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Student Portfolio

Submitted to the Senior High School Department

Cateel Vocational High School

Cateel, Davao Oriental

In Partial fulfillment of the requirement for

Work Immersion, Humanities and Social Sciences


May 2023

Dear Readers,

I am excited to present my portfolio, which contains my experiences, learning,

and fun during my work immersion program. As a work immersion student, I had the

opportunity to work in a real-world environment and gain valuable insights into the world

of work.

In this portfolio, you can expect to find detailed information about my work

immersion experience, including the workplace where I was assigned and the tasks and

responsibilities that I was given. I will also share with you the challenges that I faced and

how I overcame them, as well as the lessons that I learned throughout my work

immersion program.

But my portfolio is not just about work. I also want to share with you the fun and

exciting moments that I had during my work immersion. I believe that having fun and

enjoying the work that you do is an important part of any job, and I want to show you that

work immersion can be a fun and rewarding experience.

Through my portfolio, I hope to give you a glimpse into my world as a work

immersion student, and inspire you to pursue your own work immersion program. I

believe that work immersion is an excellent opportunity for students to gain practical

skills and experience, and I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity if it is

available to you.

Thank you for taking the time to read my portfolio, and I hope that you find it

informative and enjoyable.

Sincerely Yours,


Work Immersion has become a meaningful part of our educational journey. It did

not only give us ideas and knowledge, but also it taught us principles on how to be

persistent, respectful towards others, and especially on applying camaraderie to surpass

every challenge; not only in this subject but also in real life.

This venture would not have been possible without the assistance of other people. We

hope that this part may serve as a way to extend my deepest and warmest gratitude within

my heart.

To our Almighty God, for giving me the strength and guidance throughout my

work immersion program. It is through His grace that I was able to complete my tasks

and learn important lessons that will be valuable to me in the future. I am truly grateful

for His unwavering love and blessings.

To my parents, thank you for your unwavering support and encouragement.

Your love and guidance have been my rock throughout my work immersion journey. I

am forever grateful for the sacrifices you have made to provide me with the opportunity

to experience work immersion and develop my skills.

To the members of the faculty, especially to our work immersion adviser, Mrs.

Sharie Ann A. Sillo, who provided us with guidance and support throughout the

program. Your words of encouragement and advice helped us navigate the challenges of

the program and encouraged me to strive for excellence.

To our work immersion supervisors, Mrs. Jocelyn Sawan and Miss.Claire for

providing us with an excellent learning environment and the opportunity to gain practical

experience in the workplace. Your guidance and mentorship have been instrumental in

helping me develop my skills and gain valuable insights into the industry.

Lastly, I want to acknowledge my co-workers,Cathy, Lucy, and Christian

Mangin.for making my work immersion experience fun and enjoyable. Your kindness,
generosity, and willingness to share your knowledge and expertise made my work

immersion journey more fulfilling and rewarding. I am grateful for the camaraderie that

we built and the memories that we shared. Thank you for making my work immersion

experiences a truly unforgettable one.


TITLE PAGE.....................................................................................

LETTER TO THE READERS............................................................



Objectives of the Work Immersion………………………………….

Duration and Place of Work Immersion…………………………..





Organizational Structure



Observation and Insights

Overall Reflection and Self-Appraisal


Resume of the trainee

Daily Time Record

Evaluation Sheet

The work immersion is the part of k to 12 of senior high school curriculum of the

department of education. In which the student will experience the actual job and work

guidelines that simulated in every companies. the work immersion is not an actual

agreement to work but rather a process in which the student demonstrate the process of

working and improve knowledge shared by school, also this is where the imitation of the

real work takes sharp.

Work immersion is important because it can help the student to familiar the realities of

working whether they pursue a degree. Also it provides a valuable experience to every

student as it allows. the student to discover what the real world and exercise the

opportunities that awaits them when they graduate from school.

Work immersion does allow the student to exhibit the skill that they learn in the

school throughout their lives and also, it allows them to evaluate whether their chosen

fields whether if they are for it or not lastly. the student learn discipline organization and

people skill while they train out in the workplace. Work immersion is one of the course

requirements for graduation. A senior high school student are exposed to and became

familiarized with work-related environment related to their field or specialization.


