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Water Supply manual ORDA

Water supply training manual

Table of content
TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................................... I

ACRONYM....................................................................................................................... VI

LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... VII

LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................... VIII

1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1

1.1 WATER SUPPLY PROJECT PLANNING .......................................................................................... 1

1.2 OVERALL OBJECTIVE OF WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION POLICY .................................................. 2
1.3 SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES OF WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION POLICY .................................................. 2

2. DATA REQUIRED FOR WATER SUPPLY DESIGN................................................. 3

2.1 FOR DEMAND SUPPLY ANALYSIS .............................................................................................. 3

2.2 TOPOGRAPHIC DATA.............................................................................................................. 3
2.3 GEOLOGY AND GEOTECHNICAL DATA ......................................................................................... 4
2.4 HYDROLOGICAL DATA ............................................................................................................ 4
2.5 SANITARY CONDITIONS OF THE AREA ........................................................................................ 4
2.6 LEGAL DATA OF LANDS ........................................................................................................... 4
2.7 PUBLIC OPINION .................................................................................................................. 4

3. SOURCE OF WATER SUPPLY................................................................................. 5

3.1 SOURCE FROM AND DEEP WELL ............................................................................................... 5

3.1.1 Springs.................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 Wells ....................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.3 Spring and or deep well Sources Selection Criteria........................................ 7

4. DEMAND SUPPLY ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 8

4.1 CONSIDERATIONS FOR DEMAND SUPPLY ANALYSIS ....................................................................... 8

4.1.1 Yield of sources..................................................................................................... 8 Surface water.................................................................................................................8

ORDA December 2001 i

Water supply training manual Groundwater ..................................................................................................................9

4.1.2 Factors Affecting Consumption......................................................................... 10
4.1.3 Different Water demands/Uses......................................................................... 11 Domestic water demand ............................................................................................11 Establishment of per capita per day water demand for each mode of service
11 Projection of Per-capita Consumption by Mode of Service .............................13 Population percentage distribution by mode of service ...................................14 Projected Average per capita domestic water demand....................................14 Adjustment for Climate condition.........................................................................14 Adjustment due to Socio economic situation.....................................................15 Non Domestic water Demands .................................................................................16 Live stock water demand ......................................................................................16 Industrial water demand........................................................................................16 Commercial and Public Use .................................................................................17 Fire frightening........................................................................................................17 Losses and Waste..................................................................................................18 Variation in demand ....................................................................................................18 The average day demand.....................................................................................18 Maximum daily demand ........................................................................................18 Peak hour demand ................................................................................................19
4.1.4 Population forecasting and design period....................................................... 19 Arithmetic Method .......................................................................................................20 Uniform percentage Method ......................................................................................21 Curvilinear Method ......................................................................................................21 Logistic Method............................................................................................................21 Declining Growth Method...........................................................................................22 Geometric progress method ......................................................................................22

5. INFRASTRUCTURE DESIGN ..................................................................................24

5.1 INTAKE STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................ 24

5.1.1 Types of Intakes .................................................................................................. 24 Intakes from Impounding Reservoirs .......................................................................24

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Water supply training manual River Intakes ................................................................................................................25 Canal Intakes ...............................................................................................................26
5.2 WATER COLLECTION CHAMBER ............................................................................................. 26
5.2.1 Hydraulic Design of collection Chamber ......................................................... 27
5.2.2 Structural Design of Chamber Roof Slab ........................................................ 27
5.2.3 Design of the vertical wall.................................................................................. 29
5.2.4 Design of Bottom Slab ....................................................................................... 30
5.3 L AYOUT AND DESIGN OF RISING MAIN .................................................................................... 31
5.3.1 Maximum Pressure Limits ................................................................................. 31
5.3.2 Minimum Pressure Limits .................................................................................. 31
5.3.3 Velocity Limits...................................................................................................... 32
5.3.4 Hydraulic Calculation.......................................................................................... 32 Head loss (HL)..............................................................................................................33
5.4 DESIGN OF SERVICE RESERVOIR ............................................................................................. 34
5.4.1 Service Reservoirs Function ............................................................................. 34
5.4.2 Position and Elevation of Reservoirs............................................................... 34
5.4.3 Types of Service Reservoirs ............................................................................. 35
5.4.4 Accessories of Service Reservoirs .................................................................. 35
5.4.5 Design Capacity of Service Reservoirs ........................................................... 36
5.4.6 Depth and Shape of Service Reservoirs......................................................... 41 Depth.............................................................................................................................41 Shape............................................................................................................................41
5.4.7 Structural design of Service reservoir.............................................................. 42
5.5 L AYOUT AND DESIGN OF DISTRIBUTION PIPE SYSTEM ................................................................. 42
5.5.1 Gravity Distribution ............................................................................................. 42
5.5.2 Pump Distribution with storage......................................................................... 43
5.5.3 Pumps Distribution without storage ................................................................. 43
5.6 TYPES OF PIPES AND PIPE FITTINGS AND THEIR IMPORTANCE........................................................ 44
5.6.1 Pipe Materials...................................................................................................... 44
5.6.2 Pipe Appurtenances ........................................................................................... 45
5.7 ALLOCATION AND DESIGN OF WATER POINTS ............................................................................ 45

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5.7.1 Tap stand location............................................................................................... 45

5.7.2 Saving Water at Tap stands .............................................................................. 46

6. DESIGN OF ELECTROMECHANICAL EQUIPMENTS ..........................................47

6.1 INTRODUCTION TO PUMP DESIGN AND GENERATORS ................................................................. 47

6.2 CLASSIFICATION OF PUMPS AND TYPES OF PUMP DRIVERS ......................................................... 47
6.3 HYDRAULICS OF PUMPS ....................................................................................................... 48
6.3.1 Capacity of Pump................................................................................................ 48
6.4 ANALYSIS OF DIESEL GENERATOR POWER ................................................................................. 49

7. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT/EIA/ ..................................................50

8. IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM ..............................................................................50

9. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION.............................................................50

10. REFERENCE .........................................................................................................51

MODEL PROJECT ................................................................................................................. 1

1. STUDY AREA INFORMATION.................................................................................. 1

2. DEMAND ANALYSIS ................................................................................................. 2

2.1 POPULATION PROJECTION ...................................................................................................... 2

2.1.1 Growth rate determination................................................................................... 2
2.2 FUTURE WATER DEMAND DETERMINATION ................................................................................ 4
2.2.1 Domestic water demand (Dwd) .......................................................................... 4 Climatic Grouping..........................................................................................................1 Socio-Economic Adjustment Factor ...........................................................................1
2.2.2 Public demand (Pd) .............................................................................................. 2
2.2.3 Animal demand ..................................................................................................... 2
2.2.4 Unaccounted water or Water Loss (UL)............................................................ 2
2.2.5 Total Average Daily Demand............................................................................... 3
2.2.6 Variation in demand.............................................................................................. 4 Maximum daily demand ...............................................................................................4 Peak hour demand........................................................................................................4

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DESIGN YEAR................................................................................................................................. 5

3. PROPOSED SCHEME DESCRIPTION .................................................................... 6

3.1 WATER SOURCE ................................................................................................................... 6

3.2 GRAVITY MAIN .................................................................................................................... 7
3.2.1 Hydraulic calculation ............................................................................................ 7
3.2.2 Head loss calculation ........................................................................................... 7
3.3 SERVICE RESERVOIR .............................................................................................................. 8
3.3.1 Shape...................................................................................................................... 8
3.3.2 4.4.2 Capacity........................................................................................................ 8
3.3.3 Depth and Diameter ............................................................................................. 9

4. DETERMINATION OF PUMP AND GENERATOR................................................... 9

5. DISTRIBUTION NETWORK .....................................................................................11

3.3.4 Laying of pipes .................................................................................................... 13

3.3.5 Pipe Appurtenances ........................................................................................... 13

6. PUBLIC FOUNTAINS ...............................................................................................13

7. DISINFECTION .........................................................................................................14

8. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT/EIA/ ..................................................16

3.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 16
3.2 Positive impact of the project................................................................................ 16
3.3 NEGATIVE IMPACTS ............................................................................................ 17
3.4 Mitigation measures for negative impacts .......................................................... 18

9. IMPLEMENTATION PROGRAM ..............................................................................18

10. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .........................................................19

BILL OF QUANTITY..............................................................................................................20

DISTRIBUTION NETWORK ANALYSIS (SIMULATION RESULTS)...............................................29

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B.M= Bending moment

BOQ = Bill of quantity
BH = Boreholes
CSA = Central Statistical Authority
DN = Nominal Diameter
DCI =Ductile Iron
ETB = Ethiopian Birr
E.C = Ethiopian Calender
EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment
KVA = Kilo volt Ampere
GI = Galvanized iron.
HC = House Connection
IS =international system
L/s = Liters per Second
L/c/d = Liter Per Capita per day
M3/d = Cubic meters per day
m.a.s.l = meters above sea level
MDG =Millennium Development Goal
NPSH= net positive suction head
ORDA =Organization for Rehabilitation and Development of Amhara
PF = Public fountain
PN = Nominal Pressure
SP= Steel Pipe
UL = Un accounted loss
UTM = universal Transversal Mercator
PVC= Polyvinyl Chloride
Q = discharge
Wt = weight
YC = Yard connection

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List of Figures
FIGURE 4-1 FLOW VS EXCEED OF TIME FLOW PERCENTAGE .................................................................................... 9
FIGURE 4-2 INDICATORS OF GROUND WATER POTENTIAL........................................................................................ 10
FIGURE 4-6 PROJECTION OF PER-CAPITA CONSUMPTION BY MODE OF SERVICE..................................................... 13
FIGURE 4-8 CLIMATIC GROUPING ............................................................................................................................ 15
FIGURE 4-9 SOCIO-ECONOMIC GROUPING ............................................................................................................. 15
FIGURE 4-10ANIMAL WATER PER CAPITA DEMAND .................................................................................................... 16
FIGURE 4-11 DAILY WATER DEMAND OF DIFFERENT PUBLIC CONSUMPTIONS ......................................................... 17
FIGURE 4-12 AMHARA REGION POPULATION GROWTH RATES ............................................................................................... 23
FIGURE 5-1A RESERVOIR INTAKE ............................................................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 5-2B TOWER WATER INTAKE FOR A LAKE OR RESERVOIR WATER SUPPLY ................................................ 25
FIGURE 5-3 RIVER IN TAKE ...................................................................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 5-4 CANAL INTAKE ...................................................................................................................................... 26
FIGURE 5-6 TYPES OF SERVICE RESERVOIRS ........................................................................................................ 35
FIGURE 5-7 SERVICE RESERVOIRS ACCESSORIES.................................................................................................... 36
FIGURE 5-8 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF GRAVITY DISTRIBUTION .................................................................................. 42
FIGURE 5-9 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF PUMP DISTRIBUTION WITH STORAGE .............................................................. 43
FIGURE 5-10 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM OF PUMP DISTRIBUTION WITHOUT STORAGE ..................................................... 44
FIGURE 2-1 LOSS DETERMINATION .............................................................................................................................. 3
FIGURE 3-1 TEKAKIE DEEP WELL .............................................................................................................................. 6
FIGURE 3-2 RESERVOIR SITE ........................................................................................................................................ 9

