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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy BureauBursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................ 1
1.INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 3
1.1.Objective .............................................................................................................. 3
1.1.1.Overall Objectives .................................................................................................. 4
1.2.Specific objective ................................................................................................. 4
2.BACK GROUND ............................................................................................................ 5
2.1.Location of the study .......................................................................................... 5
2.2.Climate and Topography ................................................................................... 6
3.METHODOLOGY .......................................................................................................... 6
4.SOCIAL - ECONOMIC STUDY ................................................................................... 7
4.1.Population ............................................................................................................ 7
4.2.Housing condition ............................................................................................... 7
4.3.Infrastructure and social services...................................................................... 7
4.4.Institutions ........................................................................................................... 7
4.5.Economic Activity ............................................................................................... 8
4.6.Mode of service and consumption pattern........................................................ 8
4.7.Income distribution pattern and area of participation ................................... 8
4.8.Affordability and Willingness to pay ................................................................ 9
Information collection approach ............................................................................. 9
Summarized survey for households of all categories ............................................... 10
Survey analysis results and Conclusions on the survey ............................................ 10
4.9. Sanitation and Hygiene condition.............................................................. 11
4.9.1. Latrine availability and utilization pattern ..................................................... 11
4.9.2. Solid waste management system .................................................................... 11
4.10. Overview of the project village .................................................................. 11
4.11. Existing Water Supply and Sanitation facilities condition ..................... 12
4.11.1. General ........................................................................................................... 12
4.11.2. Water source .................................................................................................. 12
4.11.3. Operation and maintenance ............................................................................ 12
4.11.4. Existing sanitation condition .......................................................................... 12
5. WATER RESOURCE STUDY ........................................................................... 12
6. POPULATION AND WATER DEMAND ......................................................... 13
6.1. Population .................................................................................................... 13
6.1.1. General ........................................................................................................... 13
6.1.2. Base population .............................................................................................. 13
6.1.3. Population projection ..................................................................................... 13
6.2. Present water consumption ........................................................................ 14
6.3. Present water demand ................................................................................ 14
6.4. Future Water demand ................................................................................ 14
6.4.1. Domestic water demand (DWD) .................................................................... 15
6.4.2. Climatic Grouping.......................................................................................... 16
6.4.3. Socio-Economic Adjustment Factor .............................................................. 17

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy BureauBursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

6.4.4. Summary of Projected Population and Growth in Domestic Demand ........... 17

6.4.5. Public demand (Pd) ........................................................................................ 18
6.4.6. Animal Demand ............................................................................................. 18
6.4.7. Unaccounted water or Water Loss (UL) ........................................................ 18
6.4.8. Variation of Water Demand ........................................................................... 19
7. DESIGN CRITERIA ............................................................................................ 21
SANITATION SYSTEM ..................................................................................... 21
8.1. Water Source ............................................................................................... 21
8.1.1. Borehole as a water source ............................................................................. 21
8.2. Treatment .................................................................................................... 22
8.3. Pumping Station .......................................................................................... 22
8.4. Riser and Rising main ................................................................................ 22
8.5. Reservoir ...................................................................................................... 22
8.6. Distribution system ..................................................................................... 23
8.6.1. Water point .................................................................................................... 24
8.7. Electro – mechanical ................................................................................... 24
8.8. Access Road ................................................................................................. 28
8.9. Auxiliary Building....................................................................................... 29
8.10. Sanitary system ........................................................................................... 29
9. MANAGEMENTAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL SETUP ................................ 29
9.1. Introduction ................................................................................................. 29
9.2. Organizational Structure ........................................................................... 30
9.3. Money for Operation and Maintenance ................................................... 30
9.4. Procurement ................................................................................................ 31
9.5. Guidelines and manuals ............................................................................. 31
9.6. Audit ............................................................................................................. 31
9.7. Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting........................................................ 31
10. IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM ..................................................................... 31
11. COST ESTIMATE ............................................................................................... 32
11.1. Summary of the cost ................................................................................... 32
12.1. During construction phase ......................................................................... 33
12.1.1. Environmental impact .................................................................................... 33
12.1.2. Socio economic impact .................................................................................. 33
12.1.3. Mitigation measure for of potation impact ..................................................... 34
12.2. During operation phase .............................................................................. 34
12.2.1. Environmental impact .................................................................................... 34
12.2.2. Socio Economic impact.................................................................................. 34
12.2.3. Mitigation measures for of potation impact ................................................... 34
13. CONCLUSION .................................................................................................... 35
14. GENERAL CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ............................... 35

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy BureauBursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

ANNEX A: WATER CAD ANALYSIS REPORT ......................................................... 35

ANNEX B : BILL OF QUANTITY ................................................................................ 47
ANNEX C: SETTING OUT DATA(SURVEYING DATA) .......................................... 86
.............................................................................................................................. 92

List of Table

Table 2.1 Number beneficiary of school in the kebele ................................................................ 7

Table 7. 1 Population data obtained from Bursa kebele administrators (2018)............................ 13
Source: Bursa Kebele administration office ................................................................................. 13
Table 7.2 projected annual growth rates, ...................................................................................... 14
Table 7.3 Population Projection (2018-2035)............................................................................... 14
Table 7.5 Projected Average Per Capita domestic Water demand ............................................... 15
Table 7.6 Projected Percentage of Mode of Service ..................................................................... 15
Table 7.7 Projected populations by Mode of Service ................................................................... 16
Table 7.8 Summary of Domestic Water Demand ......................................................................... 16
Table 7.9 Climatic effect factors ................................................................................................... 16
Table 7.10 Socio-Economic factors .............................................................................................. 17
Table 7.11 Summary of Adjusted Domestic Demand .................................................................. 17
Table 7.12 Summary of Total Adjusted Average Day Demand. ................................................. 19
Table 7.13Maximum Daily and peak hour factor ......................................................................... 20
Table 7.14 Summary of water demand projection ...................................................................... 20
Table 5.1 Data of water source ..................................................................................................... 21
Table: 9.2. Service reservoir location ........................................................................................... 22
Table 9. 3 Summaries of Pipe Diameter and Length .................................................................... 23
Table 9. 5 Summaries of Bursa Water Points ............................................................................... 24
Table: - A1 Junction Report during minimum day demand ......................................................... 35
Table: - A2 Junction Report during Peak hour demand ............................................................... 39
Table: A3- Pipe Report during Peak hour demand ....................................................................... 43

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy BureauBursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

List of Figures
Figure 10.1 Organizational structures for Bursa Kebele .............................................................. 30

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a.m.s.l. = above mean sea level

CSA = Central Statistics Agency

DCI = ductile Cast Iron

DN =Nominal Diameter

D.O.L=Direct online

DWL = Dynamic water level

RC = Reinforced Concrete
E.C. = Ethiopian Calendar

EEPCO = Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation

EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment

GI = Galvanized Iron

GPS = Geographical Positioning System

HDPE= High Density Polyethylene

km = kilo meter

l/d = Liter per day

L/s = litre per second

m = meter

m/s = meter per second

m3/ d = cubic meter per day

mm = millimetre

DN = NominalDiameter

PN = Nominal Pressure

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy BureauBursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Main objective of this project is giving an immediate solution for the severe water supply and
sanitation system provision of Bursa kebele. A study and design of the system have been carried
out and presented in this report. The report includes the result of the study and design of the
water supply system in 14 chapters with its detail descriptions. In the introduction part it is tried
to see the necessity of safe water for life and the essentiality of designing water supply scheme.
In the Background; location, accessibility and climate of the area is described. The Kebele
explained to be found in East Belesa Woreda in North Gondar Zone.Bursa has education and
health institutions like; one elementary school and one health center and one veterinary-health
center. There is a problem of water supply both in quantity and quality. Under portion of the
population and water demand analysis all the population projection and water demand analysis
of the area is executed hereunder precisely.
Study of the present/base population and future/projected population is taken to be the first task
to know the water demand in designing any water supply project. The population data try to be
taken from the local administration and then to be counter checked with that of the CSA. Bursa
rural kebele growth rate is under Medium growth variant (rural) and Population projection is
then calculated based on the growth rate set by the CSA using geometrical progression in which
a constant percentage of growth assumed for a certain period of time. For this project a 15 years
design period (2020-2035) is considered since as a rural kebele. Hence the population is
projected from the base population 3143 to the final year population 4137 at the end of the
design period.
Demand projections were also made throughout the 15 year design periods. The major modes
and levels of services considered are public fountains (PF), and Yard connection (YC) respective
of living standard of the community. As per the demand calculation the maximum day demand
and peak hour demand at the end of the design period is designed to be 2.64l/s and 5.29 l/s
respectively. The water source for this project is deep borehole with 13l/s safe yield located 2km
far from Bursa Kebele centre, which is located in Nilygotte.
In the description of proposed schemes part all the recommended civil works and
electromechanical works are described in detail. The new proposed water supply structures for
the project include: 50m3 collection chamber at the same time serves as reservoir for three

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy BureauBursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

gotenamed nily, tehuliye and graho,50m3Sandwich masonry Service reservoir, distribution pipe
networks, Booster Station, Generator house with operation room and public fountains. Water
from the borehole pumped to 50M3 collection Chamber and then pumped to 50m3 Service
Reservoir and then after it will be distributed by gravity action through distribution pipe network
system to the communities.

The pressure main line has a total length of about 4325m and distribution network pipe having a
total length of 8670m.
The environmental impact assessment is also discusses about the positive and negative impact
assessment with their mitigation measures in preconstruction, during construction, and under
operation and maintenance. The Total project cost for the total work is estimated to be
12,959,597.60 ETB.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy BureauBursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

This report presents engineering part of the detailed design of different components of proposed
water supply system.
The report includes sections covering the following principal issues.
 Objective
 General background -
 Population and water demand
 Existing water supply system
 Description of the proposed scheme
 Design ofTransmission Main, Electro Mechanical , distribution main,
distribution systems including service reservoirs, layout & size of pipes and all
the works required to deliver the water from its source to the community
 Preparation of appropriate drawings, bill of quantities and specifications for
each specified volume of work
 Environmental Aspects.
 Geotechnical information
 Water tariff analysis
Manage mental and organizational setup

1.1. Objective

The provision of safe drinking water supply and sanitation facilities is a basic necessity of life
and a crucial input in achieving healthy population. All living things on the earth like human
beings, animals and plants make use of water for their survival. For example, human beings use
water for drinking, washing, sewer flushing, firefighting and the like purposes.
Therefore, Cities, Kebele, or Villages, necessary to carry out the necessary designing of water
supply scheme. This requires the knowledge to determine the total quantity of water required for
the various purposes and then finding out the source which satisfy the demand.

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Amhara Regional State Water Resources Development Bureau Amhara Design & Supervision Works Enterprise

1.1.1. Overall Objectives

The objective of the project is to increase access to sustainable water supply and sanitation service
in particularly for Bursa rural Kebele. The project is designed to improve the living standard of
people living in the project area andits growing population through the provision of adequate and
safe water supply for the coming15 years.

1.2. Specific objective

The main objectives of any public water supply systems are as follows;

 To supply safe and wholesome water to the consumers:-A safe and

wholesome water is one which is unpolluted, free from disease producing bacteria,
toxic substances as well as excessive amounts of mineral and organic matter that
may impair the quality of water.

 To supply water in adequate quantity:- In order to supply water in adequate

quantity it would be necessary to select the source of water which would insure that
the quantity of water as required by the consumers would be available. Further the
units required to store a requisite quantity of water for continuous supply must also
have sufficient capacity.
To make water available within easy reach of the consumers:-So as to make water available within
easy reach of the consumers it would be necessary to provide a good layout system of distribution
with adequate capacity so that the system could be fully relied upon to meet the requirements of
the consumers at any hour of the day.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report


2.1. Location of the study

Bursa rural kebeleis one of the Rural kebeles &kebelefound in East Belesa woreda, in North
GondarZone, Amhara National Regional State and it is located 172 km far from Bahir Dar, the
region capital of Amhara National Regional state, 7km (Gravel road) from Guhalakebele towards
the east. Bursakebelewatersupply project is situated on virtually undulated area.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

2.2. Climate and Topography

The project area ischaracterized by moderately undulated topographyvaries between 1500 to

2300a.m.s.l.The topographic features accounts 40% flat land, 30% Gorge &30%undulated land.
Agro climatically, the area falls 87% Waynadega 0.6% is Dega and the rest 12.5% is kola.
Regarding temperature the highest temperature is 22.5oc and the lowest is 15 oc. It is characterized
by a mono modal rainfall. It receives rainfall only from June toJuly and has annual rainfall ranges
from 700mm to 1200mm.

This report is prepared mainly based on the field assessment. During the preparation of detail
engineering design report, the following technical approaches are used and modified to suit into the
actual condition;
 Studying the current population information of the kebele.
 Conducting detailed surveying work
 Assessing the water demand of the Kebele based on the current and projected
 Reviewing surveying reports of the distribution and transmission lines, reservoirs sites.
 Studying distribution of the water users by category, and setting the nodal demand.
 Designing of each scheme components based on the basic related design criteria.
 Preparation of working drawings for each scheme components.
 Preparation of the cost estimates of the project by using the current market prices
 The design time horizon of the system is selected to be15 years (up to the end of

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report


4.1. Population
Even though, the Central Statistics Agency (CSA) is recognized body in Ethiopia to determine
the official population figures and growth rates that should be taken for any development activity
throughout the country, kebele Administrator and concerned Woreda professionals also have
periodically counted population data. So as per the kebele administrator data the population for
bursa kebele is 3143.

4.2. Housing condition

Houses in the project area are mostly like every Ethiopian rural kebeles they put far by far each
other. They also made up of wood, soil and iron sheet roof cover. The houses have also an animal
shelter by the side of the house.

4.3. Infrastructure and social services

Bursakebele has enoughElectric power supply from the national grid. This enable mobile telephone
service is also functioning well.

4.4. Institutions
Therearepublic elementary school(Grade 1-8)located in the central part of BursaKebeleKebele.
Table 2.1 Number beneficiary of school in the kebele
Source: East Belesa Woreda educational office

There are twohealth post that provides medical services for BursaKebele and the nearby rural
villages as well.Quite a number ofhouseholds around 816 residents (60.04%) in the project area
have their own pit latrines constructed from locally available materials (wood and mud). There are
no shower facilities at all. In the other hand secondary data from the Kebele Office &baseleine
survey shows that 500 (8.6%) and 500 (8.6%) households in the kebele had both solid and liquid
waste disposal pits respectively at household level.And the sanitation coverage of bursa kebele is
52.73%, Therefore the ten most prevalent diseases in the area as reported by Keblehealth centre are
tabulated in the table below.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Table 2. 2 The top ten diseases for the year 2010EC

Item No Type of Coverage(%)
1 Malaria 40.25
2 AFI 13.37
Infection of the
3 skin 7.97
Malaria of
4 p/falcifarum 7.29
5 Trauma 4.05
6 Pneumonia3 9.86
7 Dyspepsia 6.12
8 AURI 5
9 UTI 2.75
10 Diarhea 3.3

Source: East belesa woreda health office

4.5. Economic Activity

The livelihood of the majority of the population in Bursa is based on agricultural practice,
government employees and small businesses.The main crops growing in the Woreda are; white,
corn, Teff and the like.

4.6. Mode of service and consumption pattern

As bursa kebele is one of the rural kebele the mode of services considered to be implemented are
only yard connection and public tap users. Based on the socio-economic survey carried out during
study it is reasonably assumed for the percentage of public tap users to be 80% for the initial time
and 60% for the final year in the design period. At the same time the yard tap users are considered
to be 20% for the initial time and 40% for the final year in the design period.

4.7. Income distribution pattern and area of participation

Major source of income of the population is agriculture. More than 95% of the woreda population reliant on
the limited production from subsistence farming. And the rest 5% engaged on other off-farm activities.
Regarding food security, from the total rural population around 19.46% is dependent on safety net program.
And no one still graduated from the program.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

4.8. Affordability and Willingness to pay

Willingness to pay for O & M is a parameter dependant on a number of factors, among which are,
users’ ability to pay & their perceived need for water. In this respect attitudes on the conditions of
the existing water source play an important role. If users feel that their traditional source is
adequate their willingness to pay for new & improved services is low. On the contrary, where there
are no acceptable sources the willingness to pay for improved water services will be higher, even
in poorer communities.

The willingness to pay will help to compare and recommend the minimum water tariff for the
water supply system after calculating the tariff from the technical requirement point of view when
the construction is completed if the collected information shows good willingness of the
community to cover at least operation and maintenance cost.

Therefore, the purpose of this survey is to make a willingness to pay assessment of the expected
beneficiaries of Bursa Kebele rural villages piped water supply system to cover at least the
operation and maintenance fund required for the sustainability of the scheme.

Information collection approach

Methods used in the collection of information are the following;

 Questionnaires developed for households

 The beneficiary household at present is 748 (4.2%) with a population of 3143. The survey was
made for 74 households (10%) representing households from low, medium & high living standard.
 Out of 74 house hold surveyed, only 42 are classified as relatively medium living standard whose
average monthly income ranges from birr 350 – birr 650
 Out of the 74 house hold surveyed, 15 are classified as relatively high living standard whose
average income is above birr 650
 Out of the 74 household surveyed, only 17 households classified as relatively poor living standard
whose income is below birr 300
 From the total of 74 households, 33.78% are women headed and 66.21% are men headed.
 A total of 74 households were surveyed within 3 days

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Summarized survey for households of all categories

 The average income is 686.16 birr/month
 The average amount of willingness to pay for 1 cubic meter water is 24.56 birr
 The average willingness to pay of the people is 6.35% of their income which is more than 4%
recommended by the World Bank.

Survey analysis results and Conclusions on the survey

The analysis of the survey was made by preparing data summary and analysis sheet in excel for
households. Based on the analysis, the following results and conclusions are given.

 The average willingness to pay of the people for one cubic meter of water is 24.56 birr for house
hold consumption. The maximum tariff which is in use in the region by many motorized schemes
is 3.5 birr/cubic meter of water assuming to cover mainly operation and maintenance cost. This
implies if good financial management and tariff collection system established, the fee to be
collected from the people can cover even more than the operation and maintenance cost. Therefore,
financing of the bursa kebele water supply scheme is feasible at least from the point of view
covering 100% operation and maintenance cost to sustain the system.

 The average monthly payments willing to be paid by the low & medium level living standard users
is 17.5% &4.55% of their monthly income respectively. And the average monthly payment willing
to be paid by the high living standard users is 4% of their monthly income respectively. The World
Bank recommendation regarding monthly payments willing to be paid for people having low
standard is 2% of their income and for people having living standards other than low is up to 4% of
their income. Therefore, we can say that the average amount of the household income that the
people are willing to pay for water is more than the minimum recommended percentage by the
World Bank it doesn’t mean that they will not pay for improved water in this particular case it
seems that the people are valuing water as a basis for their life and are willing to pay more for it
against to severity of problem. Draft paper such as cost effective design for World Bank water
supply and sanitation project support the idea “If the % spend for water 5% and more, it indicates
that people are willing to pay for improved water.”

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

 Low & medium living standard people are paying for water 17.5 &4.55% of their monthly income
respectively while they are paying for electric power 5.33 & 1.25% of their monthly income and
16.25% & 4.86% for medical respectively. High living standard people are paying for water 4% of
their monthly income respectively while they are paying 1% of their monthly income for electric
and 5.85 % of their monthly income for medical treatment. Therefore, we can say that communities
of bursa Kebele rural village are taking water as a basic need for life and willing to pay more if
they get clean and potable water.

 The final decision on the amount of water tariff to be set will be a compromise of this willingness
to pay survey result and the tariff required from the technical requirement point of view at least to
cover the operation and maintenances cost which will be clearly known when the construction of
the scheme is completed. And this survey is only to know the willingness and ability to pay of the
people from the improved water supply system which they are going to get.

4.9. Sanitation and Hygiene condition

4.9.1. Latrine availability and utilization pattern

In this project area they have few latrines in some houses that they follow health package. They
lack to use this latrine and have poor utilization.There are 816house holdhave pit latrines and 303
H.H have access to hand washing facilities beside their latrines in this Kebele. According to the
Base line surveyey result the sanitation coverage of bursa kebele is 52.73%.

