground faith, countering the strength of established churches, so today believing in astrology is an act of defiance against the tofessional sciences. _ subterranean, subterrestrial, underearth, underfoot insight 1. JAsEAMthe power or act of seeing into a situation); as [ insatt] fa RALICAZ: in( HEA) + sight( BEE) > BRIAIRA — TD | Marison was a scientist of unusual insight and imagination who had startling success in discerning .new and fundamental principles well in advance of their general recognition. [Fl discernment, intuition, penetration, perception towering ‘adj. #§246{ reaching a high point of intensity); 7st ['tavortg ] fB) BEABIZIZ: tower(J8) + ing —> HFN —> AR ‘sobriety 7. #3%8| moderation); EEgBK gravity ) [sa'bratati] Bi The sumptuous costumes of Renaissance Italy, with their gold and silver embroidery and figured brocades, were the antithesis of Spanish sobriety, with its dark muted colors, plain short capes, and high collars edged with small ruffs, origid: Ospecialize Csumptuous deviant ‘complacence mortality Gunderground 1c insight towering a sobriety Cy accidental _ RBZENV| occurring unexpectedly or by chance) [vekst'dentl) {2 %6 accident (n. Hak, BI) accelerate v. N03R(to increase the speed); {Ei##(to develop more quickly) (ak'selarert ] fi WARIZIZ. acl MIIH) + celer( HAE) + ate —> HN abreast adv. #51, FHHE( side by side) [o'brest ] fig KABICIZ. a + breast( R) —> MIFOROIEHE —> HEHE abreast of 45---3##t sultry adj F@7A88( very hot and humid; sweltering); (A)RUSEBS( capable of exciting ['saltri] strong sexual desires) understated 2d. 222509, (EWA9(avoiding obvious emphasis or embellishment) Liandar'stertid} & unostentatioys, unpretentious rival ~-n. 389B, WF (one striving for competitive advantage) v. =, 5 (ravi) ‘@{(to attempt to equal or surpass } fi ABICAZ. RFF rival FAT river 482, HP 9hORAL ____ compete, contend, vie resuscitate v. {E3955 , {EARER(to restore life or consciousness ) [r1'sasitert ] Gi) SSIRICIZ. re + SUB( EFT) + citl 3142) + ate + FRM FURIE RIE obstinacy n: BA, (E34, WIE the state of being obstinate; stubbornness ) [erbeemnsel] WRIZIZ: Obl KR) + stin(=stand 25) + acy —> RA —> BAR, 43H pal ity 1n. {#2 fi@WN(the state of being partial; bias) fi) 6 partiall adj. Ate .05 ) ‘Although the revelation that one of the contestants was a friend left the judge open to charges of lack of disinterestedness, the judge remained adamant in her assertion that acquaintance did not necessarily imply Cipazrfi'zloti ] partiality, Fl prejudice, procivity, propensity, tendency devoid adj. 36, 7685 empty or destitute of) [dr'vord] fig SBIRIZIZ: de + void( Se) + Ses notch AVF, WR; SR, BR (na:tf] Bi top notch Abbe reaffirmation — 1. 577( renewed affirmation) [urizefor'merfn] dness 7. AM, SR ['spiritidnas] liveliness, vivaciousness overbalance __¥v. @&2Fili( to cause to lose balance) Louver 'belons | affectionate — adj. #0), #£89(having affection or warm regard) [a'fekfanat ] #8) He is very affectionate towards his children. accidental ciaceelerate abreast sultry Gunderstated rival resuscitate Clobstinacy partiality a devoid Sinoteh reaffirmation Cispiritedness overbalance 1 affectionate 5

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