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List of tables
TABLE 5-1 OPERATING PRESSURE IN THE DISTRIBUTION NET WORK ......................................................................... 32
TABLE 5-2 PIPE AND FITTING ROUGHNESS COEFFICIENTS.......................................................................................... 33
TABLE 5-3HAZEN W ILLIAM COEFFICIENT (C) ............................................................................................................. 34
TABLE 5-4HRLY DEMAND OF TOWN ............................................................................................................................. 37
TABLE 5-5 ECONOMICAL DEPTH OF SERVICE RESERVOIR ......................................................................................... 41
TABLE 1-1 POPULATION DATA OBTAINED FROM KEBELE ADMINISTRATORS .................................................................. 1
TABLE 1-2 2001 E.C CSA POPULATION DATA RECORDED .......................................................................................... 1
TABLE 1-3 LIVE STOCK POPULATION (2001 E.C) ........................................................................................................ 2
TABLE 2-1 AMHARA REGION POPULATION GROWTH RATES ......................................................................................... 2
TABLE 2-2SUMMERY OF PROJECTED POPULATION....................................................................................................... 3
........................................................................................................................................................................... 3
TABLE 2-4 POPULATION PROJECTED IN EACH VARIANT ............................................................................................... 3
TABLE 2-5 RURAL PERCAPITA PER DAY WATER DEMAND ............................................................................................. 4
TABLE 2-6 PERCENTAGE OF USERS BY MODE OF SERVICES IN YEARS MENTIONED .................................................... 4
TABLE 2-7 PERCAPITA GROWTH RATE .......................................................................................................................... 4
TABLE 2-8 PROJECTED AVERAGE PER CAPITA DOMESTIC WATER DEMAND .............................................................. 1
TABLE 2-9 CLIMATIC GROUPING................................................................................................................................... 1
TABLE 2-10 SOCIO-ECONOMIC GROUPING .................................................................................................................. 1
TABLE 2-11 ADJUSTED PERCAPITA DEMAND IN (L/C/D)................................................................................................ 2
TABLE 2-12 PUBLIC DEMAND ........................................................................................................................................ 2
TABLE 2-13 WATER LOSS IN EACH DESIGN YEAR ......................................................................................................... 3
TABLE 2-14 TOTAL AVERAGE DAY DEMAND ............................................................................................................... 4
TABLE 2-15 M AXIMUM DAILY AND PEAK HOUR FACTOR ............................................................................................... 4
TABLE 2-16 M AXIMUM DAY AND PEAK HOUR DEMAND ................................................................................................. 5
TABLE 5-1 SUMMARY OF PIPE DIAMETER AND LENGTH ............................................................................................ 13
TABLE 6-1 SUMMARY OF WATER POINTS .................................................................................................................... 14

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Water supply training manual


This document presents with two parts. Part one focus on the planning, study and
design steps of Water Supply projects and part two is practical design of sample project

These manual is developed for water supply and sanitation studies, designs and
Execution for woreda experts of ORDA to capacitate the experts on studies, design and
implement water supply projects in sustainable manner and finally to meet the MDG of
the region and in turns the country.
The user shall modify the parameters taking in to account the particular project

Generally the manual covers, plant capacity, forecasting future population, water
demand assessment, source assessment and evaluation. Then the conveyance and
distribution with detail raising main design, collection chamber, pumping units and
service storage is designed. Finally the Model design of Tekakie water supply project
and bill of Quantity is included.

1.1 Water supply project planning

Water is required for any living things. Nations have a right to get safe water supply. to
address water to the community through public tapes or individual house connections
the first work is the preparation of the water supply project. The project is prepared
after doing /field survey work and collecting the required data. After the preparation of
the project, it is sent to the competent authority for sanction of grants for completing
the project. When the grants are sanctioned, the government departments dealing
with it take up the construction of the project. While planning water supply project, care
is taken to insure that it should be economical and efficient scheme meeting the
present as well as future requirement for a considerable time.

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Water supply training manual

But according to the ministry of water resource urban water supply criteria the planning
horizon will be considered as
 Stage 1 – for 10 years
 Stage 2 – for 20 years

Figure 1-1 Expected life time in years of pipe material & other component of water
supply system
Units life period (yrs)
Intake structures 50
Spring chamber 50
Deep wells 15
Raw water pump 10
Dosing pumps 5
Clear water pumps 10
Reservoir 50
DCI& SP 40
PVC pipes 25
Ancillary Buildings 50-100
(Source :- Ministry of water resource design criteria, January 2006 and twelve towns water supply and
sanitation study working paper No2 design criteria February 1994)

1.2 Overall Objective of Water Supply and Sanitation Policy

The overall objective of water supply and sanitation policy is to enhance the well-being
and productivity of the Ethiopian people through provision of adequate, reliable and
clean water supply and sanitation services and to foster its tangible contribution to the
economy by providing water supply services that meet the livestock, industry and other
water users' demands.

1.3 Specific Objectives of Water Supply and Sanitation Policy

1. Provision of, as much as conditions permit, sustainable and sufficient water supply
services to all the peoples of Ethiopia.
2. Satisfying water supply requirements for livestock, industries and other users as
much as conditions permit.
3. Carry out operation and maintenance of all water supply and sanitation services in
a sustainable and efficient manner.

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Water supply training manual

4. Promoting sustainable conservation and utilization of the water resources through

protection of water sources, efficiency in the use of water as well as control of
wastage and pollution.

5. Creating sustainable capacity building in terms of the enabling environment,

including institutions, human resources development, legislation and regulatory
framework for water supply and sanitation.

6 Enhancing the well being and productivity of the people by creating conducive
environment for the promotion of appropriate sanitation services


2.1 For Demand supply analysis

In the design of any water works projects it is necessary to estimate the amount of
water that is required. This involves:
 The determination of people who will be served
 The per capita water consumption
 Analysis of the factors that may operate to affect consumption
For many purposes the average daily consumption is convenient. It is obtained by
dividing the population in to the total daily consumption averaged over one year.

It must be realized, however, that using the total population may in some cases, result
in serious in accuracy, since a large proportion of the population may be solved by
privately owned wells. A more accurate figure would be the daily consumption per
person served.

2.2 Topographic data

Survey works have to be done to prepare the topographical map of the area, showing
elevations of the various points, density of population in different zones. This map
helps in deciding the positions of intake works and treatment plants, type of system to
be adopted for conveyance and distribution of water, and reservoir site selection

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Water supply training manual

2.3 Geology and geotechnical data

Geological data and survey of the ground water is done in the vicinity of the area, to
know the quantity of available water at various depths in the ground. And also for
reservoir and other water supply structure foundation investigation geotechnical
investigation are important

2.4 Hydrological data

The hydrological and the available surface water sources data in the vicinity of the
area are collected to determine the quantity of water available in the surface sources.
2.5 Sanitary conditions of the area

The sanitary conditions of the area and data regarding possible sources of water
pollution are collected for deciding the preventive measures against them.

2.6 Legal data of lands

Legal data of the lands to be purchased or acquired for the constriction of various units
of water works are collected. Legal laws on land zoning, land ownership, water rights,
administrative pattern etc, should also be collected, so that the acquisition of land and
collection of water may not involve legal complications and delay in the construction of
the project.

2.7 Public Opinion

Data on the public options are also collected, regarding the start of the project, so that
while seeking administrative approval justification can be given.

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Water supply training manual

3. Source of water supply

3.1 Source from and deep well

The origin of all water is rainfall. Water can be collected as it falls as rain before it
reaches the ground; or as surface water when it flows over the ground; or is pooled in
lakes or ponds; or as ground water when it percolates in to the ground and flows or
collects as ground water; from the sea (ocean) in to which it finally flows.
Therefore sources of water supply schemes can conveniently be classified as follows:
1. Rain and snow
2. Surface water:
 Rivers
 Lakes
 Pond
 Sea water
 Impounding reservoirs
 Wastewater reclamation
3. Underground sources
 Springs
Depression springs
Contact springs
Artesian springs
Hot springs
 Wells
Shallow wells
Deep wells
Infiltration galleries
Infiltration wells

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3.1.1 Springs

Springs are formed when ground water appears at the ground surface for any reason
as flowing water.
Types of springs:
1. Depression spring: is a spring formed when the ground surface intersects the
water table.
2. Contact spring: is a spring created by a water bearing formation overlying an
impervious formation that intersects the ground surface.
3. Artesian spring: is a spring that results from the release of water under
pressure from confined water bearing formation either through a
fault or fissure reaching the ground surface. It is also known as
fracture spring.

3.1.2 Wells

Well are artificial holes or pits vertically excavated for bringing ground water to the
surface mostly with pumping mechanism.

Types of Wells:-
1. Shallow wells
Shallow wells may be large diameter hand dug wells (diameter 1-4m) and
depth  20m. Or machine drilled wells of small diameter (diameter 8-60cm)
and depth  60m.
2. Deep wells.
Deep wells are most large, deep, high-capacity wells constructed by drilling rig.
Construction can be accomplished by cable tool method or rotary method.
Drilling rigs are capable of drilling wells 8 to 60cm in diameter and depth 

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3.1.3 Spring and or deep well Sources Selection Criteria

The choice of water supply to a Village or city depends on the following:

 Location
 Quantity of water
 Quality of water
 Cost
1. Location: The sources of water should be as near as to the town as possible.
2. Quantity of water: the source of water should have sufficient quantity of water to
meet up all the water demand throughout the design period.
3. Quality of water: The quality of water should be good which can be easily and
cheaply treated.
4. Cost. The cost of the units of the water supply schemes should be minimum.

The selection of the source of supply is done on the above points and the source
which will give good quality and quantity at least cost will be selected. This economic
policy may lead to the selection of both surface and ground water sources to cities.

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The present and future water demand of the town depends on the size of the
population to be served, their standard of living and activities, the cost of water
supplied and the availability of wastewater service. It varies according to the
requirements of the population, industry, hotels, livestock farming, institutional and
social establishments, municipal water supplies for the watering of public green area
and street cleaning. In addition to these demands allowances need to be included for
leakage, wastage, and operational requirements such as flushing of mains

4.1 Considerations for demand supply analysis

4.1.1 Yield of sources Surface water

The surface hydrology and the available surface water sources in the vicinity of the
area are determined by.
 Watersheds area and nature
 The annual rainfall in the Basin
 Rainfall-runoff relationship.
 rivers or springs base flow or Underground inflow from the major aquifers of area

But unfortunately most of the surface water in the Ethiopia is not gauged and difficult to
determine the flow duration curve which is derived based on the flow data of the river
(the annual or monthly water availability to meet the objective of the project). Therefore
the water budget or balance for the catchment is computed after building a model
based on SWAT for the proposed Catchment. As a result flow Vs Exceed of time flow
percentage can be plotted as shown in the figure 4.1

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Figure 4-1 flow Vs Exceed of time flow percentage Groundwater

Similar to the surface water potential assessment the ground water potential has to be
also determined with hydro geological investigation and the annual or monthly ground
water contribution or balance for the catchment should computed by WATBL or SWAT
for the proposed Catchment.
The occurrence and movement of groundwater in the area as well as the structure of
the Aquifer system is controlled by the geological and geomorphological setting of the
regional as well as local environment associated with the recharge mechanisms.

Study of Water Table and Groundwater Flow Pattern can also assist for the bore hole
site selection and depth estimation. The general principle is that water flows from
areas of high hydraulic head to areas of low hydraulic head, following its preferential
paths such as fault/fracture zones, open joints, permeable horizons like weathered
zones and interconnected vesicular or scoria /scorecous layers as in the case of
shown in the template 4.2.

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Figure 4-2 indicators of ground water potential

4.1.2 Factors Affecting Consumption

The average daily per capita water consumption varies. The variation depends up on a
number of important factors, including:
 Size of city /Population
 Presence of Industries And Commerce
 Quantity of the water
 Its price
 Climatic Condition
 Characteristics of the Population
 Whether supplies are metered or
 Efficiency of the water works administration
 Fire Demand
 Density of Population

The more important of these factors will be separately treated below, but some can be
briefly discussed here.
The efficiency of the water works management will affect consumption by decreasing
loss and waste. Leaks in water mains and services and unauthorized use of water can
be to a minimum by surveyors.

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A water supply that is both safe and attractive in quality will be used to a great extent
than one of poor quality. In this connection it should be recognized that improvement of
the quality of water supply will probably be followed by an increase in consumption.
Increasing the pressure will have a similar effect. Changing the rates changed for
water has little effect up on consumption, at least in prosperous periods.

