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Critical Cyberculture Studies David Silver and Adrienne Massanari aye ty ‘egiocene Utne ono Clg in Ptaton De onitgaaincati scaatanaantenna suerte =cae Reasicciaatie, * anand aan han S pe Somatiga caer peaciter se sitting eho gs Ses Contents rear: Dees of Fs: PsibleDajectoriesof Inver Sie ‘See fns tioducton: Wher nternet Satie! Dani Se Fisding the Field ‘Te Historiography of Cybereare Toth Sere Clara Dilfeence, Theo and joe Stes ‘Ais of Maal Reelin ‘a Nake Howe We Hasame Posi From Cysts to Game Studies ‘po ara Intent Sti in Ties of Teor Dav Sir nd Ae Marc Catching the Wer: Coesiderng Cyeraltue, ‘eehnoealte and Hecwonic Consumption Wendy bon Cybersture Stain An Aaisciinay Approach veson 3.0), Maken rk 8 o 36 Lan eaeamene he Food Bad Wing Cont, 19 arable a Mpnerclonb Tnktwe in, 2 This qutaion i fm the ahold venom of Mic Kin "The cpsenpace Dac n The Dal Dayo Pe Lonel Cab, MMT Res opi 2. Lar hargag fe pith Cee ae somone ele wot «singe author bok on te bjt fee and pers hl hve the "Tiguan fo tested veo of Cameron Daley Vi tal Sas Areatng Race in erp Ret Digi Care 9 i “end london: Bl 2), Bi Camm, 30, "Vial Ski: rilting Re in beripa"n Reding Dial Cal eld by Dei endo Londor ace le Steve "Who Bd Wig” Php ant etre 083 04-80. ‘Gli Pcl zoe. Aa Bare apg Pie! Cle Bnd te Ct Line (kei A Belinp Perf Ver Unery Fe Sonal, eer soo "The Append Subject Bac aod ity Digi “use in Rae in Cepce eed ys Nant, ah Kalo {Giana 7-5 New ere Roeder. Hein, Mie! gn “The eps Die a The Dili ea "yer Leen, ge amiga BT Bes. Sons Steve wah Goer 2: Rtg Compr edited Cmmanton (nt Conmay Patna CA Se Phlnuply al Larne sexe to At he Was te Fourth Bed ‘Wing Conte 8 opt frisle thnk cai! echin Sv Dati 0. "Looking Hahvads. Looking Foran Cercle Sad ‘E 90-s00 In Shales Renting Maia Sas fore Di A died by Dv Gaunt, so ond Al ‘hows Neal wa 998. Penpais, Gapisand Drms Towed eid ‘Thy of hes dhe Sie fn OU Clandon P ‘ed, Dri te. Rdg Dial Cur London: Make "Wallan Burry and aoe ayaa Sse There Epa fe Say Ma Bel Chapters How We Became Postdigital From CyberStudies to Game Studies Espen Aarseth In the yn of his wing, 005 the number of trasore print on ll on chips wl ave exceed the numberof characters piste on per ‘orldide By now, al of our public and personal medi have become ror ores digital The eng of exitereat and wonder about al things Cyber tt characterized the spo hms been replaeed by faaiarity and Usuesas-osd. Hall, Wed newspapers hare started to make rater than oe money wile paper based wepupers ae Riding i hard oe ult ne ears fom the younger enero (Berthses 203) To he Calta esac, he once mpi sod exote burl (ermember ‘Mondo 200) bat been sabsamed by mnntea clare, an eer ‘couse Binal ready tobe integrated it the teadtoal research di Courses, We canallge home rae But even if eyecare ial ove (andall ove the place, some aes sve emerged that anno be soared by tration estore of sade (One such ld the clue gene of digi gaming. Not gute et, not quite len’ culture not ite, e should sy, ot omy, mass mel, {ee are pong trough reainance tht promise to rode ther: ‘Stand most vated cultura irae we have yetsen. ‘The Rise and Fall of Digital Stuies ‘The preicament of dita stds canbe character by the paradox of suctflen, aia 19 Groucho Man's membenbip parade The mote ‘masse and popula the Bes objet Dearne, the les he need fr ech ueatment or atenion. Hee i an example of « more advanced ‘se From the leo, the bang ld af ists comping (hi tian ung computers methods sah 4 tie tnd datbaes) had international conferences anda worldwide organization, 3b well ‘epional and national ones. The eld pil rev, bt soedenty topped srwring and in 199 the yeu confrence had wo be canceled becase of Tusk of