Goa Board Prelim Paper 2024

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SUBJECT: : Psychology
STD: Xll MARKS: 80
DATE: 17/01/2024 TIME: 3 Hrs.

1. The Question Paper consists of 32 questions.
2. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
3. Answer each Part on a new page.
4. All questions are compulsory. Internal choice is clearly indicated.
5. PART A questions 1-4 are MCQ type questions and questions 5-8 should be
answered in one sentence. PART B questions should be answered in about 30
words each. PART C questions should be answered in about 60 words each
. and PART D questions should be answered in about l 00 words each.


1. Rahul is 10 years old and his mental age is 12. Rahul's 1.Q. is _ _ 1
• 100
• 83
• 120
• 90

2. Susan has failed in the class test. She tells her classmate she was not 1
feeling well during· the exam, else she would have performed well. The
defence mechanism used by Susan is
• Reaction formation
• Repression
• Rationalisation
• Denial

3. ·Merwyn is depressed ·as he was not able to get a good score in NEET l
exam. His family reassures him that he is loved, valued and cared for,
inspite of the result. The form of social support given by the family is

• Informational support
• Tangible support
• Emotional support
• Physical support .
4. Priya feels that all the people including her own family 'members want •to;. 1
kill her. She is experiencing _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
• Delusion of reference
• Delusion of persecution
• Delusion of cont1·ol
• Delusion of grandeur

5. What is e1npathy? 1

6. Who is referred to as the Target in the process of Impression formation? 1

7. What is Cohesiveness? 1

8. What is Ecology? 1


9. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the Normal Distribution Curve. 2

10. Explain Hal9 effect as a major limitation of the Behavioural Rating 2


11. Explain the Task Oriented Strategy given by Endler and Pa:rkar. 2

12. State four. sympt-ems we:need to be alert to prevent suicide. 2

13. Draw a neat labelled diagram of the Basic Communication Process. 2

14. State two precautions needed to be t~en when adminis~ering the Stroop 2
effect experime:p.t. •

15. Explain the features of Ingroup and Outgroup. 2

16. What is meant by Instrumental and Hostile aggression? 2


17. Explain the Structure-of-Intellect model as proposed by J.P.Guilford. 3

18. Explain the concept of Self-efficacy. 3

19. Describe Creative Visualisation as a Stress management technique. 3

20. Describe the types of Somatoform disorders. 3

21. Explain three types of Interview questions. 3

22. Explain the three Social norms as factor innucncing Pro- social behaviour. 3

23. Explain the three consequences of intergroup conflict as identified by 3


24. Describe three promotive actions which can help to protect the environment. 3


25. 'Intelligence is the product of interplay of Nature and Nurture.' Analyse. 4

26. Analyse Thematic Apperception Test as an important Projective Technique. 4

Analyse the features of Phallic Stage of Psychosexual development as given
by Freud.

27. Zenia shared her problems with the counsellor and said that she was sick 4
most of the time .The counsellor informed her that it is because of
Psychological stress. Examine Psychological stress as a major type of stress.

28. Rakesh is unable to focus attention on anything and is unable to sit still .The 4
Therapist has diagnosed that Rakesh is suffering from ADHD. Examine
Inattention and Hyperactivity as main features of ADHD.

29. Rehan showed reduction in symptoms after taking treatment for 4

Schizophrenia and has been sent to a rehabilitation centre. Identify and.
elaborate the steps that will be taken at the rehabilitation centre to help ·him·
become a productive member of the society.

30. Analyse the following factors that influence attitude formation. 4

a) Reference groups.
• b) Media-related influences.

31. Analyse the first four stages of Group formation as suggested by Tuckman. 4

32. Ruday's school is in the middle of the city close to the market. There is 4
always a lot of noise and honking of the cars. Examine the effects of noise
on his task performance.
Saira is just 8 years old and is glued to television once she comes from
school till late night. Examine the negative effects of watching television for
·tong hours on Saira.

22. Explain th~ three Social norms as factor influencing Pro- social behaviour. 3

2J. Explain the three consequences of intergroup conflict as identified by 3


24. Dcsctibc three promotive actions which can help to protect the environment. 3


25. ·intelligence is the product of interplay of Nature and Nurture.' Analyse. 4

26. Analyse Thematic Apperception Test as an important Projective Technique. 4

Analyse the features of Phallic Stage of Psychosexual development as given
by Freud.

2 7. Zenia shared her problems with the counsellor and said that she was sick 4
most of the time .The counsellor informed her that it is because of
Psychological stress. Examine Psychological stress as a major type of stress.

28. Rakesh is unable to focus attention on anything and is unable to sit still .The 4
Therapist has diagnosed that Rakesh is suffering from ADHD. Examine
Inattention and Hyperactivity as main features of ADHD.

29. Rehan showed reduction in symptoms after taking treatment for 4

Schizophrenia and has been sent to a rehabilitation centre. Identify and
elaborate·the steps that will be taken at the rehabilitation centre to help him
become a productive member of the society.

30. Analyse the following factors that influence attitude formation. 4

a) R~ference groups.
b) Media-related influences.

31. Analyse the first four stages of Group formation as suggested by Tuckinan. 4

32. Ruday's school is in the middle of the city close to the market. There is 4
always a lot of noise and honking of the cars. Examine the effects of noise
on his task performance.
Saira is just 8 years· old and is glued to television once she comes from
school till late night. Examine the negative effects of watching television for
long hours on Saira.


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