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Dear Prabhu,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

The Lotus Footprints of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu


yavamahan gusthamule ca tat tale catapatram

ahgustha tarjani sandhi bhagastham urdhva rekikam
sukuncitam suksmarupam smara re me manah sada

O mind! Always remember the markings on the right lotus foot of Sri Gaurahg;
Mahaprabhu. At the base of the toe of the right foot is a barleycorn, and below
tha is an umbrella. At the connecting place below the toe and fore-toe is a thin
line tha goes down.

TEXT 2-3

tarjanyastu tale dandam varijam madhyama tale

tat tale parvata karam tat tale ca ratham smara
ratha stha daksine parsve gadam vame ca saktikam
kanisthayas tale ahkusam tat tale kulisam smara
Please remember all these: below the fore-toe is a stick, and below the middle
toe is a lotus. Below that is a mountain, and below that is a chariot. To the
southern side of the chariot is a club, and to the left side is sakti. Below the little
toe is an elephant goad and below that is a thunderbolt.

Text 4-5

vedikam tat tale vyaptam tat tale kundalam tatah

etac cihna tale dlptam svastikdnam catustayam
astakona samdyuktam sandhau jambu catustayam
asavydhghrau mahalaksma smara gaura harer manah

O mind, please remember these auspicious sixteen markings decorating the

right lotus foot of Sri Gaura Hari:Below the thunderbolt is a sacrificial altar, and
below that are kunda earrings, which swing to and fro. Below all these imprints
are four effulgent swastikas. In the middle of these swastikas is an octagon, and
at their four corners are four blackberry fruits facing the octagon.

TEXT 6-7

atha vamapadangustha mule sahkham tale pyarim

madhyamatale akasam taddvayadho dhanuh smara
gunena rahitam capa balayam mani-mulake
kanisthayas tale caikam susobhana-kamandalum

O mind! Please remember the left lotus foot of Sri Gaurahga Mahaprabhu
decorat¬ed with the following auspicious markings:At the base of the big toe of
the left foot is a conch, and below that is a disc. Below the middle toe is space,
and below that is an unstrung bow, and below that is a jew¬eled bangle. Below
the little toe is a beautiful water-pot.
Text 8-9

tasya tale gospadakhyam satpatakam dvajam punah

cintaya tat talepuspam vallim tasya tale smara
gospadasya tale'pyekam trikona krti mandalam
cintaya tat tale, kumbhan caturah sumano raman

Please remember: below the water-pot is the hoof of a cow, and below that is a
beau¬tiful flag. Below the flag is a flower, and below that is a twig. Below the
cow's hoof is a triangle and below that are four captivating water-pots.

TEXT 10-11

tesam madhye carddha candra tale karma susobhanam

sakarim tattale ramyam tasyahi daksine punah
kurmasya tulyabhage tu nimne ghata tale 'pi ca
manoramam puspamalam smara vamanghripankaje
iti dvatrim saccihnani gaurangasya padabjayoh

In the middle of these four water-pots is a half-shaped moon, and below that is
a beautiful looking tortoise. Below that is a fish. To the right side of the fish and
par¬allel to the twig and tortoise is a beautiful garland.Thus O mind! Please
remember these thirty-two imprints collectively. Among these, sixteen are
decorating the left foot, and sixteen are beautifying the right foot of Sri-man
Gaurahga Mahaprabhu.

atha rupacintamanau

It is further described in Rupa cintdmani as follows:


chatram sakti—yavam kusam pavi catur jambu phalam kundalam

vedi-danda-gada-rathambuja-catuh svastincakondstakam
suddham parvatamiirddha rekha mamalam gusthat kanisthavadhe-
vibhrad daksina pada sad mamamalam sacyatmaja-srihareh.

O mind! Please meditate on the right lotus foot of Sri Gaurahga Mahaprabhu
deco¬rated with the following auspicious markings:Umbrella, sakti, barleycorn,
elephant goad, thunderbolt, four blackberry fruits, ear¬rings, sacrificial altar,
stick, club, chariot, lotus, and four swastikas, eight angles, pure mountains, and
a beautiful line from the big toe to the little toe are the auspicious markings on
the right lotus foot of Gaura Hari, who is the son of mother Sari.


sahkhakasa-kamandalum dhvajalata-puspa astra garddhendukam

cakram nirjya dhanuh trikona valaya-puspam catuskuntakam
mlnam gospada-kurmamasuhrdayan gusthat kanisthdvadhe-
vibhrat savya-padambujam bhagavato visvambharasya smara
Please remember the sole of the left lotus foot of Sri Visvambara Mahaprabhu
dec¬orated with the following auspicious markings:Conch, space, water-pot,
flag, twig, flower garland, half-shaped moon, disc, unstrung bow, triangle,
bracelet, flower, four water pots, fish, cow hoof, and tortoise, thus starting from
the middle of the big toe up to the little toe these beautiful imprints are there on
the left lotus foot of Sri Gaura Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is
the maintainer of the entire cosmic manifestation.

The Lotus Footprints of Lord Nityananda

Text 1

dhvaja-pavi yava-jambunyambujam sankha cakra

hala-visikha catuskam vedi-capa arddha-candran
nikhila-sukhada-nityananda candrasya dakse
padatala iti citrah prema rekhah smarami

I meditate upon the right lotus foot of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the bestowal of all
types of boons, which is decorated with the following auspicious markings: flag,
thunderbolt, barleycorn, black-berry fruit, lotus, conch-shell, disc, plow, four
arrows, sacrificial altar, bow, half-moon and three love lines.

