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Oxford International ) Early Years) YAN Eithne Gallagher t of Escaneado con CamScanner BecenlBES x Read at home together When your child is calmn and interested, find comfortable place to sit together. Talk about the pictures © Look at the picture on the front cover of the book. Ask: What is happening? Who is in the picture? Read the title on the cover. Ask: What do you think the story will be about? Look through the pictures in the book. Talk about what is in them: the colours, the characters, the actions and the expressions on faces, for example, Look! Tessy is smiling. Connect actions or colours in the pictures with real events in your child's life, for example, Look at the picture of Bo the panda? Do you remember when we visited the animal park? Read to your child ® Read the story with a to bring it to life, © Pause at the end of some pages to talk about words, sounds and Meaning, Ask: What do you think will happen next? Write into the story © If your child has a home or second language other than English, use words from this language to make a ‘think-link’ to the English words. It does not have to be a perfect translation, I expressive voice ® Point to pictures in the book and ask your child what they are in their home or second language. © When you have talked about it, you or your child can write these words into the spaces provided throughout the story, Escaneado con CamScanner Eithne Gallagher OXFORD Pasa see aoe Escaneado con CamScanner OX FORD a rv, fon, ON2 ADE, nied Rigo cavers Bese en departnent of the Paver of (fond I tye ot eveellenme 10 ition ihe the Mri ung wonktwile Ot In he UK art i ef aor Univers 6 oto Unigersty Pree 201% Ihave oon asserted “The mse eatts othe Pit plished in 2018, may he repented toned mean, wlth avexpenly All ights reserve No part of Ana retrieval system, 0 the por pertssion in wi permite! by bw: by hence or wide ter agteet wih the approptate epg ight oncernlay repr dots the spe ofthe above should he vent 1 the Righ rena the adress above, miratin 4 Oxlord You most ot erouate ths work in any otter form and you must Smpone this sme condition on any acquite Ish Library Cataloguing in Publication Data ata avaiable 978019455887 13569108642 Paper used in the preuction ofthis book ia natural recyclable product ‘made from word grown in sustainable forests. The manufacturing process hie environmental regulations of the country of origin conforms Printed in China Acknowledgements Consulting Editor Miranda Walker Iysrations are by Elina His ‘The publishers would ike to thank the following for permission to uve their photygraphs: Diamond bmages/Shuterstock Judilyn/Shutterstock ColoriteShutterstock p24 Digital Vision/OUP Picture Bank, Andvey Russinkovskiy/123R0 Escaneado con CamScanner Escaneado con CamScanner There was once a boy, His name was Juma, He came from Kilifi in Kenya. Escaneado con CamScanner Juma missed the sun, sand, sea and the sounds of his language, Swahili. Juma missed Kenya. 2 Escaneado con CamScanner He liked the colourful, gentle, giant animals of his homeland. Escaneado con CamScanner But he did not like coats, hats and gloves, He didn’t like the cold either, Juma was cold. 7 Escaneado con CamScanner One day, the sky turned dark grey. The bare oak tree was grey. The ground and fields beyond looked grey, too. Outside all was still. Escaneado con CamScanner Inside the bright, noisy classroom, the Glitterlings’ ears were wibbling and wobbling. J Vv The Glitterlings’ ears wobbled. Escaneado con CamScanner Suddenly, the winter wind made the branches of the oak tree sway.... Escaneado con CamScanner Followed by another... then another... ...and another! Escaneado con CamScanner ‘It’s snowing!’ the children shrieked excitedly. They rushed to the windows...except for one. wal 4a * fi iC ve Escaneado con CamScanner ‘Can we go out, please?’ they all shouted...except for one. Escaneado con CamScanner All the children scrambled into coats, pulled on hats and wriggled fingers into gloves... . all except for one. Escaneado con CamScanner The world outside looked new. Everything was hidden in a bright, wintery, white blanket. The children put on their hats and coats. 15 Escaneado con CamScanner It was the first time the Glitterlings had played i in snow. They | learnt different ways to say ‘snow’. } Escaneado con CamScanner But Juma stood stubbornly at the door. ‘T don’t want to go outside.’ Juma didn’t go out. a Escaneado con CamScanner ‘Snow shapes are fun, cried Leyla. ‘Let’s bring a Kenyan winter wonderland inside to Juma!’ Escaneado con CamScanner ‘Asnow safari?’ said Glit. The Blustery Breeze blew and the snowflakes did a good idea dance! Glit and Leyla had an idea. 2 Escaneado con CamScanner : pe Everyone was delighted with the snow safari they’d made together. Escaneado con CamScanner the snow felt soft and tingly cold in Juma’s hands. The snow was soft and cold. a Escaneado con CamScanner 22 But it soon started to melt. wy a ‘Don’t worry, Juma, said his friends. ‘There’s plenty more snow... Escaneado con CamScanner Juma went out to play in the snow. a 23 Escaneado con CamScanner ® The Sami people have at least 180 words for ice and snow, ® Snow leopards live in Central Asia. They use their long taile as a scarf when lying down, Escaneado con CamScanner Th Snow Safar; Juma misses the heat and animals of Kenya, But one day, when It snows, the children show Juma that even ‘cold’ can be funt Also available: =o) SPS BS ok Ea i ox | ‘Tan19HN53K0) — SPADIDRSSSANG—97H0198355H23 970019835580 s7eOI9ESS8S49TeNI98355061 a ITBONIESSSISS: - 9180198355702 9780198355779 + ca ete ii ern) Teme) Escaneado con CamScanner

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