At the end of work immersion, the students must;

1. Develop and enhanced practical knowledge and skills

2. enhance employability

3. Build industry connection

4.increase the understanding of the industry practices

5. Foster personal growth


I was deployed at Cateel Central Elementary School together with my companions

namely:Cathyrine, Lucy, and Christian Mangin We started our work immersion on May

3, 2023 and ended on May 12, 2023. We arrived in our workplace very early around 7:00

am and always departed around 11:10 A. M. since we were assigned on the class of grade

1 section (PUNCTUALITY) I During afternoon our arrival was exactly 1:00 P M. and

departed at 4:10 PM. Our workplace is very comfortable because of the ambiance inside

the classroom as well as the students who are very cheerful and participative though there

are few who are really hardheaded, however, it was bearable. Even the teacher is very

considerate, she would always ask us if it's okay if she would ask for help from us. The

workplace is a eco friendly to teachers and learners. It is a good learning environment to

the pupils out there. Throughout our work immersion. I learnt a lot. including how to

handle pupils, particularly those who are difficult to manage. I learnt that a teacher must

have the most patience in order to overcome the situations between pupils and other

extracurricular activities and things required by the school and to manage and preserve

the peace within and outside the classroom on a daily basis. While I was watching. I

understood that teaching is a noble career.



I was deployed specifically at grade 1 section,(PUNCTUALITY) it was my office

and workplace for the work immersion. I as a students will have the opportunity to

participate in a two-week work immersion program During this program, I will be

exposed to a variety of workplace environments and career opportunities inside the

office. This program aims to help me to develop a better understanding of the skills and

knowledge required for different professions especially teaching profession, and to

provide me with the opportunity to observe professionals in action inside my assigned


The work immersion program will take place both on campus, with students visiting

assigned offices to observe their day-to-day operations. I will be encouraged to ask

questions and engage in discussion with these professionals, giving me the opportunity to

explore my interests and gain inspiration for my future career paths. Throughout the two-

week work immersion program. I will also have the opportunity to develop important soft

skills such as teamwork, communication, and time management. I will learn to navigate

the workplace and build my confidence. Additionally, by practicing time management. I

will learn to prioritize tasks and manage my time effectively, an important skill that will

serve my academic and professional careers.



The governance of basic education act of 2001 hereby states to protect and promote the

right of all citizens to quality basic education and to make such education accessible to all

by providing all Filipino children free and compulsory education in the elementary level

and so with high school. Along this line, three basic concepts of school governance is

imposed in which learning environment in a school should possess as a system which

carry out the principle of shared governance. With this principle, the goal is to empower

the school teams and personnel to deliver quality basic education services. Specifically,

under this mandate, the school head is tasked to spearhead in the crafting of School

Improvement Plan wherein the vision, mission, and core values of the department is


Sometime in 1922, by the virtue of the Gabaldon Law, under the Military Covernment

of the United States during this regime in the Philippines, hence the construction of

Cateel Central Elementary School was materialized. There was one building with two (2)

classrooms erected. It had three (3) teachers and ninety-three school children as

pioneered classes. After six years of endeavor and sacrifices comes the first graduation

exercises on 1928.
Cateel Central Elementary School is situated at Castro Avenue, Poblacion, the heart of

municipality of Cateel, with a land area of three thousand nine hundred thirty-three

(3.933) square meters titled under the name of the school. Within the same location is the

district office of Cateel Elementary Level, Esteel 1 District. At present the school is

spearheaded by Mrs. Cora Fe P. Delos Santos, School Principal II, with fifty-four (54)

teachers and one thousand three hundred fifty five (1,355) pupils enrolled. Currently, 49

classrooms are used for instructional purposes and twelve (12) of which are for ancillary



To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based,

and complete basic education where Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive,

safe, and motivating environment. Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture

every learner. Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling

and supportive environment for effective learning to happen. Family, community, and

other stakeholders are actively engaged and share responsibility for developing life-long



We dream of Filipinos who passionately love their country and whose values and

competencies enable them to realize their full potential and contribute meaningfully to

building the nation. As a learner-centered public institution,The Department of Education

continuously improves itself to better serve its stakeholders.