4.9.2. Solid waste management system

Besides the health problem, poor solid and liquid waste management among the community would
cause many problems like odors, flies, rats, roaches, crickets, wandering dogs and cats, and fires.
Secondary data from the Kebele Office &baseleinesurvey shows that 500 (8.6%) and 500 (8.6%)
households in the Woreda had both solid and liquid waste disposal pits respectively at household

4.10. Overview of the project village

There are 11 spring developed and13hand dug wells and one Borhole constructed in the keble but
in most of the time this schemes fail to serve the population by water shortage during dry seasons.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

4.11. Existing Water Supply andSanitationfacilities condition

4.11.1. General
During the survey and study of the team, most expresses strongly that they are suffering to use of
potable water at reasonable distance .There is no existing piped water supply system.

4.11.2. Water source

All the villages included in the project use the source of hand dug well and 2km far distance
small traditional spring and Shallow well for their entire water demand.

4.11.3. Operation and maintenance

There are skilled persons in the woreda to maintain the water schemes but the have shortage of
budget and transport to have full maintenance in time.

4.11.4. Existing sanitation condition

Adequate provision of sanitary facilities such as both private and public toilets shall be properly
sited, carefully made and managed solid waste disposal facilities will reduce the spread of
contagious diseases and will also make the village dirt free and smart. Besides, most of the
existing Pit latrines do not have water supply access. There are 338 in number private pit latrine
in this Kebele.


There is a river in the kebele and they use it for their animals and sanitation purpose especially to
have shower and to wash their clothes. For their domestic use as per discussed earlier they have
hand dug wells and developed springs though they suffer with its shortage. For the design of bursa
water supply system there is one bore hole having a safe yield of 13 lit/sec.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report


6.1. Population

6.1.1. General
Even though, the Central Statistics Agency (CSA) is recognized body in Ethiopia to determine
the official population figures and growth rates that should be taken for any development activity
throughout the country, Kebele Administrator and concerned Woredaprofessionals also have
periodically counted population data. So as per the kebele administrator data the population for
bursa kebele is 3143.

6.1.2. Base population

The population for CSA data is for the whole kebele but in our design all the kebele population is
not considered since the remaining population are highly scattered and at the same time it is not
convenient for the supply of water in one pipe line.
Table7. 1 Population data obtained from Bursakebele administratorsand CSA (2018)
NO. Kebele Population no. Population by CSA
1 Bursa 3143 5845
G.TOTAL 3143 5845
Source: Bursa Kebele administration office and CSA

6.1.3. Population projection

After the design period has been fixed, the population of the study area in various periods has to
be determined based on CSA’s 1999 population growth rates. For such developing Villages,
population geometric progress method is the commonly used method to forecast the population at
the end of n years.
Pn= Pp (1 +r)n
Pn= population at the target year
Pp = present population
r = Annual growth rate in%
n = design period, in year

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Growth rate
Table 7.2 projected annual growth rates,
Year Medium variant
5-year period Rural Urban
1995-2000 2.8 4.54
2000-2005 2.58 4.27
2005-2010 2.41 4.21
2010-2015 2.19 4.02
2015-2020 2.1 3.81
2020-2025 1.7 3.59
2025-2030 1.5 3.42

Source: Planning of Water Supply Minster of Water Resources (JICA), CSA 1999
Table 7.3 Population Projection (2018-2035)
Year 2018 2019 2020 2025 2030 2035
Growth rate (%) 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.7 1.5 1.5

Population 3,143 3,209 3,276 3,565 3,840 4,137

Source: Cost effective guide line World Bank
Therefore the projected population at the end of the design period (2035) forecasted to be
population number 4137.

6.2. Present water consumption

At present the water consumption is limited because of there is developed water supply system.
They consume river and hand-dug wells.

6.3. Present water demand

The present water demand is assumed at base year calculated presented in the table below.
Present water demand demand(Q)
m3/day 51.3
l/s 0.59

6.4. Future Water demand

The major types of water consumptions considered Bursawater supply project design purposes
are discussed below.

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6.4.1. Domestic water demand (DWD)

This demand category includes the water requirement for drinking, washing, and cooking,
bathing, cleaning& personal hygiene. Generally, for these kebele piped system, the modes and
levels of services can be categorized as public fountains /PF/ and Yard connection/YC/. of Domestic Water Demand

The implementation of the project will result in change of the per capita water demand through
each mode of service. To estimate the projected percapita demand using the initial demand of
30l/c/d and 30 l/c/d for yard and public tap users respectively, the consultant assumed water
demand to grow at growth rates of 1% for public and 2% for yard per annum.
Table 7.5 Projected Average Per Capita domestic Water demand
Demand Category 2020 2025 2030 2035
YTU 30 33.1 36.6 40.4
PTU 25.0 26.3 27.6 29.0 allocation by Mode of services

Based on the socio-economic survey carried out during study and the previous experiences, it is
reasonable to assume and adopt that about 80 and 20 percent of the population will public fountain
and yard connection users respectively at the end of the design period.

Table 7.6 Projected Percentage of Mode of Service

Demand Category Year
2020 2025 2030 2035
YTU 20 25 30 40
PTU 80 75 70 60
Total 100 100 100 100

Source: Socio economic assumptions during the study on Bursa, may, 2010E.C)

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Table 7.7 Projected populations by Mode of Service

Demand Category Year

2020 2025 2030 2035
YTU 655 891 1152 1655
PTU 2621 2673 2688 2482
Total 3276 3565 3840 4137

Table 7.8 Summary of Domestic Water Demand

Demand Category Unit 2020 2025 2030 2035
m3/day 19.66 29.52 42.13 66.81
YTU l/s 0.23 0.34 0.49 0.77
m3/day 65.53 70.24 74.23 72.04
PTU l/s 0.76 0.81 0.86 0.83
m3/day 85.19 99.76 116.36 138.85
Average Day Demand l/s 0.99 1.15 1.35 1.61

6.4.2. Climatic Grouping

The Climate of project area has an impact for the quantities of water consumptions. Those who
are living in warm area consume extra water and people who live in normal temperature area
consume less water. In order to account for changes of average per capital domestic demand, the
water demand is multiplied by climatic factors.
Table 7.9 Climaticeffect factors
Group Altitude Factor
A >3300 0.8
B 2300-3300 0.9
C 1500-2300 1.0
D 500-1500 1.3
E <500 1.5

Source: Design Guideline for Water Supply Projects, Oromo Water Works Design and Supervision
Enterprise (December, 2008)MOWR Design criteria guide line)

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Hence, Bursaproject areahas an altitude between1500m-2300m amsl, which falls under group C.
Therefore an adjustment factor of 1 to refine the average per capita domestic water demand is
considered to make it on safe side.

6.4.3. Socio-Economic Adjustment Factor

Socio-economic activities have a role in determining the degree of development of the rural
kebele under study which in turn determines water consumption. Bursa Kebele, as compared to
other rural kebele in which most of the inhabitants are farmers withfew traders. In the view of this
and considering their development, it is classified under group C with appropriate adjustment
factor of 1.
Table 7.10 Socio-Economic factors
Gr groupDe description factor
A Kebeles enjoying high living standards and with very high potential
A for development
BB Kebeles having a very high potential for development but lower
living standard at present
CC Kebeles under normal Ethiopian conditions 1.0

Source: Planning of Water Supply Minster of Water Resources (JICA), CSA 1999

6.4.4. Summary of Projected Population and Growth in Domestic Demand

The following table presents summary of the results on population projection, percentage of
population served by different mode of services, Water demand determination and its growth in
the expected service year of the new system and the calculated adjusted average domestic
demand in liter per second for Bursa site study.
Table 7.11 Summary of Adjusted Domestic Demand
Demand Category Unit 2020 2025 2030 2035
m3/day 85.19 99.76 116.36 138.85
Average Day Demand l/s 0.99 1.15 1.35 1.61
Climatic Adjustment factor 1 1 1 1
Socio Economic Adjustment
Factor 1 1 1 1
m3/day 85.19 99.76 116.36 138.85
Adujusted domestic demand l/s 0.99 1.15 1.35 1.61

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6.4.5. Public demand (Pd)

This demand category includes the water requirement of health post, school, market, and public
facility government offices. According to socio economic analysis public demand is resulted to
be to be 10% of the total domestic water demand.
Public demand analysis
Total Demand
Description Demand/ Unit Quantity Unit (liter/day)
Restaurants(small local cafes) 10 l/seat 400 seats 4000
Day schools 5 l/pupil 931 pupil 4655
Public offices 5 l/employee 30 employee 150
Shops 5 l/employee 15 employee 75
Mosques & Church 5 l/worshipper 1500 worshiper 7500

health post 5lit/client 100 bed 200

Total public demand (lit/day) 16580
Total public demand in (m3/day) 16.58
Total average day demand
(m3/day) 175.65
Public water demand (%) 9.5%

6.4.6. Animal Demand

In these rural villages there are livestock found in the area includes cattle, sheep and goats. These
are expected to uses water from 2km distanceriver water source. Hence no need of providing
animal demand for this water supply design.

6.4.7. Unaccounted water or Water Loss (UL)

All water leakages in the system and unauthorized connections are categorized under
unaccounted for water. This includes:-
 Leakage and Overflow from service reservoir,
 Leakage from mains and service pipe connections,
 Defective pipe joint, cracked pipes,
 Loose valve and fittings.
 Under registration of supply meter and premises of consumer to get unmetered supply
 Wastage from public tap.
Loss will be minimal at the beginning of the design period and will increase gradually with time
in the expected service life of the new system unless intermediate leakage detection & subsequent

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remedial work is carried out. It is logical to presume an increase in water loss with time in
designing water supply system.

Year 2020 2025 2030 2035

Loss in percentage(%) 15 15 15 15
source:cost effective design guide line

Table 7.12Summary ofTotal Adjusted Average Day Demand.

Demand Category Unit 2020 2025 2030 2035
m3/day 85.19 99.76 116.36 138.85
Domestic Demand l/s 0.99 1.15 1.35 1.61
m3/day 8.52 9.98 11.64 13.89
Public Demand l/s 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.16
m3/day 93.70 109.74 127.99 152.74
Average Day Demand l/s 1.08 1.27 1.48 1.77
m3/day 14.06 16.46 19.20 22.91
Loss l/s 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.27
m3/day 107.76 126.20 147.19 175.65
Total Average Day Demand l/s 1.25 1.46 1.70 2.03

6.4.8. Variation of Water Demand

There are wide variations in use of water in different months of the year, day of the month and
hours of the day. To regulate the water demand variation, the average water demand is multiplied
by a certain factor to get the maximum day and peak hour demand. Daily Demand

The maximum daily water demand is possible peak daily demand record might be recorded at dry
season and /or at special festival or holiday.
The ratio of the maximum daily consumption to the mean annual daily consumption is the
maximum day factor. This demand is used to design source capacity, riser mains, and service
reservoir. Hour Demand

The peak hour demand is one of the highest water demands within any one hour over the year and
estimated taking in to account the possible water collection hours and amount collected by each

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

demand category. Previous studies and experiences clearly demonstrate that peak hour factor is
greater for a smaller population. According to water supply design criteria prepared by ministry
of water resource and tropics studies the proposed maximum day and peak hour factor are
summarized below

Table 7.13Maximum Daily and peak hour factor

N0. Population range Maximum day Peak hour
factor factor
1 0- 20,000 1.3 2
2 20,001-50,000 1.25 1.9
3 50,001and above 1.2 1.7

Source:Planning of Water Supply, Minster of Water Resources (JICA), CSA 1999

Therefore, Maximum day factor of 1.3 and Peak hour factor of 2.6(these indicates the factor
multiplied by maximum day factor) are adopted for economical design of this water supply
Table 7.14 Summary of water demand projection
Description unit 2020 2025 2030 2035
m3/day 85.19 99.76 116.36 138.85
Domestic Demand l/s 0.99 1.15 1.35 1.61
m3/day 8.52 9.98 11.64 13.89
Public Demand l/s 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.16
m3/day 14.06 16.46 19.20 22.91
Loss l/s 0.16 0.19 0.22 0.27
m3/day 107.76 126.20 147.19 175.65
Total Average Day Demand l/s 1.25 1.46 1.70 2.03
Maximum Day Coefficient 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
Peak Hour Demand Coefficient 2 2 2 2
m3/day 140.09 164.06 191.35 228.34
Maximum Day demand l/s 1.62 1.90 2.21 2.64
m3/day 280.18 328.11 382.70 456.68
Peak Hour Demand l/s 3.24 3.80 4.43 5.29

So the design average day demand is quantified as 2.03lit/sec reqaired to satisfy water demand
load at 2035.

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

A design period of 15years is considered for the design of the proposed scheme as it is rural
kebele water supply system. The proposed water supply structures forBursaproject are: Borehole,
service Reservoir, publicfountains, Collection chamber, booster station,Generatorhousewith
operation room, pressure and distribution mainsetc. Water from bore hole pumped to the50M3
collection chamber(As explained collection chamber also serves as reservoir for
nily&grahogotte&tehuleye) and Pumped to 50m3 sandwich masonryservice reservoirs and
eventuallywater distributed by gravityaction down to the users through distribution pipe
networks. The service reservoir and public taps should be constructed at the selected site and
fenced properly.



8.1. Water Source

The adequacy of water source to meet the water requirement of the kebele population till the end
of the design period is an important factor to be considered in rendering sustainable water supply
service. Based pump test result Borehole safeyield is 13lit/s from the hydro geologist’s report and
the maximum day demand of the kebele at the end of the design period2035 is 2.64l/sec. This
signifies that the source satisfies the community water supply demand throughout the 15
yeardesign period.

8.1.1. Borehole as a water source

The water source, borehole, is located around in the project area and fortunately the area is
accessible. Technical Analysis on total dynamic head based on presumed pump position,
pumping discharge and cost,we propose one pumping station at the borehole.This submersible
pump is expected to lift water from the source borehole to the 50M3sandwich masonry service
Reservoir. Water source related other supplementary data are provided in table below.
Table 5.1Data of the water source
Dynamic Pump
Expected Water position,
Yield, level, m m
East, m North, m Elevation,amsl,m Q,(L/s)

Borehole 397026.701 1363144.05 1878.37 13 -135.93 148

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8.2. Treatment
In this water supply project as the source of the water supply is borehole the best method of
treatment will be chlorination done by manually put in the reservoir.

8.3. Pumping Station

Submersible pump directly coupled to wet submersible motor for pumping ground water from deep
wells .The pumping station is located aside of the borehole 397026.7 east,1363144.05 north and
1878m elevation and at the booster station located.

8.4. Riser and Rising main

The rising main is designed economically to convey the required maximum day demand from
available source to 50m3collection Reservoir over 8hr pumping hour and from the booster station
50m3 to another 50m3 service reservoir. The rising main is designed to convey maximum daily
demand equivalent quantity of water (2.64lit/s)is conveyed over 8pumping hourfrom thesource.
To determine the economic diameter for pressure line between the bore holes and service
reservoir, the following equation is adopted.
To 1
Where Q=Pumping Discharge in m3/s in our case we have two discharges to be transmitted. The
first one is from the bore hole to the booster station and secondly from the booster station to the
second reservoir.
Q=MDD*24/t =2.64*(24/8)l/s=7.92l/s
D=0.97*SQRT0.0079=86.32mm (inside diameter)
D=1.22*SQRT0.0079=108.57mm (inside diameter) so OD 110 Hdpefor the raising main and
Heavy duty riser pipe 3” Gs pipe is proposed.

8.5. Reservoir
Capacity of reservoir for these project is by taking one third of the max day demand. We have got
228.34/3 m3 which is 76m3.So for the first syatem(lay & tach
ebara,shirobeten,gendaho,ginshia&dingaymidir) which is 68% by population of the whole project
we got 52m3 which is standard 50 m3. For the second system we need 26m3 for population uses
from the collection chamber and by taking 30min detention time we have found 10m3. So we have
got36m3 which is 50 m3 standard collection chqamber and also servs as reservoir for three
got(nily, tehuleye and graho)
Table: 9.2. Service reservoir location
No. Easting Northing Elevation capacity
1 397,442.77 1,364,380.38 1,922.15 & reservoir)
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2 397,348.96 1,366,882.51 2,022.51 50m3

8.6. Distributionsystem
The distribution network is designed in such a way that it safely and economically accommodates
the Peak hour demand of the design year 2035. The layout of the distribution network has been
prepared based on the existing population settlement pattern and topographic suitability. As per
the design criteria, the following guidelines are maintained in the analysis of the distribution
 During Peak hour flow velocity shall be between 0.3 and 2.0 m/s for non loop system.
 During minimum consumption water shall not be stagnant in the distribution network
In the hydraulic simulation of the pipe network system, the demand at each node is calculated
based on the information gathered regarding the future development trend of the kebele and the
estimated population density.
The hydraulic network diagram system for project area as shown on the layout drawing
including minimum demand (night time) and peak hour demand (day time) conditions were
carried out using the software called WaterCAD 6.5. Specific print outs of simulation results
covering minimum and peak hour consumption periods are attached in annex A and schematic
layouts showing the proposed pipe distribution network are presented in the drawing.
As per the analysis from the hydraulic calculation summary, the maximum pressure at minimum
demand is 89mH2O. And due to the nature of the topography and workable soil depth of site,
PE100, PN10 HDPE pipe type is proposed for the distribution system.
max.pressure mini. Pressure max.
no. Description head head at wp min.velocity velocity
1 During peak hour demand 84.58 11.36 0.3 0.84
During minimum day
2 demand 89.94 21.33 - -

Table 9. 3Summaries of Pipe Diameter and Length by adding 10 % contingency for each pipe
IT.NO Pipe Dia. Length(m)
1 HDPE 40mm 1588
2 HDPE 50mm 2817
3 HDPE 63mm 1626
4 HDPE 75mm 2109
5 HDPE 90mm 531

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Total 8670

8.6.1. Water point

The total number of public fountains, which are required for household consumption, has been
limited considering the walking distance or the number of population, but in this case as the
dwellers are living in long distance distributed, the second approach, is preferred and hence a
total of 10 water point selected.
Among those the 1 PF which are 6 faucets are provided for the institutions like for school. The
rest public water points are provided for kebele residences in an equitable manner based on
distance and population settlement density.
The locations of public fountains are decided together with the presence of local communities,
Kebele administrative and the woreda water resource Office experts. In the new proposed water
supply scheme there is 10 new water point including 1 of them are 6 faucet pf for school.
Table 9. 5 Summaries of Bursa Water Points
IT.NO. Label Easting (m) Northing (m) (m)
1 NWP1 397,657.35 1,366,380.00 1,980.70
2 NWPG/WUHA 397,893.82 1,366,215.88 1,979.13
3 NWPMAEKEL 397,716.06 1,366,512.46 1,979.17
4 SCHWP. 397,621.02 1,366,303.56 1,981.48
5 NWP TACH EBARA 396,837.30 1,365,560.14 1,969.14
6 NWPNILY 396,945.13 1,362,966.87 1,881.70
7 NWP TEHULEYE 398,238.02 1,363,075.57 1,880.80
8 MIDER 397,687.25 1,365,294.34 1,993.46
9 NWP4 397,281.00 1,365,168.46 1,994.59
10 NWPGINSHIA 397,529.07 1,365,031.17 2,006.31

The public fountains are designed in such a way that users of various water fetching types like
Jeri can, and pot could easily be served. Moreover, these four faucet public fountains should be
constructed by Masonry with 1:3 mix mortars so it minimizes part of the project cost.