The effect of size of city is probably indirect. It is true that small per capita water
consumption is to be expected in a small city, but this is usually due to the fact that
there are only limited uses for water in small towns. On the other hand, the presence
of an important water using industry may result in high consumption.

A small city is likely to have a relatively larger area that is inadequately served by both
the water and sewer systems than a large city. Sewerage or its absence will have
considerable effect.

4.1.3 Different Water demands/Uses

The water furnished to a city can be classified according to its ultimate use or end.
The uses are:
 Domestic
 Commercial & Industrial
 Public use
 Loss and waste Domestic water demand

Domestic water demand includes water for drinking, food preparation, washing,
cleaning, and miscellaneous domestic purposes. The amount of water used for
domestic purposes varies depending on the lifestyle, living standard, climate, mode of
service and above all on the price of the water and affordability level of the users Establishment of per capita per day water demand for each mode of

Depending on the mode of service per capital consumption varies

The base year of design horizon the percapita per day water demand by purpose for
each mode of service are:-

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Figure 4-3 Rural percapita per day water demand by purpose for each mode of

No. Activities YC PF TSU

1 Drinking 3.5 2.5 -
2 Cooking 4.5 3.5 -
3 Ablutions 5 5 -
4 Washing dishes 4.5 3 -
5 Washing closes 3.5 3 -
6 Bathing 4 3 -
Total 25 20

Source: ESP component 3 rural planning models January 2001

Figure 4-4 Establishment of per capita per day water demand by purpose for each
mode of service

(Source Tropics consulting, Bahirdar water supply study)

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Figure 4-5 Domestic water demand for urban centers with two stage planning horizon

(Source: - Ministry of water resource design criteria, January 2006) Projection of Per-capita Consumption by Mode of Service

A per-capita demand of a particular group depends on the life style and awareness of
the group Furthermore, factors which influence the growth rate of per-capita
consumption for particular mode of service has to be taken into account, these include:
 Affordability level of the community in relation to existing and planned water
tariff level
 Availability and quality of water
 Institutional capacity of the body which runs the water supply system in terms
of adequate staffing, equipment and facilities to offer a sustainable water supply
The per-capita consumption of the five commonly known modes of services are
estimated to grow at the following ranges

Figure 4-6 Projection of Per-capita Consumption by Mode of Service

Mode of services Growth rate per annum/%/

Traditional source users (TSU annum 0% per
Tap users (PTU) 1% to 3 % per annum
Neighborhood tap users (NTU) 1 % to 3 % per annum
Yard tap users (YTU) 2% to 4% per annum
House tap users (HTU) 3% to 5% per annum

ORDA December 2001 13

Water supply training manual Population percentage distribution by mode of service

The distribution of population for each mode of service shall be determined by the use
of published statistical data. After establishing the population distribution for the base
year (usually the year in which the study is conducted), a forecast shall be made for
the design years.

Figure 4-7 Projection of Population percentage distribution by mode of service Projected Average per capita domestic water demand

The whole purpose of assessment of the available modes of services, estimation of

water demand per mode of service and estimation of population distribution by mode
of services leads to the calculation of the average per capita domestic water demand.
It is the product of the values of population distribution by modes of service and
projected per-capita water demand.
This is a basic design figure, which is subject to other adjustment factors. It is also
used to estimate the magnitudes of the other non-domestic demand categories like
public, fire, system loss, domestic animal demand etc. Adjustment for Climate condition

Where summers are hot and dry, much water will be used for watering lawns.
Domestic use will be further increased by more bathing, while public use will be
affected by use in parks and recreation fields for watering grass and for ornamental
fountains. On the other hand, in cold weather water may be wasted at the faucets to
prevent freezing of pipes, there by greatly increasing consumption. High temperatures
may also lead to high water use for air conditioning.

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Figure 4-8 Climatic Grouping

Group Mean Annual Precipitation Factor

A 600 or less 1.1
B 601 – 900 1.0

C 901 or more 0.9 Adjustment due to Socio economic situation

These are largely dependent up on the economic status of the consumers and will
differ greatly in various sections of a city.
In the high value residential districts of a city or in a suburban community with a similar
population the water consumption per capita will be high.
In apartment houses, this may be considered as representing the maximum domestic
demand to be expected.
In area of moderate –or high value single residences even higher consumption may be
expected, since to the ordinary domestic demand there will be added an amount for
watering lawns. The slum districts of large cities will have lower per capita
consumptions, the lowest figures of all will be found in low-value districts where
sewerage is not available and where perhaps a single faucet serves one or several

Figure 4-9 Socio-Economic Grouping

Group Description Factor

A Towns enjoying high living standards and with very high 1.10
potential for development
B Towns having a very high potential for development but 1.05
lower living standard at present
C Towns under normal Ethiopian conditions 1.00
D Advanced Rural Towns 0.90

ORDA December 2001 15

Water supply training manual Non Domestic water Demands Live stock water demand

The demand for livestock watering from the public water supply system shall be
assessed for each town individually during the socio-economic survey. The live stock
water demand is considered where there are no traditional sources such as river and
streams available within a radius of 5km from the area to be considered for water
supply provision. When animal watering is to be allowed for, the following specific
demands will be adopted:

Figure 4-10Animal Water per capita Demand

(Source: - Ministry of water resource design criteria, January 2006) Industrial water demand

Water so classified is that furnished to industrial and commercial plants. Its importance
will depend up on local conditions, such as the existence of large industries and
whether or not the industries patronize (utilize) the public water or not.

In most case big industries are assumed to have their own water supply system;
however the following values can be taken for some industries.

Water demand for some industries

Industr Steel Tannery garments Biscuit, Concrete Soft beer Canne Rubber
ies pasta, products drinks d food and
similar synthetic
3 3
Dema 150 70 to 80 50 m /ton 8 to 15 1 m /ton 15 10lt/ 950 15
3 3 3
nd m /ton m /ton m /ton lt/produ prod lt/can
ct uct
(Source:-Mekele Town Water supply development project, planning and design criteria)

ORDA December 2001 16

Water supply training manual Commercial and Public Use

Public Buildings, such as:
 City halls
 Jails
 Schools
As well as public services:
 Flushing streets &
 Fire protection

Figure 4-11 daily water demand of different public consumptions

Day school 5/l/pupil

(Source: - Ministry of water resource design criteria, January 2006) Fire frightening

Water demand for firefighting purposes shall be assessed on a town-by-town basis,

depending on the existence of equipment and the capacity of any fire fighting service.
Fire hydrants shall be installed at public and municipality interest such as schools,
shops, hospitals, fuel stations and at salient points of distribution network. This
demand is taken off by increasing the volume of the storage tanks by 10 %.

ORDA December 2001 17

Water supply training manual Losses and Waste

This water is sometimes classified as “un accounted for”, although some of the loss
and waste may be accounted for in the sense that its cause and amount are
approximately known. Un-accounted for water is due to:
 meter and pump slippage
 Unauthorized water connections and
 Leaks in mains
It is apparent that the unaccounted for water, also waste by consumers, can be
reduced by careful maintenance of the water system and by universal metering of all
water services. In a system 100 percent metered and moderately well maintained the
unaccounted for water, exclusive of pump slippage, will be about 10 percent. But
according to ministry of water resource design criteria 2006 a figure of 15% is
generally regarded as good. Variation in demand

There are wide variations in use of water in different months of the year, day of
the month and hours of the day. To regulate the water demand variation the
average water demand is multiplied by a certain factor to get the maximum day
and peak hour demand. The average day demand

The average day demand is taken to be the sum of the demands of domestic,
commercial and institutional, industrial, public and unaccounted for water (UFW). Maximum daily demand

The maximum day demand is the highest demand of any one day in any
specified year. The ratio of the maximum daily consumption to the mean annual
daily consumption is the max day factor. This demand is used to design source
capacity, riser mains, and service reservoir.

ORDA December 2001 18

Water supply training manual Peak hour demand

The peak hour demand is one of the highest water demands within any one hour
over the year and estimated taking in to account the possible water collection
hours and amount collected by each demand category. Previous studies and
experiences clearly demonstrate that peak hour factor is greater for a smaller

According to water supply design criteria prepared by ministry of water resource

and tropics studies the proposed maximum day and peak hour factor are
summarized below.

(Source Tropics consulting, Bahirdar water supply study)

(Source: - Ministry of water resource design criteria, January 2006)

4.1.4 Population forecasting and design period

Prior to design of a water works one must establish the length of time the improvement
will serve the community before it is abandoned or enlarged. For example, an
impounding reservoir may be constructed of such a capacity that it will furnish a
sufficient amount of water for 30 years, or the capacity of a water purification plant may
be adequate for 10 years. These periods are known as periods of design, and they

ORDA December 2001 19

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have an important bearing up on the amount of funds that may be invested in

construction of both water works and sewage works
Since most cities are growing in population, the period of design depends mainly up on
the rate of population growth, i.e. the water purification plant mentioned above will just
sense the population expected 10 years hence. The problem, according, in to forecast
as accurately as possible the population 10, 20, or 30 years in the future

It is more difficult to estimate the population in some future year. Several methods are
used but it should be pointed out that judgment must be exercised by the engineer as
to which method is most applicable. Acknowledge of
 The city and its environs
 Its trade territory
 Whether or not its industries are expanding
 The state of development in the surrounding country
 Location with regard to rail or water shipment of raw materials and
 manufactured goods
Will all enter is to the estimation of future population.

Overestimation of population, on the other hand, results in excess capacity which must
be financed by a smaller population at a considerably higher unit cos.

The growth of a community with limited land area for future expansion might be
modeled using the declining growth or logistic technique, while another, with larger
rescores of land, power water, and good transportation might be best predicted by the
geometric or uniform percentage growth model. Arithmetic Method

This method is based up on the hypothesis that the rate of growth is constant. The
hypothesis may be tested by examining the growth of the community to determine if
approximate equal incremental increases have occurred between recent censuses.
The population in the future is then estimated from
Pt = Po + Kt

ORDA December 2001 20

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Where Pt = the population at some time in the future

Po = the present population
t = the period of the projection Uniform percentage Method

The hypothesis of geometric or uniform percentage growth assumes a rate of increase

which is proportional to population.
In (P) = In (Po) + k’t
This hypothesis is best tested by plotting recorded population growth on semi log
paper. If a straight line can be fitted to the data, the value of k’ can be determined from
its slope. Alternatively K’ may be estimated from recorded population using
Inp  Inpo
K' 
In which P& Po are recorded populations separated by a time interval t Curvilinear Method

Their technique involves the graphical projection of the past population growth curve,
following whatever tendencies the graph indicates. The communing used variant of
this method includes comparison of the projected growth to that of other cities of larger
size. The cities chosen for the composition should be as similar as possible to the city
being studied. Geographical proximity, likeness of economic base, access to similar
transportation systems, and other such factors should be considered. Logistic Method

The logistic curve used in modeling population trends has an S shape. The hypothesis
of logistic growth may be tested by plotting recorded population data on logistic paper
on which it will appear as a straight line if the hypothesis valid. In the short term,
logistic projection can be made based up on the equation.
p bt
1 a

ORDA December 2001 21

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Where Psate = the situation population of the community a and b = are constants

Psat, a and b may be determined from three successive census populations and the
2 Po P1 P2  P1 Po  P2 

Psat  2
Po P2  P1
Psat  Po
a  In
1 Po Psat  Ps 
b /n
2 P1 Psat  Po 

Where n = the time interval b/n successive census. Substitution of their values in if *
permits the estimation of population for any period  t beyond the base year
corresponding to Po. Declining Growth Method

This technique, like the logistic method, assumes that the city has some limiting
saturation population, and that its rate of growth is a function of its population deficit
 K 11 Psat  P 
Following estimation of the saturation population up on some rational basis such as
land available and existing population density, K11 may be determined from
successive censuses and
1 P P
K 11  / n sat
n Psat  Po
Where P and Po are populations recorded n years apart. Future population can then
be estimated using this value and

P  Po  Psat  Po  1  e k ' ' t  Geometric progress method

The ratio method of forecasting relies upon the population projection of state or federal
demographers and the presumption that the city in question will maintain the same
trend in the change of the ratio of its population to that of the larger entity. Application

ORDA December 2001 22

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of the method requires calculations of the ratio to the estimated regional population in
the year of interest.