I was assigned to a workplace where the primary goal is to provide a safe and supportive

environment for learning, the Cateel Central Elementary School. The CCES environment

includes classrooms, offices, and common areas such as libraries, gymnasiums, and

cafeterias. The work of educators includes planning and delivering lessons, grading

assignments, conducting assessments, and providing individualized support to students.

Staff members provide administrative and operational support to the school, including

maintaining facilities, managing budgets, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

School administrators oversee the overall operations of the school, including hiring

personnel, managing resources, and setting policies and procedures. A school requires

collaboration, communication, and continuous learning to meet the needs of students and

create a positive educational experience for all.

Organizational Structure

May 3, 2023/Wednesday

Today was the first day of our work immersion at the school, and I was excited to

get started. Before going to our designated room, we had an orientation session with the

school staff together with our work immersion adviser to learn more about the school's

policies and procedures, as well as their expectations for us as a work immersion student.

During the orientation, I learned about the school's dress code, attendance policy,

and safety guidelines. The staff also gave me a tour of the school and introduced us to

some of the teachers and other staff members.

We spent the rest of the day observing the class and getting to know the students. They

were very friendly and welcoming, and I enjoyed learning about their interests and

hobbies even though their so naughty and stubborn.

Overall, it was a great first day, and I'm looking forward to learned more and

enjoy the work immersion program.

#Orientation Day
May 4, 2023/ Thursday

Day 2, Second day of our work immersion and I'm really excited to meet the students of

ma'am Sawan and I'm really excited to teach and to assist the students.

#Regular Class
May 5, 2023 / Friday

Day 3, of work immersion and I'm very happy to meet again the students of Ma'am

Jocelyn Sawan. In the morning ma'am Eva assigned me to assist her students and

accommodating the question and concerns in the morning also we have a group picture

together with the students of Ma'am Jocelyn Sawan and I'm am very happy that I am the

who in that picture.

#Group pictorial
May 8, 2023/ Monday

The morning I arrived at cateel central elementary school and ma'am Jocelyn Sawan told

us to clean the backyard and as a work immersion Student I directly volunteered

to clean the backyard. And after that ma'am Jocelyn is really happy because I am

the one who volunteered to clean the backyard.

#Cleaning day
May 9, 2023 Tuesday

Day 5,of work immersion, in this day I'm very excited to meet again the students of

ma'am Jocelyn Sawan and also to continue working with them and to help her students

to enhance and develop their communication skills, and also writing skills. I directly

volunteered to teach the students of ma'am Jocelyn, specially in reading writing and

understand what they read. My colleagues help to assist the students of ma'am Jocelyn.

With that experiences I learned also on how to maintain the good relationship to your


#Observe pa more
May 10, 2023/ Wednesday

Its another day another day of excitement because today also ma'am Jocelyn Sawan

assigned us to help the students in reading and also in writing

#reading is life
May 11,2023/ Thursday

7th day of work immersion journey in this day ma'am Jocelyn assigned me to assist them

and also the students because she's on meeting so I directly volunteered and participate,

they give me a task on what to do, and also I help to the students in reading because in

that grade They need that kind of skill because reading is very important to the students,

specially the grade 1 Students.

#happy and bless day

May 12, 2023/ Friday

Last day of work immersion journey, and it's time to say goodbye to the students to

ma'am Jocelyn Sawan and also her students, but before we leave at cateel central

elementary school I just want to say thank you for all the staff of cateel central specially

the head of the school the teacher and also the students in welcome us in cateel central

elementary school. and I'm very happy this day which is the last day of work immersion,

but before we leave in the advisory of ma'am Jocelyn Sawan we share our knowledge and

skills to the students for their better learning

And also in my last day of work immersion I learned a lot on how to maintain a good

relationship to your colleagues to communicate and interact others

Once again thank you and goodbye.