8.7. Electro – mechanical

Electromechanical design input data for Bursa borehole water supply system

A. Well head elevation 1878m

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B. Reservoir elevation 2022 m

C. Collection Chamber 1922m
D. Length from borehole to Collection Chamber 1533 m,HDPE, OD 110mm,PN10
E. Length from Collection Chamber To Reservoir 2792m,HDPE,OD 110,PN 20
F. DWL = 135.93 m
G. Pump position =148m
H. Well depth =415m
I. Safe yield =13l/s
J. casing diameter 8” (steel)
K. static water level=9.7m

Hydraulic analysis
The hydraulic analysis of a water transmission system usually involves the use of the Hazen-
Williams equations to determine frictional head losses
hf =10.675*L*(Q^1.852)/((C^1.852) *(D^4.87))
1. Pump and generator analysis
Water must be pumped from the source to the destination higher elevation point (booster or service
reservoir) by using either centrifugal or submersible pump. Water pumping station have been
developed based on the following data
 At duty point the mechanical and electrical efficiencies for the pump are ηm andηe 65% and
 The pump and generator set will be work at the specific location masl, temperature and humidity

Electro Mechanical design analysis

From Bore Hole To collection chamber

1 Total dynamic head analysis well
design pump discharge (l/s) 7.92
design discharge (m3/s) 0.00792
design discharge (m3/hr)
pump position below OGL 148
blind casing interval @ pump position

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Expected dynamic water level 135.93

well recommended safe yield (L/s) 13
well production casing 8" PVC type
riser pipe type GI
rising main pipe type 10
riser pipe diameter (m) 0.08
rising main pipe internal diameter (m) 0.0952
velocity for the riser pipe 1.58
velocity for the rising main pipe 1.11
riser pipe length (m) 148.00
rising main pipe length (m) 1533
coefficient of friction for the riser pipe(C) 120
coefficient of friction for the rising main pipe(C) 150
maximum day demand (l/sec) in 24h 2.64
maximum pumping hour, hr 8
major riser pipe head loss, Hl (m) 6.29
major rising main head loss, Hl (m) 18.46
minor head loss, .1*(Hl + Hl (m)) 2.47
total head loss (m) 27.22
Bore hole elevation elevation (m) 1878
destination booster collection reservoir elevation 1922
elevation difference (m) 44
reservoir height + water hammer(free head) 6
total dynamic head (m) 213.15
tdh above ogl 77.22
TDH (m) 213.15
rising pipe and electro mechanical fittings minimum PN
standard PN10
2 pump and diesel generator analysis
pump mechanical efficiency - ηm, % 70
electrical motor efficiency - ηe, % 80
motor shaft rated power (P2), kw 23.64
2.1 standard motor shaft power (P2), in kw not greater than 26
motor electrical input power (P1) 32.5
total number of duty and standby pumps 1duty
power required to run the motor 1.5*Pm, kw 48.75
altitude effect, palt 10% for each 1000masl, kw 9.16
total generator power, kw 57.91
total generator power including other loads, kva 69.49
2.2 standard continuous duty generator power, kva 70

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motor working current, I=Pm/(1.73*V*0.8) 49.44

motor reduced voltage starting current, Ims,(A) 56.58
minimum required transformer kva 32.50
2.3 appropriate transformer power size, kva 50.00
2.4 main switch gear and manual transfer switch in ampere 80.00
2.5 power cable length from control panel to motor 185.00
2.5 standard power cable size with current carrying 4*25mm2

From Collection Chamber to service reservoir

1 Total dynamic head analysis well
design pump discharge (l/s) 7.92
design discharge (m3/s) 0.00792
rising main pipe type OD110mm,PN 16
riser pipe diameter (m) -
rising main pipe internal diameter (m) 0.0886
velocity for the rising main pipe 1.48
rising main pipe length (m) 2792
coefficient of friction for the rising main pipe(C) 150
maximum day demand (l/sec) in 24h 2.64
maximum pumping hour, hr 8
major rising main head loss, Hl (m) 67.13
minor head loss, .1*(Hl (m)) 6.71
total head loss (m) 73.84
pump station elevation (m) 1922
destination booster collection reservoir elevation 2022
elevation difference (m) 100
reservoir height + water hammer(free head) 6
total dynamic head (m) 179.84
TDH (m) 179.84
rising pipe and electro mechanical fittings minimum PN
standard PN20
2 pump and diesel generator analysis
pump mechanical efficiency - ηm, % 65
electrical motor efficiency - ηe, % 80
motor shaft rated power (P2), kw 21.48
standard motor shaft power (P2), in kw not greater
2.1 than 22
motor electrical input power (P1) 27.5

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total number of duty and standby pumps 1duty

power required to run the motor 1.5*Pm, kw 41.25
altitude effect, palt 10% for each 1000masl, kw 7.75
total generator power, kw 49.0
total generator power including other loads, kva 58.8
2.2 standard continuous duty generator power, kva 60.00
motor working current, I=Pm/(1.73*V*0.8) 41.83
motor reduced voltage starting current, Ims,(A) 52.29
minimum required transformer kva 27.5
2.3 appropriate transformer power size, kva 40
2.4 main switch gear and manual transfer switch in ampere 80
power cable size in sqmm from control panel board to
motor 35
standard power cable size with current carrying
2.5 capacity of rated motor current 16mm2

From Bore Hole to collection Chamber

Description Unit Borehole Remark
Discharge L/s 7.92 We recommend to
use EEPCO as the
Total head m 213.15 major power source
Pump KW 26 to reduce running
power(submersible) cost
Generator power KVA 70
Transformer KVA 50

From Collection Chamber to service reservoir

Description Unit Booster Remark

Discharge L/s 7.92 We recommend to
use EEPCO as the
Total head m 160.85 major power source
Pump power(surface) KW 22 to reduce running
Generator power KVA 60 cost
Transformer KVA 40

8.8. Access Road

Accessroad is very essential for water supply site projectsmean for smooth operations of the
system during construction and operation and maintenance. In the case of this project, for both
source and reservoirlocation area no need to have new access road. In the project area there are
two gravel road crossing. Road crossing pipe in the rising and distribution line shall be GI type
with exceeding diameter (4 & 6) inch to enclose inner HDPE pipe (OD66 &OD200).

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8.9. Auxiliary Building

The structures put in this project are well known. The main buildings in this project are operation
and generator house put in the source and booster station. The characteristics of these building are
ground type constructed with masonry, concrete, hollow block, Iron sheet and eucalyptus pole.

8.10. Sanitary system

All water supplies should be disinfected against to biological contamination in order to protect
public health. Disinfections inactivates any remaining bacteria in the water after previous
treatment steps and provides a residual disinfectants to inactivate bacteria introduced by any
subsequent entrance of contaminated water during storage or distribution. Hence all water
supplied through distribution system should be disinfected to provide a residual disinfectant,
which provides ongoing protection from bacterial growth and survival.
At present, the principal disinfectant used worldwide is chlorine. Generally chlorine gas and
chlorine compounds are used to disinfect water before distribution. Chlorine gas needs more
expensive feeding equipment, difficult to operate & maintain, and requires skilled supervisor so,
use of chlorine compounds is preferred to chlorine gas. Among the chlorine compounds, calcium
hypochlorite is selected to sodium hypochlorite, as the available chlorine in calcium hypochlorite
is greater.
The calcium hypochlorite solution will be prepared in a tank provided with motor driven paddles
to thoroughly mix the chemical. The solution will then be directed to a constant head regulator to
keep constant head then will be dosed in to the clean water reservoir through plastic tube fitted
with flow regulating tap. Two solution tanks with mixers will be employed to ensure
uninterrupted operation while one tank is being filled for solution preparation.
This chlorine dosing facilities will be installed at the top of the clean water reservoir. The
equipment will be provided with simple shade to protect it from the attack of direct sunlight and


9.1. Introduction
Most water supply schemes in our region suffer from sustainability due to poor Management
system right from the commencement till the operation stage. To alleviate the problem, the Federal
and Regional Governments issued Policies and regulations to upgrade and improve the institutional
and technical capacity of those major actors in the sector. This section of the document is intended

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

to prepare Manage mental Models and Organizational structure for Bursa piped water supply
system to operate efficiently and sustainably.

9.2. Organizational Structure

The organization structure that depicts the future management set up of the Kebele piped Water
supply is shown below.


Manager& Accountant

Cashier Generator Plumber Tap attendant Guard


Figure 10.1 Organizational structures for Bursa Kebele

As we can see in the above diagram, a person titled manger and accountant is accountable to the
Board and subordinated by other hired people with different experience and assignments. The
Woreda Water office shall follow and monitor the overall performance of the scheme instead of
taking over other routine activities like water point source rural schemes Woreda Water Office did.
The Woreda water Office with the assistance team shall give to employees a clear description of
tasks which they perform regularly. By doing so every employee will accomplished what is
expected from him/her and ensures sustainability.

9.3. Money for Operation and Maintenance

The collection of money for operation and maintenance will be carried out by the Kebele water
committee formed in each fountain as per the tariff set based on the analysis done in the design

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9.4. Procurement
The procurement of spare parts, fuel& oil and other materials is the duty and responsibility of the
subordinate staffs that will be hired. Spare parts which will be easily damaged and frequently
changed have to be available at stock.

9.5. Guidelines and manuals

Financial and other administration manuals provided and handed out to board while the
construction manual is undergoing by Woreda support group or Woreda water office team.

9.6. Audit
The Woreda water office team will send an auditor to monitor the proper collection, handling and
use of money and other property of the community annually or less can be audited under the
request of board.

9.7. Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting

The Board with Water service will hold a meeting every month to look at matters and present
financial and other administrative reports to the community.

A report consists of all works executed throughout the reporting period and encountered problems,
it can be prepared by the scheme manger. All community members shall involve in finding the
solutions to ensure ownership of the scheme.


The Water Supply Schemes Bursa project is to be implemented in one phase. The phase will
cover the period from the year 2020 – 2035 G.C. In this phase all the civil works of the proposed
system will be carried out in 2020. The construction activities that are going to be implemented
are described below:
 Rising running from Borehole to Collection chamber and to the reservoir,
 Distribution network of pipe Laying,
 Construction of 50M3and 50 m3 Sandwich Masonry Service Reservoir,
 Construction of (10) Public fountains.
 Construction of Generator and Guard House both at source area and at booster station.
Work schedule
work schedule six month
1 2 3 4 5 6
General Item 50% 20% 10% 20%

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Rising Main 30% 40% 30%

Distribution Line 30% 30% 20% 10% 10%
50M3 Sandwich masonry collection chamber and
Reservoir 30% 30% 20% 15% 5%

50 m3 Sandwich masonry Reservoir 30% 40% 10% 5% 5%

Guard House @ buildings 25% 30% 30% 15%
Water Point(10) (4 Faucet AND 6 Faucet) 20% 30% 40% 10%
Operation & Generator House 25% 30% 30% 15%
Pump and Generator House 25% 30% 30% 15%
Electro mechanical 10% 60% 30%


11.1. Summary of the cost

The total project estimated cost will be12,959,597.60 ETB.

I. No. Description Unit Number AMOUNT

Part I Civil work
1 General Item Ls. 1 730,000.00
2 Rising Main No. 1 1,210,224.00
3 Distribution Line No. 1 1,543,590.00
50M3 Sandwich masonry collection chamber 643,492.99
4 and Reservoir No. 1
5 50 m3 Sandwich masonry Reservoir No. 1 585,108.40
6 Guard House @ buildings No. 2 184,187.00
7 Water Point(10) (4 Faucet AND 6 Faucet) No. 10 902,112.00
8 Operation & Generator House No. 1 340,193.00
9 Pump and Generator House No. 1 375,000.00
10 Electromechanical No. 1 693,198.00
Total for Part I 7,207,105.30
Part II Supply of pipes and fittings
1 Supply of pipes and fittings for preesure line Ls. 1 703,550.00
Supply of pipes and fittings for Distribution 1,047,900.00
2 line Ls. 1
3 Supply of Electromechanical 2,310,660.00
Total for part II 4,062,110.00
Grand Total For Part I,& II 11,269,215.30

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I. No. Description Unit Number AMOUNT

VAT (15%) 1,690,382.30
Grand total 12,959,597.60


12.1. During construction phase

12.1.1. Environmental impact

Environment is a system which consists of Hydrological, Biophysical, Atmospherically, Cultural

and Social condition. EIA provides the answer for impact during construction. It is used as an
instrument for sustainable development by minimizing the adverse effects and maximizing the
benefits that is obtained as result of the project. In addition to these it identifies the problems
which exist in the environment and select alternatives that mitigate the impact.
Water supply service is a mechanism that delivers adequate, clean and safe water to a community
according to their present and forecasted demand. Presently this is one of the characteristics of
this water supply project. The abundant quantity with high storing capacity as build from locally
found materials to supply adequate safe and clean water at proximal delivery distance to the user
with cost effective and efficient operation mechanism are some of the principles in the water
supply. Environmental study shall respect these principles to conceive a mitigation measure and
devise a monitoring plan.

12.1.2. Socio economic impact

The main mission of the initial environmental impact examination and evaluation in this study is
needed to assess the existing condition. Furthermore, to observe preliminary cases and
predictedeffects that can be noticed due to the project on natural and physical resources and
human-environment of the proposed water supply sites. The observed results will be used in
improving the design, decision- making and community participation to ensure sustainable and
environmentally sound water supply to this kebele.
The main impact During construction phase are,
 It creates job opportunity for the public.
 It creates economic value for the community by the project workers use different facility.

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 The project also utilize local material purchased from the community.
 The pipe line is tranmited through the boundary of agriculureal and houses,so, it disturb
the agriculture and activities of the public.

12.1.3. Mitigation measure for of potation impact

Most of the negative impacts caused by the project are accomplished in the construction period of
pipe laying .This can be reduced by proper planning of the construction activities such as making
the construction work to begin in non-farming and non- harvesting season.

12.2. During operation phase

12.2.1. Environmental impact

During construction this water supply project helps to improve adequate water and benefit to the
community. the impact arise during operation is mostly resulted from miss conduct of operation

12.2.2. Socio Economic impact

The water supply project has an impact on the environment even though the design, construction
and operation of the project are being done carefully. The environmental impact assessment
provides the result for the impact after construction. Some of the major positive impacts of the
project are:
 Save time and energy saving in fetching of drinking water. Especially the burden of
women and child in fetching of water from other sources can be reduced,
 Improve the Water Supply and Sanitation coverage,
 Improve health, life standard and productivity of the communities,
 Provide better quality and sustainable water supply for project area communities,
 Easy control of hazards (like fire),

12.2.3. Mitigation measures for of potation impact

There is no as such considerable negative impact in this rural piped water supply and sanitation

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The Proposed Kebele Piped Water Supply Project is therefore, at right time and is expected to
bring an improvement in the public health status, economical productivity, sanitation conditions
and time & energy savings, particularly for women and children

 Currently there is deficiency of adequate quantity and good quality of water supply system
at the project area. Therefore, It is the right time constructing the project to solve the
shortage of water, public health improvement, time and energy saving for women and

 Fortunately, the whole system layout is found accessible; reservoir, distribution lines and
pressure line are all accessible for construction. However, at rainy season, any civil works
may be difficult to construct in the Bursa environmental condition.


Generally we conclude this proposed project has good influence in the community, so, the
construction must be implemented.

In order to optimize benefits and minimize the negative impacts of the proposed water supply
project, the following measures are recommended:
 Provision of clean and adequate water to the public users should be supported by improving
the sanitation facility. Therefore, the community should be educated in keeping sanitation
and personal hygiene.
 Close follow up and the issue of empowering communities to build, own and manage their
water systems must be clarified at the highest level.

 The environmental protection component of kebele water supply schemes should be

explored such as greeneries around water points.


Table: - A1 Junction Report during minimum day demand

Easting Northing Elevation Pressure
Label (m) (m) (m) demand (m H2O)
DL40 397,477.27 1,365,793.13 1,933.08 0 89.942
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Easting Northing Elevation Pressure

Label (m) (m) (m) demand (m H2O)
DL39 397,532.08 1,365,840.42 1,933.10 0 89.915
DL38 397,586.58 1,365,878.52 1,936.97 0 86.055
DL41 397,459.77 1,365,760.03 1,937.56 0 85.472
J2 397,636.45 1,365,955.12 1,938.21 0 84.816
DL42 397,432.16 1,365,696.68 1,938.74 0 84.289
DL37 397,638.32 1,365,973.28 1,939.15 0 83.886
DL15 397,658.34 1,366,027.34 1,946.54 0 76.504
DL43 397,385.68 1,365,671.18 1,949.35 0 73.703
DL44 397,355.22 1,365,675.14 1,950.35 0 72.703
DL45 397,328.22 1,365,668.64 1,952.87 0 70.188
DL16 397,699.43 1,366,090.83 1,954.30 0 68.764
DL46 397,295.65 1,365,658.73 1,955.58 0 67.486
DL51 397,024.20 1,365,624.89 1,957.23 0 65.836
DL48 397,206.07 1,365,650.19 1,957.42 0 65.649
DL47 397,274.62 1,365,654.02 1,958.42 0 64.652
DL19 397,766.76 1,366,260.58 1,958.73 0 64.337
DL18 397,752.29 1,366,211.06 1,958.88 0 64.189
DL17 397,724.62 1,366,130.25 1,958.95 0 64.124
DL50 397,067.91 1,365,621.58 1,960.11 0 62.959
DL52 396,919.60 1,365,590.83 1,960.78 0 62.299
DL49 397,135.37 1,365,618.64 1,960.81 0 62.269
DL20 397,781.69 1,366,297.90 1,967.48 0 55.612
NWP TACH EBARA 396,837.30 1,365,560.14 1,969.14 0 53.954
DL22 397,770.85 1,366,411.67 1,971.89 0 51.207
DL54 396,890.17 1,365,573.78 1,972.50 0 50.598
DL21 397,789.33 1,366,370.28 1,973.14 0 49.962
DL34 397,715.10 1,366,363.99 1,974.30 0 48.8
DL35 397,702.46 1,366,399.99 1,975.30 0 47.802
DL55 396,953.61 1,365,566.25 1,975.96 0 47.145
DL33 397,833.04 1,366,256.10 1,976.52 0 46.589
DL25 397,622.12 1,366,542.42 1,976.74 0 46.366
J-130 397,643.72 1,366,492.41 1,976.91 0 46.197
DL57 397,046.88 1,365,506.08 1,977.05 0 46.062
DL56 397,001.41 1,365,541.33 1,977.22 0 45.89
DL36 397,692.07 1,366,425.83 1,977.78 0 45.326
DL23 397,742.12 1,366,464.88 1,978.20 0 44.907
NWPG/WUHA 397,893.82 1,366,215.88 1,979.13 0 43.98
NWPMAEKEL 397,716.06 1,366,512.46 1,979.17 0 43.946

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Easting Northing Elevation Pressure

Label (m) (m) (m) demand (m H2O)
DL58 397,132.66 1,365,429.19 1,979.74 0 43.37
J6 397,701.83 1,366,492.42 1,979.77 0 43.339
J-133 397,674.99 1,366,486.48 1,980.00 0 43.113
DL24 397,669.87 1,366,508.61 1,980.01 0 43.105
J4 397,649.10 1,366,513.39 1,980.03 0 43.079
RL2 397,199.40 1,365,367.09 1,980.30 0 42.815
NWP1 397,657.35 1,366,380.00 1,980.70 0 42.413
DL28 397,635.46 1,366,386.89 1,980.86 0 42.255
J5 397,631.15 1,366,444.20 1,981.31 0 41.803
HCWP.1 397,618.52 1,366,441.65 1,981.45 0 41.669
SCHWP. 397,621.02 1,366,303.56 1,981.48 0 41.637
DL59 397,239.31 1,365,325.97 1,982.80 0 40.315
J3 397,583.62 1,366,609.87 1,984.03 0 39.095
CHWP.1 397,563.39 1,366,598.16 1,984.27 0 38.848
DL60 397,276.45 1,365,260.79 1,988.55 0 34.584
DL26 397,557.43 1,366,648.32 1,989.37 0 33.762
J8 397,288.68 1,365,220.88 1,991.32 0 31.82
MIDER 397,687.25 1,365,294.34 1,993.46 0 29.682
NWP4 397,281.00 1,365,168.46 1,994.59 0 28.553
DL27 397,544.32 1,366,688.30 1,995.97 0 27.177
T.2 397,541.79 1,365,092.70 2,001.72 0 21.441
NWPGINSHIA 397,529.07 1,365,031.17 2,001.83 0 21.326
DL61 397,418.24 1,365,149.05 2,002.17 0 20.989
DL29 397,484.15 1,366,745.09 2,003.51 0 19.647
DL30 397,451.13 1,366,781.36 2,007.33 0 15.835
DL31 397,412.69 1,366,820.22 2,013.08 0 10.098
DL32 397,378.69 1,366,859.62 2,018.76 0 4.428
BRR1 397,035.61 1,363,230.16 1,874.55 0 47.854
BRL1 397,034.49 1,363,250.60 1,876.71 0 45.699
DL62 397,016.68 1,363,200.31 1,877.75 0 44.661
DL63 397,009.49 1,363,202.23 1,877.81 0 44.604
DL1 397,045.56 1,363,292.84 1,878.85 0 43.559
GR1 397,340.03 1,363,436.57 1,878.99 0 43.418
GL1 397,348.19 1,363,440.68 1,879.25 0 43.161
DL64 396,958.42 1,363,104.83 1,879.72 0 42.692
DL65 396,948.39 1,363,106.87 1,880.09 0 42.324
DL5 397,295.60 1,363,407.77 1,880.36 0 42.054
J-48 397,799.01 1,363,495.18 1,880.36 0 42.051
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Easting Northing Elevation Pressure