expected parscipton, What had happened? Did this man ta the historian abe of computing was meray fda bobble that bust slong wih the inated new economy"? Not atl. The Bld of iors computing wes formed so tate pcionre could havea place to meet. change ies, and vesve meet for thir Scholl output Inthe bepaning, hey ad bean few and ar etwea 0| ‘tmade seseoorgantetheneles in pei ire group. Ba ese tual the inseam history conferences and junels opened =p and ‘welcomed the empater ase iteriane other ruin vent ad pub Tatons, Computes histrigraphy was no longer viewed ith ference or suspicion. Aad so the sel Interest group oesed 8 ‘method an ecology rather than context, wasn lange neces. (One wonders i the fd of pbertaes or digtel studs (sch fies even eit within Mentifiabe bounces toy) may nol experience the sane rie and fly pethaps within these ites ye A ree {he international Imemet research organization (Asoxition of Internet esearches—AIR, perhaps the ges and most vse bec seach comma, sa highly sce, growing movement with parte pus fom ge mime of isipinesinclasingcommuniaton snd ‘edi studs, lw, ppcology. ethnography, pli scent, andl fui to mame asa Fen. 8) the look a things ae ing ry we But even 5, there seems tobe an element of dowbt about the ope of {he fl: The canerence CEP menos “dig art" atopic that gue orthogonal to the Internet, and ako i mentions something cl the "the Pos-Inere Age" Pecaps AIR tl become the API, nan emp ‘0 say caren? Alay, scaly succes technologies lke SMS 2 panding the AR brton beyond the Inter a sich, Bring caine dos ‘ot equal Began the Inte, and nee di For example, ae a sone i, computer magazines publed srtles aboot email ito ‘mention ofthe fern Aad stil today. in that mest onie of lone ‘Societies. Fan, oalne meane mobi phones, no the Inn, wih el ‘wey fe people haven tht owes hee But what happens when the difience between doing “Internevontine How WeDeame Rtn 9 sees and ding "esearch! becomes hard to set When, Web base tewmpapes ace simp clled newspaper, and etre bas become i trate! Or when 1V is completly digtze’ td tranemitd ia gel etek? We may not be loling store than en to Seen yea ahead tee probabl ls Wil the ietraeto ven theese see a scope when ready its akg wt ‘Mos aly hii» gnerton! hing Young antenured chlare ne to get copa for he work and band together across ciples But ‘eho happens when they gt tenure? When the eybergeneation becomes Szpareatchas? AS in the case ofthe computing historian it seems Uy ha cyberscies a that oie wil ra ot of ear, oboe Easy eft 3 berlin aloes the pace, so wl eybestis be asindted inn the ald dscns Cyeretnographywilbecome eth ogeaphycyeraw vl become and ybermedia wil Become media. Te ofcourse of limited ae nc har to proc what eat wil Iappen-A bese question perhaps, Wil any part of eerste survive jot er he ensimlation int the mother cline? Games Reisareh—sor Disciplines or One? ‘One candidate for such longvity i the sty of vdeo and computer nme Gncesngy reed oa gal gamer hut for no goed was) “Te scdy of gues as ong Bat that only pth st two oF thee years have games bee he objet ofa breed and incesing ate tion from 2 marke of dines Gost he the fern), There are ead fie independent snd interdsipinry rach radions that cove some a pectot pane: + Game Theor, branch of mathematic snd esnomi that act relly about games st al but about mang sequel decisions in petitive suston with intel knowledge + Phy Reseich,«traddon foeved on understanding chitren’ pay ih concbutions fom ethnography pechlogy. and pedapeics + Gaming snd Simlton, an experental eld that pores anda se fr en ering tutions eat as eptne + Board Game Ste, the histori study of baad games and their elton + ThePhisopy of Spore the eadyof physical gamer—sometne