#Last day of work immersion


We were assigned to Grade 1 section (PUNCTUALITY) and met the children and

instructors there. The classrooms were well-organized, colorfully decorated, and

furnished with age-appropriate learning tools. The immersion was designed to provide us

hands-on experience in the classroom, allow us to observe teaching approaches, and offer

us with insights into the challenges and benefits of working with young learners. We

spent getting acquainted with the classroom location and observing the entire educational

environment. The training space was well-stocked with resources including textbooks,

visual aids, and learning tools intended exclusively for Grade 1 children. The

arrangement and accessibility of these materials pleased us, and they played an important

part in improving the learning experience for both students and teachers. Teachers

employed several tactics including direct communication, regular norms, and

encouraging behavior. We actively engaged in the training program and witnessed the

classroom dynamics firsthand. We observed trainers utilizing a variety of teaching.

strategies to accommodate the varied learning styles of Grade 1 pupils. The instructors

emphasized student-centered learning. promoting active involvement and giving pupils

opportunity to voice their views and ideas. We saw how teachers used questioning

strategies to encourage critical thinking and a feeling of curiosity in their students.

Our two-week work immersion in Cateel Central Elementary School provided valuable

insights into the training area and the training program. We observed how the training

area was equipped with resources and how teachers used effective instructional methods

and classroom management strategies to create an engaging and inclusive learning

environment. We gained a deeper appreciation for the hard work and dedication of

teachers in molding the minds and hearts of young learners.

Over all Reflection and Self-Appraisal

During my work immersion journey , I learned in many things that I can surely bring and

use someday. One of those things is that, in spite of the many tasks, you have to continue

and finish those because it’s your duty that you need to follow and do. I also learned how

to socialize with other people especially with the students. Even though every Students

has a different attitude that hard to deal with, you need to stay positive and smile all the

time because as saying goes by and as an employee, you have to obey that rule. Being

well-behaved is also one thing that I learned because when you look at the students you

should be obedience and respectful. Another thing I learned is being a fast worker

because there are tasks that have time and need to be completed at a given time.

For every mistake, there is a life-lesson that you will get. There are also a lot of things I

did not do well when I was a student-trainee. But every mistake, this becomes an

instrument for me so that later on I can do all my tasks right and well. All these mistakes

serve as an inspiration to me to become a better person every day and do better to avoid

future mistakes.

Application Letter

Rico L. Jandayan

Caghumay Maglahus Cateel Davao Oriental


Career objectives: Applying for the position of police officer with an organization that

values commitment, loyalty and service.

Work Experience:

• Intern police

Davao Oriental State University Extension campus

Mahan-ob Cateel Davao Oriental

July 2029-2029

• Knowledgeable and experienced with internet resources, social media, and

Microsoft office application.

• Ability to work well with others and provide excellent communication skills.

• Work under pressure in a busy environment and resolve conflict effectively.

Educational Attainment


Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Davao Oriental State University

Mahan-ob Cateel Davao Oriental

July 2027


Humanities and Social Sciences

Cateel Vocational High School

Castro Ave. Poblacion Cateel Davao Oriental

August 2023


Maglahus Elementary School

Maglahus Cateel Davao Oriental

April 2017


• Ability to demonstrate courage and to take responsibility

• Ability to be resourceful and share initiative


Academic Achiever

Antonette M. Indawa

Flight Attendant

Naga, Bicol Philippine


Catherine B. Dela Sala

Police Officer


Karlyelle D. Madanlo

Police Officer

Caraga Davao Oriental

Application letter

Rico L. Jandayan

Caghumay Maglahus Cateel Davao Oriental


March 28, 2028

Randy Galicia

Chief of Police

Cateel, Davao Oriental

Dear Mr. Galicia,

I am writing to express my interest in the position of police in your department a

dedicated and passionate individual. I am excited the opportunity to serve my community

and uphold law.

I am 25 years of age and passes an excellent health, I am a hard-working person and

acquires the ability to take up challenging jobs, I have just passed the board examination

for criminologist last December 2027 as a way to paying back I have passion to share my

knowledge to the young ones and inspire theme as well.

Should you have a question regarding my qualification I would interview by you at your

convenience you can reach me through my mobile phone

09355854641/ I look forward to hearing you soon. Thank your

time and consideration

Sincerely yours,

Rico Jandayan

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