Label (m) (m) (m) demand (m H2O)
DL66 396,900.77 1,363,042.87 1,880.46 0 41.951
J-49 397,886.17 1,363,378.28 1,880.50 0 41.91
DL67 396,907.73 1,363,032.48 1,880.55 0 41.869
DL3 397,180.64 1,363,348.17 1,880.67 0 41.741
NWP TEHULEYE 398,238.02 1,363,075.57 1,880.80 0.02 41.607
DL10 397,515.28 1,363,732.20 1,880.83 0 41.586
DL2 397,088.76 1,363,329.26 1,880.90 0 41.52
GR2 397,496.98 1,363,890.37 1,880.90 0 41.514
DL69 396,874.67 1,363,004.12 1,881.42 0 40.993
GL2 397,496.79 1,363,901.88 1,881.44 0 40.974
NWPNILY 396,945.13 1,362,966.87 1,881.70 0 40.716
DL9 397,519.32 1,363,632.55 1,881.85 0 40.564
J9 396,881.25 1,362,995.51 1,881.90 0 40.517
DL6 397,395.82 1,363,487.78 1,882.11 0 40.312
DL8 397,467.19 1,363,587.27 1,882.41 0 40.004
DL7 397,433.33 1,363,528.94 1,882.43 0 39.99
DL75 396,734.87 1,362,752.78 1,882.83 0 39.585
DL4 397,244.27 1,363,368.17 1,883.12 0 39.3
DL73 396,743.71 1,362,778.83 1,883.51 0 38.909
DL70 396,811.53 1,362,899.00 1,883.81 0 38.612
J10 396,801.40 1,362,906.00 1,883.95 0 38.475
DL74 396,730.87 1,362,775.32 1,884.52 0 37.907
DL72 396,768.41 1,362,835.01 1,884.85 0 37.574
DL71 396,763.68 1,362,844.99 1,885.09 0 37.337
DL11 397,485.32 1,363,944.97 1,885.82 0 36.604
DL76 396,756.23 1,362,941.29 1,885.95 0 36.48
GL3 397,474.95 1,364,007.64 1,887.59 0 34.835
NWPNILY2 396,666.64 1,363,014.35 1,888.35 0 34.084
DL12 397,449.99 1,364,148.78 1,899.00 0 23.455
GR3 397,448.04 1,364,249.33 1,901.12 0 21.342
GL4 397,457.31 1,364,260.59 1,902.86 0 19.597
DL13 397,440.27 1,364,224.22 1,904.04 0 18.424
NWP GRAHO 397,648.31 1,364,203.56 1,905.66 0 16.807
DL84 397,613.65 1,364,244.19 1,906.47 0 16.003
DL83 397,566.44 1,364,280.46 1,911.02 0 11.462
J12 397,486.87 1,364,332.57 1,914.58 0 7.908
J1 397,468.09 1,364,328.16 1,915.87 0 6.614

Note: The points J1, J2,DL31, DL32 are points near to the reservoir.
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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Table: - A2 Junction Report during Peak hour demand

Northing Elevation (m
No. Label Easting (m) (m) (m) H2O)
1 DL32 397,378.69 1,366,859.62 2,018.76 4.154
2 DL31 397,412.69 1,366,820.22 2,013.08 9.443
3 NWPGINSHIA 397,529.07 1,365,031.17 2,001.83 11.36
4 DL61 397,418.24 1,365,149.05 2,002.17 11.705
5 T.2 397,541.79 1,365,092.70 2,001.72 11.79
6 DL30 397,451.13 1,366,781.36 2,007.33 14.782
7 DL29 397,484.15 1,366,745.09 2,003.51 18.235
8 MIDER 397,687.25 1,365,294.34 1,993.46 19.112
9 NWP4 397,281.00 1,365,168.46 1,994.59 19.643
10 J8 397,288.68 1,365,220.88 1,991.32 23.053
11 DL27 397,544.32 1,366,688.30 1,995.97 25.162
12 DL60 397,276.45 1,365,260.79 1,988.55 25.93
13 DL26 397,557.43 1,366,648.32 1,989.37 31.439
14 DL59 397,239.31 1,365,325.97 1,982.80 31.862
15 RL2 397,199.40 1,365,367.09 1,980.30 34.517
16 DL58 397,132.66 1,365,429.19 1,979.74 35.318
17 CHWP.1 397,563.39 1,366,598.16 1,984.27 36.131
18 SCHWP. 397,621.02 1,366,303.56 1,981.48 36.238
19 J3 397,583.62 1,366,609.87 1,984.03 36.432
20 HCWP.1 397,618.52 1,366,441.65 1,981.45 36.957
21 DL28 397,635.46 1,366,386.89 1,980.86 37.168
22 NWP1 397,657.35 1,366,380.00 1,980.70 37.203
23 J5 397,631.15 1,366,444.20 1,981.31 37.206
24 NWPG/WUHA 397,893.82 1,366,215.88 1,979.13 38.262
25 DL56 397,001.41 1,365,541.33 1,977.22 38.304
26 DL57 397,046.88 1,365,506.08 1,977.05 38.32
27 J-133 397,674.99 1,366,486.48 1,980.00 39.506
28 J6 397,701.83 1,366,492.42 1,979.77 39.604
29 DL24 397,669.87 1,366,508.61 1,980.01 39.631
30 DL55 396,953.61 1,365,566.25 1,975.96 39.704
31 J4 397,649.10 1,366,513.39 1,980.03 39.728
32 NWPMAEKEL 397,716.06 1,366,512.46 1,979.17 40.078
33 DL23 397,742.12 1,366,464.88 1,978.20 40.908
34 DL33 397,833.04 1,366,256.10 1,976.52 41.265

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Northing Elevation (m
No. Label Easting (m) (m) (m) H2O)
35 DL36 397,692.07 1,366,425.83 1,977.78 41.534
36 J-130 397,643.72 1,366,492.41 1,976.91 42.468
37 DL25 397,622.12 1,366,542.42 1,976.74 43.248
38 DL54 396,890.17 1,365,573.78 1,972.50 43.33
39 DL35 397,702.46 1,366,399.99 1,975.30 43.928
40 DL34 397,715.10 1,366,363.99 1,974.30 44.814
41 DL21 397,789.33 1,366,370.28 1,973.14 45.391
42 NWP TACH EBARA 396,837.30 1,365,560.14 1,969.14 46.39
43 DL22 397,770.85 1,366,411.67 1,971.89 46.881
44 DL20 397,781.69 1,366,297.90 1,967.48 50.646
45 DL52 396,919.60 1,365,590.83 1,960.78 55.195
46 DL49 397,135.37 1,365,618.64 1,960.81 55.923
47 DL50 397,067.91 1,365,621.58 1,960.11 56.474
48 DL47 397,274.62 1,365,654.02 1,958.42 58.606
49 DL51 397,024.20 1,365,624.89 1,957.23 59.261
50 DL48 397,206.07 1,365,650.19 1,957.42 59.462
51 DL17 397,724.62 1,366,130.25 1,958.95 59.518
52 DL18 397,752.29 1,366,211.06 1,958.88 59.758
53 DL19 397,766.76 1,366,260.58 1,958.73 60.011
54 DL46 397,295.65 1,365,658.73 1,955.58 61.483
55 DL16 397,699.43 1,366,090.83 1,954.30 64.062
56 DL45 397,328.22 1,365,668.64 1,952.87 64.256
57 DL44 397,355.22 1,365,675.14 1,950.35 66.828
58 DL43 397,385.68 1,365,671.18 1,949.35 67.891
59 DL15 397,658.34 1,366,027.34 1,946.54 71.647
60 DL42 397,432.16 1,365,696.68 1,938.74 78.585
61 DL37 397,638.32 1,365,973.28 1,939.15 78.91
62 J2 397,636.45 1,365,955.12 1,938.21 79.803
63 DL41 397,459.77 1,365,760.03 1,937.56 79.911
64 DL38 397,586.58 1,365,878.52 1,936.97 80.855
65 DL40 397,477.27 1,365,793.13 1,933.08 84.457
66 DL39 397,532.08 1,365,840.42 1,933.10 84.579
67 J1 397,468.09 1,364,328.16 1,915.87 6.303
68 J12 397,486.87 1,364,332.57 1,914.58 7.523
69 DL83 397,566.44 1,364,280.46 1,911.02 10.709
70 DL84 397,613.65 1,364,244.19 1,906.47 15.021
71 NWP GRAHO 397,648.31 1,364,203.56 1,905.66 15.619

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Northing Elevation (m
No. Label Easting (m) (m) (m) H2O)
72 DL13 397,440.27 1,364,224.22 1,904.04 17.824
73 GL4 397,457.31 1,364,260.59 1,902.86 19.106
74 GR3 397,448.04 1,364,249.33 1,901.12 20.811
75 DL12 397,449.99 1,364,148.78 1,899.00 22.654
76 NWPNILY2 396,666.64 1,363,014.35 1,888.35 24.898
77 DL76 396,756.23 1,362,941.29 1,885.95 27.741
78 DL71 396,763.68 1,362,844.99 1,885.09 28.708
79 DL72 396,768.41 1,362,835.01 1,884.85 29.044
80 DL74 396,730.87 1,362,775.32 1,884.52 29.159
81 J10 396,801.40 1,362,906.00 1,883.95 29.957
82 DL70 396,811.53 1,362,899.00 1,883.81 30.198
83 DL73 396,743.71 1,362,778.83 1,883.51 30.288
84 DL75 396,734.87 1,362,752.78 1,882.83 30.801
85 NWPNILY 396,945.13 1,362,966.87 1,881.70 32.21
86 J9 396,881.25 1,362,995.51 1,881.90 32.282
87 DL69 396,874.67 1,363,004.12 1,881.42 32.748
88 GL3 397,474.95 1,364,007.64 1,887.59 33.654
89 DL67 396,907.73 1,363,032.48 1,880.55 33.734
90 DL66 396,900.77 1,363,042.87 1,880.46 33.81
91 DL4 397,244.27 1,363,368.17 1,883.12 34.139
92 DL65 396,948.39 1,363,106.87 1,880.09 34.361
93 DL64 396,958.42 1,363,104.83 1,879.72 34.751
94 DL2 397,088.76 1,363,329.26 1,880.90 35.073
95 DL11 397,485.32 1,363,944.97 1,885.82 35.254
96 NWP TEHULEYE 398,238.02 1,363,075.57 1,880.80 35.653
97 DL3 397,180.64 1,363,348.17 1,880.67 36.046
98 DL7 397,433.33 1,363,528.94 1,882.43 36.529
99 DL1 397,045.56 1,363,292.84 1,878.85 36.661
100 DL6 397,395.82 1,363,487.78 1,882.11 36.705
101 DL8 397,467.19 1,363,587.27 1,882.41 36.718
102 DL63 397,009.49 1,363,202.23 1,877.81 36.894
103 DL62 397,016.68 1,363,200.31 1,877.75 36.967
104 J-49 397,886.17 1,363,378.28 1,880.50 37.391
105 DL5 397,295.60 1,363,407.77 1,880.36 37.412
106 DL9 397,519.32 1,363,632.55 1,881.85 37.458
107 J-48 397,799.01 1,363,495.18 1,880.36 37.983
108 BRL1 397,034.49 1,363,250.60 1,876.71 38.452

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Northing Elevation (m
No. Label Easting (m) (m) (m) H2O)
109 GL1 397,348.19 1,363,440.68 1,879.25 39.017
110 DL10 397,515.28 1,363,732.20 1,880.83 39.1
111 GR1 397,340.03 1,363,436.57 1,878.99 39.201
112 GL2 397,496.79 1,363,901.88 1,881.44 39.507
113 GR2 397,496.98 1,363,890.37 1,880.90 40.016
114 BRR1 397,035.61 1,363,230.16 1,874.55 40.443

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Table: A3- Pipe ReportduringPeak hour demand

Length Diameter Velocity
Start Node Stop Node (m) (mm) Material (m/s)
DL26 J3 46.63 79.2 HDPE 0.76
DL27 DL26 42.06 79.2 HDPE 0.76
DL25 J4 39.62 79.2 HDPE 0.67
J3 DL25 77.72 79.2 HDPE 0.67
DL29 DL27 82.6 79.2 HDPE 0.76
DL32 DL31 52.12 79.2 HDPE 0.76
50 m3 reservoir DL32 37.49 79.2 HDPE 0.76
DL30 DL29 49.07 79.2 HDPE 0.76
DL31 DL30 54.56 79.2 HDPE 0.76
DL38 DL39 66.45 66 HDPE 0.34
J2 DL38 91.44 66 HDPE 0.34
DL40 DL41 37.49 66 HDPE 0.34
DL39 DL40 72.54 66 HDPE 0.34
DL37 J2 18.29 66 HDPE 0.34
DL24 J-133 22.86 66 HDPE 0.6
DL16 DL15 75.59 66 HDPE 0.34
DL15 DL37 57.61 66 HDPE 0.34
J-133 DL36 63.09 66 HDPE 0.41
DL41 DL42 69.19 66 HDPE 0.34
DL48 DL49 77.42 66 HDPE 0.34
DL47 DL48 68.58 66 HDPE 0.34
DL50 DL51 43.89 66 HDPE 0.34
DL49 DL50 67.67 66 HDPE 0.34
DL46 DL47 21.64 66 HDPE 0.34
DL43 DL44 30.78 66 HDPE 0.34
DL42 DL43 53.04 66 HDPE 0.34
DL45 DL46 34.14 66 HDPE 0.34
DL44 DL45 27.74 66 HDPE 0.34
DL17 DL16 46.63 66 HDPE 0.34
DL35 DL34 38.1 66 HDPE 0.41
DL36 DL35 27.74 66 HDPE 0.41
J4 DL24 21.34 66 HDPE 0.6
DL34 DL19 115.52 66 HDPE 0.41
DL19 DL18 51.51 66 HDPE 0.34
DL18 DL17 85.34 66 HDPE 0.34
DL52 DL54 34.14 55.4 HDPE 0.48
DL51 DL52 110.03 55.4 HDPE 0.48

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Length Diameter Velocity

Start Node Stop Node (m) (mm) Material (m/s)
RL2 DL59 57.3 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL54 DL55 64.01 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL58 RL2 91.14 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL57 DL58 115.21 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL55 DL56 53.95 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL56 DL57 57.61 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL61 T.2 135.94 55.4 HDPE 0.35
NWP4 DL61 138.68 55.4 HDPE 0.35
J8 NWP4 53.04 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL60 J8 41.76 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL59 DL60 74.98 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL28 SCHWP. 84.43 44 HDPE 0.36
J4 J-130 21.64 44 HDPE 0.84
J-130 J5 49.68 44 HDPE 0.84
J6 J-133 27.43 44 HDPE 0.41
T.2 MIDER 248.72 44 HDPE 0.36
J3 CHWP.1 23.47 44 HDPE 0.28
J5 DL28 57.61 44 HDPE 0.57
T.2 NWPGINSHIA 62.79 32.8 HDPE 0.36
DL54 NWP TACH EBARA 54.56 32.8 HDPE 0.37
J6 DL23 48.77 32.8 HDPE 0.37
DL23 DL22 60.35 32.8 HDPE 0.37
J5 HCWP.1 12.8 32.8 HDPE 0.49
J6 NWPMAEKEL 24.69 32.8 HDPE 0.37
DL22 DL21 45.42 32.8 HDPE 0.37
DL28 NWP1 22.86 32.8 HDPE 0.37
DL20 DL21 72.85 32.8 HDPE 0.37
DL20 DL33 66.14 32.8 HDPE 0.37
DL33 NWPG/WUHA 72.85 32.8 HDPE 0.37
DL13 DL12 76.2 66 HDPE 0.39
GR3 DL13 26.21 66 HDPE 0.39
DL12 GL3 143.26 66 HDPE 0.39
DL11 GL2 44.5 66 HDPE 0.39
GL3 DL11 63.4 66 HDPE 0.39
50M3 COL &
REZ J1 84.43 66 HDPE 0.47
J1 GL4 68.28 66 HDPE 0.39
GL4 GR3 14.63 66 HDPE 0.39

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Length Diameter Velocity

Start Node Stop Node (m) (mm) Material (m/s)
GL2 GR2 11.58 66 HDPE 0.39
DL9 DL8 69.19 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL7 DL6 55.78 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL8 DL7 67.36 55.4 HDPE 0.35
DL10 DL9 99.67 55.4 HDPE 0.55
GR2 DL10 159.11 55.4 HDPE 0.55
DL66 DL69 46.63 44 HDPE 0.28
DL69 J10 122.53 44 HDPE 0.28
DL65 DL66 79.86 44 HDPE 0.28
DL62 DL63 7.32 44 HDPE 0.28
DL63 DL65 113.39 44 HDPE 0.28
J9 DL67 45.42 44 HDPE 0.27
J-48 J-49 145.69 44 HDPE 0.33
J-49 NWP TEHULEYE 464.21 44 HDPE 0.33
DL9 J-48 311.51 44 HDPE 0.33
DL67 DL64 88.39 44 HDPE 0.27
DL64 DL62 111.86 44 HDPE 0.27
BRR1 DL62 35.36 44 HDPE 0.55
GR1 DL5 53.04 44 HDPE 0.55
DL5 DL4 64.92 44 HDPE 0.55
GL1 GR1 9.14 44 HDPE 0.55
DL6 GL1 67.06 44 HDPE 0.55
DL4 DL3 66.75 44 HDPE 0.55
DL1 BRL1 43.59 44 HDPE 0.55
BRL1 BRR1 20.42 44 HDPE 0.55
DL3 DL2 93.88 44 HDPE 0.55
DL2 DL1 56.39 44 HDPE 0.55
J12 DL83 95.1 32.8 HDPE 0.31
DL84 NWP GRAHO 53.34 32.8 HDPE 0.31
DL83 DL84 59.44 32.8 HDPE 0.31
J1 J12 19.2 32.8 HDPE 0.31
J9 NWPNILY 70.1 32.8 HDPE 0.31
J10 DL71 71.63 32.8 HDPE 0.19
DL71 DL74 77.11 32.8 HDPE 0.19
J10 DL76 57.3 32.8 HDPE 0.31
DL76 NWPNILY2 115.52 32.8 HDPE 0.31
DL72 DL70 77.11 32.8 HDPE 0.18
DL70 J9 119.18 32.8 HDPE 0.18

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Length Diameter Velocity

Start Node Stop Node (m) (mm) Material (m/s)
DL74 DL75 22.86 32.8 HDPE 0.19
DL73 DL72 61.26 32.8 HDPE 0.18