It assumes Constant percentage of growth is assumed for equal period of time.

In nearly all cases comparison to similar cities is used, and the results obtained by this
technique are favored by most engineers.

Pn= Pp (1 +r) n
Pn= population at the target year
Pp = present population
r = Annual growth rate in%
n = design period, in year

Figure 4-12 Amhara region population growth rates

Growth rates/%/ in each year

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Rural 5.09 2.49 2.33 2.17 1.98 1.76 1.52
Urban 5.09 4.53 4.67 4.41 4.25 4.05 3.85
Source: ESP component 3 rural planning model January 2001

Figure 4-13 Growth rates as established by CSA for Urban Population

Projection of Amhara region
Variants 1995- 2000- 2005- 2010- 2015- 2020- 2020-
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Low Variant 6.37 5.19 4.71 4.22 3.8 3.38 2.97

Median Variant 6.54 5.84 5.33 4.8 4.27 3.74 3.28

High variant 6.76 6.55 6.13 5.64 5.14 4.65 4.2

From the two methods mentioned above are need to compare and select the most
appropriate population favors the study area.

ORDA December 2001 23

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5.1 Intake Structure

Are devices or structures in a surface water source to draw water from this source
and then discharge in to an intake conduit through which it will flow in to the water
works system.

The following must be considered in designing and locating intakes:

a) The source of supply, whether impounding reservoirs, lakes, or rivers

(including the possibility of wide fluctuation in water level).
b) The character of the intake surroundings.
 Depth of water
 Character of bottom
 The effect of currents floods and storms up on the structure and in
scouring the bottom.
c) The location with respect to sources of pollution; and
d) The prevalence of floating materials such as ice, and vegetation

5.1.1 Types of Intakes

There are different types of intakes, such as reservoir intakes, river intakes and canal
intake Intakes from Impounding Reservoirs

The water of impounding reservoirs is likely to vary in quality at various levels,

making it usually desirable to take water from about a meter from the surface. This,
with the fluctuations of water level which may be expected in reservoirs, makes it
advisable to have ports at various heights. Where the dam is of earth, the intake is
usually a concrete tower located in deep water near the upstream toe of the dam.
Access to the tower so that the gates various openings may be manipulated is
obtained by means of a foot bridge. The ports may be closed by sluice gates or by
gate valves on short lengths of pipe. Where the dam is of masonry, the intake may be
a well in the dam structure itself, also with openings at various heights.

ORDA December 2001 24

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Figure 5-1a Reservoir Intake


Figure 5-2b Tower water intake for a lake or reservoir water supply River Intakes

Where rock foundations are available, some cities have built elaborate river intakes,
resembling bridge piers with ports at various depths, to allow for great fluctuations in
river stage. Small cities may use pipe intakes similar to those described under lake
intakes. The bottom must be sufficiently stable. And the water deep enough to allow
for a submergence of at least 1m at all times with a clear opening beneath the pipe..

ORDA December 2001 25

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Figure 5-3 River in take

River intakes are especially likely to need screens to exclude large floating matter
which might injure pumps.

River intake is located inside the river so as to get adequate supply in all seasons. Canal Intakes

This consists of a concrete well in the canal. An inlet pipe laid in the canal bed leads in
to the well. As the full supply level in the canal is, fairly constant, inlets at different
depths are not necessary.
The inlet end of the pipe is provided with an enlarged bell mouth, to which is fixed a
hemispherical fine screen which prevents floating materials from entering the intake
pipe. Also, there is a coarse screen provided so that big floating particles are excluded.
The water from the out let of the intake pipe is led to a sump well or supply.

Figure 5-4 Canal Intake

5.2 Water Collection Chamber

The collection chamber is essential in water supply system for:

 Sufficient depth for the pump operation
 As sedimentation tank

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 During maintenance condition by operating the emergency outlet to the river, to

maintain the pipe system properly.
The design and Geometry, construction material used is similar to the service reservoir

5.2.1 Hydraulic Design of collection Chamber

If the collection chamber is used as transfer reservoirs
 Reservoir that are used for pumping will be sized based on 1 hr of maximum
day demand
 Reservoir that provide transfer via gravity (break pressure tank); if necessary
will be sized for 30 minutes of storage of maximum day demand

5.2.2 Structural Design of Chamber Roof Slab

Let for a Circular slab freely supported at the edge & loaded uniformly
Let Mr = radial bending moment
MӨ = circumferential bending moment
w = uniformly distributed load
r= radius of slab

Figure 5-5 Circular slab freely supported at the edge and loaded uniformly

In this case the maximum radial and circumferential bending moment occurs at the
center of the slab.
Radial moment (Mr) varies parabolic ally from a maximum value of 3/16wr2 at the
center to zero at the edge.
The circumferential moment decreases parabolic ally from a maximum values 3/6wr2at

ORDA December 2001 27

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the center of the slab to a minimum value 2/6wr2at the edges.

The circumferential shear force is taken as zero. The radial shear force at any radius
“a” is taken equal to 1/2wa per unit width.
Design information
Depth (h)
Such as Concrete C-30
Steel S-300
Load Calculation
Deflection requirement d≥ (0.4+0.6fyk)Le/Ba
i. Self wt
ii. Cement screed finishing
iii. Live load
iv. Ultimate load (Pd)


Bending moment calculation

Maximum positive radial moment at the center (Mr) and maximum positive
circumferential moment (MӨ) are each =3/16wr2
Mr= MӨ
Maximum circumferential moment at the edge
Check depth for flexure
The effective depth of slab from consideration of maximum bending moment
d=√ (______ M ________)
ρb*b*fyd(1-0.4 ρbm)
Fyd = Yield strength of steel

ORDA December 2001 28

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5.2.3 Design of the vertical wall

The wall will act as a cantilever from the base with some end constraints. The wall will
be subjected to axial load from roof slab and bending moment and hoop tension from
hydrostatic pressure of water.

The axial load coming from roof slab on the wall should becomes
Paxial =WL/2; where w=the distributed load on the slab
L= the diameter of the tank
The self weight of the wall should be considered
Pself = thickness*length*concrete*width
Total P =Pself +Paxial
At the bottom of the wall, the bending causes tension in the concrete on the water side
face, so the design of the section is controlled by
Moment + P ≤ ∂cbc (allowable bearing stress in concrete)
Section modulus Area

In designing circular tanks we have to work out the magnitude of the maximum hoop
tension and max. B.M. in the tank wall and thereafter provide reinforcement
accordingly. In I.S. code method, the magnitude of bending moment, and hoop tension
at different height of the circular tank wall can be directly worked out by using
appropriate coefficients given in tabular form in IS: 3370(part IV). In the code different
tables of coefficients are specified for different conditions of joints (between the tank
and floor/roof slab) and different loading conditions

The coefficient depend on the ratio of H2/Dt

Where H = depth of water tank
D = diameter of tank
t= thickness of the wall
The circular tank wall fixed at base and free at top and subjected to triangular load due
to hydrostatic pressure.

ORDA December 2001 29

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The method of designing circular tank with rigid joint between the wall and floor slab by
I.S. code method can be summarized as under:
i. From the given capacity of storage of water, fix the values of depth of water (H)
and diameter (D) of the tank.
ii. Fix the value of appropriate thickness of wall by the formula t= (30H+60) mm
iii. Find the ratio H2/Dt
And work out corresponding values of respective co-efficient for tension, B.M. and
shear from tables.
iv. Find hoop tension by the formula
T= co-efficient *wH*D/2 KN/m
Where w= wt. of water in KN/m2
V. find the bending moment by the formula
M= co-efficient*wH³KNm
vi. Find shear force by the formula
V. co-efficient*wH2 KN/m
Where co-efficient is to be read from table
The approximate wall thickness of wall by the formula t=30H+60mm

5.2.4 Design of Bottom Slab

When the tank rests on good ground, the floor slab should be strong enough to
transfer the load to the weight of the liquid stored and the self weight of the structure to
the soil below without subsidence. The floor slab is usually 150mm to 200mm thick
and the reinforcement is provided in the form of mesh both at top and bottom face of
the slab. Before laying the ground is properly rammed and leveled; then a 75mm thick
layer of lean concrete C-10 grade should be laid and cured. This bottom layer should
be covered with layer of tar felt to enable the floor slab act in dependently of the
bottom layer. In water logged soils the bottom layer of concrete should preferably be of
C-15 grade.
The minimum reinforcement from practical consideration should not be less than 0.3%
of the gross-cross sectional area of the floor slab.

ORDA December 2001 30

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5.3 Layout and Design of rising main

5.3.1 Maximum Pressure Limits

The maximum pressure is an indicate whether which type of material is to be used and
which class is sufficient to resist the pressure without burst e.g. class III HDP pipe,
Class IV HDP pipe, or galvanized iron (GI) pipe with different class must be used. The
choice is determined by the maximum pressure that the pipe will be subjected to
(these maximum pressure are always the result of static pressure levels). The
maximum pressure limits for each type of these pipes is discussed below.

Class III HDP pipe: maximum pressure rating =6 Kg/cm2 (60 meters of head). This is
the standard pipe used where pressure do not exceeds 60 meters of head.

Class IV HDP pipe: maximum pressure rating =10 Kg/cm2 (100 meters of head). This
is the standard pipe used where pressure exceeds 60 meters of head but less than
100meters. Its wall thickness is greater, which allow it to withstand greater pressures,
but it is much more expensive than class III.

GI pipe: maximum pressure rating =25 Kg/cm2 (250 meters of head). GI pipe is
preferred where pressure exceeds 100 meters of head.

In general the a maximum of 100 m manometer head, to

avoid rising leaks and burst in the distribution system

5.3.2 Minimum Pressure Limits

The pressure under the section where the HGL is under ground is a negative pressure
(negative head).Negative pressure in the pipe line means that the water is being
siphoned through ( sucked from below rather than pushed from above).
The minimum pressure in the distribution network should not be below 5 m during
peak hour flow. But according to the ministry of water the minimum and maximum
pressure limits is below.

ORDA December 2001 31

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Table 5-1 Operating pressure in the distribution net work

5.3.3 Velocity Limits

The velocity of flow through the pipeline is also another matter of considerations. If the
velocity is great, suspended particles in the flow can cause excessive erosion of the
pipe; and if the velocity is too low, then these same suspended particles may settle out
of the flow and collect at low points in the pipe line, eventually clogging it left
unattended. In addition it should not allow silting and high detention times in the rising
pipes due to low velocities Though the velocity limit depends on the pipe material
general recommended velocity range are:
 A Maximum velocity at less than 2 m/sec, except in short sections
 A minimum velocity of 0.6 m/sec can be taken

5.3.4 Hydraulic Calculation

The hydraulic design of the distribution networks will be carried with the aid of
computer model utilizing WATER CAD software
The Water Cad programme has the ability to include, inter-alias the following
features: -
 The main network based on a system of nodes and pipelines
 Fixed or variable head reservoirs
 Fixed or variable speed pumps
 Pumps activated by reservoir level
 Pumps producing a required downstream pressure
 Pressure reducing valves
 Non-return valves
 Consumer demand by type, e.g. domestic, industrial, leakage, etc.
 Consumer demand by geographical area
 Variation in demand with time

ORDA December 2001 32

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The head loss due to friction is computed using Hazen-Williams formula

HL (m) = {(6.8*L*(V/C) 1.85)/D1.166}

HL = Head loss in (m)
L = pipe length in (m)
V = Velocity of flow (m)
D = internal dia. Of pipe (m)
C = Friction coefficient of pipe
Similarly the head losses of pipe fittings and valves were determined using standard
formula of;
HL = K*V2/2g
Where; K = friction factor which depends on the type of fittings
G = gravitational acceleration (m/s2)
Typical values of the friction factor (K) that have been considered in this analysis are
presented in the following table;

Table 5-2 pipe and fitting roughness coefficients

Type of fitting K
Bend 90 degree 0.5
bend 45 degree 0.3
Bend 22.5 degree 0.1
Bend 11.25 degree 0.01
Tee flow to branch 1.4
Tee flow from branch 1.7
Tee straight flow 0.4
Butterfly valve fully open 0.1
Reducer (mean value) 0.7

ORDA December 2001 33

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Table 5-3Hazen William coefficient (C)

* Depending on age and condition.

