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© ts Fe ak solyte balance | F= 0000 R n-hexane balance but o-07 Seil (DS O4a(E) +008 ) ilies 47 hexane — ¥geil Fret mane E 317 off oil balance : ‘ 9-00218 >) 0-44 (10000) = 0-61(€) OMB: F+S > E+R : = 142.2 + [000048 = E+ S= NGO I K E = 1856-82346 0-05 «~*~ 2:01 _—— Re 6307: 3682 1e0-67E X 1 +0-05692 +007 Sa X F 0-05632 = 006215 _ Na Ge (1-0-45 e te gw %70 Ya? 8 we Ys = 48) T $8! L Ly Wy = 460 3 G -u)ev (5, -¥2) * Wiz 0:02 = LGQ\e8) = be C>%) ye Ve wey) = vO) ye F719 (78002)) = 7 89aT Wi = 460 "9, (eaety = 77419 aw p< 44-4074 z= t-tL : amet \e 74 Kook, 44.4074 CH) = 78924 €- aso Ls 80 '% Cea O15 XQ, aon X, = 3-350 xio> \n = 3-B04D x10 3 oO assome, : Veal 945 Lowe net 4-314 Kl) ae: j cotses 451660 9%) -n¢ core. Dy ne My = C134. 4783 Yn Er U-oayh % Cosa Br l 92 = 4G set DCR) VG) DP euQem 7a) Pe WOW) F207) ye oray4-tt83 (I 0A) = BNE 0305 ve. C~ %) We= 56404.92 ™ Ya D EZ —0) = 55183.0005¢ 5 ~ are Le nays. 2083 MYh = LIT 3) Ly < 16) 356-6276 "Yh (soa) = 32701058 Grerg ene nol 200g O11 e - D=Ly = UMH5-30A3 Yr ( Mees. ga 0h lh . 2b. 226401 8 oh cap) “A801 0784 /n » 16O Kmol yer a P Xsolore y d=xX9 at Xp= 9S mol 7. Renowee msi gaviend Fe BrOd -4474 iwsli/- _Nenent. B= loo— % 857, pomang 8 = BY-682G Kmol Xsotvre , 487/- hexane x. B= Xe OMB: Fe BED SB: Fae = Bxg + Dxo 6-4 = PA? R106 Frey Butane Fup = bres D%5 = Coa) Pentane: Fig = Oxp, tOxeg ao! iw C02) Hexane Preys Sey +DXoy Do 1-347 Henoy ©-62467 Butane tOC6-27) = G1 0826 xq) \SraT4 Coan) < A225 [ke = & O24@) ¥ ° ean avs. Fentate = 100 SB) > Bl tb2t Oe.) b6-2414 Co-04>) |= Kee = 6-425 Herare : t00(o-a5) = Bl. 8b26C Xa4 5 Vis-4a74 Co-onjy lx, + 9-B52q S ;>—_ Pz Xmp_ 0°97 tokene Xorg 2-02 benzene Ol Xyh %8, 0-4 benz Xny ° s Ui *t) 0-3 tow Xx, 0-3 xyle 8 fog i Be Yer “ha* 0 Xeap = 0-05 exe Xe x 60-45 OMe? F =D 4D, a, 1000 - D+ De +B, SB: benzene D= HG 16616 14 (1000) = 0-496 (D) + 0-02 (D2) p= 24260, 5B Teloene - = : J 1-3 C1000) = 0:005(0,) + 0-97 (Dz) 19°05 (Bz) Bo 312-725 Bi xylene > DB (yes) = o-0V (Pe) + 446( Br) ome: voit } 316-168%G (0-995) » prem] gp F= 2 +B, ooo = 39G-15649C +8) B= 3-65 Xper = ar 7a ons ee aoyx =|27-088 - Beneene 396. 18896 (0.996) F085 yo00 (0-97) Xs om = gag. 896 (0-006) # 0038M5 (yr) Joo (*~ 1 pylene Xax (603-815) i 2 5-822Q 2 4g x 300 © > & . 0-\65 Aleohot 0-016 HzO ac , Om bentone Dh = 2H00 KY Alcono} ome: F+BzDrh pepe oD =O #2909 D= 2016-124 F = 3024 1935 B= 199) 9265 Fro? D +2500 SB! 120 balance 0-075 (D) F (0-08) = Fo = OD wH24-1995 8B. penrene }B = 0-THC0) ‘oO; Qin = Gok ve tom? BY mol composition of methang {00- 905 5 ; 3 p [6G 7-nin, 45 basis [mol gag Qo, - O-3mol co / (roller é feelers). 0.3 Trl CO 74100, 02 theo! o-amolCoz /2-= ma imetcbz %2 actval . 6: 1B mol 6z(2) = 93 mICz *) = 0-6 mol oe heat Whearled * ~ 84-43 "Yme) 00 + fo —7 Cz / Oy 7 ~399-7 - (-10-G) > ~ 283-1 «Vone) Ma stfor exes | O° eee js Baie Ve acwal: 2p 07 — OV mol No jemiry 70 ao = = 0-15 mol 22 ez caving 6.3 mol o2 fe 2 Ole moe 2 D 5 ) 6 rosy ~~ are) x10? o4, 3-28 3( 3) G3 CZ pee AsDnike > 8180759 “ 9815 gi Du BF 1-4788 m0? = += 283100 (0.3 say Jove + ares IaH (RYE) pi pape > - 3080d-6 Tr 1390-09K 1 ae Lay L Ss @) hb ton i——) 2-2 ton Ha /ton gangqve 86/9 107. CoSDy ig 0B sien biSOy var BG ton gaagoe . ae B7/> by "ASS Cry 2:47 50056 0-47 ton CoSOy / B= 2-125] ome: F ee bo (cee, 1 FtS= FR engey teng“awe ) SB! FOr) £8(%5) > Ee) + RO) > 16-92 tn HO, io B-G ton gangot R= 18-92 003+ BG | fen 0vS04 [R = 2765 079° 04 HzO 1B = 12-125 rar OD om! Jo f§ 5 52 27 G15

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