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report



I. No. Description Unit Number AMOUNT

1 General Item Ls. 1
2 Rising Main No. 1
3 Distribution Line No. 1
50M3 Sandwich masonry collection chamber
4 and Reservoir No. 1
5 50 m3 Sandwich masonry Reservoir No. 1
6 Guard House @ buildings No. 2
7 Water Point(10) (4 Faucet AND 6 Faucet) No. 10
8 Operation & Generator House No. 1
9 Pump and Generator House No. 1
10 Electromechanical No. 1
Total for Part I
Part II Supply of pipes and fittings
1 Supply of pipes and fittings for preesure line Ls. 1
Supply of pipes and fittings for Distribution
2 line Ls. 1
Ls. 1
3 Supply of Electromechanical
Total for part II
Grand Total For Part I & II
VAT (15%)
Grand total

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Bill No:1 General item

No. Description Unit Quantity Rates TotalAmount

1 General item
Fabricated and erect metallic project sign
boards for project identification including
1.1 printing of titles as per engineers instruction Ls 2
Prepare and provide as built drawings of all
works constructed under this contract as per
the specification and to the satisfaction of
1.2 engineer and client Ls 1
Mobilization of man power ,equipment
,machinery and all required materials to the
1.3 site No. 1
1.4 Demobilization Ls 1
Provide survey control points and setting out
work including with report of addition and
1.5 omission of pipe line other related activities Ls 1
Establishment of contractors and engineers
site office as shown in the detail
drawing(covering a land area of about 70m2
with CIS G-28 wall,8mm thick chip wood
internally and roof for insulation and CIS G-
28 roof and equluptes poles including office
furniture(tweleve chair and four medium
table) electricity &hand over to the kebele
1.6 water committee after project completion. Ls 1
Sub Total

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report


S.No. Description Unit QTY Price Total Price
Part I Trench Excavation and Back Filling
1 Trench excavation
1.1 Depth up to 0.9m*0.6m normal soil m3 1141.82
a .Ditto item 1.1 But with soft rock 3
1.2 m 913.46
a .Ditto item 1.1 But with Hard rock 3
1.3 m 228.36
1.4 c. Ditto item 1.1 But with back fill native soil m3 1141.82
d.Ditto item 1.1 But with Back fill with select
1.5 material m3 1141.82
2 Structural works

construction of reinforced concrete class C-20

for trust blocks as per construction standard
drawing, price include form work, excavation
2.2 not exceeding 1m,reinforcement and backfill m3 6.50

construction of reinforced concrete class C-20

for Anchor blocks as per construction standard
drawing, price include form work, excavation
2.3 not exceeding 1m,reinforcement and backfill m3 9.50
construction of reinforced concrete class C-20
for pipe encasement for road crossing
construction standard drawing, price include
form work, excavation not exceeding
2.4 1m,reinforcement and backfill m3 3.79
sub Total
Installation of HDPE Pipe PE 100 PN 20AND
PN 10 PIPES COST including butt weld at
3.2 joints
3.2.1 OD 110, PN 20 m 2792
3.2.2 OD 110, PN 10 m 1533
Installation of DN 100 wash out with all
3.2.2 accessory installed on DN 100mm DCI PIPE No. 1.00
Installation of PN 20 OD 110 and PN 10 OD
3.3 110 Butt weld HDPE PE 100 FITTINGS
3.3.1 OD 110nintydegree bendPN20 No. 2.00
3.3.2 OD 110degree bendPN20 No. 2.00
OD 110 flanged adapter PN20with Back
3.3.4 ringing No. 2.00

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

S.No. Description Unit QTY Price Total Price
3.3.5 OD 110ninty degree bendPN 10 No. 1.00
3.3.6 OD 110 degree bendPN 10 No. 1.00
OD 110 flanged adapter pn 10 with Back
3.3.7 ringing No. 1.00
Pipe line testing and commissioning For the
whole Rising main work including transporting
water and dispose of used water including
4 disinfection Ls. 1.00
Sub Total

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report


No Activity unit Qty. unit Amount

1 Trench excavation & back filling
1.1 Depth up to 0.8m*0.6m normal soil m3 2497
1.2 soft rock m3 1041
1.3 Hard Rock m3 624
1.4 back fill native soil m3 2497
1.5 back fill transported soil m3 1665
Sub Total
2 Installation of HDPE PE 100 PN10 cost include
compression at joints
2.1 OD 40 mm m 1588
2.2 OD 50mm m 2817
2.3 OD 63mm m 1626
3 Installation of HDPE PE 100 PN10 cost include
Butt weld at points
3.1 OD 75 mm m 2109
3.2 OD 90mm m 531
4.1.1 OD40mm No. 2
4.1.2 OD50mm No. 3
4.1.3 OD63mm No. 2
4.2.1 OD 75/50/75mm No. 2
4.2.2 OD 90/40/90mm No. 2
4.3.1 OD 90mm/50mm No. 1
4.3.2 OD 75mm/50mm No. 3
4.3.3 OD 75mm/40mm No. 1
4.3.4 OD 50mm/40mm No. 2
4.3.5 OD63/40mm No. 2
4.3.6 OD 50/40mm No. 1
4.4 GI, PN10 ALL, TradedGate valve, CLASS B
4.4.2 DN50mm No. 6
4.4.3 DN 63mm No. 4

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report


4.5.1 OD90 No. 1
4.5.2 OD75 No. 1
4.5.3 OD63 No. 7
4.5.4 OD50 No. 7
4.5.5 OD40 No. 2
4.6.1 OD 40mm No. 4
4.6.2 OD 90/40/90mm No. 2
4.6.3 OD 63/50/63mm No. 2
4.6.4 OD 50/40/50mm No. 2
4.7 END CUPS (HDPE) PN 10 PE 100
4.7.1 OD 50 mm No. 2
4.7.2 OD 40mm No. 3
4.8.1 OD 63mm 45 Degree No. 3
4.8.2 OD 50mm 45 Degree No. 2
5 Construction of road crossing structures, valve
room,and supply and install the required fittings
5.1 construction of reinforced concrete class C-30 for m3 15
pipe encasement for road crossing construction
standard drawing, price include form work,
excavation not exceeding 1m,reinforcement and
5.2 construction of reinforced concrete class C-20 for m3 4.3
Anchor blocks as per construction standard drawing,
price include form work, excavation not exceeding
1m,reinforcement and backfill
5.3 construction of reinforced concrete class C-20 for No. 15
trust blocks as per construction standard drawing,
price include form work, excavation not exceeding
1m,reinforcement and backfill
5.4 Provide and construct reinforced concrete valve No. 7
chamber with metal sheet cover slab 4 mm thick.(as
per drawing)
6 Pipe line testing and commissioning For the whole Ls. 1
distribution work including transporting water and
dispose of used water

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

7 Disinfection of pipe line : flushing with clear Ls. 1

water,including supply of chemical(chlorine)

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

BOQ 4 50m3 Sandwich Masonry Collection chamber & reservoir

Rate Amount
1 Earth Work
Site clearing & grubbing up to a average depth of 20
1.1 m2 43
Foundation excavation to a depth of 75 cm below
1.2 m3 32.2
ground level
Filling and compacting foundation base with selected
1.3 m3 6.43
materials for 20 cms
Placing 40 cm thick basaltic stone or equivalent hard
1.4 m3 20.4
core well-rolled consolidated and blinded with gravel
Back filling around a foundation with approved
1.5 selected materials from site well rammed in layer of m3 22.1
20 cm
Cart away surplus excavated materials from the site to
1.6 m3 40.8
a distance of 100 m
2 concrete work
Casting 50 mm thick Lean concrete over hard-core
2.1 with Grade C-15 concrete with minimum cement m2 30.2
Casting 25 cm thick Base slab in Grade C-25
2.2 reinforced concrete with minimum cement 360kg/m3 m3 7.55
mix 1:2:4
Casting 20 cm thick Roof cover slab with Grade C-25
2.3 m3 6.8
reinforced concrete of minimum cement 360kg/m3
Construction of friction key with Grade C-25
2.4 m3 0.83
reinforced concrete simultaneously with base slab
Construction of 10 cm thick reinforced concrete Grade
2.5 C-25 filled between masonry wall reinforced with m3 5.2
Hexagonal Mesh-Wire of size 3/4
Casting 20cm thick concrete Ring beam of Grade C-
2.6 m3 1.7
25 with minimum cement 360kg/m3
supply, cut, bend and fix in position reinforcement
a/ ø 6mm kg 66.1
b/ ø 8mm kg 126
c/ ø10mm kg 325
d/ ø 12mm kg 578
Supply and fix3/4 Hexagonal Mesh Wire for hoop
2.8 m2 55
Sub total
Fixing of good quality wooden or metal form work
2.9 m2 54
firmly with strong strutting & tight to avoid Bleeding

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Rate Amount
& Bulging out

3 Masonry work
Construction of 20 x 20 cm thick Masonry Wall on
3.1 both side of the Concrete - Core embedded with m3 20.6
cement Sand mortar of mix 1 : 3
Floor finish 30 mm thick trawl and smooth finish with
3.2 m2 18.1
1:3 cement Sand mortar screed
Semi Dressed Stone Pavement around the Reservoir
3.3 m2 36
1.0 m wide cemented with in 1:3 mix cement mortar
Construction of Semi-Circular 30 cm diameter
3.4 m 38
Drainage Ditch as per drawing
1.4mx1.4m masonry Valve chamber construction as
shown in the drawing including 80cmX80cm metal
3.5 LS 2
sheet for manhole cover with thickness 4mm with all
3.6 Reservoir man hole cover as per standard dimension No. 1
4 Mislaneous& Finishing
Supply & install all necessary pipes & fittings with all
necessary accessories, gate valves, Float Valves as per
4.1 LS 1
the Design Drawings for In-let, Out-let, Vent pipe
Drain,& Over-flow system of the reservoir
A Inlet pipes and fittings with PN 10
DN 80GS pipe formed into the required pieces for
4.1.1 suitable connections including unions, nipples & m 12
4.1.2 GS 90 deg bend DN 80 PN 10 no 2
4.1.3 DN 80 internally threaded gate valve PN 10 no 1
4.1.4 OD 90 TO 3" Female Adapter no 1
Medium Class Outlet GI pipes & PN10 Fittings with
DN 80GS pipe formed into the required pieces for
4.1.6 suitable connections including unions, nipples & m 12
GS 90 deg bend DN 80 PN 10 no 2
4.1.7 DN 80 internally threaded water meter PN 10 no 1
4.1.8 DN 80 internally threaded gate valve PN 10 no 1
4.1.9 OD 90 TO 3" Female Adapter no 1
Medium class Over flow and Drainage pipes & PN 10
4.1.10 DN 80 internally threaded 90 degree bend no 2
4.1.11 DN 80 internally threaded tee PN 10 no 1
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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Rate Amount
4.1.12 DN 80 internally threaded gate valve PN 10 no 1
4.1.13 Medium class Vent pipes & PN 10 Fittings
4.1.14 DN 2.5” vent pipe no 1
4.1.15 DN 2.5” GS tee no 1
4.1.16 DN 2.5” GS nipples no 1
4.1.17 DN 2.5” GS elbow no 1
Supply and install both External & Internal Ladder
made of Class B, G S Pipe of 1 ½” Length 3.0 m
4.2 No 2
having extra 1.0 m high handle at the top for External
Install and fix quality water meter DN 80 mm at the
4.3 outlet of the reservoir with appropriate fittings and No 1
Gate Valve.
Plastering the whole inner wall face and exposed faces
4.4 of concrete works with three coats of cement sand m2 94
mortar of mix 1 : 2
4.6 Pointing the whole External face of the masonry wall
m2 56.5
with cement mortar mix 1 : 2
Supply and erect fence of 40mm*30mm*3mm angle
iron stands c/c spaced at 100cm to a height of 2m
above ground level with 6 lines of barbed wire
5.1 200mm and 400mm spacing the bottom 4 and upper 2 m 80
lines, respectively with cross diagonal & to a depth of
50cm embedded in concrete foundation of
Construct 1500mmx3000mm size gate with metal
frame and rectangular hollow tube 80mmRHS
5.2 No 1
including 2mm sheet metal having three coats of
antirust painting including hinges and lock.
Total for one 50m3 reservoir

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report


Rate Amount
1 Earth Work
Site clearing & grubbing up to a average depth of 20
1.1 m2 43
Foundation excavation to a depth of 75 cm below
1.2 m3 32.2
ground level
Filling and compacting foundation base with selected
1.3 m3 6.43
materials for 20 cms
Placing 40 cm thick basaltic stone or equivalent hard
1.4 m3 20.4
core well-rolled consolidated and blinded with gravel
Back filling around a foundation with approved
1.5 selected materials from site well rammed in layer of m3 22.1
20 cm
Cart away surplus excavated materials from the site to
1.6 m3 40.8
a distance of 100 m
2 concrete work
Casting 50 mm thick Lean concrete over hard-core
2.1 with Grade C-15 concrete with minimum cement m2 30.2
Casting 25 cm thick Base slab in Grade C-25
2.2 reinforced concrete with minimum cement 360kg/m3 m3 7.55
mix 1:2:4
Casting 20 cm thick Roof cover slab with Grade C-25
2.3 m3 6.8
reinforced concrete of minimum cement 360kg/m3
Construction of friction key with Grade C-25
2.4 m3 0.83
reinforced concrete simultaneously with base slab
Construction of 10 cm thick reinforced concrete Grade
2.5 C-25 filled between masonry wall reinforced with m3 5.2
Hexagonal Mesh-Wire of size 3/4
Casting 20cm thick concrete Ring beam of Grade C-
2.6 m3 1.7
25 with minimum cement 360kg/m3
supply, cut, bend and fix in position reinforcement
a/ ø 6mm kg 66.1
b/ ø 8mm kg 126
c/ ø10mm kg 325
d/ ø 12mm kg 578
Supply and fix3/4 Hexagonal Mesh Wire for hoop
2.8 m2 55
Sub total
2.9 Fixing of good quality wooden or metal form work m2 54

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Rate Amount
firmly with strong strutting & tight to avoid Bleeding
& Bulging out
3 Masonry work
Construction of 20 x 20 cm thick Masonry Wall on
3.1 both side of the Concrete - Core embedded with m3 20.6
cement Sand mortar of mix 1 : 3
Floor finish 30 mm thick trawl and smooth finish with
3.2 m2 18.1
1:3 cement Sand mortar screed
Semi Dressed Stone Pavement around the Reservoir
3.3 m2 36
1.0 m wide cemented with in 1:3 mix cement mortar
Construction of Semi-Circular 30 cm diameter
3.4 m 38
Drainage Ditch as per drawing
1.4mx1.4m masonry Valve chamber construction as
shown in the drawing including 80cmX80cm metal
3.5 LS 2
sheet for manhole cover with thickness 4mm with all
3.6 Reservoir man hole cover as per standard dimension No. 1
4 Mislaneous& Finishing
Supply & install all necessary pipes & fittings with all
necessary accessories, gate valves, Float Valves as per
4.1 LS 1
the Design Drawings for In-let, Out-let, Vent pipe
Drain,& Over-flow system of the reservoir
A Inlet pipes and fittings with PN 10
DN 80GS pipe formed into the required pieces for
4.1.1 suitable connections including unions, nipples & m 12
4.1.2 GS 90 deg bend DN 80 PN 10 no 2
4.1.3 DN 80 internally threaded gate valve PN 10 no 1
4.1.4 OD 90 TO 3" Female Adapter no 1
Medium Class Outlet GI pipes & PN10 Fittings with
DN 80GS pipe formed into the required pieces for
4.1.6 suitable connections including unions, nipples & m 12
GS 90 deg bend DN 80 PN 10 no 2
4.1.7 DN 80 internally threaded water meter PN 10 no 1
4.1.8 DN 80 internally threaded gate valve PN 10 no 1
4.1.9 OD 90 TO 3" Female Adapter no 1
Medium class Over flow and Drainage pipes & PN 10
4.1.10 DN 80 internally threaded 90 degree bend no 2

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Rate Amount
4.1.11 DN 80 internally threaded tee PN 10 no 1
4.1.12 DN 80 internally threaded gate valve PN 10 no 1
4.1.13 Medium class Vent pipes & PN 10 Fittings
4.1.14 DN 2.5” vent pipe no 1
4.1.15 DN 2.5” GS tee no 1
4.1.16 DN 2.5” GS nipples no 1
4.1.17 DN 2.5” GS elbow no 1
Supply and install both External & Internal Ladder
made of Class B, G S Pipe of 1 ½” Length 3.0 m
4.2 No 2
having extra 1.0 m high handle at the top for External
Install and fix quality water meter DN 80 mm at the
4.3 outlet of the reservoir with appropriate fittings and No 1
Gate Valve.
Plastering the whole inner wall face and exposed faces
4.4 of concrete works with three coats of cement sand m2 94
mortar of mix 1 : 2
4.6 Pointing the whole External face of the masonry wall
m2 56.5
with cement mortar mix 1 : 2
Supply and erect fence of 40mm*30mm*3mm angle
iron stands c/c spaced at 100cm to a height of 2m
above ground level with 6 lines of barbed wire
5.1 200mm and 400mm spacing the bottom 4 and upper 2 m 80
lines, respectively with cross diagonal & to a depth of
50cm embedded in concrete foundation of
Construct 1500mmx3000mm size gate with metal
frame and rectangular hollow tube 80mmRHS
5.2 No 1
including 2mm sheet metal having three coats of
antirust painting including hinges and lock.
Total for one 50m3 reservoir

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report


Unit Total
Item Description Unit Quantity price amount
1 Earth work
Clearing and removal of top soil to
1.1 average depth of 25cm m2 15.84
Excavation in ordinary soil to a depth
1.2 not greater than 1m m3 9.50
Cart away the excavated material not
1.3 less than 1000m m3 30.12
Back fill and compacted with selected
1.4 soil 20cm layer by layer m3 13.50
1.5 25 cm thick hard core fill m2 6.6
2 Masonry Work
Stone masonry with cement mortar 1:3
2.1 ratio with pointing m2 11.8575
One meter width semi dressed stone
2.2 pavement (1:3) ratio mix m2 16
stone masonrytrapezoidal drainage
2.3 ditch mix(1:3) m 13.6
3 Concrete works
3.1 5cm thick C-5 lean m2 4.00
C-25 concrete column, gradebeam,
3.2 Intermediate beam & top tie beam
3.2.1 floor slab m3 1.24
3.2.2 grade beam m3 0.50
3.2.3 in elvn column m3 0.40
3.2.4 in suspended beams m3 0.50
3.2.5 for lintel m3 0.10
sub total
4 sawn zigba form work
4.1 2 side grade beam m2 7.00
4.2 in elvn column m2 3.00
4.3 in suspended beams m2 3.40
5 Reinforcement
5.1 ø06mm bar kg 12.00
5.2 ø08mm bar kg 30.70
5.3 ø12mm bar kg 137.10
sub total
6 Supply and construct HCB walling
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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Unit Total
Item Description Unit Quantity price amount
6.1 class "C" 20cm thick HCB wall m2 26
sub total
6.2 Roofing
fabrication & installation of eucalyptus
truss, upper and lower cords(10cm
upper and lower rafters 6cm verticals
6.2.1 and diagonals) Ls 1
6.2.2 5*7cm Purlinwood at 90 cm spacing m 18.4
Gauge 32 corrugated iron sheet Roof
6.2.3 cover m2 10.08
6.2.4 Facia Board 20 cm wide m 6.00
gauge 32 galvanized iron guttersheet
6.2.5 corrugated iron m 4.60
DITTO 6.2.5 but 10*15cm down pipe
6.2.6 fixed to wall m 4.00
sub total
7 Door and window
Metal window size 1200x700mm Sheet
metal thickness 2 mm with all
7.1 accessory including lock pcs 1
Metal door size 2100x700mm with
7.2 2mm thick sheet metal pcs 1
supply and install lumps and flush
mounted socket with all necessary
7.3 accessory Ls 1