(Source: - Ministry of water resource design criteria, January 2006)

5.4 Design of Service reservoir

5.4.1 Service Reservoirs Function

A service reservoir has four main functions:

1. To balance the fluctuating demand from the distribution system, permitting the
source to give steady or differently phased output.
2. Provide a supply during a failure or shutdown of treatment plant, pumps or trunk
main leading to the reservoir.
3. To give a suitable pressure for the distribution system and reduce pressure
fluctuations therein.
4. To provide a reserve of water to meet fire and other emergency demands.

5.4.2 Position and Elevation of Reservoirs

 It should be positioned as near as possible to the area of demand.

 It is, of course, not always possible to find a high point which in the center of
the distribution area.
 If the distribution area varies widely in elevation it may be necessary to use two
more service reservoirs at different levels
 It is also usually necessary to site the reservoir at such elevation that a steady
pressure is maintained at all points of the distribution system, sufficient to give

ORDA December 2001 34

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an adequate flow to the top most storey

 Wherever possible the use of non-stand pipes for high pressures should be
avoided as such pipes are expensive.
 Pressure control valves are sometimes installed in inlet mains from service
reservoirs in order to reduce the pressure to low laying zones, or to limit
increase of pressure at night to reduce leakage.
 Break pressure tanks give better protection to low laying zones and are
preferable to pressure reducing devices.

5.4.3 Types of Service Reservoirs

Generally, there are two types of service reservoirs:

1. Surface reservoir (Ground Reservoir or Non-elevated)
2. Elevated reservoir ( Over head Tank)

Figure 5-6 Types of Service Reservoirs

5.4.4 Accessories of Service Reservoirs

The service reservoirs are to be provided with the following accessories:

1. Inlet Pipe : For the entry of water
2. Ladder : To reach the top of the reservoir and then to the bottom of the
reservoir, for inspection and cleaning
3. Lightening Conductor : In case of elevated reservoirs for the passage of
4. Manholes : For providing entry to the inside of reservoir for inspection and

ORDA December 2001 35

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5. Outlet pipe: For the exit of water

6. Outflow Pipe : For the exit of water above full supply level
7. Vent pipes : For free circulation of air
8. Washout pipe : For removing water after cleaning of the reservoir
9. Water level indicator: To know the level of water inside the tank from outside.








Figure 5-7 Service reservoirs accessories

5.4.5 Design Capacity of Service Reservoirs

The capacity of the reservoir should have to accommodate the cumulative difference
b/n supply & demand. A reservoir with a storage volume of 30% to 50% of the
average daily demand of the maximum day water demand of the design period is

The three major design capacity of service storage are:

i) Equalizing or operating storage
ii) Fire reserve
iii) Emergency reserve
Equalizing or operating capacity can be obtained from a mass curve of water
consumption rates and pumping supply rates.

ORDA December 2001 36

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1) The capacity can be analytically determined by finding out maximum

cumulative surplus during the stage when pumping rate is higher than water
consumption rate and adding to this maximum cumulative deficit which occurs
during the period when the pumping rate is lower than the demand rate of
2) The above figure can be obtained by drawing mass curves of water
consumption rates and water pumping supply rates.
Example-1. A small town with a design population of 1600 is to be supplied water
at 150liters per capita per day. The demand of water during different periods is
given in the following table:

Table 5-4hrly demand of town

Time (hr) 0-3 3-6 6-9 9 -12 12- 15 15 18 18 -21 21 -24

Demand (lt) 20 25 30 50 35 30 25 25

Determine the capacity of a service reservoir if pumping is done 24 hours at

constant rate.

Water supply = 150 l/c/d
Total water demand = demand * population = 150*1600 = 240,000 liters
Rate of pumping = 240,000/24 = 10,000lit/hr = 30,000lit/3hr

1 Analytical Method

Time Pumping Demand Surplus Deficit Cummulative

0-3 30,000 20,000 10000 0 10000
3. - 6. 30,000 25,000 5000 0 15000
6. - 9 30,000 30,000 0 0 15000
9. - 12 30,000 50,000 0 -20000 -5000
12. - 15 30,000 35,000 0 -5000 -10000
15. -18 30,000 30,000 0 0 -10000
18. - 21 30,000 25,000 5000 0 -5000
21. -24 30,000 25,000 5000 0 0

Maximum cumulative surplus = 15,000 liters

Maximum cumulative deficit = 10,000 liters

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Total 25,000lit = 25 m 3
25 * 4
If the reservoir is circular with depth, h = 3.0 m, d   3 .4 m

Time Pumping Demand Cummulative demand Cummulative Pumping

0-3 30,000 20,000 30,000 20,000
3. - 6. 30,000 25,000 60,000 45,000
6. - 9 30,000 30,000 90,000 75,000
9. - 12 30,000 50,000 120,000 125,000
12. - 15 30,000 35,000 150,000 160,000
15. -18 30,000 30,000 180,000 190,000
18. - 21 30,000 25,000
Mass Curve210,000 215,000
21. -24 300,000
30,000 25,000 240,000 240,000
Demand & Supply

250,000 (21. -24),



150,000 Cummulative demand

100,000 Cummulative Pumping


0 2 4Time 6
(Hours) 8 10

Example 2 If in example -1 pumping is done for:

a) Eight hours from 8 hrs to 16 hrs
b) Eight hrs from 4 hrs to 8 hrs and again 16 hours to 20 hrs.

Total water demand = 240,000lit/hr
Rate of pumping = 24,000/8 = 30,00l/h = 90,000lit/3hrs

ORDA December 2001 38

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Case I
A) Analytical Method
For Graphical Method
Time Pumping Demand Surplus Deficit Cumulative Cumulative demand Cumulative supply
0-3 0 20000 0 -20000 -20000 20000 0
3-6. 0 25000 0 -25000 -45000 45000 0
6.-8 0 20000 0 -20000 -65000 65000 0
8-9. 30000 10000 20000 0 -45000 75000 30000
9. -12 90000 50000 40000 0 -5000 125000 120000
12. -15 90000 35000 55000 0 50000 160000 210000
15. - 16 30000 10000 20000 0 70000 170000 240000
16. -18 0 20000 0 -20000 50000 190000 240000
18.-21 0 25000 0 -25000 25000 215000 240000
21. -24 0 25000 0 -25000 0 240000 240000
Maximum cumulative surplus
= 70000
Maximum cumulative Deficit
= -65000
Balancing Storage , S = 135000 liters
135 m3

B) Graphical Method



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Case II

A) Analytical Method For Graphical Method

Time Pumping Demand Surplus Deficit Cumulative Cumulate Cumulate
demand supply
0-3 0 20000 0 -20000 -20000 20000 0
3-4. 0 8333 0 -8333 -28333 28333 0
4. - 6 60000 16667 43333 0 15000 45000 60000
6. - 8 60000 20000 40000 0 55000 65000 120000
8 - 9. 0 10000 0 -10000 45000 75000 120000
9.-12 0 50000 0 -50000 -5000 125000 120000
12. - 15 0 35000 0 -35000 -40000 160000 120000
15. -16 0 10000 0 -10000 -50000 170000 120000
16.-18 60000 20000 40000 0 -10000 190000 180000
18. - 20 60000 16667 43333 0 33333 206667 240000
20. - 21 0 8333 0 -8333 25000 215000 240000
21. - 24 0 25000 0 -25000 0 240000 240000
Maximum cumulative surplus = 55000
Maximum cumulative Deficit = -50000
Balancing Storage , S = 105000 liters
105 m3

B) Graphical Method
C U M U L A T IV E S U P P L Y & D E M A N D

C u m m u l a ti ve D e m a n d
250000 C u m m u l a ti ve s u p p l y





M a x S u r p lu s

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26
T IM E ( H O U R S )

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5.4.6 Depth and Shape of Service Reservoirs

The following are some notes on the salient features of service reservoirs and the
alternatives that may be adopted. Depth

There is an economical depth of service reservoir for any given site. For a given
quantity of water either a shallow reservoir having long walls and a large floor area
may be constructed or, alternatively. A deep reservoir may be constructed with high
retaining walls and a smaller floor area. Depths most usually used are as follows:

Table 5-5 Economical depth of service reservoir

Size (m3) Depth of water (m)

Up to 3500 2.5 to 3.5
3500 to 15,000 3.5 to 5.0

Over 15,000 5.0 to 7.0

These figures don’t apply to water towers or pre-stressed concrete reservoirs. For this
kind of reservoir there are factors influencing depth for a given storage these are:

1. Depth at which suitable foundation conditions are encountered

2. Depth at which the out let main must be laid
3. Slope of ground, nature and type of back fill
4. The shape and size of land available Shape

 Circular reservoir is geometrically the most economical shape, giving the least
amount of walling for a given volume and depth.
 It has the attraction of allowing construction of a thin reinforced concrete dome
shaped roof.
 Circular tank is the simplest.
 For the same capacity of storage, it has the advantage that it requires less

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material for construction than a rectangular tank.

 On account of its circular shape it has no corners and can be made, water- tight

5.4.7 Structural design of Service reservoir

The structural design of reservoir is just the same principle as collection chamber,
since they are the same but different function.

5.5 Layout and Design of distribution pipe system

The main aim of distribution system is to develop adequate water pressure at various
points of the consumer’s taps. Depending upon the level of the source of water and the
city, topography of the area, and other local conditions and consideration, the water
may be forced into the distribution system in the following three ways:
1. by gravity
2. by pumps
3. gravity in conjunction with on-line storage

5.5.1 Gravity Distribution

This is possible when the source of supply is a lake or impounding reservoir at

some elevation above the city so that sufficient pressure can be maintained in the
mains for domestic and fire service. This is the most reliable method if the conduit
leading from source to city is adequate in size and well safeguard against accidental
breaks. High pressure for fire fighting, however, may be obtained only by using the
motor pumps of the fire department.

Figure 5-8 Schematic diagram of Gravity Distribution

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5.5.2 Pump Distribution with storage

In this method the excess water pumped during periods of low consumption is
stored in elevated tanks or reservoirs. During periods of high consumption the
stored water is drawn up on to augment that pumped. This method allows fairly
uniform rates of pumping and hence is economical, for the pumps may be operated
at their rate capacity. Since the water stored furnishes a reserve to care for fires and
pump breakdowns, this method of operations fairly reliable. Motor pumpers must
ordinarily be used for higher fire pressure, although it is possible to close the valves
leading to the elevated storage tanks and operate a fire pump at the pumping plant.

Figure 5-9 Schematic diagram of pump Distribution with storage

5.5.3 Pumps Distribution without storage

In this method the pumps force water directly in to the mains with no other outlet
than the water actually consumed. It is the least desirable system, for a power
failure would mean complete interruption in water supply. As consumption varies,
the pressure in the mains is likely to fluctuate. To conform to the varying
consumption several pumps are available to add water output when needed, a
procedure requiring constant attendance. The peak power consumptions of the
water plant are likely to occur during periods of otherwise high current consumption
and thus increase power cost. An advantage of direct pumping is that a large fire
service pump may be used which can run up the pressure to any desired amount
permitted by the construction of the mains.

