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Sel-Movaon Acon Plan 04 / 08

Draw Acon Plan – 5-Sep Approach – Sep 2

Sep 2: Top 3 hings ha demovae me a work

A work, I eel dejeced / hur when his happens Wha I can do o ge over his even o say movaed

1. Reques my superior ocer o give me negave

My superior ocer shous a me in public or no eedback in privae.
Example delivering a repor as per agreed melines. 2. Go back o my desk and recall he mes when my
superior ocer gave posive eedback in public.

1 A D A D

2 B E A D

3 C G A S

Type Your Response in English

Prin Type your response and click Compleed once you are done.


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