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

BOQ NO-6- Water Point

Part 1:four faucet

No. Descriptions Unit Quantity Amount
1 Earth Work
Clearing and removal of top soil to an average
1.1 m2 35
depth of 20cm
Bulk excavation for foundation to a depth not
1.2 m3 13.69
exceeding 500mm
Cart away surplus excavated material to a
1.3 m3 20.69
distance not exceeding 1000m
Supply and place 250mm thick basaltic hardcore
1.4 m2 10
blinded with crushed aggregate
Supply and install Trapezoidal drainage ditch
1.5 pipes DN 300mm for surface drainage around M 23.2
water point stand
100mm thick C-20 mass concrete in water point
2.1 m2 10.24
base and on the surface of the hard core
100mm thick concrete class C-20 in manhole
2.2 m2 3
floor and cover
2.3 Ditto, but in water point pillar and seating floor m2 2.89
Supply, cut and fix mild steel reinforcement bars
3.1 of dia.8mm and 10mm for manhole cover, as Kg 8
shown in the drawing
4.1 For water point base m2 0.68
4.2 For water point pillar, cover slab and seating floor m 2.32
Sub Total
Hard Basaltic or equivalent stone masonry water
5.1 m3 2.85
point wall grouted and filled with 1:3 mortar
400mm thick Basaltic stone or equivalent
5.2 m3 0.58
manhole walls grouted in 1:3 mortar
Sub Total

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No. Descriptions Unit Quantity Amount
Three coats of plastering to internal walls of
6.1 m2 2.52
manhole, using 1:3 mortar
Pointing stone masonry wall of water point with
6.2 m2 8.04
rich mortar
30mm thick sand and cement floor screed 1:3
6.3 m2 22.5
mix ratio
Sub Total
7.1 For four Faucet
7.1.1 G.S pipe 1'' of class 'B' Type m 12
7.1.2 Elbow 90 deg. dia. 1" Pcs 4
7.1.3 Reducer dia. 1"x3/4" Pcs 4
7.1.4 Tee dia. 1” Pcs 3
7.1.5 Faucet dia.3/4" Pcs 4
7.1.6 Water Meter dia. 1" Pcs 1
7.1.7 Gate Valve dia. 1" Pcs 1
7.1.8 socket dia.1" Pcs 4
7.1.9 Nipples dia 1" Pcs 4
7.1.10 Union dia 1" Pcs 2
7.2 For one Faucet (2 in NO.)
7.2.1 G.S pipe 1'' of class 'B' Type m 12
7.2.2 Elbow 90 deg. dia. 1" Pcs 4
7.2.3 Reducer dia. 1"x3/4" Pcs 2
7.2.4 Tee dia. 1” Pcs 3
7.2.5 Faucet dia.3/4" Pcs 1
7.2.6 Water Meter dia. 1" Pcs 1
7.2.7 Gate Valve dia. 1" Pcs 1
7.2.8 socket dia.1" Pcs 4
7.2.9 Nipples Dia 1" Pcs 4
7.2.10 Union Dia 1" Pcs 2
Supply and erect fence of 40mm*30mm*3mm
angle iron stands c/c spaced at 100cm to a height
8.1 of 2m above ground level with 6 lines of barbed m 26
wire 200mm and 400mm spacing the bottom 4
and upper 2 lines, respectively with cross

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No. Descriptions Unit Quantity Amount
diagonal & to a depth of 50cm embedded in
concrete foundation of 200mm*200mm.

Supply and erect 1200mmx2000mm gate with

metal frame and rectangular hollow tube 80mm
8.2 RHS Pole including 2mm thick sheet metal N0 1
having three coats of antirust painting including
hinges and lock.
Sub Total
1.2mx1.2m masonry Valve chamber construction
as shown in the drawing including 80cmX80cm
9 No 1
metal sheet for manhole cover with thickness
4mm with all accessory.
Sub Total
Total Sum for 4 faucet 9

Part2: Six faucet

Item U.
No. Description Unit Qty Price Amount
1 Earth Work
Clearing of site to remove top soil to a adept of
1.1 20cm m2 42

1.2 Bulk excavation for up to a depth of 80 cm m3 6

Cart away and dump excavated surplus material
1.3 to a distance not exceeding 1 km from site. m3 6
Provide, fill and compact in layers 20cm
1.4 selected material for foundation m3 6
provide and fill hard core with hard basaltic or
equivalent stone, well compacted and blinded
with crushed stone to a finished thickness of 25
1.5 cm m2 14
Sub total
2 Concrete Work

2.1 10 cm thick C-15 mass concrete m3 1

Sub total
3 Masonry Work
Provide and construct 300 mm thick traychytic
basaltic masonry wall grouted and fill with
3.1 cement mortar ratio (1:3) m3 2

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Item U.
No. Description Unit Qty Price Amount
Apply pointing to all external masonry wall with
3.2 cement mortar ratio (1:3) m2 9
Sub total
4 Pipe and fitting work
4.1 supplying and installing Gs pipes

4.1.1 DN 40mm GI m 12
4.2 supplying and installing fittings for 4 faucets

4.2.1 DN 40 mm GI Tee Pcs 1

4.2.2 DN 40 mm GI Elbow ( 90 degree) Pcs 5

4.2.3 DN 25 mm Faucet Pcs 6

4.2.4 DN 40 Gate valve Pcs 1

4.2.5 Nipples DN 40 mm Pcs 6

4.2.6 DN40 to DN25 GI reducer Pcs 6

4.2.7 Nipples DN 25 mm Pcs 6

4.2.8 Water meter DN 40 mm Pcs 1

4.2.9 Socket DN 40 mm Pcs 1

4.2.10 DN 40 mm GI cross Tee Pcs 2

HDPE male compression adapter (1 1/2 *50mm)
to connect OD 50mm HDPE and DN 40mm GI
4.2.10 pipe No. 2
Provide and constrct 300 mm thick traychytic
basaltic masonry valve chamber grouted and fill
with cement mortar ratio (1:3). The price shall
4.2.11 include reinforced cover as per the drawing No. 1
Sub total
5 Drainage work
lined masonry drainage ditch around the public
fountain to prevent entrance of flood and related
sediments as per the drawing.the price include
5.1 excavation and any other incidental works. m 24
Sub total

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Item U.
No. Description Unit Qty Price Amount
6 Fence work
Supply and erect fencing of galvanized wire
mesh 80mm GI pipe posts @ 2000mm spacing,
2600mm high (2100mm above OGL) and struts
are to be embedded in concrete C-25 to a depth
of 500 mm as detailed on the drawings including
6.1 earth work and all associated works. m 31
Supply and erect 1850900mm gate of RHS
frame and 2mm thick metal sheet, complete with
6.2 hinges and lock No. 1
Sub total
Total for one school fountain

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report


Unit Total
Item Description Unit Quantity price amount
1 Earth work
Clearing and removal of top soil to average depth
1.1 of 25cm m2 16.34
Excavation in ordinary soil to a depth not greater
1.2 than 800mm m3 52.10
Cart away the excavated material not less than
1.3 500m m3 52.10
Back fill and compacted with selected soil 20cm
1.4 layer by layer m3 13.00
Sub Total
2 Masonry Work
2.1 Stone masonry with cement mortar 1:3 ratio m3 24
2.2 25cm thick hard -core filling m2 56
sub total
3 Concrete works
3.1 2cm thick cement screed m2 56
15cm thick C-20 mass concrete above the hard
3.2 core m3 8.40
C-25 concrete Generator seat, column,
3.4 gradebeam,Intermidate beam & top tie beam
3.4.1 generator seat(25cm) m3 1.40
3.4.3 column m3 2.97
3.4.4 grade beam m3 2.25
3.4.5 top tie beam m3 2.80
3.4.6 for lintel m3 0.60
sub total
4 Reinforcement
4.1 ø14mm bar for column and generator seat kg 143.73
4.2 ø12mm bar for column and generator seat kg 142.21
4.3 ø10mm bar for top tie beam and grade beam kg 75.00
4.4 ø08mm bar stirrups for column & grade beam kg 56.49
4.5 ø06mm bar for stirrups kg 49.00
sub total
5 Supply and construct HCB walling
5.1 class "B" 20cm thick HCB wall m2 120
5.2 class "B" 15cm thick HCB wall m2 15.4

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Unit Total
Item Description Unit Quantity price amount
5.3 Plastering of internal HCB wall m2 120
5.4 Plastering of external HCB wall(1:3) ratio m2 130
Rendering to stone H.C.B wall in cement mortar
5.5 (1:3) mix. m2 130.00

Apply three coat of synthetic enamel paint to

5.6 plastered Vertical surfaces, beams and columns m2 12
sub total
6 Roofing
6.1 Gauge 28 corrugated iron sheet Roof cover m2 56.00
sub total
7 Door and window

Metal door size 1200x2500mm Sheet metal

7.1 thickness 2 mm with all accessory including lock pcs 2
Metal door size 1500x2800mm with 2 mm thick
7.2 sheet metal pcs 1

LoverdWindow size 700*1200mm 2mm thick

7.3 Sheet metal including lock with necessary pcs 2
NormalWindow size 1800*1200mm 2mm thick
7.4 Sheet metal including lock with necessary pcs 1
8 Truss work

8.1 8cm diam. Vertical & Diagonal Eucalyptus truss. m 61

8.2 10cm diam eucalyptus for lower & upper chord. m 69

8.3 50*70mm eucalyptus purlin m 50
9 Gutter, down pipe& pavement
9.1 G28 flat metal sheet gutter ml 8
9.2 flat metal sheet down pipe ml 8.2
9.3 Pavement around the building. ml 34.00
10 Facia Board(20cm) m 16
11 Fence Work

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Unit Total
Item Description Unit Quantity price amount
Supply and erect fence of 6 lines of Wire mesh
and 400mm spacing, with cross diagonal on angle
iron poles 5cmx4cm*3mm,spaced at 1m interval
and bracers at the corners, embedded in 100mm
concrete around the pole to depth of 500 mm and
11.1 including gate ml 90
Supply and erect 2000mmx2000mm gate with
metal frame and rectangular hollow tube 80mm
RHS Pole including 2mm thick sheet metal door
having three coats of antirust painting including
11.2 hinges and lock. No. 1
supply and install lumps and flush mounted socket
12 with all necessaryaccessory Ls 1

BOQ 9: Generator and Pump House

No. Activity Description Unit Qty. Unit Amount

1 Excavation and Earthworks

1.1 Site clearing to a depth not exceeding 20cm m2 70

1.2 Bulk excavation for foundation to a depth not m3
exceeding 1m 27
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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

No. Activity Description Unit Qty. Unit Amount

1.3 Cart away all excavated material, deposit to m3
appropriate distance not exceeding 50m 41
1.4 Selected material back-fill and compaction m3 10.8
1.5 Hardcore 25cm thick m2
2 Masonry work
2.1 Stone masonry for foundation wall bedded in m3
cement mortar 1:4 6.48
2.2 semi dressed stone around the building m2 61.75
3 Structural Work
3.1 Class C-25
a. In Grade beams and footing m3 40.38
b. In floor slab m3

c. In column lintel and tie beam m3 38.64
3.2 Class C-25 RC for 2 Generator seats m3 1.281
3.3 provide cut, bend and fix in position reinforced
steel bar. All according to structural drawing.
Price shall include tying wires.
a. Diameter 12 mm deformed bar kg 767.43
b. Diameter 10mm deformed bar kg 125.09
c. Diameter 6mm deformed bar kg 21.45078
3.4 supply and fix in position sawn formwork
a. For grade beams, column, lintel and tie beam m2 75.6

4 HCB ( Class-B) wall including sand cement

mortar and both sides left for pointing
a. of 200mm 'thickness m2
m2 18
b. of 100mm thickness
5 Roof Works

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No. Activity Description Unit Qty. Unit Amount

5.1 Eucalyptus truss of
a. Lower chord 100mm dia m 51.2
b. Upper chord 100mm dia m 52
c. Diagonals and uppers 80mm dia m 51.2
5.2 Eucalyptus purlins 70 x 50mm m 136.8
5.3 Roof cover C.I sheet G-28 m2 105.94

5.4 Gutter in GI 150 x 100mm m 15

5.6 Down pipe ditto but 100 x 100mm m 13.5

5.6 Fascia board m 29.14
6 Metal Works
Note: The metal work include cleaning of the
metals from unnecessary material, paint anti-rust
and two coats of enamel paint, all necessary
bolts and welding plates. The color of the paint
shall be as the Engineers preference.
6.1 metal doors, size. 2.0 x 2.8m with 2mm thick Pcs 1
metal sheet
6.2 metal doors, size. 1.2 x 2.1m with 2mm thick Pcs 1
metal sheet
6.3 Sheet metal widow, size 1.20 x 1.20m with 2mm Pcs 1
thick metal sheet
6.4 Ventilated widow, size, 2x1.8 m with hinge & Pcs 1
7 Finishing work
7.1 Rendering of internal and external walls m2 314.4
7.2 Apply 12mm thick plastering for m2 74.58
beams,columns,lintels with 1:2 mix
7.4 40mm thick cement screed m2 54
8 Electrical and Lighting
Light points, light fittings with lamp and sockets LS 1

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No. Activity Description Unit Qty. Unit Amount

9 Manually operated monorail crane with fixed I LS 1
beam as shown in the drawing

8.1 Supply and erect fancing of galvanized wire m 100.00
mesh and RHS gate as detailed, include for all
intermidatestraining.Gate and 80mm gi pipe
posts @2000mm spacing.2600 mm height (2100
mm above OGL) and struts are to be embeded in
concrete C-25 to a depth of 500mm as detailed
on the drawings
8.2 Supply and erect 4000mm x 1500 mm gate of 80 No 1.00
mm GS pipe poles frame and metal sheet,coplete
with hinges and lock (2mm thick)
Carried to Summary

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Installation of electro-mechanical BOQ Of Bursa water supply project (PART1A)

Item Description Unit Qty supply and
A. Installation of submersible Pump Unit total
rate amount
1.1 Installation of Electric submersible pump with a motor of Set 1
380V/400V, 50hz complete with non-return valve, 3"
threaded pump outlet (if the pump outlet is< or>3" the
reducer must be heavy duty GS) Q=7.92l/s, H=213m,
pump power <=26kw, pump position =148m below
ground, pump efficiency at duty point should be
>70%.casing diameter 8”

1.2 26kw control panel board with level sensors with Auto pcs 1
transformer, impedance type, soft starter or equivalent
starting type
1.3 copper wire size 1x1.5sqmm with copper electrodes mtr 400
1.4 vulcanizing kit with chemical epoxy/heat shrink Set 1
1.5 copper power cable from control panel board to motor mtr 148
size 3*25sqmm,flat type cable
1.6 copper power cable from generator to MTS 3x25sqmm mtr 9
1.7 copper power cable from EEPCO to MTS 3x25sqmm mtr 10
1.8 copper power cable from MTS to control panel board mtr 5
1.9 Metal body Cable tray, cable tie, cable supports & cable Set 1
lags etc. as required within the system.
1.1 3" medium class GS pipe clamp pair 2
2 Installationof standby diesel generator
2.1 Installation diesel generator set, continuous rating, as per set 1
the technical specification, engine & alternator pre-
installed on a common rigid frame, switchgear panel,
day tank incorporated into the frame, exhaust piping
system, including manufacturer working, service
&maintenance manual, spare part catalogue(fuel and oil
filter, air cleaner, belt, electrical and mechanical toolkit,
etc) and all accessories required for installation with
prime power =70kva, three phase, 400V, 50hz, 1500
2.2 Earthling materials, including 25sqmm earthling copper Set 1
cable, 25sqmm, 1.2m length of copper rods, tape
bonding straps etc. as necessary for the earthling

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Item Description Unit Qty supply and

A. Installation of submersible Pump Unit total
rate amount
2.2 Florescent lamp with all accessories for lighting and pcs 4
sockets system, circuit breaker 10A and 16A as ordered
by site engineer
2.3 Four pole Metal body wall mounted Manual Transfer Pcs 1
switch 85A with cable lag
2.4 Nuts and bolts LS 1
2.5 Anchor bolts PCS 4
2.6. Breaker MCCB 85A wall mounted PCS 1
3 Installation of pipes and fittings
3.1 3 " GS medium class riser pipe as per BS 1387, Pcs 25
preferably threaded appropriate for the above
submersible pump with bedded type socket , length of
3.2 Treaded Wolman water meter turbine type,DN80, PN10 Pcs 1
3.3 Double Flanged Gate valve, DN80mm PN10 Pcs 1
3.4 double flanged Non-return valve (check valve), Pcs 1
DN80mm, PN10
3.5 GS double flanged Elbow 900 DN 80,PN 10 Pcs 3
3.6 flanged Dismantling joint, DN80,PN10 Pcs 2
3.7 Pressure gauge, 0-10 bar with isolating cocks and No 1
½”male socket outlet
3.9 Double Flanged Gate valve, DN80mm PN10 pcs 1
3.1 GS Well headcover flange DN80, with compatible the Pcs 1
well hole at the center to be welded with the riser pipe
,with 16mm thickness and outer diameter 16”(surface
casing dia. 14”)
3.11 Double orifice flanged Air release valve with isolating Pcs 1
gate valve,DN80 PN10
3.12 Double flanged3 " GS medium class piece pipe, Pcs 1
L=1000mm(for pressure gauge installation with
appropriate socket welding to this pipe)
3.13 Double flanged3 " GS medium class piece pipe, Pcs 1
3.14 Single flanged3 " GS medium class piece pipe, pcs 1
3.15 double flanged3" GS medium class piece pipe, Pcs 1

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Item Description Unit Qty supply and

A. Installation of submersible Pump Unit total
rate amount
3.16 pipe support with pipe clamp, foot plate and anchor Ls 3
bolts with 3” pipe
3.17 GS 3” double flanged medium class pipe ,L=6000mm Pcs 1
3.18 GS elbow 90 degree DN80,PN10 No 1
3.19 HDPE female adapter DN80mm, PN10 LS 1
3.2 HDPE OD75,PN10 for cable duct mts 15

Installation of electro-mechanical BOQ OfBursa water supply project (PART1B)

1B Installation of surface Pump and Generator

Item Description Unit Qty supply and

Unit rate total
1 Installation of surface pump
1.1 installation of Electric Surface pump with a Set 2
motor of 380V/400V, 50hz complete with non-
return valve, 3" threaded pump outlet(if the
pump outlet is< or>3" the reducer must be
heavy duty GS) Q=7.92l/s, H=160.85m, pump
power <=22kw, pump position placed at
ground, pump efficiency at duty point should be
1.2 22kw control panel board with Auto pcs 1
transformer, impedance type, soft starter or
equivalent starting type
1.3 copper wire size 1x1.5sqmm with copper mtr 400
1.4 vulcanizing kit with chemical epoxy/heat shrink Set 1
1.5 copper power cable from control panel board to mtr 35
motor size 3*16sqmm,flat or round type cable(if
starting type is star delta, the cable should be
1.6 copper power cable from generator to MTS mtr 9

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Item Description Unit Qty supply and

Unit rate total
1.7 copper power cable from EEPCO to MTS mtr 20
1.8 copper power cable from MTS to control panel mtr 9
board 3x16sqmm
1.9 Metal body Cable tray, cable tie, cable supports Set 1
& cable lags etc. as required within the system.
Sub. TOTAL _ _
2 Installation of standby diesel generator
2.1 Installation of diesel generator set, continuous set 1
rating, as per the technical specification, engine
& alternator pre-installed on a common rigid
frame, switchgear panel, day tank incorporated
into the frame, exhaust piping system, including
manufacturer working, service &maintenance
manual, spare part catalogue(fuel and oil filter,
air cleaner, belt, electrical and mechanical
toolkit, etc) and all accessories required for
supply of diesel generator… installation with
prime power =60kva, three phase, 400V, 50hz,
1500 RPM.
2.2 Earthling materials, including 25sqmm earthling Set 1
copper cable, 25sqmm, 1.2m length of copper
rods, tape bonding straps etc. as necessary for
the earthling requirements
2.2 Florescent lamp with all accessories for lighting pcs 4
and sockets system, circuit breaker 10A and
16A as ordered by site engineer
2.3 Manual Transfer switch 80A with cable lag to Pcs 1
metal body floor stand and lockable manual
transverse switch (MTS)
2.4 Breaker 80A wall mounted and lockable Pcs 1
2.4 Nuts and bolts LS 1
2.5 Anchor bolts PCS 4
3 pipes and fittings
3.1 Suction side pipes and fittings installation
3.1.1 GS flanged strainer DN80, PN10 pcs 1
3.1.2 GS Double flanged 3" medium class short piece pcs 2
pipe, L=3000mm