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Figure 5-10 Schematic diagram of pump Distribution without storage

5.6 Types of pipes and pipe fittings and their Importance

5.6.1 Pipe Materials

For use in transmission and distribution systems, pipe materials must have the
following characteristics:
 Adequate tensile strength and bending strength to withstand external loads.
 High bursting strength to withstand internal water pressure
 Ability to resist impact loads to water flow suitable for handling and joining
 Resistance to both internal and external corrosion

The types of pipes used for distributing water include:

1. Cast iron pipe 6. Copper pipe
2. Steel pipe
3. Concrete pipe
4. Plastic pipe
5. Asbestos cement pipe
A pipe material is selected based on various conditions:
 Cost
 Type of water to be conveyed
 Carrying capacity of the pipe
 Maintenance cost
 Durability, etc

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5.6.2 Pipe Appurtenances

Valves Used to isolate and drain pipe line sections for test, inspection, cleaning and repair
i) Gate valves. Are installed in every main and sub-main to isolate a portion of the
network system during a repair.
ii) Check-valves (Non-Return valves). Are generally used to prevent reversal of flow
when a pump is shot down
iii) Air-Relief Valves. In long pipes lines air will accumulate in the high points (summits)
of the line and may interfere with the flow. It is necessary, therefore, to place air relief
valves at those points where trouble is expected.
iv) Pressure regulating valves. These valves automatically reduce pressure on the d/s
side to any desired magnitude and are used on lines entering low areas of a city,
without such reductions pressures would be too high.

5.7 Allocation and design of water points

The tap stands are the most frequently-used component of entire system. No other
source will face more abuse than these and no other structure will have fit in so closely
with local social.
Not only tap stand itself, but the immediate surrounding area must also be carefully
selected and attractive, and inviting place. Poorly completed, and it will be a dirty, muddy,
unhygienic eyesore.
In addition to being the point to collect water, the tap stand area must allow room for
cloth-washing as well as bathing.

5.7.1 Tap stand location

The number of taps required in system will be greatly influenced by the geographical lay
out-out of the village. Isolated wards, no matter how small will require their own .The
school (if one or several) and health posts should also have one
The location of the tap stands should be based upon a number of considerations:
 It will serve those family that will depend upon it
 Is there an adequate point for the waste-water

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 Is the area large enough to allow for several users at once(washing clothes,
bathing , collecting water)
A site near but not directly on a main trail is good; a small water-hole for animals may be
dug nearby to collect waste water (and prevent the animals from coming directly to the
tap stand to get their water). Overflow from the water-hole can be channeled to a nearby
garden or field.

The need for additional taps can be minimized by trying to predict in which direction the
village is likely to expand in the future, and locate the tap stands accurately.

according to the ministry of water resource design criteria, public fountains will be located
to ensure that each customer will be within 500 meters walking distance. In addition each
public fountain should serve from 150 to 200 houses. Each fountain will be fitted

5.7.2 Saving Water at Tap stands

One of the most difficult conditions in rural water supply system is the efficient utilization.
This could result from the following conditions:
1. The material for fetching water which is kept under faucet is of narrow opening so
that the water that is lost may exceed the water entering.
2. Proper operation of the faucet is not usually observed and practiced by the people
due to lack of awareness.
3. the time to fill the container is not regulated due many reasons so that the water will
flow until the faucet is closed
Due to the above reasons the following measures has to be taken:
1 For fetching material whose opening is narrow appropriate funnel should be used.
2 Plastic hose pipe should also be used in addition to the first option
3 Properly trained person which is responsible both in looking after the operation of
the faucet and give deliberate announcement about the efficient utilization of water
should be employed.

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6.1 Introduction to Pump Design and generators

Pumps may be driven by an electric motor or by a diesel engine. Considering convenience,

operational uniformity and pollution aspects, and electric drive for pumps is preferable.
Electric power may be provided from the ELPCO grid, or locally provided by diesel
generator(s). Where the driving power is electricity, it should preferably be available from
two sources; from the grid, as prime source, and from a diesel generator as a standby
source. If no generator is provided because electricity supplies are deemed to be reliable,
then a suitable voltage regulator should be installed if low-voltage periods

Generating sets should be capable of driving all the electric motors of the plant to full
design capacity plus any expected overload (e.g. at start-up).

6.2 Classification of Pumps and Types of Pump Drivers

Deep boreholes should be provided with submersible pumps. While maintaining this
practice, the possibility of equipping medium depth boreholes with shaft driven turbines
should not be precluded. Shaft-driven pumps may be more expensive in terms of initial
investment, but could well be cheaper in the long run through ease of maintenance, longer
service life span and more efficient operation. Shaft driven turbine pumps will usually be
driven by an electric motor with power supplied from the grid or locally provided by diesel
generator. Only under special circumstances may such pumps be directly driven by diesel
engine through a coupling and suitable gear drive.

In selecting pumps and motors, the following factors should be considered:

 Required de-rating factors for altitude,

 Water quality,
 Hydraulic characteristics of the system
 Draw-down (in boreholes) or suction head (in surface horizontal pumps),
 Mechanical/electrical efficiency,

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 Economic considerations,
 Availability of maintenance services and spare parts,
 Standardization of equipment and familiarity by the operators,
 Operating speed.

6.3 Hydraulics of pumps

6.3.1 Capacity of Pump

The design working capacity of pumps (duty point) will be determined taking into account
the system requirement and the number of units working simultaneously. The pump
characteristics should normally allow working in a range between 2/3 to 1.5 times the
nominal discharges at the design duty point (unless a pump with such characteristics is not
a standard item). The duty point of pumps expected to work in parallel with others will take
into account the effect of the combined pumps’ duty on the resistance head of the system.

The available system NPSH at the maximum flow rate should exceed by at least 1.0 m the
pump manufacturer’s required NPSH. However, consideration will be given to pump
systems of a design which avoids the problems of low or negative suction heads.

The capacity of the pump is a function of the head and discharge

 The pump head from the source to the collection chamber/ or may be directly to the
service reservoir pus the friction loss.
 Power of water in (Kilo Watt) is:
Pw = QH
for Q in l/sec and power in KW Power required to lift the water is:
Pp = QH
102 P

Where:  is specific density of water

H= head required to lift the pump
Q= discharge
p= efficiency of the pump = 0.75

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6.4 Analysis of diesel generator power

The power required to drive the pump or the motor power will be

Pm = QH
102 P*m

Where m is efficiency of motor

The power required to start a pump is assumed to be twice of the amount of required for
operation of the pump. Taking in to account the efficiency of the diesel engine to be d and
power factor of cos  the power of generator is calculated as
Pd = 2* QH
102 P*m**d

Where d is efficiency of diesel engine

Pd power of diesel generator (KVA)

The type of the pump and the actual model of the pump should be selected based on both
pump characteristics and system characteristics. The pump characteristics can be analyzed
from manufacturers curve
Electric motor ratings will take into account the actual working range, and be over-rated at
least 20% of the maximum calculated power requirement at any point in the actual working
range, in addition to any de-rating factor for altitude.

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Environment is a system which consists of Hydrological, Biophysical, Atmospherical,

Cultural and Social condition. EIA provides the answer for impact during construction
and after construction. It is used as an instrument for sustainable development by
minimizing the adverse effects and maximizing the benefits that is obtained as result of
the project .In addition to these it identifies the Positive impact of the project Negative
impacts which exist in the environment and select alternatives that mitigate the impact.


If the water Supply Schemes is be implemented in two phases. it should indicate

cover the period from and up to which year. The works of the proposed system will be
carried out in the first phase. Additional works required meeting the conditions of
phase II should be carried out at end of the first phase .The construction activities that
are going to be implemented in each phases should also be described :

9. Conclusion and recommendation

Write the conclusion and recommendation you have arrived in the investigation and

ORDA December 2001 50

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1. EBCA Construction Material Break down, Addis ababa,1989

2. EBCS-1, 1995
3. EBCS-2,1995
4. Mark J. Hammer, “Water And Waste Water Technology”, 5th edition
6. Tropics consulting 2009 Bahir Dar Water Supply and Sanitation Feasibility Study
Main report Project Volume 1: Water Demand
7. \Syed.R. Qasim. Edward M. Motley Gaung Zhu “Water Works Engineering”
8. TERENE.J.MCGHEE, “Water Supply And Sewerage”,6th edition
9. THOMASD.JORDAN, “A Hand Of Gravity Flow Water System For Small
10. SANTOSH KUMAR GARG”Irrigation Engineering And Hydraulic Structure”,14th
11. ENGINEERING SYSTEM”,3rd edition
13. The federal democratic republic of Ethiopia, ministry of water resources, Urban
water supply design criteria 2001
14. Three town water supply and sanitation project design criteria 2001
15. Oromia water works design and supervision enterprise , design guid line for water
supply projects , December, 2008

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ORDA December 2001 b

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Model Project


According to the data obtained for the kebele, the total population which the project can
incorporate is estimated to be 3,065 until the study of the project.
Regarding the infrastructures and social services, kebeles are not connected to the
national grid of electric supply even though the kebeles are densely populated and near
to Harbu. Tekakie has Satelite telecommunication access. It has also primary and junior
/1-8/ school. As stated by the woreda Administrators the dwellers number is increasing
from time to time. Hence to improve the living conditions of the community a potable,
reliable and adequate new water supply system is planned to be study. 20 years design
period is considered for most of the system except reservoir and pump which are in two

Table 1-1 Population data obtained from kebele administrators

No. Kebele Got No. Population
Male Female Total Remark

1 Tekakie 807 822 1,629

Tekakie Marbete 450 467 917

Total 1,257 1,289 2,546

Maywa Tulu abajibo 284 235 519

Total 1,945 1,935


Table 1-2 2001 E.C CSA population data recorded

Population Remark
No Kebele
1 Tekakie 4079

2 Maywa 5800

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Table 1-3 Live stock population (2001 E.C)

No. Kebele Cattle Equines Small ruminant Total

Hors Goat
Ox Cow Bull Heifer Calves Donkey Camel e Mule Sheep
1 Tekaki
e 1199 714 527 408 801 62 169 3 21 117 418 4,439
2 Maywa
912 868 286 468 501 423 296 0 4 1287 1628 6,673
2111 1626 813 876 1302 485 465 3 25 1404 2046 11,156

2.1 Population projection

For Tekakie kebele and Tulu abajibo got of Maywa kebele, constant percentage of
growth is assumed for equal period of time. For such developing kebele centers
having a constant growth rate, population geometric progress method, is the
commonly used formula to forecast the population at the end of n years.

Pn= Pp (1 +r) n

Pn= population at the target year

Pp = present population

r = Annual growth rate in%

n = design period, in year

2.1.1 Growth rate determination

Table 2-1 Amhara region population growth rates

Growth rates/%/ in each year

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Rural 5.09 2.49 2.33 2.17 1.98 1.76 1.52
Urban 5.09 4.53 4.67 4.41 4.25 4.05 3.85
Source: ESP component 3 rural planning model January 2001

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Using the above formula and growth rates calculated results are tabulated below.