Text 2

musala-gagana-chatrabja ahkusam vedi sakti

jhesa-kalasa catuskam gospadam puspa vallim
nikhila-sukhada-nityanandacandrasya savye
padatale iti citrah premarekhah smarami

I meditate upon the left lotus foot of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, the giver of all
types of happiness, which is decorated with the following auspicious markings:
club, sky or space, umbrella, lotus, elephant goad, sacrificial altar, shakti, fish,
four pots, cow-hoof, creeper, and three love lines.
Descriptions of the imprints and their locations on the sole of the lotus
feet of Lord Nityananda Prabhu.

daksina-caranam gustha mule sahkham manoharam

nityanando virbhati ca sarvavidya prakasakam
cakram dharati tattale bhakta-sadavinasanam
parsno jambuphala dhatte tad urpayarddha candrakam
jyasunyam dhanusam tatha suvisikha catustayam
tad upari dadhati ca tad upari halam smrtam
madhyamayastale yavam padmanamika-tale
saivan artha jayadhvajam tattale dharati prabhuh
bhakta dukhadrinasanam vajram dhatte ca tattale
vedihca tattale dhatte tatha vamapade smara

I remember the right lotus foot of Sri Nityananda Prabhu which is decorated with
the following auspicious markings: at the root of the big toe of the right foot is a
beauti¬fully decorated conch-shell, which exhibits the presence of all branches
of science and education. Below the conch, is a disc which destroys lust, anger,
pride, greed, illusion and envy, representing the six faults. On the heel is a
blackberry fruit, and above that is an unstrung bow, and above that are four
beautiful arrows. Above these is a plow. Below the middle toe is an imprint of a
barleycorn. Below the ring toe is a beautiful lotus. Prabhupada (the feet of Lord
Nityananda), possesses a victory flag, the crusher of all obstacles below the
lotus. Below that is a thunderbolt which brings the miseries and poverties of the
devotees to an end. There is a sacrificial altar below the thunderbolt.

ahgusthasya mule vedim chatram saktith kramat tale

parsno matsyam tad urdbhe ca kumbhacatustayam subham
tad upari ca gospadam akasam madhyama tale
anamika tale padmam tattale musalam smrtam
kanisthayastale 'nkusam puspanca tattale smara
valllnca tattale dhatte sumanah sahitam tada
caturvihsatis cihnani nityananda padambuje

Please remember the left lotus foot of Sri Nityananda Prabhu that is decorated
with the following auspicious markings:At the root of the big toe is a sacrificial
altar, below that is an umbrella, and below that is a decorated shakti. On the
heel is a fish, and above that are four pots. There is a sign of a cow-hoof above
the four pots. Below the middle toe is a sky. Below the ring toe is a lotus, and
below that is a decorated club. Below the little toe is an ele¬phant goad, and
below that is a flower. Below the flower is a beautiful looking flow¬ery creeper.
Thus, with these twenty-four imprints, I meditate upon the lotus feet of the Most
Magnanimous Nityananda Prabhu.

Prayers to the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda by Srlla Narottama dasa


nitai-pada-kamala, koti-candra-susltala,
je chayay jagata juray
heno nitai bine bhai, radha-krsna paite nai,
drdha kori' dharo nitairpay
se sambandha nahija'r, brtha janma gelo ta'r,
se pasu bodo duracara
nitai na bolilo mukhe, majilo sariisara-sukhe,
vidya-kule ki koribe tara
ahahkare matta hoiya, nitai-pada pasariya,
asatyere satya kori mani
nitaiyer karuna habe, braje radha-krsna pabe,
dharo nitai-carana du'khani
nitaiyer carana satya, tanhara sevaka nitya,
nitai-pada sada koro asa
narottama bodo dukhi, nitai more koro sukhi,
rakho ranga-caranera pasa

Translation by Srila Gaura Govinda Svami

The lotus feet of Sri Nityananda are as cool as millions of moons. The whole
uni¬verse gets peace by the shade of those lotus feet. Without the mercy of Sri
Nityananda, nobody can get Radha and Krsna, the aim of human life. Therefore
catch hold of the two lotus feet of Sri Nityananda Prabhu very tightly.One who
has not established a relationship with Sri Nityananda is a two-legged animal. A
great beast! His whole life is finished. He cannot be called a human being. He
never utters the name of Sri Nityananda. He is always immersed in enjoying
material happiness and has forgotten Sri Nitai. He may have acquired all
material scholarship and learning, but what is the value of such education? This
will never help.They are so puffed up with their mundane education and
scholarship. They are never humble at all. They have forgotten the lotus feet of
Sri Nitai because of their false ego and pride. They are completely under the
clutches of Maya. They accept the untruth as truth. If.Sri Nityananda showers
His mercy upon someone, he will get Sri Sri Radha Krsna iri Vrajabhumi. So
catch hold of the two lotus feet of Lord Nityananda very tightly.
The lotus feet of Sri Nityananda are eternally true. And those who are followers
or servants of those lotus feet of Sri Nityananda are also eternal. Always aspire
for the lotus feet of Sri Nityananda. Srila Narottama dasa Thakura says, "I am
very dis¬tressed and an unhappy person. I am drowning in this dreadful ocean
of material existence. O Sri Nityananda Prabhu, please make me very happy!
Please keep me at Your lotus feet."

Your servant,
Krishnalok das

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