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‘a’ questions

1. What were the main terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

2. What was the War Guilt clause?

3. What were ‘reparations’?

4. What was meant by the following i. mandates ii. plebiscites?

5. What was the Saar Plebiscite?

6. What was the purpose of the demilitarisation of the Rhineland?

7. What were the aims of Georges Clemenceau?

8. What were the aims of Lloyd George?

9. What did Woodrow Wilson want to achieve in the peace settlement?

10. Which terms of the peace settlement directly affected France?

11. Which treaties affected Austria?

12. In what ways did the Treaty of Versailles weaken the German economy?

13. What restrictions on German armaments existed at the end of the 1920s?

14. What were Germany’s main territorial losses?

15. Which terms of the peace settlement directly affected France?

16. Describe the French occupation of the Ruhr and the German response?

17. What was the ‘Polish Corridor’?

18. What was the Dawes Plan?

19. What was the Young Plan?

20. What were the main terms of the Treaty of St. Germain (1919)?

‘b’ questions

1. Why did the French want Germany to be treated severely?

2. Why did the Treaty of Versailles cause problems for Germany in the 1920s?

3. Why did the aims of the Big Three differ?

4. Why did the Big Three fail to achieve their aims?

5. Why did Clemenceau demand that a harsh treaty be imposed on Germany?

6. Why did the victors want to punish Germany severely?

7. Why did Germany dislike/hate/resent the Treaty?

8. Why did the terms of the Treaty of Versailles cause so much bitterness in

9. Why were the French unhappy with the Treaty of Versailles?

10. Why were the victors disappointed by the Treaty of Versailles?

11. Why did the victors not get everything they wanted?/ Why did the the victors
fail to get everything they wanted?

12. Why did some people criticise the reparations which Germany had to pay?

13. Why did French and Belgian troops invade the Ruhr in 1923?

14. Why was there hyperinflation in 1923?

‘c’ questions

1. How far can the Treaty of Versailles be justified?

2. How far was the Treaty of Versailles fair?

3. To what extent was the Treaty of Versailles a sensible treaty in the

circumstances of the time?

4. Were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, other than reparations, unfair on
Germany? Explain your answer.

5. How far did the Treaty of Versailles satisfy the victors?

6. How far had Germans accepted the Treaty of Versailles by the end of 1923?

7. To what extent was the Treaty of Versailles successful?

8. ‘ The peacemakers of 1919-23 coped successfully with the problems they faced.’
How far do you agree with this statement on the treaties made with the defeated
powers? Explain your answer.

‘a’ questions

1. What was the impact of the First World War on Germany?

2. Describe how World War I still affected the lives of German people in the years

3. What territorial terms were imposed on Germany by the Treaty of Versailles?

4. What were the main features of the Weimar Republic?

5. What were the main weaknesses of the Weimar Republic?

6. What were the following: a) Article 48? b) System of Proportional


7. Describe the role of the Chancellor and the President?

8. What problems existed in Germany 1918-20?

9. Describe the attempts to overthrow the Weimar Republic made in 1919-1920.

10. Describe the Spartacist Rising.

11. Who were the Spartacists?

12. Describe the activities of the Freikorps in Germany, 1919-20.

13. Describe the Kapp Putsch.

14. Describe the occupation of the Ruhr in 1923.

15. Describe the effects of the hyperinflation of 1923 on the German people.

16. Describe the Munich Putsch./ What was the Munich Putsch?

17. What did Hitler learn from the Munich Putsch?

‘b’ questions

1. Why did the Germans hate/ resent the Treaty of Versailles?

2. Why were there so many uprisings in Germany in the years 1919-22?

3. Why were the Freikorps important?

4. Why was 1923 a year of crisis for the Weimar Republic?

5. Why did France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr in 1923?

6. Why was there an economic crisis in 1923?

7. Why was there hyperinflation in Germany in 1923?/ Why did Germany suffer
hyperinflation in 1923?

8. Why did Hitler organise the Munich Putsch in 1923?

9. Why was the Munich Putsch important?

10. Why was Stresemann important?

10. Why was Stresemann’s foreign policy a success?

11. Why has the period 1923-29 been described as the ‘Golden Years’?

One of the most important changes after the First World War was the setting up of
the Weimar
(a) What were the main features of the Weimar Constitution? [4]
(b) Why was the Weimar Republic in danger of collapse in 1919–20? [6]
(c) ‘The Weimar Republic was a failure.’ How far do you agree with this statement?
Explain your

Four Mark Questions

What were the main aims of the League of Nations?
What methods did the League of Nations plan to prevent future wars?
What was the structure of the League of Nations?
Six Mark Questions
What were the successes of the League in the 1920s?
Explain why the agencies of the League of Nations were successful.
Some countries were not members of the League of Nations when it was set up.
Explain how this weakened the League.
Explain why the League of Nations failed to deal successfully with the Japanese
invasion of Manchuria in 1931.
Why did the Italians invade Abyssinia?
Explain how the League of Nations tried to solve social problems during the 1920s
and 1930s.

Ten Mark Questions

‘The Manchurian Crisis of 1931 was the main cause of the failure of the League of
Nations’ How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.
How far can the failure of the League in the 1930s be blamed on the Great
How successful was the League at keeping peace in the 1920’s and 1930’s? Explain
your answer.
Explain why the League was established.
Explain why the League of Nations failed to deal successfully with the Abyssinian
Crisis of 1935-36.
The most important reason why the League was weak in the 1920s was its lack of an
army’. Do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer.
How far was the League of Nations a complete failure? Explain your answer.

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