theoretical companion outs tle: programs, ‘Thess independet tans have very ferent sols and means ad i= zor no iteration with o een avarenes of obe soother In ation, thee inerdplinarynatre me then volnerbl a lopsisend vn ya Nant camper pert ‘Aa nov, ener emputer game studies Ike the oer game dines vi ide or ao regard for peeviou and neighboring floss and with et sober set of estar agendas. This putea emerging gone reveath {e's perhaps even wider and enre disparate than the oe four com bio yeti seams aleay set become more developed an (hopeful) aly more departed than they aze However whit i computer tm rsa and can i become one fell Sine comptes ges oe ‘malations hatin principle eam conan any clement of (popula) clue tr reat tht» gate designer cantante i ery ile perhaps hoting, that coud no, someon finds wap into tee aren, omy beach roel eo medial heraldry Ako, ney al exitig fs of seech ar eleva, or can be made séevaat rough thir perspectives, methods or objects fsa. The it practical endless. ‘fe yeas ago the Humanities dean st Teva niersy bought af loa ge developers toa meeting wit the prove to dca» ponie sw undead program fr gare developers. So, what cores did ‘hey thik would be ot uel Medea ior ad ent mythology? once edt image what stem eld in yon anes (he ‘Univesity of Bergen) coal nt be applied to game veserch, ne cold ‘nly come up with one ume, dent, Of curve when? mention this atte games conteeac in Tampece it 200, there a a deni inthe dice who protested! So any sadenic aldo dpe cia probly bebrout bear “The problem, then, becomes one of eaberece Are we aking of oe anu the sume fl Already these ae ours ae sontrences even ‘ius sabpars a he game fel some fort onthe ei some on Aewlopment, nd someon elturl and aoe isis, So can we ve tame tis asa monolithic separate fl Probably et Bat there ses to bean exallenopporsnity fora interiscipline or for sew elated viable sbfis tha cover vious main pect, nach a howe atone cle ‘he Case for Game Souies We many subsets of bert suchas the study of dig at or of ‘lterature, can apd should easy be studied in its "mother dpins™ (the Ar History or Engl o Leta department), game ties does hot hae sich a mother ld w fll back a could ie film sud, be ace a part of media suds, But thee are song reasons wy this ight not be good ies The mow compen of thee that gam, Clie fle nots meduun but a road category of seen that ext sro sed and they ae capable of sing ferent mei Take ches ‘tan be payed onin or against = machine or on Boal or by post fad or the heads of to blinded expert players. Between Tee to BerQues (EQ), theresa at gap inal relevant dimensions techno legal sci, aesthetic, conte economical and soon. Tes ‘and BQ ae fr fom being the ame medium, and to group ther tether io the same mem sedis probaby ot going t reveal an {hing interesting Games ae not medi they do we mdi bt ny feretonee "The problem alo arises when we try to dine games or “computer ames issu a bron eld htt right jut be too Brosdto conte 1 esningfl practicable aademie area, One teategy would be to 1 ‘bay fom gues in genera nd lok more coherent evel, sch at ‘wit Une eewhere termed games in vital exvconments (Aare 200) ht ames take ple in seve ind a ital word alle ‘ido dice games, computer or not. Here we do get the oben that oocompuetized games ike Monopaly and Dungeons & Dragons also fall ander our ceisition, bat that i nly a problem if we iat tht he “gia” is en overriding eegoy, whic bot an abitary aod wecboo osyftshzing thing te de As weno know, the onneloffie distinction isnot very good one. “The sty of gare in virtual environments then, becomes tetasve approche a phenoaenon tat could not be subsumed by an umnbrea {cpline,becste gums have none I might sl be to optimistic