Table 2-2summery of projected population

Year 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Population 3,137 3,492 3,852 4,206 4,532

Table 2-3 Growth rates as established by CSA for Urban Population Projection of
Amhara region

Variants 1995- 2000- 2005- 2010- 2015- 2020- 2020-
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Low Variant 6.37 5.19 4.71 4.22 3.8 3.38 2.97

Median Variant 6.54 5.84 5.33 4.8 4.27 3.74 3.28

High variant 6.76 6.55 6.13 5.64 5.14 4.65 4.2

Table 2-4 Population projected in each variant

Year Projected Population

CSA low variant CSA mid variant CSA high variant

2010 3,210 3,229 3,253

2015 3,947 4,082 4,280
2020 4,756 5,031 5,499
2025 5,615 6,044 6,902
2030 6,450 7,103 8,478

Two methods as mentioned above are used to compare and select the most
appropriate population figure for the area. The projected population obtained in first
way/ ESP component 3 rural planning models January 2001 / is low compared to
existing growth rate and development of the kebele. Hence the second method
whose growth rate is determined from central statistics authority variants specially
using the medium variant favors the study area. The projected population at 2030
is therefore 7,103.

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2.2 Future water demand determination

The major types of water consumptions considered for Tekakie and Maywa rural
kebeles water supply design purposes are discussed below.

2.2.1 Domestic water demand (Dwd)

This demand category includes the water requirement for drinking, washing, and
cooking, bathing, cleaning& personal hygiene.

Generally for this rural kebeles water supply system, the modes and levels of
services can be categorized as public fountains/PF/, Yard connection/YC/, and
traditional source users.

Table 2-5 Rural percapita per day water demand

No. Activities YC PF TSU

1 Drinking 3.5 2.5 -
2 Cooking 4.5 3.5 -
3 Ablutions 5 5 -
4 Washing dishes 4.5 3 -
5 Washing closes 3.5 3 -
6 Bathing 4 3 -
Total 25 20
Source: ESP component 3 rural planning models January 2001

Table 2-6 percentage of users by mode of services in years mentioned

No. Mode of Percentage of users in each Years

services 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
1 PF 90 74 57 42 25
2 YC 8 25 42 58 75
3 TSU 2 1 1 - -

Table 2-7 Percapita growth rate

No. Mode of services Growth rate per annum/%/

1 PF 1
2 YC 2
3 TSU 0

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Table 2-8 Projected Average per capita Domestic Water Demand

Mode Design Year

2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
% of Percapita Demand % of Percapita Demand % of Percapita Demand % of Percapita Demand % of Percapita Demand
Users (L/c/d) Total users (L/c/d) Total users (L/c/d) Total users (L/c/d) Total users (L/c/d) Total

PF 90 74 57 42 25
20 18 21 15.54 22.05 12.57 23.15 9.72 24.31 6.08
YC 8 25 42 58 75
25 2 27.5 6.88 30.25 12.70 33.28 19.30 36.60 27.45
TSU 2 1 1 -
- - - - - - -
Total 20 22.42 25.27 33.53

ORDA December 2001 1

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In order to account for changes of average percapita domestic demand, the water
demand is factored by climatic factors.

Table 2-9 Climatic Grouping

Group Mean Annual Precipitation Factor

A 600 or less 1.1
B 601 – 900 1.0

C 901 or more 0.9

As Meteorological data of kombolcha, the project area has a mean annual rainfall
of 1100 mm, which falls under group C. Hence; considers an adjustment factor of
0.9 to refine the average per capita domestic water demand is considered. Socio-Economic Adjustment Factor

Tekakie and Tuluabajibo kebele centers, as compared to other rural advanced

towns have lower standard of living and most of the inhabitants are farmers and
some are traders. Tekakie has no power supply /Expected in near future/, and has
satellite telephone communication, road connections. Further it is very near to
Harbu town and kombolcha town, which have a positive impact on the commercial

In the view of the above and considering their development, they are classified
under group D and appropriate adjustment factor of 0.9 is adopted.

Table 2-10 Socio-Economic Grouping

Group Description Factor

A Towns enjoying high living standards and with very high 1.10
potential for development
B Towns having a very high potential for development but lower 1.05
living standard at present
C Towns under normal Ethiopian conditions 1.00
D Advanced Rural Towns 0.90

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Table 2-11 adjusted percapita demand in (l/c/d)

Design Year 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Average per capita 20 22.42 25.27 29.02 33.53
demand (l/c/d)
Climate adjustment 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
Socio-economic 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9
adjustment factor
Adjusted percapita 16.2 18.16 20.47 23.51 27.16
demand (l/c/d)

2.2.2 Public demand (Pd)

This demand category includes the water requirement of health post, school,
market, and public facilities government offices.

As there is no clear information and development plan data for such kebeles, 10%
of the domestic demand for design purpose is considered

Pd = 10% of Dwd

Table 2-12 Public demand

Design Year 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Domestic demand (l/c/d) 16.2 18.16 20.47 23.51 27.16

Public demand (l/c/d) 1.62 1.82 2.05 2.4 2.72

2.2.3 Animal demand

In these rural kebeles there are livestocks, which the exact number is mentioned
above. Livestocks found in the area includes cattle, camel, sheep and goats. They
require too much water for their drinking purposes. Consideration of animal water
demand in this design will make the water supply system costly, hence using
Borkena and other nearby rivers is assumed in this study

2.2.4 Unaccounted water or Water Loss (UL)

All water leakages in the system and unauthorized connections are categorized
under un accounted for water. This includes:

Due to new deep well source multivilage water supply system, sufficient data
concerning the loss could not be assessed clearly here. Water losses in the design

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years are adopted from previous studies by Alexander Gibbs of 12 town’s feasibility
study and deign project. According to the curve the percentage losses, the
following unaccounted losses / percentage of average day demand/ are adopted.

Figure 2-1 Loss Determination

Table 2-13 Water loss in each design year

Design Year 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Loss /%/ 10 15 18 22 25

2.2.5 Total Average Daily Demand

This demand is considered to be the sum of adjusted domestic demand, public

demand and water for unaccounted. The total average day demand for of the
project is presented in table

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Table 2-14 Total Average Day Demand

Design Year 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Domestic Demand m3/d) 52.31 74.13 102.99 142.09 192.92

Public Demand (m3/d) 5.23 7.41 10.29 14.21 19.29

Average Day
Demand (m3/d) 54.93 77.84 108.12 149.22 202.58
Loss (%) 10 15 18 22 25
Unaccounted water (m3/d) 5.75 12.23 20.39 34.39 53.05
Total Average Day Demand
(m3/d) 63.29 93.77 133.67 190.68 265.26

2.2.6 Variation in demand Maximum daily demand

The ratio of the maximum daily consumption to the mean annual daily consumption
is the max day factor. This demand is used to design source capacity, riser mains,
and service reservoir. Peak hour demand

Previous studies and experiences clearly demonstrate that peak hour factor is
greater for a smaller population.

According to water supply design criteria prepared by ministry of water resource

and tropics studies the proposed maximum day and peak hour factor are
summarized below.

Table 2-15 Maximum Daily and peak hour factor

N0. Population range Maximum day factor Peak hour factor

1 0- 20,000 1.3 2
2 20,001-50,000 1.25 1.9
3 5001and above 1.2 17

Therefore, maximum day factor of 1.3 and peak hour factor of 2 are adopted for
economical design of this water supply system.

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Table 2-16 Maximum day and peak hour demand

Design Year 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

TOTAL m3/d 63.29 93.77 133.67 190.69 265.26

DEMAND L/s 0.73 1.09 1.55 2.21 3.07
DAY FACTOR 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
DEMAND m3/d 82.28 121.90 173.77 247.89 344.84
L/s 0.95 1.41 2.01 2.87 4.00
FACTOR 2 2 2 2 2
PEAK HOUR m3/d 126.58 187.54 267.34 381.37 530.52
L/s 1.47 2.17 3.09 4.41 6.14

Table 2-17 Summary of projected population and respective water demands

Design Year
No. Description Unit
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
GROWTH RATE 5.33 4.8 4.27 3.74 3.28
3,229 4,082 5,031 6,044 7,103
AVERAGE PER CAPITA 20 22.42 25.27 29.02 33.53
DEMAND (l/c/d)
CLIMATIC FACTOR - 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

SOCIOECONOMIC - 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9

ADJUSTED DOMESTIC (L/c/d) 16.2 18.16 20.47 23.51 27.16
m3/day 52.31 74.13 102.99 142.09 192.92
5.23 7.41 10.29 14.21 19.29
57.54 81.54 113.28 156.3 212.21
LOSS (%/ 10 15 18 22 25
5.75 12.23 20.39 34.39 53.05
AVERAGE DAILY WATER 63.29 93.77 133.67 190.69 265.27
3 0.73 1.09 1.55 2.21 3.07

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- 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3
m3/day 82.28 121.90 173.77 247.89 344.84
L/sec 0.95 1.41 2.01 2.87 4.00


m /day 126.59 187.54 267.34 381.37 530.53
PEAK HOUR DEMAND L/sec 1.47 2.17 3.09 4.41 6.14


3.1 Water source

According to water well drilling report obtained, the depth of the deep well is 90m
yielding more than 5 lt/sec. Thus it indicates that the well has enough capacity to
deliver the required water demand (4.0lt/sec).

Tekakie well

Figure 3-1 Tekakie deep well

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3.2 Gravity main

The gravity mains deliver water from deep well source to the proposed service
reservoir. The size of gravity main is designed to convey economically the proposed
discharge from well to service reservoir.

3.2.1 Hydraulic calculation

Economic diameter (D) determination

D= 0.97Q to 1.22 Q

Where Q= discharge in m3/sec,

D=economical diameter in meters

= 61mm to 77mm

= 2 ½ to 3 “

Take 3” pipe

3.2.2 Head loss calculation

Based on Hazen-William frictional head loss formula the losses are calculated as

A) Frictional head loss between well outlet and inlet of the service reservoir

10.9 * LQ 1.852
Hf 1  4.87
(SI units)
C 1.852*D

Where: hf1= frictional head loss in (m)

L = length of pipe (m)

Q= flow (m3/sec)

C= Hazen- Williams coefficient

D= Internal diameter (m)

Based on the formula above and taking C value as 100

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10.9 * 775 * 0.0041.852

Hf 1  =16 .02m
1001.852 * 0.077 4.87

B) The minor losses are estimated taking 10 % of the major losses.

Hm= 0.1* (16m) = 1.60 m.

C)Friction loss in suction pipe, L=73m

10.9 * 73 * 0.0041.852
Hf 2 
1001.852 0.077 4.87
Hf =Hf1+Hf2+Hm = 16.02+1.6+1.5=19.13

3.3 Service reservoir

As per the number of the existing population and level of income of the society it is
mandatory to minimize the risk of developing a project with too high tariffs for the
consumers. So it could be considered to phase the construction of the reservoir in
two phases. Consequently, the construction of the reservoir is only to be made for
the corresponding kebele at each phase of the project i.e. 2010-2020 and 2020-

3.3.1 Shape

Circular reservoir is proposed since it is geometrically the most economical, gives

the least amount of walling for a given depth and the water pressure is evenly
distributed throughout the wall. This circular reservoir is sandwich type in both

3.3.2 4.4.2 Capacity

Capacity of reservoir for these two kebeles is determined using simplified empirical
method commonly practiced in many water supply projects. This is simply taking
one third of the maximum day demand at the end of design period i.e.

Capacity (Phase I) = 1/3*maximum day demand at the end of design period.

= 1/3*0.002 m3/sec

= 0.00067 m3/sec

=0.00067 m3/sec*24*3600sec

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=57.89 m3

Therefore, use 50m3 at an elevation of 1554.4 a.m.s.l

3.3.3 Depth and Diameter

The economical depth of service reservoir is calculated based on 5m diameter of

Standard 50m3 sandwich Reservoir.