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Item Description Unit Qty supply and

Unit rate total
3.1.3 Double flanged gate valve, DN 80PN 10 with pcs 1
3.1.4 GS blaind flange DN 80 PN 10 pcs 1
3.1.5 flanged dismantling joint DN 80 PN 10 pcs 1
3.1.6 GS Double flanged DN 80mm pipe with two pcs 1
80mm on the same side single flanged piece
pipes welded on it L=3000mm
3.1.7 GS Double flanged 3" medium class short piece pcs 1
pipe, L=1500mm
3.1.8 GS double flanged 90 degree bend DN 80 PN pcs 2
3.1.9 flanged dismantling joint DN 80 PN 10 pcs 2
3.1.10 Double flanged gate valve, DN80 PN 10 with pcs 2
3.1.11 GS Double flanged eccentric reducer, DN80, pcs 2
PN10 with one side to fit pump suction flange
3.2 Delivery Side pipes and fittingsinsatllation
3.2.1 GS double flanged concentric reducer DN 80, pcs 2
PN 20 with one side to fit pump delivery flange
3.2.2 Double flanged check valve DN 80, PN 20 pcs 2
3.2.3 Flanged dismantling joint DN 80, PN 20 pcs 2
3.2.4 Double flanged gate valve DN 80, PN 20 pcs 2
3.2.5 GS double flanged 90 degree bend DN 80, PN pcs 4
3.2.6 GS double flanged 80mm medium class pipe pcs 1
with two 80mm medium class flanged piece
pipes with equal spacing as suction side
manifold pipe welded on it, L=3000mm
3.2.7 Pressure gauge, glycerin filled 0-20 bar with Pcs 1
isolating cock &1" male socket outlet
3.2.8 GS double flanged 90 degree bend DN 80, PN pcs 2
3.2.9 GS Double flanged 3" medium class short piece pcs 2
pipe, L=500mm
3.2.10 Double flanged turbine type water meter DN pcs 1
80, PN 20
3.2.11 Double flanged check valve DN 80, PN 20 pcs 1
3.2.12 Flanged dismantling joint DN 80, PN20 pcs 1

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Item Description Unit Qty supply and

Unit rate total
3.2.13 Double orifice Flanged air release valve,DN80, Pcs 1
3.2.14 GS Double flanged Tee DN 80 /80/80 PN20( pcs 2
for ARV & washout system)
3.2.15 Double flanged gate valve, , DN 80 PN 20 with pcs 1
3.2.16 Double flanged gate valve, , DN 80 PN 20 with Pcs 1
wheel (for ARV & washout system)
3.2.17 GS Double flanged 3" medium class short piece Pcs 3
pipe, L=1000mm
3.2.18 GS single flanged 3" medium class short piece Pcs 3
pipe, L=2000mm
3.2.19 GS blind flange DN 80 PN 20 Pcs 1
3.2.20 pipe support with pipe clamp, foot plate and ls 3
anchor bolts
3.2.21 anchor blocks as per the engineer order ls 2
3.2.22 GS flange adapter DN 80 PN20 Pcs 1

3.2.3 OD 110" stub flange adapter PN20 Pcs 1


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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Part II:1. Supply of pipes and fittings for rising main

Supply of HDPE Pipe PE 100 PN 20AND
PN 10 PIPES COST including butt weld at
3.2 joints
3.2.1 OD 110, PN 20 m 2792

3.2.2 OD 110, PN 10 m 1533

Supply of DN 100 wash out with all
3.2.2 accessory No. 1.00
Supply of PN 20 OD 110 and PN 10 OD
3.3 110 Butt weld HDPE PE 100 FITTINGS
3.3.1 OD 110ninty degree bendPN20 No. 2.00
3.3.2 OD 110 degree bendPN20 No. 2.00
OD 110 flanged adapter PN20with Back
3.3.4 ringing No. 2.00
3.3.5 OD 110 ninty degree bendPN 10 No. 1.00
3.3.6 OD 110 degree bendPN 10 No. 1.00
OD 110 flanged adapter PN 10 with Back
3.3.7 ringing No. 1.00


Supply of HDPE PE 100 PN10 cost include
2 compression at joints
2.1 OD 40 mm m
2.2 OD 50mm m 2817
2.3 OD 63mm m 1626
Supply of HDPE PE 100 PN10 cost include Butt
3 weld at points
3.1 OD 75 mm m
3.2 OD 90mm m 531
4.1.1 OD40mm No. 2
4.1.2 OD 50mm No. 3
4.1.3 OD 63mm No. 2

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Supply of HDPE PE 100 PN10 cost include

2 compression at joints
4.2.1 OD 75/50/75mm No. 2
4.2.2 OD 90/40/90mm No. 2
4.3.1 OD 90mm/50mm No. 1
4.3.2 OD 75mm/50mm No. 3
4.3.3 OD 75mm/40mm No. 1
4.3.4 OD 50mm/40mm No. 2
4.3.5 OD63/40mm No. 2
4.3.6 OD 50/40mm No. 1
4.4 GI, PN10 ALL, Flanged Gate valve, CLASS B
4.4.1 DN40mm No. 2
4.4.2 DN50mm No. 4
4.4.3 DN 65mm No. 4
4.5.1 OD90 No. 1
4.5.2 OD75 No. 1
4.5.3 OD63 No. 7
4.5.4 OD50 No. 7
4.5.5 OD40 No. 2
4.6.1 OD 40mm No. 4
4.6.2 OD 90/40/90mm No. 2
4.6.3 OD 63/50/63mm No. 2
4.6.4 OD 50/40/50mm No. 2
4.7 END CUPS (HDPE) PN 10 PE 100
4.7.1 OD 50 mm No. 2
4.7.2 OD 40mm No. 3
4.8.1 OD 63mm 45 Degree No. 3
4.8.2 OD 50mm 45 Degree No. 2

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report


Supply of electro-mechanical BOQ Of Bursa water supply project (PART1A)

Item Description Unit Qty supply and
A. Supply of submersible Pump Unit total
rate amount
1.1 Supply of Electric submersible pump with a motor of Set 1
380V/400V, 50hz complete with non-return valve, 3"
threaded pump outlet (if the pump outlet is< or>3" the
reducer must be heavy duty GS) Q=4.0l/s, H=213m,
pump power <=26kw, pump position =148m below
ground, pump efficiency at duty point should be
>70%.casing diameter 8”

1.2 26kw control panel board with level sensors with Auto pcs 1
transformer, impedance type, soft starter or equivalent
starting type
1.3 copper wire size 1x1.5sqmm with copper electrodes mtr 400
1.4 vulcanizing kit with chemical epoxy/heat shrink Set 1
1.5 copper power cable from control panel board to motor mtr 148
size 3*25sqmm,flat type cable
1.6 copper power cable from generator to MTS 3x25sqmm mtr 9
1.7 copper power cable from EEPCO to MTS 3x25sqmm mtr 10
1.8 copper power cable from MTS to control panel board mtr 5
1.9 Metal body Cable tray, cable tie, cable supports & cable Set 1
lags etc. as required within the system.
1.1 3" medium class GS pipe clamp pair 2
2 Supply of standby diesel generator
2.1 Supply diesel generator set, continuous rating, as per the set 1
technical specification, engine & alternator pre-installed
on a common rigid frame, switchgear panel, day tank
incorporated into the frame, exhaust piping system,
including manufacturer working, service &maintenance
manual, spare part catalogue(fuel and oil filter, air
cleaner, belt, electrical and mechanical toolkit, etc) and
all accessories required for installation with prime power
=70kva, three phase, 400V, 50hz, 1500 RPM.

2.2 Earthling materials, including 25sqmm earthling copper Set 1

cable, 25sqmm, 1.2m length of copper rods, tape
bonding straps etc. as necessary for the earthling

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Item Description Unit Qty supply and

A. Supply of submersible Pump Unit total
rate amount
2.2 Florescent lamp with all accessories for lighting and pcs 4
sockets system, circuit breaker 10A and 16A as ordered
by site engineer
2.3 Four pole Metal body wall mounted Manual Transfer Pcs 1
switch 85A with cable lag
2.4 Nuts and bolts LS 1
2.5 Anchor bolts PCS 4
2.6. Breaker MCCB 85A wall mounted PCS 1
3 Supply of pipes and fittings
3.1 3 " GS medium class riser pipe as per BS 1387, Pcs 25
preferably threaded appropriate for the above
submersible pump with bedded type socket , length of
3.2 Treaded Wolman water meter turbine type,DN80, PN10 Pcs 1
3.3 Double Flanged Gate valve, DN80mm PN10 Pcs 1
3.4 double flanged Non-return valve (check valve), Pcs 1
DN80mm, PN10
3.5 GS double flanged Elbow 900 DN 80,PN 10 Pcs 3
3.6 flanged Dismantling joint, DN80,PN10 Pcs 2
3.7 Pressure gauge, 0-10 bar with isolating cocks and No 1
½”male socket outlet
3.9 Double Flanged Gate valve, DN80mm PN10 pcs 1
3.1 GS Well headcover flange DN80, with compatible the Pcs 1
well hole at the center to be welded with the riser pipe
,with 16mm thickness and outer diameter 16”(surface
casing dia. 14”)
3.11 Double orifice flanged Air release valve with isolating Pcs 1
gate valve,DN80 PN10
3.12 Double flanged3 " GS medium class piece pipe, Pcs 1
L=1000mm(for pressure gauge installation with
appropriate socket welding to this pipe)
3.13 Double flanged3 " GS medium class piece pipe, Pcs 1
3.14 Single flanged 3 " GS medium class piece pipe, pcs 1
3.15 double flanged3 " GS medium class piece pipe, Pcs 1

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Item Description Unit Qty supply and

A. Supply of submersible Pump Unit total
rate amount
3.16 pipe support with pipe clamp, foot plate and anchor Ls 3
bolts with 3” pipe
3.17 GS 3” double flanged medium class pipe ,L=6000mm Pcs 1
3.18 GS elbow 90 degree DN80,PN10 No 1
3.19 HDPE female adapter DN80mm, PN10 LS 1
3.2 HDPE OD75,PN10 for cable duct mts 15

Supply of electro-mechanical BOQ Of Bursa water supply project (PART1B)

1BSupplyof surface Pump and Generator

Item Description Unit Qty supply and

Unit rate total
1 Supplyof surface pump

1.1 Supply of Electric Surface pump with a motor of Set 2

380V/400V, 50hz complete with non-return
valve, 3" threaded pump outlet(if the pump
outlet is< or> 3" the reducer must be heavy duty
GS) Q=7.92l/s, H=160.85m, pump power
<=22kw, pump position placed at ground, pump
efficiency at duty point should be >65%.
1.2 22kw control panel board with Auto pcs 1
transformer, impedance type, soft starter or
equivalent starting type
1.3 copper wire size 1x1.5sqmm with copper mtr 400
1.4 vulcanizing kit with chemical epoxy/heat shrink Set 1
1.5 copper power cable from control panel board to mtr 35
motor size 3*16sqmm,flat or round type cable(if
starting type is star delta, the cable should be
1.6 copper power cable from generator to MTS mtr 9

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Item Description Unit Qty supply and

Unit rate total
1.7 copper power cable from EEPCO to MTS mtr 20
1.8 copper power cable from MTS to control panel mtr 9
board 3x16sqmm
1.9 Metal body Cable tray, cable tie, cable supports Set 1
& cable lags etc. as required within the system.
Sub. TOTAL _ _
2 Supplyof standby diesel generator
2.1 Supply of diesel generator set, continuous set 1
rating, as per the technical specification, engine
& alternator pre-installed on a common rigid
frame, switchgear panel, day tank incorporated
into the frame, exhaust piping system, including
manufacturer working, service &maintenance
manual, spare part catalogue(fuel and oil filter,
air cleaner, belt, electrical and mechanical
toolkit, etc) and all accessories required for
supply of diesel generator… installation with
prime power =60kva, three phase, 400V, 50hz,
1500 RPM.
2.2 Earthling materials, including 25sqmm earthling Set 1
copper cable, 25sqmm, 1.2m length of copper
rods, tape bonding straps etc. as necessary for
the earthling requirements
2.2 Florescent lamp with all accessories for lighting pcs 4
and sockets system, circuit breaker 10A and
16A as ordered by site engineer
2.3 Manual Transfer switch 80A with cable lag to Pcs 1
metal body floor stand and lockable manual
transverse switch (MTS)
2.4 Breaker 80A wall mounted and lockable Pcs 1
2.4 Nuts and bolts LS 1
2.5 Anchor bolts PCS 4
3 pipes and fittings
3.1 Suction side pipes and fittings supply
3.1.1 GS flanged strainer DN80, PN10 pcs 1

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Item Description Unit Qty supply and

Unit rate total
3.1.2 GS Double flanged 3" medium class short piece pcs 2
pipe, L=3000mm
3.1.3 Double flanged gate valve, DN 80, PN 10 with pcs 1
3.1.4 GS blaind flange DN 80 PN 10 pcs 1
3.1.5 flanged dismantling joint DN 80 PN 10 pcs 1
3.1.6 GS Double flanged DN 80mm pipe with two pcs 1
80mm on the same side single flanged piece
pipes welded on it L=3000mm
3.1.7 GS Double flanged 3" medium class short piece pcs 1
pipe, L=1500mm
3.1.8 GS double flanged 90 degree bend DN 80 PN pcs 2
3.1.9 flanged dismantling joint DN 80 PN 10 pcs 2
3.1.10 Double flanged gate valve, DN80 PN 10 with pcs 2
3.1.11 GS Double flanged eccentric reducer, DN80, pcs 2
PN10 with one side to fit pump suction flange
3.2 Delivery Side pipes and fittings supply
3.2.1 GS double flanged concentric reducer DN 80, pcs 2
PN 20 with one side to fit pump delivery flange
3.2.2 Double flanged check valve DN 80, PN 20 pcs 2
3.2.3 Flanged dismantling joint DN 80, PN 20 pcs 2
3.2.4 Double flanged gate valve DN 80, PN 20 pcs 2
3.2.5 GS double flanged 90 degree bend DN 80, PN pcs 4
3.2.6 GS double flanged 80mm medium class pipe pcs 1
with two 80mm medium class flanged piece
pipes with equal spacing as suction side
manifold pipe welded on it, L=3000mm
3.2.7 Pressure gauge, glycerin filled 0-20 bar with Pcs 1
isolating cock &1" male socket outlet
3.2.8 GS double flanged 90 degree bend DN 80, PN pcs 2
3.2.9 GS Double flanged 3" medium class short piece pcs 2
pipe, L=500mm
3.2.10 Double flanged turbine type water meter DN pcs 1
80, PN 20

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

Item Description Unit Qty supply and

Unit rate total
3.2.11 Double flanged check valve DN 80, PN 20 pcs 1
3.2.12 Flanged dismantling joint DN 80, PN20 pcs 1
3.2.13 Double orifice Flanged air release valve,DN80, Pcs 1
3.2.14 GS Double flanged Tee DN 80 /80/80 PN20( pcs 2
for ARV & washout system)
3.2.15 Double flanged gate valve, , DN 80 PN 20 with pcs 1
3.2.16 Double flanged gate valve, , DN 80 PN 20 with Pcs 1
wheel (for ARV & washout system)
3.2.17 GS Double flanged 3" medium class short piece Pcs 3
pipe, L=1000mm
3.2.18 GS single flanged 3" medium class short piece Pcs 3
pipe, L=2000mm
3.2.19 GS blind flange DN 80 PN 20 Pcs 1
3.2.20 pipe support with pipe clamp, foot plate and ls 3
anchor bolts
3.2.21 anchor blocks as per the engineer order ls 2
3.2.22 GS flange adapter DN 80 PN20 Pcs 1

3.2.3 OD 110" stub flange adapter PN20 Pcs 1



Distribution line

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

IT.NO. Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)

1 NWPGINSHIA 397,529.07 1,365,031.17 2,006.31
2 DL32 397,378.69 1,366,859.62 2,018.76
3 T.2 397,541.79 1,365,092.70 2,001.72
4 DL61 397,418.24 1,365,149.05 2,002.17
5 DL31 397,412.69 1,366,820.22 2,013.08
6 DL30 397,451.13 1,366,781.36 2,007.33
7 MIDER 397,687.25 1,365,294.34 1,993.46
8 NWP4 397,281.00 1,365,168.46 1,994.59
9 DL29 397,484.15 1,366,745.09 2,003.51
10 J8 397,288.68 1,365,220.88 1,991.32
11 DL60 397,276.45 1,365,260.79 1,988.55
12 DL27 397,544.32 1,366,688.30 1,995.97
13 DL59 397,239.31 1,365,325.97 1,982.80
14 DL26 397,557.43 1,366,648.32 1,989.37
15 RR2 397,209.77 1,365,362.06 1,980.40
16 RL2 397,199.40 1,365,367.09 1,980.30
17 DL58 397,132.66 1,365,429.19 1,979.74
18 CHWP.1 397,563.39 1,366,598.16 1,984.27
19 J3 397,583.62 1,366,609.87 1,984.03
20 DL57 397,046.88 1,365,506.08 1,977.05
21 DL56 397,001.41 1,365,541.33 1,977.22
22 SCHWP. 397,621.02 1,366,303.56 1,981.48
23 HCWP.1 397,618.52 1,366,441.65 1,981.45
24 J5 397,631.15 1,366,444.20 1,981.31
25 DL28 397,635.46 1,366,386.89 1,980.86
26 NWP1 397,657.35 1,366,380.00 1,980.70
27 DL55 396,953.61 1,365,566.25 1,975.96
28 NWPG/WUHA 397,893.82 1,366,215.88 1,979.13
29 J-133 397,674.99 1,366,486.48 1,980.00
30 J6 397,701.83 1,366,492.42 1,979.77
31 DL24 397,669.87 1,366,508.61 1,980.01
32 J4 397,649.10 1,366,513.39 1,980.03
33 NWPMAEKEL 397,716.06 1,366,512.46 1,979.17
34 DL23 397,742.12 1,366,464.88 1,978.20
35 DL33 397,833.04 1,366,256.10 1,976.52
36 DL36 397,692.07 1,366,425.83 1,977.78
37 DL54 396,890.17 1,365,573.78 1,972.50
38 J-130 397,643.72 1,366,492.41 1,976.91

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IT.NO. Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)

39 DL25 397,622.12 1,366,542.42 1,976.74
40 DL35 397,702.46 1,366,399.99 1,975.30
41 DL34 397,715.10 1,366,363.99 1,974.30
42 EBARA 396,837.30 1,365,560.14 1,969.14
43 DL21 397,789.33 1,366,370.28 1,973.14
44 DL22 397,770.85 1,366,411.67 1,971.89
45 DL20 397,781.69 1,366,297.90 1,967.48
46 DL52 396,919.60 1,365,590.83 1,960.78
47 DL49 397,135.37 1,365,618.64 1,960.81
48 DL50 397,067.91 1,365,621.58 1,960.11
49 DL47 397,274.62 1,365,654.02 1,958.42
50 DL51 397,024.20 1,365,624.89 1,957.23
51 DL48 397,206.07 1,365,650.19 1,957.42
52 DL17 397,724.62 1,366,130.25 1,958.95
53 DL18 397,752.29 1,366,211.06 1,958.88
54 DL19 397,766.76 1,366,260.58 1,958.73
55 DL46 397,295.65 1,365,658.73 1,955.58
56 DL45 397,328.22 1,365,668.64 1,952.87
57 DL16 397,699.43 1,366,090.83 1,954.30
58 DL44 397,355.22 1,365,675.14 1,950.35
59 DL43 397,385.68 1,365,671.18 1,949.35
60 DL15 397,658.34 1,366,027.34 1,946.54
61 DL42 397,432.16 1,365,696.68 1,938.74
62 DL37 397,638.32 1,365,973.28 1,939.15
63 DL41 397,459.77 1,365,760.03 1,937.56
64 J2 397,636.45 1,365,955.12 1,938.21
65 DL38 397,586.58 1,365,878.52 1,936.97
66 DL40 397,477.27 1,365,793.13 1,933.08
67 DL39 397,532.08 1,365,840.42 1,933.10
68 J1 397,468.09 1,364,328.16 1,915.87
69 J12 397,486.87 1,364,332.57 1,914.58
70 NWPNILY2 396,666.64 1,363,014.35 1,888.35
71 ROR 397,520.18 1,364,308.73 1,912.85
72 ROL 397,539.14 1,364,297.10 1,911.85
73 DL83 397,566.44 1,364,280.46 1,911.02
74 DL14 397,464.32 1,364,293.04 1,910.23
75 DL76 396,756.23 1,362,941.29 1,885.95
76 DL74 396,730.87 1,362,775.32 1,884.52