to sssume ta this Wil happen, buta the moment it more Uy han notes given ll the programs and eve, nthe United Sates, de ‘ted vocational school, ie ell Sail School of Gane Design and De ‘elope in Horde or DigPes Insitute of Techology in Washington Stare, tat have emerged inthe past few years Granted mort of the have ery prac snd technic fc, bt ke any other nate — ‘entertainment industry thre wl als be oom for theoreti and “con ‘ent ried ie. Games as Cjbercuure ‘oe me ak the cs hat the sty fg gto oud ery el besa new core eld hat ares fom he athe of yberclare sidi, Haein * Games computer games and online computer gai) ibn ca: ‘urs, sesthetes and ecology ia ew wy. + Games display all te signs of eyborgnes (Dat nineties wor) and identity experi + Games Ie BvesQuest are vast commenity experiments, «Kind of stant gure society infasrotre that ecblgues oe soci en nd networks, + Games encourage ser atviy and creas an aver the orp: ete tht proce th + Gamer ae a ew mode of sonumuniation (nt seve modes) wih networking space, and simulation a caren + Games are sed bythe rast to make ola and ata ate rent eg. act games, BosMiched Jadoo/Bin Laden games, ven peel eampaign ae) + Games area semi ps erat, lb clu ‘Tosum up the probably not one cnc commonly ascribed to cbereulr tht cold aot be ound inthe pring sc, This inate thatthe world of campus games is 3 pret tet be for ebectre studies. tops, ie, ll be Ue din which certs ha he strongest resonance and the Ings dominance Toward a Game Seuies Department 1, a have suggested bee, “ges in vital envionment” vale empire foc for ur net scholly dn aril ewe conan drum of how to come up with 2 good disciplinary or methodologic ioe ame eal approach Are we going analyte plays, the aesthetic spect, othe telnology? Should we oo athe ell nduty of are ete sc ‘spec neil, our cole af fous willbe prdeerne by or back {pounds and by our uthodlogiel preiencey whichis mt esctly & ‘atonal interested way toes 2 dpe “There ace three main peepectie (or virl-worl gee componcats) ‘hat rey lend thenseer 10 "potptal” game sues Rl the tpmeply the rules oe sructre of the game, snd Be gamewer. Thee fhzee components tend to attract fest methodological and dp ary approach: + Game ply: sociology ethnology, phology, pedagogy (player sod) + Game structure game desig, economics computer seen 8e- sign sue") + Game-word ar ete, history, cuktrredi stad, (ia ‘elect property ight) Caesbets) ‘As we cam Se jst ere” focus Hh dhs eal a8 ent a date disci lines al quit diferent Sut might Be possible to contain chem al ina ‘epartmatl sacra 0 et then be pat of he same thing pro sr tanga the cove empiri fcat main stable. Hower fer Ent game ences wel a eention wand lend theses to deze “omponents the ose of thi tre ronged approach would depend Gn the empitie tlance Some gees sch at srtey gone, ae cee -ote ineestng om avlessritve pepe; ier, suchas adver. tre games ae moa teresting fom a gunse- word pela of vew and wo such a macvelymltipayer one games are mos interesting in tems of game-play an player interaction “As ales ambiouallerateony ane or wv of he emponentlper sects coud be ued but his might crete an imbulance het shouldbe Componsted by an explo dliiteton ofthe Geld Ie bard under Stand games without knowledge of how they ate costae, and ii Ihde construc them without an undranding of how they ze pled ‘Abslansd combination ofthese thre ements cere elt might be ‘ard to achiew nae plies unercy sting "We might alo beable wo lun om he mises made in ober ek, ‘Tere ate otber dicipies tht combine usr, design/productio, and seat perpetves, most atl lea tudes and architect “The lessons they have lered concern the combination oF thee ab

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