4 *V
H =2.55m say 2.60 m
 * D2

Reservoir site

Figure 3-2 Reservoir site



 =Unit weight of water (kg/m3)
Q =discharge (m3/s)
HT = total head (m) = hp+Hf+hd
HP=pump position (m)
Hf=head due to friction and fittings (m)
Hd= elevation difference (m)

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=Pump efficiency

Hd=1554.4-1471.5 =82.9m

Ht= Hp+Hf+Hd+ Reservoir height

=177.6 180 m
For phase I
Qmax demand =4.0L/sec
Pumping hour =12Hr
Qpump = 2.01*24 = 4.0 lt/sec
POWER INPUT TO THE PUMP/P/ = QHT = 1000*8*10 * 180 WHERE = 65%

102 102*0.65
The operation of the pump is affected by altitude change, therefore a reduction of
10% power is considered for every 1000m of altitude rise a.m.s.l

Pr =0.1*1554. 4*21.72= 1.7 kW

Total required power =10.92kW+1.7kw = 12.62 kW
Power input from the EEPCo

P=12.62kw =15.76  16 KW
The power of generator is considered as plus 40% of the pump, hence
Power of generator =1.4*16KVA
=22.4 KVA
Therefore, use submersible pump with
Q=2.01 lt/s
P=16 KVA
For Phase I and
Q=4 lt/s

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P=24 KVA
Power of generator=33.6 KVA

For phase II

5. Distribution Network

The distribution network is designed in such a way that it safely and economically
accommodates the peak hour demand of 2030. The layout of the distribution network
has been prepared based on the existing settlement pattern and topographic
suitability. As per the design criteria, the following guidelines are maintained in the
analysis of the distribution network.

 During peak hour flow velocity shall be between 0.3 and 2.2 m/s
 During minimum consumption water shall not be stagnant in the distribution
 The minimum and maximum pressure in the distribution system shall be 15m
and 75m head of water respectively in the distribution.

In the simulation of the network system the demand at each node is calculated
based on the information gathered regarding the future development trend of the
rural kebeles and the estimated population density.

The hydraulic network diagram for system Tekakie and Mayawa as shown on the
layout drawing including minimum demand (night time) and peak hour demand (day
time) conditions were carried out using the software called water cad 6.5. Specific
print outs of simulation results covering minimum and peak hour consumption
periods are attached in annex D of the-------also schematic layouts showing the
proposed pipe distribution network are presented in Figure 5.1.

As per the analysis from the hydraulic calculation and summary the maximum
pressure at minimum demand is 100.2m (10bar).

The Maximum pressure observed during minimum consumption period (night time)

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and observed during peak hour consumption period is 100.2m at the borehole. While
the Minimum pressure during peak hour consumption period is 4.5 at node X42
which is around the outlet of the reservoir. In general all nodes, in the distribution
network except node X42 have a pressure greater than 15m and lower than 100m
(10 bar).

Therefore, the nominal pressure of the pipes in the distribution network will be PN
10. As per the design, the total length of the distribution pipe is 6,720m. The pipe
material to be used is uPVC and GI with PN-10. The minimum & maximum pipe
diameter in the distribution network is DN 25 and DN 80 respectively.

Figure 5-1 Distribution network of Tekakie-Miawa Water Supply Project global mapper

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Table 5-1 Summary of Pipe Diameter and Length

S/N Diameter (mm) Pipe type Length (m)

1 25 GI 61
2 40 GI 182
GI 658
3 50 uPVC 4,629
uPVC 273
4 80 GI /Rising main/ 917
Total 6,720

3.3.4 Laying of pipes

Since it passes mostly through farmers private lands it should be below ground. A
trench about 60 cm wide is dug out along the alignment, up to 80cm depth. The
trench is filled in 20cm layers and rammed.

3.3.5 Pipe Appurtenances

Air release valves are provided at peak points in the pipeline to remove excess air
and to make the flow smooth and at low nods, roads & river crossings, flush outlets
and other necessary system appurtenances are provided. Where appropriate,

6. Public Fountains

The total number of public fountains, which are required for household consumption,
has been limited considering the walking distance for a farthest user in sparsely
populated rural areas of 500m. Thus considering topography, walking distance and
number of population a total of six (of which three for Tekakie and one for Tulu
abajibu Got) public fountains each with four faucets are proposed in the first

Among six total water points proposed, five water points are proposed for domestic
purpose and the remaining one is for institutional use.

In Tekakie there are two institutions serving the people namely health post, and full
cycle primary & junior school/1-8/. So in order for the students and teachers in the

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school are daily beneficiaries of clean water, a fountain with four faucets is proposed.
But for the health post, it is recommended to use one faucet tap while it upgrades to
health centre since it is very near to distribution line.

The locations of public fountains are decided together with the presence of Keble
Administrators, and Woreda water resource Office expert. Besides the total number
of public fountains, which are required to be provided for the new system, has been
estimated assuming 800 people are to be served by one public fountain

Table 6-1 Summary of water points

No Name of water Kebele Gotgot Location (coordinates)

point kebele
Got X(m) Y(m) Elevation(m
1 Tekakie water Tekakie got
point 1
582065.34 1204004.60 1488.07
2 Tekakie water Tekakie got
point 2
582251.73 1204004.60 1479.35
3 Tekakie school Tekakie got
water point
582424.53 1204045.43 1476.76
4 Marbete water Tekakie Marbete
point 1 584426
1204599 1467

5 Marbete water Marbete

point 2
584895 1204465 1474
6 Tuluabajibo water Miawa Tuluabajibo
581988.10 1205929.23 1497.99

The public fountains are designed in such a way that users of various water fetching
types like jerrican, clay pot and barrel could easily be served.

7. Disinfection
All water supplies should be disinfected in order to protect public health.
Disinfections inactivates any remaining bacteria in the water after previous treatment
steps and provides a residual disinfectants to inactivate bacteria introduced by any
subsequent entrance of contaminated water during storage or distribution. Hence all
water supplied through distribution system should be disinfected to provide a residual

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disinfectant, which provides ongoing protection from bacterial growth and survival.

At present, the principal disinfectant used worldwide is chlorine. Chlorine in its

various forms is invariably and almost universally used for disinfecting public water
supplies. It is cheap, reliable, easy to handle, easily measurable, and above all, it is
capable of providing residual disinfecting effects for long periods, thus affording
complete protection against future recontamination of water in the distribution
system. Its only disadvantage is that when used in greater amounts, it imparts bitter
and bad taste to the water, which may not be liked by certain consumers.

Generally chlorine gas and chlorine compounds are used to disinfect water before
distribution. Chlorine gas needs more expensive feeding equipment, difficult to
operate & maintain, and requires skilled supervisor so, use of chlorine compounds is
preferred to chlorine gas. Among the chlorine compounds, calcium hypochlorite is
selected to sodium hypochlorite, as the available chlorine in calcium hypochlorite is

The calcium hypochlorite solution will be prepared in a tank provided with motor
driven paddles to thoroughly mix the chemical. The solution will then be directed to a
constant head regulator to keep constant head then will be dosed in to the clean
water reservoir through plastic tube fitted with flow regulating tap. Two solution tanks
with mixers will be employed to ensure uninterrupted operation while one tank is
being filled for solution preparation.

This chlorine dosing facilities will be installed at the top of the clean water reservoir.
The equipment will be provided with simple shade to protect it from the attack of
direct sunlight and rain. On the gravity main small pumps will be installed to supply
water to chlorine mixtures. Accessories like chlorine weighing pan, residual chlorine
measuring and etc will be provided for accurate measurement and controlling dosing

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3.1 Introduction

Environment is a system which consists of Hydrological, Biophysical, Atmospherical,

Cultural and Social condition. EIA provides the answer for impact during construction
and after construction. It is used as an instrument for sustainable development by
minimizing the adverse effects and maximizing the benefits that is obtained as result
of the project .In addition to these it identifies the problem which exist in the
environment and select alternatives that mitigate the impact.

The main mission of the initial environmental impact examination and evaluation in
this study is needed to assess the existing condition. Furthermore, to observe
preliminary cases and predicted effects that can be noticed due to the project on
natural and physical resources and human-environment of the proposed water
supply sites. The observed results will be used in improving the design, decision-
making and community participation to ensure sustainable and environmentally
sound water supply to this kebeles.

Thus, the study will thoroughly focus on existing situations that have impacts on the
project and other likelihood effects or impacts that may arise due to the project on the
immediate sites and on the subsequent water delivering mechanisms to the
beneficiaries. The finding will further enhance the positive impacts and provide
protective devices and mitigation measures for negative impacts. It further assists to
formulate the monitoring and the follow-up procedures for some immediate and long
term adverse effects.

3.2 Positive impact of the project

The water supply project has an impact on the environment even though the design
construction and operation of the project are being done carefully. So that the
environmental impact assessment provide the result for the impact during
construction and after construction. According to the benefit of the proposed project
the communities have gained more advantage in different aspects. Some of the
major advantages are:

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 Communities get adequate and safe water supply from the project,
according to the standard of Ministry of Water Resource for rural towns
and kebeles, then they can prevent them from different water born disease
and water washed diseases. This in turn leads them to improve their
health status. Because of this reason they become more productive and it
has an impact on their economical growth.

 Before the proposed of this project, the communities that have access to
potable water with in the standard are small and others travel a long
distance to fetch water. Because of these reason the majority loses their
productive time and also energy and this has an impact on poverty. But
due to this proposed water supply and sanitation project, the society will
have accesses to the benefit of the project with in the design period. So
that they can save time and improve social status.

 Because of adequate supply of water in quality and quantity for the

population, there will be development of community institutions and
recreation centers like Health institutions, educational centers, restaurants,
and others in the kebeles.

 Easy control of hazards (like fire) by stopping the supply to the

communities in case off fire breaks up.

 For the emergence of new industries and also job opportunity for the


There is no as such considerable negative impact in this proposed water supply and
sanitation project some of expected impacts are:

 Impacts on Land use

During pipe laying construction as most of the gravity mains and

distribution crosses the private house comound, and farm lands, claims
are expected from owners and farmers. However,these are temporary and
 Impacts on vegetation (plants)

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Few vegetations specially eucalyptus trees are avoided during pipe laying
construction.This might cause claims from the owners and may have less
significant effect in changing the status of bio-diversity of tha area.

3.4 Mitigation measures for negative impacts

most of the negative impacts caused by the project are accomplished in the
construction period of pipe layings.This can be reduced by proper planning of the
construction activities such as making the construction work to begin in non-farming
and non- harvesting season.


The Water Supply Schemes of Tekakie-Miawa project is be implemented in two

phases. The first phase will cover the period from year 2010 - 2020. In this phase
Most of the civil works of the proposed system will be carried out in the first phase.
Additional works required meeting the conditions of phase II will be carried out at end
of the first phase i.e. at the start of year 2020.The construction activities that are
going to be implemented in each phases are described hereunder:

Phase I:-

 Laying a DN 80 GI rising main that has a total length of 771 m.

 Laying a DN 80 uPVC Transmission main that has a total length of nearly 273m
 Laying a DN 80, 50, uPVC Transmission main and distribution lines that have total
length of nearly 273m and 4,629 m respectively.
 Laying DN 25 and 40, GI distribution lines that have total length of nearly 61 m and
182 m respectively.
 Construction of 50m3 sandwich reservoir.
 Construction of operators dwelling and guard house.
 Construction of public fountains.

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Phase II:-

 Construction of 50m3 sandwich reservoir.

 Submersible pump with Q=4 lt/s, H=180, P=24 KVA, and Power of Generator
=33.6 KVA
Hence, accordingly the tender documents for civil works construction and
supply of pipes and fittings are prepared for the works of phase I. The
tender documents for supply and installation of electro mechanical
equipment will be processed.

10. Conclusion and recommendation

 As per the report of pump test, the yield of the borehole is more than 5 L/s. But it
should be checked by concerned proffessional since drilled before two Years.
 Provision of clean and adquate water to the public users should be supported
by improving the sanitation facility. Therefore, the comminity should be
educated in keeping his/her sanitation and personal hygien. In particular,as
the well field is near and downsstream of the kebele center, the people should
be aware of using latrine for excreta disposal instead of using open field.

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