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ID of Student: G00395732
Article/Reading Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers


The ideals and standards essential to education are articulated in the Code of Professional
Conduct for Teachers in Ireland, reinforcing the teaching profession's distinguished
tradition. The Code, which is applicable to all registered instructors, has three primary goals:
it provides a framework for disciplinary measures, it guides moral behaviours, and it informs
the public about teaching. The Code establishes standards in a number of areas, such as
professional relationships, integrity, behaviour, practice, professional development, and
collaboration. It is based on the principles of respect, care, integrity, and trust. While
acknowledging outside issues affecting the profession, the Code stresses the rights of
students, parents, and teachers in line with the Council's view of teachers as reflective
practitioners and education as a cornerstone of society. The Code seeks to strengthen public
confidence in educators and promote a culture of professionalism and ongoing
development within the field by upholding core ethical and open standards.


A thorough description of the Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers in Ireland is given
in this article, along with helpful details regarding its goals, subjects covered, and
applicability to the teaching profession. The ethical standards and principles that are
expected of teachers are succinctly outlined by the author(s), along with the wider
ramifications and societal significance of maintaining these standards. The article makes a
compelling case for the need for such rules in the teaching profession by outlining the
importance of the Code in supporting ongoing professional growth and building public trust
in educators “work with teaching colleagues and student teachers in the interests of
sharing, developing and supporting good practice and maintaining the highest quality of
educational experiences for pupils/students” (council, 2016)All things considered, readers
who are interested in learning about the Irish educational system's ethical foundation will
find the article to be rather insightful and informative. The article provides practical
guidance for teachers and stakeholders while emphasizing the broader societal impact of

© ATU Dept. of Creative Education 2023-2024

adhering to professional conduct standards. Overall, the article presents a strong argument
and provides useful information for readers interested in understanding the ethical
framework guiding teachers in Ireland. The article does a good job of conveying the moral
principles such as honesty, respect, trust, and care that form the basis of teaching
standards. The piece provides helpful advice on upholding professional conduct norms for
educators and other interested parties, making it more applicable in everyday situations.
The article underscores the need of cultivating public trust in teachers by highlighting the
wider societal implications of adhering to professional conduct norms. In my opinion some
parts of the article can include too much detail, which could overwhelm readers with
knowledge. To make some parts of the text easier to read and more accessible to a larger
audience, the author should consider using more succinct language. The article's main
objective is to provide information about the Code of Professional Conduct. It does not,
however, critically analyse the code or address any of its possible drawbacks or critics. I do
feel the article is rationally ordered and well-structured overall. It starts by giving a brief
overview of the goals and significance of the Irish Code of Professional Conduct for
Teachers. The ensuing segments explore the moral principles that form the basis of the
code, the benchmarks anticipated of educators, and the wider framework in which the code
functions. Every part offers comprehensive details pertinent to the subject matter and is
well-defined. Nonetheless, improving the transitions between portions could be one way to
make the work better. This could be accomplished by utilizing transitional words or
sentences to connect one section to the next at the conclusion of each one, maintaining
coherence and facilitating the reader's flow through the piece. It would also be of benefit to
restate the main ideas and emphasizes the code's significance to Irish teachers. This would
give the reader a clear takeaway and reinforce the article's core point. In general, the points
made in the article on the Irish Code of Professional Conduct for Teachers are compelling
and pertinent. The article does a good job of explaining the code's goals and significance in
promoting moral conduct among educators and preserving the integrity of the teaching
profession. A strong foundation for the points made is provided by the examination of the
ethical values such as respect, trust, care, and integrity that form the basis of the code. The
article also highlights the need of building public trust in teachers by stressing the wider
societal impact of upholding professional conduct norms. All things considered, the points
made are pertinent to the discussion of professional behaviour in the teaching field and are
backed up by concise justifications and illustrations. The most significant learnings that I can
take away from this reading and the implications for my future teaching are sharing best
practices, promoting student learning, and fostering a healthy school culture all depend on
cooperative work with coworkers, students, parents, school administration, and the larger
community. I am aware of how my work as a teacher affects society more broadly and know
how crucial it is to preserve professional conduct standards to preserve public confidence in
the teaching profession. From my placement experience and from my study of this article I
can really see a lot of similarities between both and can also see the purpose of the teaching
council code of conduct. This article is extremely pertinent to teacher professional
development. It offers a thorough synopsis of Ireland's Code of Professional Conduct for
Teachers, a foundational document that describes the moral principles and standards that
educators are supposed to uphold. Maintaining professionalism, developing good

© ATU Dept. of Creative Education 2023-2024

relationships with students and colleagues, and preserving the integrity of the teaching
profession all depend on an understanding and internalization of these principles and
norms. Additionally, the article provides instructors with helpful advice on how to handle a
variety of professional obligations, including upholding confidentiality, speaking clearly,
advocating for the welfare of their students, and participating in ongoing professional
development. Teachers can improve their professionalism and efficacy in the classroom by
becoming familiar with the Code's content and considering how it might affect their own


council, T. T. (2016). Code of professional conduct for teachers. Code of professional conduct for

© ATU Dept. of Creative Education 2023-2024

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