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IT.NO. Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)

77 DL71 396,763.68 1,362,844.99 1,885.09
78 DL72 396,768.41 1,362,835.01 1,884.85
79 DL73 396,743.71 1,362,778.83 1,883.51
80 DL75 396,734.87 1,362,752.78 1,882.83
81 J10 396,801.40 1,362,906.00 1,883.95
82 DL70 396,811.53 1,362,899.00 1,883.81
83 DL84 397,613.65 1,364,244.19 1,906.47
84 NWP GRAHO 397,648.31 1,364,203.56 1,905.66
85 NWPNILY 396,945.13 1,362,966.87 1,881.70
86 J9 396,881.25 1,362,995.51 1,881.90
87 DL13 397,440.27 1,364,224.22 1,904.04
88 DL69 396,874.67 1,363,004.12 1,881.42
89 GL4 397,457.31 1,364,260.59 1,902.86
90 DL67 396,907.73 1,363,032.48 1,880.55
91 DL66 396,900.77 1,363,042.87 1,880.46
92 DL65 396,948.39 1,363,106.87 1,880.09
93 DL64 396,958.42 1,363,104.83 1,879.72
94 GR3 397,448.04 1,364,249.33 1,901.12
95 DL12 397,449.99 1,364,148.78 1,899.00
96 DL63 397,009.49 1,363,202.23 1,877.81
97 DL62 397,016.68 1,363,200.31 1,877.75
98 DL2 397,088.76 1,363,329.26 1,880.90
99 DL1 397,045.56 1,363,292.84 1,878.85
100 BRL1 397,034.49 1,363,250.60 1,876.71
101 DL4 397,244.27 1,363,368.17 1,883.12
102 TEHULEYE 398,238.02 1,363,075.57 1,880.80
103 DL3 397,180.64 1,363,348.17 1,880.67
104 BRR1 397,035.61 1,363,230.16 1,874.55
105 DL5 397,295.60 1,363,407.77 1,880.36
106 DL6 397,395.82 1,363,487.78 1,882.11
107 DL7 397,433.33 1,363,528.94 1,882.43
108 DL8 397,467.19 1,363,587.27 1,882.41
109 GL3 397,474.95 1,364,007.64 1,887.59
110 GL1 397,348.19 1,363,440.68 1,879.25
111 GR1 397,340.03 1,363,436.57 1,878.99
112 DL9 397,519.32 1,363,632.55 1,881.85
113 DL11 397,485.32 1,363,944.97 1,885.82
114 DL10 397,515.28 1,363,732.20 1,880.83

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IT.NO. Label Easting (m) Northing (m) Elevation (m)

115 GL2 397,496.79 1,363,901.88 1,881.44
116 GR2 397,496.98 1,363,890.37 1,880.90
117 DL77 397,638.61 1,363,579.22 1,868.66
118 DL78 397,703.42 1,363,539.10 1,866.49
119 DL79 397,726.03 1,363,491.74 1,865.04
120 DL.67 398,037.81 1,363,227.83 1,862.43
121 DL80 397,771.50 1,363,430.04 1,859.26
122 DL81 397,791.23 1,363,399.42 1,855.56
123 RRC.1 397,824.05 1,363,365.46 1,853.36
124 RLC.1 397,807.39 1,363,380.23 1,853.44

Rising main

IT.NO. Label Easting (m) Northing (m) (m)
1 RM1 397,028.09 1,363,167.03 1,876.64
2 BRR 397,035.61 1,363,230.16 1,874.55
3 BRL 397,034.49 1,363,250.60 1,876.71
4 RM2 397,050.74 1,363,289.58 1,878.20
5 RM3 397,089.89 1,363,323.90 1,880.26
6 RM4 397,187.67 1,363,341.50 1,880.41
7 RM5 397,248.23 1,363,363.28 1,880.95
8 RM6 397,297.56 1,363,405.70 1,880.24
9 GR1 397,340.03 1,363,436.57 1,878.99
10 GL1 397,348.19 1,363,440.68 1,879.25
11 RM7 397,400.45 1,363,481.62 1,881.54
12 RM8 397,436.89 1,363,524.78 1,881.83
13 RM9 397,472.13 1,363,579.31 1,881.78
14 RM10 397,520.81 1,363,630.12 1,880.90
15 RM11 397,518.25 1,363,732.04 1,880.70
16 GR2 397,496.98 1,363,890.37 1,880.90
17 GL2 397,496.79 1,363,901.88 1,881.44
18 RM12 397,489.85 1,363,943.68 1,885.48
19 GL3 397,474.95 1,364,007.64 1,887.59
20 RM13 397,463.78 1,364,046.30 1,890.37
21 RM15 397,453.69 1,364,147.38 1,898.38
22 RM16 397,444.87 1,364,224.67 1,902.57

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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

IT.NO. Label Easting (m) Northing (m) (m)
23 GR3 397,448.04 1,364,249.33 1,901.12
24 GL4 397,457.31 1,364,260.59 1,902.86
25 RM17 397,469.06 1,364,293.88 1,910.08
26 RM18 397,472.25 1,364,327.45 1,915.51
27 GM1 397,459.82 1,364,393.66 1,919.27
28 GM2 397,479.73 1,364,449.41 1,917.34
29 GM3 397,477.93 1,364,471.37 1,916.55
30 GM4 397,463.95 1,364,533.38 1,913.18
31 GM5 397,453.64 1,364,576.95 1,910.72
32 GM6 397,439.03 1,364,633.59 1,906.37
33 GM7 397,429.28 1,364,683.66 1,903.02
34 GM8 397,426.81 1,364,722.24 1,899.32
35 GM9 397,419.45 1,364,733.72 1,898.43
36 RR1 397,439.42 1,364,784.18 1,895.66
37 RL1 397,447.85 1,364,817.39 1,894.81
38 GM10 397,453.70 1,364,857.48 1,898.94
39 GM11 397,467.90 1,364,948.20 1,902.71
40 GM12 397,491.43 1,364,995.14 1,904.18
41 GM13 397,521.21 1,365,047.43 1,905.01
42 GM14 397,548.04 1,365,084.97 1,906.05
43 RM19 397,575.51 1,365,134.81 1,906.55
44 RM20 397,617.24 1,365,217.98 1,907.72
45 RM21 397,633.94 1,365,259.07 1,909.85
46 RM22 397,629.21 1,365,406.85 1,914.84
47 RM23 397,628.03 1,365,526.74 1,920.94
48 RM24 397,642.58 1,365,554.88 1,921.88
49 RM25 397,636.74 1,365,606.10 1,922.56
50 GR4 397,641.53 1,365,646.18 1,922.58
51 GL5 397,642.36 1,365,663.80 1,922.15
52 RM26 397,648.57 1,365,752.22 1,927.72
53 RM27 397,640.58 1,365,856.96 1,931.99
54 RM28 397,660.64 1,366,025.95 1,944.93
55 RM29 397,701.21 1,366,088.94 1,952.63
56 RM30 397,726.83 1,366,128.79 1,957.64
57 RM31 397,758.33 1,366,207.13 1,955.88
58 RM32 397,771.16 1,366,252.77 1,956.80
59 RM33 397,785.45 1,366,294.80 1,965.82
60 RM34 397,797.22 1,366,370.65 1,972.37

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IT.NO. Label Easting (m) Northing (m) (m)
61 RM35 397,777.85 1,366,412.44 1,971.31
62 RM36 397,753.24 1,366,459.65 1,977.25
63 RM37 397,716.47 1,366,485.76 1,978.87
64 RM38 397,628.01 1,366,545.41 1,976.54
65 RM39 397,587.82 1,366,611.14 1,983.85
66 RM40 397,561.52 1,366,651.41 1,989.52
67 RM41 397,548.77 1,366,688.80 1,995.86
68 RM42 397,488.84 1,366,748.78 2,003.36
69 RM43 397,466.98 1,366,772.93 2,006.07
70 RM44 397,416.07 1,366,822.10 2,013.10
71 RM45 397,387.94 1,366,860.33 2,018.12

Bench Mark and Bench Mark Location

IT.NO Easting Northing Elevation Label

1 397041 1363245 1878 BM1
2 397018 1363189 1876 BM2
3 396946 1363113 1880 BM3
4 397478 1364379 1917.69 BM4
7 397464 1364388 1918.66 BM5
5 397629 1366514 1980.52 BM6
6 397649 1366562 1975.71 BM7


BM1 AND BM2 Around Bore Hole
BM3, BM4 AND BM 5 Around Collection Chamber


Particular Technical Specification for Submersible Pumps

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1. General
o Submersible pump directly coupled to wet submersible motor for pumping ground water
from deep wells.

o Working temperature maximum above 30 0 C (degree centigrade)

o Min permissible sand content of 25mg/l

o Max. external diameter of pump including motor over the cable should be less than the
diameter of the well casing at least by 2’’

2. Motor
o Submersible wet type motor adequate power

o Voltage three phases, 380/400v 50HZ

o Designed as to facilitate rewinding infield work shop

o Over load margin over rated HP by about 1.1% times

o Three phase induction motor

o Squirrel cage rotor

o RPM-2900

o Starting can be for pumps having the capacity from 7.5 up to 50kw Auto Transformer.

o Motor shaft body should be made of stainless steel.

3. Pump
o Multistage, centrifugal radial type or centrifugal mixed flow type

o Impellers, diffusers, shaft and pump body should be made of stainless steel

o Stainless steel impellers statically and dynamically balanced

o Non return valve at the out let.

o Stainless steel strainer at pump suction

o Screwed connection for riser pipes up to four inch and flange connection for riser pipes above
four inches.

o Motor cable protection on the pump body

o The pump size in diameter includes the pump, cable and cable guard.

4. Clamp

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 The clamps should have at least 2’’ extra length from the permanent surface casing diameter on
both sides accordingly

 For wells with 12’’ production casing permanent surface casing is 14’’

 For wells with 10’’ production casing permanent surface casing is 12’’

 For wells with 8’’ production casing permanent surface casing is 10’’

 The thickness & strength of the clamp should be designed to carry the load/ weight of the pump
& the riser pipe column full of water

5. Switch Board (control panel)

o 3phase 4wires, 380,50HZ, star delta or direct or autotransformer starting depending on the
pump starting system.

o Short-circuit protected with a fuse disconnection switch ahead of the contactor or circuit
breaker, usually a molded type ease ahead of contactor.

o Systems with over current protection relay which is adjustable time and load.

o Water level monitoring relay for dry running protection.

o Voltmeter with selection switches for phase voltage.

o Ammeter for three phase current measurement and ammeter selection switch

o Indicator lamps for pump running and power on indicator. (green and yellow) red for faulty

o Phase failure relay. (Including under & over voltage protection relay)

o Running hour meter

o 3 electrodes for water level control.

o Fuse holders and fuse for main circuit protection

o Stop push button

o Start push button

o Manual or automatic selector switch

o Time delay relay 0.1 to 30 sec.

o Control circuit voltage can be 220v or 240v with transformer

o Pressure switch or level sensor

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o Earth leakage relay with current transformer.

6. Power cable
o Four core submersible cable flat type to minimize the pump size

o Double/ single cable according to the type of starter to be used

o Cable diameter to be such that the voltage drop at the maximum depth setting is not more
than 2.5% at an ambient temperature of 30.0C

o Cable connected with motor should be with water proof joint to the motor cables.

o Cable length 150meters, or double of this if the pump is star delta.

7. Additional Equipment
o 3 vulcanized electrodes for water level monitoring system to prevent pump from running dry.

o Eight roll with 1.5*1 mm2 control cable for electrodes equal length with power cable for both
submersible and booster pumps(4 roll with the same color where as others different from this

o Cable clamp per 3 meter length for total power cable length (total head) two pairs of pipe
clamp at bore hole mouth with bolts and nuts for the specified pipe diameters on the BOQ

o Pressure gauge as specified in the boq.

o One or two, according to a number of cable core, jointing kit with quick drying epoxy resin

8. Technical Information
o The technical information should include but not limited to

o Pump discharge and total head.

o Complete pump performance at duty point and at different heads and discharge.

o Pump HP or KW

o Pump efficiency at 0.7 power factor (lagging)

o Number of stages and total length of pump and motor

o Pump over cable and motor diameter

o Pump out let connection diameter

o Type of impeller

o Impeller pump shaft, motor and pump casing material

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o Size of submersible cable

o Make and type of starter

o Control panel box full details (wiring diagram and spare list)

o Impeller vane thickness, number of vane, vane angle at inlet and outlet of typical stage.

o Other relevant information.

Technical specification of generator Equipment

1. Generating sets
- Generator set steel base skid mounted with anti-vibration
- Continuous rating output at a power factor of 0.8 and continuous duty cycle at a
maximum permissible temperature.
- Radial or axial ventilated and provided with eye-bolt for lifting
- Insulation resistance between output terminals and earth should be greater than 5MΩ
- Control and main circuits should be protected from over voltage and short circuit
Engine-to includes but not limited to

- Diesel, vertical, turbo charged and suitable power

- 3 or 4 cycles and 1500 rpm
- Air or water cooled
- Multi injection pump with constant speed governor
- Exhaust muffler industrial type with piping kit
- Heavy duty dry type air cleaner
- Fuel and oil filters
- Fuel tanker of adequate capacity for at least ten hours of operation
- Constant pressure oil pump
Engine instrumentation – to include but not limited to
- Oil pressure, temperature and fuel level indicator gauges
- Hour meter
- Frequency meter
- Battery charger indicator gauge

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- Low oil level protection

- High temperature protection
- Oil pressure relief valve
- Emergency stop button
- DC circuit protection
Starting system-to include but not limited to

- DC motor , solenoid and single wiring system

- Heavy duty, dry charged and 12v,70A-hour battery with leads
- AC generator and charging regulator

- Synchronous, three phase 4 wires, 400v,50Hz rating

- B5 2613,499 and 500 or equivalent standard
- Drip proof single or double bearing type with normal tropical insulation
- Self excited, AVR (automatic voltage regulator) controlled and screen protected
- ±3% rated voltage regulation under normal condition
- Phase ammeters and voltmeters with selection switch
- Three Pole circuit breaker
Control panel

- AC voltmeter, ammeter, frequency meter, fuel gauge, hour meter, temperature indicator
- Selection switch for both voltmeter and ammeter
Supply of spare parts


- Air filter element

- Fuel filter element
- Lub.oil filter element
- Belts
- Over haul gasket
- Piston ring set

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- Connecting rod bearing

- Main bearing
- Trust bearing
- Toolkit
- User manual
- Circuit breaker

Generally Generator
This specification shall be taken as standard, for an internal combustion engine as prime mover
diesel generating sets
1.2 Engine (Fundamental)
The engine shall be capable of operating at its rated speed loaded to its rated capacity on hazardous
working environment, at ambient air temperature and relative air humidity variations specified in
art.1-2 without evidence of ever loading the capacity of the engine.
1.3 Horse Power
The required minimum Brake Horse BHP, as per ISO standard power specified for the respective
equipment in sec. 2 shall be delivered by the engine at the flywheel at its rated speed at standard
reference at condition with all required accessories.
The rating of the engine bid upon should be specified in accessories with ISO standard power. If
other standards are taken the following points should be specified clearly.

o Brake Horse power, BHP, rating

o Standard reference conditions (Ambient air temperature) tool barometric pressure

and relative air humidity…)

o Overall efficiency of the engine

o Standard accessories

A certified engine data showing, at least, net horse power, (continuous, intermittent and maximum)
torque performance curves, specific fuel consumption curve at 2536 meters elevation shall be
submitted with appropriate data from the company.
1.4 Cooling System (Water Cooled or Air Cooled)
1.4.1 Water Cooled
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Amhara Water, Irrigation and Energy Bureau Bursa Kebele Water Supply Final Design Report

The cooling system unless otherwise specified in sec. 2 shall be of the closed, pressurized, pump
forced type. The radiator and water passages in the cylinder block shall be of ample capacity to
permit continuous full Load operation of the engine without boiling of the coolant at atmospheric
air temperature up to 750c.
The radiator shall be heavy duty construction, properly mounted to withstand shocks and strain
likely to be encountered in operation under the conditions of operation described under art.1-2.
The cooling system shall incorporate and efficient thermostat to effect prompts warming of the
proper engine temperature.
1.4.2 Air Cooled
If air cooled the air blower capacity and the cooling fin arrangement shall be sufficient to permit
continuous full load operation of the engine without overheating the engine at atmospheric air
temperature of about 570c.
Velocity of cooling air should be sufficiently high to prevent formation of dust deposits which
could impair the cooling efficiency. The finish shall have adequate area for prompt and efficient
Full details regarding the type, capacity of the radiator/blower and the cooling system shall be
submitted with the bid.
1.5 Lubrication System;
The lubrication system shall be powered by a mechanically driven gear type positive displacement
pump of ample capacity to operate at any desired ambient air temperature and altitude.
The system shall be equipped with suitable Engine oil pump, dual centrifugal and full flow-filters
and suitably arranged oil passages in the cylinder block.
Full details regarding the type, capacity of the pump, the pump and filters and the lubrication
system shall be submitted with the bid.
1.6 Fuel System;
The fuel system shall include a mechanically driven fuel pump with all necessary regulator and
controlling attachments.
The system shall incorporate easily accessible, interchangeable and readily removable injectors,
fitters of adequate capacity and construction heavy duty oil bath or dry type air cleaner or adequate
capacity for the size and type of engine bid upon.
Manufacturer’s standard fuel tank shall be acceptable, unless otherwise stated and shall be located
so as not to be affected by heat from the engine, exhaust pipe, or muffler.

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Complete specification data relating to the diesel engine fuel injection system shall be submitted by
The system shall incorporate easily accessible, interchangeable and readily removable injectors,
filters of adequate capacity and construction heavy duty oil bath or dry type air cleaner or adequate
capacity for the size and type of engine bid upon.
Manufacturer’s standard fuel tank shall be acceptable, unless otherwise stated and shall be located
so as not to be affected by heat from the engine, exhaust pipe, or muffler,
Complete specification data relating to the diesel engine fuel injection system shall be submitted by
1.7. Electrical System;

The engine shall be provided with a complete electrical charging, starting, electrical switch,
preheating switch, preheating switch and at least two keys.

The engine shall start satisfactorily at temperatures as low as 00c. The generator or alternator shall
be the manufacturer’s standard production model and shall be adequate to provide service under
normal operation conditions.
1.8 Tests on Completion

On delivery to Site, the Plant will be visually inspected, and any Plant with obvious defects will be
The Contractor’s main Bid shall comply fully with the Specification.
The Contractor is however at liberty to include alternative items of Plant, which do not completely
comply with the requirements of the Specification provided that he submits manufacturer’s
detailed descriptions of alternatives and draws attention to any aspect of each component which
does not fully comply with the requirements of this Specification. These detailed descriptions,
including any departure from the requirements of the Specification may, after approval by the
Employer, be included among the Contract documents and each item shall be in accordance with
the description of it. Approval of a manufacturer’s description shall not include approval of any
departure from the requirements of the Specification unless the departure is specifically approved
by the Employer in writing. The Employer however, may not necessarily accept any alternative put

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